FREE OFFER “Pubting: Your Neme Address ... DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. ‘We make. this ERER OFPER in order rapher Tie ace the fine Te. °Developing “and The Latest Designs “produce “in ply his advertisement and mreand address in the apace ih your rolk We. oe Tans Preece aot Siete speeton. 1} send us-one of your favor- ie ‘ile Pens contaroe will make for large picture. A J. WHITE & Co. “80 acd orapusal ST. EAST, TORONTO ‘Plant im “ANCIENT CHURCH OF ST. SOPHIA NOW A MOSQUE AND HEADQUAR- TERS OF MOHAMMEDANISM. Built Twelve Centuries Ago, It Was the Centre of Christianity Until the Crescent Supplanted the Cross. A movement, begun recently in Lon- Peace Conference re- Spi of all s who are still left by the arm- ite inde the reign of cruel fear and injustice,” is fast gaining supporters. t the head of the | 2” Eeretl eaaves: the only perman- separite. its walls slightly; but when ent method of giving Christians in| Pressure over the prominence that it Constantinople freedom from oppr: tects is constant or frequently re- ton i @ removal of the Turkish | Peated, fey recognizes the need for" the city. The ore adequate protection and by ac- Tecatis atese ‘anitiaat ebay. need zene tag more fluids distends the pers of the|%2¢- Nature {s often too generous, rit oh citizens and mem! he a clevg: ‘The, mosque, erected 326 years — birth of Ch put bon id at the feet of the Chris- tian ters fo : chanindgacl ism. to estimate the a ‘ucture soutell rfbuted priceless jewels rarest treasures, Marbles, metals and mosaics were given Se the church by Christians ovarvatieh Into the building tract the Sra of other famous temples. Silv the value of $200,000 was “used s ar je- coration, Historians say in all $5,000,- 00 worth of material was used in the In reat cathedral were cele- brated all the great events of the Christian emperors. as this churel that preserved the art and steeped in ignorance and barbar- as me os no automobile sm. field, the adil te some types ‘Through the nine centuries of Chris-| 6 motors has led to some intecst. mn. possession the melodious chants| ing proposals in Engle ia ty of Greek liturgy echeet through the motor that has been successfully vast dome until the Turks, under Mo- developed abroad for flying machines ham: broke through be yer ig the “radial” engine, in which thi of Constantinople and swarm cylinders, set radially around a com- the ¢! A multitude of etatane ion er: ase, al fi and tl fl o the cathedral ai e be rag he Turks took down Be gold ‘cross and in its place Sion put the crescent. They threw the art of voputarled into the reat vanlta “of the Nartite sve years the covetous eye of Sechscloaleth have been on the treasures, but “infidel” is slowed seth the poral planted by the hes Bs the the muezzin an recital of the Koran five times a day. For five centuries, from the minarets, the planets ‘alot, Saypalled, he auska to p iow the. Christian is asking the in be seen dome the Caninie) wht was “the roantae ot peat ity in the early Sore, Perhaps, hidden in the vaults mow, ‘is ae that will aie orld. ‘The secret will rema! hidden: until the ‘Turk is driven tae Constantinople. e Church was headquar- tt er m kept up with little f the | Obviously Shakespeare's own oj HOUSEMAID'S KNEE. Ing and Sometimes Annoying. Housemaid’s knee is confined to oe usemaids. Before the days of mops and dustless dusters, pera hoes actually scrubbed affection. oceui The affection {s-an enlargement of a cushion-like structure, oe a bur- sa,—from the Latin wo: Bes that nature places ove romin- ences as a protection ‘agin tnjry . A bursa sac | ing a gelatinous substance that gives it elasticity, Ordinarily, a bursa ts it, nd ins only enoug! a he begins’ a good thing she know when as ead persons know to their dis- tres: Ho jousemaid's knee is Sarnne? Soe causes annoyance, but sores sp ras except as rf is sabe n- Of course the pres- must be stopped. Airplane Engines for Automobiles. Although ne ae airplane ens . bore and 80 |develop about 20 horse-power at 2,- | 500 revolutions, S| markably neat and plant and if successful may be wide- opie Shakespeare’s Opinion. It is a far cry back to Shakespeare, @ opinion of the 0 w she liked ne te “Very vilely in tl firs Site he is sober, and eat vilely when is drunk; th n he is worst, he is little bathae sh a beast.” for there was no dram for it. He would scarcely have written it if he had any feeling for any living German. Sold at the INSTANT * Arich, delightful drink that provides feal price as before the war. Its fine Bed the Is to tea’ and coffee drink AY ° NotaBitof Westie ae same fair POSTUM rinkers. economy. Not a Serious Condition but Disfigur- i by no means |} sure on the ieBou from reguame mi the time of ve becoming frock is this unusual creation which is developed in flower- tojed