’ _ FORMER GERMAN EMPEROR WILL BE IMPRISONED IN TOWER OF LONDON in London—Penalty Will Not be = international Trial Court to Sit Death, But Banishment For Life. A despatch from London William Hohenzollern, the former trough eo oe land in a British ship and in the Tower of London, ceetine 9 ail. not be lty will othe titer national te al oe had} nded to try the enor f aide: the Daily Mail mee but it is ape possible that the former Crown Prince ‘rederick As will also be ar- raigned before rmer Ge Emperor's eur at Amerongen tava been in- eased, according to the a uel | correspondent, inform ‘| apo | that Holland ‘will vedere Emperor | up to the allies. [They ore of the opin- | ion will remain in Holland |for the rest of his life, Markets of at World secs Toronto, aul 8 1 Northern, $2.2. 4 $2.2144; No. 3 Notion: 4 wheat, $2.11%, in store For' liam, American corn—Nominal. rio oats—No.. 8 white, 77 to shipping points, vacgriing © Ontario, whe to 1; No. 2 ce $2.06 to. a to $2.10 f.0.b. inte >, frcights, 3 inal, Batley Siang, S116 to $1.20, “Backseat —No, 2, nominal. Hanitoba flour Government stand- ard, $11, Tor Ontario. ues Carlee stand- 0 $23. mist, $18 ‘to 510 Tee ton, track, To” ; ro Ase -—Car lots, $10 to $11 per ton, track, Toront 0. ee a! Produce—Wholesale. itter—Dairy, ri and rolls, 36 to se - one 33 to 40c. Creamery, fresh made solids, 47 to ‘48c; prints, 48 to lc. Eggs—New laid, 38 tok Dressed _poultr: ng ze chickens, 0c; roosters, 25c; fowl, to 35c; ducktings, 3505 tu irkeys, 33 to de; squabs, doz., Live poullrySprin chickens, Bes roosters, 22¢; fowl, ; duck- ings, Ib., 35¢; tw Wholesalers are selling to the re- tail trade at- the lew, to Bier “iplets, 33 to 32% Bees 3 Stilton, 33 te Share pepets daly, choice, 44 to Asc; creamery prints, 52 to bie Margarine—36 Eggs—New laid, 44 to 45c; new laid in cartons, essed oie Saring. eae ie, ive poul pind chickens, 50 Li to _55c; ae 33 ie Events In England It has been decided by the Sree Geological aes to admit women a: fellows of the society. vy mci se Beat has rejected a petition of the rice ne to sus- pend or abolish the rat Cecil Arthur Hunt hae. ‘been elected an associate of the Royal Society of Pai for the first time as a membe yo Caniantttes of the Privy Coun- cil of French elementary fitodts ta ances have been paying a visit to the educational institutions of s. The Wimbledon magistrates have presented Miss E. M. Hancocke, for- mer probation officer, with a gold *:| watch and a cheque for £28. aus through their nee collia. ing in the air at Ashin; The 3rd Battalion, ee Regiment, have received back their colors from the Maidstone church, eke ee had been Sea Ves during the Capt. Sir Saale Life Guards, has ae appointed personal AY spomolty to the Secretary of State Nee: ee hoe seca of ae death at Worcester Allan, of second son of oe eoundes of ‘the Allan Shipping Lan The King an Queen of the Belgians nt £1, oy a the Dover Patrol lason, rots Te ‘emple Court, Rei- gate, has presented to Edenbridge, a site for building @ hospital. The freedom of the city of Ply- best design for railway men and transport work tates on Toe roses Fant ane £75,000,000 a hae ‘ 115; chines Ce . Wiel Bursar of Brad- sie, Stee 3 : fie! a és lege, Barks, .Wraa Wiled: when Beat hand-picked, abe his Stes collided with a pony $4.50. to Marre 5; primes, $8.15 to rap. Imported hand-picked, Burma or In- ae Wellingborough Workhouse is dian, $3; Limas, ig : brertekee eing filled up with old age pensioners Honey—Extracted clover ins, ae cannot ire on their pensions. 25 to 26e 1b.; 10-Ib. tins, 24% to 25e; Maple. product ial i lon, $2. 45 ua ee 50 moe Bi tipets ie gationry $2.85 to $2. 