VICTORY BONDS 3 _THE ISLAND , 10th LINE ELMA Al ber from thi veryone is busy: making maple Vietory bonds bought and sold.— | atfended the concert ond ton any | syrup ae so far the run has been 33 George Roe, R. R. No, 1, Newton. ell Kuhryville school on Friday | Splendid. s ening last and report an excellent Miss Dorothy acl caper Sunday : e e e P me. Several very dainty box. | With Biss ans Cowan. ed 4 : : Id. netti Seed FOR SALE Sree netting the society a business college, on Mom a Ag u en 1¢ rin as 10NS Hazel Lindsay, of Brunner, is r of friends and_neigi ig sucking ealves. Apply to D. tii t th f Mr. f bors gathered at Mr. Robt. Sele x 3 Right Lat Goon. 6, Mornington.2, | waiting, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. } 3 Miss Ethel Wootton, of Goderich, |and Mrs. Burke 0 chairs, Mr. e accompanied by her sister, Miss Grace | and Mrs, Lorne Burke with cuff links FOR SALE of Kubyvile, spent Sunday at Mn,|and a brooch pricr to thelr leaving OW ere in un an . eR. this community. Mr, and Mrs. Loi ber orkshire sows due oe “anoy in May- A Bowes a: S and Monday with his parents at Seb-| Miss Crala Barton is home from 10, Britton R. R. No, ngville. Mr. Schneider’s father is | Overseas. 3 in very poor health many| - Mi Hymers, bd Stratford, friends for a complete and peep dts the ere ty -end her Ts. id, Leslie have mov- ed. outs ite fv farm of Mr. Hugh Wilson. ials and effects. Smart and slen ee in line are # charming Suits and Coats for spring. Cleverly designed and smartly tailored, they are simply irresistible in their appeal to the feminin The splendid styles so attractively belted, the marked imp: mings, the splendid A MOST compLere SHOWING OF DISTINCTIVE Hele ae FASHIONS featuring all t the new mater- these FOR SALE. iss Magaret Kerr was 2 Monday A good Gumey-Oxford range, will visitor with her friend, Mrs. William burn coal or wood, shelf and | DahIner. reservoir, Apply to- ars Colin Kerr, iP urday evening a number ovement in 0: EE. Sel mide spent Tuesday | Mrs. "Gor cS John St, Milverton afternoon at Mr. Andrew Dieh's. | Ruby Barton) gai a i Pisdeats win Tina ae “Taylor, “Ot Brunner, Spniee and vee eaten be ae tte prices. The fine new shades in the spring aoe are vel rt; an especially good thing in sand shade in a aie dagobé, of Gravett ie aye Toes day the choir; half a dozen knives and suit is ine; blue in G oth is especially attractive; and/an unusually good line of fine ce FOR S. evening vistors at al forks from the neighbors, and a table black Spring Coats are among the many foatueee to be especially note d. Buddenhagen spent Fri,| cloth from the Patriotic Society. Mrs. 4 Holstein cows due to freshen in day, with Mrs. D. Schrsides Campbell will be greatly missed as March; 15. sows due Aa ee Mr ahd es rat Bemeidee open 3 al tive interest in all lines . ey ° 5 . rata fae Semeiderspne| se ok a sei ner in all ine 5 Coatsifox S W Lad dM NewS Maylog, Wt 6, cons 8 Movinaton. 3 [tuesday with the former's parent mart Coats for Sprin ear Ladies and Misses New Suits —— |tends mueodieg a few days there. and Mrs. Hugh Young, of To- ~ilfe'| Fonte; speii the week-end with Maa: ye: | James at Scott and Elgin Johnston intend holding: a party George Kenny, of Kuhi spent Sunday evening on the One of the most attractive of the Spring Suits is tailored in Gabardine in a dark sand shade, The esign is very original, displaying the three pleat *FrOne coat fashioned of imported Covert Cloth, fea- tures a panel back, trimmed with self covered buttons, novelty pockets, with a similar trimming, belted, and a “— Victory Bonds Wanted if you have any Victory Bonds of jarton. 