A Tea-Pot Test is better than a page a Advertisement. ALADA Is the Purest & Finest Flavored Tea your money can purchase. : Fees For Our Boys sere ‘By Christine Whiting. —_—_—_—— at the distinctiy, looking. se pit e thousand astonished ai Bro ywnell luxuriously paste ive Soa Ase Mrs. Lane knitte e Walton t | we she rested the feet that et her who was a leavg the| be ee table. ‘rather ‘hurri t ae want, to fix up the children)’ al The Rest-Room at Beverly. “Are Eis going to es, this eos neem said edly. but I oo dren ensued, oe se minutes Tater| °°! family w: ed away in the = ai sleigh, on Brine and Kate wate rou, mother?” whispered town, ae I don’t me the children’s faces were parple| Nelber des hig earnings Child Welfare in the West. fare is oceupyil ing a large ntion Colum- ome place to get bby- but ene sto We ere nd dinddy goes to the bank and to ae Blackemith shop. aunual Tat ahe yeasts unlogded it and Bert rogram. pices discussions on juvenile delin- elie: foomaeass onaity an ee do ore aie wives, children, bundies an | chang’ ¢ Montreal millionaire was buy- in Mehtly, fastened {4 on article 23 lionaire knew good diamonds when he On artic! eof atmosphere. omal loctor and a stout gentleman wi only that morning she bad thought ea spy_were holding an inti rie net Tend discussion on a pendi ile the cle 28 he meant t0, consulted” the Toronto “bankes abou investments, an < ‘ontreal million- pcan Gee that eet aire sat with two tired little ozs ticle 28. in against hig. sho! note trying pi hi ‘mental caleatation #4iiv"tp cull from his varied and ais: ord thinking of she girl he'd left be- sipated Daa stories fit for the ears e coveted abject yeas, of Tittle hoy ge the “xuctioneer pro Plantagenet, the clergyman, |“ Poneluded his florid de! lescription, without relue boy stepped forward bidding at, ten dollars. Twenty,” said the Montreal lionaire. “Twenty-five,” case mil- ay said the boy in favergal girls, the: Var-| €o Be aeriel gentle- said the millionain poy a the Prt ni ae voice was pinch ” sad ee taillionaire. boldly,| br use, ah by the “ts. this heautiful and ilcostly 4 dia-| was dark-haired Bal ty di that s fast he ee thi ficed at suche price, Hasn't anions te wife, a ‘mother, or @ sweethea “Sixty,” said the boy i Koatd, moment ha for which the wnillionaive was w waiting. ramatic. moments, wh ch: ik psi Be and resting ppen ! -his ages an envelo) hich heh ent ey can replace ‘and, ” eletity fn only: son cross t rubber'stamp, were t ra “Killed he ‘End.) ree words ae a THE TURK AND HIS PRISONERS 4.1 A ‘Térrible Score Remains to be 2 aout the Ottomans. as equalling, if not ex ceeding in bar- i fo! va of the worst of the ex- an symbolic Be “a poaagreans iy marsh fo man in talation of Kut, mkchalsi was far| Prisoners were he real mllianaire ming the short of water sof the! fuse a realy bay topped, those like denied food,| refused shelter, re- meted or sige ek if “rik by ide a Eau he | renin, 7 ih | yank and ae i "Tarkey ated ia ae the number of men of Kut who ioe been repatri = ue not ‘been offi- alg iy made known. Some weeks ago e British Government published an panei that so 5 of the 2,680 British of our ole soleton, Binge Foire —agne,f for sixty d —to the Tt was snes, ses the aie i lionaire plu He id jars for the Ce Ree sweater, an ¥en for a tooth brush. He bid five for the conductor's garters, and fifty for the Havergal girl's crepe Csdibeh the 'y last that a old om orner, Wi ere ‘he He eame forward sol atk weaces ali SE eer eat eee wrong, and they ‘stimete the number of survivors at between 300 and 500. Until repatriation is completed the 4 actual figures will not be known, but the ast cet te be sold. | ia evident that TTaskih administra. as the eal ‘olan rs and. ofa will ave’ heats i indictment laid against them for some aricle) thie tnyyeler's nage?” he Grea of the most shosking bratalities ner- “Ys complete witha 'd up, gentle- | petrated he war. Comme: ment Bid ‘up dies! A gift ast any | ng upon the arte eat the turks Dotroth we aid checisht ¢ am_T) fight én 8 tion and hee wa} officer, rece’ y home Tt is safe to say that the clergyman! an int ee ages a ee estates — that was at last entirely forgotten Rial ese ratetente acts eet bs norarice and are utterly miisiendiag: wsTitty, dollars said the Montreal | yo ik in this war, he says, has ane =) Rats a burst of ldughter. proved peel i e a worse fiend sha uted the auct‘oneer. | than even the Ts te tgeful and