S CRISIS The Milverton ‘Sun’ HIGHEST PRICES PAID TALIANS LAUNCH OFFENSIVE TFALY’S CRIS jonkton Tim: bios RouLTRY, GA! 3 a Fearon, AGAINST TEUTON MOUNTAIN post TION, IS NOW. PAST BVERY Sea ye raat Please tas for a hae pe, iT « HiSs The Sun Printing Office ~ 99 Bonsecours os 4 On the Lower Piave Enemy Boats Were Destroyed by the Ar- Efforts of Italian Armty Succeed ( e Sun Printing . = Ma leg sacs on Northern Section Unchanged. In Making Situation Secure, \\ Main Street. = © MILVERTON, ONTs |. . fi :. Aye HIGHEST PRICES PAID A. despatch ‘from London garian regiments cough until they} A despatch from London says; “It ‘ monte onarasece iach ae For’ RAW FURS Along the entire Italian front.the bat-|almost exterminated each other. ‘The |is now time to say definitely. that the will be Hiable'to pay’ 2.00 per year. and GINSENG} ies of th i are| fight was back of Asiago during one any in Italy we ag ” said Major- “Advert rates on a) bass LVER Se ch the aguante st re8 i. [of the main attacks dpeled? theca .¢, Chief Director wits sree wont ane eden N. SIL Dales a ae bombardment. iahe. of Military Cieration, at the War Of- pared 2f0 St, Pani St-W. Montreal, P,Q. e reports that} The enemy advanced from the two! fice, in a recent interview. palinfites (Or contract sis must’ | Reference, Acton Bk. of Canada elie pers against the mee flanks, and toward night a regiment! General’ Maurice said there had in the office by noon. Fate os German mountain positions on eof igarian Czechs became engaged | been no important movement of Ger- MArinisher ane Fropristore yrest bank of the Brenta and on Monts| Vick ¢ regi of Galician Poles,/man troops from the Russian front, i Tomba fail both wearing a different ‘uniform and |The passing «of ia crisis ae : a as “Heavy - wtillery fighting is in pre speaking a aiterent dialect. The rifle | Italian front, he said, was 1gsCards| Sai ; gresy all along the front, but no fur-| fire was followed by a bayonet charge | tirely to the efforts of hae Mrealtak BusinessCa : OUR ADVICE ther infantry actions oceurred,” the} and then eee to-l ae struggle with army, ‘addin; Ship tous at once and Re Italian report states. “On the lower srenades ne throughout the night,/ “Anglo: aeeenieh Bre are now avail- Dr. M. C. Tindale, L.D.S. Benefits of High Prices Piave River Italian batteries directed until 1 regiments were os en-/ able in sufficient quantities patisty Leger aS ‘3 now prevailing. a destructive fire at en tangled Rhee Bake losses, whi ail ca that thdtsituatlene is. seen Honor graduate Toronto University. 4 Gi a A despatch from Headquarters of ‘came known that they belonged to the} General Maurice pointed it that CROWN and BRIDGE WORK a spectalty,| ff Pflce Listand Shipping Togs FREE the Itali: yy says: Det ave | same Ge inability to\exploit. the Ital- "Phone No, been officially received of one of the) The gerieral situation is not-mater- ian disaster could be regarded as sig- _ Office: Over Banke ae Scotia, itoped most sanguinary fights in the north- ay nae along the northern and | nificant of Austro : avshatiend Pie ern zone, in which two Austro-Hun-/|Piave Thre: Healia’ Modis : iPS. Covad ” usly to their northern’ fi ‘ wena Buy HIDES and SENECA ROOT j | BELoveD som or ARmEnrA, [tween the Brent Dr. P. L. Tye Markets of the World Notice: Puauié Davo ordaz, Muxirenron SHAE MIE GOR ERO?. : Love of Country is Strong in Hearts of | 3 Homeless Refugees, Hours: ool ge Fr bares ™ ito, Dec. 4—M: ies wheat—No. rom ie ato Sgt Shattered Shop at Arras? Fgralstice 1, fey “$2.23 £2294; ‘No, aia fae |, There isa canip at Port Said of ele jeniy heir tae ink hee yooe wan Brenta Many Souvenirs. o 108, 3 | 5 tmenians rescued by the and Piave Rivers, it was learned also bLegai store rout. William, “ingtual ine ity tax, - ‘ a ae mc itt Fe rere SS np sgh term h sas iter hate oo gas os 5G, Port Wiliam. 