d pip ticle ori ate Sood package. rich, strong, delicious tea like Red Rose is worth pan into as valed. package to Keep ‘it Y MAIL “FROM “LAND'S — A ene Interest (o Irish. men Sir Hdward Ceraom BAY Heen on visit to the ers of Sir Douglas Mary McNamara ‘ootehill —-~- |mains. THE COURACE AND RESOURCE OF WAR ss ne 48 SHOWN IN THESE SKETCHES soldier had looked up as he passed and “Th “I Never Knew How Good a World It! host," said hier “thei sauvage it ameae| ing the wards of a big London hos- ish soldiers, and al mit I soos a the bedside of a frail cans. roe rildly ‘thre h rades, and any wound 1 in his “back and. ae strageel ed in “ae ri great ser ing fand anos follow i turned from Rheims, me he had joined the dover. thermost detKh gine: mn Himnsett into the ieee nr ie He me __ protestingly through the gold-rimmed spectacle: ‘No, o he 8 a tee. “Her statue has hardly been touched have thought. German shells.” radeship, courage, dutifulness ‘and un- ending patience and ate ie the| ie coal be as| 183 fe or two later I iene to. be fi tha and Butter Substitute First Invented at Pills, which brave much thought for aed such courtesy and the apprehensive fear beforehand, and “the awful fear in retrospect, but al- ways strong quprace: within the act- was but eels returned from that part the od things only,” came the quick nd sult being ia, 1 fetor eccieticl ies readily in the | said fra the-eeal cular, inthe state _ ‘He described some of the scenes to! \me, and the horrors of i comfor $8 meeting. of , the fit thet men ‘went Hie Wald pase w-youne ok hing in a sludgier than any ereck, writing letter Wome to, his mother by the light of a flickering candle, The young electricity. the South of Ireland ere they have ‘ ‘anspor’ The death took place E; had»made a joke about his oozy ‘rest- : ling place. ines soldiers were in even Mayville, of Edward Egan, [vORne cong Water a smiling army. is by a young lady from | se ywhere in the Fy rench ° arm: | there is, high appreciation of the Brit- of the Ameri- Men of both armies are Tuoked upon as the Heats wort! ou will hear. the | alis, Castle’ 0 presented D. 0? Shea, secretary and a cheq meahtigachen. the Dungarvan Sessions agai er day I met a man just’re- nthe ity of Gar: of man’s damnation,” as it has been eall- od Grahlesvcmthedart tat kone desolation, he had en- of her husband. The Derry Board ss fae @ scene o! lodging: house keepers fined £2 each and t s cart of Rheims are gr: The reas are aoe: cted. The cathe¢ ial has Fa schools in Okla eu a gain ee 2S SPRIOUSILLALSSAVOIDED wor! a, is iS pfoeens| aa rt a Mckacrstan, “But Joan of Are rides trium- phant before the Bein ” he added. | Many a serious illness liams’ Pink Pills. here are still some thousands inhabitants left eims. Little children still play fearlessly in in empty streets. But cellat dwellers are the ru al organ ee as s 3 been neglected. Therefore any thin- yh OE ea Growo aze atilt *iRg of the blood should be looked up.| Used for this stunning strest, deose e-struck | there and even though there are no 0” 48 @ Warning sign, and more serious | atte Pattern No. “8100, patie feats akds sud very little petrol (iaso-, ae should be avoided by the use| Ss. Pattern in & sizes; 84 to 4. sfeaptan the Williams’ Pink Pills. In the | [oust Price, 20 cen jline) export is fe For the courage and the Fesource of epee girls and women ‘man live on in spite o: ae | joccasional use of Dr. Order of Napoleon IIL. faciteste constitution, It is interesting to note that war, aleestion, tone and stren, lq Which has been deciding factor ened ner general throughout France. ihe tacts Emaar Napoleon III. was anxious! and strength will return, a: to furnish the working classes of fe y France with a substance which would ‘firm t) serve the purpose of butter, have much andyenergy by using Dr. at once’ ee oes Pills, started experimenting, and at lengt th | a chemist working on the Imperial | iB ‘stance which so far met the require- ments that he was awarded the cov- eted prize. | The inventor followed mechanically Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., ville, Ont. Activities of Women. thousand ee are worki cows produced the bevartat 3 in | in ee mines of Geri n thefearilk-from stefan stored | in their | own bodies. He first reduced beef | working as drivers of milk wagons. fat to small particles and placed it] Kimu under heavy pressure, and then ap- | {plied heat