” Mike War Wise dele dlaadn ty Suen th bout bands and town |, fe sometimes A priest announced that a a Tt oS Wht - |ticn ould be taten upto deay the : aid a aeeooeraeT: fcost of coal for heat , first Everybody contributed except Mike pee “48 a eee ‘oley, who gave Bi sly a sented to him, Main Street = the service the priest took th oe task, “Now Michael,’ Y ae Subscription rates:—One a jont. in advance. 81 fears will be Hable Lo pay §: Ka S Rocuoy, ity can possess, toxins ie a : ne, te “L suffered fo ss with |Sragn sayn something about the wvorld| Rg, stored un in the | Atsrssencr per p [Bim om to yen. Thabs alk "Michael| terrible Indigestion and Constipation. ate feanse,|Sordlogiy panic your words are fsresepetful, what} A neighVor advised me to try wil e roads i " ‘ e chiapas contract advertisements mast re you in as ane nag | “Fruit-a-tives”. 1 did so and to the the 1 ¥ even th . ZO, he in the of Las eat Mond PBS ni ei : — MALCOLM Mac are ‘-thrymg to make. us ‘believe| SUPHse ara ies f Sraaa fo.-! ‘Ever We Publisher and atin ez wants’ ee ‘money to buyycoal to| improve and he goon. fiteed ase a oud Shad? ‘Mai \ eat the chureh, and yer reverence with “Fruit-a-tives”, CATED ees aiteRd he. : : knows it’s nae by sthame.” —~ I consider that I owe my’ life to Seen and they combin treat BusinessCards eee “Fruit-a-tives” and Iwant to say to shopping with this pleasure, ne arse Seat rect ‘those who suffer from Indigestion, eens > Rees a tie satiate Ww . d Medicah It was a very hot day, and the fat) Constipation or Headaches — try | tion of knowing that their civie dem-| Shes ect ; SS ee Pe Pee, the . = from time ‘to time yall ory ‘Dr. PiL.Tye gate dt just twelve-twenty-one. The CORINE "GAUDREAU, ei e ‘a first- ay, 2 , suing handicap, was atched with] 500, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. Ofider Pupiie Dave StoRE, MmLyERToN absorbed i train and. station platform. At the con-| At + dsslets, or sant yostpald. by, Uabdiawet Pee" eRe an ~ |elusion the breathless ayd perspiring| Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, : : back trail and a vacant faced “red 7. “SMOOTHER THAN VELVET” | cap” came out to relieve him of his] WAITING Be: Ke 1s R. pipet 7 grip. - ye, Ear, Nose and Throa! . “Mister,” he inquired, “was you|Serene, I fold my hands and wait, ius Aware reason Silverwood’s tastes so god! tryin’ to’ ketch that Pennsylania ; Nor care for wind, 0 ° zeit or ea; oe adate in “piedicing, University Si creat, train?” ave “tines ES thee k meeaply frozen ise “'No,, my son,” replied the Patient | For lo! my own shall come to me: ‘ none of its creamy smoothness or richness : Sa ON teas chatty ctacineete oes : \ lost in the freezing process. out of the yard.” I stay my haste, I make delays, ee gar For what avails this eager pace; | town bat cape band of bis G tt is sweetened with cane sugar and pure, 4 é I stand amid the etern: Hours— a inty flavorings are added, of course. A Fair Proposition And what is mire ee prude my fiscraa Wiss abe a “Trontic,” mam ‘ by Dr. Pierce, sedis Sips to. r. in at aia “Well.” said Farmer Briggs, to the Mee ceodehurtel Gelaneat an ier o All your favorites are sold by rtist, “how much will ’ee paint my| Asleep, awake, by night or aay: THE PRICE (GERMANY PAYS | Diese Golden” Moaleal “‘Discavery; | ¢3 Waterloo ee ECR: : ; Srcrwiiene Manait t r?”| The friends I seek are seeking me,} When Germany accepts the condi-| made from wild roots aul Seca teet 2 : SILVERWOOD'S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. “Oh, five guineas, .