Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 6 Dec 1917, p. 2

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The Milverton Sun’ and Monkton Times BYEBRY epeeereuoread The Sun Printing Office Main Street ~ MILVERTON, ONT, = $1.50 j oh bansrgaon raivacco™ttaca thd ‘will be liable to. pay $2.00 per ye: ieee rates on applicath be peated 8 without Cepicits ses ithos wil pufeserted gatlt forbid and charged bein the office by noon Monday AL MACBETH, ‘Publisher and Propriétors BusinessCards Dr. M. C. Tindale, L.D.S. Honor graduate Toronto University. CROWN and BRIDGR WORK a épecialty, ‘Phone No, 88. Office: Over Bank of Nova Scotla, Medical. Dr. P. L. Tye Office: Punic DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours: 10 to12 a.m, ofeach a) and 7 to 8 p, tesa { H.B. Morphy, K.C, Selleltor for Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWEL: MILVERTON, ATWOOD, Offices: Listowel, Milverton. ey to Loan, Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c, Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, QNT. Money to Ldan, 8.3 manpiwo Ww. 0, owmNS _W.. oooDwER Veterinary. — J.W. Barr, V.S. Graduate of Geto aietetacy College, spate ail dlowasel Ae Obra atta ted attisets All%alls promptly attended to, HIGHEST FeIGES PAID For POULTRY, GAM aaé & FEATHERS a ma for particulars. . POULIN & O0., 39 patel Market, Montreal PATENT YOUR INVENTIO Some simple fe gee Solty though! for pA aa ge use y be valual let of Ratoraiation, free, Stanloy Lightfoot incgceak ‘A despatch from London says: The Sich the Ger had builded his hopes of holding Bri itish from inroads into me ey HIGHEST PRICES PAID For RAW FURS and GINSENG fy. SILVER 220 St, Panl St, W. Montreal, P.Q. Reference, Union Bk. of Canada OUR ADVICE Ship to us at once and Reap Benefits of High Prices now prevailing. Price List and Shipping Tags FREE. ’ — “ — i : a fe YOU WILL MISS’ SOMETHING |, If you fail to attend The Eighth Annual Toronto Union Stock: Yards, Toronto cluding the best that Ontario pro- dices. Judging commences 10 a.m., Friday, December 7th. Auction Sale of Show Stock 10 a.m, Saturday, December 8th. Milverton Lodge No. 478 AM, : Meet: ‘Mond: “funfmeba syerg month in ‘theie hell myioicing brethren poi welcome 0. J. Coxon. W.M. 5 Silver ley Lodge No. 202 Meets every A ns “ fat 7,90 tn thete Hall Over a of Hamilton, THE MODERN NAVAL GUN. Capacity of the Twelve: Inch Gun Here Descril “A twelve-inch naval gun,” say: Hudson Maxim, “throws a shell weigh- | 2 ton at a velocity spe thr a single charge it requires 375 pounds of Pecans powder, strong as dy-|3 the powder gases in the discharge of Visiting brethren always welcome + W. Henry, W.K.Loth, G. A. Barth, Fin.-Secy. Ree.-Scoyy Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth ‘and Water! if Conveyancer, dee: and al ortwagee drawn, Villa; Office: Weir block, over Sauk of Nova Scotia) A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Senet: Issuer of Marriage Licenses yr the County of Perth, Real estate bo nes ought and sold. A few cholce immediate sale, . MONKTON, - ONTARIO Nelson Merrick, - Auctioneer for Waterloo, Wellington and Perth Counties, Estimates given on sales of farm? and 3. an Office, next to Bank of Nova Scotia, Linwood fe Hotels The Queens Hotel Best eee pace et A aia saad traw and o1 Two large Sample Rooms. GEO. F. PAULI, Prop., - Milvertoa, Oma, , /, Are You Insured THR CAUARI QDR OF FORESTERS offers pi teetion for wife and nk fee minimam cost. Investigate 1 ll C.Spencer,C.R. x N, Zimmermann, 2.S W. R. ADAMS C0.