Peraeh Y C. HIMBURY,. Sec-Treas, Ont. By to earney. bronented unaity, with @ greater, pexpetas FERTILIZER AR DE AWNS, mplete Fertilines Stevens. Peterborough. LIVE POULTRY WANTED. FLOWERS. nite. George ~ paises x Anme ana the pte at “ f ‘oe | tioues ia rere Ly its axis will this datatily ft - fidest beth a . wer am. avail £204 1.50 une Mate ‘ernity skirts an : mardi eae és sses at moderate prices. een for able to the Serepetiae La ee Wonderful are the se made MRS. WOLFSON SOLAR MOTOR INVENTED BY A| py nature for man’s comfort! These 67 Yonge St. - -- Toronto avéntera: ts ee oe we = Z i CANADIAN SCIENTIST. Ee etter ear Sane them 40: Riv use ths oaities ak who invented the bent bow with which To-day a thousand rivers ru jew Gift to Humanity Has Enormous | 4, arive aa aroW ‘at his enemy was Filled brimming with our Sica Possibilities in Medical and m the stores of Nature for Industrial Fields. thi the time the O. ins on PIGEONS AND ra 3 1. Jean Baptiste Market, D UP. to sell? Nature held in her secret places the material neéded for th When Jules Verne wrote his great ole “Tw 10-18 (Bt Mont: of the modern gun and the high ex-) Hee One. vas | plosive; and so, when man was pro- ee rae ree contained in that book, and more, has | ducing fire and heat by rubbing two ELL TER Ken 2g a| sticks together, the sun was pouring | s gee fo, to pase and Is Being taken aa Sei sortie ee RTE | tatty of course, So much is it @{ unlimited heat on all about him. Truly $o for’ $1200. on gute thereIs nothing new, But all hotor ; ox, “| matter of course that custietugeslecee , = REL NEWH i i tion will not remember the time when | to the man who, by untiring effort and Wi i en © ‘Owner xoine to | men knew not the floor of the s Fick stale cae au cceuniasncnart tye ee sei tek #00. i cio, Wileos ‘When Hans Anderson wrote his nessing the nies of all heat and Piatieenns,. Limited: Toronte tale of a riding a sunbeam he | energy and making of it is ssi us LOM, ured ome Treatment. Writs yr. ‘Hellmat wood, ts before too late Co. Limited. Collin: vas SOUR cairoutetay Pactaee the LDS, BRONCHIAL AGTEMS Axo, moaRsaws ‘eed Sc amints soviet trying to the avonderful PS Mir. Clarke, 176 Tndta for 88 et rh apanchttie nuk hed Nes tautled. free. for, #1-80; iuelsloy, ‘Tho Drugstst, Bast, Toro: 97 Dundas S$ ETC. with: an Medloal muy 09%. ‘No. 1 Yo! nieve little tudighe: that = time would | and epee Meret of mé come when the power of sunbeams would heat our homes, ee our cooking, ‘URLS! GIRLS TRY TL STOP DANORUSE WD BiALTIFY YoU RAR Hair stops falling out and gets yi hes strong and beautiful. ed 8 we oi await sc aeeton are re with the power of steam, gasoline and water. However, there is nothing new un- er the duce | cle pi stored: ee up, concentrate energy of s bE -vaie nai hecomes A ight, wavy, flut- It is the of the sun that rade abundant and appears as soft, rates the. Waker of low level and lustrous and eat ful as a young ries it back to the highlands 30 that Ipitla alone “Danibrine tale cleanses? it m ust try this—moisten-a cloth with a eta ane little Danderine and carefully draw it long been recognized that the sun is | through y the source of strand at a time. the proper harness! ni # | power that the problem of the world’s supply of fuel and mechanical energy f your hair. is to be sol le of Do You Want to Become a Nurse? i>)) a nurs , sound practl- édgo of nursing Dept, 46, Sforonto, Canada ved. |Danderine dissolv supply is as free as air and i plentiful. It is eattiantad that on every porate 8, te see forever stopping itch- ees ' ing and fal quare fect of surface between | tt what will please you most will er a few weeks’ use wh Rsepaer of acne ated | downy at first—yes—but re: has © by home |/ that the power of the ar falling | hair growing all over the scalp. If ts Nurnen ea in ee de- ie the pace of a steamship reater | x pai for pa soft ets aa ee q mand earn. trom ntl ‘s steam power required. to Past S56) ee a $18 