1917 or 1918 issue for sale, communi- NTE} the hall on Friday night. ; : 2 H effect, both on the back and pocket. The cuffs are cate witl ss . Miller, R. R. No. 1, WAI D juite a eitintes pent here attend- charming convertible collar of new. design: unique in themselves. The lining is exquisite. Linwood, Ont. ‘4-t. dance in Atwood on Friday Another typical model of Covert Cloth, in Misses’ and a few héns at moderate FATA Beeld Gk tne nicht and report having had a fine Fawns and Tans are perhaps the most captivat- ape. of spring shades. One of our model suits comes wn serge smartly fashioned in a chic double belted model, foatneng pe last word in nov- The rows of Cow prices. sizes, is unusually effective—novelty pockets, button trimmed, belted and with a very smart collar. A Misses’ Coat of distinctive design is one of fancy Burella Cloth, tailored on the novel lines of the silhou- WANTED nry Wraight has returned ira home rere spending a few days with Mr i rds f Canada’s well established FOR SALE ine Lite Toaneance Companies desires an ert Buchanan have g 2 chbred yy boy. see ene pease Ee aia an (youn) Apply to John SB | baby: ps a ae $0-report that Rau: ette. at has a large collar which is so necessary this tiny gun-metal pearl buttons “complete a garment office, Milverton. -t, | Kin; Atcheson has.recovered after an at- seaso: at is irresistible in its a ———— a Senne one okt "Some delightful mod- appeal . FOR SALE EGGS FOR HATCHING | 8th concession, moved to ietowel els are made-up in English Very neat and stylish ‘ last week. rs tweed. All are-belted and is a suit of Black Serge House and Jot on Main St. Mil-| Imperial “strain White Or-| ,, Miss Lizzie Cowan, ‘wood, inher have novelty pockets and tailored in quiet, good park. exe boune, six sooris, apm |pinstons. | Prolific layers: Pegs $1-001 ailtinery shop ek we large convertible collars. taste. It possesses that mer kitchen and woodshed; hard ani 5. 5 soft waters lot about 1% acres; good ——_—— AUEUEA AGREE As charm of cut and line so LISTOWEL rimming. difficult to obtain. The stable. z particulars apply : z bank, Ont. 4t. FOR SALE to A. G-roomed ‘brick veneered house |; FARM ‘FOR SALE on Pacific Ave. ; har ; hen house. er par- ticulars apply to P. Schwartzentruber |" My. Regi to Albert. ‘Sinithe ve Miss Mabel Gunther, of the Toron- ital Nearly. every woman staf, vis Me M4 looks her best in navy blue or black—this fact loses nothing of its truthfulness as seasons come an relieved by a binding of | military braid. The lining 4 is most attractive. < That 110 acres being lot 6, con. 16 Sher- Ellice; frame with kitchen; | Milve ok - a few days with b barn aaa ith stra Ao j— friends in town. x foo well; lan EES ca. |., Serat. Cecil Cavell and Pte. Sam S 1 5 well drained; close to school: mile| © DAY-OLD CHICKS — |pev®'a: ome from overnea Coats $10 up uits $ up and aq uarter east of Brunner sta- onliday Sharles Cavell and tion. - For further particulars apply From bred-to-lay White Leghorns|Harry Moore are expected home this: to Mrs, Conrad Doerr, Brunner. paren strain, “April delivery 17 ; Bags | fe at-| The stone: Palmerston Northern : s - That Will Meet ehings $8.00 per 100, or 41.00 per 15 | Leage hokey tour wort the centr New Dress Cottons in Plain and Fancy Materials FOUND Osi tae ok We Gale Mae tae champlarehip and the silverware by Your Every Need = defeating N Falls in the fi vr 5 aS hie ondebetgied on: Friday, -March ———— picpelie) ec rca reg Scores of Beautiful Springtime and Summer Wash Fabrics at prices that will meet with instant approval. 