Easily Maintained Through the Use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. re is not a nook or corner in Ca- winners, their wiv splennin treasure of new) health and siren ‘You have only.to ask ven neigh- | wors, and they When you get up late A rapid brushing up of ~.the soap, a few turns on ; 80! i who owes fe ances Fase vied ee health and strength to Dr, Williams’ ork ;:followed ‘by. a | Pink Pills. For more than a quart Gite eet with: your jets centkiy. these pills have been wn not only in Canada, ~bul AutoStrop, Razor. and Perounbout: iL the,wor'9, ae reliable the job's done. | Th tonic, blood-making me pis apie aaa Ba e wonderful success ‘ot Dr, Wik And you face sephon ece iam! Pink fs ts to eae ts that y go ri to root 01 hi aprile aaa disease in the blood, ing 0 lean, you simply put the tap, bile it y nerve, er Es md pain, and mak wg wea, denporiont peor bright, active ane strong. Mr. W. son, one of the best known and m oat in Lun smile for the day’s wor! hy exteened men a Provin- Strop -- 12 blades — $3 Mia @ nes “a compact case. LL ad am expose for the gyoat year to very wer D seaiailinas through th 1, hard oy AUTOSTROP © ‘Y &. 10., Limited brane for a ae cca rig Pe day and ¢ night, She I find the only thing that will keep me up to the mark is Dr. When I leave’ Williams’ eee Pil a trip in AutoStrop B: I axe “ine mt lam al = acai 2 Pills should be , and their oeca- the: blood wae ou A New Idea, Clymer was stving a a din-| the ner and her housemaid left without! ‘ notice during the morning. In de \ eget the good aay tackled her new cool an hrough any ine a or ge mail on 50. ents a box or six The je @,” she d, tearfully, “what bait 1 do? tans voll wait at table?” “Not in the dining room,” was cook- ey's firm response. “But I've had some canteen expertence, so if you'd | &™P line up your guests and send them out aria : he t | Hard on Factory Women. fgations made by among 2; a woman doctor suffering nt, of the ere they get ‘all that’s comin’ to them!” | from ivertatgne 8 wd sIhealth JONEY ORDERS. minion Express Money Order’ for five dollars costs three cents. Minard’s Lintment Cures Distemper. Attractive “und sanitary, buildings are a business asset to any farm; the; suggest healthy vento, protected seed t ‘ould grow and machinery th se fe alias rei Canes | In an there is one mile of rail- way for every 224 persons; in the Tales States, one mile for every 390. Minard’s Ziniment Cures Diphthetia 8453 9123 No. 8875—-Ladies’ Waist, Price, 20 Pies, 20 eal jFront tucked or plain. Cut in 7} Cut ae gee ‘34, 36, 38, 40, a 4 ins. 3 tand 4 \t ed. a 0, 2% ydi inches bust, measure. Size 86 Feauires,| or 2% yds. 4 ae. one hee ig 1% 1% yds. 0 ins. wide; pata blouse, yds. 96 ins, wide, or) 2% oie! a6 ins. wide, or 2 yds. 40 ins. ins, wide; insertion, 1 yd.; mie, 8453—Ladies’ Cossack Waist. oo . bree a cents. slipped on Two styles es a over the Blouse. Price, 20 cents. To! be oy aed ‘THE TREASURE OF G00D HEALTH © ani a closer application eo ,| to cover the aeetod rf seven da —= ction is Ur; It was Josh Billings, we believe, who rned a waiting world of the dangers that Iyrked in the ae x mon- keying ‘with the buzz saw, says the Thrift Magazine. Like es maid spoken in jest, there was eee wisdom of the aes in this homely a e doing too much sient today. We have to amend or repeal that can no more be changed than the forces of ure altered, Amateur ee Sea ee Ei reform: moun tiea at of ret tions or the assembling of oad aes: change the fundamentals of life on tota. We do not need any more heyen cae we need 90 is to get on the job ork, e, aes up Wes ate n look: Stopia and ii an the Satilomlun better only through the Sonnet of education and the adoption of wholesome habits of life by iis Epes rr What w is a better 1 things else Let us quit Haneevide with the b ete gt a, esas From Horse Hair. hn Burroughs in one of his Notes scans tater fe, cunitasieg thet a tit ie tad not developed from the horse’s ha Evidently Mr. Hee when he was young, missed o1 the common | see vale tin ee of coun- It’s worth trying. if an china washbowl is desirable to make as test with, lack show plainly ground. “Have the one who takes care ot a ck-tailed heres pull or cut a i. Fil a against the the tbwi ter, it seems, we v te tae solved, success and wi HAIR SOON T00 SHORT TO DO UP A iittle “Danderine’”’ stops your