ornamental tread-| aut with as Id. Then, it is East to ure rolne es nity dollars? , What am out shudder ing the pinatia! bli i nel by a Pa spaper regarding one hundred,” came ¢| the awful atrocities among the Arm- white-haired old figure standing Fan pon m—the ainbeatiigsa Hromen's bodies in order to obtain Jewels which they were wuppaaed te ve swallowed and the b gazing at something far away. wi fithres hundred,” said the Montreal; satis eustenanced ail thy milionsine, who was enjoying every, ter tes es to be settied. pigs 1s of Gata wee handed" eid the ol mao ap ce if rim ie! : at Saye for the voices of the two men lished. ‘The ‘3 assuredly there was no sound. Even the id al erts. tloneor bi silent. undred,"' said the Montcea)| He were turned} all eyes ent that | i Enon F s. adian officer, when relating his xprience at the front, told me h vinced from what ‘he Neuad millensire old man paused. seen Iman Ger r die foctor suspected of bang a Ger- i ial , old man!” he shouted. "ies for the boys in the an views, an was ea oe nt | emphasis should have been maid on the rin larger opportunities for energy and} e enterprise te: a by the Overseas 8. 1 be a great thing ta ke } leer, wal the man-power _ “Five ‘thousand Mpollars! 1” he said) on colored porte: pops of 2 | better ‘or tone hi ith-|T ¢ Deda smoke. Bobby and pote mentally Pea put itself on record as sim you. do, Mrs. Walton. 1; faciore see you any more; where have! : be : Fou fees Seen youraelf2” said one ithe Chief Diagnostician of the Juv- Court of Seattle, Washingto aise Nat als erhvossed the Association On {uvenile children, get| delinquency andl its dependence on the 6 oretns o! raini ee rear vestinaibiity results in to.'Savenile delinquency. It was recom it! imended that mothers’ pensions should be established because motherhood ould ore to. the Si ‘haven't Been snyers | coming to fo cold and teed, and it takes 30 Jon ert has business to at Tisteics I think T'd rather ee home. How much are eggs wo vo cs iad some one tell M Tharts the study‘of Child Wel-| 2 concerned with the prepara- f hot lunches to | payil ixt; Vsjonge” conta ionted another. save up a carry them ike to. walle shen 2 big stores right m wi is eee that hs of. the school children attending rural schools in Alberta a depend- on cold lunches and at irregular intarsatb and s and how shabby you an es. Bs vlor edged ‘behind. Ante! / ade cht. 0 see any-| ek eaten remarked ! to dish each day at noon; well ! | to mother: m’s f pasines the hor: shod; | aa one can tell ‘ec he'll ifs theough: 2} Pe ite Why haven’ et ENGLISH WELCOME BEATTY. ‘h Villagers Gave the Admiral An Affec- tionate’ Reception. the spoenert mists,” to where Starenvle nigh have a regula: lar m in the City Hall, with Sean) Fresh from couches and little beds for babies, and| admiral Sir David B magazines to read and desks to write, his home inthe fr Mr Saylor. forgot her ries of the Quorn at Bro | Shire, his first ane | 1914. vers (hing. was oksby, Lei: since Samacy: Aatieptentiye lator, it Stevenville isn’t, Bever-| ly,” said Mrs. jure with the insees tion of a fatalist ta es | , Hoby bo a ‘But why aulanrt we have such a chee: villagers old gu 's, who threw rose children, as motor car was ie to zl Seadetll so that the of honor could lead it to the hall. A yer of Brodkaby, , on leave roke, in roe Bes sopghe | the I don’ | Mrs. Til! \see why we couldn’t fix that up. bring a couple of rocker a ra rug.” Mrs. ‘Tompkins had caught fire. from Mrs. Sa; “Who'd pay the rent?” This was} knit} £0) 62” a Oiand, oser; Ea enthusiastic ones br a the’ al Mark Kerr Sedna cisunmiaen a} @ Adriatic. At tie hall Sir| “Why,” ” replied Anne, “Bert offns I know we could] comed home’ ‘There's a Bui an me in one Sates out of the monti and build ihe. est of you will take gre: ham’ se voice Sie ‘con-| that by ene “friends fidence inthe group. non given greater pleasure pal come, too!” chorused several Lay Beatty an@ himself. He 8) oth ; highly of the work of pe Bae pies | “Well, let's tear off a ave of this/ Jack wrapping paper and wri wn W! we've got to start withe and Mrs. Tompkins took over the ceecetatial work. at’ hi | ta st four and a/half years a — iaatse ng Eaeseoaley dn r tor hit th-be the group she bustled, and} pile ae tardy husbands appeared; preparations. ti | David and Peter, the Admiral a couple of, jie who arrived from Scotland the * night before. , who is a cadet eae er the doorway ay all, i