—= FREMONT, NEB., U,S.A. Pays The Highest Prices Ap! RAW FURS Write for Price List 110. W._R. ADAMS CO., Raw Fur Merchants NEB., FREMONT, U.8. A. Pike Reason TR sae to melt 75. pounds of cast which is ugh to heat the projectile white St When the projectile strikes twelve-inch armor plate its energy is reconve Mise toa tira oreere Wak thawehane vate hardened and toughened steel of the m its path.” Fat Stock Show/, More entries than ever before, in- | 3° 34 large twin, 26 iy Bri The quantity of heat absorbed from | the | Lim: territory beyond, has been shed, CAe-Abe abl aphintentiyered ac-oane one. tacking over a front of 32\miles, extending from e Scarpe River east of , Quentin, with his Eng-| lish, "Beatdish, Irish and Welsh troops General Sir Julian Byng, who planned yy surprise’ in the onslaught, capturing numerous positions which were considered im- al BRITISH TROOPS ACHIEVE GREAT VICTORY OVER FRONT OF 32 MILES General Byng’s Troops Advance Toward Objective, the Railroad _ Junction of Cambrai—Take 9,000 Prisoners. ‘The great Hindenburg defence line, upon its objective the encircling and cap- rman commander-in-chief |ture of the im} ji the | tion of Cambrai,in Northern Frdnee, killed or wounded more than 9,000 British manoeuyre which has as of Cambrai to south of the town. of the vast area captured the past two days has been retained and. eS dated with the exception of Fontaine Notre Dame, a village Rate this morning, but gebpgaucutly. lost as the result of a counter-attacl In addition to heavy chess in-men $ *B 2 Es wy Se casualties, are, declared to be consid- erably less than the number of wri oners taken by General Byng’s men Markets of the World Breadstufts fanitoba wheat — 2d, $2.208; ii 8 104, stere Foi ‘Within Sineiuaing “2he tax. Manitoba 019 6. Wy 50; No. 2oW. FING; O8No 1 extra teed, 720: 1 feed, goae, in store Hort Wii 2992; basis, instore, Montreal. eas—No. 2, $3.70. to $3.80, according sto SED 8 eat—$1.45 to $250, accoraing to trolenes outside Rye — No.2, $1.72, freights outside. nitoba flour—First according to atents, in jute 8, $11,005 do., $11.00; strong fiers) do,,' $10.60; ‘Doron ari ‘Winter, according to $0.90, in bags, Montreal; $9.70, $9.70 bulk, ‘seaboard, prompt M car lots, delivered Montreal freights, bags lnciuded—Bran, ‘per ton, Be see do ees midaiings, 0 10 $46; good feed flour, per bag, Ms ‘y—No. 1, ton, $16 to $17; track Toronto. $8.50 to $9, new, per xed, to $15, midqaw-“Car lots, per ton. track, Toronto. (come solids, per Ib. 42% to ties prints, per ib. 48 t0 f3He} dairse per Ib., 36 to 88c. | Rector rest dais choice, 40 to 416: creamery prints, 45 to 46c; solids, 44 to c. Eggs—New laid, in cartons, 58 to 60c; No. 1 storage, dic; select storage. 47 to $4 to '$4.90;" turkeys, 28 to 8 LUCcKs, Spring, 20 to 23c; geeso, 18 t Live poultry—Turkeys, 25; Spring ghickens, Ib. 19¢; hens, 18 to 190; ducks, Spring, 18 ‘to 1c; geese, 12 to —Comb—Extra fine, 16 oz, 860. 12 “om, $8.00; $2,40 $8 No. 2, 2.50. Strained. “Tins, 2i's and 6's, fo 104¢ per Ib; 10's, 18y to 19¢; Go's, 18 eans—Canadian, nominal; handpicked, $8.80" to a0 qb per ‘bushy as, per Ib., 17 to 174¢. Pa ores, on’track—Ontario, bag, $2.15 to ess} o avels at the rate oe aan feet |. every second, or a mile every two sec- onds! ee 122 BRITISH SHIPS LOST WITHOUT TRACE ‘A despatch from London, says: In the House of Lords on Friday Ad- miral’ Lord wereted tie, called attention to the inceasii ships that are “missing eithaie trace” in the com- vessels in hi ma: moked, meats Hams, medium; 30 ee heavy, 26 to 27c; cooked, 41 ey ae, Sotie 27 to 28c; breakfast baco1 wie eC; backs plain, 40 to 41c; bone | fo ie Gared ‘Long clear, bacon, 274 to 28e ok ‘clear bellies, 268 to i Lard: 1 tierees, 27 to 2740; tubs, P27 pails.” 