Milverton Council. ” Short Stories Retold. - GENERAL NEWS Milverton, a 14th, 1919. Council met this p. m. in Assemly Looking Ahead. Reports of crops in the west this room. Members all F resont with the ear are not reassurin puceution, AE Cpe. cillor Zimmerman, | Senator Lodge sounds the warn and drought have again been working Reeve W. H.° Grosch in the chair. | ing that “the articles of the League of | to the disadvantage of farm Minutes of last regular meeting read Nations ould be weighed carefully fe the Pacific Avenue dra Be inate fies will eepardise arte | me, Premer Milne Co Bee are’ The following bills were ordered | ture. after spending th to be p Ds “Indeed, we may well follow the Bauer a" Punatgy,.Penn—Listowel io Palas rartmier, building closets |example of the prima donna. wh : in park and cemetery, $69; William |was reading a rough draft of her ears ceca dace tited Hartmier, oiling roads and_ fixing new contract. : senti ian tat erening, 7,725 Yat Cube cameo para Phat a"fnt'a th tacos unloading tile, $5.40;' Albert Gallop | providing that she should have trans-| Arter al ‘ams on grader, $6; Conrad Ratz| portation for herself, -her maid, her|" "ihe stork has just brought a te: e- oiling streets, $6.75; Geo, Krajaefski| dog and Sig. Gazibeni; her husband, IER ae onthe cial ae fa) is ES ey ne S 6 S parr oe = 5 3 ao. Fy Fo oy i) g 3 w 2 5 é 5 ami Ritter, 11 days labor in park and cem east make that eae she}isn’t any eight-hour “day for that . ery, $33.00; Joseph Lampert, oil-| said, meine {ne streets, $6.75; T. P. Roe, fixing} “Yes, madam,” asserted thé man-|""Sy°"%, M. Robinson, of St. Jacobs, tank, $7.50; Geo. Coxon, payment on | ager, “but may ask why?” accompanied by his chaffeur, left, on acific Avenue Drain (order already “The diva blushed and coyly fin-}; motor trip early Monday morning, issued) $960.00; P.. H. Bastendorff, | cored her hair, “I might a Pa cake fending for the Thousand Islands, <telephoning re trees, $1.20; W. D.\a change,” she answered. where they will 5) pend some time, re- Weir, 2 loads manure, $1; P. School turning via Buffalo, Rochester, ete. coal ee a mane . ved O’Brien to clean off | neighbors over the bac! eenees Sue ae tl en he examined Pat’s work he was ee unger aes eve will be Last ‘CHIEF ENUMERATORS ON VOT- dissatisfied with it. a “O’Brien,” he said, “the whole |and yo! F hunger wil ae ERS ee eee walk is covered with gravel and ditt In my estimation its a Pek Inked aanr fn mu prise for a|enin with the exception of gace eee for unorganized distriets and one or ‘ two ridings. Hon. 1. B. Lucas an- He Would Lie Too. nounced that the e anleratsre would he rmers fighting saving law queer their c: Some of the boys had gone swim- righ, North—Dualey Holmes, K. the bank unseen by the boys, but did | it 8s 4 C., Wingha « an hour or more earlier during the Huron South=—Henry Horton, Kip-/f{2 captain of the a He raaned fg [summer than it does during the win: pen R. nm ‘Transcript. Perth’ Dore — Thos. Magwood, | °*(:F) Ev he most determined critics | Stratford. e here Fc ate 6. sf our Wich [Of Prohibition must agree that there Perth South—F. Richardson, St.|swimming naked and women with|are fewer drunken men t9 be seen Bas Marys. Me ye atY* rloo South—"Connolly G, Skip-| ,‘Ah!” returned the captain, “dust | tay ton, Preston where are they? I will eS right down ie were frequently met_ ath now Waterloo North—Not given. here and see for myself. they become ees * that % Wellington South—J. Rance How- Fp nig’ is a novelty and people turn | ie ‘efellington West — John Wesley} Oh! Doctor! around pee Bae eee Walters, Moorefield. We have been asked several times NEW LAWS IN FORCE is my little girl, I send you] gla who ie a British subject. A re- 5 cents to buy two poders for a groan|turned soldier under 21 may vote, 2 & = Es 4 $ ES ES ° a s 3 3 8 8 & Py 3 g Ey baie e p law is quite clear on the ques- up in a fie month’s old babe. N,B.