GOVERNMENT BOARD PAYIN TO SELL WHEAT, G CASH TO FARMERS ee tevalling: World Prices to o be Paid at D Paid at ce Pro- ~ hibited—Speedy Moveme Channels of Transp nt of ae A despatch from Otiay The Government has finally pol b ed its veley in regard to this year's wheat crop. ‘he main features of |? A cash payment on account: to be made to the farmer at the time he sells his wheat. ( wheat crop cf Canada to ‘be sold by the Board at the preyailing| m: ee s atiees to the original sellers of i. fiat ea eaten @ {on account the wheat in proportion to, grade and qual ‘o Xe speculating on exchanges or andlers to be allowed io aes of the wheat crop of 189 ier disadvantage of either produ4r e consumer. (6) ae direct and. immediate ye sale by the farm speed, seapatiade at tha cat site thenuaial channels of transport. The esacnas of the Board will be rely, as also will jade 0 the tarass oe the time chsthe Selb gt his when Markets of the World ee ee —Manitoba wheat Toronto, Ai arnt ee et 6. —No. 1 Remese Northern, $2.21%; No. an $2.17%4 5 Me 4 wheat, $2. ite mane pee i Fort Williai Manitoba, dats—No, 2 OW, 92%c; No. 3 Shue eae ‘ee No.'1 feed, 89%c; 5; No. 2 feed, Be, a ats Fort Wil tia anitoba barley—No. 3 cw, yellow, nom: nal; No, 4 yellow, nominal. txria.oats—No, 3 white, 02 to 950, heoriise to freights outsi wheat— wl 1, nd 3 Spring, 1 minal. yaaa, ay 81 to $1.35, ac- cording to feights outside. lost: ominal fanitoba flour—-Government stand- $11, Toronto. four. —Government stand- Mon- 0.25 to $10. 50, in jute bags, Toronto, prompt shipment. tocar ema ee delivered Mon- ne al freights, ba Juded, ‘bran, er ton, $42 to $45; 3s, per ton, 44 to Lt god teed ried per bag, $3.25 1 Hay oN. per ton, $22 to $24 mixed, per eS $10 to $19, track, To- "Str Car lots, per ton, $10 to $11, track, Toren to. sgenk Produce—Wholebale. Butter—Dairy, gan and rolls, 36 to $8; set 88'to 40c. Creamery, resh made solids, 50 to 50%e; prints, fi’ ear to Are, poultry--Spring. chickens, 0c; roosters, 25e; fowl, B0 to B2e; ngs, ess turkeys, 35 to Ade? 6 Spring chickens, 40c; : fowl, 26 to 300; ‘duck- Tings, 80c; turkeys, 30c. Wholesalers are ‘sellin the re- tall trade at e, following prices: large, 28 to 29 to oNaes tsiplets, 29 to 80c; Stilton, 29 to Butter—Fresh inc choice, 46 to 6 4G; creamery prints, 66 ¢ argarin ‘No. 1 ie BA to 55e; selects; 58 ssed_poultry—Spring chickens, | ® 60 to Soe; Fosters, 28 to 80 37 wl, 0 off’ cars, $24; others, $2 ——s—_—_—— do, rough, $8 to $8.25; butchers’ cows, sae $10 to $10.50; a a do, 10, yea 0 $12,505 spring lambs, G; ealves, ‘good to thoi, $16. 50. iy $17.50; he ae he ed, $24: 25 $24. 30; 4 $24.75; ta; “fe 0. ie sy 5—Best butchers’ 3.505 grades, . Best ood quality, $5.50 t m to $5. TASS alae milk-fed, $15 to $17. Sheep, $8; lambs, Choice sSlected hogs ae SALVAGE WORK DANGEROUS. Crews Face Death in Many Ways Try- ing to Save Ships. crews face death in many es ‘a vessels sunk Ger Salvage ways trying e in the war hi most 1 Fate incidents of per eoreise. was that of a navy comma who eut away ae nose of a tive Suet) lo that hed become jammed inthe deck of a destroyer. So dangerous was t tusk that the iss authorities towel the destroyer thre ths salvage work very Paes and become very prot able. Submersible lifting see never before thought of, have bee: vised and put into successful opera- tiga: Dangers from gases due to de eaying grain cargoet inated by scientific research. ne ate have been er ealle im- detail and the andard hatch to oles in hulls has reached