Aladdin Lamps MANTELS and WICKS * NOTICE sf On and after Monday, June 23rd al abbantblle repairs, tires. gasoline, ac- cessories, ete. mtist be settled for by For Sale by cash or note before li P. NEUMEISTER —— ' é NG + MILVERTON GARAGE Milverton, - “Bt Shines Su AIL \ ) : E, H. GROPP, = Proprietor ed, 5 1 ; 3 | : Vol. XXVII—No. 30 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, July 10, 1919 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Eggs 44¢ doz. at Engelan Cherries at Loth’s. Eggs 44e at Loth’s. | U.P. OF NORTH PERTH MEE = Se cer er Items of Local Interest. Gil Wanted. Apply Ae Gockel Visit Engeland’s 5c, 10c and-15¢ — Call in and ee us on the eae eee e z EN iat nit 5 Guenther store. Engeland {0 n Thursday, July § 3rd the UP.O. Pie, Fred! Ohm returned from over eave, souE 9 order for cherries,— | Ladies, Serge Suits $7.99.—Enge. |Get in on the the, » Prize W. K. Loth is of North Pert th ‘met in ‘Cook's “hall, ngelai ing on day. Milverton, wit! ‘esident v. Cou rteous eet Be Ey ea ere ears Preserving Kattles in @ in all grades and | “House Paints at Special Prices—) eure Manilla Ro pe at prices to Sheares of see in the chair, Mr. 9 u pe ualities—A. men: Iplease you.—. lemens. ohn Denstedt, secretary, of Rostock, : < jhegr isa present on the sick list. "iis "Reuben Hoffman, of Tavistock All ladies’ sults and coats reduced. |” ‘Mr, and. Mrs, Geo. Hopf and fam- recorded the 54 S 2 |spent Sunday with friends in Milver-|—Engeland & Son {ily Sunday at Linwood. A com mittee “appointed to “ex Painstaking Service From the moment you have opened your account with us we look upon you as a friend of the eet Sunday with friends in the vil- SiS ncaa pHee 6 nn, of Elmira, spent |= iss Alice feat tetiage of lington, is at present visiting at ae ‘home in Milverton. te. Norman Roese has arrived at are spen nding a ee rr tw aaa “pad Elsie one holiday ue friends in Waterlo ed, per basket $2. groc ALLS Hartmier left on Monday | ue 's ue his course | BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANCH—N, C. Schafer, Manager the Pde two. ook terrible pun- ishment for his | tos qualities, ques. jer quartette of Start The Twelfth of Ji next. Saturday ill “andoublediy be has. stored the biggest event of kind ever | time as he is held ta Milverton. Beside the wine: Mrs. Barth ai teen lodges of North Perth, a number Wednesday for of- others have signified their inten-! ion of being present among them umford. J being lodges from Ethel, Walton, Mr, Blyth, Seaforth and others. Accep- expects to be i tances of Be invitation are being ih. Poxties in received dail The ALL STEEL = - - LOADERS, SIDE DELIVERY RAKES and TEDDER combined, DUMP RAKES, MOWERS, ETC. DELIVERY ON DAY'S NOTICE Second-hand Goods For Sale in Good Repair 1 Massey-Harris Hay Tedder 2 Climax Cultivators Good Massey-Harris 6’’ Binder 2 Steel Tire Buggies Also a Good Supply of Twine. N. A. Zimmerman DeLaval Cream al Brockville and Me- ee . Implement Dealer Tain Boece e v «The London Juvenile Pipe Band|N. will be present. m Tne. pasties’ freight sheds are being built and new aE: ’ MR, H. B. MORPHY, Grand Hiaster of the rand Lodge | OF the ing Revd.’s Dunbar, of Listowel; s night, ns Aenea and Paddon and Mr. J. signs torn G, Hamilton, of Milverton, ot b present ane will*deliver ‘sddresses Wi of high alocityc W. 0. GILMORE, Co, M J ‘tions at once. GEO. RAINES, Co, Secretary. | cover. s Frieda Pauli, of Ottawa eee So C. Clemens. Berries, No. 1 frui ‘Mr. ployed with the Seratyord Milling Co., his furniture until such will reside in the meantime with Mrs. Neil Yellowlees, piano tuner, in Milverton about July. ity of about 1,400 gallons each. fiee will receive his prompt attention, | victory. thursday last whe ill be used for storing gasoline ai ohn. Hammond ani ‘iss |captured the $1,000 eee stake “ See Programmes Later: the other for coal oil. This will be a G mond, of Millbank, Mrs, George |the Youngstown, meetin, great convenience to the Milverton rand Orange Helwrent” daughter of London Ms, |Trampauick won out. after going six and surrounding public as these com- . d Mrs. John Hooey and family, of | heats, a fine