: ~ BRITISH SAILORS FACE MUTINY e CHARGE AFTER RESCUE AT SEAL Foxit: From Wrecked Sine, They Tell Conflicting Stor- ies About the aa of Captain—All Survivors | Are From Newfoundland. 4 A despatch from Philadelphia says:—Four Sailors, the perils of‘a storm at night in mye men ocean, are now held at se “Seige station Gloucester, ait) @ hearifig a charge of mutiny. ‘of mystery surrounds the! ¢auses which led to the death of the Captain and the Mate of the schoon-/ signal which summoned the steamship) E: Zirkel to their aid. "The Zirkel docked) lay afternoon at the Washing- , and’ the Captain, Daniel A. Sullivan, of New York city, ule tory that sivaled the fiction of many wrt On ihe night of October 8, during a heavy stovm, the officers of the Zir-| kel ‘saw distress flares from some] | pagel shot Ae thay pulled nearer signs great commotion » were sultedite on the ‘craft, which ap-| care peared to be a two-masted schooner. Tn an effort to cir Meaty the schoon- er and apptoach clos irkel Darna ed, and for four hours she wallowed beloleny in the trough of a heavy si —aiually a lifeboat el launched, before the British fatiety uk the steering) ou: dikection of Chief Officer saved amid all} 2. Sims aa six men, and approached | the distressed craft, so: that four could jump ‘into the boat. So heavy were the seas that when. the SraUC WS the Shy -wasanaierttis boat was smashed while efforts were made haul it back on the steamer, but the erew and the rescued men were sav clea fousk wees all fits Newfound Thomas Houlton, age 29; | Exnest Fizzard, age of Burin, Newfoondiands aud Doagias Nichol, Fage 24, jorenzo Ash, age 24, Cioran Newfoundland, They. 6 ‘that the was sinking and that | the palais n, James Brugsia, 23 Burin, jand his brother Ernest, fate, were killed during a shiftin ot ie | cargo of salt some days Epaetiain and ried at sea. soon circulated concerning the loss of the Brussia "prothers became vari- confi ov await the action of the British Consul. SILVER AND GOLD NUGGETS FOR H.R.H. Printe Sees Ontario Mining Centre and Receives jouvenirs, gan despatch from Englehart, Ont., ise route with tg of ere on Thursday, and expressed the spirit} . which informed the welcome extende: the Prince Thursday by the Porcupine! people. At Cobalt the Royal party met with ‘a welcome which was none the genuine for the fact that fey every- body stayed at their work an the Prince the country’ % savers ‘way. munities gets of precious metal as souvenirs. eR SAGO Cia SE $23,261 for a Bull Calf $8,788 for 7-month-old Heifer A despatch from ee ec was bred ‘bil y James Dur mill, who obtained £2; 300. ees a bp ‘seven-month-old 1 Brutal German Murderer On List for Surrender A despatch Among those “itithe « pee ae ig ie ie: manded by the Lille court- -oariigl is a certain Major Evers, who at Catslat condemned five . British sol- justifica- coffins to the place of execution. wh! ithe present year. It is t of reconstruction. was ¢ s Soldiers Uncover Le FORTY MILLION DOLLAR TRADE WITH GREECE Only Ten Miilion Dollars of This Sum Financed Under Government Credit. ‘A despatch from London says:—Up to date Ganala has done some $40,- mn i8| Of this sum only $10,000,000 have been} financed under the Canadian aro ‘h) ment credit to that country, the reais ta ena xvinacbiecrcgoten basis. Our exports have rani from Phat to elders! housewives. 1 Ro ee credit i cally aaed i Only abot tall ee Hae daleet > woth: ot "teninese Tse been done under the Belgian credit. Under the French eredit.we have done are time clauses in these contracts orgs them at'the end of considered wedi the French credit will be So dia or the Belgian credit exhausted, ese countries appar-| r ently wish = do all their own work Tombs 2,500 Years Old ‘A despatch from Salonica says Military ieeaeations, trench tees » carried 01 e Greek parts of rought to light a ancient siserimet vases of geo- esign cuRieraner ct iron, icles, Sprvesesil Laken pomseasiony 3 by M. Pelekides, director. of antiqui- time in Mace- donia