the Tae ae where it is now merely a part of the day’s work of the salvage man. water is now only a eearenetos of the st: r hy ee EMBARK “AT PORTSMOUTH ‘ ON. T! HE RENOWN ON AUG. 5 patch trom London says:— A des The Admiralty has issved the pro- ships gam of his Majes Renown, Dragon and Dauntless for the the Diadacct Wale to Nowtoondla = Canada. The Prince will embark sia oe pr omen ines aN rei Bth, and transfer at sea to the Dr 4 cklings, Saabs, rc $7; geese, Spring chickens, 45¢; 7s Coin Heo ad riche bus., es, 0 to + Im-' $4.50 ; 10-02, $3. 30 aplo produ ts—Syrun, per imper- ial gallon, $2.45 to, $2.00; per 5 allons, $2.35 to $2.40; sugar, Ib, 27. Provisions—Wholesale. ggimoked meats, Hams, med 0» ates ade 0 420; te. 0 36¢; Brena | bacon, #49" to boey backs, Bic; boneless, 66 to 88e; dear bellies, 83 to Cure: Lone, clear, bacon, 92 to Be, cg bellies, Bt to ar pound tierces, to 32¢; tubs, 82 to 32 sae} pails, 82% to 32%c; prints, 33 to 334%c. Montreal Markets. ;—Oats, extra No. Butter, Ghitee,) tiieat, eanterie, 166. icest creamery, Yee. 2 to Ode; selected, De; d publi. Dae 44, on arrival in Canad will re-smrk Char! lotteto o1 | dis aiolias king at Queb there on August 21st. to Canada the Prince ‘y ater cri ¢ a aes vill | oer upy pene apartments en the Benown p’ fisually alletted ta the mine he ARLY IN SEPTEMBER psheigton ita veskal ior ee Sa ee wish, is not to bo on the usuall paniiament will be called. in a‘? pro- Piealises|oagsocinter State! bability, early in Sentember. |voyages. ‘The ship wil, in fact, be ursday, September suggest- little altered, | | GERMAN STATE TRIBUNAL ay TO PASS UPON KAISER’S GUILT 8 | A despatch from Berlin says: state. tribubal ig to enquire into and fix the asi ty 1 fo; the war. [will be com | Court of the © ey wh j will be Chairman. He w 2 y the president of the Mititary Court e Pr t High Courts ition, terteaastatec od i elect Hed, five by the Nai tonal esetibs y by a commit: mt Staces. Th The tribunal will ed to pranounes upon the: ques- tion of silts not impose p: ishra LONDON CH CHEERS GREATEST AIRSHIP. A despatch from. London The giant British dirigible R34, ahich Eggs, fresh, No. 1 stock, 52c¢; No. 2’stock, tatoes, per bagy ¢: 8, $2.50 to S Dressed hogs, abattoir killed, $32 to $32.50, ‘d, pure, wood pails, 20 Ibs, net, 38%. Live Stock ape Anes oe Lead psa Baty to Gis) 50, burdens” bees choice, » i 2.75. to. $13.25; do, good, gio 9 $12; do, ven ei ao landed at Pulham, Nartales on July} tain person talked over the wire ae itn making the mn The man at one end had becom goat le fiight, left aba for East thoroughly exasperated, and asked his rtune, Scotland, the point from! friend if he were losing his hearing. Behe it started for the United States, | ie “cutting of steel plates under | ©! ‘agon Hal © in LASTING WEMORIAT ay: INDIFFERENCE and NEGLECT? = we holding BACK our patronag e? If so, : Fromthe Sunset Coast Are we piling on the back of our Com- we are adding to the «| PEACE EFFECTIVE ABOUT AUG. 20 Treaty Requires France’s Signa- ture to Make be Necessary Thi A despatch from rics says: is expected in French circles that the will then he a Sie) or four-day dis- cussion in A eal that aie French would ay consider the treaty until He oe States had acted, came M. Franklin-Bouillon and He pce ents rel ene ceaul, pe are considered to hav ical sons oli for pe, But it is ee getatally believed that M. Clemenceau will be able to aye about a speedy consideration. | d to have a copy| of ae treaty Emperor's ratification is ele at | an early. ore French official of |t from It at the treaty ‘will “be-|- Doing Trade Wh ings for trade in which eae ore Openii sas re SEROUS Se being and times in penpae race gn Bropes n erniies: The Canadia de Commission quotes the a ae interesting facts eport oe oe British Econo- erbia Ges Serbia. is ae This may 51 rani fact that, soar Pieseatie! from piesa for the rin} he explanation is simple. The people in the country during enemy occupation seen) site or nothing on luxuries and while were receiving high sae “for thelt g60ds and. prod ‘They have sold pnt Het “Doubt, and asp ow tn &-ghaltion $b gely. iy lary Payment in a form sorsbiable Fy the | and manufacturers would be a difficulty, and much benefit would follow the es- nt of otal British bank. It is the intention of the Government to withdraw at an early date enemy the New Serbia paper money from cre Rh ion, and to aoa it with State p oni ingdom o} Se ae (Jugo-Slavia). money ‘will be in dinars and be under crowns, ern value of Austrian. crowns now in circulation in the new egard to a central ex- of Old Serbia is The ut four millions, and of Jugo-Slavia | ct population backward coun: eat possibilities. ‘st bot ten millions. It is a Ty, Bat one with gre: ‘The people as customers inclin’ ot all, to England, find then to the Al- lied countries; | failing England and the Allies they must go back to those ene ith w: hoi tood. If merel facturers wish to establish a footing in this market they must take steps at once to organize the necessary sup- plies.” an 5 ready ratified the treaty, and the sig | Necessary to make it effective. | | CALL P tate From Erin’s Green Isle 4, is alth en under it ) on othe Aiaciotiation be ted as of It is turther vent here should te te Peace importanve that tl | delay s tatifiestion Treaty b; je Dominion Bavlndioe ‘0 GLORIOUS DEAD A despatch from London sa a oe plorisia dene , now of plaster, will be done in marble, as a permanent mem- orial. It was designed by Sir Edwin Latkvens, ‘wlio mil pow he “aaked ‘to make a memorial in enduring form. as What He Meant. Bae) ‘body who has used a telephone Imows exactly what is meant by the Solemn description of the way a cer- THis friend was an Irishman, and re- A ewe owned by a Midlands farmer o- | has given birth to five in three years ay general strike was ordered in Limerick as. a protest against the recent military proclamation. The Department has revolt the order prohibiting the landing of hay aha Shay County Dublin; was Weld’ recently The out-of-work donation scheme for civilian workers “in Ireland will come to an end on November 25 next. Whiff the Hoon test was, near Sutton Cross, it struck. two. he which had gle ie both. fe sudden death is reported H. Hussey, ex-district inspector Ric, ae formerly head detective at Belfas e, killing eighty-six persons lett Trelan compared with eighty-five in seat 1918, It is reported that lack of capital is meses for the abandonment of the scheme to develop the Bally- fate coalfields, The Secretary. t ‘Treasury says that he punnntence ‘Bu way bp give a Dua Bo Irish Na- ee teachers, f the two posthumous V.C.’s re- abe, “I ean hear you all right till an’t un- taut ost you ahh" | ee given by the to the mother of Lieut-Col. Marshall, Irish Guards. John lambs, making | from across fe ‘Channel, ot Gre t During oak last, one undiet and as King, one was} Bu ALBERTA DROUGHT RELIEVED BY RAINS,” Situation Regsaice Feed Short- age is Rapidly sae ae despatch from Calgar, southern | the long