GERMANS T0 ATTEND FIRST LEAGUE MEETING ON CERTAIN CONDITIONS CALGARY STRIKE ENDS IN FAILURE LONG HISTORY » OF ECLIPSES . Conclusions of the Peace Conference in Final Answer to Germany Postal Situation Practically the} RUNS INT! w Modifications in Minor Details—Huns Withdraw War Only U: Asch toecnen AND a Behe Material From Probable Line of Allied, Advance. 2 1A CLE TOPLETS: FR ge eee ~ despatch from Pari s:— the amount Germany is able to pay, TUR Re: Postel SUR ea ) : The reply of the Allies to the Ger) aud wil (hat amount within| | Sp, Gry custody Sle Siege pa teereetina: Faas Ae ay emer ‘an counter-proposals will be incor-| three or four months instead of two sympathetic strike in Calgary, the) Eciipses—objects of Curiosity porated in the treaty itse years from the time of sigi strike here is re wera gsallisre. | otc No time has been fixed for G The Germans will be informed also Be ‘business in Calgary is now For Thousands of Years. ave entrance into the League ofthat the Army of Occupation will be Was se ld aiae ie S. From the tim rl 0- , but if she conforms to the) rédyced to som thing more than 100,- ion Express workers being all on the me the ay pate or Chalten cont ene OE sis eepeeied, nt 000; comparatively moderate job with the exception of Se ae ace will be represented at fhe Bea Taece:fannual Sai payable by Germany lozen. ian Northern Ex- oa 1000 test, avare aay See ing of the assembly. condi-| for its maintenance. press workers voted Pes return to| of the South Atlantic runs the story tions are: 1st, cstablshment of| A despatch from Coblenz says:— ca ad as usuallc¢ man's observation of eclipses. It a stable Government; 2nd, the sign-|'The movement of war material by the Su Thay ee is a long, lon plying the ing of the Treaty of Peace 3rd, the|Germans from territory beyond the ess. telegrap! hers have. returned thread, imotted and plereed in m loyal ae of tl Hes occupied territories continues, ac- freight i is being handled with dispatch places, upon is strung the frag- A pro ae fourth nditicn, calntival gota erman newspapers, The sviey ices) cpm ws EP the po5-| Ps ontal history ereeneee to abolishing compulsory | begin coe of this withdrawal | was employes; who ed. (UH rue aret celipap ofa ueavatty ony military. serve, was finally omitted,|made several weeks ago when there notice of: dismissal by the Govern- of which there 1s any written Cee sidered that the treaty wns a hitch in peace negotiations.| nt for ese symipatl me is an eclipse of the moon, mentioned safe any provided for Germany's! The withdrawal of troops from vari-| \ strike, are now making a eee ef) on tablets dug up in Chaldea and as- dirarm | ois sectors opposite the allies’ bridge- Toe eget abe poetians embled for the British Museum by serious’ differences in thi| heads is also report The postal st Ee i ate cour the late George Smith, These tablets 4 Council of coe over modification of he Ger eaty have yielded a ise. eS aries in the final aisiuniéation fro ow" certai desi to. remove jections fo wise they termed impbs- sible” ssn etants mount of reparation is not atations Commis-| Sines from the German Commission as .to ral days ago Ctjetanogst ut material feom the Frankfort area his material a s_being. unloaded hee, ity aiine: vee hiah tueeallicg ered to move: ak e Ruy EE SS imedt is teeny plet Markets of the World : Breadstaffs. Toronto June 1 Northern, $2.24%; Novthern, ae 21%; No. 3 Northers,| 4; Now 4 wheat, $2.11% Sore ‘Hort Willia * Manitoba Oats—No, 2 CW, rates) I prints, 37% 38c. — Compoun bers 30% to He: tubs, 31 to 31%; Song pee to 31%; prints, 32 to Montreal Markets. Montreal, June 17-—Oats, oxtia No, 1 feed, Floui RI The WRONG MEDICINE kills—t