Pit = : ATWOOD. ; Di Ss Pe d Mrs. Wm. Campbell have + OS apived jn oe town from Port Huro1 ‘ E Miss Haid, cafe! = e ses cane a smoccupied by ee te "house | weld ae oe branch a ce UF, (ti 5 repeat formerly occupies Te sale es. wings” Misses Jean Carnochan and’ -| Greenside: {hall lai pest ee gt ‘or the spa leen Hae spent Tuesday gvening, Mr. pies “Mrs. J ohn Roger returned tee and thei Three long i it seo __* |on Friday after aoa ‘Mr. and Mrs, | les were rieclee ayral ranged by the | Roger at Detroit. a lies, ane took great pains in oe pais ¢ e} Govier, of aroronion vis vis- | paring the supper. One hundred a: ee irty-nine at}the second. (a) 1a Peter has Popehe St [ter one a as ‘ohn_ m’s.property 01 ins give . RR. Mrs. ilar is Se rs chairman. ie & STRATFORD, ONT. “The largest and best. Cor wit 1 choo, ia Western ern Ontario, “We give | twa" bhadsciae sittia a tenia ah “‘Hensall, where she in-| ning were: ‘ z and Aoadenty! fifteenth anniversary ‘of’ ee ‘ordina- | tei i the winter with her’ S. Shearer s Listo =D. is sour mur Commerc Ih, Short-| tion, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seott ; orang uu 1d Skirts are fale she weather is gettin’ colder. We.invite vile to have a look throu Out® mers, a Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Freeman| Mr, Wallace ‘MeBain, of Toronto, i is‘ nan “and me secretary, spent Sunday..at Mr. Levi Stricker’s| in the a lage. Henderson, G. Bai A few days-ago while Mr. ae _ Mr, Henty Verennerman and sis- a rendered sol lee and encores): the cart was. on his route he pres- r, Mrs Verehage left on ‘Wednesday ac ni eresMrs. S. J, 3 vente awit Path : well-filled nse iH recog Hast for a visit to. to pastes sold home in ‘of his tag mail-carri oC ee 5 prices ate tight as we have made a number o! A pale cities oa owns surrounding Milverton: THIS WHEE BE COAT AND ‘ag ito mur. free pin of ee SKIRT WEE is nearly -six ies anid: Mra. Robert: Burke have Z T K. = \ Mrs. MeGoey | is at present vis- moved into Mr. .T. E. Hammond’s at ned home saying that they never iting. “friends Arthur. house on Main St. thought. “that here were two Christ- “FLANNELETTE BLANKETS “ON SALE THIS WEEK 4 Fspent at at the hom yhn | in, Mrs, wee MeMane. very en; njovable eee vee Mrs, Ranton is visiting her cous- Bee: on Mor rekon ale vente1 eda ae pn Wednesday, Nv. tie ee i Town as the. John helonner sed youn People. The eve- | 5; the Rev. ‘ | e Jannelette Blanketas lnkgest sizemade, reg. kt ning was ards: and < danc- gts HS WOOK- ONLY ooh. ts.» cktaaa ves aso ae e vo Ne. a ae nial dughti md : r ‘ Double Track cee apent ‘Sunday “atthe lat! 52 3 mal rinks. o Kitch _v Route ited. for é co days “ his home te tin ee ee a eae MONTREAL, siete DETROIT| spending « few days with: wenden tin AND CHICAGO Strato COM sorter : Wool ikets-are rice, we has ve toned Gomfon tere ig Aj et 0b $5.00, ere pS SS ade ea COATS ‘We have a bi ment of these coats bought-a pa aeree Be, Mrs. Wray Beggs spent 7 arg: ~ ae week-end witty frie og ren ; . Mann; of x, | art, ‘uelph, was most favorably yes ago which Will he sold at the old price. Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Miss Laura Denstedt ent Monday are wisand their daughter, “Mrs. Zi received on_her every appearance. - Sven at Dorking. sa er pot 2 ; Fe “s is ue eS paar s aaa thy ~GIRL’S WOOL SETTS | ‘ : ir. Clement. Fried) 2 of Floid, irs, orge Rome, of Palmerston, | humor o: e evening wit ‘is Hai Sleeping cars on pa trains and zip se z eh 2 ERROR | day trains, | Knoles, Ind., returned home on Thurs| spent a day last Neale wit! A ber par-|Lauder songs. He told some goo: oy re ae ac day after a couple of months there, |ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon, | stories at the expense of the Seoteh ; Me Aptormati ston fr ek ee ‘ _Buniett a afew | | Mrs. Ered Lewes ise enn being a burly Scot hissel. Possibl _ ays teak wee in and is under of irse S.| his humor woul ke better as a Be atch Panes, grat, “Tor | eH Sefaranie y. hewet Brawn at Hooton whole if he omitted local hits. ~MEN’S STORE GROGERY SPECIALS je are ae present hunt-| Mrs. R. Ward, of Harriston, is vis-| are usually funnst_with all but ie wie WRK ONcye Ing pabies sup north iting with Mr. and Mrs. George Gor-| vietim, ‘The proceeds of the evening SWEATERS Hs Bye Oe Fene ty Lost Aneel spent Randa athek koma Tenth On Wedncin? evghing tha Miives | Tae a Mee EIEN Gostils sit i " Minto, Tea" Stivar apaen sta each ; say Lutz spent Tuesday ev-| tn choir assisted by Mi Knight of | baby and Mrs. Agnes Coghin, of At ap eae Breretinibn Swaners Bt S140" Reckage’ si : : ening at Elnirat Milverton, and Ms. Alia ‘on-| wood, .were visitors at Mr. Georg - Honey, in 6 ab, cai PRINS Misses L, Barr and P. Payne spent ny gavi autata the ‘iatileean Poghlin’s on Monday... OVERCOATS : ; ate Tugs, in. Milverton mn the Methodist char na sriende| a RS genes ge Melvin Tohnston FOR LOUNC ee eying Green Pes, ber package . wry. Weichel was a visitor lay. evening 2 in riends iad to, welcome’ him back fro F GY, ACCOUNT; | OF THE ;SHORT=}:35 z Lackner’s on Sun OF Men. Richart Ward, nee Heatriced bis Gin tothe Se hig Ulster Overconts worth to Krinkle Corn, Frakes, pkge a AGE ORME MEOWmn, Cos, of Palmerston: "he. | Cordon, gathebed Wt Gs Nome of | Mer’ soe Min’ Seebues and Mast 5 $25.0Fat PAS i turned’ home on Monday aft ir, and Mrs. George Gordon:and ten-| Spence have returned after spending Chestnuts, per pkge. a RG week’s visit at Mr. Jas, Ogram’s, |dered the bride of afew weeks a|six weeks with friends at Gorie. . W E Mr, Vincent Dermodig, of Ham-| kitchen shower. Mrs. Ward was com| Mr. Gordon Grieve, of Toronto, New Hats, Caps, Ties, Gloves -T. &. By Smoking Tobacco 2 for 25¢_ ton,’ is at present visiting, friends ed taken by surprise but made a es over Sunday with is "par: Lin the vil ing reply. A pleasant evening was| ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Grieve. ae irs. “H. Ste has. returned WE PAY THE HIGH PRICE FOR LIVE and DRESSED POULTRY wail ivyn Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs.| home after a month's visit at Dun- 8. Henry arrived in town on Friday oe wip and Guel ADVISE ca yi ene from “overseas. ani irs. Alex. hae of ; ‘ e ce * {Mr Alfred Crutcher hag sold his |" “Mr W. R, Erskine is spending a| Kitehonwe’ visited Mr, and Mrs. G. : ° m4 ‘ farm, oe ie Conle: Jones jand will | few Baye in Toronto. Dimers during hs Re eek ,. - 1 ver On bi Z have ® sale of stock and implements | MeDonald was in To- am Han very suc- a £86 9 4 on Nov, 18th, og rontd last ‘week, cessful sale of fat cattle st Mildmay ils x To.order Your Suit or Overcoat in| Mr. 45 a ie ae Riddell_and|" Mts. A. M. Robinson visited last] last: week. good time so that we will be ae family pet Sandee