GOODBYE 1917 HAIL 1918 £3 We desire to extend to our many friends our sincere wish that they may enjoy a BRIGHT and MERRY CHRISTMAS and that the coming year may be one of Peace, Happiness and Prosperity. ei on We thank you for your many favors dur- \ ing the present year and look forward to aun continued patronage for 1918. WEBER & BETTGER Miss E. A. Coote, men’s. Institute, of “This subject may . dealt with Suffrage, I relate this in there, is lit was still a territory and applied under different phases, but, one which I consider very important: |s It is, The use ot the Ballot. Is the idea. not prevalent that Can- by ~~ We stand for the abolition of the li white sl the legi Wyoming thought of Wome stance. Wh y expect. Zoeca of rights oe ae e pred ‘upon them, whi e traf- er- |fic, child labor. laws and pee of statehood, Congress very much ich probably i: is se the public interest. ‘The gifts perance, purity, 01 en we find a man whose pi ed. its admission for the that they had women suffrage. Their delegate to Congress scoured the L itu feared State- {i e exercised in those countries “where ” Bas first pene e full suffrage to even a.part of te women, In Tn 1907 full franchise was granted tax-pay- ing women. In 1913, full Parliamen- tary Pcie: was eos to all Wom: also eligible to Parliament oe a3 all, other elective the worst inequalities and injustices in the legal position of women have |h been remove: Finland—whose ‘people have strug- gled together for years against a for- eign oppressor, succeeded in 1906, in getting the Russian Czar to grant a fey ee eee and full Parliament | CREAM WANTED The highest market price will be paid for cream, True a and test will be given. We supply cans and pay > the express. Ship your cream to The Pearl Creamery MILVERTON and ELMIRA Prepare For Winter RANGES! RANGES! Now is the time to choose your new range. We have a fine assortment of these on hand at reasonable prices, Call in and“look them over. We will be pleased to show youtall the good points. ‘The cold weather will soon be here and you willneed your furnace installed, . We sell the famous Sunshine and Hecla Furnaces ‘We will be pleased to give you estimates on your requirements. Remember Your Coal Bin Last of all do not forget to get your supply of coal. Leave your order with us, We will supply those who place their order first M. E. BETTGER & CO. Hardware Merchants, - =“ WEST MONKTON The instrument bri the right is the $5° Columbia Grafonola. hinged pclae fide leav Pewee motor a alin jo winding. Sent on Approval— (and on Easy Terms, if accepted) This $3. or $5> Model Columbia Grafonola i The $3° model of the Grafon- ola, here pictured, possesses all the essentials that go to make “ « ar, mg mi end Pecual fey Gicueera: is pruebas or quartered 07 \ MI sudrsbisho suffras ves, few of wee measures have be- come operative palgnd= crane full suffrage to all women in 1914, They are eligible eeeded in blocking the measure to ex- tend full franchise to women. How- mark’s women coincides with that o: Sweden. rge women suffrage g on a work mentary franchise when they get it. Turning our attention to the Brit- ish Empire, we find that New Zealand was the first country to give full suf- This colony first election eighty- five per cent. of the qualified women cast their ballots, as against sixty- nine per cent, of men. In no election since has the vote of the women fal- len below seventy-four per cent. of the total number qualified. While qualified. New Zealand meathods of children are cited as models for the world. chise upon legislation has been most ‘wonderful. In Australia, conditions are much the same as in New Zealand, Full suffrage was granted dsousuctt Fed- eared Australia in 1902. I will en- umerate some of the effects upon legislation. Singe sora bie fran- chise the women have back and jo helped secure measures ie Slane equal pay for equal work; equal nat- uralization laws; protection of juv- enile immigrants; regulation of the food and milk supplies; protection of infant life; appointment of police matrons; provision for deserted wiv- es; and the maintenance of wives of prisoners out of prisoner’s earnings; venil and playgrounds; establishment of old age pensions; establishment of ight hour day for women; state boards for the fixing of a minimum wage scale, and the hours and con- ditions for working women; raising the age of the consent of wirls; and allowing women who have married foreigners to retain’ their own nat- jonality.. I could give similar effects of legislation in any of those coun- tries where women are exercising the franchise. Note the extent of power granted Scotland and Ireland. women have a’ certail municipal Suffrage and are eligible to ‘town and city councils. Also note + of woman’s suffrage was ex- eeedingly limited. In a great many states to the south of us, full suffrage has been granted consideration to the welfare ‘of wo- |i men and children and a number of|y jis simply to apply to the political in.