7th, found between Molesworth and ‘NOTICE The ending of the war has already created many wonderfully pretty fashions for springtime wearing, and ee a oe ontaining a every woman will be eager to wear the springtime fashions just as early as possible. So then, here is an op- ol eee and. several other litte a e undersigned teamsters wish to |. portunity of choosing early in the season, and some patterns that are exclusive and will not be shown by provie propayiy! an nig |inform the public that on and after every store in oie community. The designs are correct. They are being used by the manuf, ers of Lait id paying the ad-| April ist, 1919, their prices ail be =. ”, acturers of womens Yerising expen: Thomas Reld, E00: per day for pastiond misses’ and children’s garments for spring ready-to-wear clothes. So that there is a double incentive to Newton, Ont. all the home games being played in purchase — irae fashion your own Spring clothes in your sane time. Be Joe Gateke, epimers spk a ae eget . : rajaetski understand that a new ri . FOR SALE i Giverton, March a i re aaa Men’s New Spring Suits . A= TheNew Bl ilverton, Mare! | beerected in Listowel soon - q y house and lot on Mill Street, ; — —= -|, lieut, G. Darroch, of the R.A.P., ens New pring uilS aie We enew ouses are Here ep ponits: acliool. A solid brlele house | =FLAX LAND WANTED |i spending a few days at his home ie ©. 3s vol tah uilt under plans and specifications; | ear her - 3 S—! 4 bedrooms up-stairs; hall, pavior, di |= Mr. Walter Goldner spent the past THE NEW SUITS AND SMART SPRING Role se. ve phates Sc : ing room, kitchen, pantry and w. The undersigned desires to rent _a| Week with relativ Toro} OVERCOATS are especially fine. Among the BYORYOE-OIEES: as] elat .' room downstairs; summer kitchen and | large acreage of sod to be s Robt. 2 Previake Darrel “home ed our customers. Each style is a creation woodshed; 3 rooms in cellar. Fur-| nyon after spending a week with friends showing you will find many things that are un- in itself, and is made after the latest and best nace, range and bath, hot and cold |requested to comm icate with in Toron es usually good value, and especially in lines that models. The range is large but the quantity water up-stairs and downstairs and in |self 0: The paved roads in town are al are of very superior quality. You will find us of each style is small, som low 4 ° cellar. Soft_and hard w lee- [as soon ag s,| most clear of ice. A lot more paving ih’ aPall varies Of erices wad. ani ai ee ase eek asthe DOME AB sO ae Oe tric lights. Pure water fr ever | George. B; adda, Millbank, Ont. going to be done in Listowel this wi i ig Pp. Sal y- blouses to a style. These new blouses range ‘ailing artesian well pumped by elec- mme: he value of property has to-wear lines or specially made to your order. in price from $3, 00 to $7.50 each. trictty double board: | === jumped up considerably of late and t the “present it is almost. im- i bie to buy oF vent house fn Men who prefer bench tail- CREPE DE CHENE AND GEORGETTE BLOUSES—We are famed for Blouses and Notice to Farmers te Ag ‘an aid Shoo business aH - own. ored, hand-sewn g na this season is no exception, our stock is bet- proposition for a young man. Apply oF an pao ernes 2 will ship hogs in HESSON made to their individual an. hk ter than ever. Blouses were never more po- 4 P. ROE, Milvertn, Ont. Vases Boiling maple’ syrup is the onder of measure may be assured of : pular than now, The styles are most attrac- Friday, March 28th, at C.P.R. Mil- G.T.R. B at Ci tive in Georgette, Crepe de Chene and Hab- the day among the farmers. Miss R. Bi th r dates will sanunnnee aifey spent the week-end satisfaction at Engeland’s, ‘ utai Silks. Prices range from $3.50 COMMERCIAL weekly. Highest prices guaranteed. |in Dorking. ys } . pepe wate, Be as Beg Ala at C.P.R., Mil My. Herb Helm, of Bamberg, spent Spring Wheat, per bus...