was identical with that in Greece. Sibir Uae oh Not the British, Habit to Insult Bleeding Foe A despatch Sa London sa: recent speech at Sheffield sLioyd ite? sales upon. the ga people it the-peade was a real peace. te is not the British habit,” he said, “to tag, harry, insult and ple a bleeding foe. _ So lon; lai lear chance to lead a decent, ee and honorable existence. in the in- terests not merely of Gactainy, ‘but of Great Britain and the whole world.” KRONSTADT SURREN FALL OF P Sener Yudenitch Continues. Vic ussian Capital—Reds DERS TO BRITISH ; ETROGRAD AT HAND s Victorious March,/ Nearing Refuse to Defend City. A despatch from London Kronstadt is reported to tate sur- the Russian NortKwestern Awmy, has captured Gatchina and is deve’ advancing toward Krasnoye Seto and Tsarskoye Selo, cighteen and ‘fifteen miles from Petrograd Reports from Reval ‘and be tie Bay “that Yudenitch is meeting. w! feeble resistance, although Gatching was strongly forti eports from aviators show that the few barricades! the road to Petrograd and treachag and entanglements outsi Cay anita) are not formidable. |, Jt is also announced that. the Bol-} piviid pacbvacceting -Pavogiaa dw? ing to a mutiny among the Red troops. | epor’ generally chronicle -successes for the anti- Boke | shevik forees!in. all sections of t country. fyi with. the excepiion af Mil tha Restan tainty. whete -vadiaicad | eotchak maintains that he is advanc- |ing along the whole of the lina, the, Reds Be putting up resistance. imber of rae i such as} to 25c; art of a great demonstation _ Profiteers or get o in London at which the slogan to the government was “Get after the were, there oii not be over five per cent. of the | inhabitants of the United States and probably an equally larga percentage of Canadians who are dependent upon public ity. Duril e past five years practically all commodity prices have risen steadily, yet vast sums in the aggregate are now being spent for goods that the purchasers could very Theproduction ‘of rogues the 1: of thous- and the use of capital and | sacnalee ‘that iat ts turned to bet- ing and distribu- i sae surely chet that such pucilees expenditures in- ae degree the trend of prices oa: ee No right- en nation or individ- ual desires to become a pauper, avoid such a fate thrift is a prime es- more imperative. At no other tine has prodigality been so much the rule, Tt may be only a reaction following the enforced frugality of the later war ye It may bs “pmmeers Ge Baa 8 CW, 7003 ex: ‘a No. i bon 80e;, No. 1 feed, 184se4 No. 2 feed, 79%¢, in store Fort Wi None) Mace Re Ls ean $4.7 ported hand” oe epee op nas, 17 to 18e. og iloney —Extracted Soe es Ste 0 25c; 10-1b, tins, 28% to 24e; 60-Ib fine 28 to 240; to 20¢; Comb, 16-07., § i is barley—No. 8 C faple products—Syrup, per imper- 4 20s rejected, uh ire Pe alee , $3.15; per® 2 mperial gal- i a, $1.1b%K. jlo 3.005 sugar, 2 nbs | American corn—No. 3 yellow, nbm-| Proviaio oleate inal; No. 4 yellow, nominal. |, Smo mneate-—Hervs) med., 43 to ario oats—No. 3 white, 84 to, us dor rele, 5 fo to 8c; ook 56 8 > reakfast sr Sees Mad aki tr arg teins rs i rein ds os Ges Packs, “plain, 46 t0 6 | st, eed $2 to $2.06; No. orate 0. 3 do., $1.93 to $1.95 a7 ‘2 | Ontario to $2,083 No. 2 Spring, $ me 3 pring, 95 sl Abs point: z-| ee rley—Malting, Big ta trelgits vows ickwheat—Nominal ard, $11, Toronto, Intario flour—Government _ stand- , Montreal, $9229 to $9.50; Toronto, to $9.80, in jute bags, promp Mil Hifesd—Car lots, delivered Mont- real frei ights, bags included. Bran, per shorts, per ton, $553. g00 feed tow per 1 per ton, $24 to $25; a -—Car lots, per ton, $10 to $11, ee ‘Toronto gcmairs Produce—Wholesale. —Daii airy, t tubs and rolls, 88 to 40 to 42c. Creamery, fres! Eges— Drege “polley—Spring 25 to 80c; roosters, 25¢; fowl, 20 25; ducklings, 25 to 80¢3 Aage 35 a 4 ing chickens, 22 Ps, 20¢; fowl, 18 to 25¢; ducklings, 206; turkey ey8, Bbe. Chee se New, 28% to 29¢; B8%e; triplets, 29% t6 80¢; Reilton: 82 to 38¢. But ed_poultry Spring chickens, to 35e; roosters, 28 to 25e; fowl, 3 bo Bee; turkeys, 56 t 9 5c; dickies, Mata def aciiab PIN altsy Sorin chicken 22 ta 26e; fowl, 23 to Doe; ducks, 22 to 250. Rye—Nominal. 