2 5 a GEDDY) pore’ byway Aes eee! definite one = intorg ‘iow, nominal. | their efforts to escape from Turkish’ being refused by the Italians hecnaae Solicitor for Bank of Hamiltor gs rr osrie es pier ee a0 amined butchery. of the Austrian attitaide on a similar LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD, hi by ca aes hes. ued when 3 eee yam recording to relghts ‘outside. In ne ours Work for Novem-| request a few months ago. are Ghaes | Listawall ncitverton. is customers flee, when, even Ontario wheat—New, No. 2 Winter, |her a French contributor, Madame. trians had then ses ai iat abring : : he to remain, he would find little interior of L-49, only Zeppelin abit intact. The two large | 5222)" busts. in ‘store, Montreal. rae loney to Loan, benait PRES nto the*toyshon; |e! ar Pata" ciate pericy gan tae Peas—No. $3.70 to $3.80, according | Helene Yalan the cribes how the the armistice the Italian guards into the sweet shop, the children ee eee OSES outside. $1.22 to $1.23, accora- | British Army ypt supplies peer tee be unarmed and the Austrian Harding, Owens & Goodwin will corte no more, ee ee ie te tet puis. jibe toate eee for this eam, an ger aaa PoC nee Barristers, Solicitors, &c, rhe teded ots aki ass BRI I HH SHELLING WN ae Gutside® sing io drslent blot have been wondaneally eared oe THE ARMY MULE. 5 comfortably rounded cobblestones. He ‘ti Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. might as well get his last moment over ee flour. —Fieat patents, in gute] P i a Helgood, the wife of a British lcs | Beavahke Te ibe Satie Gel Money to eka, with as quickly as possible, put up the Odd route ite oe VEG love of ‘thelsepanten epee pero Flanders — Wi ‘ding § BT HARDING We, 0. OWENS Ww. 8. coopwim, ee aoe Fre doors and separ, ; : : ntario oe Winter, seceanoan Ks ae Bhiseer ee fn tele hearts! Tell a eee ie ate aa Veterinary, Harper’s Magazine, ‘And little good| Infantry Fighting Around Fontaine Has Ceased Temporarily SPE Rat ee fee eee elon we: tra ots een ean od dotng Atwell, in battloveent shutters and locks will do if the ut Intense Artillery Fire Continues. spiiilitecd=—Care lots, delivered sper Sires ts i the an ates which ita! Flanders, has won appreciation _an J.W = Barr, V.S. tie shells come his ee Shorts. do Hadi midaings, do, of little ‘gardens icanstullyeuiti-) | praise from Tommy Atkins and Tom: Graduate of Ontari i The toyshop keeper at Arras, who A despatch from London says: The|in Siese regions. Near Poelcapelle and 6; good feed flour, : se y's super lors A satel ys lent of ee poroute.*” | returned to his shop when the shelling | British are pounding hard along their|in the Arras sector the big guns dy dy 818, to. #18, nak Boron THe “oh dent snasbabc wee New York Sun, writing from the Pe - rac . hs Treas ll dlsases of dometicated aaisale Hed slackened, found it open to the| front in the Cambrai sector, and the ih eoupe of tel helliggeee SON ae coe ert ton, §850't0 $9, land @ note of British humor. “That Dritish es descr hi in the £0 AIT calls gramptiy attéored to door ‘Key. Who would ever haye|%™? of Cambrai is now directly under| A txeks ‘on te: mpelgtan position a. PN aaa ah Sc: al Tn warm winter coat, yeith long, ine ———— | thought