With friends in| week with Mrs, F.'W. Sherwood, at} Mr. and Mrs. George Coghlin vis- fo-make them up for you when | US Meimiy a wevise | Mitehell ited over Sunday, with ‘friends at. ~ : - : OOK ani ‘ohn Barton —_—_—__ooOoOoOo- inter! ie. ~ tieeded left on ekcalay for a few days hunt- eS Mr. and Mrs. 11. B, Kerr and Mise WELLESLEY, School Reports ‘~~ LISTOWEL.) ay - a So athas How te datwith wonk ing beip at Wiarton. GLENALLAN : Lottie Kerr visited at ee. Craw: Mrs. Froehli ch. and, Mr, P, Ott- : ie and Mrs. Will Meadows, of ford's, Wellesley, one. day ite eo Pree tiicns Sask.y are visiting |, The following is the report of S. FR forth: we are we assure you that your or-| Burns, and Mr, and Mrs, David Car- and Mrs. George Moore, of] Miss Mamie Baker, of Guelph 0. here” for * few wecks with, relatives 8, 6; Mornington, for the month Pent popular teprenentadive, re- der will receive ae eee attention. tt ot Molesworth, ae visitors at Dravion, gras "sunday at at or home! 4.¢., Visited re ‘friends. its this distriet and frie of ae vie turned home from Toronto on’ Fri- 2 arsorys x¢ ni during # be eek, V—Sheldon pains ’ Miss Florence Bobet spent=the| The Women ¢ Institute } Bela Avey| dirs Peet wee Sana renin ful oa: Scha ee a 8 ‘veny succeds Jr, v= Gace ‘Grey, Harold Robin- Rs Chas. McKeever spent Friday” You Will Like Our Work week-end at Milverto: Succesful meeting and the home be a visit ie friends at| Doering conducted it very. ably. son, Mervin in -atford, yo he visited his; ; fF Bantuel and MRS, SF Sovcathdu | howe of Mis, Steqason last Rats ee Alm: yecum course of aaeries pf cope] gk. 11—Dorethy Watson, J. Gray. brother Major A. visited friends at Trowbridge « on Serpe Miss poole ey spent the week- Butchering i is the order of the day. | certs ‘are to be held this season, under I—Arthur Long, Marjory Robin- J. M. FLEISHHAUER Ni end atthe home of her friend, Miss} There was a large attendence at the auspices of the bandi:the first of | son. iss Florence Cook spent last week Mary Koelin,. the funeral of thevlate Pte. Allan pod ne ireldvin Saturday, | ., PrimerA—Alvin Steven, Elwpod eS: Merchant Tailor maa toon Mellel i. drenint visiting with hie bre | Baker, Which "ook a here on | Now “32nd. St imcr BM; Stewart; “Rana Pef-|_ Mr George Watson, Of t the T. Re ee lolmeg fe: i int. vis: weel ae wart, “Edna Pef- mn, K MILVERTON, =. ONTARIO village'on ema 2 ther, Me. Rufus Blacks ne, Of ‘Trowbridge, oc: wl, apeutawelaan Bincsnd Mrs.| , Primer BE vison ae Co.," London, spent Sunday facob Schweitzer has purchas- jome of our young sports attended) cypied ti ulpit of be mide a wees arvies Gategs Riddell, and Jimmie is hom ed a house in Milverton and! intertis | the dance in Palmerston on Friday| church horeore Suet” Meese Bun ond aah here ovat $i | Robinson: (equal). he Misses Lily Nickel and Gertie. moving there in a few weeks, evening. paar nat the Aaa SubReE ag Oe : Lette M. Corty, ‘Teacher. Pate ‘ond ot SS eon i serve left last Thurs- _ ms THE sae itn Bana, tyos| eT, Sete har rages hore he ty Suttons church wa hold their Thank- offering he for an indefinite stimeiswith her eae sare Hen meeting .on Saturday, Nov, 22, at avon following is the report 9 2.50 puri, in’ the basement of "ihe | tt A Micka: sold thle; Bie neo. S. No, 10, Ellice for the month ote . : ‘ sys : church. The members of the congre- | nerty to