/ A WAR WITHOUT ILLUSIONS. ioe Seen By a Young American of the Field Serviee. the American Field Service writes | thus to a fiend jn his home town “T had thought of war as an impre: sive, hal ons of cavalry; A Sueteing of, meat js eooking-meat inj aary to:cbok niéat in a fat, it should jay Bataan with Peal eeons samiall amount‘of fat. 15 isnrirtaaily’ be protected by’ a coating as SECEE coutnpete,-the-roll wf Grimms, the knit! Ing ne iting of socks ahd eoenets, the’ sing- |- manner, to prevent the meat from ab-| flour and then placed in ey ing of the netional anthems and sorbing the fat, thus making it dif-|to brown. The meat can faa |the steady tramp of eet to the tune es ? easily loaf will be Just as good as MADE IN cansth atindts SCIENCE AT HOME ‘ Twentieth Lesson—Sauteing Meats. WEST INDIAN ee ficult Hegre is is particularly be cooked at a lower temperature to: o¢ “Tipperary.” ernment, .clear it and plant it with true during the warm weather and/finish it. This method HEavelin the “But this war is the most stupend-| Natives of Indian’ and the East Indies | cacao or apres trees, and use the therefore thfs mbthed ahould be elimi: | taeee Peon ahsanbing her préask, ain thendshasdell business pan Migrating to West Indies. space between the trees for “ground nated then Do not use a fork to he the meat \ aORstae that theterasidl hae: wi it is not generally known that ths peceonney When the trees begin to 4 Butter gold not be used for cook- Ming: process of cooking; the prongs ; The partners go about the businatd Se of the population of ¢ bear, in five or six years’ time, his lit- “An fof a Scraps Fo “Deer rer wh Life.” ete. ubitahed. ae Hodder ‘Stoughton, Limited, London end Toronto ing meat, By this method, owing to its| of the fork puncture it, allowing the’ heralded by no trumpets, with but lit-| British West Indies is rapidly he tae tle property makes the owner inde- low-burning point, the fat particles | juices ig escape, thus lessening its 'tle music in their hearts, but withthe |ing through the addition to the long-| Pendent, e burn and decompose, when subjected] food value. The escaping juices do ‘determination that ee shall crown | established mixed races of numbers of CHAPTER VIIL—(Cont'd.) 80. 81 s fortune would pas it,| to high cae Suara eet not remain in the pan; the heat causes their efforts. This is the least osten-| natives of India and of the Hast In-| For emergencies a Mag fe ti n this particular bit of round was i it to the | them to evaporate {ation of cpubinéanesy it sie @ great dies mobile tire,’ made ectior ‘ad not seem him for| Wired, and he moved without difficul-| housewife. Pan beatings will pees acaltow these points when buying| war, in which the prime factors are| I Trinidad ann British Guiana the holted to a wheel, has ea iny rN money, men and transportation, and increase of population in recent years et e a 3 = 5 ) s 4 3 8 28 3 Fs mon’ Penrose who hi: a better tasting food oe eliminate i ‘Tom looked around, bewildered; Bera cae eepacnshies, one WO | sowhere {could he, see’ the gleaming the pest ee al etiivatter seis cnemieie ab tt mh sae condition’ of Suocens are [baa bee eantie aimort wholly by im- it aterm: also a much easier atience and stern determination, Thi ation from India, a hte hbeaia pepe 1 Sirota tac, fn a “was plainly| method of cooking. You simply heat shad be a belay redteal 5 fakcoral ee ae eal “| In British Guiana the census of 1911 Send Them’ To actin exc bo ties Sth ricd Tom, still visible to him.’ He saw, dimly, the| frying pan‘and place in the meat, turn| It should be firm ‘when eaeed au hols ee the old wars of gold,|showed 126,517 of Bast Indian origin 4 ; Anetta net do: fihag wibont He | outline of the cera trenches; saw/ and sear the other side. Repeat this | have a pleasant meaty tinitel Bani dsblood ved. ina total of 296,041, ‘Trinidad, with PARKER ‘ , He mounds of earth with the sand- every two we a meat is cook- | purchase meat with a eons “ieee “And yet the blood rel tint is the! total population of }338,552, had sir! Make him a prisoner, he’ eiyine information to the enemy!” “Prove it!” said Wi aterm: bags on, thelr. gummits, but. nothing Tt | able smell. very clement with which my work | 108,606 of East Indianorigin, and in) Anything in the mature of the en A yards or. s¢ is also necessary that “all fat reltiage A layer of fat should cover the over-| must reckon, Instead