The Tiehest market belek will be paid for cream. True wei his and test will be given. We supply cans and pay the ex] ress. Ship your cream to The Pear! Creamery MILVERTON and ELMIRA MONKTON’S \ POPULAR STORE Man-tailored Coats for Winter wear. We can save you money on Staple Goods, ae at Jess than mill hes of to- e dissap- poi i for isos to be per another season, as conditions th that demands are larger the supply Your oly inspection is cordially vited to our Millinery rooms, as our Eipley of initine ery is a delight to romen interested in what ats: Leave your order for Apples, we Saapeh 0 bavrala: ine this week: They are splendid cookers and eating ap- ples We want 300 bags of good PO- TATOES. Highest market prices paid for all other produce. WEBER & BETTGER '|WHEN WILL THE GERMAN-GER-| - MAN SEE IT AS THE GERMAN. AER DOES: z under by. the aeeateenlcte ish far an we are an, yet they fought because Ms their in? herent cense of liberty. In the same way there are men 0: in. lin- try who resent the| ja, 0 plot— sufficient reasons in themselves —hbut in addition to all tl re be- zioee it is for us to redeem “in as far ‘we may the blot, upon the memor- ies of our fathe: he arenent: ‘time the Germans are eee oe astonish- e is bombed out by murd whole nation, but when the bombs are tw e other wa} ey are’ as- tonished! Perhaps it will Riche the quite Let us hope the light will come to the ¥e) ‘The | eTeat ae refleeting tele- scope designed mae consi onde pice he Dominion Ai ee ee) ike at Victor ier C., ranks Lhag ne re ine ae igompleted. e g Tefetor | itr feet in diameter sabato e ns, ighs 01 iat “sylindrieal casting is 12% feet in diameter, six feet long, pad Weighs fora see The mirror zl weet Swi a the et ing sl eae (amare, by : 1. Wo aes eagerly await ing 1 tree-tops. act fi ood ee : At clearly” defined s put "perpetually halting to rees of mies, Look WELL FOR OUR ‘SHOP AND, YOU WILL LOOK WELL WHEN YOU COME OUT. : : HA Bie i) Serge Suit— ISA NECESSITY ‘STRATFORD, ONT. Cor ‘gursea are thorough, the instructors lenced, students get individ- Sele ae ana ant. wieduases are plas. bra a_shade ct by the blending s0lge of he. ue a he_ sings his un- mad “Peicgraphy departments. Geto Our free catalogue: It will interest W. oe Eliott, _D, A, McLachlan, President. Princip: apo! city. has delayed the Br: Every man should have one Baralesst cae what Aas re eg ie een WINTER Weave? In colored Tweeds, dark blue Beas sts at from $26.0 yaa Sere: we arblers, for they a1 leleurolp migrants and can awnik the meter, weighs with oatachitanta about two ons. driving clock similar in desi; 1 that which has curately cut worm observer, at either the uppe! or lower ends 0! lam] a portable key board kept at a con- lace, ineering ymans however hard the way may | fe e of German descent in Can: it] freedom is under the ‘Ss NOW twined together, Old Glory and the Union ‘ ‘The instrument at the right is the $50 Columbia Grafonole. Tt has th oinged feselasing sa, powerful motor that pose three records with a Sent on Approval— (and on Easy Terms, if accepted) This $33 or $50 Model Columbia oo eels shee model of the alee pictured mtterse In mahogany or quartered oak. J. E. WEIR, Agent MILVERTON What it Means to You—to Your Pocketbook—to Your Personal 1 aie g air h it Conforms to Sound Business udgment to Select from Our Famous Line of MEN’S and BOY’S SUITINGS a Rs Taking for our text, “He profits most who serves most—he who serves best, si erves most”’—we put in force a plan f retailing that tends to centre more and more business here —by mi aking it to the advantage of the public to give us their patronage. If there’s a man who can’t be suited we'd like to see him, If there is a man whose tastes can’t be met he is a stranger to us. Call and see our up-to-date stock. | 0. DUFFIELD 4 The Up-to-date Tailor, eres, = Ontario PAPINEAU — SOLDIER AND PA- we TRIOT. Glob ‘Toronto eB death of Major Papineau of the Princess Patricias Light Infantry m Flanders