Aladdin Lamps MANTELS and WICKS For Sale by _ NEUMEISTER Milverton, A new FOR SALE rubber tired buggy, a steel tired buggy and a corn binder for te at a bargain. _ MILVERTON GARAGE Proprietor Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, Sept. 4, 1919 We Invite Far- mers’ Accounts Our service to farmers is as com- lete as 87 years of growth and know- led ledge of F Canada’ agricultural con- dition can make it. “We collect or discount sale notes, iT Items of Local Interest. Mr. and Mrs. W. th motored to Toronto Ise week ares they spent pasta and Wilmot Noll Bundsho, of Kitchener, Spait the holi- ry ur man eee for ‘your tinsaith work, jumbing and ama say EX) ens, Rev. . Paddon-an ily ar- rived home on Friday after spending a gi , 18 at Deeeoe spending several ‘ing acquaintances Mr, Mrs. James Hamilton and family wave seturnad, Bret er spending | iy} Mr, Laval Hayes spent the week-} end with friends at Belleville. Jo itevens anton Labor | Li in were holiday ‘visitors at weet F Forest this. WMaster Willie Schneuker, of Strat- ford, spent the holiday at his homie in ae village. Jo! i Schoenhals, of Clinton; ent the week-end at Mr. Conrad ehactere haa: Suddeevond ard dauelele om “Edith and Jean, spent the week- ding give ‘us your glass list, our price will interest | a mens, oad iss and fam. ily, ot Walkerion, Feat the holiday No coal oil delivered after seven “clock “Saturday ‘evening —W.. K Store’ clobed every evening ofeloek except, Saturday when ie wil close at 10 o'cloe OW. K Mrs. oe Sone and family spent a few days last week wad friends at Mildmay and Neu- and Mrs, George Kelly and son, cant "of Stratford; spent several days f Mr. Jas. W. Schmidt this week, par. 1s, Fred Williains return. d to these Hone in as = ams. a week with their aaaeee uis Boyle. Mrs. Louis Boyle and da aaa Dorathy,: ace leaving on Thursday to spend a week "with Messrs. Israel Wilhelm and Pete Schneider attended the Toronto ex- ibition, Ballingal returned on Mon- aay vatter spending several days in oxo} Mr, Gordon Connell, of Eden Groye spent the weekend “with friends in Milverton and. Mor vir, Valentitie. Chae Monday for Guelph with a yi plication for vocatio: ining. Y¥ Mr. Elmer- srt ae has dispos- ed of his farm to ost, of john, Y Wellesley Tp, for the sum of $7300, t osamond eft on ay. for his home in Alm ide fibaade mending a svaek witha Parents. Mrs. Malcolm MacBeth ane family returned on ay eve- riends in Buffalo ning froma trip through the ‘thous: cash produce cheques—by mail when ask mi scien oh home jie the Prince of Wales is] "Fal ines SM eoTme RIG Re ee - desiredSane take cavances toc fe Ai blackemith “accounts must_be | Known a ‘The empire may|will have on her ‘show A meeting will be held by the G.W. died be Ontabar iat otherwise they |¥et have a King Dayid, son Sat mber of | in Zimmerman’s hall at 8 o'clock sponsible farmers. eee yo edhe te ris wit wet a dae it he tailored hats of early fall style. ‘on Sat turday next, Sept. 6th, All sol- é a be minced te ee ich:, is spending a r. James Turnbull and son, Frank diers welcome. a: 18, Rev. returned to Vancouver, B.C., 0} Miss Clarabel Webster, of Strat- vi bk “re Sates. Seen Se. seapestank ete oa ph are Sits Mabel Miter, of Dobroi, 5 spent day after spending “a mcuth with ioteg site duis as teach.) . afew with her auni riends in Mornington and Stratford. | er line ornington Oe in eee and tinsmiths and will be able to give |S ineider and Mrs. Israel Wilhelm Teng of sch Tuesday. ee é e bey errs ee erotik Begin: thet iss Marie Wingefelder, of