§ 2 06 $2 06 Henly’ ae = so 241 2.11 | ete befor saat: say oder ithe. parental 0 HE NEW HATS ARE HERE—Smart new Fall Wheat, Barley Hou MILLER, ATKIN & SCHNEIDER. ee his holidays at his Hats in the very finest of soft felts that are now New Ideas In Wall Paper here. almost universally used in the most exclusive Helm mae a business trip feature of our new stoek. Mr. Ed. to Waterloo this. aos NEGLIGEE SHIRTS— in fine new styles. ats we ¥ Plour, spring, owt. War Flow, blended ewt. War Flour, winter, ewt. Shorts per ton. i It is not too early to plan your spring é decorations now—and it will be easier to en- ‘i gage the paper lait now than it will be later on in the sea: Auction Sale 0 31 HEAD OF F PURE BRED HERE- deline Lantz, of Stratford, sp ent ‘the week-end under the paren: ge Ken: f Li . A SPLENDID SHOWING OF NECKWEAR $ 3 wom FORD CATTLE, FARM STOCK | ,,Miss E. Kennedy, of Linwood Pig is another feature.’ Among the latter items are This is the as time also for choosing. * Hogs iivawsigh IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Mr, Seraphine Stemmler made a the New Soft Collars and Wash Ties that prom- And there’s sure to be a room or two that : Butcher Cattle.. will be sold by public auction on | business trip to Deemerton last week. Jae atlabyar ante. thi th needs freshening up—if not the whole house are sorry to report thai ‘ger sale this coming season than ever cuter ail Gh Bee th F Lot 13, Con, 1, and Lot 13, Con, 2, Mary Girodat is not improving very before. he wear and tear o: e winter 50 MARYBOROUGH sae 5 = months. Spring sunshine will soon show up x (Townline 2% miles from Dorking Mr. George See of Deemerton, We invite you to come in and see’these * all the faded spots and shabby places that 8 Village, ¢ miles east. 0! ise Sieeee Bee with his sister, Mrs. New Spring Goods. ee make renovation imperative. ‘ohn. Ste: % ie , After April 1st, Stemmler Bros. SaCanDASe MARCH, 27th, 71919 | will ouly sani thelr. chopping: millon Valuable property belonging to | THGSY, Of each We SF Waterto0, i? . BLANCHARD, Proprietor |is spending a few weeks at her home . . G. F, Vandrick, Auctioneer. SS x ais tig end Ms “The Store With the'Stock” MILV isses Sadie and Margaret Sch- , ~ - wntisees Sadig, and. Margaret, Sch e Store With the'Stoc LVERTON t the home ‘of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. dt. . . Mrs. Fred Dill and son, Howard, nro 1 of Wartburg, visited recently with soos Oys an iris wand, Mra. C, Gaul ee orge Knechtel, of Sebring- Must Have Pets— ve Selacabe ha moe : nm! ehn: r has. into. the house ‘which he purchased D. EGGS FOR HATCHING i Ei from Mr. Fred Murr some months ae Se : a on coeener ent rene Ftoxk prize-winning White Orping es ago. wee! en a ier home in Palmerston. = * DOGS, PIGEONS, RABBITS, CATS Miss Frieda Yundt left for Milver- rr. John Graham is visting in|tons, bred from the famous Imperial 4 ton last Wednesday where she will | Stratford. White Orpin tons owned by Robert | . Pes CAN. ARIES, spend some time. Misg Edith Hammond spent the| Christie, of Hamilton. Order now if “! ree ” tS as Heber a eds