40; sugar, 1b., Professor Oman, the newly elected member for Oxford University, has taken his seat in the House of Com- mone. Captain Louis Botha, son of Botha, was married at Dibbeb church Southampton, to Miss Agnes Mac- Provisions—Wholesale. moked meats—Hams, med., 47 to Lord Mayor us Birmingham ase; ae, Mag Ere 2a ors Cook, eds a accepted a tank from the Army Wate plain, 60 te bles boneless: toe Cannell sand ii piabe‘it Inone of the “ city parks. eae beet Aes nace Bacon, 32 Holborn’s war memorial ts a hospt- to 33¢; ‘cleat bellies, 31 to 8 ” ““| tal for shell-shock cases at Fernbank, Lard—Pure, _ tierces, aber” tus, | and was opened by the nace pie sae pails, 37%c; prints, m- | Par! at pails, 32% to 33%e. Montreal, Jul ly bea ped extra a 1 feed, 88¢. Flour, new stan Live Stock Markets. July 8—Heavy choice good, $12 ers, $13; bu heif choice, $11 to $12; .! $10.50; do, med., $8 to $9; do, com., $7. to $7.75; butchers’ a Mee choice, $10 to Bi 0; sae good, $9 9.755 to $8.75; fe pose $7.50 7 $5. 35 ad fs $10 gi 3 do, do, med. ee $9; t0:$13.60; do,.com., NB: “ ia spt an spri ray tities, eee and » $65 to $110; calve, Panes $17 8 “ti, se $180 com. i med., a4 te $1 ne Kes com. do, i373 ek atone clipped, $9 | ed by. ig Malden men_ were badl; jured when a bomb which they ait up on the tracks of the Midland Rail- way exploded. * SESS eee HOW TO TELL A CRIMINAL. Peculiarities of Head Development re Present in Most Cases. Many criminals who might other- wise have escaped have been detect- the abnormal development of their heads. rofessor Lombroro, males, said that it was his opinion criminals except thieves had set ccte heads. Charles Peace is a great crim!- an enormous size, whilst his ears were very prominent. criminals of all cl: possesses this pec to a striking example, for his head was | Irregular heads are another feature | St ef lasses. The 1 culiarity in audition Siig Desai oti Siaiasing the ed CITIHS, There they work and str had always spent our 7 ana at home yo OTHER ee children. They belong to us, too. Let us do anaes How many children has OUR NEGLECT of home ae il give OUR support to our home communi nes who have blocked ae anes: DRIVEN FROM HOME. farms and Ho Towns by the thousand and aes into the congest- gele against frightful odds, the majority never gett: a chance, If WE could have built up industries at home to give employment to ere boys DRIVEN away into ies? Just ‘e we responsible for this condition. we WE have set a handicap in THEIR lives. But it is ngt too late to do our duty by the NEXT Sas se ee ae power to keep these children at home. LEBRATE. PEACE JULY NINETEENTH His Majesty the King Appoints Day For Empire Peace estival. m Ottawa say jesty has issued a proclama- ‘tion appointing une the 6th day of ta ene for the blessing a essen gtin jon that a later date would be more approp! However, in view of his Majesty's day, celebrat ‘ons in all parts of the Do ame FOREST FIRES. SWEEP THE NORTH yastating Flames. spatch from Cobalt says: The ae for the north is precari- ous. It is impossible to estimate the number of homes that have been des- troyed. Briefly outlined, the situation is: Timmins, fires on three sides, serious- ly threatened from the southwest. Poreutane: fires on two sides. Hailey- bury, severe fire just west of the town, falling cinders ses to LOUV AIN WITHOUT er of scientific demeanor, and up. have set buildings in the town afire. scanning the visitor’s book in ‘te Boston Creek, 1 leading Eels R Aipray, a us we had been fac ine properties surrounded; — min ‘ace with a world authority from She 7 in’ crews are, figh the fires, Tokai A LIBRARY | St sort suitors tom te! From Erin'sGreen Isle }] £2 ‘ciosly tsstenea, several pea ane i hat might elucidate an homes ABV burned. Porta vee June- gyptian discovery, or an internation- district along the T. & N. O. bad- BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS BURNED ally renowned SRS ae e . fait ‘Cochrane is afe, but fires BY HUNS IN 1914. le or Salamanca or Athens salen near. Elk Lake and Gowganda ari unearthing our library’s hidden treas- ns engi ee oe . safe. Fire near Elk Lake is moving — ures for confirmation of a selenite! 