challis, gem material that bids | fair to be popular for summer Pattern No. 8801, s In - eee: 34 to 44 bust. ice, 26 cer tuThe, one-sided drapery is the, fea- misses’ dress re of this which is at- © Mecaue hree materials are most artisti- cally combined in, this coat suit. The is particularly attrac Aivslopal in brilliant brocade MeCall ‘ Pattern No. 8848, Ladies’ Coat etn In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Price, ents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall Sicaler vr from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. The Teacher’s Reward. “I'm your girl, teacher,” whisper rose- bud lips, Meeting my own in smiling, tender As shining eyes confess pure love within, A silent sob my inner heart shrine grips. “I’m your boy, teacher,” comes in to roudest tones, And sun-] aia fingers nestle in my Bare tet 0 bravely o'er the roughest As “aere we trudge with lesson book and pail. Just ener words—no praise on No pre wi igh as childhood's prof- May ui pure pee our glances never Keep ast ‘pearts worthy of our holy rust, —_ $e Couldn't Hear Then. ‘Are you deaf to my plead- Tom——"But, what it T were to offer you a amon ring , Yim not stone deaf.” Minard’s Liniment Cures Dandrag, witl .| parison with the mi HOW LIFE Pascal, a Distinguished French Mathe- maticlan, Solved’ Its Laws. of cards is said to have sug- gested the syaan. of life insurance, now 80 universal aera in the seven- di onagtte ae vo sated he pi oii ine “doctrine of probabilities,” r laws governing Insurances of all Wn he idea can be illustrated by the rion, Een 1 laid down the proposition that results which have happened in & an D flicient for the proper: workiie qftke law of aver ne The fe of a person is one of sae eet: “neeraltes, but the d| tion, or rate tality, of a ine number ote ‘sons, may be predicted the ee accuracy nd oecupa- tions we oe to similar chimatto influence: pees AE QUEER MILITARY TRADES Nearly Every Civil Occupation Has Its Representatives in the Army. During the war virtually every trade or other ste oe has been represented in —often, however, with ee B os military ee: ceplo gen fer" Fe aS eyeoes have been those of sewing machine adjuster, upholsterer ‘ound useful woi wn professional line, Tuntlog ou out de- criminal offe i are criminals. fumiiacne Bie tate ae saigtik oh for similar purpose: Perea SE Soest SUFFERING CATS! GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD MEDAL Let folks step on your feet hereafter; malle! e, oO ehrivels up the corn without inflaming re Orders. —“Don't you know sient ie fa et your yes, sergeant.” ell, you siarted’ to march. with your right foot,” “Yes, sergeant. Well, didn’t you hear me say ‘left foot, right foot “Yes, sergeant. I heard you say i but I didn’t get started till you raid right foot,” I consider SNEED LINIMENT the BEST Liniment in u: 1 got my foot badly Bical lately. I bathed it oe with MINARD’S LINI- was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. MeMULLEN, In Wartime. “Just ask Doctor Jones ve -been knocked jorry, sir, but the doctor was eels up in yesterday's air raid and on't be down for a week.” MONEY ORDERS. It is always safe to sénd a Dominion Hxpress Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents, ‘Joy is more divine than sorrow, he soy & esta and sorrow is medi- cin -y Ward Beecher. Mingrd’g Liniment {or sale everywhere. ae eens Protecting Dry Cells, \ Dry cells can be efficiently protect- ed and made to last longer by placing 80 that rans vil) b short result, they duickly exhausted STARTED. mee "molientin to a Animal A performing animal often has a greater oan nee than a suc- the first of a long Jing ens pugtlistic eee who “made” masters. Much of che et suecess of trp ules 's These sntn Gardens, London. Th eee sai lions, Nero, eee aad Wall who have toured British bis aaa the Continent ae many TS, im a turnover of many. thousands, as cal likko, the chim- zee hero of Barnum and Bailey's pan: Fair, still ie Strong on this side of the Atlan’ GIRLS! THICKEN AND BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR AND STOP DANDRUFF Try this! Your hai hair gets wavy, gloss: ae apes mt ‘0 be eres ake of a head of heavy, ous, fluffy, derine now for a fe’ y scalp and sn * if Agrer fails to stop falling hair at ou want to prove how pretty and stage car- ett Four hair really is, moisten a clo’ penter, the theatrical property manj With a little Danderine and carefully and the sculptor and modeler in clay | 474W it through your halr—taking on eae 8 small strand at a time. Your hair will ave been assigned to the business| by sort ints gay pean new of camouflage. Theirs, indeed, hi Riotteie saieana tetas ie ‘ , has! few moments—a delightful surprise nm no unimportant part of the war.