drought has been broken and | the situation as regards feed shortage for cattle is rapidly improving. rs rs ar bare i Beaed of Trade rooms. + 19 SUNKEN ENEMY WARSHIPS ARE READY TO BE SAVAGED lespatch trove L>.den says:— and fifteen destroyers of the nd fleet, which were scuttled by cir crows at esa Flow, in. the t destr ‘Oy ion of holding contig sactires oth si there was no in’ ourt of enquiry. WINNIPEG HAS ARM OF UNEMPLOYED ‘A despateh from Winnipeg s ccording to a statement given an ‘by Dominion Employment a persons are un 8 shire. | stoeigth of a emoth =\de Cute ‘liam’ Parker, one of Nauoiees pioneers, died recently at the age see five. Scott, wl 0 ent overseas with ne First tan dian Contingent, October, 1914, has returned to Van+ couver. reredos costing $1,500 is being eadiee Gane R. "P. Clarke, Dso. M.C., has assumed charge of military affairs in District No, 11, B.C., and is now acting as represen- tative of G.O.C., M.D. No. 11. the ission, who has been living at Victoria since the ‘completion of the commission’s work, oe suddenly, neh 58 years, eath of Capt. Wm. Sprague, one of the ear ee marin- six matt, at the ag George sees tare a prominent Binneer ~roadhot ves a wife and six children. An hour after the steel steamer Canadian x was launched at e) lar the Wallace Shipyards, the schooner “C-37,” one of the vessels being built for the French Government, was launched at the Lyall Shipyards, Van- couiver. The large Bird Society puesta ai Vancouver decided to hold exhibition on a Mares scale for "he provinee, With Mr. Justice Murphy as re dent, a Repatriation and Community Service League has been formed a! Vancow "The Wallace Shipyards, Veneouver, a Shee the constru a idiyanek 2, cneeeoh th ale shiping plant. ryman’s 's. unio: ee Columbia 2 insure the expantion of the indust Strong condemat jon of the strik- in itis tri pending uy, cperalions only Wy eek committee bk been voiced at Fernie by, the citizen e have pes pce 2,545 ap- neato for 1 e Vancohver land of the Soldie: man of this jambs Ge ire been approved all 96 men were Sine 2 ae one by the qualification board. bdatlanh eek ean 1; en ave only vents In England of | ei and Fees in opis $24 The British steamer Cecil Hearn is reported wrecked off Figueira da Foz, Portugal. The Queen has- been. appointed Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Own, Oxfordshire Hussars. cial law passed by the ey women are ‘or thateipalé office All the soldiers of Billings, Lanca- shire, who won honors in the war were presented with gold w: Talagte ds: tatarandettolens Beate m have received the Order of Com- mander of the Crown ‘of Teal Clay Wheat Raving Mills, of snethede ace adop' a scheme for giving their tiie free break- Fer having subscribed £26000 war bonds and certificates, the Government has presented a tank to ve and Walm: mall i o ‘ceive ie offer- sistant secretary of Middlesex Edu- cation Committee, has beem appointed Directo fof Hdueation ton Hacdords Sceriteas mp teen, Just So. crank was going strong. The peace in] ‘His imbela waved frantically, and bristled with the ons. men, unity is strength. .We Reapers te use oor of peace must all his side whiskers i te é ete ogetl nd ay sooner the better,” ‘eame a Pret voice from the crowd, Training Vines. 