Mr, David Hammer, who will Mr, And Mrs. Jas) -Pergaton left : - - SEMI-ANNUAL - - gation are inyited to attend. Lunch | take possession s Rage tah“ ie" Mucller, Gertrud| they. will Wisk with’ trieuay fea 4 will be served, The Misses. Teletha Schmidt, Olga Denstedt . couple’ of, month, : ; : Contributors to Library Fund | Geerdi and Persida Stan pent WaMivetla ‘iv wiensied wna, B. Sargent of Toron pee | Ps Wm. McKee $5.00, Rev. E. Jacq-| Sunday “with Mr. dnd Mrs. Wm. | aoiph Hogs Brite Sart at Bae Ee and ee ec oa the home of” q : ues $5.00, Morn nington Council $26, Huras on the f: = aoiy John Bahn, Ethel David: of | toe and Mrs. G, E. Harro: ee} Roy Av Mtuledhy. $5. 00, the Bde Hanlin ase pie a aie My | Sr I hel Debold, Hulda Mul.| Mr. A. EB, Winslow returned home 3 4 ‘2 lammond spent Sun ey afternoon aj eeont $2.00, James McKee $ at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm [ers ine ony, uals eo coe Acs e+ atz. a. uy — ibe Mueller, Lizzie Mr, \. 1M Millbank School Report Hanae BA ue pretty 2 een en Denstedt, W. Mogk, ‘is hom ae eee the fol lowing is the report were business visitors to, Waterloo M aT Re hl, Erlin Diehl, Ralph Bs. ones Shirley. Walk Y returned h stand mes te Pupils of the Tufibank and Kitchener last Saturday, tee ee ee this week from pace weath Tit ae i 2 ALLY LOW PRICES AND RIGHT AT THE TIME WHEN YOU ARE NEEDING THEM. en Naknaaare inorder of inant Dengiauy Christie’ ‘Dien “Helens | at ss Margaret fe and, Ge o for Those marced with an asterick were let Windsor in ithe course of a a Week 01 9 abgent from one or more exams. Lynda Debold, Laura r, Jessie Edwards, David) Mrs, H. Runstedle¥i land son, Aa chl, Viola Denstedt, Louis Riehl, R,.0. Hube, H. Kige, m . é Moffat (equal), Donald Jack, Cecil| gis He Linwood, “spent "Sunday Giver Dichh, Arnold truce savage and “Cully Recher vetui a McFaddin, Lonige Pierce, Luella Die-| with relatives how Rae eat home this week from a auccestul . e . aoe Lathe tanto. Bartha r. George egy a London, rate BE, oat Teacher. week's Thegne trip to the Geo: ‘ary’ Crawford, Ber ent a few days with friends and ay peninsula and will continue till Nov, 22--7-days only Korres amen Beret Helen deck’ [Buti et SH, ends vie Pee clinas ot Stor, é Norman Bond®y Robert Jack, Lillian |" The U..0.. menibers a gue-| , The following is the veport of S.| spent Suuday'at his Hokae ig town. Mau. Wolfers “ellen | cat tay Oe Oss meetin ee “poring S, No, 21, Wellesley, for the month | ce Chae tie | Wood- Wolfe, ntaide ‘Kelly*, Marion Cogh-| {ast ‘Thuseingy ot brig stock, who has spent a month in the Ting, Idhn Knox Measra. Anson Staiaadesbanil et wilds’ of Nova Scotia, ‘visited at his. The following are only a few of the bargains Sere, G. Schleuter, home: in: Listowel\ over Sunday bea) IM—Roy McCardle, Cora Wink-| yin Hanley have left: for mote ler, Edwin Hoffmeyer, Myrtle Mc-| where they «intend tos F Holzsel ‘| fore returning to Wood STOVES AND: HEATERS § HOME-MADE DAIRY PAILS Lemman,, Robert Mo fit, Harty mas Stee ee uy ze tee. Boyd. Masons yllts Rocher Sr, le wards, Eva Hoffmeyer. ommunit sho James Gililan ‘ohn Gil-| this wee! re ‘she will 6 only New Royal Oak Heaters, 3 sizes 20 p.c. off | 100 14- at. Pails, for . Jr. IH — Winnifred Knox, Olive ie atoene un wee, shag AR ila da 8 only Quebec Heaters, 3 sizes at ...,20 p.c. off | 75 12-qt. Pails, for . ierce, Daisley Lowrie, Eva Craw-|farm-of Mr, Alexander Kocher on| Jt. II—T, Axt, xh pan 105.0 ‘'7:.