| awaits everyone who tries this. The aker orks, icewii s developed a militar: 1 i ag a in fron get a brick, a function, directing the i Begg for a stand it in the! will keep ae en ete longer. er con- , for ik Minard’s Lintinent Relieves Neuralgia: When flannéls have become hard and shrunken they may be restored to their former softness by soaking tose te gasoline. Minard’s Linfment Carce Buras, Eto SALT All grades. Write for prices. Cee SALT WORKS TORONTO GJ. smend Ca, Uraited. Dep. © 140 Yorge St Gas ENS, LAWNS, FLOWERS. Somplete, Pertitices jiite Georg }, Stevens, Peterborough, Ont. LIVE POULTRY WANTED. "5Oc. FAIR OF PIGEONS on AD UP, oe fancy poultry. we) Wite for Bee ~ Welnraueh & & Som aeoet te. jean” Baptiste Market, FOR SALB Wt SEIUIREED, NE WaPATER ing plant in ‘Ontario. ot fs a carrs fo tor’ $1.20% nee rah jlo Wneon Publionine Goo Ltd roresee: set eraaes ron ae = cane Wu ren ee pat Eee ae ie Ak MISCELLANEOUS Gps Dias Be tment Write be sii ihe ee Sate ledicas Gre YOUR BRO: couGHs, Bao, Soa ASTHMA A Kidney Remedy Kidney troubles are freasently caused by badly digested food which overtakes these eliminate the irritant Deine fo: lelp your stomach to rly digest the fe by taking 15!to 30 drops t tract of Roots, sold as Mother ert Curative Syrup, your disorder will ‘promptly die hi -~ Pri iu ie Yer John in la, suffered fift will Bronihial Asthma. says ‘There 1s nothin ike, yne, New Liskenr Ttis ‘the xture I ever took, are onl Send me ‘taree more bottles.” above ands > "Women, Boys and Girls, |OTOR CYCLES Moe Lig: ohh aA rakes, Wheels, Inn¢ ment and Parte of Bicycles. You cai Write to-day for our big F ALOGUE showing. ‘our full lines of Bicycles for Men Taina Bells cyclometers, Saddles, Eau wip ies snalica free for 31,00, Buckley. The. Oruxgist, East. Tore sold 07°Dundas Se NATIVE SEED CORN Gro’ Selected at husking and crate, cure amount. ORDER time. Pe ed Tainted | North Dakota wit Kingsville, Ont, ‘Bags Pree. Darius Ww igle, T. WwW. ended . BOR. 27 Netro Dame St lontreal, The early bird would go breakfast- less regulaty if it weren't for the earlier wo NURSES. URSES BARN $15 TO $25 A WEEK. Learn without leaving home. Send for free booklet. Royal College of Beience. Dept. 46, Toronto, Canada. RABBIT RAISING MONEY RAISING The common wild hare grows to Five FLEMISH GIANTS grow to 12,and 15 pounds, Their meat es only with Chicken. ‘They Dred six to eight times a year, and thelr litters ee number from five poui twelve. Pi to raise, they Coat 20% of chicken, ‘ BLACK SIBBRIA) Ic breeders aig Giants. eat are ohne smaller at, mat ‘Their ouRD ad thelr fur thick and soft. y aren valuable as Fur and Meat pro- uc ae ARE 5 eo STOCK. Gia) xpr prepaid, at 31g 0 et pat, rians, express prepaid, at pitt Oo per pair. THE BARROW. RABBITRY MIMICO, ONT. Make money orders, payable to EDWARD BARROW, Man For Your Or. A.C. Daniels Renee Powders gulghiy cedihte: him to the best of It acta Immediately on alt cases of b asthma, and ts, colic, fever, the kid- 2 one day, on its spirits in two te for Hive Book on treatment. of imal Ae tae MUSKRAT TIME IS HERE We are MUSKRAT Specialists. ‘The largest handlers of this article in Canada. Consequently we pay more, Write for our special price Hist and tags. Hoerner Wittiameon ~& Company “The House of the Brown Tag” 376 St. Paul St. Wx Montreal. rn Branch: 253 Princess St. - Winnipeg DARTING, PIERCING SCIATIC PAINS Give way before the pene- trating effects of Sloan’s Liniment io those rheumatic twinges o, the nerve the joint wrench, the ligament errata the muscle strain, ee the throl ia bruis Se. ‘he case of applying, the quickness Tl of relief, the positive results, the Gleanlines econ 6 Sloan's Liniment make it universally iba har oa prefarped:. Bade. igs Cana when mabe par, et crag | ett ein Sdational eae us et wien es pris ea far tare : " the pillow fr sible, ‘The next morning’ shampoo. ve Cticcta one Cuticura Helps Clear Away Dandruff and Irritation \d hot water, usin, ‘of soap, applied with the hande, = ia tepid Eig it in two ced. sah Olmert Lied Ss, but the great value of Baby’s Own Soap is its creamy softening lather which cleanses and beautifies the skin Doctors and nurses recommend Baby's Own. -Atverg Sopa Limit ‘old everywhere, Mirs.; Montreal Comfort Lye is cleanser. It is aid Comfort Lye Kills and insebt pests. Confort, Lae : will do she ing you've got, rats, mice, “ee ery powerful for cleaning up the oldest and hardest dirt, grea: roaches hardest ing soap. re foo ate ie spowdered, boriauiotend oD pote: satisfactory work. 791. Yonge St. SEND IT TO 1 experts “PARKER'S Parker's can clean of ee ee draperies, and make them look like new. Send your fadetl o1 or household goods, and PARKER'S will renew them. We pay carriage charges one way and guarantee SiR boa poole i Ma popes ee ne that save money PARKES ore: tee Limited ners and ‘Dyer or spotted peleeaing Toronto