Strat- | tro’ i a of Morning-|, —THE 3 ee acct AG. Clemens ‘ford, spent a few days week ‘Vis- | lay i Cantal accident one : ao Mecsra Wall, Grosch, A. G. Olem:| itin her fen Mis Gertie Pauli. | iting ; we 1 and Bank of Nova Scotia » Groach, A.C, Clem: | 0, “and Mis, ‘Wm, and Mr," Mr. Wi ust received | wrenehed her arm in such a manner eee ae tha. eee ae Rie Davi earn let oy Tees tear oe oe class hardwood from 12/as to be unable to us ~ eS day to spend a few days at the Tor-|to 15 inches in length. If you re: Charles Stewart, ex-reove of Ash- 1H. Lewis SDEMnE Oe Mesreiodelled Wate RH OTE ota Bel aire a supply leave your order at field, has a giant steer which he is Paldsup Capital - = $ 9.09000 sat distribution station at Mrs. Le Kleinstiver, Mr. Loufe once x % SY ab Beast akowing at. Toronto and TO en Milverton Beanch Stratford ‘last’ Friday afternoon and nd Mrs, Will Zimmerman was on | Loudon. exhibitions, It is a eRe superna cys A Momancand enn, WG Kleinstiver of Das i srood, were tisk | iadiay evening of last week elven” a Dur am, 4 years, old, and saeares Wo" ahs vine e pS fi ft ‘oll’s on Monday. ower previous to her |nine Rake een ly, and weighs cent inter-village game: did A. Merriam, of A aisevorthy for-|, Farrier Wm, Richardson and vite] marriage on Wednesday to Mr. J. H. {80000 pounds. es the pubs | ihe ayaa ths oa amily asrived at Milverton from ¢ Provincial grant to =| ts eS raiee ire ticeat of i cuban of /overseas on Thursday of last we Miss Lena Schinidt, of the West: |lie library has just been received and | Rares fuek Mies fruit trees for the best bushel of|,,Mz. and Mrs, L, Neller, of Lansing, |ern Hospital, mito, is spending a |amounts to the han m of| ‘The semi-final and final games for Blenheim of Northern Spy Apnles to Mich. spent. ‘Thursday, jlast at the | couple of weeks visiting friends at| $116.86. ‘This grant is based a: Bogipntrontiy wee d off on mors, is again on the Morn. |home of Mr. 4nd Mrs eae before leaving to resume |the number of books and magazines Thursday and Friday ee eee Ee bende a Mrs. Joe Gatcke and Miss Mary| At a largely seats sbouicobrser sou OF tats Castanea "Barra rink Ly rated meeting of | represents about 50-per cent..of their |rinks entered th , Barr’s rinl epethecout for the aétoplane on |x hmmidt returned home after spending {tl the, North \ Waterloo U.F.0. Mr. Gavin | ropes rew the bye and Tye defeated Zim- ; arncot ahd vil ikely’ be closed dur 8 Week with friends at Galt, Preston | Barbour. inent Oo ae ES convention of the United Far-|merman byascoreof 18-12, On Friday 95 ee ext teow days. The enlarg.| and. Hespel Grosshill, ss Piendel Mis Yrll be held, in, Zimmerman's after arr’s and ‘Tye’s rinks play~ “3 Be grounds thake ee wible: Miss B. Lilian Morley left on Fri-|tion for the Ontario Legislature. in \hall, Milverton, on Monday, Sept, 8 score standing 19-13 in J G HAMILTON + foemetiitie splendid trophy | day for Toronto and will commence Haricus eel ani | favorably known | at 2 pa. ca time). Ladies pa tee favor of thet former. On Friday ev- ° ° offered. oe the Mornington Fair ee saenes a ee gy 3 tl ped orente issue it ani riding te would | (eae ated : Bat * eS xe > | nin} ‘oyle eee tat 3 win- 7 public schoo] stat ‘is ek, < jake a capable representati | president 0: e consisting of the followi Sole¥Agent for Pia Bele af More Sone toe the net aH was reported at} Sunday last was ian e | operative Association, cil Ritroes the r Jolie eis, C, wolee Toit Owen Slenine: last vo Stratford early on ‘Wounaeiny, after. Mission Sunday in the