|that secures the best results in the . /ure up to the highest Aad noblest that the vote of the men has risen stead: |j j caring for the health of women and |ion. The effect of women’s fran- |i rts; |ing party advantages _ that until a year ago in Canada the |i |hood would ce = Gs if the suf- were previously mentioned, When we consider the history of conditions where women vote, can to. that cannes to have the ele of women in he government. the alates passed by a Bauees of the ie de: rated Parliament of Aus- tralia it “That this House testifies to the feet that after sixteen ‘hopes of its supporters and falsified all the fears and ‘prophesies of disast- er voiced by its opponents.” “That. as forseen by its advocates, its effects ae been (a) to gradually in |a free people. Are we? If we are ‘that already cited in the countries |tive will anyone say it has not been profitable {bring ie under the contiol of the'would not have rendered. —|ies before they join either of them. ; 1 our platform, should pee Rie ae tors may be induced to vote for the!port shia de he Conservative or Lib- party or candidate which will work in the interests of these corporations |the amounts they can afford to con: We must secure all the in- tion we can in regard to con- ditions as they really exist and not) to preserve our freedom and the com-)as they appear. \If we do not, we a shall'find day in like state sed we find some of our men to-day we “have to-day the uitinformed . This is a dangerous com- bination. Still we boast about being |fc by sone ions, as will pr r i in. elections, d they been better informed, they Then ‘again we find the indifferent citizens ith olition of the patronage system. They jed electors, but who expect pay for ishould demand the strictest enforce-|their services, Then there is the pur- ment of the laws forbidding corrupt |chasable vote. Note the conditions acts in elections. the time. guilty in regard to Both parties are worked by exactly ‘ledge and experience | and ve respon- & woman's “Let us make our platform and abide TORTess 3 reek ee tesa We have the purchasable increasing, must learn the “last thing” in politics! t 4 - and keep fully. abreast of the times. |, a bet for election purposes are in-|It is our duty and we can make it our WINTER OVER OVERCOATS. In colored Tweeds, black Melton, dark blue Be , made oPfrom $z6100° (> $20.00, Come in and look over our on. You can save ea GE J.M. FLEISCHHAUER Next door to E. H. Gropp’s Garage. i a oe _A reliable agent in Perth co = to sell Pelham’s ees plea it ant the same methods. Women have the |sibility of in the gov- right to demand the purging of part- ernment of their own Raines ‘he do not realize that the franchise 4f a | '°™™ Surely the admission of women to the solemn trust to be exercised for the benefit of the country, and these men aleducate w a sense of their Soames in public affairs, (b) give more prominence to social and domestic legislation.” (3)—That Australian experience convinces this House that to adopt woman suffrage sphere that principal of government itself to be good for other countries, is it not good for Canada? Is there a Canadian woman who has the suf- frage that will be so indifferent about ‘countries ? ‘womanhood stands for ? Frequently we hear the statement “Women will not need to exercise the franchise, they are represented by men.” Would men let women re- present them at the polls? Does a man with women to represent have ment of the publie schools. need the vote to secure themselves a fair opportunity in their business. Tax-paying women need the ballot to protect their prop- erty. All women need the ballot be- cause they are concerned equally with men in good and bad government, and equally responsible for civic righteousness. All men need women’s help to build a better and juster gov- perience and her point of view. Women will be’ confronted ‘with the question, how ‘shall we vote? Shall we fall in ‘with the system of party politics and attach ourselves to one at the present ‘time to become adherents of party. If women are going to be like a Be thinking much about it, then women for this reason, better fitted to cure them. Again the party system has passed out of touch with the best pol- ie thought of Canada. r Liberals and Peete alike care nothing for party and are pos- Sesscarot a deste to ab together in the best interests of the country. No matter how high-minded and sincere a party leader may be, his motives are questioned and his character often for patriotic purposes than for secur- with little seruple or restraint. There is great need to abolish the patronage system. It degrades and corrupts the whole life of the coun- and rigorous system by which its most active members secure the benefit of these things. The patronage system is a direct invitation to men to take part in palibesy nots ie the mulls good, but for df. modern secre cue ae can exist only, under legislation passed 1 interest in the success or defeat of one political party or the other, a1 30 Acree Fae west part n i The Donle; and in the success or de- | { —not trough any evil intent on ‘their ECO) ‘prey for designing political workers. lwhose principles do not stand in the idea that that right is to be sold and | the politicians who buy and sell the ivotes of. these new-comers are com- mitting a crime not only against | these men, but against the highest ‘and best cabarets of our country. Weare agentsforthe |}. Appleford Counter |! Check Book Co. ‘a citizen, if she refuses to use her This firm turns out only high-grade work at very reasonable |) 4 s “ se: prices. 