$90.00 | 40° 10-qb. Pails for 1.2... ford, Robert Crawford, Mildred Hen-| Thursday afternoon, while M¥. Koch- 1—Blmer’ Qgra ere” Gilk visitor in town on Mond: ; pS eee derson, Muriel MeVittie*, Johhny ber was engaged in drawing hay. the| land e ual, Marietta Biee, Esther ts seemed -co-ineident. that ‘ Wagler*; Vera Fewings*, Roderick4 bindin; le broke, ‘throwing him|Gerth, Lawrence Holzschuh and G. | drunks aware noticed in town Mihat ' LANTERNS pol 2, ig. hi 1 only Royal M 9:20, reg. $75.00, for$6z.50 Jack, : helpless to the ground.>7'The injuries | Voll. Also a good line of Second-Hand Stoves George A. Smith, Principal | proved. fatal breaking . His. sping in} Prim Alex. Wra; d Mrs. 'R. TT. Nicklin, Dr. H. y Se oo several places also thetey cord. yatnone marked with an aitenek) [R % Nicklin and Mr, Ro; 3 more erent ES succumbed to his‘injuries on Sun. or more ex-} Monday afternon at»the home of Mr. i $200. Ban of Mitts und Gloves Best. assort- Sr, 1I—Barton Edwards. day morning. care gate thy of aminations, and Mrs. Andrew. Torrance, allace, a t in the county. at a discount of ..25%p.c. off <3 LER Oe Ss Sry ToMitdved Ke mith, Jack Me-|the entire community is extended t B. McQuarrie, Teacher.|__ Messrs. F. (0. Clarke: and J. ; tie SE Graniteware, ‘Tinware and Shelfware . .20 p.c. off Kee, Adam Wolfe, Emanuel, Nafzi-] the bereaved family, Hacking left on Monday for ieee STOVEPIPES, ETC. Ehren if Dorothy. M as Bay Mul g RETIREE ber iige ae Case, of Atwopd * r. I-~Doro' of ti " oOrge ase ‘Mo cmap |, Was, GALVANIZED PAILS ‘Esther berks: Ruby, Beli, G G WARTBURG © - a visitor in town on Mon 4 Hichivdson, Helen Brunner, Sandford CROSSHILL Mr. Will Geabam left foe foronto, mith. Galvanized Pails; reg..$1.40, for-. Galvanized Pails, reg. $1.25, for Galvanized Pails, reg. 90c, for Mr. ai tie Mrs, John Hefity and’ then Mond nday, iottimer Bart Bell, ‘Laura Smith, Mr. ar Culp and Hee ie Misses,Ada_and Florence’ spent Sun+ Mr. Barney Bogues spent ‘Sunday eg. r cards, "regs re 9 ie a, -Nafziger, Nieklous , Schmidt, from; near Guelph, were. fay ‘vis-!day at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W. | af his home in town. Galvanized Pailst see. 700 for ; itors at Crosa enry, at, Stratford : OH Heaters, reg..$7.00,. uae GaWanised Pails: tec. 6c, tor Hr ross Jean MeVittie, Mar: | Mors at Crogshill. | spoye gt | “week a (Fig Pa ire a Bhuck det, op ong, pais Baie : the B Ht Tele. lbs. Nails “for ee “pize Po ipaisy AND LEADER CHURNS: * E, -M, Rutherford, Teacher. | guar Linwonh eet Mm Balad eens ae, ci new home 2 mene aero ena st Ropar Purple Stock ‘Pood Greatly’ reads Pric fr, and. Mrs, Jas, Richardson and] An fois from ee attended the [ald oor ey 'Listorral ‘and: vieinit; 8] No; 2 , reg. $12. family from. Macton, spent Sunday pian Se wes Bieniny anoaobonciie WASH MACHINES No. 3 Das | regular fis 00° ees 6th LINE: ELMA a eae of Mr, and Mrs, x8); (Ge mee ic] cl upg ; ie A nf: piesa Pa present and j Regular $20.00, for. Kila coe bees 2 1G TBS SF EERE NPS ' Misa Edna: Reid. spent the webkcenahc *Frieda’ Lather Jeft last! vex aldo in ebmnfdndedtion ft GUY [ye ae eo oRTEmme,etc. immense. Heute Peavd for : er47s BROOMS rit under the anental oof, oo, Where she intends. Peukes!. Dey-was held. tn the, 1.0. {ladies of Listowel tar he