NIC that cures is the PRACTICE of “trade-at eae Tet uncel- eee one or wae suet ‘om sabe en who live in it. EAL R Let u: If YOU and I do ILL gon Conmentty EMEDY is near at h: they represent a big backdown from their first. position, FINANCES OF MUSICIANS. Many Great Composers Have Fallen Into Poverty Through Carelessness. Tose thrift cimpalzns of recent ing all citizens to save ave lived ata died in comtonen ss odiipeabar 1 Yet many have spent years in poverty. Bese fies poor or cepecaent upon ing to return to work, and it is said)" j- Sin, god, which the Chaldeans called Sin. with Shamash (the sun) and Ishtar (Venus), hi n commanded y Marduk (Jupiter) to stick around Evil Spirits, former rulers of the un- derworld of waters, both Shamash ~ and Ishtar discovered that they had is to war. in the heavens whic! till occupies while Ishtar, en the pretext that she must after all 1 remove herself to a less perilous position, and Sin was to fight the Seven De- mons alone, It en the all see- once sent his son to Sin’s ‘aid sine these words:—“Go, Mirr: on, No. 8 tra No. Hay, ton, car lots, $40 practice and “ is all—each one of us—from this day on Bee NE TORS re atc aiteen! oa, $4 Cheese, finest easterns, 28% pees ge eDE AMES heir frien riinbad trie iehicof taiakeh ation) 69%, in store Fort William utter, choicest cramery, 56, to a s Mozart had in bis day was|even the Moon god, is grievously % Manitoba barley—No. 3 CW, $1.30; Bie, Eggs, oF ted, ‘0 Bbc; No. fe Blinded Soldier. CANADA AND SHIPPING. ' HOW THE PENSIONS DIFFER. — | considered a eat: Sineate But he|darkened in heaven, and in eclipse 4 1.25; rejected, | $ Bj 1 stock, 51 to 2c; No.’ ° tied Gl Wie goke had? Gree the eae a knew little or nothing of economical | from heaven is vanishing.” feed, $1.15 i in store. ena William. Re re ae ae aa ae ie ae ai who stood at the- door. near is the Vital Question of | Those Paid by Britain Not Any Too| management SN as ot The Longest on Record. “ “A woun ier— le loment Fi Briti: i nd e) inte jlebt. is wife an We, according. f freights 0 outside ae pails, 20 Ibs. net, 37c. Back cation yeiedahthe aeuey,. Sl magnate nie nee Compared ‘with fo aaaval youbions'| gtrugele, in wank Bebttiowen began, | ere. na Oe ieee eat Jot, $2.14 to $2: 20; No. M aos ¢ Stock Markets. __ Clear as a silver bell, of. “Tate Tmiperiel Shtppinie? PiSncfee or eee Coenen eee ar ait | cute ie: and sta wend Heaven tease to 3 do,’ $2.07 1° real Toronto; Sune i7-—-Heavy_ steers,| “Pass, wounded Canadian soldier, Bulla Stat Bone ‘ountries to their totally | certainty of his income blocked his) 111. may be darkness over the land “shipping points, aucording’ to|$13 to $18.25; choice butchers’ stesrs,| Pass, all will be well” Rol Meutaiacdsaareleuent eon alle Gear Geka ceere cata marriage on more than one occasion.| (¢ peypt, even darkness which may | $12.50 to $12.75; butchers’ cattle,| “What do you mean?” groaned erate iene “Canad by Great Britain cannot be said to err| Later he was given an annuity by Bypt, : ian business man | on the side of : be felt, And Moses stretched forth Datatio wheat—l 1 spring, $2.09} chcice, ae to $12.75; do, good, soldier, on the side of generosity, says an Eng-; some nobleman. Owing to the strug- : od who just arrived in London.” He ‘i his hand toward heaven and there was to $2.17; No. 2 do, $2.08 to gait; No.| $11.25 ti wi OR ola a “How can it all be well stat dish paper: gle between France and Austria this 3 do, $2.02 to $2.10, f.o.b. shipping to $10. 