Milverton and | meeting, and Faeap Kelterborn, and the run- D. L. @ Ww. PORTLAND Vithe remelar mecting of the Massie | noon of last wee was |Ellice Lutheran churches. Rev. Mr. John A. Chalmers, of Morning-|ner-up rink consisted ‘as follows: P, SCRANTON CEMENT Chapter 10. Brunner, will be | quite cool with a few light showers ner, of Baden, preached ae mor-| ton, ols the record in this distri 1. Tye, W. D. Weir, P. H. Bastendortt * Willi eneral Louis Botha, Premier an service and Rev. A. Blun x aeroplane flying, havin; anh arter to a diner at the Gran papa inkoht oa ST MARYS 8 [hela at, the nome otae ents Gin | Minister of Agriculture of the Union |of Philadelphia, son of Rev. A. zl fient at the ‘Toronto exhibition, His |Contal Hotel, ? . ANTHRICITE = SN FAll ladies ane condially suvited. to at- Africa, died suddenly on| preached Tigh Gt Milverton: {pilot King offered to loop the loop with er $3 Ye | te ind: as last at Pretoria from ane ee nae nt pene j him but as John hi a. prensings ents 2 fe. “ re ilverton and oy: 52 i ness on. terré kindly bu y re ad es, W s seg Seen Me. and Mrs, Wm. Holmes, Miss) Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mank and sons|ftmly declined the invitation, Continuation School i of their daughter, Vera Hllen, to| 48m Sones Pet Be epeteh Hol |Torne and Arthun-of Waterloo, spent} 2 0 rine th We es Oe 0 TABLISHED 1672 Mestames 82 Cowsn, of the tas they attended the reception given to |uabOX Day with Mx, and Mrs. Ernest) (or Ot) and from but one Of pened ship of Elma, The marriage to take osiier jHlenning. They ere accompanied | (eu VID) and from but one Pee AP Mllller of Linwood, has| pate, A.F. Clark has purchased Mr.!Nenning, and Miss Mary Mank, who | descended from all of the British| yuesaay wag a ped letler dat been successful in winning 1st prize eo Socks House om Baeibe: Avenue, | eM spending a few weeks with |Sovereigns of the House of Hanover) io hiton of eduction a date 2 on his hackney mare, Brookield Prin- We understand that Mx, Koch wil her cousins, Misses “Bsther and Elsie | except George e princess! | ne Suny Of ea , dhas ctu aihile bee a rk To. | move to Strains kite he has pur- Ae reat grandmother, Queen Victoria, tiarking ag {t-did the opening of the in shi ronto exhibition, in a class of 12 en-| chased a dwellin id Mrs, John Gook, of Lisbon, (#3. yihe last of the Hanoverian line. rer nad ‘continuate 4 OW that the grain shipments pieet eevee, oH cineaiod 18 afte) Stns Village ee Watford with an Re ee aoe Soa eum Se . Ne Ja, {have had continuation classes but th have “diated: Sher: and a mate, as pa: assessment. of and a pres-|and’ Katie, and Mz, Allan Yous, of Spee gate ta ear ene School had never reached the status ‘of transactions to be The Ptefer Milling Company are | ent indebtedness of S108 0-has Dass. | Finewood, Mr, and Mrs. Aaron @ Conference of Evangelical As: of 8 contnation seuccy aaa ta ain offering 50 he of; flour tor| cap bylaw, for, $02,000.01 = alk pio ch anne te kad somata ‘which will conve ene at Cel the map tiucatloneliy cue albert t 0: Le le # John ates oo daughters, Mabel} ° tah 0] stem, 1 Sy | preael 0 blish such a schog! of ee bread | PhSetolowiae: tenstera nd Mr. ond | esadiy-creninge Bad Becoraingiy Foe anea Gaaeae : 4 eir respective schools last w re i mm. sion tment 5 Mougineton Fair, These competitions | Miss L. Morley tov ‘Miss Ada | "ae, avent Sanday with Mr, and) Poms tessice at the concluston of the |°f Education to proceed and. the san- MEAD oFrice OEE are always keenly con’ |McMane to Welland, Miss