that he would day sell | the fire of the British cannon, ast of, ce em by Bavarian storm- Country Froduoe—Wholesale rich! sive prt soma Ae an od Forth; barat | Jout aimost his entire stock in spite of | The battling of the infantry for thel ing ave th THs ao aes printg per ib. 48 to dake dattye| ny. Jonge pomess Gating im the jhe march agit! Milverton Lodge No, 478 _ | the Tuinous shelling? And ihis|Possession of Fontaine Notre Dame, |oners and two machine-guns, but an- 0. $80. Ga ee oho ee the sod SHR atNady’ nctionAlgate that Be 0. topshop, he returned, became|and between Moeuvres and Bourlon otfer hostile attack on Belgian troops sSbresh gathered sae Raelee | Soaeaa aE Leute PisOhp OUR 5 | Tends confidence and faith to the fight- F.& A.M, G.R.C. the vogue among British officers who |has ceased temporarily, but at times|in the neighborhood of Aschhoop was country shippers $1.89. to ay see in ing. men who depend so much mega ete te te e before |came to Arras. It was their kindly|the artillery fire is of great intensity | beaten off after a bitter fight. <class stocks, fo, Toronto, es, trans- very month tn thelr hall AER E Pate ed ay : ee ee ge ie taerg bert s ported there, oa by aot sone land “A most magnificent creature,” re- fs ng retin sivave mace gentle humor, to go to the ruins where GREAT CANAL FOR SCOTLAND. r, Jurwe, 25 to. 28h0i tytiae, | for: lee Hey. went nb tao + Sal ee alt | plied a British brigadier, when she ne San Wa Soar ne. | etic amon, fog fhe ins where TINE CUTRENDER eas nom ie forth he 4 in vist | atten ane eon of ae in, { Dp : toys that he selected from among th Will Be Of Strategic and Commercial ce? Prise elegans gat Eo ed annie crow suet Mine eae ‘sen mere mule. “And he has @ much : Silver Star Lodge No. 202 | debris. IN EAST AFRICA Value. seeeee—-Now' laid, in cactoue, 68 toM00: |# In that village is @ grandmother poate Peg se” than generally bah 1.0.0. “Can ie ana me a doll?” the visit- Tking of di No. i storage, ade: pelost storegey a? ¢o jen him. He is somewhat like a camel, ob eel The British are talking of digging) Ne who want to lose the whole of |i, once you get to know him, he is Meets every estes Poe at 30 in their raga ees a large ship canal across Scotland a: Dressed pouire ys aera chickens, 25 | the a Ba gave her birth. Before) ids to be admired. m all Over Bank of Hamilton, Stumbling 6 over the wreckage to sae 5 f tq 216i, fowl 20 to 220; squabs, per doz, hen vill ta hurriedly ‘fille | gare oe se, Waltloig bretticen alwaye welgome ner of the shop where he had kept|12 Officers and 3,500 Teutons | ** soon as the hen e bes ae can “ 32c; ducks, |!eaving her village she hurriedly fill-| ome ways with him that the British iv: {eo Hey, |b his dolls the old toy seller ahah sk and Natives Yield to ech nest the No ees ei more ae sek a peri he hd Tommy didvtargnite (spprrante « w among the broken bricks and timbers, British Troops. ixty miles, ‘The importance at- th io mids of the woot datcor othe ie ae eC ee oe Notary Public. 