tg. $80/ 4 weok, Vista tte fe Cowlton’s Danderine from any drug- The Royal Colle gist or toilet counter for a few cents. Sen onn ee er Be eer, ligsg a Puzzle to Scientists. Be Ie eh our own hom Many scientific minds have dreamed | The Song of the Highland Corporal. moval Ostlee cee macee and studied and striven to construct moe were her een, and fair to see s the saft smile she gie’d to me ie elusive sunbeam and compel it to eee, man Church Parade. Saas she went by. was the Corp’ral o’ the gua) That mounted on the old tee directly instead iy ‘indlve ‘ect! 1893, John ‘Ericsson, y ( Swedish ners He constructes a Phas which demonstrated the possibilities | 0 the Chateau de Beauregard nine, ra raha bent i of tl of the power of sunbeama| 4 Palace high. Her head. in pray'r; for mechanical purposes. He secured i And she, sie chatemanteost the power in the area of his a eee be eee tte See LA “Magnificat!” but failed to concentr: Nekike I look'd to where Ta 1915, the Shuman Brothers oe a oe -! The bluest blood in all broad France My lady sat. tablished a « ” ne iy lady ae tie tetrpad 18) Piety by | Was in her veins and prood her glance, 'Tho padre said, ieonugeant ‘ in developing | and weel I kenned there was nae no : al power at the ratio of sixt: ‘Think on the straigist vant chance g, orsepower per ac: fector| wor sic as me! ‘and narrow path For sic as me! Jha exposed: that ratio, however, was no} wane ete Sufficient for practical purposes, and,| Oh, had I been an o RESRERER Tbs ac Mike “Bricsson, the Shuman Brothers | Wi olankin’ sword ane ins ou Hes Aiorh a S oyledt had failed to concentrate the powe: r had s ig Heenan sufficiently to make their scheme prac- A country Rs: ha’e tried dts heme cable. a moment by her ‘Minard’s Ziniiaont Relieves Neuralgia For many, many years ae "ewint us was a apt as fone te— The First Robin. A tawny gleam in the sunlight, And the flash of a ruddy ipreast "Mid the dusky glooms c) ‘That crowd to the high hill’s crest; Anda perrent of os comes piuring, the ice unbound. While iy iiatening hills and the val- In echoes give back the sound. na . bei: in the misty Cpbind e is the hemlock ae ps the tossiny; ech And the whisperiig "nds ae e still; But there on in singing: his héart Bearing me back to the peanisk Of a far-off golden day. ‘A whistle comes clpar as a robin's, Blithe, sweet an¢! full of cheer, And I know ere a gay of the hem- y smile greets me scientists 0 ke s knave and queen. Had I but been a chieftain bold, micht ha’e stor med seat castle old, y that some day one would pectiapliah i ro - definite results, and now Dr. W. -J,| 40d that’s no kind o' rank at all Harvey, eye specialist and member of | ! Keut what went ie Sea ng the Royal College of Science, Toronto,| Amd saved my pri haa succeeded In doing that whic! n i will carry his name down through the | And 1 Will never wait ai ages as one of the great benefactors | 7°, 20d her eae beers “Aaa ale het Bat tnayba hw the tend ‘oe dcsand Whore fancy bullae ts tatty echeciel And memory weaves its oldest themes, ‘We'll meet awhile, — that may Heme obtained at the fone ae concentra- t LISTEN TO THIS | SAYS CORNS LIFT Great Benefit to Mankind. In practice, this new servant will do A laddie I love weve rp wonders for masters. We hi RIG HT OUT NOW © strange that a no only to think of the uses that unlimit. From the heart of tg Be3 should | ed heat at a nominal c be pr : creep! 0, enters Into ever: y iene en ane 7 phase of hi ‘ou reckless nd women who Dear lad” Do the robins whistle effort, comfort and convenience. | a¥e Destered with corns ani have On that cross-crowned hill where! Let us consider one, the aut eat See Sek farted anemia) ard iia. OPhtey ote Q automo- | death from lockjaw or blood poison are Mi of every garage in the| now told by a Cincinnati authority to I am back in the heart of the city, ountry with a battery of mirrors on | use a drug called freezone, which the hild'tie Nerstine Whaaky wad gelin its roof as part of its regular equip- | mot fe rops are applied to hathian euace oye ame ent instead of a gasoline outfit. | any corn, the soreness is relieved and pe Aer een a ring every soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts And Uae ne aye bs ek meaning: to-day, ‘Ther of Ns “tite, that, renee ‘A Spring- and, And ware shall fade away, omen Turkish ‘ents naughty children by | hitting the soles of the fee! “So then the year ai repeating. it old story again, them or ome ‘os and store up energy! / Heat so more, t sss (God, to its most hacen fateae that {t will break rocks and ing chap elt metals? ‘Truly science has never Th punish ~~ out with the fing tteries. Standard batteries for | , It 18 a sticky ‘ether compound which ta : ries the moment {t is applied and Sri oa ace Tee elganlt | simply shrive etal Gant ehinant in pa “i caged eae that carting ‘§ | water will make steam to turn dyna- ae eget eee Fee RS ES FROM EAST TO WEST. Path of Civilization Follows the Way of the Sun. aucer, Stomachs tire of the same diet, stion Pe giao to- GrapeNuts “ There's “a Reason" It is a curious fact, and one that has never been explained, that civilization travelled since, carrying the torch of progress in his The history of China dates back to Y a thousands of years before hyman foot- When» e appet ie be- marks began to appear in Britain. From Asia civilization spread. west- comes aded,-’ 8 sur, wards, travelling right across Burope, * and tl America, ‘To-day Japan, prisin OW ed aat the Intend of stizorbing the apathy of her itward ae and is raising her The majority "of Leash et ue Yet it is strange that the countries with the longest human histories are to-day the least advanced, ——_—9-—_— BMinard’s Lintment for saloteverywhere, Canada Food Board License No, 2-026 pia HULL The misery-stricken heart of earth, Filled with sie woe of years, Is~eased....Adown the country roads The willows Du like Sweet beacons of eaiiicfitnrs ‘Spring, ‘Which slowly moveth nigher, I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by ML pyanus LINIMENT. _ As far as can be learned, the earls | eet Soe ote nickname: John China- a designation: for estials. ‘A “atten to 3 ee ee ‘of in magem ie Thea- tre,” aati in ae eta one hundred years ago. base ORDERS. Pay -of-town accounts ee Dominion pa Money Orders. Dollars costs three cents. labit-may make virtue secure or vice incurable, ‘Minard‘s Liniment Cures Dandraft, leepest_known lake in the wont is inke Baikal, in Siberia. SALT A. splendid ‘Guide-to it Garden:or-Field res fete ero Success yours tor Giant Russian sunflowers at os Sr ee for making silage, . Professor Be ae eran oor Neussla 0y| ‘Aitparadee, Wolke tor. prices: lege of Agriculture, Saskatoor Bracken is recommending the Rus- duced two and one-half tinea i sian aeailowe er for Read a ae MINARD’S LINIMEN’ TORONTO SALT WORKS ; ‘Springnitl,: N.SY ae DANIBLS. ait OEE SHOES: much fodder to the acre as corn, base drier areas of Western Canad: Cre ta ee de was in every way as satisfactory as! plant is well ieee "ot in prin y MINARD'S LINIMENT, KS *stbert Co., N.B, _ GEO. TINGLEY. SEED ‘D_ CORN Address: ‘Windsor, Ont. 9 ‘e oes County t Sune holds the records for images. it has been estimated that there are WAN PED fie 300,000, 000 images ofthe var- ious gods ther Minaré’s Zintment Curce Barns, Ete Men and-women who work among ivendee gathering it or alrclllie it seldom “have neursleia headache. RAW FURS « for aide TS and Ginsate rs of eae aoe Uni ‘Canad: a in cane piri ‘ket pi N. SILVER Rar hae Paul St. W. P.Q. RABBITS & BROILERS Better quality preferred. WRITH FOR PRICYS STANFORD'S, Limited 128 Mansfield St. - — Montreal NATIVE SEED CORN und crate area? unt. ORDER BARLY. $3.21 order. ‘Bags Free. Cash wit Darius Wigle, Kingsville, Ont. VARICOSE VEINS? ‘Wear This Non-Blastic beeis Stocking as they ma: washed or boiled. JUSTABLE, laced like a legging; always fits, CoMroRTABLE, made, to measure; light and dur- ble. C004, contains No Rubber. 