Mina Hart-| |preaching service. ‘The Sacrament of |“#on of the public school inspector HAMILTON he. Ban| Hamilton E sean | ier to Morriston, ‘and Miss Louise) jhe Lord's Supper will be dispensed | ‘is obtained for making the necesary 5 ile ler ESS od oe Bri of fon “Sunday Nes Be next pantie fae Continuation r. and Mrs, George Crawford, 0: ti d de rise, ne wenane's tow Bowling Tournament) [pot he 6 scence re hoe | School Inspector Mills, Mr, R. HL Cate a f ds ¢ x net 7 ka 4 ntario, after nearly a D ie ry secured as wvford Yecently disposed of | Poors ton titenient eis ae ott Ue pane aS Bain. BAN K OF HAMILTO N # ge business shevesbaa" Tiny 1-1 6, Pug Bowing ee Tobenmiedt pees on ay hak oepeate, Petey ine lvinaton aay 1, that. tries at the coming exhibi cate in roid jgvening, t 25th, and was met at vant eg cl MILVERTON BRANGH-_N, CG. Schafer, Manager The advent of the auto truck as a AThe late Andrew Camegie hs has 5 it took Secs cee en Dune | the Shakespeare station by numerous |the high schools of Elgin Co Coe ae . G. Schafer, 6 means of transportation. is. steadily | in Bie ral f heamest oF 10.000 an chat sent rinks were Btetts rd St | im eee oes nengrage tito. oie which augurs well for the Milverton eat importation Pete ee at Britain, for the great part | Marys oe “Tine xa ee ee |wwore also at the station to greet |School. He will be. ably assisted in ek by the Pfeffer Milling Com eta ed in gaving Europe and Am-| ord afi “pep nt their daddy and the welcome and thee eet ‘by Migs Plorence Meldrum, cone ion, standin x bi: “the we by dounds. union was certainly rendi . Gu Bhs wn he ee Lenn “3 ma the i bees . ng. = and joyful occasion. Pratistoek Gaz. Ratebepeean Speed faa tage 8 fa eat -Month FIRST ROUND ette. } r retur mie at | ees aS jand the singing of the National An. c rh a o-day | Fort. Sask ree anes. . | Mitchell Milvertoi niéying od of umexampled pros Kelterborn. and children “will remain uy eis Wm. Zimmerman 17| PERTH CHEESE AT TORONTO Boerige Some flex his may be} here for another month or two. Stratford EXHIBITION Ridin and Walkin Plows ! Glcaned trom. the fact dat bt | “oie, HH. B. Morphy MP, Shes kind | o Bhckovell Tubman 6 ae for Iny. ofiee applion, weatee thay on tly: wee een aA | Milverton Atwood | 2erth cheese was high up saat jbo Se a recent trip he sold 1,700. Discharge | P gton. this | Swing 12) this ‘oronto exhibition cagerk ist of $5. in gol wing és of the judging We carry a eaaciels stock of pe Mortgage Foci ee ae the host farm team and $5 in gold | | Milverton New Hamburg eBection 6, August witter dt, x a Li Ri di 9 Wh 1 the s ars. he best day her a Pack ue . Zimmerman eee iad 1D nnolly, Straffordville; 2, HJ. op ie Jeorge Schmidt, of Kingwood, | St. tchell | Tavistock; 3, 4 j Hamilton and Oliver Riding ee M ee a present bushy engased with hs |1 ne Tee nally Lataans na fa ‘ ar n-| tractor doing the plowing for} Li Diamond 6, G E Plows cl inva class of 3; ise Mess, Mose eee ae oer Bohne ‘a 3 W. Ty Oliver, Avwood with dt as prnetpal with . s | mer is reported to be A-1. l 29, v1 i ee ee Be le ie hme ateemna a tSceme sic ltagerel ©. Ranaork aces wn eat pare watt 5 * - : i ead oi Y doing wou e al- a | ection 8, e) ul Free Trial given with each Plow. Bapeeow oe Barred Hoel ATH bh pat ae ihpossible for horses to do. | Chatsworth Stratford ae Finney Ellacott and no *aoube the sehool vil the poultry map and wherever loca nd Mrs. Fred Wiederhold BoMer Pe aap tag ies Tans aitaicied outer tos prtatipalse Have for sale the following second-hand PRUGIee: Boliney. wit fend