~| Aladdin Lamps MANTELS and WICKS q For Sale by - NEUMEISTER i La Ontario amas Df “a Shines Par AL” A new at a parga’ FOR SALE rubber tired buggy, a steel tired buaey a ae a corn binder for sale M NEE LO GARAGE » H. GROP! Proprietor Vol. XXVII—No, 32 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, July" 24, 1919 ae Malcolm Mai Beth, Editor and Publisher 8&7 Years of - Growth Ever since 1832 this Bank has been serving the Canadian public. Its steady growth in assets and de- posits is as mucha tribute to public confidence in its integrity as to its - own efforts. Your “ages account would be gladly re- ceived—and the regular interest and ultimate ‘benefits will fy decidedly welcome to you as time goes on. —THE Bank of Tey Scotia Baid-up Capital $$,500,000 123:900,000 ner 10,000,000 J. H LEWIS Manager Milverton Branch s | Items of Local Interest. : Mr. Henry Orr spent Saturday in Fs rector pean eapott yn Friday License Insp last. arericy the Bru fis ing of Guelph, Moore, vi on last wi ith friends », Sid Hunter, of set, spent Hae Capling a ten eens | XMiss Trixy McMane, of Brantford, for Chicago where she will visit kins. The Milverton Women’s Institute are holding their annual Pienie this (Wednesday) afternoon in Mr. Munro’s woods. Stratford on Monday last exper- ienced the heaviest rain in years, water having fallen to a depth of |p, eer cro inches. eaten Noll, Art Riley, Wil- cho and Wm: Paul ede this have rs of Chats ek an rs. Mrs. John Jacobs sad Bice Robert E tored to v days ther, friday |t e. Continuation School at MILVERTON Opens on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd commodation has been made for over 70 Bopils and High Saoolrs yee as far as Matriculation and Normal School Entrance wil The 3 has been successful in cecrtng one of the most successful Continuation Se hool Principles in the province in the -person of Mr. ar] ere: fet good homes in Milvert where splendid lodging ee be secured. W. J. SMITH, Chairman, W. J. SPENCER, Secretary. ‘lemens ‘spent a few days last w: at Stokes Be ‘doing a die pase ye ing. They had very good luck. Mr. Rober’ es o runs one the largest. employ i y of Toronto, spent Sun-| day at the home of Mr. Wm. be d Mrs. R. 'Y. aught rs, of Win Niagara Falls-on ae where they spent the day sight-seeing. Tr. ans . Sanders and fam-| ily, of Wellesley, Mr. and Mrs. =e Underwood, Mr. and Mr: at and daughter, of Bridgeport, spent |! Sunday at the home of Mr. J. Duench. Mr. Neil Yellowlees, piano tuner, i wi Jack, returned on Taesday--even- J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for D. L. PORTLAND SGRAnTON : STANDARD oO - ANTHRICITE tage at Lake Watkins, near Pontiac, arry Shoemaker, Miss C. and Mr and aid Spenbthe: ane with Mr. ee PWoo! ine} ‘on. Walter Scott, Hon. M. Martin and Mr, A. Mai Beth Bee been appointed delegates from Regina, Sask., to attend: the Liberal conven- &, |tion to be hi t Ottawa on Augu: ns church § ey school S| has jus 5th, 6th and Te babe The Bur Su pelegran picnic was held in the park on Wed- |i nesday afternoon last and @ Very eM | ye joy was ent. was, indeed, on ie of STABLISHED 1872 e Te] = NM IF the average man would keep a detailed expense account for a month showing every trifling ex- penditure, he would find that, without missing anything worth while; he could have made some safeguards for the future—ma- terial for business progress. BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANCH—N. G. Schafer, Manager D OFFICE Z AMI LTON the most, delightful in the history of the Sunday school. ines the latter Part 0: and Mrs. W, K. Toth, Hibbert ied home by Miss Pearl Loth, wl who will spend a few weeks with Mrs A’ motoring party consisting of and Mr, and Mrs. Henry Herneberg, Mr. and Mrs, R. tt, Mr. and’ Mrs, ‘A. Adams, Mis§ Unice Watt an e wi r. an rs. W. Boats and