1,500,000 nore itn \~ revenously), of i ten scours, ‘and ‘any is uleely enough to be worms— what he needs is ‘DR. A. C. DANIELS ORM KILLER combats and destroys the stomach worm, pin worm and tape worm. or 30 or more worms that rt This re medy. costs only 60 cents, with 8 cents for DR. A. C. DANIELS Co., Limited Dept. W.L. Knowlton, P.Q. Dissolve aie se will Meena een Siete tin oi eas eee ye Goph Goma ave be eral Ts de at hc nous amd rai gk Sortie Gere are the mate duct of selene the rea ot rie a ct cencunes, Send today, Wear it before You Famous Root Seeds aint phe Spine enenyse Kero Resear ge 8 ‘Saget! bee pes aed tarvested, an 65c, 1 Ib: $1.00, 5 Iba, $4.60, Pos! Ya Mammoth White Carrot; Half Sy Remecremegpice | Bummer cert PK actis acon” | SS fai Giant YolloyMengsl, An | — Alo. A ona ii “fia bard wht, 40c, oo perf plead fed cous isa ey sent Tbs, $6.28, Soe Betis. Saves mepntd, Ales Yellow Leviathan, Sean Grote, In two tee : eet. 8 pete falas feedis ‘cally. Keep well, Pie sis 1b. Bruce's Selocted, ring? ptall'e Wantbury, HAMILTON —Our valuable 112-page Catal feta Pinte Bulbs 2 en fcmentn and Poultry ‘Write for it to-day, “JOHN A BRUCE & CPs LIMAERD «. Establiched €9 —keeps traces arn ; lati wahtand sees smooths the axle spindle Weather roots leather and Keeps nd bub socket, by filing the je from dcying out and cracking, tiny surface pores with powdered ica. ‘The acid-free grease de- feats frietion. longer and loads easier to haul. Sold in sizes from 1 Ib. to barrels. Protect Axles end Traces ‘i Im; mer erial Mica Axle Grease one gs ens ou Makes axles last “OW LIMITED ghikgLabncatt a all AGitie on A Cure for Bad Breath “Bad breath is sign o of decayed teeth, foul s! Fr unclean bowel.” If (ee artesths ae ood, look to your diges| once. Get Seigel’s arate ‘isp at druggists. Ps after meals, clean ¥s ay gee passage and stop the bad breath odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. Do not pos: substitutes. ~ Get the gent 6 ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED Do you shave with a saw? ISH guemicn. Li No.’ 1199! ee compare moment the iitustrations ‘after-smarting of which you complain, Not so with the AutoStroo Razor. every shave. The beauty of it is you ‘don’t have to re- ‘mot blade from the razor to it, mor do you have to take the Au apart clean it. ym first: to last — stropping, shaving, and clean- Ing the lade remains in the (Razor — Strop — 12 blades — $5 RAZOR pte? SAFETY RAZOR CO,; Limited Building, Toronto, Canada You'll find Sloan’s Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache it on freely. pies rub it in, ae let it penetrate at a / Klis: Pain We B06y 0c, $1.20, PIMPLES ITCHED AND BURNED FaceWas Badly Disfigured, Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed. “Small re ies and black- ds bega: my face, end my ve ment for Cuti ned) Misa Via yne, pei . &., Dec. 26, "18. The Cuticura Totlet Trio, consistin Soe Talcum, promotes s ‘CROWN BRAND HOT PANCAKES! Yes, But -- om flavour; and there is Tab tal Rina ne widest ime Crown Brat every Mish de iyidy wen the cane CORN SYRUP pancakes, hot biscuits and mu Fi lade and other cee LILY WEIETE Cor Syrup “reer ct ist ri cay by ey vi ‘The Canada Starch Co, Limited » Montreal = es ys Let PARKER Surprise You PARKER'S know all the fine points about cleaning and dyeing. clean or dye unything from a filtay georgette blouse to heavy draperies or rugs. careful and expert attention and gatistaction is guaranteed, Send your faded or spotted clothing or household goods to PARKER'S We will make them like new ag suggestions that save money, Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. . Every article is given Our charges are reasonable and we pay ex- Write for it PARKER’S. DYE WORKS, Limited < Toronto ain, ay, A post fort | ealta yen used et ollet Fer Sample by We dyaddresss *Gutiecra, Dent. -A,Beston, sU. Sold everywhere, ISSUE 1h—J9, . ’ PS ¥