7 o away. Serious fires reported in Again Will the Scholars of the Lat Matachewan goldfiel ‘rederi Never Again Will he Scholars of the ain would nat change ie sow, aoe ct ttn | Hem got, Fay gtd a World Benefit by the Priceless piles atic mode of living because of | Qojtege, able mill properties threatened, Kirk- Treasures of Belgian-University. _ | the'r presence, nor give receptions in aaa feponded, most generously land distriet, no danger, but. several their honor. Louvain was used to thel to the “Pound D wall’ in aid of | townships nearby are afire. Mud Lake, During the more ies four years| visits of the world’s biggest and most} prumconda Hospi “3 west of Cobalt, severe bush fire, be- of the Buropean was it was practically |famaus figures. ‘Dey left as they ha The dalrymen of Belfast have de- Hieved under control. araprestbla for outelders to estimate| come, quietly, unostentatiously, the! oiaed to reduce the price of milk to the damage done to Louvain Univer-| richer for their stay of a week or al cight pence y Sai cae sity, writes a graduate 0 que Tainous \rnouth, tania a en earaetee Tie cabie Iiveriee of Dublin have | WORLD'S FASTEST CAMERA Belgian seat of learning. Those of us) for se gathered in one place the] ai been closed owing. 1 the preval- wi pel be in Louy: on| cre: f tl owledge, the science] ence ot influ Two Mie a Second Steet of Paste Wiiat ted avd memorable. 26th day of Vand. prowpss of the-world. These man| asyert cen farmer wi tue: Wie ently Invented. August, 1914, and who fro Beare Lota will ast See again. She willl of a see which recently gave birth A Soe new invention is a distance watch oa miss them because oe will be no} to ae healthy lambs. camera Professcr H, ‘The torch late Mrs. Emily McFea, who —con-| re the in military court-| ar many thousands of innocent Bel- gins had Jain in the discretion of} a e less manuscripts, of her 1,000 ineun: chives and records telling of the his- tory of nearly 500 years of scientific progress, a histo nd its att ” Germany, ict ‘Tecently at Carrickmacross, left an estate valued at $165,000. The Cork corporation has hagas a conciliation Fes for the: ae tlement of trade Sir Frederick Anagre: pieced at the nal mesting of the Ro yal Zoologi- cal Society for Ireland. J The death is smoneed of Capt. Francis C. Forth, pal of the on ieee precious Sascinaact S print over 400 years old, of her) a story of the world gos ‘tainments; all thai B Mi 1 ical School. such cou of this are four uly fooking, © eo pace Techni oe the [a w now that all efforts to] walls and i p Fax Committee for Ireland, has bee its hes sresised to the Order of the British e made Dixen, a Macinter man, anit cords on a film any’ thing pete at a speed of ciose to two ee second. He ye conatacted est camer: orld, aly taking a nondred ay ‘of film photo- graph in a secon This speed is not fast enough, how- ever, for the professor's purpose, and x] and other motor fuels. em ingly and in in mixta sit i Wee on photographing the flame of an ex- Many Towns Lie in Path of De- : ral | cro re-| the GUNS TELL LONDON PEACE IS SIGNED JOYOUS CROWD FILLED STREETS OF BRITISH CAPITAL. King and Queen Took Part In Rejoic- * of Throngs That Surrounded Buckingham Palace. seal was set on tl = ial he re- Shred me signing of ence by the booming a guns, says a won patch, West End was joyous eis but the Peiickied “rel aS below those witnessed on armistice aaa "The Saini of the path as ttuee hese ances, an e audiences sang “Rule, Britannia!” aa a ae a King.” ‘Trafalgar Squai eighbor- hood were ale art but this was due to the desire to watch the 0| <7 Victory Loan procession, organized by Bene Aaa r than to the spirit of celebré The ova eee Take Part. in firing, givi strangely