|No wind can drive my bark astray, tions laid down Py, the Versailles con-| sleohol, and put up in tablets or / “Done,” said the farmer. “Com to-| Nor change the tide of destiny.” | ference she will sign away a stupel: ANSON:B KILBOURNE. morrow.” In due ing ti f . ‘ 4 was finished, But, ala less | What matter if 1 stand alone? Eee erslT Ac nae eects oa CENTRAL CHIROPRACTOR : Look for the artist forgot to paint the worthy far-) | I wait with joy the coming years;|the position of a first-class power to Office at the Grand Central Hotel. ALL Lok tee mer on the, picture of his farm, “Yes, |My heart shal reap where it has] third or fourth class rating for many Wee “Tashdat apd iielda FLAVORS ‘Sign I like it,” said ; : decades. Germany loses all her col- werv Tuesday Ye eer re sb nal eg ‘gamer up its fruit of tears. |Qnies ‘consisting of more than two| ~ GraatFORD, ONT. < Office Hours: 9 a, m. to 4 p.m, error he-lisd-made fieshed acnoes the millions of square miles in Asia and ; rea. = 4 artist’s mind but he tried to pass it|'The waters know their own and draw| Africa, Alsace Lorraine, with ten mil-| We have Telegraphy, Commercial | Consultation and Examination e. ~ a joke off with a joke. “Oh,’*he said, “you-} The brook that springs in yonder |jions of people and immense mineral | and Shorthand Departments.” We give "we gong inside to get my five guin- height; wealth, German Poland_and the pro-| individual instruction. Students are . eas.” “Oh, have I? ae the So flows the good with equal law | vince of Schleswig in Denmark. In|entering each week. Our graduates atic tled old chap; “prrhal pat e coomning Unto the soul of pure delight. | addition for five years France will|secure positions of trust. Get our| J, F, SEBBEN, DDS., LDS. ‘ out soon, and if I dew pay you ° ave control of the grea Gemma ree catalogue now, it may interest ‘Windsor Bist . n the meantime we'll hang it up and|The stars come nightly to the sky;| coal fields in the Saar valley. On you, TRATFORD wait. bee eae cae eigen ly Se of all this the Allies ied damage bill ae D. A. McLACHLAN Principal. | OPP: City Fa - x time, pace; 5 als thirty-five billions and eighty per jone he game warden came upon a ig cent. of her magnificient merchant 5 Opén evenings sonnet 7 to 9 o'clock Y ’ Can keep my own away from me. il manent into ti MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE || |ioifheioee esses Cant sia Re aA D AND TRUNK Sais eae 4 law, he pulled the boy’s string of fish navy and army have been stripped to SYSTEM : & 0 the water, finding only catfish othing in 8 perch and suckers. A few yards far- aise p to this sur- She - HB. Morphy, K.C. + ther down the stream he came upon RELIGIOUS ADVERTI N vas 4 A. aceon! a large black bass wriggling on a er oe such a. price Phare eos Doubl k Suter See \ string weighted down with a stone. ni . \ | condu 4 & bixebyers MI 8 0 See Our ave He confronted the boy with it. as ad’ onderful changes have come over ouble rac SA unowelc nell epeeend “Well, you see, sir,” explained the| the church with respect. to advertis- youngster’ “he's baeu taking my bait |ing, One of the ablest magazine writ- A MOTHER SHIPTON PROPHESY. Route bok a See ~s all the morning, so I just tied him up|ers has been making a canvass of the e thre unt est through sine?" [eroving “importance of dvertine| i Gesu ove te aro between | Harding, Owens & Goodwin" and he ascertains that'a comparative- Prophecies | MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT © 0:8. ly recent poavert tomdvertising is the | Mather Shipton, oe in the 18tl Sais ancnes Barristers, Solicitors, &c. church, The Messiah Lutheran church |¢entury.. Some regarded them as am 5 meee ea One on Shaw. of Philadelphia 4 ie givencas m-|azingly true, while others, poohoohed Gordon Block, . ‘ ie [them and atgued that, like all pro- wane. : Lady Randolph Churchill's, answer fe fae ere seer phesies, they were only” true. in Unexcelled Dining Car Service. meen coe Seen Baer aan te. a’ luncheon {Space Window cards, and bill-posting. | Dread, ‘general way, and senate ahr naehy eh ONO. poeta 8 -codd. iilnateationof the pesnip ae 215; but iese to 608 The tion, however, it will be of interest eeping cars on night trains and Notary Public. Writer's keen apd ready wit, To SB /Sunday School had. only 175, but|&% quote four. lines from prophecy parlor vets on principal day trains Tm jon r. aw : bs ry 5 7, + de made in other ‘ipton’s book in . ‘ tainly not; what have I done to pro-|teW.to 510. At Cedar Rapids, Ia., 1710, "Just how well it fits the stir-| _ Full information from an Grand W. D. Weir, - Notary Public | pl the First Christian Church doubled its Ld yoke sett oa _ftteck “upon pon fie Sunday School attendance in. two |Ting events of current times the read- ing a ck Ae gent or Oe ae tage Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth 4 its?” a : : istrict” Passenger rent ‘or- Randolph * Churchill replied: e uKnow|Yeats: The Warren Memorial Pres- er ean jude: ae a 2 Conveyancer, deeds, wills, mo nothing of y« hope they are | PYterian Church. of Louisville, in. 8 | when pictures look alive with move aidavite m - veeks? ign, in- ‘ lerk, ¢ not as bad. xo cove manners.” To |10Ur_ weeks’ newspaper campaign, in- menie tro 4 ‘Village cl aes Bebty Ieiorexeusin sere aa He. Jong Relig forts nue Sencetae When ships Like fishes swim beneath| 4. C, BAIRD, ‘Phone 1, Local Agent Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia le cusing ea; ; / tha he didnot ent the pnorranate| iat, nee, Sy 000000, HeoP4 "| When “men” outstripping birds cah A. Chalmers, - Notary Public dead animals and thin Mean eatatoni so the pousii scour the sky, . 4 an 4 a wat ‘worl re onveyancer, Issuer of 4 eee Iities of analytical chareh advertising| Then. half the world, deep-drenched ¢ apa sai aa 1 bag hey in blood will die.” .P. for the Countyjof Per a Bs : “What is the. difference between a] Newspaper oe eT is declared Real estate bought’and sold, A few choice general ractitioner an special-| to have been t ‘actor in rais- Ghe . Yarms for immediate sale. ist?” general practitioner is jing $40,000, 000 ! for. nay hy Bait CLEAN UP! ‘MONKTON, - ONTARIO: . . fe tell-| Church ‘in the United Sta' 4 ‘ Newest Styles = Prices Right BO Teh lt a ae s,m the ios more beswstat| IN @ WT Spring sopeaamare thi i a : ose ABOUT SIR ROBERT BORDEN |e the objective of evely. orev wk Styles R. E. Beggs, V.S. ar edna 1 Rohert Borden started life as a[0"@ can afford expensive improve- VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND pate SURGEON ‘ A Scotchman in London noticed a sal teacher. One of his most no’ chin, paldheaded druggist standing at his|able characteristics is his remarkable within our borders but can do some-| With spring Suitings and Overcoat- Se i i i hance to some hased and de Office: Barr’s old stand * shop door, and inquired if he had any|memory. He can repeat long pieces ting! ore tn to enh ings and Trimmings purcha ice: Bar P y of his or her-sur- Peeks WEBER & BETTI GER IHS aid the dru, | seted Uo es Of La vrei [foun an fhe, adh | ened foo on ee oe es fisideapletass Where's ec avlicle"l | cueray ie ahetige? Viet he saeile tractiveness of the community, Clean |we are offering you suits an 2 Hotele ; r cat ot tas a nials from | ais political tour of Canada he cove: oF and fix up ate eae ae coats at last year’s prices. z great men who have used it. Tt makes ed 5,00 mille = in twelve weeks, de; Reiaiore aan bgt Sage x geraeon ee a The Queens Hotel Fis, hele ee ere ours.” |livering | seventy-five speeches and in" aking the world a place of beaut: CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO, 10-622 “Aweel,” said the Scot, “‘ye can gie f non-political addresses. etl eprom ity! You are absolutely certain of get- g 5 ape Se a Me cores none Pe ad joy to trap ~ dh 2 aay ting the best value in town when you| Me#t accommodation aaaeeUN tray we page Tih looks hacks the morn Boat ee if there is no other way of doing it,|get us to make your clothes. rwo Inrge SAMDIe Roome, cache at o 4 NOT REPENTANT. but do. something. Co-operation am: eas eS Sutels Weopes aaa OMY ‘The druggist returned the bottle to SBE eteaiyoee ote yen oraen feele ea ite : in greater improvemen' an indiv- 4 fash- oe susie end kicked the errand boy (The Globe.) y itl dual efforts in cleaning up and beau Wor Meiaacavatl fit, finish an Seocleties. ‘or laughing. Late would grou tether: Air ny cf \titying sections of a street. Try it ion guaranteed showed indignation at the. bombing | 9"¢ Prove it out. ' sees Milveete Der 478 PRINTER'S INK DID IT of hospitals, t ‘the sinking of hospital j. M. _FLEISHH/ AUER FeRAM. GRC. N Ove: AGribe jesto Ways Fare, Woollen Cloths, kod Suisings Newspaper advert ed of the ondred and one atrocities of| A GREAT IMPROVEMENT megaman tthe hall such as we have are going to advance much higher owing to have been the chi a German militari ut no voices and Men’s in J, B. Welt to: he nema fa weal Me aie eed a ing $40,000,000 am the resbyte ian | are lifted in contrition or regret in (Guelph Mercury.) atin eaerony . “ONTARIO Fe si a tin aera wake a eey = Eng! jeasol 1e os , We . , can be imported from the British Isles in ctuieg: pablletty’ director | the:new Asembl: Twelve, thousand feet of smooth quantities to supply the demand for civilian use. We “There is no ° al taistovement onthe Wintee fair N 2 Lad in eo stock of Sui and Overcoa: awe 2 made quite so effective as the news- - Baildine Wowie da-tiedriy? come Silver oe Lee 0. 20 mo! ur customers will get the benefit of our papers in enlisting inte! Read The Sun advertisements. fated nai aq titty: te Apes! aie foresight. ORDER NOW. those who do not go to church. It ir. Wm. Johnson and the gang of al devel pre 7,300 thelr already has an entree into the homes | men working under his direction. A Weir’ 's List of Farms For Sale ail over Bank of Ham eons of the people; it is not looked prominent American wool buyer said Visiting brethren always wi rae f The Up-to-date Tailor, 3) with suspicion; it ap the ather day that the Wool Grovers'| 64 209 _witi bay Jot 82 con. 11,|%* #*™¥ x0," Sete. Parte ° Monkt Ontario the matter it contain: Association will have one of the Eine, Tob een epienlidibers ‘i ‘ jonkton, « everyone, and worth- sani aavection. Anpats wool, arehouses on the contin- | Elm 0 acres; a pupil is coal ments paid for by the churches pro- ent when the job is completed, The | er pies aa ast bas claiming, religion will be read by _ [I lexcetient flooring wil also render the| ling house; 2 bani rem be many millions, who would never, in building much more sanitary for mai locality; reasons for selling, widow 0. the first instance, go to church to hear Ket purposes and will be a big im-|and daughte 0 f y r immediate pos: aeeeloe Apply it discussed.” Ch e ck wearer Fair time | mmediate possession. A ie raphe 11,000 will b neal in the 13th . i will buy lo in the 1 Geog ge Ss a RUSSIA IS DECAYED concen, eee cia 4 kitchen, ALL 1 ick house. ic] en, Remember the (any Sound St) xe De Ee eee eee A bui auch pe eepalers, f were stand. 