pts es to his gameness. modities can be delivered to dealers Milverton, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Rennie The best time w: less the freight from ion, ‘which €monstration and daughter, of Linwood Mr. There were Ggrelye: slastate in thie é amounts out 3 c a gallo J. Hammond ae Nereailge of Wel. vace, including Freddie Gratten. The The tanks will likely be placed on} — at — lester, spe Jul As sh at the home of Jack and Twister C., all pacers. cement foundations on which it is) qq E. Hammond, | They made every effort to beat out expected the work will commence | Milverton, Saturday, July 12th : Ballantyne Ave.—-Stiatford Beacon, |the Canadian’ pacer, but he gam ly : shortly. ? On Sunday evening the members {Stuck with them all and came throug! Now that the war is over “and rail- renee He gaa ee of the County | of L.0.L. No. a number of | With the victory in fine shape. This ‘3 ay companies are receiving bett of North Perth. Visiting brethren attended divine ser-|i8 the third $1,000 stake Trampquick}nder the auspices of L.O.L. No. 45 ba retu nm investment throu; ic hurch, .|has won in three weeks. His work has will .bectelaiiat the increased express and freight rat- addon preached a splendid and|been @ feature at every one of the of were unable ‘to take a place i, the Parts nZone a place in the 3 itch bi tha: | of British North America, will : : ered ax arstanion at Milvertin with ie fomada ofan ee Mt proportions Patrons are requested to bring their TEN ARTISTS 3 to its replacement some time px. MAYOR THOS. ESSERY, of Lon- ford county on Saturday last. ‘The of this week; S Saturday being the 12th | Will be present and a splendid pro- 4 in the future, by a better edifice. “don, is expected to be present, | Village, of Norwich and the vicinity) je will take a holiday.—N. ). Schatz, ramme will be given. ever, that the flattened crops will re- n coal oil by the’ amine ane Selena or the g elegates peat cattle need protection—use 25% or have thems proper!y vouvhe Williams’ Fly Oil- C, Clem- pital is spending her helidays at her| Miss Fanny Zehr bent Sunday |e the county re- ee wit her daughter, Mrs. Jul- jhomé in Milverton. * til friends at Milve Mz. John Brenneman spent Sunday SECS OE AB re punky re sig ie 0. antah of Wanted—Men, experienced and) Hot meals will be, served at the let the home of Mr. and Mrs. James |tion and a member of the exeeative ay vied tM De Sehsts's inexperienced. Apply HE. Furni-| Methodist, church on July 12th Sana of the Central ‘Oncatization of Pale - Sunda: ture Co., Milv 9th may be proclaimed a "as n Bicones of Guelph, ;merston, was pros: rave a con- Misses Ei to elebrate peace. | visited her sisier, Mrs. Herman Seh- lee report of th i midt, on Tue: Miss Ada MeMane, of Pestoolass spending the school vacation at ec in which he outlined thé Doe: ee: mode of procedure. » The mat er of entering the political wept “4 ‘it, re-clean- {m 25. Orders taken. | é tie Torin to_ contin . George Schultz and Mrs. John |home in Milverton. Hat ed, had received a great deal 6 Bank, to be served in every way Pialifax from, oversee And Wil Pe lin. manual training. r spent, Sunday at the home of | Master n suffered a se-|consideration by the executive and etible. at every turn Me. aides Schatz, Mrs.|_ Miss Burro ft Stratford, attend. | Mr oe ey aay |yere attack of appendicitis last week - consensus of opinion was that as po: y Z Ed Noll Mtn John Schneider tz, MS: | ed the Soldiers’ Recent Weir has placed in his|but has about recovered. as possible it would be advisable It is this spirit of “ “Friendly to Neustadt ‘on’ Wednesday: quet last Thursday evenin: t a new soda water fountain| "We are sending out our accounts— o put up candigaien tt each riding h i b 1 | Ge Bacee ot Moi Mis, Geo. D, White ate daughter ae — of about $1,000. fad expecta liberal response; 9s we ine iy guide! hy local cart isan service” that has n largely res_ ‘ | of Newark, N.J., are visiting ai s. D. Stewart and Miss Mary |need the money.