“SOBER” GREETINGS The oo He ae greeting were sent| Helps to Secure Successful Growth of Cro) But. by ie Ottawa’ St, Andrew's soc- John Barleycorn wham Rabbie lo’ed---} § He lo’ed too wee! el alas Is ier and gane frae ete *Ye cannot get a glass. A fearsome sight tae see. “Por auld lang syne” we canna take) on the roots o clovs et? “A cup o’kindness ye Sig things the Holy Willie ‘men Insist that we forg D The “Monarch o} the puddin’. kind” We'll eat St. “Andrew's y, Ghee oe aioe: he tour "These words we still may say— It’s a wee bit o’ haggis, Ss eye gang awa’ Tt’ . a Aare they hae left us~ Andrew's ancient feast— the Sitsmieal puddin’ E cooks in The Stomach 0’ pay aan: Pres. A. FP. MacKenzie, See. THOMAS HAMMER Francis pecweieea pac resides lan, rece | immediately t several days before his death, which ce on Wednesday, De: Joseph's church, Macton, on Tuesday morning, Dee.’ 9th, the funeral rites meing conducted by Rev pacer, Mrs. 8. Kraemer, of Wellesley | s. John Kerr, Brantford, Elizabe th | Ate Gertrude, at home. Mr, Allan| MeMane, of Milverton, is an’ uncle. | | | OUR CLUBBING LIST Sun 5.00 Sun 5.00 Sun 5.00 | Sun 4.25} Sun 4,25 Sun an 5.00 Sun 5.00 Sun 3.00 3.25 “Sun ee Weel y Sta Sun Hi ‘Rural | Canada Apapthly. magazine) sadewes 2.00 W. D. Weir’s Sale Register Wednesday, Dee. V7th, 1919-—Farm| Stock and Implements for Thomas) \ Crokshanks, m. 10, Wel- Walay? western uection, | Oo Pal ES Sec ies add Iss Hes Pod-vakee teen + Reusce, tint «collection ot ing will be on dis- # piny aad will be for sale from * w on until Christmas. * te rere eee NOTICE TO FARMERS Having been a eo shipper o: of | the Milverton UO beNe. 978, | ill gs from oe Milverton C.P.R, station on Friday, Dec. 19th, i w Year’s— any shipped before Christmas feat | be well opate: if you have any please ad JAMES HAMILTON ‘Phone 444-1 - Milverton, Ont. Highest Price Paid for Hogs ver, r for ne’ Coda Grove eit U.-F.O. I will ship both sete and Heer regulary. Next shipment Dec, . 1. D. ATKIN Milverton, - . Ontario * SEPP ER EE REET EOE! Cd t SOIL BACTERIA NEEDED. DS. most successful growth of ities artificial inoculation for cows id cin sections of eria which thrive and alfalfa oré repens ial arioumta ion can suished oy serpent well- hed field, where the ie le see ime whieh 4.49 be Brown bate From Which Piant o1 ip Was Inoculated—No Treatment Was Given Puny Plant on Right. upon ihe-new has been successful, nd to be he use of pure cultures Stetina, Tap miley atten lion canihol be giv- en to the preparation of e for leguminous crops prepared get the best start and ihe bacteria will thrive. der and often eénti development of the organisms, 4 used to. advantage, ‘but usually * suely ground limestone is applied. field is known to contain the bacteria” suitable for a certain the new field through the fertilizer attachment on a dri ‘wo hun- dred pounds or more of sifted field will be sufficien ere and it applied through the hoe Broadcasting the soil by hand will larger quantity and is dona in ihe tarlypradening, late even: ing, 0 cloudy. days, as the sun's immediately har casting the soil. 1 | soil from any conside’ distance is expensive and subject to the danger of cS nn faites insects an |. The family’s health au be Sorat ed if fruit8 and vegeta cellar and whitewash it. MARRIAGES Jacobs—Thorndyke—At the’ manse, Milverton, by Rev. C. N. Paddon, on Tpdeve ey Maa Tiskle, Thomash both of Mornington. $10.00 REWARD As treasurer of the school concert fund a & 8. No. vy pore "nin; ee a re-imbursed, may examined at my y any rate. any jedd to the gonvi tion of any party a apportioned any of the funds I will give a reward of ten W. A, TAYLOR. FURNITURE! We have a beautiful range of A nice néw stock of Brass Be: Tf you need anything inj the We also have!Stairand_ Body Linoleum always on hand. See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers. We have a large assortmentJof Dressers and Stands, ' utes when in town and look over our stock. Congoleum{Squares look nice. Diningroom Furniture. ds at’ popular prices Rug} Line spend a! few nrin- Carpet. {We have them.” CERHARD tiEINTZMAN PIANOS - MoLAUSHLIN:- AUTOMOBILES — Furniture Dealer jabs ueitLinis stance ROBERT McMANE Milverton | As Left Sprang | We planted with that legume, | Te. nt | { {merchant to a customer, “the very ‘X| place to place to read the billboards.” amur cemetery, Belgium We little thought when Bak left home at you would ne’er return, But God shoushe best aud took you Where parting would be-no mote. If we. could have raised your dying | head, Or heard your last farewell, | The suet eon not have beeh so fre call, s nothing at to vatiswer But y sie photo on the wall, ine memory last scaniewitae thee. —Mother, Sister and Brothers THE PRINCE OF WALES | ee | A large portrait of the popular hetr | | to the throne for all Sun readers, [The Family, Herald, and: Weekly | u- } Star of Montreal have secured the ex | clusive rights for a la for a good portrait, 16x22 inches, of th ince of Wales. It VanDyke, the celebrated London, England, pho- tographer, taken on the eve of the Prince’s departure for Canada, The Sun has made acontipbenante with the Family Herald and Weekly on whereby w: ed to in- jude the Prince’s photo in a clubbing er. now make the