to it, of low temperature. | Japan. This separated the stearin from the | olein, through cryatalization, the re-| nurses in ae United States. a fat ‘rom taste and| Princess Eudoxi mouth, Experiments proved that it | try. |was as nutritious as butter, and was| Girl capable of being kept for a lone in ro tthe municipal offices in Portland, i ci Shortly after this discovery, in 1870, Balbbnsejiers in Hartlepool, Eng- the Franco-Prussian ‘oke out,/land, refuse to intoxicating and anal ae a peice sag te women. ‘Butter and iy per cent. the women later thie oe "aaa * altonethae: eligible ‘to vote in the | Daital States In its place large quantities of ae are married. ae gubentts, etnpeet garine” we Madame Gurie; discoverer of polon- red, and it gained such as ium and co- ee bubs of radium, is an aeone hold on the public that Paris | ardent suffra; alone ea mes ii quantities | In New York ‘State 1,086,000 women every year. It required the great war | over nty-one nail of age are un- to result ia the eeecan ie of this nee or widowe : a fire as at aan time. — food into Serer The Elderly Safety-Pin, FIRE AFFECTS ANIMALS. The safety-pin and the hook and eyé are generally supposed to be m Some Go Mad With Fear ise Others | ern ms. The former, in fa Remain Cool in Dan; has been credited to Queen Victoria She may have improved upon it, but Siig pea ies ies certainly she is not entitled to the The te Saad ie chee fe ‘© others | distinction of having invented i ; : merous specimens of the useful con-| 5 faeaeed nie oe it, even shows trivance have been found in the ruins Blancs terse in a burning ‘stable goes) Ocw of the University cee mad with fear, but a dog i: s as Sebcl ta in vania, and ¢ hi i; |hook and eye ao the jose do wn to She floor, whore the air is purest, himself cal: ‘to fi ce as t. Cats in fe" ery eye now in the nuseuni were ae their faces fr the Hght Sane ch in corn s. Whett their rescuer lifts them ey are as al. de peobaidet) never often ie on — por ene pins. one ‘were even ight gol Happenings In the Emerald ale ot western front, and was the 1 aig. was fined forty shin at the Limerick Petty Ses-| s for having light weights in her sl mG Urban Council have dacliet ts allow more light for public use this winter, and are relaying gas. citizens of , Castlerea, it was decided to take steps at once to have the town lighted by A large number af laborers have left ngland, | Ane ig eats recently at | is Sh wredded Wheat Biscuit in is the whole wheat digestible form. baked whole wheat with mi few “years ‘tropical America, is now a necessit Panama started the ball a-rolling _ by Bop coniet poate sources building ice-plants. jeu Until recently’ there were ants in the Puert lata he Dominican Republic, os Been of cae inhabitant’ and a litt.e fruit make a nour- | more has its ic ishing, strengthening meal. Made in Canada, principal of the a of John Egan and Son, of | ord. A ae demonstration was given Dublin on the For the Chilly Days | Santingo doled Carallecon: with 15,- |e 000 000. | 900 in habitants, fete snaseee town in tion | ditional delive | which range, in Se epuieten from 2,500 from India and the Tne Sune |to 7,500, have ice plants of from one | leg thrag: tong capacity. “The prices of , Minara’s Zintment os Colas, &e, Hee at these plants vary from $2. to| {4 per Kuuideed pounds and about 10; per cent. additional if delivered. he principal consim while the cafes, clubs and hotels, but there | een an PBN is ate ah ical ‘eta | Fal igo was. ee 65,00 10,000 pontile wn to the eople of ; which cao from Ameri ica ity. many. ice Faetarers, who consular only) i Two three of these little loaves ee beri atch comprises the nor or =e aver 9, A ese sane is an economy, jas itr eneiedca-are hits teat: after it has been feed a good is beginning jthe high price of ice and the srowing t prosperity of the country, it is sug- est pri gested that it might be possible to in- |S Enthariie!Hrt on duce some of the largest clubs, cafes | and hotels to install their own plants| Vaan and refrigerators, | premises a os O’Connor Don, Clon- The plot- Halden of Toom vara a ere f the Allotment sate with an ‘ashe Mess ovale Waa abated #800 Ae Lux Navigation Company, for ‘the ie of Guardians re-| ported at their last meeting that there | were prety “one cases of scarlatina in th were | h at Armagh Petty Bers J \ [Sions for ‘not supplying their lodgers | every ai and tae on