ee the care. of | other islands the proportion of that| Cleaning and dyeing of fabrics i r at{ftom meat during process of pan|laying muscles. The fat should be|huge guns, the march of reinforce-|¢lement is increasing to a degree that| can be paetge to Parker's Make him a prisoner, sir; I tell you ight. He could not. tell how far|Proiling be drained off. When neces-| creamy white and of firm texture. ments or the “observation of enemy |i8 likely to place it in the majority at| Dye Works with the full assur- Ene tes Se ee cite nant Waterman had been able to throw # RES NSE, operations from the air, my work is {some time in the future. ance of prompt, efficient, and “What has he done?” asked stone, or how near it might be to the VALUE OF SOUP IN THE DAILY DIET. with the load freight of the eerie Nearly all the East Indians come| economical service. rose. ay econ staatte was Mattos of cooking in the early his-; ped parsley. Serve with. bread cut oe attack, with the wounded ET as eoaeaee ie hee ie Make a parcel of goods reno- ‘ i F nts al - E itten ine iE yt tence taper Na tai earn le f0Y of mann, ete by nae Dol ner ogi an oe aM eT en meh re |e fran ie upaad ar ‘ pe eet yn ead EN pa ly earnest, —He| ing, ei which occupied nearly Celery Puree a nee ate oe ee ene Jantati Their i and send fos roel 0 something heavy; then he threw i hed started, to to This thing,.and he|@ day: to comple tee silent, thoughtful men, full of deter- | a0 plantations. ir contracts bind parcel over the sand-bags towagds the Gers| ng do if Ss Ment jalees, cova addittn of wate One pint of diced celery, cook in one mination; I see them in their trenches, them for dive ee but they are also : Posty Pc exp! We man lines. | J,tell you, sir, Tsaw him) “presently he saw a white spot on and the eae flesh was the basis of cup of water until tender, put through | seemingly listless, fatalistic in their |Tequired to remain in the «colonies for fee von do it! Make him a pris: a sieve and add one cupful of stock, another five, ree ing whicl Or, efer, send Reina nineeothora cha the ground, and. he felt as. though| « Meinieste adh ace pe, attitude; but I work with them short- which: oy are eR eee et fires and Waterman, who Tom had. released| hammers were beating against his mately belonging to the French peo. | One,C¥Pful of milk, two tablespoonfuls jy: afterward when they are brought |e to take up land or to. work for momewtiat havghed’ uneasily, “He's| temples. Crouching low, he made his Pi angi eat aE lereet of flour, mixed with a little milk, sea~ into the little underground ‘poste se- |@"vone whom they please to work for. Be oe pik address your aither ‘athal or i he said;| Way towards it, but he had only gone in iia "daily Tite é ie ales partied soning, salt and pepper, one iable- cours’ on stretchers, borne by bran-|A8 @ body they have gained a reputa- i yor to retelve “he attaeked/me without a moment's | steps when he discerned the eat to Ling the daily portion of |SPoomul of chopped parsley. Bring | cardiors, where tiake Sai tion for industry and thrift. During i swatting, “and: < withguti-the slightest; ort of 8 man, apparently with the Sig is taken, The sachs French to boil, cook three minutes and serve.| dressed and where they are loaded into | thé period of indenture many of ‘them PARKER’S DYE WORKS FH na an iy" vied Tom, Gomer ape Ls Woe Po footie wi thir morning cop og? ceva? ay ba alued mut [or ambulances oe bbc ale | eeu BY 6 BY and end| 9, YONGE TRE ope a fast, sir,” cried Tom.| vette'a dash for it, but the other Was boul or roni, noodles or any vegetables. This |or two, either to be patched up for fur.|the number of them who own’ land TORONTO. MARGE WIS ARGHAE conten, eMMeomise nearer than he, and by the time "he. addition-ef- a plate of soup to; tion; e leftover Por- | ther use or to expire under the kindly | STOWs 5 ; : ay ig had “4 ftiona of vegetables that are too small} }penediction of their Mother Church.