5 | he senate tinh bis comer: desired. d to such a canal is its com 16.08, |segest fatieues: She deawced ie with Tee bays sored B "sort. of ¥ ||He would always look for the _price lespatch from London says: Anj tached to such a can 1 . | Worst tatigues. She dragged it wit! entente cordiale, the two have the ut- W. D. Weir, - Notary Publis nee a uld never charge more oft statement on the operations in cal Sorelle ae Shirt aes igae op A and slept with her head resting most respect for each oth . Auctioneer for the Connties of Pert ‘| than ze Rees de East fe tells of the unconditional | jin wa erous passage nort! himborted it, l‘carry on’ at the front with complete a ings are broken,” he | Surrender erman force under Scoiland “would be avoi ided, as well B70 | per bush; “She finally brought it safely here; niderstaniing and o@euivanens Soo Moctsages drawm BO FR Strid anal Bagilhaer buy | Col Tafel consisting of 12 German fas the Seegesien Eoacnl case ack—~Ontarlo, bag, $2.15 /2nd as she had also brought @ few) «The mule had his supreme test on clerk, them anyhow—as souvenirs, you see.”| ficers, 100 Germans on 3,400 bine Dict fet ean etiatis ke pete ei coke anes this front in the battles of the Somme. Ofice: Welr biods, over Ride oittern toataa: In more: than one pl ng the| The force had advanced southward) | Distances betwew ss Se a my the arid can colnet cat eee ee days and nig! un- British lines there are billets in which | "0m the Mahenge area ca to Newala, ap- mercial ports wou Hugo tilof $0 vo | Cie Mia SMe Soni eae pane labor and short rations. The Sart to the British /hundreds of miles. Some paeaatie’ te een Btleg that vas done she ntied the eagle a ; taut’ ahd’ temic. “In A. Chalmers, - Notary Public | the most highly prized souvenir is not dccantion of Newala |ductions illustrate the advantage gain- : Miseaitaat bacon, | ed with Armenian dust, covered the Sitts"to' ‘the mumber, employed, six Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses | that piece of shell that almost hi led, such as 485 miles from Glasgow is ri oe oe plain, 40 to 41c; bon ba wath its ad pap a rei pal hed Hiskapargeiaa a oe ease mhgle ely for the County of Perth. the captain,” or “that shrapnel ball! vy expORT SUGAR Ifo'Leith; 258, Glasgow to London; 400, | "Siren tient tong clear bacon, 274 to {had gathered’ Thus it is little, of ni Real estate bought and fold. A few chotoo at fell on a8 Ses ene dinner, * < ISES. Liverpool to Leith; 377, Leith to Bel-| 28° Ib; clear bellies, 264 to 27c. eee z ‘bat <b FOR MILITARY USE Lard Pure, lar S. The horse, of course, is. ot ner : cat Sanat nag Maile orter ee hee nat Peer daeriot toes SP ene bee ae tear Sa fibre and is far more sensitive. If he : i F MONKTON, es ONTARIO EOnGE ee tereees vce egnateh from Ottawa says: The Sock consration work hea imme | conte Boon eae © stumbles into-a shell hole 8 vated with a Colas tis bee angouines water he will strive and struggle to 5 f Customs had | diately a: he war would help Montreal Markets ates. of _Nelson Merrick, - Auctioneer} mororCars anv rypHorp, _ | thst the Commissioner of Customs had | {eT fie bor umertion aut tamnich | cucseae oie jget out until he actually dies of a for Waterloo, Wellington and Perth Counties,, aches rc Shee Sb ate occupation during the readjustment | {este"n,, No 12, S0RG; extra, No. broken heart: ‘0 the ais ; Hetimates givea on antes offarms |Reduction in Cases of Fever Follows | «tt is now ordered that sugar, re-|Pe jeri. faitoba, Spring, whost’ patents, Acat beret dipis nar gevcnary rant ae and fart ks. ei {pw di d. 70: $1160 Recon $11.10; strong eee 4 outlook o1 calmly se e of Automobile. fined and unrefined, including maple | tes. Hee: a <3 is 0 sopblckily’ ites in the. shell Hole until Office, next to Banik of Nova Scotia, Linwoo@!] 