_ MANTELS and WICKS For Sale by P.N EUMEISTER 5 Miveron ‘< + Ontario ; Thursday, July 3, 1919 Eges40c dozen.—Engeland’ | 40c dozen.—Engeland’s. Items of Local Interest. (es Gini wanted. Abply at George Seroaahand seaelice ota ota her's, ale —Finkbeiner hardwar . stove e. : A number took in the races at New . Henry Debus, of Bacchelville ir. and Mrs. Herm | ‘The Forward Movement meeti ings | OR ; ee ; - H inion Day. Seduoe Nae | iy yore (family spent a few days with friends jheid in Burns church during the past ne aires toto € armer’ s Misses Ida and Mina, pee Se ee capevinced. andl Ete St lenin! teres st [A aot - _E . ts Gees A an photo: | inexperienced: Appl HE. Foren! =e well attended, 4 i cigars ‘acgunt en Rate Dowition-Day with tonne freun: os y a ture Co., Milvert (hundred. Dr. Martin, of Stratfo: sbendad Sim pasture del ia E ue 5 | ection Oil Sto dhs. 8. W. en and family, a occupied fattage eneS ce farmcee Mr rirnert A brated? | ‘The 12th of July will be tag day at range on nan = in einen rene) dob, sherk Sunday. Wie het evening and gave 2 splendid address. } | Milverton for the Picton Protestant tl ad A second-hand wood stove for sale, | mother, Mrs. John Mohi Thursday night Ww. D. ais Al ile in vil- Z 2 condition. Apply Finkbeiner , Mis. ©. Gateke, we are ped sence - Friend (Bolder oe) may appear in uniform at |b ard ae an M 1 ee Westhill, able to be about a: gain netier a se- ‘Soe a ee pean on Pte Lis- | ac’ 4 the reception and banquet if they de-| i they orley, resthill, is Ne attack from galls towel, pole the a ite “Both had | who could not get aboard of cai 5 ij tate nding the vacation at her home in J, G, Hamilton nee ‘SMiss Alice | 5 _We have large resources and wire tand Ue", o, steonon ana Hives Hamilign atisnted. the sale of Me. | te as day mor: foe agnor ten the vast experience of 87 years little son, Blain Galt open ea names of Mivertonians oS Sebbens at Suattord on Mon: | ify : Mrs. hoff, 1 Domi act ‘ic events | 4 to draw upon to serve you; but 1° Sree al ales se 9f Guelph, vise ab Stratford gg te Ee Hamuilion, of Listowel ii ay and Mrs. Chas, your ea 30 Holle-| addresses e Burn: we- hae aioe Ha more ‘ Seer { church, Milverton, on irharelayatien | im — ‘ ee e rate FM ave the earnest e) ‘oronto Fi f “th F Miss Florence Hathersmel, Mua as \e 2 ; , : : een § se Gu pers FOE ot halide e eruner mother, and other here, returned to Swit oe = ealect your drafis—all by oad fooled and iby Fae ole eye Samuel Noll spent the ek The B.'& N. Pl rR Bg Gear eae delivered ‘the me vaya looking & tp Mr. G. A. Barth left da efid in ilverton paéling up. an i thei: ale yy gi ip oe a Snpartisl ayer ots Arty Sasa fo SE eee coat eaee ay |moved his family to Kitchener on ness have purehas ma wer a roduc, of ses thee booked him for ons ascen- plas : $ in ‘ee duties with the MeLeod Mill. | Monday. lin-} ie ee for the delivery tt of g giving to Sst sion some ‘time in August, k f N S ti ok Manly and Mrs. Robertson, of ept Monday| | Mr. a Edwards and son, who eritorcone mT Sse Ba ¢. Jacobs, while en route d . A.