— oth. in the matter. ice Eee eey: lid, ie spending ia tow days weihatee Pe nema Of Mis, Win, Donan. |dteware of Steutford trent the week-l ar. and Mew Jotin “Albrecht of John Hamilton, of Listowel, ponsible for this Bank’s. soli ere My Ti bumade left on Saturday | Mus: Pred Preuter, and children, of end with friends in Milverton, oneal, and son, Norman, spent Sim | was strong in his denunciation of oid steady 87 years of progress. last for Kingston where he ‘ke | Listowel, “spent Sunda: | mn M. PUSECADRUEE Giz Sat friends fy ie line parties and claimed that farmei eady of years OF prog! 2 course in the Summer ghoul there, |of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ducklow. Be family apent Sunday atthe honle|, ‘The Le ebanon ua eee by thelr abject slaviahess 0 Durer Rhy CUAL asic CRS She Gece oes jonand Mr, L.|, Mr, and Mrs John nak gud Mr. {of Mr John Lelskan, of Sater with Mr- John: Candler for fhe stab-/had been le to secure a square PP y 5 Pfeffer, Sr., attended the Temperance | # xs. Moses Janthi, of Baden,| A large number from Milverton at; |ling of io noraee ot deal and 0. business to be di —THE convention *held in Stratford on Mon- arene: pune at Mr. D. Brenneman’s. | tended the Lutheran Sunday ool | Never seni jollar ‘rom | tated to. by men in other professions. 2 * Mr. and Mrs. C. Siegner are spend: jconvention at Moserville on Sanday | home when the article that the dollar|He said let _your watchword now. be ank O ova scotia *Ntiss Ada Henry, of Wartburg, is|in& # couple of weeks] with Moan will purchase can be obtaine “Stick.” If you fall down this time spending a part of her holidays with| Mrs, C, S. Kertcher at ‘heir cottage! Mr, Ziegler, of the Kitchener Con-|home. Money is our financial blood.|you are down for ever, ‘The politi- eS her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. A.| i? pes jservatory of Music, presided at the| Unless the label on your paper |cians were to the hope that E 3 Beane OE Jacques’ jo? Millbank, will |musie examinations held here last |reads Jan. (meaning Jan. 1920) |the United Farmers we the way a = 9 Gnd 12000(000 ogee e, W. L, and Mrs. Heibin spent a of the speakers at the Orange | wee : you should at once attend to the lit-|of the Grangers and the Patrons of < my Rs: urees 24 50;000,000 Shee ne eMic fev tre wile a ee nae demonstration which an be held in| Mrs. W, D. Weir, of Milverton, is|tle matter of paying up your sub-|Industry. The time was at hand 5 : Miverton Braue! of Milverton, while Pele Honey | Milve yn. Saturd: vis siting with friends in Listowel and | scription. when we should stand gether. We ee Al f moon ae (gees on tain refreshed | vicinity for a few degac l etoeeet The St. Marys Presbyterian and|should put a candidate in the field. . Wty po + Jacobs, who had his hand | Somewhat the vegetation on Sunday | Banner. Methodist churches have united ser-|and get up behind him to the last a om gp badle mutilated: in the sand wheel at last, but nothing would'be more wel-| ‘The lends of Miss Bertha Miller |vices for the months of July and Aug-| man, : Wi ines A ng Mill is recover. | Come than a whole day's rain, area f Milverton, will reetet. to e services will be held morn- M, “McCallum thou che that ing splen ‘ey. . Symes and Miss aks ya hear that ‘She is in Kitchener. "honttiat ing and evening in each church alter- ritia an eran vote in the Vr Stanlay Wolfe, of Kitchener, | July 1st with Mr: an thc rrphoNT face nately. as greater than the rui Fora , recently returned from overseas, and | ken and also attended ee Soldiers’ would ask e owing me —- with 60 per cent. of the farmers yet : Miss Tila Wolfe spent ‘Sunday ot Me Reception on Thursday eve __laccounts to kindly call and settle on outside of our organization, the time mie : Be i = chates, All those owing me Bn account will|or before July 26th, as we Seed the |RETURNED SOLDIERS HONORED. | was not opportune for the placing of — 4 fisees ‘Alice Whitney, Pearl Ella-| 40 nie a favor if they will kindly call | money.