1, ouig oe fe peseiile to bn | Una? ported by parcel post Iona: follow an existing barge canal th or dual | quickly: “Now let us go and see the some one comes along and hauls him ‘ ™-| up to regulation weight when consign-| involving the deepening of the Upper fe “salnte, |warkshops!” » Hotels || agine two things further apart or with | ¥P £0 rea renee il eiyde, the creasing Bt a oiaten eas fo $60, Mou Bie ee st ee ci the camp | Ut: less apparent connection than typhoid | &¢ 8m DE SUB tsa Bhi indiffer ze megs eis Goose Pineal” Wouters Be R| Beca forces sysreeass ee tee os sont te an: indi water supply, and the 8, 2 tet | administration Wi is to njze worl # The Queens Hotel peseriandrute ee annd Yeti the United Kin bei i ascaeraatia af ule locla-on each al ry, ah seconds, for the: happy people, wha Oe Best accommodation for commercial trae | the, latter is one of Ce alata ha Se a for ieee ree The rival river route starts at Alloa by eer Dan "ate \double motive of savirig. them) fro ellers and others. ed ever sapuntia’ m the Forth and makes directly for opou idleness and ing them from the aied taege dataple wecas This Fe remark wat peo to eB nea Loch Lomond, across land whi pitiful memories which obsessed their zs our cities, where t leath rate from R INE|never more than 50 feet above sea minds. O80. P, PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ow {typhoid has bbeen notably reduced “by Sey SPEEA Doli DROW MEE Hevel Ihe laa iaS test uae ee innsoeg, ‘eimai z < = | the aut Atlantic and only one lock would be|—No. 2 C.W., 81ic; No. 8, do., 78ke; The reason ie is simply that in! 4 despatch from London says: A{ necessary at each end of the canal. oe NG. t Teeds eRe, NO of eto | WOMEN’S ROYAL 4 : cities the motorcar has almost en-|German torpedo-boat destroyer, be- ss Plaxo" NeW.C, $304; No. 2CW., NAVAL SERVICE. 8 tirely replaced the horse; and it is} jon, he Zi flotill 7 Lt H 38 longi e Zeebrugge flotilla, / 91 BRITISH SHIPS SUNK — Are You Insured in horse-droppings, accumulated in} struck a mine off Westkappelle, Hol Y U-BOATS IN PAST WEEK. nied Staton Markets AA despatch fram London says: we HL CANABIAN ORDER OF stables and manure piles, that more jand, and sank, according to an Ex- Gohene sé snnounced officially. on Thseiny y ection for, wite wad foal os ‘a ue 99 per cent. of all the oaks change Telegraph despatch from Am-| A despatch from London says:—|}03" 43 71ac° Ve Shencteed ‘Bran ji apeccn’ ye pie iy ratio te tuinimum cont. Investigate it lies are bred. sterdam. Only two of her crew were/ Fourteen British merchantmen of ; $5.50 to $36. Tonge re hith £ d by one day, but not once did et his RS It is open to anybody’s Lapel i duties on shore hitherto performed by a C.Spencer,C.R. x1 N. Zimmermann, R.S . save 1,600 tons and over and seven of lesa ~ head wet until the sae resorted to that nowadays there a uN at Live Stock Markets naval ratings, and have decided to es ae cee x 600) ee nk by mins Fi .' sponges. . eat 3 To extra choice heavy |tablish a aie Royal Naval Ser- | §P 3 our cities, ¥ ee - 08 CAMPAIGN EAST AFRIC. in week ending Nov. ti 0., avy. | vice for this purpose. Members i = ears ago. idence districts 1] 4 cattle, cholee, ‘The Cultivation of Flax. meter aie Ue ae itr ieee ee 25 according fo the weekly Admiralty $1035 {6 $1612; oy foe 4078 Got [the service will wear distinctive unl-| POOL OLING A U-BOAT. the report of the yoctings of pia up the use of window screens. | A despatch from mm Tiondon says: The | an increase of four vessels in the larg- 7p to ee pulls, enotce, | fo aes any a Meas Pril be cone Caver-Doijes'et « ‘ Blentahip Captain ties convention of Canadi: Flax stable will furnish a whole end of the East African campaign be-| gy category over th ber reported | do., fo $6.25; butch. 