| The common procedure is to buy a * aged me you won’t let him go, sir?” ad reached it the German had) the menu ce the stomach’s mosey who had grad the svn |peured aos far as he could judge] action, eauses the digestive juices to) ‘? “°*"* “iene but you must |W lines, and he new the danger of and is readily absorbed giving : And through it all there goes that Sita eee To Make Noodles grim set jaw and fighting determina- ; - egg, one tablespoonful of wa-|tion which meant for France the su- the body immediate nourishment with-| One rants cusaton Pollard. Where] the, task he, had set niece ther the) Out distress to the digestive organs. | ter, one-half tablespoonful of ‘salt. |perb Tletosleastd the Mavic’ ana Ver erate ket Soh Miah went Roe the school child, tired business | Beat together until wel ere ee dun, W ver a groan where the Ge se : : lavaattateede tha ae arer BS dered whether the British were wateh-|men and women it is an ideal stim-| add EES 3S ff | roads'are rough or when shells make cried Tom. “That's it, sir, hold him hing him. is did not trouble/ ulant, ahesiabes and refreshes, and | dough. ead anil. ceatie Suga trayel impossible, but always a faint ast!” him much; the one thought which fill-| with bread or crackers makes a sub-| two tinue); roll out on pastry ;Smile of gratitude at the end of the "Pom was 30 excited that he had for.|ed his mind was that he must at all/Stantial lunch, board until as thin as paper, using hs tes ee often a hand Hotton alt shout, military rules_and Seoienitn the ao paper which Wa-| “soups are ‘divided into three classes; Dlenty of flour to prevent sticking. | lasp— these men are worthy to be EEE ea a eee acon, and| Ais ers econ cream: tr, |Permit fo sand Ben mints oer offers bute sled one doing an mputeagebusy decd: Netors “withougma making a sound, he threw fruit souj Soups made from meat dry. Cut in strings, thick or thin, To |Iy masters of honk he ® the Avar himself upon the German and well-| and Hee stock; those wie this roll up loosely oS a jelly roll ee Waterman. began: to. shout loud, {nigh bore him to the ground. Then| out stock as cream, vegetables, clam! and cut; leave on dish to dry. When| B. C. FIRE LOSSES HEAVY. but Penrose was too quick for followed a hand-to-hand struggle. the id oyster soups, and, lastly, toa horouehiy dry they may be kept in a ‘He placed his hand on the ein A re of which Tom was never clear] made from fruits. | frui and said quietly, “No you'about, As a lad he had been a foot-| made from meat and bones si ® bal diaser = had made good muscle; a know what you are doing, he ha: half- pee for the Brun: Lieutenant?” sald Waterman. ‘You ford Todt club for several seasons, are necking your superior cofticen: and although he was by no means a Survey Shows Need For Looking After Part of the paste may be stamped Burnt-Over Areas. s-| out with small vegetable cutters and Risen « thet ealuble tr elnment oe in the soup, same as the} 4 meat and bones into water, thereby | noo Few people realize the enormous lamage which has been caused by for- e : giant, ietsrant wallsbenls anid strong.| enriching it. Se cut in feiss shapes, acer ste men And let me ka. tt, Fire the time. he;hed been, in the ee Spent macaroni cut in small rinj bol hoacfaken, ples in every, Deorines: ct ‘ , | is_b. li ; 5 a es A : ‘Not until I get at a bottom of “Army too, every muscle on d eggs in slices, cheese ba tis slice: ame is afforded by the im ‘The’ business of being a man Sf tell you the man is Sher a mad-|scity: his severe peeing a8 in his} with a fight acing lid; this is import-| to soup. | e jhad been developed to its Fale cap- | Aras srotlaie pice peeee hetie iain rise ae hanaes nay hecadder ie has its advantages these days as Tae a fo aa rman was stam-/favor now, and Tom never, dre Ses oy one of the steam may Potato Soup Codkeerenntban ieee cae tages ing pain . - ey ey ‘ ees See at ee, a “That will nese oh he proved,” and ever, the German was a big, ‘heavy | pe iOS py evaporation; the sean. con-| Fine for luncheon, Children delight |the past four years. well as its responsibilities—especi: Penrose gripped his arm tightly, man and he also had undergone a “That's it, Jackson; pete his Pale jReverks ales ‘e went on to Water.’ Tom felt his antagonist weakening;| air. In a man.. “I know Bolland he’s a level- he knew it by his gurgling breath and meat need be purchased for the stock ful of white pepper, one tablespoon- headed Jad, and he would not have his weakening grasp. He himself was/ pot, if the housewife insists that all| ful of flour, one-half cupful of milk, , Major | also well-nigh spent, although he was) the portions of bone and trimmings| one-half cupful of stock, one-half cup-! Blundell, will you come here a minute, 'not quite exhausted. “Then, fearing lest! he sent with the purchases of meat. ful of water, Boil and mash potatoes sir,” for by this time the Major, hav-;the apparent weakness. of his OPPon-|-The French women look with horror ee reheat ing hi h ui voir ent was only a ruse by which he might | Heat milk, put celery and onion on to ing heard: the sound. of voices, had ly y COENEG c che cromen lentmeral: tat seven aagte aoe Re vant 7 8 ¥ vater seasoning to mee Whate-the: mattar?” an old football trick. A second later | and trimming to the butcher. the ‘potatoes, rub mixture. through loss in another way, this timber is Penrose quickly told him what had the German’s shoulder blade snapped To Make the Stock sieve and put to boil again. Melt but-| equivalent to all : taken place, and the young officer's |like a match, and Tom, seizing the ter, add flour and when it bubbles add| f exer timber most tice the ere ay words came like a bombshell upon this pate auiee back towards the Eng- soup bone from the shin of beef, ” . of saw Cyan fees oni ve steady-going and rather dull: officer, ! lish oa is full of nutriment, costinj ; 3 ts province, and-to nearly.as much saw if sk owere true, all the mystery of He hed only fifty yards to cover, but| about ten cents, will have nearly two | °° boil, cook three minutes and serve. |timber as is now-standing in the for- the last few weeks was cleared up.| such a fifty yards! Mi His'legs seemed | ounces of meat attached; one pound ally if someone thinks enough abouthim, hisneeds and his wishes, to choose for his Christmas gift Most men are practical, The welcome gift is the useful gift—the Gillette—that fits right into a man’s intimate personal life, makes things easier for him, and proves its quality by the way in this on a cold day. Three potatoes, | tion shows’ that 95,000 and essentials which all pass into the | onechalf onion, one gealk of celery, one miles thee Ginter Was Headend @ fairly large family little | teaspoonful of salt, one-half joer fae ™ > i oo hoe se & ae unt 0: timber so Er oven 1a Cotitasted (he tpt de twenty-two times as much as the to- tal that has ever been cut by the lum- bermen in that ae Putting the Es 8 a. s g z Fi 3 Es ° 8 ests all Can 0 nada, But he could not believe it. Water: gt Toney $90, ue ea i. Tend was ae pt Wicca sail of park of veal; fai pace oe eee ee nen a ee Gf = area biur ned ont mn it shaves, nan wi be warts-of water. Wash bones and add ins young forest growt i Soepie: And Hreatwortiy of the eed he eg a ea Beattie Sold water and bring slowly Ps oil, | Anely ee Res es Tis Headed protected from further destruction, Gg hein et crea aoel ease ig officers. e@ had shown zeal _he-/ opene on a cover Se pigvand ood ae serv will, in time, furnish the basis for en- Store you can pick out a Gillette Set that will be yond the ordinary, and his intelligence | whistled by him, while he heard yells} 8! skim and then lof rage coming from the enemy’s| four h time the meat | will have fallen f tr chi nthe bones. Saat sure to give hin lasting pleasure; If you"have~ THE HAPPIEST LIFE. any trouble getting what you want, write us and. Feats coast. If we assume peered upon: indeed ‘trenches. his strength leaving him, i eee __.... |97,000 square miles of cut-over and snare hie na ae opacity ei bea ‘overnights De ao: oe 8 Found in Adaptation to Existing Elgg a aegis we will see that you aze supplied. Toe sri ot gh Ars ge ole eg tnt Toe come at fom eee feet per aexe per amt the teal in TE Ni a now Zor an accusation like this 40| Knew ee but: bythe burning |‘oP- This is the basis of all soup| Success and happiness depend upon |féet Per ere per annum, the total n- x) GILLETTE SAFETY, RAZOR' 'co.! fe awe sens fora tn ‘his left arm and in his| Sauces and feriieu: Tila prbtsin ota |e. wey iu eehich weeddnpt burselves | eI" ee a) Eee V OF CAN LIMITED, isle-atfeig had been so sudden’ right shoulder he Kew that the Ger-| in mineral matter and in gelatin, ‘The |to the realities of objective life. Tf we feet Per year, or ahout 6 times the ADA, im.|meat can be taken from the bone, run | fight change—and ch aette sean crore turn and imevery {mate is by no means a the Officeand Factory : Gillette Building, Montreal. 