OD TOPICS | also the Military Gross on the battle ‘NEWS ap: jflela and een, expected, home i ALY was : Sd .: ‘a alesaate aie 0. . “Willlenia eat he tad ied," Te is ares oF Grace, ehrch must re settled at once, either by cash! r not New Spring a um oF We ace glad to report that Mr, La-) "Sy {nw es velle Hayes is improving nicely after | ed fi the an ext: poe eine: ee Isadore Forwell an and rs. |ginal Firsts. He won his rank and thought et he died 0: purpos jus wife an d "baby" se o "hospital at | basement of a “church on Friday fell. known in Linwood “Miss Winnie Beges spent a gouple fluenza as ‘a Box Social in the aker WAS! evening, Feb, 28th. The ladies are for requested to bring boxes Rennie and daughter Marearst of Wellesley, Spent part of tiend, | last w ace ef Mee rs. Wi ‘visitors at Stratford on S ‘ewings visited dating tthe past week with friends in Strat also bt Spring Goods An Abundance of New Spring Goods has arrived. There is no short- age of Dainty Spring Goods here. We bought liberally and have an ample supply to meet all your needs. We paid we are offering you suits and coats at last. year’s prices. e#¢e@ uu are absolutely certain of g ting the best value in town when oe get us to make your clothes. in this. viel nity. securing” contrac ts | . with the farmers for the growing of | g, a cock which al to be sold by public cca in cit ty | eaeee of Toronto on Wednesday of. this); week, Workmanship, fit, finish and fash-| . Rev. Father Weidner was a visitor | Sais Suntnthed c at Ha milton, last week. x r Bundy spent Sunday) ee ee (Shipp | day on Friday last was| J. M. FLEISHHAUER, whe, slant ever seen here ne lease isied_At Linwood, on Weanes. adies’ and Men's Tailor ‘19 by by Re oblert, of “inonkton W. F. Holling to MILVERTON, - = ONTARIO/Sf, WY" G°Tioling. Only the immed inte “rend were Reet ts. R. W. Thompson and | J, of Toronto, spent the week! a ae mother, Mrs. | Miss Win Beggs returned home Monday after ie ite several weeks at Moore oe Dissaliors MEETING uant to miNoutrenient the di a Farmers’ Mutual f Hesson, spent 0} Sunday Sieh Friends i in Linwood, Fire Insurance Com any met in the (hom Mr. rv Freeb f orn, of Schrieber, Agricultural hall,»Atwood, on Tues-| Rev. Father McGoey, of Hamilton, | ee r Violet and Ruby Smith and|who ‘has re he past month at his day, the 18th February, 1919. All visited his parents, Mr an ohn | yore cal and Gordon Smith, of|home here, left last week for Balti- the members of the board were pres-] MeGoey, for s few days last weeks, | |Drayton, spent Sunday with their more % windergo Micatinent® forshie ent, The minutes of the last meet-| Mr. Edward Spahr, Mrs. J. W. Col-| aunt, Mrs. H. C, Barl eb orncaiia Mite! ing wer confirmed and signed. |lins and Se Hier Billiey are viniting BURP et Garey eam esa rien ene amber ‘ ‘Applications for insurance were ac-|in Kitchener this’ week. |pricker, of the Bank of Nova Seotia |The best, wishes of all go with Elmer cepted to the amount of $172,800.00. or been recet : Lin~| ae tent Sunday. at Bl all hope his sight may be fully The meeting adjourned until Tuesday | wood of the death of Lieut. William |"4r, "Wray Beges was 2 business restored t Ohi the 18th March, 1919, to meet at-the Baker in England. Deceased visitor at Elmira on Satur ane Harron has returned to lac SFA |cuiisted with the Sth Battalion in the |" "Bomn—At Linwood, on, Sa lee asic atte spending two usual time and p! MOND, Secretary. ‘and went overseas with the Ori- Lantic Buy LANTIC ‘‘fine”’ granulated sugar in the original packages for your Marmalade and be sure of a perfect result. Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Ltd., MONTREAL. 18 LOGS and HEADING Wanted at Millbank Saw Mill he feagril Be pay the highest CASH prices for all kinds of Logs and LOG PRICES: - $30.00] Basswood . $38.00 White Oak Soft Maple hast 00 Black Ash . rices for lower ‘ead, according to es Sites of logs. HEADING PRICES: -$5.00 for 20 in.; $9.50 for 40 inch. See us for Basswood per onl . Elm per cord. . $3.75 for 20 in.; $7.00 for 40 inch. H. E. RATZ & CO. MILLBANK, - - ONTARIO nyone a berine “Kandy ‘eave at. the drug store berake i. and Mrs. s George Coghlin spent apprentice wanted a and Mr. Apply at ieee Miss of Durham, has cepted the pediios. of be: at A. Oe store for the c ing season 9,04 Bllee, a moving inte oe le th he eae ai Mr. i ‘Waslen = months ae fcends ‘of eee Norman Mul- eahy e him out again after its naetnty iinees from. tonsil- itis. = hl attended ira, che recente called on a1 Chas. re Love is busy shippin faneral of the latter's sister, Mrs, ae GPR sta: che hay this week. at. rs alee CER 8 Raymond Schill at Mildmay on Thurs] tion and also fro day dM Mer addin attended What might have been a serious|the funeral of eee Mr. Hacke a happened on Friday last,|at Linwood on Mo! en Ila Dechert, ay thter of a ‘essrs. Ale. W: in John- |John Dechert, who w: ha ene on ston S08 Harold Aikins were visitors jsleigh, Arlee by. Mr. ee at Stratford ah night last week. and. got nade the sleigh, ie ‘artha Hoffmeyer spent the only jeges | past week at Siraate with her sis- <e ‘ick action. 