slight Ne err SECOND ROUND tale ont 8 fy Calder, lof Mr, Burnett. hh Bisa ee a eeve Grosch and Councillors Reh- pflug. anc a. ayelny motree f oods : berg and ae rman. accompanied by |t0 New “Hanan oh Sunday atter- | aiivert Stratford Section te ge eae a ee Ge eae / j és A art, C. ‘onderich, | noon wi ¢ intention of making . ne fiamond; 3, 0. Deering Corn Binder. :; 2 good steel tire top Me ‘MacBeth'and J” C. Grosch mo of. | the: und trip. at one. ‘They, how. Sica en ee fasta istowel; 4, HJ eb HAIL, PRINCE OF WALES to Waterloo and itehener on) ever, called at the er r. an . tT. liver; 6, Joe elton; 1 che Iternuonal pore is per in Wednesday” last to 1k over the wa-| Mrs. James Peereste a, wis woul i. een pee We a Scheer , Geo. Empey; 9, L, H. Toronto Globe - terworks systems of these two towns | not permit them to leave. ey spent |New Hamburg wood chneider, ee Pr 8 8 witha view. to getting information | a most, enjoyable. afternoon 8 Debus ‘Swing i oukett H Tune colored, W, Hall, soldier Prince! We welcome thee whieh might be valuable for the rate- ‘e wish to draw the attention of | Mitchell Milverton | Oliver; 2, onnolly, Straffor: DETER Saracen payers of Milverton, | our readers to the advertisement Elliot 18 vile; 8, ¢. 5. Pie or at see Peg hove and aly of the royal 2 . ., has _again|the Wilmot Agricultural Society on| St. M 5, ‘ ; N. A. Zimmerman generoualy donated 610 in specials at the last pas of this issue. The so- | Whaley JW. Moga tt | Rover Trove ; | Welcome Wwe bid thee with a buoyant . . the Mornington Fair. $5 to be divid-| ciety is one of the few that has made | ictowel Mitchell Of loyal hearts thou seest the out- ; ed for the best collection of House-| progress during war. time." ‘Uheir | Listowel Sees NeDonald, Shan ward ‘stgtt : DeLaval Cream Sep- Implement Dealer Brockville and Me- hold baking and $5 for the best col-| grants and donati ve increased |~, Bochmer awyer 1 ection 8, Taney jon- Sher } arators, Fleury Plows Laughlin Buggies lection of Ladies’ Fancy Work, open bles $250.00 in 1912 to nearly $1300 | Listowel Chatsworth | nelly; 2, W. T. Oliver, Nana o may thou oe i tp ladies residing in the riding of | this year. ‘They are offering $200.00) 8 Walters Merriam 12) 4, 8. E. Diam ates Re: ‘rade, ove pation? 1 only. i intended to give | ;. ri fe Istein a shorths Stratford Tavi k | &, Joe Skel i, . : sou preve tt these nation cattle. Many attractions for Thurs-|8 Down Tinimeearen eee smithneids fy B- Gate, Bagi etait cera ni 2! si rove interesting competition, . $$ Pp ig: Comper day “hou Sept. 11th and Sept. THIRD ROUND Section.7, Stilltons—1, C. J. Don-|Deep lig our treasures—like our Tove m Experimental Farm | 12th draw’ record breaking Bit en PES pe eee england, beled) abet gS co | Rama Ree ya a ie Teastrone tian seem ie ae ee Atwood Stratford |delly 4,'G. Bain, Lakeside; 5, Geo, Sunny” ou “our skies—-be thine forever RTE Gustph Herata pad tran conneciions tig exit Sat bigwest and best ft held Miyeron pone 3) eatin sane eelaee et te a aaa On Thursda: babe of Jast week in arriving but was the object o! i . | Milverton WOO! wing) rk, Me ae ‘she ean 4 f Boyd sarc mee} diftortive:: Monday,” Sept: ‘Int; Biastprear tateraresduring thectieee tie l erg cars the directors have Teg tls : Blackwell 10 | Donnelly 2, won on flavor, Dr. J. A. bran a pad? Matas at the home eee of | press rates pevorhowant Canada will} on display. This year it is hoped to|those wishing to atten is year ace ‘Hambore ilverton | Gales 5, &. B. Diamond; 6 H.W. Weleoma from wastes of Flanders