—I. D. »Atk candidate in the field, Mr. Re Jy x 3 cott and Edna Rayeraft left on Mon- ape settee be bene t MM fae: ae * ie sop; “ "hs : es bhuwday eveaiae: last oe me Tanne ; Newton, held similar <> Se itemicthe Mathoding Sumiaer n in a shor — ratford, spent Monday’ at the |hundred and fifty soldiers and their| view: J. G. HAMILTON ore ee July 12th will be tag day at Mil- homes: of Mrs. ; Mr, 8 were tendered a reception Tir Samuel Corry, of Britton, state ° . Rev. G, N. Paddon attended the|verton for the Picton Protestant Or-| Pugh and Mr. Geo. re e citizens of Milverton and the sur-|e favor of placin Sunday School Convention held at mage Contribute ‘your share to- = ts try Ardis, ass Gilbert SS district. Most elaborate oa the in bass’ field, * a ais better Sole Agent for Pivioetiad on ieidar aipht and ards the maintenance of the r-| el, at ae and Mi and, Mrs. [prepared ons had been made for their |to fight and Tose than 1 have Er res n inspiring add: 8S. ‘orler, 0° ellesley, epene sunday |reception and entertainment. most | fought i. le was a Rakes of a D. L. @ Ww, PORTLAND pera sr En EM Guests at the home of Mr. ‘Thomas | with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Meyer. |sumptuous dinner had been, prepared toderate. tari@- thay would. yield Ree a SCRANTON ‘ CEMENT M.A, B.D. left! Mayberry over the holiday were: Mr.|~ Mr, and Mas, Robt, Burk, of Elma |to which. between 500 and 600: sat |venue, but objected to a tarift that , ‘ on Monday i ho r » STANDARD M Summer School of which institu. |W A ry, Toronto; Mar- are leaving on Saturday morning for} down. | ‘The famous Waterloo band|simply permitted the ninuiufastarer f A ST MARYS he Sui 00) i ; and Mr. Mel. 2 ee RNTHRICITE: anes Rasahe th reneval aaa ory n, Toronto; and Mr. Mel-|Mosslake, Sask., where they intendjand the Waterloo band. dis-|to blee niger ultur 5 Miss Cora Schneider, of the post wey Mayberry, Milverton.—Stratford Spending several Sint with their cone music & ae e boys wert ur ai snd . office staff, left on Saturda; ia Eas eing banquetted. eatest means of producing an equal eee) office stat er oe weoks with tends| Mr and Mis, A. P. Hampel and ° Members of L.0.L. No, 45 will be| After the banquet Mr. M. MacBeth |ly distributed wealth. and. should re~ ; at Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N.Y, | $00, Barl, ae Accompanied by|busy on Friday afternoon building | took the chair and proceeded with the ceive more consideration at the Hane ce a Our council, now that the streets|Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buder, of cee aren, sl stands and booths in prepar-|toast list and entertainment. “Our|of the gove: re eing watered, should make brok ho are at present on eens the demonstration on Sat-|Country” was proposed by Rev. Mr, Pea: ton, also es iaanie: provision to have them oiled as| honeymoon, eek Eats at the/ur L,. Nicholson, and responded to _by| pressed himself as in jesse of placing the dust has become well nigh intol-| hom Te 29 is being splendidly saved this} Mr, 1, ex-M.P., of t-!a candidate in the fiel - e et ets Waltons (es: Hachaal | year, owing ‘of rain and |erloo, “Our Guests” was proposed by ir. James Stewart, of North East At the se board meeting held| Boyle) of Armsttong, B. C., accom-|the fine dry weather that prevails. | Rev. n, who. paid a noble|hope, stated that he was in favor of e a e uc 10NS on Monday the board engaged | Panied by her daughter, Mrs. Jeff|A considerable quantity has already | tribute the men who had faced | putting uw ‘armers’ candidate, but Miss. Peari Baca to fill the vacancy | Long, of Sharon North Dakota; is | been housed. ath on a foreign field, that right-|thought that a convention should be the staff made by the resignation| Spending a couple weeks with} The spring crops, owing to the con-|eousness and justice might not per-|called later at which the representa- f Miss Gree friends in Milverton and Elma. tinued dry weather, ae very chore ish from the He repelled the|tives of the women voters be or Satur ay Hy y \°" Mr and Mis. G. Ruckel and family|, Massie Chapter 1.0.D.E., Brunner, |and the prospects of reaping a big| slander so frequently repeated again-| present and that the labor votes it of Waterloo, left on Saturday for |beld-a-very il garden -party | harvest’ in. the maedinte vicinity of |st soldiers, that they would endeavor | the towns, whose interests were iden their home, after spending a couple the home of Mr. Joseph Taylor, | Milverton are OE ver’ ight. bring back the liquor and the open | tical with tha’ farmers, should = ss Fi age of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs, |On Wednesday evening of last week.) (Mr. E. ropp, who has the con- | bar e rated their intelligence too |al have representatives at the con- 3° In order to clear out the remainder of our stock we are offering the Louis. ee ‘ood programme was given, one of ct of constructing the model of}high for that, hi el | vention. 