278 to dee! | Contbound, tlerces, 23°to 28ic; tubs, 234 | to 23%c; pails, 234 to 24c. iontreal Markets Montreal, 2 if | Western, ; tra “No. c $1.33: jour-— Man. Spi patents, firsts, $11.60; sec $11. strong bakers’, $10.90; straight follecs: | bags, $5.20 to $5.85. Rolled Oats— mee | 90 Ibs. 228 $4.25, Bra: sit. ‘Miaduings—s48 | it of careful e1 Lytton nied, Tia att go reap Bes lieve that such disasters were increas- ing. Seen OSS MANY GREEK DIVISIONS HAVE JOINED SALONICA ARMY ‘A despatch from Washington, D. sayst Greece {a rapidly preparing Sa take her part in the DI gram received here on ptitesasy fram ale af the: new troops ie dushied tu bereealiont Not For Him. old farmer, who by and parsiuantans habits had go gether a little fortune, decided ‘that the time had at length arrived when he was justified in ordering a family carriage. He went When they’re riding they sake to know it.” hard work ae rot to- | $7.10; nt to a carriage builder’s, and | $2%,! deseribed in detail the kind of vehicle | Re i No? stock “ag XS die. Pon r bat S, $2.20 to $2.2 Winnie, Winnipeg, 2 h _prices— No. oat NDE oN CW. 1180; extra No. 1 feed, 72c 6930} Nol 2 feed, 664 igi ads: No. 4, $1.16 nd rejected, $1.07, Flax—No. 1 $2.98. United States Markets inneapolis, Nov. 27—Corn—No. 3 to $2.10. _Gats—No. 3 Flour—Faney patents, in catload Tots, frat clears, gond clears, $8.70, jute ner. Me—Linseed—$2.94 to 354; arrive, $3381 wo eects to Sialve In November, 33.808; No Hy bid; December, $3.222; May, Live Stock Markets ‘Tagont mito, Nov. 27—Extra chgice heavy stecfs, 1.60. to $12; d6., 00d heavy, $10.75 1 Mi, 40; butchers’ cattle, popiser 10,25.'to, $10, BO; do. $9.50 to re lum, $8.75 ; 5) ni cars, $18.50; do., “The grated rind of a lemon is a de- licfous and thrifty flavoring for plain cake, No. oe Gccurrences in the Lund That Reigns c, jin pay. , | appointed Neer of imported |J™ = a the strain e avng fount it to NEWS FROM ENGLAND © NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE Sapreme in the Commer- cial World. A large number of counterfeit half- crowns and florins are in circulation in the city of London ight guard of St. Pancras Volu teers has been furnished for the a workhouse and infitmay FRANCE’S WHEAT IS LESS BY HALF Other Crops and Live Stock-Are Much Reduced Compared With 1913. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Food Controller’s office on’ Thursday made public figures of food production crop has fallen 67.9 per iss or 148,000,000 ad The number of c attle has ‘declined 16.5 quired that not more than cent. of wheat is may be used in the making of bre: i 20 per cent. ane of rice, bar- ey, ae maize, beans and ground 2 ITALY HOLDING HER BATTLE LINES Resist Fierce Attacks Launched yy Invaders. A despatch from Headquarters of ie Italian Army in Northern Italy, 's:=The fourth Italian army under Genes Peres is meeting the full a force of the ndous shock the of two sons, one was torpedoed in the| enemy has concentrated between -the Dover Seats ‘and the other in the Aln- Pieveend Baus Rieu, Eee gels | itative aed the correspondent was peer warrant has been issued’ granting the honorary. rank of major to all poemileeares of Indian army de- partm asked the Ministry of Labor for forty-eight-hours week and an advance . Brigedier-Gengral F. W. Lumsden, ‘Eggs: Treat gathered eggs, 47 to 480. | _ Potato < Who ole salers paying | V-C., 0., awarded the Victoria the 'y shippers $1.86 to eet in axe last, is reported wound- LOS for Hrst-class took ‘oronto. | ‘Wholesalers are sellinj etall | © ade at the following pr A divisional commander in the Pun- [aul has sent £100 for the upkeep ‘Army recreation hut in Frane Street lamp posts in Chiswick are ch pate painted white by female “philip Brandon Jones has been the Scar- borough Schoo There is a Cia veeneab on in St. Pan- cras just now to build a new town hall after the war, to cost £100,000. The representative of the County Education Authority has stated that reased enorm- . lilies was place atue in Westminster Abbey by Sir) a John Kirk. The Navy League the enemy ton f [gee cent eins reparation for loss peace proposals are considered. The Town demands from Council of Se have \asked uinse Cartmell to con- s Mayor for the fifth | d he ts: agreed. | Sir ‘Cyril sankey K.B.E., has been| pointed a me of the Tribunal for eae Britain under the juicy Service Act. | tate grower of Leverington, mage, was fined £80 for hav-| potatoes at more than taining too much wa ip the eastern ten of Liverpool Cathedral is to be built as a ws 7 he estt fuble lace feeeutly atl Portslade, near Brighton, of Dr.' Charles Wells, for twenty-five years translator of Oriental languages in the Foreign Office. Seg eS AIRMAN’S $2,500 PER WEEK. Usually Receive One Hundred and ‘Twenty-Five Dollars for Trial Trip. Big fortunes have been made by the airmen who test new airplanes. There have been instances where a_ sing aviator has eel a,check for $2,500 for a week’ Tt is ecldom that these highly train: e ti ing to some ‘truer ‘tect ae the machine that c detected Te aie ans Unie mave Oe a he poten eel |ernment of Former Emperor Nichol: (told that the forces delivering lian forces, and this is seyalcaly the relative steengthton the to wings where General first Italian along. the Pecori -Pomumands wthe e right. wing le eenty ain avis. CANADIANS IN TANKS FOR BYNG despatch from. London says: The Associated Press has fomiree the following telegram from Fra “Canada will be as interiated in the splendidly successful attack on the River Scarpe. t het n iis left the Canadians. One unit was se by a Canadian officer, Passchendaele battle, ‘This service is becoming | as popular with the Lominion troops | ere Corps. i TEN THOUSAND TONS OF SUGAR RELEASED. A despatch from New York say. Ten thousand tons of sugar, which had been purchased for the Imperial Rus- aga Govcenient iatose tuecrevelsui d stored i nd stored in a warehouse here, selzed by Federal Administrator George M. Ri It will be placed upon the market ycaena tely. uigar_was bought for the Gov by the Marine Traneporation Se th Corporation. After the overthrow of e Russian dynasty there was 10 jclaimant for the The trans- Nica Romano leposed sove- ign, in a suit to recover $2,800,000. Ifor alleged breaker cottrect. pacobes asec CANADIAN TROOPS ARRIVE IN ENGLAND. | A despatch from Ottawa says: is officially announced through ths Chief Press Censor’s Office, that the following troops have arrived in Eng- 236th lion; Montreal, beaten —Royal Canadian Beximent from Halifax; 5th Royal Highlanders, | Montreal; OM. pot Hamilton; A. { fren: Ove BiGtooG 0 Quebec; Naval, “Quebec; Artillery, Alders estr h ea Flying tre pilots, ‘Toronto; details. ne |RUSSIANS IN CAUCASUS if v WIN. BIG VICTORY. rie despatch from Petrograd he Russian Caucasus armies says: ing to Annee see ing and the Workmen’s and Delegates. The Russians initiated an attack and oyercame the enemy, \cap- turing 1,600 of. them, of whom 134 wee officers. The morale of the| troops is said to be excellent. rmy, Piave, where the Duke of Aosta holds £120. Separate Pieces? —Brooklyn Eagle. From Erin’ s Green Isle NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE LAND'S SHORES. Happenings in the Emerald Isle of Interest (@ Lrish- men, Trish Constal trans- nty\ of Wi have been increased’ from £100 to T, Krane, & jarvey belonging to Claremorris, was fined twenty shil- lings for driving a horse with a sore on its breas ing farm labore at BlanchGrdatowe ahd. Malbiuddert hay returned to work at their original rst prize of £25, given at a bazaar in aid of the New Schools Navan, was won by the thei