Skates Sharpened ! A Good Job baa gs ! 10 and 18¢_ Se pair MILVERTON | GARAGE ; Hrpealater “3 Shines Hor All.” Scissors and Razors A good job guaranteed. P. NEUMEISTER and Decorator Sharpened MILVERTON . Vol. XXVII—No. 25 z Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, December 20, 1917 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher ne 2 7 is : emetery was purchased and that, he Fresh fish at Mohr’s, ; Milverton Council inet the mount due By all parties Items of Local Interest, | ivised nurs 250 ib. a 6 Union Government Returned plots and cutting ie on Galendany oe ae have: ne lies you. 53 iS : : sae L, Parki spent Monday |—A. x Milverton, Dee. 14th Zi was moras ae sec gas d+ that |in Shetfod pre bon eu yall cae Aree must be paid be- MAJORITY GREATER THAN 1911. Fant of prot 2 ciety a : one City R, Hollefreund, of Strat- aake any more coal goes out.—J. G, " alifax ‘or the relief of the e0- Aamilton. Ble, of that city : e séra, oa iat t thursday with her) "“Zpecial bargains in hardware. See TWO CABINET MINISTERS DE- e Reeve Dien vacated the chair Ret and Mrs. Powell, of |OUr adyt. on another page.—Fink- FEATED IN QUEBEC. nae oe Mer Gobnihen: wien Tt ‘ont’ Monday ia the village |Peiner hardware 4 Gorrie, ie tM y lag iif hi Bi. RoW H. having gosme down to cast thelr xotee, i the Federal election held on Mon- feconded ty é ifealane tice data. i m, ts ae ae monster for fervour wite' or Chrlstinas? aay, esulte a clear cut victo ¢ $50.00 be made to the Reeve ‘Buchanan, f Friday Harbor, 5 m y Bee oe wtoaated ws tek tok o rs REGISSE Feerinre ENE the as 3. i, spent a cou e of days. with Boe eee ay er evnary Gt fvedug See cae senuine “oxpecta= 85 Years tenders for the digging and tiling of ,P®*' "SW. D, WEIR, Clerk: oul ier Ah nae Ween tions of its friends. The fight w: John St. drain, Tenders to be in the 5 aes Roy Kines, a rif |" try MH. Bundsch indeed stiffly waged by the support- ‘The fact that this bank has 0 for a good Fase. . hands of the clerk not later, than | engi 2 26 mothe, visiting at the | sir eut or shave. Pool room in con- ee, Hild Laurier god Fars, been in business for the long counts were presented and ordered) THE HALIFAX CATASTROPHE ‘Kines, of Morning’ Seat ii i no contest, Ontario and the North- perlod of 85 years, and has to be paid: W, J. Spencer, labor x. J, G. Ham iiton ‘returned Bir tie pelanee of ie vent re western provinces rolled up enormous| _&fown untilits Total Resources ie St. walk, $2.75; P. Neumei: ter, lo. Dhoad reveals slowly, the mag- |on Monday from aeent real, ee ‘he Po pn: a eee Cer i majorities for the Union Government | have passed the hundred mil- Tabor, $7.40; ‘Geo. L. Jacobs, labor, nitude of the catastrophe which e- [had been underg of |Tinkbeiner Hardware. 2 while Quebec and the eastern provin- ion mark, is proof of careful $6.50; P, Ducklow, repairs, $9.60; fell Halifax Inet week, regtment: fox his RIE eG Pea ine to ea denuntollowinr the ces with the exception of New Bruns- pina ast sbelenated Pi WwW. wick, ing in yr Lau . as Seed ae eon sp pe tei ecletea se Mic "Geare Sues Duce ao tei she, seta, i Bieta, hae present majority for the-Covernnent| sta management on the pat W. Jacobs, labor on td with team, blown off the face of the ; 26e, Chickens 22 to 25¢, Fowl 17 to} een, posponte anceunively is about 46, which is expected to in- of directors and officials, Safe $38.75; M. MacBeth, printing ac- dead may nun