tami iar “imitation raid de , the King and Queen, ac- eee rhe the Prince of Wales and Pri uy 's a rush font a Dante of the near! ay pare to ees it. For three-quarter: the ~royal family stood in presence Re the people, and the scene had that simple homely English touch which marked the armis- ice Selabea aa wd was. SoS of een of all gee and calling: hastily eur together f: giments at Wellingts eee national airs and popular songs, and the Ki a brief speech of thanks and congrati: d Banner” wo of ems its besides ties are ie know that the “long, long wren: was traversed at last, but the air brought back too many memor- ies of 1914 to be sung very heart! The ct d onore ss the Prince of Wales,” and then the Queen turned to Princess an standing in The ae was greeted with a great ere cheers as she bowed to the rea TW verses of “O God, Our Help,” were ae by all, standing with bared heads, and then the King, noticing that id a pri- vi ing see nothing, called the balcony t p the Home Fires B old Rivka etads of the Old Bri gade,” two ofthe popular airs played. “rhea with a salute from the Ol ing and th deep courtesies from the Queen, the eAemenateuen came to an end. Bells Ring and Flags Wave. The news agencies and newspapers have iceuatet a number of messages from various personalities on the con- e predominating save the ancient ‘structure with its plosion traveling at a spéed of 3,000} ‘The announcement that the blockade wealth of precious volumes had been| ruins are slowly seattering to vars a uecos Sul: not; be talieds 4 Meaweenin deliberately frustrated by the es four points of the compass eithe death 1s announced of Sir Bd. He has suoseeded in getting his! National Assembly has ratified the a ez. system had bee: ae ree Thousand Students. ward George Jenki KC. ‘or: | films to ers flame traveling at/ treaty accords.to some extent with the crip ‘hose who ‘had ventired although two months ago, when| merly Additional Dader; Ree teae for | this speed by, fixing on the camera] apprehensions that are felt even yet. ear the burning building to save ae “ visited my Alma Mater, the] Ireland. ‘a lens that reduces each image to one- don learned of the signing of the ‘hat they could of its pence had) number of her students counted 2 more| ‘The Dublin Port and Docks Board twelfth of the ordinary size and set-| Peace Treaty at Versailles at 3.40 been forcibly removed by the agents; than 3,000, more than ‘om| have appliéd to Parliament for per-|ting the camera at right angles to| p.m. The news became known through of se Saadt ‘ultur—whi oh proved, in! were still wearing the uniform et the| mission to raise their rates by fitty the li al which e| the firing of guns which had been in- words of a recent chronicler, that’ Belgian or French Army, Louvain can| per cent. travels. le anne the war to warn the city these Sriniech vandals could not only never again become A sale of produce was recently held| The e: ents Professor ore create libraries, but destroy them with| pre-wa Upper Mount Street, Dublin, in aid 5 e ES S g 3 equal thoroughness. I have at this’ sad to the point of tears, to stand rain ot the Leinster Regiment Prisoners of writing not seen an disiaired gt el the seen oh Lace eek place| War ma damages assessed against the Ger-| that holds that magnificent piece of Col. C. H. Blackburne, D.S.0., mans, 21 wonder what amount of | “Brussels lace,” L in’s Hotel: de ocuitanee Staff Irish Command, it has been or will be allotted to-| ville, and see the procession\ of \stu-| who was lost in the Lelnster stare the upbuildi f Louvain's' dents pour out of de Namur, | left an estate valued at $100,0 famous library and university. All’ and as they passed the ruins of her eace inaugural man" of the the stored gold of Germany cannot) jibrary sombre oe at the| Historical Society, Trinity College, pay for the scientific