281 eet at every turn and in every e had n dist pli with| More than once he stumbled and fell. ae meat chopper and used for | must Water: ho ha ed him to be| He felt himself going | meat loaf, croquettes and meat bis department of life—we soon become |ounds of reason is shown by meas- more than ordinarily caveful in carry-| heard cries from the English brenches euits Gheeadiage: dnd it-swillcmake | exhausted year. parsalyal out and (weenente of growell WEN have ack: eae co tenmrnctions “trom Head. Which seemed like cheers, but he could tasty hash when combined. with Select back into ourselves--into the sub- ually been made quarters, i Alen Gets bs aos Hea acc strug tatoes and onions for breakfast. eine as fail and grow old be- ee of commincalng wi h the enemy, and ied om. “Emust get in! I must get} _ You now have a delicious and nutri-/fore our tim Marriage and Talk. ecinlie-tawacdeethe enemy’s lines. | in!” was the thought which possessed tious broth, without Beet of any we ling” to past seen eee ve-| It is only when people are different “Where is Pollard?” asked Major| his bewildered brain. eas ison ich will kee} weather |fuse to live in the present, let our| that they have a great deal to sa Blundell, for Tom had disappeared, | heavily; after that all became dar rathite dave cinagarme wath sidats nots Aisapotntnent come, When they are alike they are satis. “He's to secure the paper he), turnes ie consciousness | er irs must be returned to the pot,|the results are the The life | fied just to be in each other’s company. RG Waterman throw,” was{ it seem ite coc Ga | brought to a boil and skip left zs fend evi ag we Migkeints Ge Event As married folk gradually exchange Me as aia Hshaslwakd Be a eee aot te ay | to cool aff and put in an a of the unconscious and are on the| ideas and reconcile their differences leaning over the sand-bags, looking across the “No-man’s-Land” towards 's trenches. is time a number of other men “4 gathered; as if by magic the news id flown, and for a moment even dead, and that those faces belonged to the spirit world; but in a few seconds they became clearer. “That's hatter, Tom, that’s better! You are all right. You did it, lad! You did it!” “Stand back there, and give him air. Small portions of mane He any penne and bones that have been Desire, will, concentration, purpose,| to a contented and sparing use of ver- He thene es bbe applied to keep up /bal_ shorthand. i living in the present, to keep our en-| standing that is still noisy with con- thusiasm active naib ibsceeatisenees | ue tall sinobine to be alee re expressing. argues an irrepressible conflict. To the mothers and fathers © aisiptine was in abeyance. who desire to give their ~ehildren. the advantages of “a musical education. ¢ easily seen, Tom's work| Heavens! There hasn’t been a braver ; : Reisront aauy7 andthe pace of f ground thing done by any mah in the Army!” Seasoning and ma ton of vege: Beivedh the nglish-andsthe an| He heard all this, but not clearly. a eet lines. was dangerous in the i est| They seemed to be strhy sentences,| Sour. Many varieties of soup are de ‘Any one seen there was a| uttered by many voices. But it didn’t sible with Mag Uae'of this sth: ; Vegetable Soup here the piano Is there Is the hap- es. But Tom did not think of | he done what he had set out How Music ig Used on the Italian] reached the English from Italy ren this, indeed the thought: of danger| “Have you got it?” he gasped. One pint of stock, one cupful of age rs tecdetha: tollewiie evan extract sent w of us fully reallze, yet, the actual was at t) case time! ui artery absent from! “Got it! I should think we tomato pulp, made by scalding and Ba byeta causation to the chil Musle Is the a ‘ At various ae ot the Italian | home by a Canadian soldier: To these nourished during child- him. t as. at ti Ege mind has , It was Major Blundell who anne "Ws peeling the tomatoes, or use canned $ foe hould be Ct powers, ‘0 there are| all Tight collard, cyou've done: the| tomatoes’ one-half cupful of diced <°™t 0% far tro e firing line, concerts soldiers who are enjoying the It will help them to p better, broader and Rack wien tue body | chunder {tri Hepa aay pint of diced: there is being aoe eee to the; customary rest after a trying time in more sympathetic men and women, the influence of excitement that adanet ‘Glave I, eee said ors. IEF oe mtahles Cenbneee: burnt adpenad soldiers and we are told that the idea | the trenches come in thousands to find Music will beautify paid character of the child, and im- ary Jaws do. not see to operate. At) feel very stra |. von 4), Bes suring. an ae ay nee with the supreme military | that relaxation and recreation from part grace and