ber, it. i - Sita rarpetimge incre een - ons, we are glad tole. tne py Saal Pee gegeted a Pie ie deferred elec- methods appeal both ‘; i ee il . an le overseas Sra trea pac i nea genera irae aera Ip at present spending. coupe of nots is able’ to he about again after |T° * phos Hee say (S08 simemnory secured hy] othe cmmerean bunt s visiting al me oO: er é ie request of a number of citi- . be man bank de- Mu Pal Wana! stat nbs ae ‘ Bako rel ot 8 Mrs Julla Hasenpfing. [eral days with lumbag zens, I have decided. t SUS Wuaae pect Wie Maree fale positor, “6 ropp, Tepairs, ete., $20 B Geo ‘nitritoluoh is a new explosive of en- d Mrs. F. Wickie and littl Bey DADE eee to engage by |date: for the eerveniipiat ‘Miieeete bf his selegtion, Sew. Coxon, telephone acct., $5.85 * \ormous power, ‘which is. extremely {daughter have returned home after the year. "Married man preferred. A |at the coming election. I am one of the |such an overwhelming vote in his fay- The Bank of - Welty'salary ‘ete, $167.42; Charles ‘dangerous, if not made’ strictly -ac- spending the past week at the home ae ee se of Hand a ihe oN |oldest members sitting at the council jor. Below is given the results in Spencer, salary collector, So, ‘cording to the official’ prescription. |of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Woolne (ge eo OR board, having served for four con-|North Perth: N S ti Zimmermann, ‘sal $00; Strictly made, it is said, that i may'| AM. Dan Ross, who has been tesid-| Ny, Nee a a cutive. sears ae eduncillon Lt my: . ovascotia Hydro Blectric Ci ov. and {be handled as safely as sand, The |ihg in Battle Creek, Mich,, for some e ers and pupils of Milver-|record there as such meets with yo tratford. Dee. acet., $275.01; Reeve Coxon’ public inqui has been order- |years, recently enlisted with the <Av- ton public school extend @ cordial in; |approval, I would humbly solicit your ‘Morph; Regenve run.” * 1000-000 @onatea tor his services, $50.00, jed, wil Moubtless, discloge the Ori. {lation Corps and left for Texas to go i ea interested in. school |sote wut’ influence fom the position of REBT. TOTAL RESOURCES over 110,000,000 Sire etd aeconded ‘that. docG:| tie ‘and, if there was {in train’ i aaa pence a thei elt enter-|reeve. If elected, I will endeavor t 2666 MILVERTON GARANGH sch be inted to. tigate negligence of manufacture or profit-} The mene? cup obtained by Mr. H.|‘#inment. on st afternoon, das ea tas faithfully in the future S 4h eo snes atone, MO aes. W. Hamilton for the best cheese at |Commencing at 2 o'clock. T have in the past. . W. Hnelsman, Sod al Palla eo pondionte 08 rn seam ig; -iscoyer those who are res: liye Woodstock Winter Exhibition | ,, Change msing| = Wishing “yor the compliments oF Gourtay's 23 Mane - last winter may be seen in Mr. P. B si roget Ants 88, exe will tees the season. Sales 14 Bai oO enti to the list of Counts will be. sent out the first o “Yours faithfull Noxeogit ii each th and must be settled be- vt = reared worthy objects calling for liberal and Pte 13 BH immediate aid, no man dare shut his fore the: 10th ofeach month, -Thes GEORGE GUENTHER Brunner 22 | Births, Marriages and Deaths. Christmas cheer up to the circle of |terms will be ictlyenforced.