7 ORES ted with To Avert Disasi Growers held in the spring at lon, sfeighboohood with flies; but experi- a Christmas is predicted by \ th Sanit the previous waeke report... | $9.3 Stties it ly connec with Ont., just published, full information |mental inquiry has proved that 4 t at Ndar: a Royal Navy. A profitable hoax was si upon paration papers by authorities on the subject are|given, as well as a full report a discussions that rtment of Agriculture, Ay eS Jamaica Doing Her Bit. Jamaica is to pay, $300,000 a year for We ara oor the termination of the the reduction of the war “qebt ie Great Britain. Sn eos any fowls or Se ee vy deficient, for eat eo of feed without ae 2 oe n The early symptoms of measles are -tough, watery eyes and nose and sneezing, much like an ordinary severe in the he After three or four lays is sccheton aac first upon face and ni spots, is noi. ee ie. bolly. _- A child does not need-a pillow under head ay, more than it needs a pil- ‘behind its head when it sits up. lows have a tendency to eae a it-chested condition. ATENT YOUR INVENTIONS Sor oleh you mae Valuable. ‘Booklet free, \ 5 Sanayi Ege | Mn the “better” residence quarter: there w horses kept. Stables have been replaced by garages. As a result, the flies have a ‘ted. The hor ly is a notorious carrier of typhoid. It isa iremener of filth, and carries germs of in- Seetinel pibeneett to the: family titehon ‘onder, Teletive, elimination’ in cites as ed in a eteat diminution of the eaths (especially among | infants tram such ma Score one for the shtcmobitel e delves Beat by that time the cae in e Ts then, that its | co} er correspondei Cottage Cheese. Hints: When the curds of cotta: reftise 3 be any thing but tough and they have been drained der-in-chief will either be a (eidean ooo Shipping Cold Germs. thr Sir Ernest Shackleton of antarctic fame stated that the members of his}.and see how light and delicate they expedition never caught cold until| become. If-you want to add Riatanee to cottage cheese either purchased at been packed , when | the store or made at home, add a few they eee ul alte ried with eae TURE L eh onion Miperdieeniels w out imme;| of varying the flavor is to mix in it ately, in the uc ing air lost thelr ‘olds at once, while those who remain- et i Tuc tte ataahea aibes for days. er Polar explorers retord similar Seperate tiny chopped onions or caraway seed. Poultry houses should’be disinfected nce a mon’ th—every two weeks is bet- ter. i 2 ge cheese erine Furse has accept- ed the position = Director of the We Service, and will Bt teevensitig Lindley ths Secor Baeeiaed |for its administration and organiza- do., | tion. 0. $14; hogs, fed and watered, $18 off cars, $18.25 17. Cae ee Nee Ea: Teach the children to take natural! (Qjq-Fashioned Mutton Stew.—Use sweets as found in raisins, prunes and | one pound of neck of mutton. Have other sweet fr oney is a whole- | the butcher crack for stewing. Wipe some swee’ and may be en to en vith b damp cloth and cover with Boll. g water. Cook until tender, adding four large potatoes, Sofes amiall Ses the chi is ae the = GHA large piatier and garnish Gate ‘on Sw apusdecsanpenecs to have an abnormal de- ets. a German submarine off the coast Se Ireland Je sh captain of the steam: ship Direct Pichon! ‘that at any moment the saw a big 5) a which ne crew aig bi pieces of wood were then mounted as if they were gun na submarine Reagan ey Ahe ie 7! e pointed the Quaker guns at fia U-boat, which promptly 4 down again i 0. oh speed, and got away safely. ‘ The Doings ee the Dufrs. x