0: jentens her from being mcs in- | ter, mis Elida Hoffmeyer. j2ure McDowell of Milverton, was a s Winnie Stricker, of Stratford case visitor here one day last Normal potioot is at present at her|week. Mrs. Milton = wis friends 2 Wellesley. Miss Lottie Kerr spent the past Gohl is at Toronto|week with ee in ‘Toronto, is week. jee . Wal ue iter Mottat gos a Bisenmenger sp ee ja week with relatives at St. Siemens le thet Me *Motat oe dee the | Mr. and Chas. Lo na and John Cae Alpes ae gs, who has the pcb Miss Sarah Haid, of Hesson, is | spending a few days with Mrs. esler. vir. John Forwell, of St. ‘clement seit Monday at the home enl sist * iss Anna Lonhant of Hawkesville is spending a few weeks at her home oe son, } . Aloysins. Doherty of Dorking i phe We got in a J. Tanne y and g summe! Tr as- (°"'Mr. Hem id rk {spent the week-end at his hom itable manner. Brethren were pres- Mr. Alvis L of Hawkesvile ent from Linwood and Silver Star |spent voetay it om fodge, Milverton. The officers elect Ee Bro N. Huby N.Giz Bro, Geo, Edwards . Freeborn DORKING ‘Bro. Wm. Mitchell FS. After Me and’ Meas"LoW, “Armstrong |the installation; lunch was served and spent Sunday at on, an enjoyable time was spen' Misses Vina and Martha Moser vis- isses Blorence Wagne: NEWTON normal prices and spot cash so we can offer a it tthe store. - ae tone opular Shantung Silk, 36 inch. es wide, in all the eee shades, re- gulany selling in stores at us ee eT our quiet Sens Popling—all_ shades, spegially seed while it lasts at. $1.7 SILK S SKIRTS Bie Sik Siarts, nicely trimmed and very” stylishly made, regular price $10.00 to $12.00, our price. $8.90 NEW WASH SKIRTS White and colors, STAPLE GOODS Heavy Black Derry at Blue and Black Shirting Seraee per. yi jc vy Pepper and Sait Shirting, reg. 60e t per yar Military Flannel, reg. 60e, a 480 ue ‘and White Stripe tg values t! gh NEW SILKS a ee Wf indeed with satisfaction that RGOEKE we featu prada ur present asst Silks—a wonderful ean Ne WASH GOODS | Consisting of Palm Beach, Indian Heads, Pique, Dimitys, Cotton Voile Mulls and Ginghams, These are all new and prices are low. ‘D. & A. CORSETS See the new styles for spring. EXTRA SPECIAL 100 Ibs. Black British Bingeune Yarn at per Men's ae | Boys New “Suits. “Come in and see tl nits. All Winter “suits, and Overcoats at 20 per cent. € are still giv: ‘ing 20 per cent. off all Winter Underwear, Caps and Wool ods. nest ill a: ore Ladies’ Coats left at er cent, off. ° dinidren's Coats at Half Price. SPECIALS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY oan. ae er package . olish per bo: a Toilet Pay er for.. Klim, lar; iS oxes 4 bars e Knight Soap | ‘for. eee Paper Table Napkins v1 :25e per 100 armalat a ib'tin for ope Mn |Denstedt javent Saturday with ‘Miss | Vina | cites “dames “Kennedy sepent Ties: John. Zoeger, of Toronto, is at present visiting his brother, Mr. J. ger 1 Mr. M. Dunbar were vis- ‘ Mz George a on friends |, Mpeg SteDonald’s one evening Be sure and con last week, ptay with ben fist! Mrs. Thos. Lines- Dorey. oe . Armstrong and son, : Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Miss Olive Robt, "of Listowel spent a number of days last week at M. George Kirklan Dae of London, vis- ited ae the past week with her brother and sister here, Mr, and, Mrs. eelhott daughters, ‘Beryl a: were Satidray visitors atthe he d, Mrs. Millar D 2 = = “nooks case, producing lots’ of laughter. not mi (oo ‘late for last week.) rman McLaughlin returned and purchased the fi father, Mr. Jos. Ss possession in March) tends holding March. Miss spent Sunday with the former's par- ents here. Mr. George Siegner, of Mildmay, attended the sale held by his son, Lome on and Mrs, “Millar Dunbar intend leave ee yee ir new hom a few ir. an but wish them every success in their new home. D. D. R. J. Tanner, of District No. Mr. George Logel’s fa: of $6,500 and gets possession during who recent, rm on the ‘alters, for | in Mr. ane it them all prosperity in their Overland Model Macey 2 Touring, $1360; Mode 85- a teurings 8195 ale . =e Six, Haas ~ Weat Toronto CARTHAGE (Too late for last week.) and Mrs. W. Lawless and little Rothsay, Visited this wee Mr, and Ro: Miss Mau is visiting with her’ sister, Mrs. ines. Long and Miss Clara Rotiwellcof Ligowel, vero the guests of Miss Susie Moore over the week- Johnston, of Midland, pen fhe weekend with bie. parents is Ahe g Mr. after spending a month with friends “The Thoroughbred” prestige founded squarely on cations. MILVERTON, ONT. The spirited, dependable performance of “Overland Model 90 has won the admira- tion of thousands of owners. Its stamina and endurance have built up a world-wide Owners are safer guides than specifi- WILLIAM ZIMMERMAN, Dealer Office and Works, West Toronto, Ontario vai tenan tbat as in ere orl Clara and Eva Askin, of Listowel spent the week-end under the parental roo: i 3 a d Mrs. John Gamble purpose leaving a ee new home in Strat- ford on Moni CROSSHILL Mr. and Mrs, Roy Rowland and mn, Everton, of Stratford, ae Mrs. Anticknap, of Atwood, spent a faw days at Crosshill. oman spent the week-end wie friends here. service. Wilford son, Thom- eas ata y y Lorne Ren- ‘i \ mig, spent, & day last week in Blmira. Te d Mrs. George Gibson from near ‘Guelph, called an friends here recently. Don’t ane the Sane ting to,be held in the Township hall, Cross 0) a: at 8 o’clo preniineet subjects. Ladies are invited. rt Freeman is visiting his Black and BI e Shirting, r , our price..... 35¢ Flannelettes = to 40c ‘ite Flannelettes from 30 to 35¢ Bleach Cottons from 10 to 30c wo WM. LOTH . Canada Food Board : H Milverton - {ewes - Ontario “ = PUBLIC OWNERSHIP ways which have poet under State |jeers at Lloyd Georges warnings that management during the war have h ee) Lea high freights, Heh ronto Weekly Si gone behind 450 au lion dollars owing }cost_ of food and raw material, re- yd Gevees adds timony fo t the influence exe! y labor on | duction of the “foreign de and im. of Britain to that of the legs! Ses its employer. At the close of the war, | poverishment of the. workers, who es against the ownership 0: ways | railway labor fi its wages on ee cannot draw their wages from the a democracy, The British rail-| war basis or increases them and it|State. the Government is our fighting forces. (1) Employment Offices. So that everyone—male or female, soldier or civilian—can’ get quickly such jobs as are available the Government is co- operating with the Provinces in establishing a chain of Public Employment Offices. Employ- ers are being urged to make use of these offices to secure any help they need. . Farmers, for example, who need hired men should apply ~to. the nearest office. There will be a Public Employment Office in “every town of 10,000 people—and wherever the need for one exists. There will be 60 different offices in all—one-half are already in operation. (2) Employment Opportunities. The war held up much work that will now be carried on at once, Public works, shipbuild- ing, roadbuilding, railway work —construction of bridges, im- provement Of road-bed, making of new equipment—these will provide new opportunities for employment. In addition, the Government has sent a Trade Mission overseas to secure for Canada a share in the business of providing materials and pro- duets required for reconstruec- tion work in Europe. It has also set aside the large sum of The Repatriation Committee To Solve Canada’s Employment Problem BVERYONE i in Canada should understand just what loing to solve the unemployment problems that may arise through the demobilization of $25,000,000 to be loaned through the Provinces to encourage the building of workmen’s houses. This will mean much new work in the spring. (8) Land and Loans for Soldiers To help soldiers become far- mers the Government has de- veloped a programme _ that includes the proyiding of land, the granting of loans, and the training and supervision of those inexperienced in farming. At present, the soldier is grant- ed, free, in addition to his or- dinary homestead right, ‘one quarter-section of Dominion lands. He also receives a loan up to the maximum of $2,500, These original plans are now being broadened. If Parliament passes the new proposals during this session, the Soldier Settle- ment Board will be able to buy - suitable land and re-sell it to the soldier at cost. ea Land up to the value of $5,000 may be bought by this plan—the money to be repaid in 20 years. The low interest will be ie new proposals ermit- the Soldier Settlement Board to. loan the soldier-farmer up to $2,500 for purchasing equipment, ete., in addition to $5,000 loan on_ his farm. OTTAWA 57 pte. sister, se ee McFaddin.