3 x following at a remarkably low price for Saturday. Mary Wingefelder, of Ros.|the features of which was the sing-|the Schneider stook-loader is now | stated that in Canada agreat| Mr, James Newbigging, of Atwood 4 tock, announces the engagement ‘of {ing of the Premier quartette, Strat-| advancing the w and expects to|heritage and by harmony and united | stated Bar i wes the duty of the U. HATS, regular $8 to $9 5 75 HATS, regular 3 19 her daughter, Henrie Cornelius | ford. ave it in operation this harvest, fort we could make our country oné iF. 0. ae Perth to put a man me to clear at e to clear at 2 Wagner, of Josephbrug, the marriage fe Mrs. Wm. Moore and|' Mrs. Berk, of Cleveland; Miss “Lot-|of the greatest nations of the whole the ‘0 take place shortly, paneer of Yokima, ‘Washington, |ta Schwindt, of Toronto; Miss Alvina|wide earth. “The Empire’ was pro- . Chalmers, of Poole, rigs One Table of Small nitable for mo- ber of the “pals” of Master Wm, Thrower and daughter, of | Grosch, of a, and Mr. Gordon | posed by Mr. F. W. & ed Nhat ‘a good. conventio: , 1 95 Pi & _ is . good: conventi yn would Retin tciesrat) SLs F rold Barth gathered at his -hom Radel Sask., (a brother-in-law of |Fleischhauer, of Brunner, were visit- North Perth?” “He welcomed the |ealied anda man placed 47 the tela lay evening and presented oie SR, eRe are eet ors at Mr. a hn E. Se Hl st week guests onthe evening beget a bet Mr. Turnbull favored placing i im with a fountain pen prior to ‘the among 3 - y Durnan, son of the sculling|ter Canada, the of the second ja candidate in the fiel Ladies’ Fine Lisl le Hose, reg. 85c for - 69c Bp Rbeotar nein ere ington. It ig 19, years’ since Mr. champion Eddie Durnan, crane cupman hich Maelaoeeaee a candidate i She Abid pn so BU Sai Se sors ae white, grey and brown) Gordon, Hoffman and’ Louis| Thrower was here before. | |son of the world’s, greatest owing | proposed by, Rey. C. N. Paddon, ts Mr. MeCallum stated that He was 3 te Ome seveiaeds A , on. i chamapion, (ward Hanlon, won welcomed those that returned, but | not opposed ine Silk, in all colors, reg. 1.55 for 98c Thursday last. The former was able|July 2nd, Emma Hei rich, beloved junior sculls easily from Moran. at ? Meier eee ame 3 0 reach Milverton in time for the| Wife of Mr. George Boeckner; aged’ the Dominion Reg: Sg held at Toron- or > Steet 2 ‘ reception but he latter did not arrive bp Rleaie ra): hs and 25 days. we to on eae ee 4 n i 0 home until Saturday. ‘a jondon Advert iser of Tuesday ri 301 4 Miss L. Zimmerman, Milverton Sunday last was generally recog hay aon John Street, ‘Tavistock, on | devotes ‘nearly a column to photo- jation,, proposed the, to aot at On ‘os then moved the following nized. throughout th of hy at 1.30 | sravur nd letter print description | Allies,” was perponda a to By eanhition weniele s seconded by Mr, Canada as a day of g ee. ks Scahend vibe Sf Trampoiuck, 2.07%, his driver and|Rev. J..F -Kuight, MA, es Stewart: That at a subsequent giving for the blessings of peac in Ceme-} o Mr. ‘osch, fiver- fasked'the audienes to Tis van convention to which we invite “the me July 19¢ fh bas ‘been proclaimed as = istock Gazette. |ton, Part @f the aa <up appears |of tribute to Belgium. He stated | ladies, farmers in polling subdivisions ~ |day of p ybration. Toronto on elsewhere in this issu that our. greatest allics were the wiv-|where the U. F. 0. has not yet any \ Millbank man was fined ten dol- | Monday Mog wee ee Correspondents will, idndly send in /es, mothers ,sisters and daughters of |club on the basis suggested by th 3 lars and costs