00 S S ee A eel ta trewie ta tye - men barn. ee peaye Ww oshadi imple. bs i ind.Scotia Junction waiting To- 1 ‘ailroads and min m ; ; for connections, when a rural youth, eee Russia have practically ceased oper- ins ierat Tallin sting “close oa n wl, ab he kel petorloue tlm and the nasty of th nation the Muli; good ah ad or ed a likely ” a ave decayed. ie < i ing his hi i niet ceeriiwoodad. mle’ train school—a ionic = 1, ane tno buy poms tena" He We are agents for the - |} ¢pBty spells; per alls or 8 ‘ he Soviet great bargain for somebody. The Fuel Controller everybody to take. their coal id, and a consultation behin e || |in, fulfilling its promise to, Southeast quarter is lot 8, in the supply early. We have coal coming right peck and we would station resulted in the sehen au : Appleford Counter utes a = eet eye Tas ey oth eachenire ‘of Mornii mn, ‘con- lace your order EARLY. $8.00 for @ promising-looking bottle. Check Book Co. from him his, source of living, even |taining 50 acres, On the premises is ask you to place yo He tipped off four others, and four i k}erected a good comfortable brick other deals were put through. That en a city of “2,500, on 5) ct, than house with kitchen and. woodshed. THE PAINTING SEASON IS HERE nights nt F Sey paunces ey Taeeer ed This firm turns out _|}}/ $00,000 half starved esco% | Drilled well, windmill, bank barn, pig | to make merry. ‘The cork was pulled Mie ene hi a severel nd to its! Den and driving shed. Also the no Weak Muscli es iengtene We have Sherwin Williams and Martin Senour brands. These fe eet tt ueiecat “Bestel only high-grade work jj wretehedness have. been ai wale ‘of Gasterly forty pak at in the Crosa are the best that money ean buy. he roared, “it’s tea.” And it was. at very reasonable jf terrorism. ine 34 acres of lot 4, in the 8th conces- aaa also have a full supply ot Builders’ Supplies on hand, in- es S prices. » sees hwo: not lye ao vi vig sia be nol either in block ee ae THE PRESS IN WARTIME i ee rr buy the eas half o ve MARYS CEMENT d LIME a See our samples and |}| partment, far from railways and ee ey ie <n Peace tone "ST. an \ (Kingston Whig.) isturbed by war. In this village he aed at lent et ,600 news] et our prices before found that the cure had a wonderful r;2 miles from Our ri RIGHT—call and ae “Oe Blues nd ong coho lection of pre-historic. too ta leo ond wate ur rices are '—call and see. ers in the Unite tes and Cana ordering. colley be $7, will buy the north ah ae , i forced out of business, in addi. weapons. “Some big Bate probably $7.2 f é hee to. hundreds ds of others hi if tank plese etween_ two. impor: = OK Sot ay batnitons 1 bOacreet were 4 TT j of pa WW brings up flint |ected a 2-storey red brick house 28x eperveats The Wie coat ieee rand é i va meee The eal lection, 10,000 32 feet, heated with hot air furnace, M. E. BE GER & co. tary wile ally add to the. list The i specimens j in all, included even a razor |hard and soft water; bank barn 52x |=——————— = 4 eB [eeissin orl aeonts, so. ths it The Sun Of ICQ |) made of fint. ‘The cure’s cottage was] 60, coment stabling; driving shed 26x| rien note books—very handy for Monkton, - _* Ontario JF | eis danint and survive must sects ‘ heared id fe the tears dee Pee nen at atate of cultivation, {business men and farmers—may be iusra.carefal_and efficient msnade: s Of 2 lifetime to Bulle ‘well « and windmill—A snap. lhad at Sun etn fot 2Be.