negate egul eh a ba ile tHey last at... mie «bis. e@0e land, 2Bo » The fs, Missionary -Society spending, the winter months; “*® interest they have shown in Wade = ap bite a ie "homeof Mis Mo. Wm, Kargexs am acon 2 Li Hammiorid dai rom ith relatives ay le-spon sin few. tate we work while the war was on cancer on dan itr GALVANIZED TUBS. days with her sister, Mrs. Russell that es ml som be “cured ot Gia] Phe concrete work of the new Lins 6 only Ballbearing: Wringers, ‘reg’, $7.75 for $6.25 Galvanized Tubs, reg. $2.25, for . eh dise: aa mg PAdGaD towel se has been ampplted, alt dh ” Sy ed Tubs, $2.00, for < eorge Mills is at present saw. rb has purchaled KIN lumber “HOME-MADE nays : iboes —_ qapoen toe te ing, wood and chopping grain on our the Epinarde, Hoag fara 0 th concession and Wi an ee is the order of the day ee on Copper Boilers, 1 1 ee Mr. J, C. Hardie and the Misses in the near titre, Te Wapceppes, Doce hi we, " Be Gray’ Visited {on our line oe 4 i ‘ Pls One thrs paaky ot last week, ie nen GS Bin, with saber rea 3 $4.00, - 80 ‘square of 4-ply Red sist’ Rooting, 20 year ig TARY Weee, Sad eae atUE LB into the: house. bp recent “rented ‘Nov. 6th: . ss % wee ee fae Wig ayaa aaron ie TRALEE: thos) 8 | trom Mr. J. Jantel % jghii md the ‘tem= Reet Tete square, reg, 5 lay “The Minister’s Bride,” i i one : perature about 40 low. et ~DeLayal Cream. Separator; vig Rezin Sized Buildi fo. 2, on Friday. evening and ‘give wats, Bertha O'Grad: ent, it Quite a number fro) nay attend Nfcal speciy Fhed dee ere eS LAny ‘calpr Sherwin. # food aecount of i day.with her friendy Mise Helen Hgn- ed the U.EO, fowk-anper in Milk Ti, “Lis Homer “hm Miiverton, i ; o mtb Me Lana, iss, parchased le fee eet HF i psu lake week ance reper ha that three members of the Milverton Yr, eae ray’s 100- farm. oni hére attended Mr, ool Team who won the REMEMBER THE. ABOVE LIST DOES NOT INCLUDE Fe ALL OF THE CUT PRICES. angemen's, dance on. Wede | Alex. “Kocher's funeral at-St. Marys Ma = ‘i Fra er, Dewar ans the | Bee, Gup from the Listowel texm HIS. IS A GENUINE SALE—YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. nesday evening: Ipst was a great uc. | R.C. church, Hesson: on Paesday| of iends in Poole. on Saturday, November Ast, help cess. The company’ was very good te week i ue Cup for ‘the Liss m and th the nies i, uP. by Me John. i ss W, Hanle: exgpent the ae tape PREMIER'S STATE _ fewer ‘Hi p Be ai a nT spring : : * ston Urry an igin | with her cousin, Miss aret Bas- ae i oe ene, Bring Vase Eggs---Sale 1S Strictly Cash or brelone Mitchel was allthat could be desired. | ter, eect ie oad gpa ee ONL ATS : s Irene and Bertha O'Grady ° ‘ge ts The Misses. Leonard alte ‘Sunday visited recetly with their “ac ; Hamilton Herald > gentiomen ete oatte Hh : at their hom Miss Nellie Tunney, “at Dorking. | Mr, Dru statement accepti Hough Cup for almost 12 years : Weaing bells are ringing ie this the Famer: aor Ie ership, i, bath | fore these boys came to ie vicinity. in conception and. wd tiee: ion, an ad- | High School and their services we: Leave: your orderfor pounds ee ‘A number from here attended the mifvable ae e absence of |rendered in holding the cup here ni at The SumOffice— the} pieture show at Hesson on Friday. any Feat tare eS perhaps its eed out mae Pelbine, to lee J. G. Seip, - Linwood boo! teeres for Apple fords, owe satisfactory