— CRs 34 2 : wu [his immediate friends Finkbeiner Hard Einkora’ 2 The ladies of the Milverton I.0.D. is announced from Paris that Biol oysters at Mohr’s. sbsrok ae lp (irs, Tye, regent) will hold a/there is a big saving tobe made in $ 25e, 30c, 40c, 50e, 60c a 645 {32 | Pfeffer—at Milverton, on, Sunday, BS [Ess Tye, erent) im at the fhe goods used in women’s dresses] dozen at ‘Mo he’s. Dee, 16th, to Mr. and Mrs BE. [post ofice on Thursday evening at |MeXt season, at least 2 per cent: less advt. on another page— ‘Milecteee: effer, a” daughter. half past eight o’cloc material being us« hinted Pinkbelner Hardware. . Dong Se Mornington, on Dee. Sth, aa inion prayer meeting will be held es eee ah a8 tet a el a pate of skal 8, 8 hockey stick or or NOt OAS tis ae 185 96 and Mrs. Gilbert Dowd, HE [in the Evangelical church this (Wed-|ionoer in the waist it would almost |C. el ene. ee Seeaen det Siciswal Schimidt—At Milverton, on Dec. 15 as ne evenin; ese mectngs eee the niarecutieels Sa Stes, istowel earch tetas ith, ara ans a son, as ore peensratery £0 Gas Ok De connection between coal and | Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and | Bismarck . 47, 100 Schwvartzantruber-—At Milverton, on a Feat ate the, Lethemn. eG ee far amore tutimate. tian Tushy (Mrs, Annee Westnen Gladstone 35 117 18th, to Mr. and Mrs . Bch aa ul’s church, Ellice, will take place | Persons may think, Mr, Garfield, the closely in touch with the | Victo: 36, 88 eesieneaitan ss 80 oe on Sunday, Bee, 28ca5 vices il Fuel. Administrator, reminds ¢ industry at Chicago forcasts that Dufferin 52 124 | Ottmann—At Mi ive on on Dee. 18th eo Melee English pee cat er t the mi e eee of Poa hogs will reach 25c per Ib. at Chicago |Lansdowne 9 7 d Mrs, Harry Ottmann,” So am. and T pam. Brerybody| tsp tfteen milion tons of coal in| next yea. a lediauatie, vi ar. He there-\" Wi 1 521 Schiel At “Mornington, on Dec. 1 aS gens claimants for exemption, |fore urges tha more natural ice than | Spencer Teli oa a again, after being and Mis Weary eeelels | Mu |whose claims were disallowed by the | Usual be cut this win confined to the as Milverton, Listowel and Palmerston Very soon -everyone will have an|week with | Stnpation of the eye. Kropf. '—At Mornington, on Nov. 13, iibunals have appealed the |OpPortunity of tasting Oleo. Those e election o: ers of L.| Pp 49. ae ‘and Mrs. Andrew Kropf, & Hr Ler claims |Wbo have used it say that it is O.K. No. 45, will take place at the next re- | S 4 e Barron, of the appeal ti eae seating: 8 of the lodge to be held 51 Pele At Elma, rie bale 27th, to tribunal at Listowel this week on Wednesday evening, Dec. 2 Mr, re irs. . Petrie, a son Am | In North Waterloo, Wm, Weichel ‘$Mr. Otto Schmehl, of Elma, ship- 46 (stillborn). ue ithe nee member, met with severe ped two thoroughbred Shorthorn Deliner A Ellice, on Nov. 6th, to defeat at the hands of Mr. W. D. ¥ cows and calves to Mr. Snyder, a s. John Dallner, a HH 4 filer, who an as a Laurier Liberal of Slondale, Jest stanly form ‘which b¢ 1 citer oey and carried the ri ing by over two receive ©: — ‘ornington, on Nov, housand. maj ormous onder the. German are e DE 8rd, to Mr, and Mrs. George Sch- z vote in Ieicahaer? weccplled peter eS and painstaking race; they have 72 | weitzer, a son. é s etch im. to be to speak their own lan; On Monday North Perth spoke gloriously in aid as he bazaar held under the auspic- For exampie, what the Englishman yt 1 agai E as es Me the ladi : ? aid of pee Soa curtly raters fo to as aes aS Ger 99 wi Walter Hgde, the home of of the Union cause, in a war time election, forced in the