hair coming out,and doubles its beauty aes eae hair at on ine Sipaih of ovary particia ok annie for a hand and rub it into the sca! several applications ‘the tar out and you ca Help your hair to long and become n't find grow abundant, Flat Thumb Tacks. The heads of new thumb ta draftsmen are so flat th can be slid over them and the tack: are removed with a special tool. — ‘0 Australia In Seven Days. ning an aerial p: tween Hngland La will wiggle , but will not in- te bas to move was As the ee fhe ee ce and rid get a,small bottie of saeugh teal “Dan- at any drug or toilet counter eents; pour a ae th your Afte and Peat twice as beautiful and ks for hat a T square A British syndicate which is plan- CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION <<Constipation®is one o one of the most com- of babyhood and child- red vt undoubtedly lead to, disastroys wis. To cure this trouble nothing ean equal Baby’s Own Tablets. They Sra geamlle Inadvertent 28 a8 5 zi ae 5 Be e 5 z 3 Seo 3 2 q g a! 2 o ay SB: B stomach, thus "oan Constipation, colic, colds, ching _ thei tira. Sheen Vaillancoutt, at Mahle, ce 2s ay Tey constipat sult. I would strongly recommend see to sik ations for this trouble. 2 The Tablets. cfd sold dealers or by mai from The Dr. Wane! Medicine. Co., Brockville, © system jis filled poison which keeps yo Own | 8nd aching. “Your meals are turning rebiey sot am Fivell datisfed with the | into poison ‘ond you can not feel right Don’t stay bilious or constipa' splendid always by taki peruse in, ashen you like Cal arte nasty, harsh pills. 00: TONIGHT! “There is nothing we may not hope Take ‘‘Cascarets’’ if sick, Biljous, Constipated. Straighten up! Your with liver ont bowel Enjoy life! (Pee rs Asay it ee er Classified Advertisements. —Dicken: .. FARM FOR SALE OR BX Be OOD, PED, SKA’ l- Minard’a Sunctee Cures Colds, se. Ge Sana chad aie. ast SSS SEE | Worked Very profitable, Bargain, Page naw FUne @ singene | = ee = : ENG 5 Write. for. price ists ri dae = - ““and dhipping Years of Rellablo Trading secs a Bank of “Canada. TLV, List Horont: tite, ORTRAIT “AGENT: ea Prints, — Pintshed “porate bret rames, write for Catalogu Sng . nited Art Co., 4 Brunswk Pri ik AVOy| ENS ‘WAN’ TED, ALIVE, ted. Feel ing Cascarets ey i without grip- x Inconvenien They never Salts, Ol or ‘Whey cost so little Cascarets work while you sleep. a any alg All grades. Write for prices. ages beet nt. TORONTO SALT WORKS MISCELLANZOUS, = CEES et pay thin 200 mile = B i: ap] 2 Ta GF ale oe toveale aUMO. LU} > Cova and ex ty pees Berona eco ose Ne one ir canms meee Q@sACLIFF - - TORONTO Russia Hes Lost 35,0 35,000,000. The Polish Professor, A. A. Oasen- dofisky, © intellig ve de- dartasats ae the all-Russian Goveri- eee estimates that the world gwar, m, civil war, starvation and co! ii 8 SINCE. § 1870 ‘ 3087s COUGHS onntotsty z pe ate scar o-day it is feeestce at the rate of tele to thirteen a minute. “SYRUP JP OF Figs” CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons aaah little stomach, Hi RAM JOHNSON suea eatations iere left wit The oldest established ree to te! Write tor Booklet RAW FUR eee in Montreal The Great in Highest Market Prices Paid. Toronto Office 512% Interest: PAYABLE HALF YEARLY ‘est Permanent ompany. 20 King St, West en us for geht Guaranteed to Shippers. Sond Price Bist 410 St. ear eet West Montreal ¢ Constipation Cure Ad ys; “For nearly ve commended =: er and bowels Accept “California” Syrup of Figs only—look for ae name California on th Mother! You must Millions rot Acces 3 in Waste. The total land area of the world xcluding the polar regions) is about 30,000,000,000 acres, according to the | International Institute of Agriculture. What proportion of this is productive | agriculturally is not definitely known, Dut he institute has collected data | for untries having a total | jena. ateg. of 15:071209,000 adrés, wiiich it 1s, calculated, or eeanten. that 4,491,6 acres, or 30.5 per cent, are seat e, and 1,31 res, or 8.7 per cent,, ate cutivated id (including fallow land also ar irections. for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fea ay “California,” i | | fi j includes, besides cultivated ural meadows and pastures, forests, | and land deyot ed to culti- With the Fingers! ‘Says Gorns Lift Out i Without Any Pain p00 90-0 0 000-06, | Sore corns, d corns, soft corns or n-can ela be a you are I ne of a co 0% W | any te Jc afew Hae 0. Cineinnatl that at small cost one So 2o | or callus without pain or soreness or ® | the danger of infection. | drug i nee compound, the moment it apay init tissue, | will interest many womon liere,, for it ts said that the preseut hi el footwear is put: {ing corns on practically every ing woman’s Her cured of painful Goitre b; MINARD’S LINIMENT. BAYARD McMULLIN. Ce bean Ont. red of Inflammation by A baked. custard is a edi. item in a school lunch; so are table raisins and | fresh nuts, y ‘Minar’ 's.Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. | twas cur ‘on over the head; a) SLE 8 oe eb der; Size 36, one mater- MINARD'S LINIMENT. Loch Lomond, the “Queen of the two styles of sl izes; | ial ee Bee, louse, MRS. W. A. JOHNSON. Scottish Lakes,” is twenty-one miles gmall, 82; aay. 84, Hs ee 88, r % Walsh, Ont. ong, and varies in bréadth from one 40 ins. bust measure, Medium aii lets, tacit, belt, 1 I was cured of a Neuralgia by | to five mil ‘3 requires, with bell cca 2% yds. MINARD’S LINIMEN' <= ee caeaaiee’ ins. wide, or 1% 64 ins. wide pat “3 may be obtained| Parkdale, Ont. ae H, BAILEY. 5 with gathered sl 2% yds. 36 ins, ahh your local McCal} dealer, or wide, or 1% yds. 54 Ins, m the MeCa a Co., 70 Bond St., (oe ae No. 91: Blouse, Toa, Dept. Er Britain Invokes An Old at 36 cents La per bushel There's something really } maciontniee about the nut- Grape-Nuts ‘The stre and nutrition ‘ d from this wheat panes eaeantied i barley food ‘make it a most sensible breakfast cereal» while its low cost adds true economy: * ‘The Justinian C which leave their hive and some pee red eavisy. Pain eee righ Su ig ow nn ne James, who foun e they became the property of th art person who si His ruling was that the swarm { question had me been in ear eae sight when it flew froi the original owner, de of Laws of the year 528 still carries weight in English | im 1 Therefore he se iu aya reine ri HE cost items of Mr. Jos. Loughlin’s potatoes, Dundas Co., totalled, $85.50 per acre, in- cluding $18.00 for fertilizers. aoe Potatoes yielded 285 acre. Unter “emer yielded 80 bus, per acr At his rate of gain, what would YOUR potatoes have yielded? Did you use Fertilisers ? 9 He Write for our free Potato Bulletin 3 ny ‘HORSE COLIC rye scat De WATSON & CO., New York Buy Thrift Stamps. poy See Ewhen you have made eure of f\ We can, prove ‘to you—and th \ we furnish wall be poms out po peas ite A\ Davies Fertilizer is the B\\ money can mn rogressee. ey eat is not only ly but bet lity—and stron f Our Sree pooke “Fertilizer Results/ \ by Satisfied Users,” gives evidence / that 0 Ses As ‘sec. Write for al copy to-day. j Dept. WL wer! Mamita Sr NU AONE AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVE You'll find Sloan’s Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache t it on freely. Don’t rub it in, ita relief soon follows! soreness, an’s Cle economical, Mae at Cadet 85c, 70c, $1.40. can be speedily cured by yout Fight In your own stable by treating tf DR. A. C. DANIEL’S COLIC DROPS 0 drops 1s ® dose. rset A Symptom of Colfe, Colle ta-often tata, but 1e-70h etre ue collicky horse Dr. A. C. Dantel’s ‘olic Drops in time, you will save ie Meets Teatore it to, condition. you y ota. bending Yor a. veterinary, for this remedy 1s | anily. ndminintsted by anyone, ath He animal? — Be prepared—| Go Dantel'sColte -Dropa on hand for an Big Animal Medical Book Free. DR. ALC: aDANTELS ELS COMPANY Know LION, QUEBEC © ard Boe, Sold ir GyandianDepatt sabe real fieseanese he oe bs ONTARIO. ‘FERTILIZERS onr. Mother and Child find saa delight in the c®eamy, abundant, skin- SOAP The particles of pure, vegetable oil which are rubbed with the lather into the pores, * Best for Baby—Baby’s Qwn Soap is Best for you, Sold almost everywhere. ALBERT SOAPS LIMITED, Mfis, MONTREAL. + healing, flower-fragrant lather of help nature along, assuring a white and healthy skin. rot9 ONLY TABLETS MARKED “BAYER” “ARE ASPIRIN ‘ho Benes Preis cee are vin tations. ott T will bo gt@ioped Wi she! "geuyial Wade Batis the ‘ther ‘Crema’ é , Soil and Crop « Improvement Bureau in Of. the Canadian’ Fertilizer Ass'n. n{$ 1111 Temple Bidg., Toronto, Ont. 650A 8 1S5UE No. 50—19. : 4 ‘ Not Aspirin at All without the “Bayer Cross” sta of Rayer of Mono- ne Bayer pany, i a a eee . eee ee