15: do, common, $8.75 to $9.255| win we oho have sow. Fo gectstell SAE ge the vital| “Prom: the following lable, which |Sqauity abranke very materially, WoC] St Cnt ee am ee joints, acc din if rete hts. ae ace: ” $10.50 to $11; do,-med.,| ‘ve lost my eyesight, panervion of the moment was tonnage, | gi hi i = if Egypt three days. apey i not on Points, according to, 3 do, 7 ve gives the respective pensions at a longe x alee ain to $9.75; do, rough, $7.50 to! Who suffer the torments of Hell?” | and that Canada was unable to send glance, it will b Dis Bt) a | Sasetion: vin eaveeapen tee a | noth: so days.” Barley—tialting, 3128 to $1.32, 1 753, butchers? cows, choice, $10,50 He carried the German bullet Fe itape all haluteenta eeeai ohale se comes sth pia NaS erenleh sith : his | ee aes beolonmed eee faite 11.253 do, good, $075 to’ $10.35 at had robbed him of his sight, cer eee Se reconstruc-| Ni Heh ens se fa referred to several times in the Bible. Buclowheat-—No, 2, nominal. &, med., $8.5 0, Hopeless. defiant, helples: tion if shinping 1s not available, He rat otally ais | “Sehubert's meagre effects at ‘ook place in 14 abled marri ied dit It took pl 2. nominal: $7.50; siokers $8. Be Fave al Afraid ShcteeaAeAE | led soldier $780, and $120) goath have been estimated worth |" Ferodotus tells of an Rese cateh Manitoba foar-—Cdovernment stan- feeders, $12.50 3; canners and| Ls as ain tion alicadl eae for each child under si: teen dollars. He usually lived in (ero ine x i % a Bolas dard, en Tor | cutters, $4.25 he $5; 75; milkers, good, Scarcely a twelve-month later 1a 2 shipping} Canada—$725, and Hea eae each | erable quarters. While his continued ee twenty-four hundred years ietag ear —Government stan-| to choice, $90 to 150; do, com. and| There came to the selfsame door, | 10" mean England's doom as a mer-| child under seventeen. riy was partially’ aue"¢e lank of CO? ene Senor ene eaeee eee dard $10.75 to $11, in jute bags, To-|med., $6 $15 aonb $90 to! That soldier who had unded apart ee heer st look to| Australia—$585, and $130- for the |foanite employment, it was more on | *™™y; Which, baving finished its win- nts and Montres prompt ship-_ $160; ight ewes, ; yearl-| Wounded and something more. some other method of control such as first child and $65 for others under oant ola want of business tact andl oer Sardis, was about to leave for lings, $12 to $13; chote, lambs, $18 to satel oe Polieon tataeine ter enies Abydos. Just after the command to Mitte d—Car lots, delivered Mon- 1 $19; spring Suuhe €i0 taal calvin ee ee é trading inter-imperially, but sh ser imprudence. Seaveain ‘was an inyet ‘4 _— te . 5 A -imperially, ae “ " pe iiiteon. Cox ots, Aalivsrel mean, | ede. ea enoice, $16 to Pi canes] Suresooted, alert and bright, eotes renee ene Be ae ited States—s $562.50, and $125 tor| ate gambler. After making consider. | March had Peon given he sta Sue $18 per ton; shorts, $4 i weay Ap pa nie Ge ees BS wittiante les ata eee sone ie Aes opi ah Tnlted Kingdon “aero Sp ag] able money, neiomerot 2 pie ees ee full tent in the bright, unclouded at- feed flou a0 0 $2.90 per bag. _ | cars, 3 do, f.o 50. ce disastrous speculation in Paris. ; Hay a i, 97 $35 fate Montreal, ju au Choice steers “Who goes re?” ae “the sents | eae sounding phrases and#copy-book | per cent. bonus for pt from Noy- ee mosphere, withdrew his beams and the mixed, , $20 to ‘san per ton, track, To- $11.50 $14; ‘commoner quality,| The sentry making his aoe such g ‘Trade follows the | ember, 1918, to Jine, 1919), and $8750 USE CANADIAN FISH, darkest might succeeded. This hap- Sana | $9.50; vateners cattle, $7.50 to $13:| “A happy Canadian sole, = us a e used as the real connect-| for the first ew to $52.50 for others lg pened at nine minutes are six on the ‘Straw—Car Tots, $10 to $11 per calves, $6 to $12; choice select hogs,| Confident, homeward b ing lin under sixtee: i mnorning of April 19, B.C. 481. en tecodes Torent $21 to $21 Se eee tree one: ae Pr must follow, and, indeed,| Germany—$80 to $525, which, trom | Proved *2 Have a Hlaher Food Value} Through ‘all those cycles of ancien! RELL Gisscineataiiver tent ob. siieobile phrases. The Em-| January, 1919, has been increased Than Imported Fi: times on down to the present men Country Produce—Wholesale. | The “Big Four” Hereafter figaut toahAat haey Okiediak: pire’s resources are boundless, and we | from 50 to 100 ee Oe owing to the! A Governmental analysis of the food | have been studying the sun through tter—Dairy, tubs and rolls, 9 | To Be Styled “The Big Five”| Pass, all is well.” Queht to harness them by action rather | higher cost of liv values. of certain Canadian fish has| its eclipses, for the sun is the only ob- Vo a des olds nea 8 ‘ reamery, 7 Be Fy ee Se sheer ia salreaale) rath 20. 50 for each child | just been completed at Ottawa, and | Ject in the cosmos tl ner aed ade, solids, ‘0 Ble; prin A. despatch from Paris says:— has been | under t © Canadian Trade Commission be-| at only when it is out of s s 51 to 51% laid, aron Makino, Bape ee to- fication, the greatest in the war, and i France—$240, and $20 for each uleyes that if the results were widely | during an eclipse that the corona of De ggs—New Jai, 4 na “ing chiekens,| 1@¥ joined Premiers Llo George, : | that she shall quickly recuperate the | child. his, however, is being in-| known there would be a much greater | the s' ith its fiery streamers 60,- dan cata Dees Sori Soo to Sbe; Clemenceau an Sande: ie Presi-| A monument for ie solar pone of the Empire must be develop: | creased. eee Roethke prod of our| 000 miles long, may be seen. To study ducklings, 32c; Kicxeys,’ 85 to 40e; dent Wilson and th ncil, And what-will ye build it of? {= > waters rather than. for: the foreign these eclipses from the best possible sanabs dos, . jas “Big Four,” will hereafter be| Can ye build it of Satine or brass or! ee Pe our land areas in|) Negro Laborers to be Intern brands of fish, which have mere! ani its men in have ive’ poultry—Spring picker: 50c;. styled the “Big Five.” The decision ronze. Canada we haye had to link up pldve Until Repatriated| Wider advertisement to rei Se eoat fndured untold hardships, risking roosters, “abe; fowl, ot ; duckl:! adding Baron Makino to the Council| Outlasting the soldiers’ love? vt to th pean 3 : a them, For instance, in four classes of | their lives many times over. Profes- ings, lb., 35¢; Sy 20 lis explained by a fact that his Goy-| Can ye glorify it with legends ital to the development of dominions | 4 qspatch Pee Aveeno! .__| the much “boosted” Norwegian sprats| Sor Todd in his airship above the Wholesalers. are selling to the re- ernment must be given an opportun-) As grand as their blood have writ | 0% eee ad | Tt is announced that as Pesult of a| and bristlings packed as sardines, the | clouds epitomizes the progress man {ty for full concurrence, if full ad-| From the inmost shrine of this land of " be built Sati Goveranient “aid and! conference held between representa,|calories given are 1,314, 1,640; 1,663 | has made in his Imowledge of the sun. Che ral under a certain amount of Government Lay betta? ii ti herence is. expected, thi tives of the Minist f Li qjand 1,1 Canadian little-herrings, Photographing Eclipses. twins. 