and hy ee evs in Pere men jouare. wanting any as the stock is a jornton, of the boundary, spent 5 e_are a “#: Pan Among 250,000 boys and girls in Western Sanday with Mr. and Mrs. ‘Hoary visiting friends 4m Mitchell and Lon-| PEN NO. 1—$2,00 a setting of 15 * ntario are t! 8. Ballantyne has returned} PEN NO, 2—$1.50 a setting of 15 Mrs. at good prices, of dogs, birds, “fine cats, pigeons, after ‘spending the past few weeks fish, ferrets, guinea pigs, white mice, Belgian Hensal, Moth 11 | °&85- ‘ We have a beautiful range of Diningroom Furnit hares, canaries, rabbits. Most of these boys and E) and st fends tae ere JOE LOCKHART, Listowel. ns ry urniture, girls, their parents, big brothers ts friends, read . George Lochhead is in Strat-|Box 364, aut, See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers, ord on business this week. olly’s millinery open inigs on March 21st apd 22nd proved the For Sale Snare Ads. in The Free Press. We have a large assortment of Dressers and Stands; lite Gaiiwesl on Bevurday ay Stent 3 rave aifed aoe) ‘fs The Fees Press HOE BEI and Want- IN THE MAE of the Apliati basi a G oghlin {a leaving: ay. |} Endington slate of oe Sie Lonmati at utes when in town and look over our stock, of the ‘ication | D, x % - ¥ 3 ‘ %. : 4 Bes boo al ee intl ad ihe: aoe Sika # the’ Mornington: und Wellesley | ~ ales stile ee of Palmerston, |e? deceased, “died on or about We also have Stair and Body Carpet. ‘ Paces soe ieee edhe che pao nba arr Telephone Company, Limited, for | spent aie pr selgend’ at the home of the 8th day of April, A. D., 1918, are q to buy or sell, figure the cost of ad. at two cents authority increase its charges | Mrs, folly. hereby required to send in their Congoleum Squares look nice. We have them, * a word each insertion. Groups of figures of for telephone marie from $12.0 me play “What Happened to/|¢laims to the un igned executors ; ja or a count as one word. Send ad., to- er annum to $15.00 per annum, Jone rub be ieeeanteg tar the: Musi oo te ese pet Gey OF tp Linoleum always on hand, : gether with payment, and say how many times . a oa ment of the’ security (if any) held by yon want your ad. to appear. Better run it Appointment ies Hearing part of Bigohes carly ote Limited then and ae y ns ji thre ays. . ice is further given that on an Oy) The Ontario Railway and Municipal ——— after the said 12th day of April 1919, GERHARD HEINTZMAN PIANOS =~ McLAUGHLIN AUTOMOBILES Board hereby appoints Tuesday, the Puzzl the executors will distribute the said First’ day of April, (A.D.) 1919, at lacs ife who haa|estate having, regard only to such tag hour (ot A guarier ist one| goMt ders, ua vate, he Med] cian ae sail Chen ave bee, Med o'clock ii ‘ternoon, ai ie J with then or of Me ich they shall then | London Press irae ae tare as eh ee eo ROBERT McMANE SS OR crit AS ote Saad Se ftts ERE" a tnesed ae covmel” Want Benn] Pes 180 GAY of Mase, A Gc . ated at’ Toront is Fifteen characteristic jossess which | 7 Furniture Dealer = vas ea names placed me above other women in you ons Golightly, Sr, Monkton, coe Milverton a alt H.C Sosree Sight?” And _ her lord REY master Thomas Dobbs ey 3 (SEAL), . retary. ‘simply said, “I Geet it up 4-t, ON setts THE ONTARIO RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BOARD 1» (RB. F.-6142.), very successful, Mrs. Longmire visited friends in Notice to Creditors eu creditors or other persons hay- claims meet og estate of Alvin A nice new stock of Brass Beds at popular prices If you need anything in the Rug Line spend a few min- Pema