Mr, and Mrs. as a itchen- | lements. ‘90; ‘oprieto1 before Magistrate J. J. Hae eye pully and as fine $200 ai Boys cae ei ae who have been suc- cessful ie ons how the entrance school FARMERS Calf in and see me before buying any of the following : . Oliver Riding Plows Fleury’s Famous Walking Plows New Idea Nisco Spreaders DeLaval Cream Separators Gilson Engines and Ensilage Blowers Extension Ladders, Pumps Chatham Wagons, Etc. Deering 650’ Twine - 26%c per Ib. Cash N. A. Zimmerman Id aim towards tak- - ling a high school course in the Mil- verton Continuation. School, which will open after the holidays with taft ‘0 teachers. All work’w iw will have to f e wiaeadatialz fe railway track wil lea (vas soon as the Suet Aanstit cone DeLaval 6 = Brockville and Mc- Larsen 4) At LENA TES ee a a. 2 \ 7 ; Ww. Sent several days at his home in Mil. fa: - Samuel miler of Toronto, # 3 ek-end wi his sister, Mrs. | a cs weeks with Dr. and Mrs. Jen-} p27; _Mr.. and Mrs. George P. Lackner |, peels of Stratford | d te neta a the Nort! ning, in- | er: 30e dozen for cxes at Loth’s, doz, at Engelai ratford on Saturday, Palmolive Soup Sale —while it lasts! jat Pinas Zimmerman’ ort! Eges Blue rr Mstaayed ine “$21 65— | 50c a doz, at Engeland’s. parties, recleaned, basket adies” Hats—Your choice at $1. 2) 3 cakes for 29c- h “Mornington. ths popula! of the Ci ity of ii riday evening, August ist. chener has reached the 20,009 m Misses Sadie Hopf and Ella Sch- | Ladies” Hats, regular $4 ‘to a, neider spent Sunday in St. A: i while they 1 last $1.49.—Miss Zimmer- | wheat threshing has S) a ced an a ee grain is a splendid sample. Bae ted Anpetitals A man arm work, anes Bees ed bag by the municij al it He len ler, of Waterloo | at Kitchener last ia for operating an illicit stil entry Ford must be a giapicsl | American.” He knows nothing ae history of his own country. f amd Mrs, Ervin Siegner ’ and hs mat and Mrs. Harry Smith, of | er ote spent Sunday at the home | ph ‘Martin, Mrs. . Reid attende * Ue ineral a the late Wm. eee ul yn. Tues say . E. Rou! i Miry} era Gray, a ome on a week's vis- ar Bann ree or “distri 4, al the meeting o: he Masonic Grand Lodge of oe ronto last we wee! eran s says that t in the village | of Port Rowan there is not more than 4 ae id six years ago, and no doubt the same, approximately, is true general- | "Phere is sacrifice as well’ as graft at Ottawa. The Fin il grew | poorer. while in office. Sir Joseph Flavelle is eee to b made Canadian High Co th “Mie. John Bainford annotinees the | engagement tof her youngest daughter [oares son a 3 Hy co W. B. Struth: |at TSathrs: rs, Mornin ' hai d with a ab ' ae Mornington .| which Stratford city council er. co opus, of es tford, was in be f | hours and cost onl 35 cents, zeae les, Olive Bird, to Harry. Carman | 28% M . letter day in the histor, your order for Blueberries | thal e ee $2.50 basket cash, $2.75 eee ion of the signing of the ‘MILLBANK’S BIG PEACE CELEBRATION n garden party, |RETURNED SOLDIERS PRESENT. ‘D WITH RINGS Saturday, July 19¢h, will be a red [oo of Millbank, d cele- B ae 5 a, iy e peace ge ay closing the greatest war of the mber arden party at as ideal for the pur- Yau Friday ev-| pose} the sun shone out warm, but its |¥ ing, August Ist. rays were tempere’ Splendid Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Guenther and breeze, The old and arncioue school family se a ys last week |gtounds surrounded as it is by ma: jth friends at Brantf | trees, with the mae os decorations Took: Misse: ese! ide Cardi 0 and ee ae a 6 Your live poultry, we are |bi nave th ie highest prices. Fomtey (ox Reade until aetae night of eac! eek,—Engeland a Aan. { 2s sent aes ee ‘Of ich has a large German \erican populati The time having expired within could | Lt.