2 : et women measures, a1 ‘its. Men have ben uae in party See our samples and |politics, women must exert their time, talent and aie in national get our prices before ey | Winter months. Good pa hose territory, free selling Saalpment: “OVER 600 “aga pines nursery stock includ- ‘ieties contra by us. Of the cl ing NE’ not jobbers. Write now “for oaney rms to— s PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto. “\SHADOW TEST ‘Weak Muscles Strenethone Headaches Cured, C: cates es in many See ee Eo glasses are fitted by this reuaa system. Children'seyes fore the 10th of each month. These i strictly enforced.— Finkbeiner Hardware. W. D. WEIR’S LIST OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE! $9, ee buy lot 8, cone a oes 110 acres, 105 acres under cues acres 40 lowed, 7 acres a fall wheat. pig pens au . 1% miles from B: or ee $8,000 Will buy the west half of lot 4, con. Tes. splendid: 2-storey brick. house, frees Bisiod "ect, land ali ae cultivation, wel ined and well fen e fenc- lesley (Western Section). r cultivation, 15 acres new. land, 6 acres good Fede aod. pane eal Spratling, flat’ barn, close to school on a ood road. Plenty of ” [8% 000 Will buy East halt lot eC house, a brick cellar, woo! goo rd—a sp! Leahy Aa Lot 7, Con. 7, Well le con. 12, Mornington, 100 acres, Brick dshed, furnace, bank barn, straw a t 10, concession 6, Mornington (New- id eouortenle dwelling, bank barn, good stabling under- neath, hard and soft water: Hotel Pas welling, a Regs rooms, —In Newton, 1 1 acre of land, prick, Yenecred bath r eenera and the 8 divin ving, ie ds and as the proprietor pie k Tals Boot and Shoe store business and dwell ling in village of Newton. Doing a siness, in an Al locality No opposition, an spied ae mae ree ig os eet buy the south % of ze and the north % of lot ornin; Sy age bags? ne dee and wood shade ene barn 55x60, “acving shed drilled well, wind mill, wire feneing. clean farm. $6, a half Lot 2s concession le Mo: shee new square 100 acres; me house, nk barn and s large orchard, about 8 co of bush, close to school, ‘drilled an at barn. Land in best state of cultivation Come and see me if you vise to buy or sell your dwelling or farm. It = will p: ou. What it Means to You—to Your Pocketbook—tosYour Personal Appearance—How it Conforms to Sound Business Judgment to Select from Our Famous Line of MEN’S and BOY’S SUITINGS Taking for our text, “He profits most who Serves most—he __ who serves best, Serves most”—we put in force a plan of retailing that tends to centre more and more business, here — —by making it to the advantage of the public to giverus — ~ their patronage. If there’s a man who can ’t be suited ts like to see him. If there is a man whose tastes can’t be m he isa Se to us. Sod and see our up-to-date coer 0. DUFFIELD Tent et % to women. I will mention one state feat of particular candidates. Any i !polities. acrurately ‘cramined without ordering. | a January 1st, 1918, credit will be giv. an to the extent of 80 days, All'ac.|P~ Hl. BASTENDORFF The counts will be sent out the first 0: resight Soper. The Sun Office ahi iaitcas tae labeled be wumeenen ONTARIO Winter Term From January 2nd. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. We employ onpeucnced in i ve dee and aduates in posit He This Dict is one of the largest and best Com- anada. e for free catalogue concern- ing our bee TB 2 jorthand or Telegraphy Ww. J. mEnORE President, D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. RAILWA’ SYSTEM RAND TRUN THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO UNEXCELLED DINING CAR SERVICE Sleeping cars on night trai and parlor cars on principal oe ins. Full ecommascn. from any G.T. ticket agent, or C, E. Horning, district Paiiges agent, Toron- nt. H. C. BAIRD, ’Phone 1, Local nest Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations HIE sole Head of s at Domi for District. ntry by proxy maybe gertain conditions. , and cultiv aril ciel patent and olluvare 0 8 obtain pre-emption patent jon as in estead pacent on Teertain eon ns, ter after obtaining homestead Bet pe nae condition ‘When. Demi inion Lands are advertised posted for entry. returned soldiers w Served overseas, and hav Eee ent Reiocal Agente O He ee! py piecing Bee ee Miia mittee withorized pub! cerdisement: ‘will aotre pai We Want Now AEs