following offer, goo bi only. until De The Family Herald and one year, cost $1.2 Sun’ one year. $1.50. We offer both for one year each, and an autograph- ed copy of the Prince of Wali ed the price of the Family Wer: ad will be $1.50 a vear, SENT UP FOR TRIAL Walkerton Telescope Alex, Ernest, the local coal dealer, appeared at police court: on a 8 3 ° $ = i : Es 2 EF e. ‘ 5 a g &. jaded not guilty, | before the judge, letting him out on 0 bail. Crown Attorney Dixon appeared for the crown | | $20 AND COSTS FOR ASSAULT) Samuel Furst d $20 and WY: | about $60 costs by. ade ‘Barron Sat- a charge of indecent assault, and was sent up’ from the Police Court, but His Honor reduced the charge to common assault DID NOT READ THE BILLBOARDS | | “Did pou observe ” said-a fei but haven't time to go. ’roun PEER EE HERES EE TO SUBSCRIBERS: pane date on the label of r paper is a statement of ous subseri te account, Will you look i it to-day ? f PEPER EEE PEERS EEEE ESE EEE = @ et ES & ei a PREPS EEEEEEERE EEE EEE EEE EEE Funeral Direczor and Embalmer S PEPER Se HES eee EE RER EEE MALCOLM MacBETH PEER REET EE EEE EEE EEE See eRe STEERER EE Milverton’s Greatest Clothing Store. is Superbly Ready to Serve You--Come Here Great Values in Men's Suits and Overénats. Garments” that are weil and carefully made to give the ‘ back-and-buy-again clothing. utmost satisfaction to the wearer. N° matter what price you wish to pay for your Suit or Overcoat you can always get the best value at that price right here. We handle nothing but the very -best makers’ best makes. Every garment is good, honest, come- Dellar for dollar you get more style, better quality, neater fit, better lined clothes here than you will find in ‘any store in the County. And— last but not least—we stand behind every garment we sell with our guarantee of satisfaction or your money refunded. Prices $10 to $35 ALL THE LEADING MAKES OF UNDERWEAR _ - Our stock represents the best Underwear manufactured ah EE ery weight and quality represented. Priced a te BIG RANGE OF CAPS Stylish, becoming, comfortable, these.are the points that recommend our caps but the Te attraction is the reason- able price. Price’75c to $2, SHIRTS AND TIES The Christmas Ties and Shirts are arriy; ing and what beauties they are... There is an extra effort all @long the line in Christmas Furnishings. -Come in and look them over. Price—Ties 50c to $2.00 Shirts—$1.00 to $5.00, yd -“Your corset must not be evident in If old Santa himself could comé into this town and have a personal talk with you, he would, no doubt, say the identical words used below. They This Store is eye a Christmas policy according es of a patriotic Santa Claus would be, and all our.stocks reflect this to the highest degree. if your gift-giving is to be moderate in cost, if you want practical, useful gifts that will give real, sincere pleasure, then the suggestions below will appeal to to what the wish you at once. interpret this fashion for you in terms of your individual needs. Whatever your figure requirements there are many Gossard models that will mould your figure to correct pro- portions, assure you do it all so deftly that there will be no evi- dence of corsetry in the finished silhouette. the finished silhouette” ‘is the edict of the fashion dictators GOSSARD CORSETS he Original- Unequalled Front Lacing Corsets Such corse mfort and health, and sho; Your Gossard effaces itself and leaves only the impression of natural beauty and grace, cannot be attained by Enea the an buy @ Gossard ice Your _ hy as Ble as $2. 75 a upto 49 any brie ar Contents any price you wish to pay worth the price of the plat A Few Gift Suggestions SANTA CLAUS EXTENDS A HELPING HAND IN MAKING THIS A SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS hint, men and women Nor need tnese be costly. Fur Scarfs $5.00 and upwards. Muffs $5.00 and upwards. Stoles $10.00 and upwards. Children’s Fur Sets in Thibet, Fox and Wolf, $7.50 and upwards. 4NY A WOMAN IS GOING TO BE SURPRISED CMBISTMAS MORNING WITH NEW FURS LADIES’ COATS $15.00 to $65.00 LADIES’ SUITS $15.00 to $50.00 LADIES’ WAISTS $1.50 to $11.00 For example— 25 cents to $2.00 ‘WE’VE FOUND MORE USEFUL GIFTS OF GLOVES HOSIERY AND UNDERMUSLINS WILL BE i MADE THAN IN PAST SEASONS And why not ?» Sensible, practical, useful and in- three items are what expénsive. Jy appropriate Christmas gifts. spleaan values here too. These t! we would call You'll find some Dried Apples 12c per Ib. THIS YEAR THE READY-TO-WEAR DEPART- MENTS HOLD THE CENTRE OF THE , STAGE FOR GIFT-GIVING n are going about things differently this year, are doing away with the surprise element, ani siply giving their wife, or mother, or sister so much and so much telling them to make a selection of a new suit, coat or dress which they have need for. Take the JUST RECEIVED A BIG SHIPMENT OF HANDKER- CHIEFS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Whether for women, men or ehildren—whether of Java, linen or silk, sane you wish ve nee 8c or $2 and idea Vi In white, black and Pit the wanted hes at "be to $3, is ‘eluded: Handkerchiefs arranged Mg toll boxes. PLENTY ie GOOD CHRISTMAS HOSIERY ESPEC- ALLY IN SATISFACTORY SILKS ckings, ENGELAND & SON “The Home of Good Clothes.” wey MILVERTON 2