removes a young Fren nich Cans dian leader who, because aptitude for public affairs as well a: his ancestry, commanded the De pect and support o: n | ete., a "pierced with a ho invariably in ee correct relative positions with- e stars, and all must be brerined. for in the con- trolling mechanism, dines revolving dome is 66 feet in meter, and is provided with a quan shutter t Ww: ood means of electrical motor, othe principal mirror is 78 inches in diameter, 12 in ees thick, and le in the centre. ENGLAND. | How can ye conquer Englan now the gallant gentleman nd that knows not ues aaet at erseaitrnn: belte: rs cute ‘reedom and England! God, and the cause of the Just! ¢| Match me tne courage of England— is F etter | the eee of fi the space ot the sea, Measure eternity! Freedom is bla Ss ce ey have not died that are alain! Match me the courage of England— Span me the space of the sea, © | retter the forces of freedom, Measure eternity! 3 Kindled the ashes of Belgium soldier and patriot, erty might not perish from the earth. Military Abbreviations, rgeant-Major; 3 T.O., Transport iO aien r. The ites | Moustache, ertain officer in one oe the perations SRstioned| oH ose Borden was talking to a cro his friends when a little boy, Teal avout five years, was passing with hi mother. The Pegs een y eayred. and stared at then turned td exclaine at 5 his ae her: “Gee, lo her; he’s got a misplaced eas just like Sty,” ders at the officer’s small m hy Some people eee ae chleneee. aven before they have any ¢; rs et tears, But freedom deathless surviveth h the uncounted years Mateh me the courage of England — the space of the sea, Rete the tomear or tepada: Measure eternity! —Capt. Cyril M. Horne, 7th Batt., King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Captain Horne was an actor and his widow is now with the “Exper- ience” compan; with great precision, through ‘an ac-| I tio: =P ‘ © 8 nei r|ground, His ie efforts in searching the crevices and intricacies 00 S [have won f eee i he ii —_—_— 4 |@ mem! ‘amily star image is 1-300 ane et favorable conditions. le | A few years ago the repo; ar! northern Counter Check val. uth, they could not en- dure =e sudden violence of retreat- We are agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book Co. This firm turns out only high-grade work at very reasonable prices. mal ily feel impelled to seek the distant north where the intensity of brief insect ane oe plies abundance and prevents intrus- ion, “Black-and-white may locate any- mere from the So: eeske ern States to y cannot tolerate See our samples and get our prices before ordering. ® Sun Office ay eaecleds and this is sought far from the _ | You can save money. J.M. FLEISCHHAUER Next door to E. H. Gropp’s Garage. MILVERTON. We Want Now reliable agent in Perth ren || A to sell Pelham’s Peerless Fruit an Read The Sun’s ad W. D. WEIR’S LIST OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE $4,! gir Soe f Lot 7, Con. 7, Wellesley ae Section). 100 ac- ‘9 under cultivation, 15 acres new land, 6 acres good hard= ush. ay pet pg flat barn, close to school on a ene good road. $7, Narre buy lot 28, con. 3, North Easthope, 100 acres, 90 acres un- der eartivation, balance in bush. Brick house, bank barn, straw shed, drilled we $7, yal ie buy Bast half lot 8, con. 12, Mornington, 100 acres. Brick house, with brick cellar, woodshed, “furnace, bank barn, straw shed, good orchard—a sj 30 Brees northwest part o: 10, concession 6, Mornington (Ne on) good comfortable aveling, bank barn, good stabling alee peathe hard and soft The MESS Hotel praia in; ane id Paes in the drivin; er iiele (and ie: sold cheua s the proprietor must (0 ill-helth. AEIy to proprietor or W. D. Wei ir sale—Boot and Shoe oa busine: opp: $7000—Will y boy that splendid ty acre! Elma, all un- der cultivation, comfortable dwelling, bricked” inside, 2 bank barns, 2 drilled ‘wells, fie cease never-failing; land in ‘good locality, well drained. et bay 188 acres of land lying at tnwood, in Wellesley av der cultivation, comfortable dwelling, bank barn, cemen A splendid farm. $6500 apy the south Kd of lot a fagiel 12, and the north % of lot » Mornin 100 a brick ho iouse, kitchen and wood ie Mati barn 55x60, Ge shed; drilled well, wind mill, wire fencing. clean farm. $6, a eonchs half Lot 1, poneean oy Pee ington, square 100 acres; shed, large orchard, about 8 lose to oHOBE, stalled well at barn. Land i in best renee buy a splendid solid brick house with good stable, hard and ft water, 1% acres of land, in Newton. The house could not Be built for less than $1600,—Terms easy. $1800—Will buy lot 11, con. 14, Ellice, 100 acres frame house, flat barn close to railroad. Come and see me if you want to buy or sell your dwelling or farm. It will p: ou. RUSSIA QUITTING announced that immediate peace is their aim. If Russia drops out the loss is ser- if merely makes peace a branare For Winter open e foe: ea longer and sterner fight for the ‘Allies eset: the end is reache: to be feared that Germany. will take immediate advantage of the Sraneliy watee come cheneen te ine Allies’ program, entailing more ‘ex- tetbes hele t Lely. An interesting questi ion will arise if eases Hoes make a separate peace as to wl is to become o: sian pore ie western _ front. any of these were landed in France, ary presumably, have been holding of the line. Will Ne, yy, uit or fight ? ise, always a hope that etter conrmols will prevail, and “may re- - ene “upon ia to stake muc! RANGES! RANGES! Now is the time to choose your new range. We haveva’ fine on hand at reasonable prices. Call in and look be pleased to show youtall the good points. assortment of the: them over. We wil ‘he cold weather will soon be here and you will {need your furnace installed. We sell the famous z Sunshine and Hecla Furnaces We will be pissed to give you estimates on your requirements. ~ Remember Your Coal Bin Last of all do not forget to get your supply of coal. Leav: your order with us. We will supply those who place their order fist ‘rees durii and winter ths. Good pay, exclusive Ree free selling equipment. OVER 600 ACRES vusto: es ert ie Write now for need PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto. SHADOW TEST “He Looks Into the Eye’ Y THIS Ryeppasrcle it is almost impossible to make an error, as all work s done b a lookin, ae tne'eye, thereby locating the de- fect right at its source. Weak Muscles Strengthened Headaches Cured, Cro! Eyes in many cases Se cn ere ses are fitted by this need system. Children’ recyes sor ceniely exauin asking question: he SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! P. H. BASTENDORFF “Eyesight he i MILVERTON, ONTARIO RAILWA’ RAND TRUNK S4srem Highlands of Ontario The Home er a eed Deer and the Moos pen. Seasons. or November 1st to November 1st inclus! Novels er Ist to Nore er eth inclu nee: In some of northern districts of Ontario, includ: ing Timaga ah che open season is from November to. November 80th inclusive. ry, the open season for Moose is from October 10th to November 30th. Write-for co the aot of aa ing game laws, hintin oe, fo 6 C. E. Horning, meee Station H. C. BAIRD, ’Phone 1, Local Agent Synopsis of Canadian Northwest / Land Regulations HE sole head of a family, or am: . over 18 yenre old, who was at the com resent war, and has ce Bella subject or a male les—Six: months d_ cultivation of land in In certain di ricin a homesteader may se- ohiarteraetion as pre: per acre, sans ate 50 ‘obtain pre-emption patent eats cal patent on certain con- MA getiter after obtaining homestead pat ce ihe cannot secure a pre-emption, may ¢ hased homestend in cert ies may ss ime of bouters i Cagada dar. gars Sd ‘residence duties puaer eertaia conditions. seatetce cory, eee ailamtarare M: E. BETTGER & co. Mord wines Bomhant Z |WEST MONKTON, publication of vertigement will BoE be aid for. bite all rere au ‘doilers g Ye Vie- black ‘Melton, ; Come in Be look over our stock, |