refin that fe Témn se to be living| “You will soon get over it, you are ee i a a i ee ie and. So much good has been | nervous tension which are a vitul Every parent s! oats send for Lge cgi and the Sots . hours oe Seeatiia hee cause he instine- | only pumped! ‘i sats ae eae ~ sages 0 parsley, | Sccomplished by these concerts that| necessity for the preservation “of the album, giving the eaten aaa phy of the 1 grei it tively felt that great issues depended | (To be continued. © tablespoonfuls of flour, salt and. organization hax been effected tq health of the combatants, Not much is to: know the Iife of ‘Grant Aticts as upon ae he wanted to do. If he _—_ pepper to taste, and portion of bunch ss A right in his conclusions; as he} : ‘tai therbs. ‘Take one. bunch of pot extend the concert arrangements. Itis|drama or light comedy is given. Sol- r pore. iB Imitate Britain. Gus ls ch of pot-’ aid that already six wooden theatres! diers who have just come ut te This book will Int ‘ery oblld, and teach them t know the great Tivelciare of today a ‘of the funioue Williams New Scale Piano own, with Gold Autograph of Artiste which i. eplapad ‘oo those “Artists’ 4 Choice Pianos.” j Send this Free Coupon To-Night. Pi felt sure ie was, Waterman, who was Bin 30 eae natural in the confidence of his|. Thectalk of learning by Britain's i otic would have valuable “mistakes” makes one tired, aa58 a each wath S ete. and use one Of territory, and that the task of secur- petty nothings of ie life. ‘mhey information pean impa: oF 7 : ae an 7 eat Si pot oe course, pate WE halaes toag be ie en + Kept in a | ne talent. is being made easy by the ae on Pe ligee Snipe in “ ‘of lig! tang, ler ere an ‘e—we ni fruit Jer for futi ready assistance eS a eas foremost ‘orm of farcical plays: something it Waterman h had uttered a peculiar | need to copy the admitted errors, But} "Dy, musicians and actor At one of the! to laugh at, and forget the misery of have been erected, all in conquere By he shents the wists acreoncthe if We will take note of the way she ba -in stock, add tomatoes, |fvst “concerts General Capello. him=| the past and present, | Operatic arias E ‘arm feeds i ery F: Home Ni Music. fnlervening’ = space. That was doubt- no in the field aeaiile fighting | let simmer, cook vegetables \in one] cif was pres enti \|are of course the order of the day, Se 88 a prearranged signal between him and Keeps them at tha top-noteh | Pint of water untill tender, add wa-|"°r,¢ Grob programme took place in| seeing that they form part ae Parcel Coe tge ion hs San eves ze Te BA 7 i SAAR TS ind the Germans. they had heard | "2 “th by the most careful re-| ter.and all to the stock, add PaRuOne th = . of the: ~ "THR WILLIAMS PIANO CO., LTD. ft, a8 was more than probable, one of of ae y and flour mixed with a little cold wac| Ome of these soldiers’ 1 cate right | ©! . pie every phase of their welfare, | ® Dept. W. ~ Oshawa, Ont, opposite the Carso; the ruins of bom- ed | ar atic ecoietor Avs mintites, bade houses ai yond. “in view of find Ei ae ae sah case ‘the | we hall do better than if we pay he Please send me your free album of Great Musiclans and Modale which the| merely to Be poe where the sys- Soup * ustrian entrenchments in all their of Williams Pianos. ih oficers ina ade orate bei = now m has broken down| "py, oe Satan af Is of fat, one | complicated system. A variety artist| divers caer so Near to the natives ‘ an cee cee, a ta aeak aoa hieh, ox the indivi “has performed dis- onion, Mies Sati brown, add tablespoon- | Was singing a favorite song when an/0f the different Suet ae the Name, .+.00+2+ seeneeaeuvees sees e = appointingly. ful of flour, brown well, pour in-one| enemy aeroplane was sighted. She/ country. special instance a ss: , 3a — Lee OU GST ar be ee ipititio® stock, ook five minutes, add- [continued unperturbed wile the hearty laugh, unbridled and unre- SaekOcnR a eee ee - in which it had flown, at| Frocks of a delicate color always une seasoning, ae and pepper — to | Italian aircraft chased away the un- strained, refreshes + ed, racked ‘ : ~~ Teast ne, thought he had. “But when| look eller if, washed in bran water, | taste; strain in soup tureen, marie timely intruder. | nerves, better perha) night’s P.O. Province ..s.s.+.+ +5 of. in the open space he was not! no soe bein; ing’ u use ae ‘one tablespootfat of finely chop- n account of these concerts has; rest,