33% to BAe “riplets, 82% to it? guldance and control;*Sust as inter-| SYS Dn sty, OL alipreaert : Bey Stilton, 34 to B5c. ope ae ee To the outermost verge of it? Gal tianu pci -Waseneel ‘a the Lord Mayor of Liverpool and the) 0Ur equivalent fish, also packed as sar| Photographing an eclipse is an ac- pes EE airy, choice, 47 to| meni Getaercs: And the answer came: We would | inerease, so external transports ie now chief of police of the city, it has been ne sin 1.882, 1200, 3,459 ana complishiment fe Jant quate ot ees Ser bain 0 566. maild it of vital and urgent moment. hig | decided to intern the negroes from 5 calories, respective! last century. Befor at C Margarine—85 to Blank, who wished to become] ous of our hopes made sur Me te bo-adalnatpuet eet aNauld be ee countries, The same revelation is made in the | scientists and other observers could Eggs—New laid, 0. 0 50c; new) . seyaitats for the position of teacher}. 04 out ot aac paet aE ant lihework Ot feuiaiating spttiiont dels: to Europe to serve as labor battalions! C@5¢ or herring—the Canadian Variety | only sketch what the: f re- laid, in carne 5 in the public schools, went up f y. in the war, pending th stands out for its better food value. | pared with pencil and paper to make Di d ae Ghickens!! tl; eA! % , Di ig their repatriation. oe eg Be Di ees 2 ei pi ros SOA fi at tte tol: ezamioaton Se Among other] 444 ne your faith secure. ae oA =f Sa ts Beesnly there havi ce riots) | e best known British brand, packed | a sketch. Have a circle drawn on ar Bah feeds deduce Sareea He he nick ener KWe aie Dalla it out of the great eneattn ID “the Aliens England and Wales due to the|im tomato sauce, conti ly 775| paper to represent sun,” ‘wro 87 to 38¢; turkeys, i passage cbeth” which closes the Manitoba Capital presence o: calories, as cOmpared with four Jead-| Brigadiér General Albert J. Myer, in Ib. 85 to Bc; squabs, doz., $7; ah D ft the negroes... iB are 33 16 30, > Sai a) with’ the wonte which a Macbeth speaks Their che eat fh danctified | ing Canadian varieties of 890, 1,061,| his instructions to the late Professor rs tatoes-Ontari ess acca ae Mines Pithet cone HY ‘he senlntred form of the men in| , © despatch from om Winnipeg says:—' PARLIAMENT TO FINISH 1,081 and 1,024 calories. eveland Abbe, who was to ibe ~ th dy! Special police coisas arrested Carl) BY THE 1ST OF Ly| The “calorie,” it may be mentioned, | Signal Service expedition to Pike's Toronto, car lots, $2; on trac! a ca what,” asked th ae OF JU! ig) seg: md wat,” aaiked the ¢xaminer, do} Soe ore thay dled. Boisse, a Russian Pole, who is be-| is the recognized measure of nutri-| Peak to observe the eclipse of Tuy Beans—Canadian, hand ie bus.,|” Ee tic CARE f Sates Heved to have been one of the lien: A despatch from Ottawa says:—tIt| ment in foods, just as the pound is for | 29, 1878. $4.25 to $4.50; primes, $8 ; rstand It. to be a corruption | 4 monument for the soldiers! ringleaders responsible for the riot-| is expected that Parliament will peo-| wheat and tho yard for length. The} Clouds, however, have Hereipto te Imported hand-picked, Bacaee oe epee ray thee, ” replied the would-be} unt of a people's love ing which took place on Main Street Teue by July, 1, Morning sittings, higher the calorie for the same price, | provid te igreatest hindrince to Indian, $3; Limas =| stot And Dees and decked and pano-| last week. Two well-known aliens cereangpos “oi MonnaY, Ges and the! the Haat value of the servers of eclipses. Expeditions nae be bee ears MS tea 1b. tiny)" am glad,” said the examine were ae ariestel at the Swift Can-| House veil sit this Sati The Trade Commission a SSeitiog gone ath way eri arth to ob- 48 ib Ans, 34 to S60: buckwheat, 66,“‘The lady who came just before you with ae hearts ye build it of, adian ‘hey are charged with Pe al no open to point out the advantage | serve an eclipse only to find it hidden Tb. tins, 19’ to 20¢.; comb, 16 oz., $4.50 ‘assured me that it was the Christian | And see that ye Dall tt stately, oa