public library on Saturday last man carefully describes as a Schut- a5 r. Hyde, Milverton, by s av fal affair, over Sa ee nae peste nip Rev. CG, N. ; on Wedn Se 0 oie uicid Linlic saa lic foe EE SE Shs ae pron ee re ee oo | Davide tach aay ae on the country by Sir Wilirid Laurier and Ais f0l- Be yin amount to | about $60, which will carfordestroyingshootingtrenches, of Wellesley, to Miss Lottie Bear- Be Towers. am [be i een patriotic and 2 ue notice e that 3 LL fs Wallace inger, of Millban Oy church pur 0: fo: rningt rs nacsive 0 a e The paasee contributed to. the |$0%° Be mucho Tittle, are we hn peut es her son, Stoker Little’s Bae peas pe ae " Victory the district of taas ad succumbed at the dospie D 7, Schwartzentruber—At Mit The Riding rang true to British and Canadian SE |Miverton and Mornington, ineluding| MCS, Se re ator injuries received on the Niobe Gowanctowh: : 24 oe 8th, the infan photoes * ESS. fim |the business done th the Lis-|1 one. SCRE sap kal athe ce eae Halifax hap: Craig’s . 26* Mes eter Bediwartvetraber . ideals in support of our soldiers in the trenches, $8 towel banks, which was not consider- ec Nelson's 6* Cooke at Elma, on Sunday, Dec. 16, Bae 3 ‘s cs “Cause nea meager epee is pee Levi Cook, aged 89 years and-é and administered a stunning rebuke to the Laurier 89 BE [very good showing for this smail dis- |" *Majorities only. j eae : sage tri 'Z 7. opposition, which put party ahove patriotism, Edward Attridge, well-known , and, Read The Sun’s advertisements. te aiveron See ta aliave anont f iralt Irish d MAJORITIES een born south of the village about) (1.41 of the rails and was able t ae . rasetnch inners an oan rage . HE seventy years ago, died at Fort Wil-|C in le to get | the head of the British army in Fran- As Unionist Candidate, I desire to thank every ism one Wetnesday, Dec. 12th, and|Pack to the station, where ‘a doctor ee, the commander of the great feet Noveh Perth. LOST = one in North Perth, including the women, the Great Gay Bee Lith Mrs, Atiridg ved e- | 8d. t0, the hospital tea his fo aril watt ae bation tie cess verte: Morphy. Rankin. Repent y Relaalae swore = p ceased him by some years. He wa: nd aa Diss, in’ Plana: r|tary, the Chancellor of the Excheq-|Stratford ........ 869 ton, 01 ursday, Dec, 6th, a ladies’ War Veterans, the working men, farmers—all Lib- as the father eee family of twelve caplie inst Friday 2is Se re ae wer and the Lord Chancellor are all orth Easthope - 340 hana e containing $21. 00. Finder = i 3 \ y will be rewarde erals and Conservatives alike who contributed to $m |,,,The many friends in this city of gent: of the overseas soldier's vote| England saved $00,000 tons of coal Mornington 3 aged ss ceiey as e. W. Clemens will regret. to | Mig ne eine pe wae pad: pee dee curion by by putting the clock for-|Elma .-.... the great victory, and beg to remain, HH gn New. he was killed at the front’ ballot boxes right into the front ine 900,000 4 our and Prance Tne Geel Wallace 513 = in, ‘and went overseas with |tenches_ and sing stations and | States Congress will be asked to ad-|Listowel x04 B20 WANTED Sincerely, 4 the deh: ‘aoualion. Ths young ool: peuret. ane Pie atte pooneeene ont the day-light saving plan during iS re Giada baeeok Gasser ir ier was a son of Mr, and Mrs. Wen- : coming session. If it adopts thi 16 LB Your humble servant, ge Gr Glomens, of Bresiau, and a broth- one poll clerk was seriously wounded | measure Canada will almost. certain. 