| tion of destroying noxious weeds. It} i frequent infrac —the baby has a sore stummick.’” us: “Every occu 4 _*T have-a cute pain in my child’s}er of land shall cut down or di : diagram. Please give my son Some=|all the Canada thistles p thing to release it. wild oats, ragweed and burdock ¢ g “My little ay has eat up i its fath-|ing thereon, and all ot . ex’s parish plashter. ante; | weeds growing thereon § dota, e, quick as possible by the enclosed {ripening of thei q less marine: muffi sir eo ae aca net involve the the ne oh a mor When Pat Measured Up. e! e stealing yehiclen; prohibition as to let- & eds ti ting or hiring; record of secon nd-hand “J hear your dog is dead, Pat,” {their respective vehicles bought, so) as prohi aid _a man to an Trishman eae destroyed at the pare tion as to buying where: serial Sian “He is, sur. “The poor ‘baste swal-|ti ber is obliterated; report to Depart- es a tape measure, sur,’’ answered ment as to where car sg stored, onus Se a of disproving negligence, etc. "ah, py sae the man, “then he died <0e. ‘ sun answe ered hia seth a wink at a friend standing by, cS aacmca pee tia NORTH | exactly. He went. ek of, ‘the aouses a 4 sur, and died by the y Ballots for the Ontario proihibition ee ee referendum are now being printed Sue ea nes, cas 6 Of teac ches an ‘teaching fOr many years and is list is under way. In order to be! 4 certain methodical teacher had a|j entitled to vote the elector must be|yegular routine of mentions, which oer who. are retiring on a pen-| a & British subject residing in Canada|ihe asked her class every. Sunday. yrho never received that re 12 months prior to June 30 last, and | The class was always arran eal othe | MEY while, ta hsv Beek} resident in the riding in which he or) same order rand. she began, with tha} Most: serious “changes have | been she wishes to vote at least three co mes of most inhuman treatment piers to “have been accorded in Ms Monaiain iE. a rs se ae ny poe cs ig e Co B 8 a, ° cs 23 ® ae > 1 property qualifications will be neces-|Av.verea, SGod." ‘Then to the next mer ; b pee ease ;, Manitoba) penit yan tary. All solders, who have been on| Boy, “Who aaa, he frat, man{” and Gist Uo a aaventiganon. has gos active service, 1! overseas ON | he answered, “Ad: ” One ay. ir i D ade by We , a Teadiny ; ot, will he entitled to vote, There| tke ft hoy was absent and of course made by Ward Bollands, a Teading n ato She urasily ececnd Soy. was ot gng other charges that a convict dam. ay « of “6 3 < Stratford, has been a pofited enum-| Nov” the teacher said, “God made jtorn; that fish were served with en- erator for North Perth. thd ” tra 2 I don’t think so, miss,” the boy re-|of the convicts bears wounds from fxm. plied, “the boy that God made ie not | fhe tecth of a dog owned by the ward- here to-day.” en, and that convict’s were punish Be ‘OUR ROSEBUSHES s. Uae mnt She spaeor doctor ordered pun- : 37 Wanted No Come-Back. enpene ‘The rosebush blooms a little while he Toronto Conference, T, W. beside my cottage door; a week or) Mr. Babcock was driving through Dope of Brampton, pleaded “that two it puts on style, and then it| the country, Saying to buy a mule,|the Sabbath should not be made too blooms no more. ’ With lovely things | cays the Newark News. He was dir-|hard for the people,” and the Rev. "tis always thus, they’re doomed to scart a colored man who had one|Salem Bland suggested that another swift decay; a little while they stay| for sale day off work for the people should be with us, and then they fade away.| "po you want to sell a mule,” said|urged to make up for the Sal bath. ss And while I toll the passing bell a Babcock. “People need and will have recrea- ; bird sings in my ear, “You would) “«yaas, sah,” replied the. owner. |tion,” he said. Soon the Lord’s Day not love them half so much if they | wyfay 1 asl where yo" live will mean no more in Canada than it were fixtures here.” If roses spang-) «What has that got to th Sith it?” | nieans now on the continent of Eur- ‘ led every lawn, as dandelions do, we queried Babcock. ope or in the large centres of the Un- ‘ soon would wish the blamed things |""*Weyj explained the nexro, ‘1|ited States, and for this crime again- is gone, and countless rags we'd chew. | gin transfer dat mule to|st Christianity the Church, led by the ps = [nobody dat lives less than 200 miles | Dugeans ons ds, who zeenrd < 1 mule T war or eetty of {ship will be mule nts to git rid not only o: Pie . 