1 feed Vanitoba br bers ne ey ‘stand- 0. mixed per ton, $18 to $21, track, To-| Boise, tter- 0c; ae ints, mae solids, 53% to 64; prints, 54 to 54iee, $10 do,--rougl chickens, e— jc. ‘ No. 1, 58 to 59c; selects, 61 |#8e; boneless, He Sates bas sina Sea Ito 33c; clear ‘Salten, 31 to 32c. 30. to 3 8 to Bates pails, 28% to 28%c; prints, 29% t ontreal Markeet, Montreal, Oct. 21. —Oats, extra No, eed, 91420; standard Live Stock Markets. Toronto, Oct. ae heavy teers, $12.75 to $13; good heavy steers, $12 to tchers? cattle, choice, $11.25 to $11.75; do, good, 0.50 to $11; do, med., $9.50 to $10 lo, com., $6.75 to $7.25; bulls, choice, to $10.50; do, med., $9.50 to $9.75; rough, $7.50 to $8; butcher cows, choice, $10 to $10.50; do, good, $9 to .25; do, med., $8. $9; do, com., 31 to $70 stockers, $7.00 to $10 3, $10" to $11.25; canners and heuteene $5 to. $6.25; milkers, good t Ree $110 ip $160; do, com, ad 0 $75; springers, $90 | $1005 iene ewes, $8 to $9.50; eae , $9 to $10 Wigs g lambs, Bet owt. sist calves, good to choice, i and watered, {$8 ee te, oo Boe ee reigned off cars, | b, do, do, 21. to $11; choice bulls and er ewt.; lambs, milk-fed calves, $12 to $15 bee ae select hogs, off cars, $17.50 to $18. Compel Mennonites to Obey School Law jespatch from Regina says:— muciGrent Wer Veterans Assorietion of Swift Current has passed a resolu- tion endorsing the.setlon of the Ses- Katchewan Department: of Education m cy. n the aecraioe on that cnt “te raleia ourselves to suy fullest degr eh the Depa cos ea Education in its Career educate all children in the Provi ae: as a. shld ae in the English ae esolution, after ti legislation of this Province.” Telling” Eplgress y Ti , Tiger of France ‘A despatch from Paris says:— Premier Clemenceau’s recent speech on the Pence teal contained two epigrams. (Sn eg up large families you may put into your treaties tho finest. sreeles you like, you will do in vain ~whatev France will te icc horgtveratath signee any more Frenchmen.” The second wa: “The future of “the German Empire | is not on water, oa it used to be, but j under the water.” 71 1916, when casualties in National Debt of Britain Nearly Eight Billion Pounds A despatch from London says:—In a recent speech Mr. Lloyd George urg- ed the imperative need of greater pro- ductivity on. the part of the nation. He pointed out that the national debt was nearly eight billion pounds. He said wages had doubled, = hours of work Se toe and the liv- ing was than. en but that that ptedand could not be preserved yy a concourse-of tribunals or the de- pen of labor conferences. SEARS al aS om King Shows Consideration For Needs of Transport espateh from Lordon says: Out of consideration for the special wont, a Sandringham, whither their Court has gone. ie ee ae Ze Darkest Day of the War. Official figures given out recently in London show that the darkest day of h | wounded numbered 170,000. i ne opening day of the first battle of) ie Somme, 1! cyclist. ‘| driven aeroplane actually flew, not to Stirling Castle, but a distance of thir- ‘to —Choice eae Some Early Attempts at Aviation. were naturally based upon the obse: been considered cricket.” In the notebooks of Leona: genius, are man be fitted to arms and legs than one disastrous atte: to fly with such devices. teenth centur; ling Castle to tried to do so. y¥ luck he only broke a leg. France, and a ;| tributed his failure to the fact that nt ‘ces,| had used for his wings the ert os fowis, which had an “affinity” for dun; does not appear, ‘© made a second trial with eagles’ feathers, which should fficulty. mghill. He a ce to have have solved the di attempt was made recently at Long- champs by a Poulain, teen yards. It is understood that prize of 10,000 francs awaits him d_ conditions. to ground, it is likely to be