43 892 | delivery, Apply at Sun office, Be ler = icitehenier, Ba cohen canis ee eee cetae Sea on int ath a oneinent wide = Major tor Mornay eg 15 cords of green hardwood ee News Rasta lemens was a A ; application of the system it will h 191i urdwood. want- H. B. MORPHY, Unionist. #2 Sani ac Clemens, of Mil-|Peside his gun, was hit by shrapnel. /a chance to succeed, though it failed Majouiy for Morphy iti —aon ed for Burns church, Milverton, tebe BOTS nS RS BB | verion. anton: W; J Hanna, food controller, | when tried locally. ‘The lesson of the galivares Dolores apna ADIIY, 3 Astowe! ecember, ; Mr. George J. Coxon, who for the “saving which it has ted in Eng- , Milverton, =f i. ) A ae past two years’ haw ‘been Reeve of | 2t February 1st, 1918, no person or |jand and France is plain enough ras LEVI J. COOK, Maes Beiigarton and avo rm dealing, wholesale, in frésh fruit | ys. Men Wanted Everywhere to show : BE [to municipal aitaite finds Hat he ean |o7,trech veeetables, either at produc- da will soon witness a relig-|, One of the saddest events that has|samples or mail circulars for Jame as ho louger neglect his own ‘business, (ME Points or in distributing eentres| ions referendum, It will be taken by taken place in this vicinity in along |Mal Order House. | Permanen SSM ENRMEMEGEMEMEMaWe land has decided to retire. It is unz|WCwld be permitted to operate with-|the Methodists of the Dominion to |time was the death of Mr. Levi Cook, |tion will pay $20 weekly. —'The Bare ys derstood that Messrs. George Guen- e. Any lecide upon the sholtsion; change Ima boundary on Suni sumers CRaseietions “Windsor, Ont. ther and W. rosch-are aspirants t ook had been about in hi for the offic from present indi- usual health a little over a week a ns 3 eations ithe contest fil be. betwee: Tn ee ing en pee - bush He STRAYED m. This makes it difficult for thi irritated a pimple on his finger, and, ‘ J. G. HAMILTON electors to make a choice as both are whil standing in the yard in an over-| ‘There strayed onto the premises of eae minent and progressive citizens and eee os ae coptseate s etl fell | Mr. Victor chlotzhauer, Rostoek, ole Agent for either would make a capable repres- ; chill which |sprin ss Es eee meme cote comactad 8 cal hich Woring halfes Ourer sey: have aia D. L. @ W. (PORTLAND Turkey at least has very little to sour wie Blood Dole poisoning brought SCRANTON EPMENT —_{ |fow for ts parucatin ip the Ho: Rave any recollection was that of Mr # nursing andthe ‘bese medial ‘sil NOTICE Se arire ST, MARYS i, | Alias? blest et Constautinople; 60 Sas ee ae odueing his aa, as do. About fourteen years ago sure, but since then it has lost Ar- . aS oad Aa Aege x. Cook married Miss Falk, of 2 : * Credit. He had a few notes on a h North Easthope, who with a 1 Having sold ‘my dental practice to Qn. 3 part of Mesapotamiay and mow the [sheet of Paper, Dut rarely looked at family of small children survives him. [Rive Ni He Rust British are taking the Holy Land out ame tripping- e _stric ife ani ily have : of the trembling hands of the Sultan, |!¥,2"d, Sceurately from. his moi the sympat the entire commun. | PY Dee. 81st.