Ate as eer ae of consuming Canadian produced food| by clouds whem it is to appear. to $6, dor. 10 02., $4 dozen. | of Macbeth’s wife.” In pillar and niche and gate, The widow was fair, though: faded. | within the Dominion, its ex-| To get around\this difficulty, or rather ‘ =| the souls of thos and the mother ofa charming daugh-| cellence and for its undoubted cheap-| above it, Professor Todd last March Maple products—Syrup, er imper. And high in pose as souls o! © | BRITISH HOLD OEFSEL ISLAND! ter. jal millon. $2.45 10. $2.50; im- eee It would commemorate. 3 ness compared with imported classes. | suggested building an observatory 0! para gallons, $2.35 to $2. to; sugar,| “There is a hard road ahead of us, rae es Dig OO hey tala the vent pistes it of nt Chimborazo. A despatch from Patis saysi--The) man, “my ¢ Ae Prince of see Visit ermanent observatory, a hard, steep read, and in it-we must . one et Pe anh! ca a La P as a nation travel, although as ats Put, just a pinch of soda in the PS Fp cairn ene ala z y Be Put Off a Year| conceived the idea of having a tem- e ctuigacionpat “Desel cllaniys which “Raaligt Provisions—Wholes: are heavy. and are dim.| water in ei ich you soak haricot or i ‘ oe Aen eae porary one in an airship which could - ene oe the entrance to the Gulf! \y: Smoked meats. ms, me en 46 to putter bea Riga, ‘by British troops. The iddle-aged swain, who lovéd the| A despatch scons Ottawa says:—| surmount the clouds. Ate; do, heavy, 39 to 40e5 cooked, Trade eprortuntties ered the pos oy oe pete orate, Coveramant agreed on the| daushter much: “Then you think | According to a report parses Ay thal *aaaie- ca natronambty: and shale a> aera een ora Sage i aried and) Tf to hve DOO nat ore con Pat. | Seeupation asa guarantee for the| “er 18% chance for moe ceoitel dhe visit of LRH! Princecof| glatacts ore ta obeacyd eh aolinae As Bier wonslese,.65:t0. 7c; ede ete | mma anf ue Canad Seen ty for: tariiech cea culica that in PO ee Smeal ee ie the, Obie, Fee, aallrmgen Ano, Ete] Veale ae Oem a may be postponed dehumanized ” sclentats, when it 5 ission insists again and again fs ‘sthonians. yly. “Only the other day she said | yntil next, year. reason is give es aia ae 38 0 Sie Be scat, bacon a far-larger share of the Do- ae Bias putting iors pga tes: & 0 mo: ‘Now, that 1s Just the sort of| for the postponement, but it is be-| “Dar aan At ee ga to Bie; lent bellies, 31 to ae, : nino Ruageiel birden: edule Brg eee eee in the] Mitk, cheese and eggs are smong| man Td lke for a stepfather’ | She'l| iaved that it has been found that bis|tessor Dickerucy wetting Ge Checreb: ‘Lard Pure tierees, -85 to 35i4c;| borne by manufacturers if they would storeroo! ng. cel BANS the most wholesome forms of pro-| be s0,pleased, Kiss me, George, om in England is required this| ada event of August 29, 1886. “Cocks tubs, 36% to 87c; pails, 36% to 37%c;| group themselves to secure this trade.| handling and dusting. tein. and then we'll - ‘and tell het!" crew in the nefhboring village, rite “= = ets chirped and a ay eee BRINGING UP FATHER ze > a . air was full of vapor. Walls seemed E ee \ to recede and fade away. ‘The ci na appeared seven onds bi cna ON US TONIGHT SO TO'GET OUT FOR A MINOTE- SIR SIMRIGHT 19 CALLING THINK YOU ARE GOING DONT. HELLO: YES-OH!19 TI SIR DUBMATS VALET Sanat HE'S NOT KOMING- 1'™ SO DISAPPOINTED - WEL LONG A ALL ©! UP: 9 My, at Poe THe, Resor WELL: 1 SEE LT WORKED -<EE! SHELL BE MAD WHEN HE DOFS SHOW UP - = SHE THOU4HT totality, a pale but brilliant yellow. jhen gray, covered tern, the spots were still visible, The light was a blue-yellow, like Rens logk achfully: at tho rooster who did ee midnight crowing after broad day!