iday last by Mag-|formerly of Stratford. Some poe | their budgets On Monday's mail. of [the soldiers heir sacniflee was | Central, Organization an nized istrate Hamilton and Reeve Grosch) oe ee eieken, with, paral a: euch week. Nearly: every week im-|really the greatest in ‘ll the efforts Hlabor, the matter ‘of ‘placing candi: for an infraction of the Canada Tem- e portant budgets reac! is office on |put forth to win the war. dates. in the field be more git hl: ia often happens that when perance Act. ‘The information wag health returning, however, but little) Tuesday evening and sometimes on| Following the toast list was an en- dealt wi ig cele 3 a husband dies his wife is jaid by License Inspector Elliott, of improved. Mr. se gee oak ednesday mornin; spat too late |tertainment given by Messrs. Frank The annual meeting of the North Bs unable to obtain any ready Stratfor his prime, one of Stratford's best | for publication.—The dfield, baritone singer, and Joe! Perth U. F. 0. will be held in No ‘ uel Petrie, S. J. Grosch | all round ath! The funeral will at taken a hie toll amon liams, charac comic singer. } vember and the date of calling money until the court pro- Jack Graech, MWilfrid Grosch and Mr. take place in Stratford on Wednes-/the horses of the district recently. | Oldfield is the possessor of a magni-| vention was left in the hands a tae ceedings are completed. A and W v. H. Grosch left on Mon- | 48¥- a City | At # funeral at Eden Grove the other |ficient voice and had lendid re-| executive committee. beats r : day for Cleveland to attend the race|. Jack Dempsey, ‘the Salt Lake City | day, 12 animals, which hi L been tied | pertoire of songs; Will is a clever cS joint account in the names of et there, Trampquick is going out fighter, who is just twenty-four years | during the service at the grave, were jentertainer and rently pleased the both husband and wife in- this week after the $1,500 stake and|0ld, is no wheavyweight champion of |found dead in the harness about the| crowd, he could, however, improve ; ‘ He Wallehasa Laat travelling: to wit. the’ world, having knocked out Jess | churchyai cso Winehath A diencet his repertoire by eliminating the ris-| Subscribe for the Sun— $1.50 per sures against this possibility. he garden party der the| Williard at Toledo on Friday in one} Quit a number members of | que. e evening was a most de-|Year- Single copies 5 cent Open a joint account in the auspices of the Methodist church lad-}°f the. ai t and most sensational | 1,.0.L. No. 45 attended the divine ser-|lightful one and made a delightful jes’ aid on the church n Fri.| championship contests ever recorded | vice with the district lodges at Mill-| ending, for m. day ot ; names of yourself and your lay evening was ry. successful | im the history of ae ring. eicoe bank on Sunday morning. ser- | un e grand stand did a thrivi wife with the Bank of Ham- function. Mr. Knight returned from | Wa8 actually Knocked out in the first vices were held in Grace chure business consideriig the, intensity. of 3 Hamilt Columbus and occupied the chair. A |10 nd saves ne the third), very appropriate and sarong ye the p me, having taken in ove: = . amilton. good pr e cal t a Jini elpless in | sermon was delivered by Rev. E. Jac-}$225, Although about 600 soldiers 4 th, who is now em- ‘Township of Mornington PEACE CELEBRATION 50 SOLDIERS "RECEPTION 3 ‘will be a sury se: | which will likely ‘be donated njerection of some memorial for. our Aba he Toes. TRAMPQUICK WINS AT YOUNGS- PUBLIC aaeena chaunos the country want- TOWN, OHIO. MILLBANK, > es only goes. in|, Trampquick (2.07%) the game lit aOR e year, viz: during | tle pacer owned “H. Grosch, of 3 left at the Sun of- Milverton, came the ae with another Saturday, July 19th, 19 : 6 | Ohio meetings. Raiisiibassiar tea a. Sat. Ev’ £ ‘duly 12th NOTICE TO PEARL CREAMERY PATR Doors open at 7.30. A GILT EDGE INVESTMENT Concert begins at 8 p. m. British Columbia sree de ae S per cent. gold bonds, 19 years to yield 5.35 per cent. Price Apply at Sun office, Milverton. | ADMISSION 50c; CHILDREN 25c. S00 TR cay ow eee eien | and the itis expected. how-