earth, | with 1 Tt is stated that Germain is the only issenese taught in a number of pub- lie has been avoided by the prompt use of Dr. Wil- These pills actually | enrich and purify the blood, and in| of ‘his way build up the system, tone and Fic yaya the nerves and invigorate diseases genetally come from some simple disorder that’ has | the pee is peculiarly liable to get out of rae become thin and watery— ie to lead to a general breakdown ORIGIN OF OLEOMARGARINE. [in n health. This eas be avoided by the pills will | ve you a new appetite, ease your | our spirits will brighten, good health n get these pills through any iedtcine dealer or by mail at 50 cents ‘arm at Vincennes produced a sub-/a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Brock. Several Holyoke tak girls are} |man to make suffrage speeches in There are 80,000 atta women lgaria, is is are employed as messengers fechesiaciin s Note the many smart features of ing this simple Paice, 20 cents. LEMON see Is RECKLE veoven Girls! Make this che cheap peauty perio | Aska to clear and whiten your si Squeeze the juice of of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces orchard white, have a ee pint of the-best freckl and tai lon, and ee boat: fier, at eu very small nei shake well, and y is and any | Minard’s Tintment Cures Distemper. drug” ei oe toilet counter will supply three Ee of orchard white for T fer this eae quantities of bread crumbs and toma- tor Wesane how clear, Sat and white ue skin be-| baker, ru comes. Yes! It is harmle: Pat Found a Way. se A Scotchman and an Trishman onee | } wi an was asleep and searched tor the eash, but could never Sie findi ig it. “Where did you kee ep Heer he as! 2 B “Well,” : ‘said Pay, “I let you go | bt a ony a at, and every. Gee -| purse nt ares Ee 0—0—0—0—0—0-—0-—0—0-—0—0-—0-—0 | B § yes! LIFT A coRN OFF WITHOUT PAIN = z Cincinnati man telis how to dry ] . UP acorn or callus so it lifts | J | ow off with fingers. f You corn-pestered men and women | need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes | tender, aching corn or callus, soreness at once ne soon the corn or jhardened callus loosens so it can be nities! pt ralgia, tame) gba i a Png, sprains | lifted off, reot anda all, without pain. A small bottle of A ‘eezone costs very. little at any drug is inexpensive and is said not to irri- r druggist hasn’t any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you ae his wholesale drug house. ff and acts like magic every a SEB Egyptian goose is a small this country. | goose in shape and id weighs two pounds ss in each class. ‘ NEY ORDERS Dominion Express Foreign Cheques. are accepted by Field Cashiers and Paymasters in France for their full face value. There i 9 send money to the boys trenches. in the Pe eT enone to possess a yarn winder, use two flat- iro THE WALK) KER HOUSE adjust the yarn over the handles and proceed to wind, I was cured of painful Goitre by MINARD'S LINIMENT. AYARD McMULIN. wees Ont. was cured of Inflammation by MINARD'S “LINIMENT ‘RS. W. A JOHNSON. pgs On Iw red a te Neuralgia by MINARD‘ 8 LIN INT. read wees eae Awful Parkdale, Out J. H. BAILEY. Cornmeal Bread—2 cups lukewarm water, 1 yeast cake, % tablespoon|_ be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from see ‘pti Co.,'70 Bond St., ges a) ae ughly. Let rise to double its bull knead and shape into loaves; let rise, “ again to Aube fi: Villand teke ae es i cant Toa Granulated Eyelids, fico i ah ee oss Stina aaa. W relieved oa a“ rye Rabe HS ce Acta poweeard mis Bt Dept. A, ton, U. t “YOUNG eD.F, Bi6 ara Montreal, Can, = Absorbine and Absorbine, Jt, are mado\Ja. Canidn Remedy mail ie a ‘arin’ npn e Bor Book of the Live™ Freee ‘urine Eye Re eI e can’t expect our neighbors to say pleasant things shat us if we way—even editors ike i it and Cheese—Take equal ais Del Coronado Coronado Beach, California jiego POLO, MOTORING, TENNIS, BAY AND SURF BATHING, ~ FISHING AND BOATING. 18-Hole Gol: Course Hotel is cauiped throughout with Automatic is mel Machinery cae ‘Sale 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE, 18x42. New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with pup _ flywheel, etc. Will accept $1,200 ash for immediate 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 = 110-120 pert De. Will accept $425 cash for Immediate Sales dition a new one would cost. Sena. ) PULLEYS, | Large size. 12x60—$205 2 power