soi ing for a spin. It is rash to prophes; preliminaries to lonj driven machines. a pee Towns Visited in and 18th; ind 20th; Guelph -and Montreal, 27th to Navettber 2nd; 7 ronto, Noy. 2ndsto eee ie ae poaniaen Club, a ur’s stop wil side trips eer fae? the eastern town: ing Sherbrooke and St: Anne's, Nov. HR Sea ied Prince will visit Costs Four Times as Much A iaeia Kom Lootin enya inues to increase, and e' risen by 800 per cent. since 1914, the working classes being the greate: sufferers n the rye in the ear inion to the crop, lies on the land for any length of tim \considerable killing out results. vation of birds and demanded that the own artificial do da Vinei, the painter and universal y sketches of wings to and more pt was made os Thus at ee beginning of the six- an alchemis | promised to ty from the walls of Shir- ctually Naturally, he failed; 2 ov: feathers A more successful, if more modest professional a man: he shall repeat the feat under spect-| ‘As it requires a professional cyclist | y a few yards)one yard trom the ime Detore the air is full of mireyalists go: Ye ‘| but the general opinion is that while flights on man Balance of H H.R.H.’s Tour itinerary “of the Prince of mas. tour through Ontario was as it and Timmins, 16th; Hamil- Niagara Brantford, afternoon tratford, 21st; Woodstock and Chatham, 22nd; ondon, afternoon of 22nd r- noon of 28rd; Windsor, 23rd and 24th; alt, 24th; Kingston, 25th to 27th; Thence-to Ottaws, sotiowthe Pei ho aay at Boat Oct. 27, and ae f Montreal are being ips, Oct, 29, includ- To Furnish 2 a House Now|‘ lic outcry against the scandal of high Eee the cost of living in this ne manifest pa cae ae: Water from the ee snow lying ly spring is very Low spots in the field liable to ae water currency which war industries brought into being. generalresult is baneful and tends to: ward pauperism. If the discount on ian currency abroa All the earliest ideas of hunian flight | wiped out and the prices of necessaries T- | reduced, national and personal thrift is a precepte which must be put into practice. Se Lizards’ Eggs As Food. The water monitor affords One of the food standbys of the natives of India, ens’ eggs, according to a writer in The Scientific American. ‘The monitor is equipped with a long, rked tongue, extending from a sheath like a snake's. It is one of the largest of existing lizards, reaching a length of seven feet, although its near- est relative, the gigantic Australian m soft-shelled eggs in hollow trees, and in Burma these ae a much higher price than hen: The monitor often startles iL aatare bp crashing eine we jungle, mak- as large game. It ae trees te Saaagy birds, and their eggs. At other times it may be found digging along stream banks for the eggs of the crocodile, of which it {48 most fond r in running or ig | SWimming, it can leave its enemies far behind. im) erful strokes of its flattened tail, which acts as oars and rudder. ‘When aes ft fights with teeth, claws and eae Good hing. Ploughing matches in years gone by were common and resting events. They became less popular as two-furrow and power p! sible area regardless’ of how the wor! was performed. Efforts a1 ploughing. Junior Fai a and local matches were held fas any places this autumn ani terprovincist Ploughing s,| Tractor and Machinery Demonstration was held at Ottawa\on October 14th, 16th and 16th. Classes were open toy or sue men and mature plough- ucational event, tee e ftpanlate interest in bet- ter ploughing and better farming. 