-Col. | oungs, his resignation was ed and Mr. John Stevenson appointed By this action ex-Ald. Orns gutomaticany returns to the Someo: gone has deviged a suit made of. paper, | ne which ¢: de in four | ni hich at present, cost of lan ‘ould work out at about $4. ries priee; but think of an 4 ee pk TO BUILD TWELVE HOUSES shy Ree 3B, Knij ‘accept- | Ca a chap was cone ihe re kept ean Si t, M.A., Milverton; E. Tacques eMrilbamicy May Hl Morphy, K.C., M.P., and Mr, F, H. .P., of eae and’ M oy ee sae Mr, Geo sae fant the presentation of a s made by a number of sm: at Tong atte les_ whit for a ple of hours uns pienicaes ee large booth on Es 23 o grounds also mninishered to the needs | 8" \of “ e inner mi A splendid Feieacine of athletic sports was run of many were the numbers that those in charge of it fee SFC rRO OR. of the winners in the var- ious erent S. Girl? 10 years and under— Helen Tanks aiella Oppen. Veraakew: pr gone Bosliatt, manager of atte | Es & N. Planing Mill Co. and of the itivertn Furniture £0, purchased last. week from Mr, Samuel Whaley tale building Jots on Whaley Av-| enue in the n b-division of Mil verton and intends Sommencing ab middle of August to Girls’ Race, 12 years and under. Helen "Teck, ‘Marion Coghlin, Stella ‘Gh ng Race, 15 years and under- allen Wolfe, Elsie Davidson, Helen Race, 10 years and under— a Robe. *Srottals Edwin Hoffmeyer, Rod- . jerick Jacl 1 Boys’ 12 years and_under— Cecil Mcbaddin, Douglas Davidson, Kemet h Jack. joys’ Race, 15 years and under— Lava “Bastendortt Cecil Below is given |® MR. MORPHY IN THE GOV-~« -RNM: (Stratford Herald.) M. P., gov- ernment would give peculiar pleasure to his constituent: i -Un= lays, Mr. Mor always* re than ility and with a fairness and faith. ae ess to the interests all classes have won for respi and regard of those who. could not always see eye to ey hi le | Public issues. His elevation to a posi- tion in the government would give pleasure to. political friends and op- NURSE COCHRANE DIES. death occurred in Toronto es - lon Tuesday of last week, when Miss and died ‘shortly afterway been seriously ill last fall from in- fluenza. chrane was a nurst and prior x decease had been rving in that capacity for several rs. e Wa aturday morning and after a vice at the graveside, conducted ae C. 'N. Paddo: dl ys and Mrs. Davi WORK FOR THE FOOL KILLER | Moore, List ¢ marriage will iS cone eet r, aon batt agi be | Ligeds McFaddin, tal x ‘apiet the elpsiwete Gh jan B ROR 0. construct more rownlee, Ww fi eae P Listowel Standard, |cheably than individuals, he will be| rat her and Son Race—Mr J. Few. PR A eapstiete e Sa e Th Taeae 2 den acre sue- Sterne eee me ee ches as Louies Mr. Geo. | wonder why there should be so many Sean: icLennan. cecerul in thelt recent Natal schoo! Hipster bi eon Ria te oe ni em em, Mr. Clarence Hasenpflug, examinations and are now entitled to interim Second class certificates: Lil- Crookshanks, Linwood, Viola Wallenstein, | Winnifred inwood, tmann and W. H _| dla, an. increase of fronts Bre; ‘or the Wellesley-North Easthope rerattural: Sociees.-- Wellesley Maple eat. “Me. H. G. Downes, 87 Blake St., it ‘completed d his training as a mn appointed G. T. R. Herald. r ‘The Presbyterian and Methodist in filled at both zood caution impressed in the old-fashion- ed hes with a slipper in the proper Tocalit Mrs. ‘Christopher 3 Miechm, of Bruns. wick St, Stratford, was idscovered r bee banister at the | oka patriotic garden sat will be ington chur riday evening, "Au st Ist, er vil i served from 6 to 8-p. e will be rendered St elocationist, of Wall wel bans be be aaasnue 2-t. household Thetis, ete., (July ' 26th). boards, couch, chairs, tockers, cup- boards, dishes, glassware, silvérware, beoes om sets, toilet sets, pictures, ete., also Jawn mower, stock and dies, pipe cutter, pipe vice, hoes, shovels, forks and a lot of other ames Hart, of Hampstead, on as his joints did not 'S. suena ce e he to ae ube it again. € ait oe hee: thane ites to try to deceive me about her beauty as me to to deceit \her about my property. I added that | although her arts might impose 0 jothers, they could hot ‘impose on me, saw her at all times.’ telegraph | ff epeteier at Milverton, — Stratford b: Don’t forget T. P. Roe’s sale of jon FOR W. F. A. CHAMPIONSHIP The fest game in the junior series ‘or the A. championship malyed at Pitas on "Tuesd ing, and resulted in standing je game had just nicely started when ‘Tavistock landed the first g d_ shortly eturn game Pon Friday night should draw a large crow d | NEWFOUNDLAND IS SAVED FI- NANCIALLY BY FISHING INDUSTRY, Newfoundland’s great fishing i dustry was the me: fhereclany through tie wer Ananeally. unscathed: Estimates public indicated. that nonwitstandiiig MAIL FOR THE EAST ON THE 6.05 TRAIN. Suede y Herald.) 7 Toronto on Mon: ginning July On Saturday last Mr. Wm. McCul. h in com- N70 years of az ae DONT’ FRET ,KIDS. e If you have failed in your oe hart which we hope ail teresa te ward, ee i after they s ELMA FARMER DIES SUDDENLY. e ai a Daughter Race—Mrs. i ieLennan and Migs ‘Chante ‘Tanner. s Race—Mrs, J. J. McFaddin, Mes. Hostettle Men's (100 yd. Dash Ist heat—S, Fewings, R a penbe Un nae rag Finals—A. Davidson, R. Davidson, Stanley Barr. ings. Sack Race—Robt. Brownlee, Don- he | ald Jack. Relay Race—Ist, Davidson Bros.; eat Messrs. Fewings, Phair, McLen- 's Race, over i years—Wm. Humphrey, David Ker sigh Jump Stenkey Bare Melville, hare Brain Broad Jump—R. Phair, ak Ranta Broad Jump — Walter eyiseon, Alex. Davidson. Ruaning Hop, Step and Jump— Walter. Davidson, Stanley Barr. Tae ge 2.0-Ib. ey der ‘Stone—| a see: ge Tagof- ied Men vs. 5) single Men——Won by Single Men, A NEW CATTLE PEST. and Fables complain. rant of a La hae stocl vicious on cattle and whi is attacked it becomes teed and i in any dir cattle can reach a stream or mu slough, hs are invariably free from attack. Mr. 8. H. Pu; what he thinks is a specimen and i at Guel aving it ae to the 0.A.C, with the hope of obtaining reme POR its ravages. TAKING BIG CHANCES Children playing on the street. are aking long chances from passing tion, but at child may Sune a fatality, even if the rs not ing more than r mil m hi ‘hen again, the child often flirts with death by seeing how close he t the auto cgme to befo ‘ore moving. The public highway no time a proper may. ground. _,GUELPH’S BIG WELCOME HOME RAC ce Aug. 2nd, pa Monday, i ‘(oie Holi ee La d by lovers of good sport. ‘Trains all directions after. ° in aut Miss Margaret Miss Gladys Kerr, ie Returned Soldiers’ (100 yd.) dash |hi V. McLenn as 's Race—S, Fewings, a_ fort ir. m Potato Race—Chas, Vogan, S, Few- igh has caught " iH jae rapery yan janvead along but usually innocent occupants of. the ear suffer more seriously than the fool arias SLUMP IN CHEESE. here was a slump in the price of ont at_ Friday lay’s meeting of the Listowel Dairymen’s Exchange. The \pared with 30c at the meeting prey- »f no sale: pri ine factories pourded 2060 cheese h 85, Donegal, 90, Tro 180, Marion Beaver 215, Silver Corners 220, & Mornington 260, Bima 450, Wal- lace 390. tion it was decided to hold the next meeting on Friday, August 1s ‘he | BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR THEM le are warned to be on the articular ilver is i lute Deuice of the good money: ATTENTION! The Listowel Board of Education + rated mereial_De- , _Esq., See, Board of 2 ay Education, Tiana Ont. LIGHTED MATCH FIRED FLOAT. Mr. F. J. Phillips, chairman of the Devora tion’ Commit ithe ee, in charge of @ Peace Celebration at Stratfo ‘ord, Ha athe that the fire that destroyed the Sons of England float was caused by mie yous ig s oe lifting a mn es acre k before it oul topped.