signal, Nelson's fixed, ees batt message. @ anyone will know aid ing around this store on a Satur ernooi neu we have sone. nplatate Booted! tion. | fuss," he sald. eas nearly ch things, hod Ot when hp leat about 1. Pe sate thin ter, uger son, dressed in for—to keep the cna from ol ee wait ‘and wearing the ap nie reet ‘Adratral Beatty sail: “This is n provide for it by by-law in time for, “#8t leave since the cutbreak of war there’s any and the first time I have been able to ‘Tompkins looked my home since eared 1914, around the ° group for a sign. Now I have come-for a few days’ hut Agape ther tici ge es it I can get it. ring the war Lady Beatty hag to! aeintatned bated te Hall as a hospi- about tal under Miss J. A, Mortlock, R.R.C., first for soldiers, and then, after Jut- tad for sailors, he recent convention of the sated Farmers of Alberta, Hon. George P. Smith, Minister of Educa- tion, dar rad that seule gees the ae medium nd help it is dom- everybody and carr rd Bert and conte: with him ae Throughost the week Bey moving 20a Ba turdey mornin it displayed a sign which read ‘ ‘Bove rly Rest-Room—Come rand dar ing the afternoon and evening people ame in, a little shy at first, but finding friends and neighbors tayed to chat Fee verly w pe 3} the ease days of pied a recipe. th a like going to town lots better | who, er Taasee waters 01 sneeeet ‘es bringing the ships r fe evorine institutions for the feeble- tl be recognized aa the, highest fe pe pee ai at these | hot {anced cold lunches are also suggested | taxi Interested, sothtstare ‘of the earlier | ohare im nrg advantages to seed 8 x at DARING nN WAR 2,000,000 MILES Speen THE SUBMARINE ZONE. a Work in English Channel Called for Great Resourcefulness and Scorn of Danger. e German submernet, which, oe reyed 01 f that, and” ah to Rotterdaat and ee at the request of the Admiralty—in fact, Admiralty woke to the fact of its im-| portance to us, Others have drawn Soe ct a authorities to 5 avian cans of saving, ships. also munity peasablede eee saathorized aie, reached the sage seas, have much mi AS Be the moments pilots, e duties sent them continually in ies sad eared back and handed them over to the naval authorities. In fact, as each has been able, every man has put ee heart into his work and done his y best in ne ance and trying ee d with very little sym mpathy or ngententing/" ‘There is the case of the Ruler of Pilots Fs ‘Saratbeon nd, who was torpe- ree: conse journeys dence he wag able to inspire in others, to Be por js is but one case among WHERE ARE THE NINE? many, ark eae is little cause for sur- das, e that the Admiralty has as! sked An_ Experienge Which the Majority lee Fail to Acknowledge. ‘The chaplain as a regiment on the n his rounds before oe fighting eased: ange an ombarcbe who seemed to mind. a complished during the war. Took Extra Licenses. Gravesend a are proud sans ee As Ik the shells were dropping Se the ret like ee hail. storm, had to g t the same. I don’t nie ‘telling “the port a that IT < scared good any ts ‘I hadn’t said a a little boy, and nerer scecDected to tee another. but as nt I found myself praying to ce as Sc antoraly as if I had been praying all my life long. Some way I got over and some way I got back, although it didn’t seem pos- sible that anyone could do either, wasn’t until then t me how instinctively a during that shelling, and bee ie they were required to take p a new Admiralty license, as far west as Plymouth, and Gees in oar a mighty low-down thing if I stopped praying just because I was own up 0, tell you that now cae night I'm say- ing my prayers.” “God bless you; said the eaten As vent his way the chaplain thought af the ten healed lepers, only one of whom came re thanks. “Ju ut every man. in Frente 30,000 miles of unprotect- and keep it up!” One of their bash was vot te by nd “why ‘terwards ? said to Saree don’t they all aft remember EET N EES, mi a SOMETHING LIKE A MEMORIAL. ith the German. Soae m knowledge, has seven Gee taste wi Rai his o “House of Pity” Now Being Planed by the French People. The When they make a Victory hei it is the fingst in the world; when they build a tomb, like that of ‘Napoleon the Great, it is one of the sights of the 8 haven. ships, large and small, eir death-blow from mine or pedo. oe is abecoes here to quote from the rep r= ser Many Vessels. nthe shock’ transmitted through the water was so strongly felt other shi; that people nm deck