3 . Rupture Relief de mule, ‘but of a conversation ap- Peay, the pee ES bps STRAINS REPORT On the occasion ofa slight fig and unthinking multitude? Orillia Pack. much smoke behind the curtain, a gS breach v ud iS 2 ee Rup tate oe al & tit as commonly |successfully, by suave, assuring siate- A PLAIN TRUTH. na eles ing ‘or dy. {ments to quell an ili panic in ‘| th Pre ing comedian man may abet the mail orm dee hintues for Fears—-may send them and point Egan, of Toronto, the noted rupture the mane ening in the shortest @ Northern lakes! money with our own townsmen, who | open oy surgical op- {Summer Set week trom his annual | know you or, what, you really. are exacted beeause one nation. desired | fect, has been brought to, Guelph pliances have Bebelses highest apPYOY-| outing and confessed that he hadn't |who appre your worth, See ey Tous of detones' excent (bY. Wt and a aught a single fish, and the Carroll- | business, your assistance in Bailing De ravare sihnaaceees. War a in aecord- som) Republican Record ae Dio genes up home. interests, oft every arrange-| during ae ieee; gy may now. blow o ee ht and Tie| pe—of every arrange-|a number of RG Ls etal Tiago plensant dears j nt of the world—that preceded the | Pyke’s Bay, 0 its, “without, “batater A GILT EDGE INVESTMENT Restive peoples had been told|spent about a week there, and ha Le eae |i fleets and armies, hey | splendid sport ‘ = 1 pete to sustain, meant peace; and) were hoo oe oe Nien ee es iow know that they had’ been | fish, landed By a member of 4, | it zn | 0 eh hielp— 1 By keeping stil rie e.| and confirmed. Gommunleations Peau ppotate hein aopes. He asserts that |) Bfefter Milling Co., has returned | eo F Do Gowns ere ot eae s Christian Beceeee of Kitchener, | A By-la Se eaeeist itn treet traffic Tie Wee an, Eke Oe aged 56 years, Wile enened, at work | ee ee ted and received the neces-| Tickets!" said the conductor as rt block, on Thursday | assed by gouncil. | he atuod in front of @ passenger the Inst, _aronped ead from heart failure. | \ other day on a train leaving town. a Me sobs, ance xa nl Fre 4 ‘he passenger began fumbling ner- 2 eke of Hanover, are brothers fia ; aie voyed by fire SUES eS et ave it i’ day ‘morning, This is the sixth Barn nervous one sarcastically, “my friend | he district, since spring, to mee Pe Aine on destroyed and itis believed all the) The Reeve stated that he, with, the fires ate of incendiary origin and the | Engineer, would inspect aoe Ree ee ee * whale district i alarl deains before accepting. the complet : ee Saale re ts eae d work by the contra Joby in ee With Others. [naif the forenoon talking with her| Dr. . WEIR, Clerk. |the walk fe PEroitoak tha hose +6 the merely getting the news. Have the| sone gate. At ce close of the day | Home Paper sent to her regularly fea. e chief eacunerators who are to|moment and replied: “Shure, doctor, midnight oil are now eed the mid- hive charge of the preparation of the there’s many a bad job of Yours cov- | night gasoline. A child in bed at nine voters’ lists for ert referendum have]ered with gravel eh dirt. ree is worth a dozen youngsters een appointed by the eaearnigect panning Bogs on the s i ie ai gu dtenday. The ming in a ereek without the encum. [ie fen cof ce ed ‘entre—H. J. D. Cook, God-|brance of a bathing suit. Several ly otter than do the politicians, since former years staggering A druesist submits the following} who has a vote on the temperance | she has received| referendum this fall? ‘The answer | various amendments to the ap, ‘gut ie sike. lag gw SER e r Dochter, pleas gif bearer he enumerator will be é ae ior) ns. worse XY. every municipality and he will take gulations gargle a babys throat and obliege.” |the names of those who are entitle da de-| STORE CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST (Store Open Every Tuesday Evening.) - Summer Stocks at Their Best eat now, when so many are looking forward to their vacation, the following items should be of special interest. : Read them over carefully. MEN’S FINE SUMMER FURNISHINGS The Latest Shirts New Black and whi ey Stripes, Plain White Sport or Outing Shirts, Soft Collared Shirts with collars to match. Priced....$1,00 to $2.25, Newest Neckwear New Silk Neckwear in the latest colors, in special new shapes. Pric- N wens eneee ya ‘Sc to $1.00. Wash Ties i iy Bakke uk maneetiels: and.shades. At....... Straw Hats n Panamas, Manillas, Senates, Split Straw in Sailor or Snap Front shapes, black or faney bands, sizes 9 ft the smallest boy to the larg- et an, Priced....25¢ 50. Work Shirts and Overalls is no department in any store that will aire you value equal to orkm Clothes » WALKERS OVERALLS SANDOW SHIRTS, for in- SAVE YOU MONEY AS WELL. MEN’S SUITS - OF SPECIAL INTEREST When considering ou eee of a new suit, our stock of stylish suits should be of special etetase ing. arated