|have been spending a month with the needs of greater i ~ Subseribe for the Sun—$1.50 per nk Oo Ova scotia ford on Tuesday called on fiends in| Blligson. Mee. & fate 24; | friends in Mornington, Lowes hing the home and foreign field, |year. ‘Single copies B cents. rise hip by e the Panes ? Mr. eit Mrs. Peter Hartung andj} 50n, Lawrence, “of Fort William, are the West on Saturday la: Se Siptes Caster 4 ce scssann on, Reuben, returned on Tuesday spending | the holidays with friends i in| Qi and Mrs. Jolin HicFariane, of a s : Reserve F Fund -”12,00.000 scala Beet Senor See des with friends) ~'yorton’ Torrance, s0 ad heenes a ee aay Milverton Branco Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Lashmar, of | Mrs. Andrew. Torrance’ has passed his 3 ‘Toronto, spent a few days in Milver- first year exams at the Toronto Medi- nd Atwood, |_| ‘ 5 tor d Mor: ‘ton this Ik re eal college. Mr. C, M. Bowman, M.P.P., West —_ : OYA SN ton and Momington this week renew-) “afr. John Deckert, Sr., and Milton | Bruce, and Ohief Liberal Whip 5 th PROGRAM of i eal , and CI > I A 22 The 0 tur decid pulpit of the Methodist ee and Clayton Deckert, of Linwood, . on aaday fe st was occupied b: y-|ited the former’s sister Mrs. Seelhoff, ir ‘om public {i ae ae TO) fad Bok Heed hs Gere Be luring the past week, again be a candidate for parliamen- interesting discourse and Mrs, Herb, ‘Allemang have | tary. honors. 0 iers’ ece ion Me snes: Jacob K ReeleettoKs and Petites nto, after spending| Mr. an dMrs. Wilbert Yost, of Un- fami and Mrs. H. Bundscho | two weeks’ vacation: here and near 4 vi i Linwood.—Elmira Signet, ith friends in Mli fi Mr. Thos, Ellacott of the 16th con. itchell. Mr, Yost retui of Elma, had a tumox removed from | home fonday, but Mrs, Yost i Exhibition Park, MILVERTON his lower ip on Sunday by ith: bine reradining’ 3: mene outer in Ponti ich., it wi vith Mr. and Mrs. Davi and |erford and Kidd. Be Er bes, ntario, J. G. HAMILTON eta ae nei Al those owing mean account will| Owing to no official municipal re- THURSD AY, J ULY SRD Mz. Geo : do.me a favor if deg will kindly call | cord having been kept of the men who Sole Agent for Paci! venue in, h: and settle, as I ex pect to leave Mil-| en! for servi is nt a ditching machine at work ee verton in a short time.—T. P, Roe. | d i mmitte AT 8.00 P. M. Le PORTLAND sing the tile or-closed work on the ellefreund makes hotgeraphe iS get tl ver hi SCRANTON 6 very cheapest to i 4 STANDARD oT MARY Ait, Chas, Hines, and_ daughter, est that 4. Call and him. ‘The committ i WET OR DRY THIS BANQUET AND RECEPTION ate * eee fis Mary, of Brewerto on, N-Y., are at|see him (personally) on the Teth of WILL BE CARRIED 01 he ae ae Sie Joh hi E. ie It «former eaters “Remember the garden part, th ee Thi i a id to di ; * d = arden party on the | not, ec avi aS ee ee Methodist chureh lawn on Friday ev-| pend upon friend: tl BA NQUET I ae. J Counts and Miss Coutts left| ening. e Stratford male quartette i ir li n Wedne: een for a few wa en on ne of the features of the = Jargel i days. after mi they will go on to r re may be omissio! COMMENCING AT 6.30 P. M. Hamilton where they moet to reside but all soldiers are welcome. in the future. ‘ ugh’ [ona, Mr. J. ‘ Tucker, of TOAST LIST: Mr, W. tt leav his week 1 : SORTING EC, SEE = Lees ayer eS The King. .... Our Country. .... Our Guests. 7 for Kingston where he will take a| Dauphin, Man. ARS i) MILVERTON PROM or ae ae che ‘Samines, School” with | Milverton on Saturday after ‘ ROMOTION “EXAM: . MONEY IN LIVE STQCK the intention of eventually securing A Reception aie wil beheld in ATION RESULTS. he Empire. is B.A. degre: Crawford’s bus No. 5, M .A. desi mn. —— SENS eh ri I # T 1" AREFUL selection of Se eee aA Ee oe pass 928—Promoted Lou PROGRAMME BY vattle” t ‘Tuesd: noon here was-al- ell. -Good booth: endiigames. ing during the year—Mari 5 Ati esting ce and he Pence Pi “aka Mets Ht el, al Secaeend|- | | PRANK OLDRIELD, Baritone — *) illba n party. lune ts % i i i iti The soldiers’ recepti Thurs-| . Mr. W. Livingstone, who has pee Helen Guenther 737, Earl Smi m ing will put you ina position day aveving bide fer to. be one of tvisiting 582, Willi JOE WILLIAMS, Comedian to make money from your Big ever held in the| motor on S for hi suker 651, Ralph Bi 22 Hb village. About 150 invit avi jaw, Sake Fad at rs. | Louis ordo 1—Baritone Solo ............ Frank Oldfield erd. The Bank of Hamil fon, aeconnpanied him as far as De 60 opathy 2 ton is prepared to promote vails, troit, retur ing to Histowel_ Monday | Pugh 602, ba Bi ic Sons of the Sea.” a itimate r. J. W. Johnston, of poe itandard. | Spe r 565 y Hoffm: ere De Coenie Son: “ eee eS illiams ieee hich development Be ee ite teem Ee Ble mime A. eimurr. returned gh 554, Whimey Thompson STONE a ts rai Dona along this line. ment of their eldest daughter, Jena- e last Thursday 549, , Jack Bastendorff 513. was Standing at the Corner of the Stree! ; E ies “ 9 r. 4th—Total 780, honors 585, Eleanor & uM eG ponpeny eee : i ake nepicked on. Goren eeate. 8—Baritone Solo ....., : Frank Oldfield S. RB AN 0 SENS sho tly. but was k i Camp | 1 ES ing the ye ge “The Floral “Dance.” Mr. Weir will sell by public} in England. enjo: is outing |——On examinations—Helen Hon AM I LTO N auction Mae standing hay, in the p ark well. His many friends | ich 649, M: = : 4—Dame Song yee Joe Williams e MILVERTON BRAN and cemetery, and 60 here are pleased to, weleomte him baek | Hamilton $12, Ev Kt “Why do Men Run After Me?” pai sidewalk on the north side of jome,—Mildmay Gazett 2 3 a : CH—N. C. Schafer, Manager street, on Wednesday, July 2nd. “Sale| | ‘The war is not far in Bundsch Ralph 5 5—Baritone Solo’............ Frank Oldfield ence a N. if uv 546, Paddon ‘of, Barns. carat hw ak iaks for least 20 pe panes then the | 2he id Weir ate’, 6—Comic Song vee eeeess JOG Williams ions an pul } tal 0 bia lots. BRB, 7—Baritone Solo .. . Frank Oldfield pass ;—Pearl *Ste wart 584, Nellie “Sussex ine the Sea, id Or- e fu in n. ae Ne Maczeth 580, Hillis Paddon 588, Carl 3 ils of the i ad ni ‘idt Ole Zimmerman 53 8—Comie Song :......++..++-. Joe Williams ed home of Mr. and Mrs. | of ms enj i sachet “I Think Til be Goin’ ’ome Now.” : Ge Raycraft on Saturday even ending the 516, Alex. Akins 5 kc i is. : of bays overseas. The Honor Roll lizabet] man 504, Arth ; pape: : oe : ae yar ied or 492 Hears te is 474, Winifred Fi PROGRAMME BY wh Abs STEEL. =~ - of appreciation. e h ¥ © 2, Hei Mr, and Mrs. Bletcher, and | wounds or sickness, We bel beiner 470, Flora Berkner 470, Mabel Mrs, McClain and daughter, of iBisth, i : i io of | Weir 468 Hattie Moore 444, Jack THE WATERLOO BAND and LOADERS, SIDE DELIVERY RAKES and Mrs. John Berlett | the size of Usborne. that holds such a | Pep : 12, Ross Clemens 409, Billie WATERLOO BOYS’ BAND recor and TEDDER combined, DUMP and An, John, Hermann and tery | pSceanen was Sues of homer a |paae 60—-Anga Krafacfel 1, AL Seca: kare Mr. and Mrs. George Pfaff. a hap, di pel 469, e Finkbeine’ od Save the King. RAKES, MOWERS, ETC. SE ae ee Pas gate pence Mae see ‘ take y 489, Teabel 1—March..... Steady Boys .....C. F, Thiele a ewart, are ae Wallace, when oa wn} members ‘Ben ‘orrance”’ icker ess iv . LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW the St. Lawrence t shilatori kitting circle showered ee with use, ; Haze art 2—Overture.. Morn, es and Night . .Suppe re rd i s. musical and er scar u er |, This Overture, written by the composer of the Fraeinen eacneas wa enjoved ny the te fohr_410, ir well-known Poet and pores and oe rivals it 2 a : - ieved of , 3 ns 410, ; Second-hand Goods For Sale in Good Repair Zeke: - George Wallace.) | many present, ‘: 70, Freddie H = te DoRUIBEY. e7 i a Monday evening a number of| == == Gordon Guenther 360 3—Waltz......