value of the rare: bsckened Yemains of what once was| was held in the polis dining room, eater By th = ae nanu- their pride and joy. There used ia be} and Sresided over Rt. Hon. Sir seri nd incunabula whicl in days a e by processions of hilari-| John Ross. the ae heritage of foe centur-! ous youngsters with grote: sque fae oe ies and are now lost to us forever. | dent caps over their ears, singing and| Gay ADI ANS ARE BACK Visited by World’s Great Men. | Shouting, romping ai ing, OM. ARCHANGEL FRONT asing the pretty shop girl over the What a magnet that library was to, half-door of Mme: Durand’s epicerie aes aa Lignans hagwe the ineletal wets of are seria oe indulging in innocent pranks on| m,, Aes artillery, which has Often |'a peddler’s donkey at-the corner. But! seen assisting General Ironsides and A “not iaepige st herbarians have cut! nis mixed command of British, Amer- 2 aleger a of their very hearts; they) ican and French operations ov pageees dy Rees Procession) area of some 200 miles in tl - Bal | of down-hearted bays has arrived at Ripon, and im taught us the depths of schol- Setic philosophy,. oF emerging: from so named after Criminals, never sleep well, and the rea zone, sails for home at the end of the mon Dixon bar scbtained oa likely to ‘have the production of to his piece that measures the tra Rame down to the ten-thousandth of a second, and with these new instru- ments the professor is making precise ¢ firing-point of all then fires them under the eye of the ONE U. S. Leet soma ON RHINE cally Pie SE eae aScaill in the “Rajnelantd n. It is expected that within a comparatively short time there will remain fe Rhine only one ree ment, suasilary troops, bed Fo fan; 5 to $10; do y do, io sneePey ido eom,| declare that the weight of the lower | the “Juste. Lipse,” respiratory organs, necessarily good| To zemove the white geet on var $7 to $7.50; heavy fat bucks, $6 to| jaw is Ee ptt that of an ee ouvain’s famous savant ‘of the six- Mor the sake of hesith, are *de-| nished furniture wij DiAbs: wo es dest not to cover spinach while] P $6.50; lambs, clipped, yearlings, $12.50) man thieves often have a| teenth century, we would gists ta ven| fictent. =Stoanie shoulders narrow | a cloth wrun, ¢ dry fr Si ‘water with a.| cooking. $14.50; hogs, fed ‘and watered, $23) numbor of freckles and wrinkles which | erable, bent figure’ with fea-| chests Tatgs | noges are "| isle ammonia in it, then rub with| Every child should have nearly a Sabor ee fei ob. 00 ts to 4 viet 28, © to’ are strongly marked, tures, or aff alert but sae “for ‘en-| strange riots fapiitate soll quart of milk each day. 2 BRINGING UP FATEER 2 [os Woe ee é WHAT "VE DECIDED THAT fo) 12 YOU THINK? Be ANS KNOW A al 'M JUST MAKING A LYST OF AFE Ww THIN: ae Saas ee LS ae ane ST OF THE YOULL GIT THE 1 SUPROSI GS RE THINGS WHEN : We a'T Gown |. a. [HON coe LLO> CASEY HAT OLD J: LO OB OF PINE Open AS \ THINK I'M se eae throngs came to a halt as heard. The eze by the cheering thous: of St. noon marching, put even more than customary vigor into the blowing of ¢ drum: into the square, cheering a: me, ‘Whitehall and other centres, including | Hyde Park, also had their demonstra. }tions, is. of Boy Scouts, | drawn by the ing of many whis- Eigen district participated in the celebration. The only quiet spot was e square mile which composes is >s es 8 Be ae a & 3 4 a \ ust played streams of light over the - es \e | CANADIAN CATTLE os FOR BE BELGIAN FARMS | tch from Brussels says: nk Seed head of Canadian cattle | purchased | by ment urchattement have azrived at A eC pment werp. A seCond shi t of 260 af | expected immediately, and a third, {number 500, early in ay Purchases C 2 of. = Powers to Sign Ni Veet au of te Ealnar A aes trom. note to Holland “reget athe peror, it i ‘ood, will ae aaa by Sincere of the twenty-three of power: ~<