clealioe attention. All bright, neat patterns, in stripes, checks and_ handsome sees, panera lined throu ighout ue 4 5 Priced at f en nge of ieee . $10, $15 to ae Made-to-Measure Clothing This receives special eee and i large stock. Fit and workhisnship: always guaranteed. Boy's Cotton Sweaters Men's Undewear French Balbriggan of Egyptian twisted thread, the cool st: yet, the bene wearing e al bat under- Light cotton wool mixture, Pen- wens make, mot ttled re beh! all Natural wool, grey shade, pure, fine wool, in sight weight for sum- er, all sizes. Price...... $1.25. e New Worsteds are attract- department of our piers e best goods Dr. We invite you to see ot Sizes 0 48...... + -75e. LADIES’ SUITS AND COATS AT BIG paella | Reg. $15 Suits and Reg. $18 Suits and Coats, apeiet al Wool bere: pare ee 99 ptt 99 Reg. $35 Suits and Coa’ Reg. $40 Suits and Coa 8.49 . $28.9: "fat'ss Reg. $45 Suits and Coats: “ “1$32:99 “ ecg td THE NEW SILK DRESSES Good Values in Stylish Garments. never had prettier dresses than the new ones we have just re ey are made and: silk cvepe of a vepecaly good weave, particularly adapted for good w ing, silk tassels Some nae we are showing some Select new si les, Priced from «2... .e eee cee e eee renee 50. ENGELAND @ SON “The Home of Good Clothes” . LATEST WASH MATERIALS will be surprised as well as ceuenver: with the wash he seit tag ave come on tl arket h the ett “expensive pike and 8: an Ther q these new ORE goods. Th i face ae d with Beni dey eens hey are beautifull iy pri ae a roidery, bea AR SEE THEM TO APPRECIATE THEIR yea hey navy, green, brown and black. AW Ppeautitully Gat and carefully made and just filled with style. range all the way from ....+..-++s+++ $15, MIDDY BLOUSES Nothing serves so well for Canadian summers than the Middy. We hav eal the usual kinds and ae? COTTON VOILES AND CREPES ARE RA ING UNUSUAL ATEN: Come in and see hs peautifan goods-—to-day. CROMPTON CORSETS compton Corsets fit perfectly. ‘They gain the de- sited figure Withnt injury or pote: comfort, and they cost MILVERTON ie and compare viavorably . $1.00 to $5.00 pair. AGONIZED WORLD, CRIED OUT For a Concert of Nations That Would Make ae Im- “What had géemed a counsel of | ¥ had come to seem a plain soak necessity, ‘The League of | that took thought for its people mm cult things he was attempting. fad validated itself, in | international iy in a -Chure perisibin We Ee treats the Christian Sabbath as a bur-|h RESULTS NOT INFLUENCED BY - 4 eee fen and a weariness of the flesh, in| tead of as a day of privilege an "AGE OR LENGTH OF TIME see stead of ap a day, of privilege, and finger ai e ranger “ppeated to the audience in that time hundreds of dollars—and a and hal ee uch as this that has|gduress to the U. S, Sen nded forever impossible. appliance specialist will vis ; thos at the same time they wouldn’t Seeattorts ieee Hal ee “Sure, do you think he would be commodate him for a tworcent stamp. nee lay and night) 2 days) such a fool as Be ‘fo here if there |‘{uie is the plain, unvarnished trut set fy ‘daa ow used and were any dani it oo think lothet se tay it for your- as no" se ant see. out-of-town il nat only Ftain ge CS SEE houses do, not know YOU—do not aitording imme At Last—A Truthful Man. CARE to know you—are not inter- ein her work) a Carrollton sitinen who every|money you send them. Spend your |< possil “Every a ene in every lank ym, which sons and brothers and fathers SHOT FINE EAGLE. h ae sacri = should never (Guelph Mercury) : ted. was manifest} A magnificient grey eagle, with a vat hed been Mnsited. te bad best span: of wing teouy Hp iti Bf ver ee, e Be mi ry ts and al had | 30 large mia een maintained to promote fe national | | out of the boat. poate and meant war. They kne1 old p ‘And they knew that it and every enlighten manded that, at | FURNITURE! dependent ‘aoa We have a beautiful range of Diningroom Furniture. See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers. We have a large assortment of Dressers and Stands. A nice new stock of Brass Beds at popular prices If you heed anything in the Rug Line spend a few min- utes when in town and look over our stock. We also have Stairand Body Carpet. Congoleum Squares look nice. We have them, Linoleum always on hand, GERHARD HEINTZMAN PIANOS - McLAUCHLIN AUTOMOBILES had | shot ae an ‘of birds while i in fight fishii ‘ip, whi ROBERT McMANE ‘Milverton Funeral Director S and Embalme: