Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 11 Dec 1919, p. 5

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FARMS IN Spee Pee | furfes have fertizen it: Seu virgin | Methods Caeuticed as Rone aoe ef ag a 0a n they : — en STORE AT NEWTO Services tn the: Presb tian church | the day on business snd pleasure. are DRIVER FOR sap late Ts $'gim | Mis David Murrey and Mr. George} 9 the central Experimental der te waste a i ; ere will be no evening servi Murray spent a few days last week| Farm, Ottawa, ne several of t ces witeld ares this, with e Dari mare s and vig for sale. gAR-| The Monkton Masonic Lodge will at the home of Mrs, Hunter at Gran-| branch Experimental Farms = ifs extrdcprofits, can be added by te adde 09 ard have on and ~s oe Wm, McKee, Millbank. 2 pd. perviog es PoUnS Service at 3 p.m. Ev-| brook. Jenny Lambert spent Tuesday | Bastern Canada'an F adausastnds taping “tna spiye. It Je gortataly erybody welcome, f cultivation bas been | 2Ot Tight to let stumps stay. Get| ~ : "All accounts are ready and cus-|in Milverton. Soh marisdono ney = right. after these stumps by all . ant VICTORY BONDS tomers are requested to settle not| Mr. John Glenn, of Listowel, eonductedstor the purpose of improv= | ueata “pat ever: ave sou ioon to or the ristmas © rade. 2 = later than New Year's. 8 per cent.| spending the “sriter tmonths with is ing soil condition and thereby in- | work n't for one minute let A full ing of General Groceries, Candied * : interest will be charged on overdue |sister,, Mis. R. McCullough. ng erop yields. ‘The results ob- | fertile soll toat because stumps make a Re ore eee Heels, “Solis fee Vietory bonds bought and sold — | mterest eer is of January, 1920.|. Gill’s 5] ecinls— Grapes, “oranges, creasing crop ¥! 1 impossible to eultvate, Get DR oes eeded Raisins, Grecian Currants, Ugaila Ceylo ~ George Roe, R. R. No. 1, Newton. | Weber & Battger bananas, mixed nuts at closest prices. tained warrant the accompanying lr alle; varieties of nu Ee and Candies, Bread—Li tot - rH . MceCormick’s blocuit 8 in pails ai eae er i and 4 a alk Buns and Coifee Gal Es ange papk Dare he be es Mecanie oat eis BOs The mee Don't think, for an instant, just . Py a nee ‘arm, Brod being made which are applicable to | because the stump land out yonder - F n, was totally destroyed fire }oranges 90c dozen. Tables of Chest. re 2 FOR SALE fon Stinday evening. shout 7 ae [tas evade with pice marked away | STaEs,consions O8 Paste SON] FSO om other aig land and DRY GOODS : ire, io enepgee tas LAVe PELs 4 Underdrainage is without doubt @| no good. It is good! It is just as Overalls, Smocks, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Sox, Underwear, 1 Good Second-har hand Cutter for from the exhaust of a gasoline eng-| | At the meeting held here on Thurs. & “ 3 Sy A a a 5 ry St le shes, ‘Apply Jas. W. Schmidt, i one live Montospeveeee day evening in the interests of Con- beet TaROT aR peek oy seme Seast ace Hosiery, Etc. | Fancy Blouses in Georgette and crepe-de-chene. | F prices for Christmas poul- solidated schools a large number were) ana soil conditions warrant, ‘he j and on which farmers re now : FL : ‘ se Pao “he delivered De Bes Mth’ and | Prigresses were given by Messrs, Six, | cattying away. of surplus water a making money hand over fist! 3 LOUR i ~ Mr. | lows the meutvance ot = into the soi Labor is too Serene to spend it : e ‘ FOR SALE beter Bet “tesling, ‘the Soe clair, and MeLsren, of Toronto. Mr- nich akis. in” ralath g the temper | in Temovine These stumps by. hand, Jewel and Five Jewels, Our Chief, Five Roses and Pastry flour mae f age fe Z 2 3 wture.. On the whole, underdrainage | A machine will do the work at very shi Sait ea bolaleigty “2 seat wee pation Methodist ‘Ganiaa x erent eae It ; eee oe peel ‘oves the mechanical pace af much-less cost. One Dec sans ae : FEED ae ape, price ‘ n soil; assists in the liberation of | handle an up-to-date machine. d time is assured. ave a survey made. - Yundt, Milverton. kh tr ar Minfie “Pope; of Atwood: The memorial meeting held on Fri- ine mt food elements and. facilitates Eyen a couple of ten-year-old ~ Oats, Stratford Bran and Shorts by the ton Pet retail, Oat. SAT fs spending a week with her cousin, | day night was not so largely attended | the working of the soil. ‘boys: cull, €0:and ‘pul stampa. And Feed and Oil Cake Meal. bay Rf pet ieet: as might have been. After discussin; Ploughing is the basic cultural | this machine is so equipped that cows WANTED - “ ber from here attended |the matter of erecting a memorial| operation, and for this reason should | there is no danger of anything going . dniey coma, rok oe duc tol he Buln tungan court cse et] aoe enn 8 Om wee sre, "ht nought | Operating tne nacize fy oth fast I : sister ys n appointed to consider whether it| and judgment. I aa i = 3 freshen before Jan. Apply A. W. Stiatfond © iat echt a the} Would be advisable to erect a memor-| cluding unevenness depth and | nating and interesting to the average ‘All kinds of grain bought: No. 1 Wheat; $1.98, Oats 90c, Gallop, Milverton. presbytery meeting at Stratford o1 ni iat brary ia honor of our fallen wait of scores diotiertect Dacke =e farmer boy. Barley $1.40, Peas $2.50 to $2.60. soldiers. nishes, can c- ‘cil Yeellowlees, of Bowman-| Mrs. J. E, Erskine, Mr. F. A, Ron-| ceeding operations of disking and | HOT-BEDS AND COLD FRAMES. Customers may use the hotel sheds free of charge. FOR SALE ville, ‘spent Sunday in our burg and nenberg and Miss Bertie Ronnenberg| harrowing, no matter how efficient Se RSG NS ¥ SaaS since been bam engaged tuning | Spent Tuesday at tl Much Earlier U: xf Spring Vege= 6 brood sows due to*farrow in Dinos te tha vicinity. * juite a few from Monkton and tabl Die. : Phpruce: taken. foe cpm ine cena goer’ mt Pera Apply to ir, and Mrs. bes ati MeNaught eee a a ee eh Winter lo. ent Sunday at Mitchell. ‘air al inet) is weel rar geo et fae | WADDELL& POLLARD ma Smith spent Sunday with Miss} ment oe She given on Dec, 18t] at Stine seen wy a rt ve sina SHIPPING NOTICE Beth MeNau ht at ‘Derebank Farm,’ | S.S. No. 8, Elma, (16th con.) there deeply in an, as deeply as BaPceat s ‘ er | Mt ions, Leppard, of | Will be 4 splendid amme consist-| surface productive soil will 2 stages in a eure je tempera- om will ahiy hogs from the Brunner Monkton. “announce” the engagement ne of pone Ai logues_ and petnen pantie ean Up Bing Ene: Meee: Sere a as ff their daughter, Jennie, to Mr.|tions. Everybody come. jul ¢ | Plough shallow in spr! ng: urn! : a pa ae pe Sh ON Tg Bavid” teCilouh, oe Ukha” The|children 15¢., Commencing at 8| low-lying or flat furrow. Plough the early. akan at Ser vaeaoan aeebtakorpicce: quate ie De, o'elock. sae incall tie land endstiahs with | vere ables whieh are the most pron j able a st appreciated. ot SHIPPING NOTICE “Peabes Friday evenjng after choir visitors at Mitchell on Thursdsy y ev sn ae tome Tost, fat ith-a hotbed it is possfble to practice the choir of Knox church] ening last. ploughing was not comple oe hes ious os yt ta ho in parts We are shipping hogs fy Milverto mj gathered at the home of Mr. Geant, Pestterion. and; Methodist | thorough: treatment: iecealy to ae eRe Sara : ‘Wilson and presented Mrs. Lorne | Sunday schools are preparing a splen-| crop of grain on spring . and Brunner on Thur ith Haan ard ese ietss and thres|did. programme for their respective| ploughing. ‘The following general y frost. Again, with NOW IS THE TIME TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS BUYING Fred Zimmerman pie Po cilserware. she vas {Christmas S.S. entertai Se ara tans ped it is possible io mature a 5 = = |served after the presentation. Inspector Irwin inspected the} Plough shallow, four to five i op Ww en without one the crop one POR SALE Le ieee Raashiin and son, Meee local ‘school last Thursday, Sacha, whan tue Ally aapetiaMy of & eo be very small. Certain vere- BUY USEFUL PRESENTS fel Woodcock and Heller successful Proudfoot attended the Presby-| clay type is in condition, not too wet | 40/00 frost, serine ats ¢ 60. hives Gt-hees, honey |v a kitchen. from the 16th tery meeting at Stratford on Tuesday |nor too dry. . Dise-harrow within a | Sctual 0 soil , Heller's nase in town|,, James Banerman M-M. was a Vis-) day after ploughing. Dise often 3 gets enough to establish the connection subsurface THIS YEAR--We HAVE THEM knives and smoker. For further par-| [° Weulare apply to Mrs. 3. arto 4 pd. Ra con- tinued: until the seed-bed is level, pay deep and loose: Thi or spikte-tooth harrow, be employed advantag: MPrOvINS unchecked > = : Willow Grove, Friday, Dec. We sla “that she on we eon hes | in the open until ARG weathe! uA ORIVATIOREE Bienes ge! Dee.’ eS herself again s00 am aiecrae tiga gies aces Tettuce, “FELT SHOES” - ~ for Old and Young 5 kc i “s . 2 spina: rr a 7 2 . ; i ple wil ie nenaeted on Tuesday" e mas scaler g eed! the assizes| yorize the soll. Ploughing may bel {ites wnieh will reach marketable “LEGGINGS” -~ .- _ for Men and Boys” : Of parlor satis, parlor table, par-|ening, Dee. 23rd. He Mrs. Wm. Dalling returned the hen nb Senta ANS inn relatively. short season and “SPATS” + Men, Women and Children jo tamapi fg ll lamp, bedroom suite, Service in the Methodist shore on latter 7 part of the week from a visit ‘on. are easily handled while the weather < id fome “cha ete, obply at Christ Sunday will be held as usu W ie i ed eprepanac [e Mmcnen eae ene Teen “SUIT CASES, clus BAGS, TRUNKS” fer all tt’s, ah 'St., Milverton. 3-1. pd. | Mr, rs, Wilfred Taanaiheb oe the sub-| tion may be tanned most economi- | S282 ee hey are | ay for : eal : Sepa es = poeeemeemeeaeers F turned ona Monday from: their hon-} 100 0" sei gee Aice cally by. means at the arro p oni Be Sure an ae ou areas eymoon to Detroit, : y last week as they : : co an : FOR SALE OR RENT =| “fr. and Mis. Henry Ronnenberg| learned of ie doath of the late Me | Thorough cultivation af eis me is = ‘We Have What You Want ave moved into the house which they|and Mr. Forges, of the 16th con, of Indispensable, and House on Main St, 3 rooms up-|Fecently rented from Mr. Wesley | Grey, both bad been ailing consider- stairs, 3 rooms downstairs, with brick | Holman : ; i 23 Sh oceans kitchen, never-failing well, Apply to| his farm, which used to belong to rbes passed peace ‘Wan, Zimmerman, Milverton. 34 pa | Mz, Anthony Ruby, who has gone e funer- 0 the Canadian Northw a 1 open ants =! re is usually greater d othe, oats areas os AC. 6 W. HOBBS, SHOE STORE: for theke particular vegetables t e > from its being too cool. » Caution MONKTO - ONTARIO on nto maturity in hot- in places where it is d ae : @ ines — —--—-—- a New orbe: spent the week-end at her honte here: ve ; Beyond. STRAYED ¢ F Hudents who were recently |The Will be much missed in the n V borhood, being: highly cTaboanee oF A_ year-old steer onto lot 14, con. vaccinated sab Mitchell High. Schoo! ze mnt-tooth harrow of this 0, Mornington, about August 20th. | Stir necks but expect: to. refum to ett in the corn field Owner ma; ; ave same Servite . roperty and paying expenses, Wm. Mis " Roileon hy Miss A, a fa." be Mitchell, is es Fr eee Vee hmall weeds and encourage germina- 7 Mr. Mrs, R. S. Hobbs, Mr, and er parents. Mok uk: Hawd needs wait to. restos STRAYED Mis, J. Bortheil and aangcher Doro-| entire community is extended -to the} the essential mulch. ‘ thy, = ert visited the y Sealey bereaved family in their hour of a ding—Th: Di ‘atio: There strayed onto the premises of | son, Mr. Hobbs, fliction. satistacto the Lear nee waer may| Dr. uumedseinn: aa daughter, Pea ve same by paying expenses and|Irene,-are confined to the house at a roving property. Joseph Y. Zehr,| present with the grippe TO OVERCOME HEADLIGHT ot 10, Con, 7, Wellesley. 8-1. pd. iss. Bernice I has returned GLARE eatahs after a wee visit at Blue. ing in ar easier to conserve heat Wiarton Echo Tenders for Drain es Horn spent Saturday at/- 1 order to ome danger of nig ght gccay et light e the great ecding from Misses Bernice and Cora Hiles | plare—one car company has invent- may result in| " Gold frames are much like hotbeds Seen will be received by Mr. | - = ed what is mown as the tilting re- nee, but no ma- D. Jack for the PHATE! & the | ; festor., Th Masti ietia thecag Beaks oS geen On ut insi cold frames are ank Cheese: & Butter Co. for the ‘ : : y us ut a toud "in the épring than the hot- coming year. A lady or gentleman Dont Let This Roofing frolled by the driver on the steering | (© te field after s eee ee pee ee od Ga Bere fecepted. Tenders will. be received Son Ok ache tacihnare OL te a up to the 25th of December, 1919. Escape You. defector concentrates on the. road glass and lowest or any tender ant heece: 5 feat ahead of the car, the light d sufficient pro- sarily accepted. 8-1, 300 feet of road. The deflection ion light frosts at night, Look here and don't forget the| brings the rays of light below. the igh price of wood shingles—before| level of the eye of an approaching hii appro: i SALESMEN WANTED you buy look over this advertisement. driver. Under any system of light edad lines from you will give you | diminuti river, r_dimin- ~ ef Fa 7 t mn be Details in regards to ete e beds will be found in a pamphlet EWELRY [ HE MOS I which can be obtained Heston ap- “J by il particulars of what I can do for|ishing his lights, is forced to drive y t, plication to the Publications ned” To represent you. Tam prepared to offer you this blindly for a few, moments until his Sap aria eae SR e SSOP Sod ek Deal: Sars on sect PLE/ SING GIFT extra heavy, durable, and fire-proof,|eyes have adapted themselves to the ¢ -bed efine a THE OLD Pinewares FONTHILL | ynamental, roof weight 200 ibs. per|new. conditions. Durin 0 ime | as one mellow, uniformly level, fair- AMtoresiaion im South Afri é square, ken laid after five years! ents of this optical readjustment, he|!¥ loose and fine at the surface bu re The greatest iaaea: for Nursery | you can have a better roof than the|is not able to judge distance or ob-| frm below, and well supplied with sae 4 Stock in years. British and Euro-| first day it dat laid. jects accurately. The Ontario Motor| Plant food suitable for the crop to 2 ) pean ited again open for Cana- : League has been endeavoring for| be grown. To get such a seed-bed OU make no mistake when you decide on dian Sold and Laid by some time to have a law passed re-| means thoroughness and judgment Gif Tt resses br list of Fruit and Orna- stricting the use of glaring head-| in secving out each step in its ~_ Jewelry for Christmas Gifts. exp! mental Stock, Seed otcines, ater ED. HELM Tights, but one small technicality has | preparatio the beautiful sentiment of Christmas better “grown in R. R. No. 1, - - BRITTON|caused the matter to be shelved in- ahOnES Rae the beautiful se Write for Particulars —S meehnitely. bead iste ac oer | The 7 than anything else, and is cherished for many tence for from six . Take Up Space Which Should Con- | 4¥e been in exis i years to come. Auction Sale REFUTATION ets aes to sixteen years. Some of them are ‘ops. already yielding market&ble timber 3 STONE & WELLINGTON — on — There is a story told in Mitchell} A fold cannot produce its maxi-|from Hints, ete., which produce ‘This year we have chosen a superfine collect= i : mum, either in pesture or cultivated |a considerable revenue, % Saad eh HE 5 , Established 1837 ~ Toronto, Ont.| FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1919 + STARR Ai mi haat ha Sieh i goe sire ce auluvared ion of distinctivel gifts Spal and pasar s = o'clock noon, of West Half| Was the cause of him being refused a cultivated flel@. stunnps are an’ ag- Conservation for the Agriculturist. You'll find here a host of articles to choose sacrament last Easter. I deny that| gravation every time an implement : ‘ , Ph TOWNSHIP OF MORNINGTON farm tot 9m ae Hi concen of Statement; it is not true; ag far as {18 taken into the field, The space Pb apie ee cit Se Gane Bee a from—ideas that are in harmony with the abet none good buildings, fine farm. Al-| know there is no one to blame but} about the roots, that cannot be cul- falls Fsiy. par’ — ithi ical e fithte aienh i crop, stock and implements, For |Julius Horn himself. Had he done} tivated, is a breeding place for weeds. province of agricu ire a tacitly a practical requirements 0: e times. : é particulars and conditions of sale ap- aint he. eb rogs stony do batpre aw] 7 oie Bae algae eecon es fetes ovate nee eee ape i : ; 4 ply to lert and other witnesses he would | If you never before thought of the ; 7 ‘ t hi be fused -T| cost per acre of ploughing, ii way of making a small farm pay liv- S . Notice is hereby given that nomina-| Thomas Steven, J. C. Hamilton, notald advise Mu, Town eather to'say| the seed bed and harvesting the crop | {N& Wages is shown in the account of . me ugegestions os tions for outniets trato} Barrister.| good things about his neighbor as} with horses, you're going to begih| the experience of one man with 50 2 . ‘ R, Newton Listowel. | to s thing h é proven doing it wh ight | acres, who, after paying all expenses ; . ay a thing he cannot prove. I see| doing it when your neighbor and}? y is 4 A REEVE AND FOUR COUNCIL. ey = v y Julius Horn every day and if th _besin buying: fugl for tract had a balance, or labor income for NECKLETS, PENDANTS, SUNBURSTS . Vandrick/ Auctioneer, y day and if there}.you begin buying fyel for tractor F ) LORS FOR 1920 eee lavows ‘24, | Wes. aby, man “about “him:lie- sould | pow himself and his wife, of $1,901.87 at ‘ : , geht $i.) fave told me to my face and not. go “raul begin then to realize what| the end of the year’s operations, he- IAMOND RINGS and TIE PINS will be held in behind my hace to say binge of that| stopping and starting to work| Sides having had free house, all the : HALL, NEWTON Chee kind. Sinan stumps actually costs in lost vegetables, maple syrup, milk, eggs LADIES’ PURSES and MESH BAGS!" SO MITSHIR BRE Weir's List of Farms For Sale Yours truly, Hime, Tost power, ete, But remember, | and fowls feaulred for the honsehold, BABY RINGS and NECKLACES Re se mak: oi cis Valentine Schader| 1} costs: you just. as inueh now, Pe ducing milk as the main business of A SigMiee ines ~ ‘ Chien eer les , the farm, and not neglecting the side i MOND AY. DEC 29th, 1919 tarts. wil by buy the North ae Gay in the year. Vou just don't {Mink | tries Nest eateutgied, to work In with STONE and : ? frame ue avai Toute, nie barn parm BOX CONSOLIDATE THE SCHOOLS The productiveness of a field is| daily farming in Ontario, where thie WRIST WATCHES EBONY GOODS ued is 70, use and work s x OF ELMA greatly reduced where these un- : ‘ ES? ne ria sos age the 18'and all under cultivation and well sightly obstacles occupy a consider- | ‘cluded raising live stock, ‘sale My CUFF LINKS TIE CLIPS : ae eats drained, 14 acres plowing done and ings were held last week in| able part of the land. If every stump | "nor farm crops, keeping bees an an Si the: belatice-in grasa: renard to Consolidated Schools in| of average size takes up or prevents SOUS ee ee op tee | WALDEMAR CHAINS a : Ima, at Cleland’s School House,| crops from occupying 100 square | ‘ 4 ‘ . In the event of an election being held} gg® 0,900 Will buy Jot 35 and part of | Kimeod and Monkton There, was | fost of eround it opclis a Mg waste, | St fairs, and though this last was a SILVERWARE CUT GLASS : 86 in the 12th concession of Elma, voting will take place on Bo ete tn con house 2 storey, |2 fair attendance at all the meet-| Figure it up and-Just see how much | Telatively small matter as regards CY CHINAWARE = z MONDAY, JANUARY 8th, 1920| Bank barn, driving shed, pig pen. oF 2 thee nape Irwin was present} it really emounis to, It you have Pa epee aceon tai pee FAN : <a A y S ean, represente e rty stumps to the acre, those ‘ . —~ ts Act ie Mood Dich: worth’ $2,000," A. snap. | BeBe artment of dueation and Prof.) stumps aro stealing nearly one-Atth | olconsiaered im {he Products of IVORY GOODS | MANICURE SETS ae ‘at the fo! : ren, the gricultural | of that acre of land, Again, if one- | 'P® fan Pek Die 6: Hy in Glebe BloaH Rabe Sete ug MRR sar halted t Colle e._, he net result was that it] fourth of your pasture land is taken | ,, Me" matters, considered af more KODAKS — SHAVING SETS . No. i uy east hal was decided to have a survey of the ith st , brush or hedges, | 0" > yea 2 yell Flooung» Rte 4 “Gon, $y Mownipeton, 100; scree. township. mide Bnd sue tea er the ‘pasture’ ‘will “sustatit Just One” ese Ge Lite a eae JARDINIERS CASE PIPES 3 * ood comfot le frame house, bank| appointed for that purpose. en | f : uy dee 5 ‘Div, No, % in Public School Hovse;|barn 2472, straw shed B0xt0, pg they have completed thetr work, other | CUey 4OW er AMImals. a ig in ita | Pure Seed problem, and the possibilt- VICTROLA GRA'MOPHONES and S. S. No, bert Magwood, D.R.O.; ben 20x30,’hen house, drilled well, | meetings will eld and further | joater state, it 1s worth. practically |.tteS of putting land, tMat ts sub- fe Wm. Mastiary, poll clerk tables all ‘cemented, close to. school information Ht ie nothing. Ak tabiaa aebaak Pate ane marginal for agricultural purposes, VICTOR RECORDS Div. No.8 i in the Township Hall arch CPR, stati ion, wire fenced SORGEER DG TANG. In teotesin vo alone 0. Rome other use that would pro- Newton, William Jack, D.R.O. con bey ore dae cea loss to you, Land prices and market | Vide for an economy. a ‘on, poll clerk, L Miser Me ein Porte al he Dagens ee | Hn tion DETICEE FACED) BGS AP ay it as peo | Stn nly of Wet , DRO ington, 11-2 storey. brick dwelling, Lint ATES latried b? Changing the kind of wheat grown dane. Mex ni * ey brick dwelling, d by the remoyal ofstumps is Kin, poll clerl the n bank barn, cem-| 4 leficit of more than three bil-| in almost every case good land. Sta- | Skowl be done only for the purpose i @ hool House No.|ent stabling, pig pen, driving shed, | j; tisties back us when we say that the} Of getting a proved better variety. net in RO Wm. MeAul: Inve orchard, enty of ‘of food water, ton dlls wi ae pute Bae idle stump land, if it were cleared |. is often desirable to do, aH a JEWELER and {OPTICIAN lose yp B12 | F | and ready for cultivation, would be rov jon ay poll clerk, SE ee Mineo eral oii el ee hy eA UL aie cur-| ‘worth more than the average farm. | that the new variety ts bettef for ies Tested Free of Charge MILVERTON - rent. fiscal “3 id #4 Dik oe bag f ROL! We Wet ig-qonk Treasury, Glass intimated in his an- er’s best paying land, for soll which He pare, 4 3 10 will buy a splendid 2 storey | nual report to congress toda: as raised 00d trees will raise goo : 3 d eae ee Coste, sel elete brik erasidonee with atabling ands |<. defcitot on @ and today. ie pil.|.ereps Note how clover. will grow | fancy prices, should be: disregarded mace < ‘WM. W. 2 acres of land fe Poole, aopalty: Hy Jooms for the next fiscal year,| on land from which a stump has just | Co™Pletel neue, ionic: See oe the late John Witt. lass also estimated, been xemoved. The lJedves of cen-

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