imagining their own Two particu- : Ont French nation that t their thenks and coatuane to the |. They confer: to every citizen who has given life for the great cause, central hall, with its 000 mi i be n that our being there | 8 mat 0 fi the number of casualties to vessels. Biri et “It Is quite impossible,” the report! ontinues, “to single out any men for aoceint mention,-for it is Senne it ue ieee that on the great an- ive ch. as aust cof the Pate Foch’s grat move eventual success es € potting their damaged v | with very big mile; a | Pity and Resenbresos, to sing hymns Here esc to immortel Fran ely Here, eek ste tinariuedlouslaeeee? tion, commiseration, which will cause them all to remember the great days. THE GOLDEN Cow. Lost Wedding Ring Recovered After some a ren problem as to whether Years. been torpedoed’ and fete lid yedsel toh. one who-has dons big distances and never Trea tented fs most to be congratulated. Our work has y ‘ond general pilotage, oid has comprised all sorts of duties, many of them of a volun- a nature. It has been tho rarest ent for any ship to be detained at Five A Godstone, Surrey RANE mee § the rin, not be found the calf Perey as “the golden cow.” A few days ago the cow was pur- chased and’killed by an Oxford butch- er, who, being Tense a He lost ring, made a search, rod the ring embedded in ma Fie or- ok ate eat: gan. The ring has been restored: to Sreeeuahe teste tints Bis, SEnhS Work With ene e earlier In 1917 the 4 tions of pver Of 0 ‘ative had o tur $41,000,000. Reports 0 indicate that this record oded for 1918. 3, were hospital joned, some ‘tro. day: the ami: cable laying, others Fs has | a| yin and saxpence a we 3 Wullie, he was in, t Mes ites, a ‘tate he was on: iky, a Tam, was min an’ wee Jock, he's jist seven pasty Lady visitor—But Srek van’t have joined yet The old Scot—No! but he week for s} aoe wi’ an aula wife that was frichted o' Zeppelin: Not a New sibs to pine “Now, Lieu! BEERS. Tompkins,” said the eoneeal$ “you have the Suis r column, facing south—how it into poe ie the ae st. possible way, ° ir,” said after a mot Yon, “do you know, that’s often wondered.’ Big Banking Neigi bor "Got amuch your bank, Bobby? Bobby— NGee, An The depositors have fallen off somethin’ fetes since sister got engaged.” = . money in An Up-to-Date Pupil. the five zones, hes war, postal, and o. Couldn’t. Stump Him. e sergeant major had the repu- tation of never ce peliey at a loss for an answei be ‘our hi asl the sergeant major a question that would baffle him. Th e sergeant major seeoropanl ee ted. Po kett] is, of oe fast commencing to boil, the officer sai why d eed that ‘water only boil round the edge of the copper and not in the centre? “The water around, fhe, edges, aint My en m gual eaitort aren hoge ‘before the sausiter'et the company.” Disposing of “Poem.” Teacher—“In parsing the sentence, Oe poem was long,’ what do you do ith ‘poem?’ Srelany (ltr son)—“Pat it im e waste bi Where Pat Was. small village in Ireland mother of a soldier met the village In the st abor had something ofthat experience,” he | priest, who ania her {f she had had i bad n “Sure “Pat ie been killed fam sorry,” said the priest. “pe. you receive word from the War ffice? “No,” she_ said, from himself.” The priest looked | perplexed, have,” she said. “] received word and ere is the let- self.” eter am now in the Holy Lax _ Aetive ‘Movennent in Tarts. oung Tommy returned , from ast in tears and nursing a black ey “YL pay Billy Dobbs off for the morning!” he wailed to his mo- ther. “No, no,” she said. “You must r turn good or. evil ru ty a Billy rand say abet & I eae good for evil, so here’s a tart for you. machay demurred, but finally con- ented. ‘The ne: my 0} him perth waribeity Reason Why » They Unpopular, Robert was. calling ouse, and Another Little we have to send it away in the win- tery” he repl lied hy that?” she asked in sur- pris “Well,” he answered, “ hund, and my father » Tong to, in and Dutioe the door it Gots off the whole house. ‘sa dachs- Nojeeldia eas ‘Traffic. “Fr tae said the little girl's who was entertaining in the moments re-entered the parlor. ‘Did you hear me come downstairs this time, mamma?” “No, dear, one et auietly. tell y cal AORLye how you managed to.come down like a lady the eecond time when the first. you came e ti ty @. i “The last time I slid down the ban- — nister," ined Mrances. Nestiy 15,000 acres in Canada devoted to wheat: growing.