3 Sometimes we wish to train tendrils around a post or pillar where itis not sy to use string. Try adhesive plas- in ‘strips and you will be pleased with the result, “Forget the hurt. Who carries a grudge, carries a handicapi”—Jean lewett. ee UP FATHER / TALL YOu PLEASE | HAVE SOME ICR feed WATER DENT TO} [il ota isire YES~ eis Fa iMeat, is frightfully high’ these lays,” sighs 8s Housekeeper. Tae diss iar See - oritic it may go consi niga ne will never be jeaper. -How inexpensive, from our present reaeint: eS the good ad ys when f twenty-twi cents a pound ae. Giese poe twenty sive cents. Manifestly, there is need of You think of rabl small animal, furnishing. corre: ingly little meat, of non ‘domesticated vanietiés, bred and reared, that agent a vaaht of ta to twenty p. Not many years agi quite ‘an excitement in this Se about elgian hares, which it was breed for mer says the Philadel: e prices were paid aa pedlecont ster ead. many Deresne. raise them. But the wma sania collapsed becatse at that time there was no real need ‘or a new source of meat. Now it uy Asana and numerous thrifty ery -quielly taken 1p rabbit rae, fest for home e ant y and aes wa mee feneid iderable scale. in it. When ra eS. SE becn. deren | in ommunity a demand for breeding Cie and meat’ sufficient to absorb the Bet ut ai pnices ae arisen, nt of Kansas City pro- hice 300 “400 pounds of sabe meat a year, a it of Another has reared in his backyard in thy vet months enough rabbits nae istered stock, for sale as ae arae Biiroeesns took, up this idea long ago. the war 100,000,000. eae its ly raised: ‘and market. ed in France, 40,000,000 yearly, and co} tion of rabbits in London Rane to 500,000 ae daily. The value of rab- be meat imported a. Great Britain anneal iia and New Zealand in a conan was $ 500,000. ‘The Trust. “Over the ae where our heroes He buri Magne reve are their bright mant s to gua: mee eee aan asleep from his weary with Shae with watchings mae Brent around the green leafle' rrembing with love and delight as Behoing : spite resounding among them, sik, is Sisters, and sweethearts, and picnics. galore! Every ee CRA across those s far away, Breathing a prayer “for thelr happy akening, And of the soy at the break,ot the Day. Nine a we now place on oulders, rathtly hold till ‘aa the end of all sent ‘will shed their winged seeds 0 @ rich you, Honor you always, with sweetness at rime, eds \ Hawker, ieee Well done, bold Anzac, courter of the The wor! ni has seen so many @ daring Of reckless chance, dt first gave little When you and gallant Grieve made bold t Across the wide aseaute aha high Brittania’s ce’ r dee hope had To mac out Empire fo; the lead Your deed ful proved you not afraid When’ those who knew the sea de- clared you lost, The alk: Ee aD save one who lov. ‘Then Pas mal ine to your cour ‘That ee the, ates waste had tem- bra And ee a oid now joins in thank- To rinks aunt Peiaal Hawker has been, saved. ~-Robert H, Park, Detroit, Mich, May 28; ———-———— HUNT FOR’ “MISSING,” British cad Mb sat Will Make special Search Over War Zone. In order to exhaust all sources of {ity formation in regard ti tour thoushoxt ‘the county “tinteiete aa onduct an inquiry among rerun paarith siaate and other cl on population likely to Hage been ih a | with men hiding in oceupied tare says a London despatch, The mom- bers of the mission are Dame Adelaide Livingstone, ‘Sir tela Mellwraith | and Brig.-Gen. C, G. Bruce, Any recent information likely to ts of service to the mission, and not Set com: vernment depar Sens be sont rv Com oe ‘came Wastninster, ~ baneehy and, Butinecs re “at q / OR psgetys ous Ly EMO ES! CLE IE BoP PONE OE PELE S LOE. pp time» he ee ee PS i BIE, tS a Bae ee ae é bt. <4 4 : . ; ; 5 ‘ : ‘ . ’ . ‘ ‘ ‘ , : 4 ., ‘ 4