+. ll Bacio” veces da : 1 Massey-Harris Hay Tedder _, 2 Climax Cultivators ch i sable i nee de : . lai fart “307, x: (The Kiss). 2 Frost & Wood Mowers 2 Steel Tire Buggies 4—Boys’ Band—March Ro eA i 1 Top 2¢seated Surrey--a good one pees vagy y ; oer h eee -— Ove: LE eric te cent ts ko ae Lae reas e mem of Jog ize No. 4 i Le - | d 6—Suite. RO sci gis LAN UB, Gp Regt denies -Safranek _N.A. Zimmerman B.A i aude, dee se Gxt Bl is tiga peers ee Se Lost Continent). , J 24 i 233, : DeLava ream Sp Implement Dealer Brockville and Mc- 8 Tas. "ew dW Ve Tv camnsiater Bo6 are Nouns % $ Fleury Plows Laughlin Buggies di s 2 ‘ rary Neate ‘Alfre II—A Court Function, et ee 4 aa x riel Dahms 167, Rosina TIL—I Love Thee (Prinee and Aana), 9 Onpee (tee ne Total 150,” 6 IV—The Destruction of Atlantis. * Grand Orange sok 147, en man 148, ‘ Atlantis is a continent mentioned in Plato's His. = > Jessie’ Sage 141, Bessie Hanna 1 : tory, and extended across the Atlantic Ocean from HE |TRAMPQUICK PULLS DOWN AN- alter king 124, Tola Bundscho 118, abope to Yucatan. ‘This continent, it is believed ‘ a el for two. long Je ‘ - OTHER $1, : i i D Mary Ford 114, Jack Gatcke 95, Ar- was the home of t race which conquered Hea aes et ed Te ee emonstration Hae Duench 98, Russell Maddess 94, : aa are : Vi c : ide b ot To — “AKRON, OHIO. in I, S| ‘Trampquick (2.07%) owned by W.|for. after nd orgy. of last- 200, honors H. Grosch, of Milverton, captured the| minute “plugging” they faced their Milverton, Saturday July 12th ee ares race, the feat departmental examinations on Mon aaaea the ‘aupics cates ries Ss 7—Sally Trombone coc pRlpore The Farmer, are at present busily en- f North Perth. tovle Bundscho immer’) Trombone Oddity. “Watch the Trombone section. on ‘seals whe pet a "were few |r AaB Lt ene ete one ele tne Soe Nol an c ; 8—March..... United Empire ......Hughes the six) Wag 2.1 ai _[raplaly, . Many ili have to rush to| The London duvenile Pipe Band Chet ster : a ohne . mae ee 132, Helen Paddon 1 CAR OWNERS—Please do not start cars daring the 4 " rare Sehncidce 12 Peni asa e120 rendition of a number. ane i Sit: costihen ar ten MR. M. B. MORPHY, MP., Deputy’ Willie Blair ebel Schauber ; AS Sas tai Grand Master of the Grand Lod ¢ | Joe Schrenk eI 2 Yar nek of Sty Sica a neiaet le a ee a of ‘British Novth Ameries, wil | _ JAMES TORRANCE (Stratford) Chairme ne ema pete ‘ick is the sensation of ‘pay the Ohio meeting this month. Eighty-three pupils are writ ee Spree THOS. ESSERY, of Lon- ORANGE SERVICES a Sagas plom: on di;| don, is expected to be present. | ane members of the district L.O:L. ; Silver bullion and mill ore to an if ek. Hight writ- | Revd.’s Dunbar, of Listowel; Knight, ill imated value of $21,200 were |i: the ee md Paddon and Mr. J._| G. Hamilton, of Milverton, will be present and’ will deliver addresses mn. | Cobs onto, . In the park. alian, was arres 7 2 ; ; |apector # Howell on a charge of having |W Ww. O. GILMORE, Co. Master. Iv mo lant t SF Milverto _ GEO. RAINES, Co. Seer Admission : 50c