'o-| Good ploughing nearly always means should and can be paid to the quality ir-| as well as to the quantity of the work done. Ft Beek The Unpunctual Procession. ‘Marshal Foch, in common with near- 2. |v all great organizers, kes punctual y, and delivered an unpleasai ere, as a matter of ct, that provided the shock. The Tt townsfolk had arranged a brass band, flags, and a procession to meet him at had arrived eve: ast. a that—probably in recognition of its oaaneveees passenger—the train had actually me in on time, and’ 0 had not waited, and the dejected prosbalok straggl off to look forhim —- pal ea) *) Still 77,000 German Prisoners i in Britain hi ia be drained in the before! A despatch from London cove \ Seopa te up by running eno sas form| There are 77,000 German prisoner: war in England, Bopatsiation Tt was! hares for the water Teak the )low ey to some outlet, thatewill drain) bas been delayed owing to, lack of | transport, GET up THs |} t MINUTE - DO “y DON'T INTEND TO V LOCKED THE DOOR HEAR YOU: BOT? IT UP: THAT'S sds 1Y AND YOU'LL NOT GET BACK \ IN THAT ROOM: \ Saving isnot lways looked upon a8} | it : MODELLED AF TER S Canada has thriftiness been | sub rplus Clare their willingness to accept its Marshal Foch had alighted a quarter st He ‘LAR ENGLISH TOWNS. Canade’s Diamond Jubilee to be Celebrated in Worthy Manner. up of influential citizens of | Quebec city, including university pro- to the Mayor of stiches ask- the for Sosa to in; mn the ‘toed of the Co- partnership "rosa of Wngland with uilding a mode) garden to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Canadian Con- federation, July 1, 1927, committee wish to proceed un- cer the Federal Housing Act and de- provisions. They propose to pared ate iterests of better housing for wot ries people, with a limited dividend of 6 per cent., years’ period. Sante ply private ca) $226,000. (15 me ca of the esti mated cost) and ask assuratice fio the city of Quebec that a loan will. ba estimated cost), The committee esti _ e cost of the project at ap: proximately $1,500,000, The allocation to the province of Quebec under the Federal grant is $7,000,000, An Interesting Project. memorial includes a plan of a “confederation garden village” with all streets and ards converging “Canada” with provision. for “places” named after the mihaipal'c ities of the Dominion, such as “Toronto Place,” A special “Uistriet is set asic for manufacturing purpos as to pre- vent. the familiar ener is intended as a guide in the develop. ment of the projec! al rent, of the houses will fixed r cent. of tl cost of the house nh lot and of rents ‘A deter- houses for families of small incomes, though there is no intention of segre- gating any one ainsi of residents ‘The project has qualities of ideak no ism, but such projects are longer “castles in air.” They have been built on solid ground in other coun,” logy an bi tion for the multitude of social evils attendant upon the uncontrolled de © velopment of cities. tae EE ir? Slot Machines 200 B.C. Automatic machines were first used in Dgypt, and in the old temples of the Bast devices were employes matically dispensing the purifying water. A small coin (five drachmae) had to be dropped into a slot to set the mechanism in motion and secure pas quantity of water, Heron, who lived two hund: ne before the Christian era, had @ achine of this kind constructed for his own personal u ae ‘ thi taken out in Great Britain and fors countries, ‘i costs a newly-married coup! ‘y en eeee oem) the station and give him a rousing about four times as much to furnish a z house as their parents had to pay.| Welcome, and they arranged to reach The Shah of Persia. Hose ae eae preecine Act and pai] the station, not at the time the train |~ Cs p was due, time {t actually correct title is “Shahe. Kin; cm first Shah to visit urope tts Nass, ap deen Khan, wno made a to of Russia, France, Italy, and Dogland \ in 1872: ch made much of when ho came to London, Thy sent Shah will visit Britain near future, © pres in the nn or Record Catch on Skeena. mn the Skeena River, which ent the Pacifico just below the city Prince Rupert, the salmon run is thi greatest in the history of the fisheries, For some days the w take of fish on tho Skenna ran M hae mate at 000 to 150,000, abor 7 eyenly i between the sd ie ana the ms ck, xd The ¢anne me Pete old iy é pee Nad sama ietoult ee pala ce Ay Lae ea ey ne ee that Es ‘a essarily su at é a Sine Women Waking Up, » an ‘vas: Wager ‘which ce