Crosshill, whey for’ the thirty | Be increased by all the Express Com: /have it in position for the first eve-|they believe they have. accomplished |’7 Debi W. Zimmerman 17 | Seghavers i, es Roch 8, M. Calder mud and go years, an dhe chotr i the song paniee under a recent; order of the/ning of the fair so that all will have/this by providing about double the | Mily. pe Mitchell | Stratford; 9, Geo. God Blas Shes rely, May thy days é service, dh tok- 8 ard of Railway Commissioners. |time of ing 0 its many inter- ordinary bret: having rented the|9 F, Zimmerman Elliot 15|” ‘The ju a Syere EL Empey. Belle. be peaceful! ven of thelr Deets "of his vag everal new eee 4 ie e. by orn ents hall above E. H. Gropp’s garage, Do Strxtford ratford | ville; J. Bristow, St. ‘Thomas and W.| We pledge thee homage, now and rvices to the congr mn eS, HAVE Sue: been “AVEO Reel the increasing inter-| not miss this treat. Amongst others} 97 jo¥q C. Down-10 Gray, Stratford. er more, ea doe Ward read the ad rae Gevl hare no. dsivery, or pickup est ay school children’s exhibits, the |Dunean R. Cowan and Miss Margrie | & zh pe a! ae ‘wate! ir. a e a irectors of the Mornin; ‘air have | Mun: ent iners, par cellence, . Marys " . Wand the presentation was mad | service fete ee bythe S83) added 60 ribbons in sition to reg-| will be present. Plan may be seen-at|9 Whaley Walters ‘14 Milverton) Ont. a Bi nie " /compantes of fe fbensih Rate Iba. of nt S| alae cash 3) an encouragement /S.'Petrie’s Drug Store in’the eourse Mitchell Siac anvistock vee addréss nad reference to Mr. children througho: is_ district | of a fe YS. wyer jimmerman ——- “Barbour great services to the church top racial ai under present to compete. Five awards will be giv-| Depletion of Walrus, whale and| Listowel nateworth (NOTICE TO PEARL os MEARE hate . te po 100m |S apie ty wane ita Mains ep" pn) CREAMERY PATRONS ! cor une vb hoo! as rate per ‘inection 0} s i effort will be made to still further FINAL ROUND ullng elder of te arch tw all of Guelph to— old new | Fopmiarize this branch. i Sere ar ee eee ax aust ghar wedding tok glace ae) - ” - -atfor ‘avistocl gil ge ii ad Pigg fo the] maton “201258 100 whe Cote Ferme! Rae or 10 Tubman Zimmerman 11 Milverton, Aug, 27th, 1919. <9 morning, aaa rd, ‘when te. : ry 1 farm horses is again on the program Milverton Stratfo: Having sold the Pearl Creamery | local nae oP tes * 150 2:40 the Morni ee is race 11 W. Zimmerman Down 12/to Mr, Alex. F. Clark, al cream cans Eee See sta in f meerere by Ren * : 395 4.20 is proved popular in pa it years and has} Atwood \ Chatsworth. belo ne to the Pearl Creamer: L. Nichol: Gertrude ~ + 8.25 4.90 il be followed. with con- 5 Swing soe» Merriam 7 | must ned within ten days, vinvipnen via ie of Mr, 475° «6.75 tnd interes t the comi: ie By : Milverton ‘Atwood | APY song e after that date will be/and Mrs. Ar in, of ga hE een i caved ‘ charged for at $8.00 each. ‘ilverton. The bride Be {9195 12:85; |Special requess a. runnt niga navy blue serge travelling suit $10, same as last year, appears in te | Hr zhsinteua of Tavistock, wo: N. D. SCHA’ with picture ha After the re hich luncheon was| Thi rate heretofore grant-| regular prize list. entry fee fro Ist, Prize; Ww. Tubman, 0 ar Stratford, Miverton, © Ont. mony the bridal Fy ple left. by _ swerved the evening spent in ajed on cpt or £a0 Ibs. or over|members for this ipertal face is Te- d, Chas. Down, of Stratford, for a trip to Hamilton and toronto. y social: manner. has also been quired. an St. Catherines and Niagara ee eh eS. Paes a