vent, Nav: th Senpende Major. Hyrie, aonop tee [late Patrick Byrne, Billring, Wester ; \has been ‘awarded the D.C.M. and the [Miltary Medal. Tomkins, a general deaier at 25 {at street, Dublin, was fined £5 for el iS failing to | mantity of lead | which he had for | Mrs. O'Hehi tar remorris, Was ir, o! |sent to prison for cruelty to her chil- |dren and the children sent to the in- | dustrial School Wor as been received of the death | yy, in Be of Denis Higgins, R.DF., ieieas ae ee 2 Trish Constabt We: stated that the allowance of war bonus ‘oad contractors in the county will aaa to A District’ Inspector Riordon, Royal ea Gaunt Council have | > ‘AIRPLANE BOMBED CONSTANTINOPLE A British Machine Flew 2,000 Miles in Series Eight Flights. A despatch from London says: The ed by a large British bombing aero~ from England to a a series of eight flij places included Lyons and the total di: aT aa pe benae: was nearly two jpn de ieee va actually i in the airy t ikgone hou) This is believed to be worlds ced tong cross-country Journey, 2 for the weight carried. Du uring some parts of the flight strong vee and the of 200 miles over a mountainou: try, where it moe be impossible for any ge gant Sbaarcsto ese to ls BRITISH NEAR THE HOLY CITY Capture Village Within Five a: Buopltal bay turned out to be 8 fortress with guns he surrounding region, CATCH OF SEA FISH | SHOWS INCREASE. Toa} Ac despatch fron’ Ottawa *sangne report on the resulta of, a ishing operations in Canada for months from April xi nceraaee ai also for the. month of October, has v. comparison ae inthae per ‘od last year the lanlings of cod and halibut jon the Atlantic coast have increa: by over half a million hundr redweight, eeete > & g ea i Ex g ® & Be SS i} = 3 is Ei S 36 BS | this yea ab of last, centeting ‘0 only ewts. as compared with 946,487 ewts. | oe quantity of salmon taken on the ilantic see during the season of out w 578 ewts. short of the pre- vious season’s catch, ety eta . mies Ser Bae ‘AD EXCITING TRIP A despatch from. a Seenen Port, says:—The latest Am tra ies coachaliece tial wt a ee aie through the submarine zone. The first night in the zone two transports collided. On while the other h in her bow and 8:few x projets gu damaged. The orary repai Tice Sods atl ee salighptotsieied: The following “hekt oa. simeieeies y | attacked the tpnsports. The wake of a wee was seen the bow onie of the vessels, but a conning tow- | Port ts raced ahead and succeeded in| reaching port safely, where |}ision damage was repaired. toe periscope was visible, ‘The th = on shelves made of strips of CANADIANS TO CAST VOTES AT POLLS IN poe: STATES ‘A despatch from Ottawa says:— For the first time in the history of the tablished in the United States. Many Canadians have joined the Royal Fly. ing Corps and ae stationed in one of the Southern . For these, mili- tary polls will be established, and the {men will cast their vote in the elec- | diane in Bri ore ten uill vipa Bowel! abtttig Pole ae themselves. KERENSKY'S TROOPS HAVE SURRENDERED. A despatch from sm Copenhagen says! “The Bolsheviki press agency. official- ¥ reports from Petrograd that as oe remier Kerensky’s troops have aes d and that the Bolsheviki als te vic! erat Kaledine, head mi: Oss at the same time Gen- irs | gral Krasnoff, 9 member Ker- | ensky’s staff has gone to Kaledine’s pene to open: negotiation! h him pupa Ss * ANT Kousehold pans should Le kept bee 80 | 2 them? that, plenty of-air can get to them gg Keeps them sweet and ‘Sameer You Go Two. V; BLOCKS UP, AND e Y ee See _he Doins= of the Durr. ETS MIGHTY NICE. S ALL JTHEN STRAIGHT OUr|77 Z@ E So FAR OUT,’ A.M .— FIVE Two pl FROM ws OUT oO GASOLINE

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