—Dr. M,C. Tindale. re : tan-|We do not believe that any other ity in this their hour of severe afflic- which that sovereign claimed rule,t#tesman has (ever been eq z|tion. Mr. Cook was a young man of | maa, Lue ee eae tana hree years ago is now in the hands|1f-ot memory: in Mr Bonat splendid principle and held, in, the /each debtor his Macatee of “ soem and not much of it is gives him a place of high aire thea, ee egart which" 0 knew, placed my books in the Sterling Bank ikely to find its way back’ beneath ation, Memory cannot. do. eve ducied by Rev. E, fi. Bean, pastor of |Monkton, where you may, settle your lem is almost cer-| hi _E. H, Bean, thing, but without memory nothin F account. Plea: nid. cil Arn, se seit Mi one pete be ecco" ihe Evangel church, anal Without delzy"—Jobn Schade, Monk, (Gavltas Pak: ups 7/$81000,000 that long ago foretold their return t Uae superior achievement; they want-|‘P0™ the family residence to Green- + $3,500,000 paste may now perhaps be al:| W. D. Weir's Sale Register _| ed success by authority.” peed Sete . and a on Wed- = ed. ant con- The iron mining companies ‘Thursday, Dec. 20th—1 course of frie acquaintances | « FOR SALE on the shore of Lake Superior en- aoe aalsine wae care ark HALIFAX § were present to see the last rites con- 5 UFFERERS’ RELIEF | ducted. A davenport and a hall rack, Ap- does not come to you every day. wed their men to plant potatoes| Durhame and ‘Purebred ‘Yorkshire ply to Dr. M. C. Tindale, Milverto . on company land. They gave the use} Brood ens and Geese, for FUND = x cf ida pick Ode San Neither can you count upon finding it f the land, furnished seed free or at| Mr. Alex. Stewart, lot 18, cor s—ol ? con. 6, . when you want it cast and provided the foams, nece:|_ Mornington, See sdvk. aeewhere|tor "he Dense Mee inten ead) g Pope as cock ames anette, of repa, ADDY 2 B, ee * - i i an 5 1 he pt of wim to apr fot and ent cy oth iets beet lS Wns ete, ia va que Uae weston | wr Mer ready 0 comes. Plone gardens, and most of them | pig sheep ad 200 bushes of oat | day Iaat” S000 Soop wets iad (om uetay, Bee hen the far] 10 hp, gasoline engine, (Ture) Some capital Silt eee = required. companies have. been building vege-| — Morninet ie see Lee ae Bid00. injured and 25,000 rendered ee ey Miss D re seine uniged he fer sale, in good repair. Apply to a savings account in the Bank of “‘henks”—that is, solid concrete |Thursday, Jan. 3rd, 1918—150 acres | pomeless. This worthy object af. [Pon of rs, 3 antic Oe ce ee fords an opportunity to all charitabl eee ot of Mil- Hamilton and begm to save now, aeange, Tas Se ee in| Jot 15, con. 6, Mornington, at Mill-| disposed ee menacing tb hone vhs | Verton, Walter ‘Thomas, property now oceupied will have a bin. A} bank, for John Knox. Pu urebred | do mee desire to contribute to funds $0" of Mee teat Th of St.|by as En eland & Son and the MILVERTON BRANCH company employee will be in charge; Holstei ins, farm stock and impl ut nds N. G. Schafer, Manage and will deliver vegetables.on written se gobs. | Bee [cgnnected with the war: Full credit o°hS" pete Rpetae Gost tei | Sea eee rae, the residence of i. G fer, . eaten pete celaces aoieei ae oes. will be even in these columns to all by the Hydo Eleetrie Commission, |Samuel Petrie is to be sold to wind are drawn against, bank account— Tharsisd, Jan, 10fh—Farm stock ana |Co™Tibuto fie te a eee ae oe pce wf he late Henry Rose, a good suggestion for any communi! i. eed ¥ choosing |For further iculars apply te Wel- ; & good suggestion v ity ‘on ees for eter 3 Steckly, lot stoi, Macbeth... oe Sis anent place for making their nation a Sith or He 8 Bana x: eS os rere