ROYAL TITLES CONFUSING. | Watch Veae Sucevel THE WOODLANDS OF FRANCE, aS s ‘ = ee War Has Brought About Many Com! (@=- Worth Protecti Dlationy—Brother Fights rater, | TE-may’ be the forerunner of Gesnen Nevonpere Beat Over the. Fits Wee ievaie tts { | Havee Wrought by Hi ng The changes tt royal titles call at" bronchitis or a bad cold. It eee ei aeles. sees te big Sant ee tention, inevitably, to a few of the is nature’s warning that your | The brutal-vindictiveness of the re-) Hany. #8 Aaeia A good eae’ is ‘worthy of a good pac! kage. « complications that ee war has body is in a receptive con- ene C ; ania A rich, strong, delicious tea like Red Rose is brought with it. There were few “dition for germs. The way “ Ane pay ie 1g that = : a = z princes more popular than was Prince ¢ ed “property” sas Teft unspoll- SS WANTED TO DO PLAIN pores poseng } into a sealed igen! fokec es NL Genter vier who aahee eo to fortify yourself against | a is described by ths’ military ra Rod ae Soe re Tels OF Tesh and good. 3 = €. |lant British officer in South Africa; cold is to increase warmth |r ondane of the pat “Lokal A ce, charges “ten Send stamp for bay other (Ponce Alber," Gnd vitality, by eating tn movie” monte ee a Rey in the German army. : i { F i ‘ Duke of Albany is one of the ee Shredded Wheat, a food great stretohes off Trench coe Wart ED — BLACKSMITH “TO 2 rinces” with whom Parliament is ve beeh turned by us into a, dead : Bilbo. oranite right te ‘sually'sold in. bulls, P h that builds healthy muscle jhaye bech turned by us into a. d ieee ae goles gino. Granite Linimen er ; C ats concerned ust now, whose banner has and red blood. For preak- |country. It varies in width a ee Sarnia, “On reu te you a et ns acke ‘ S : : . twelve ki six a ee S800 Legs ee sot ae chs ree a Weee paeh, mhillesor estan Or ear srs car ate ere Ces. reintns m eae package which keeps’ gyi }| USE Prince Alexander of Teck, who is a, @8y meal with fresh fruits. | and extends along the whole of our ¢utbun by our home 4 lee waa Paes this oe baad foe it good. S : British officer, and now becomes an < Hert nositlon: _-mreeenting, "Be, Merete esl si eae all external pains because time an 5 cat —or, at least those of us whose When buying your. Piano (ieee rec 227 to epely, toa. N memories are not uncomfortably long! insist on having an ‘eer ‘n —are inclined to forget that Prince! “ 7 ; VOC. ‘ATION AL TRAIN. | Christian’s German title may almost OTTO HIGEL” sont otis, at ell druggies, be described. as caus by. accident. ie . Forthe | He was a German prince when’ he PJANO ACTION f ING FOR TOMMY | mszist cueen Widterle's - daughicr, = Housewife certainly; but he had only been Ger- Up; 2 : man for three years ete nea ered Tee front or oe ee posi- BET : ea ‘ tions runs, like a gigantic ribbon, an : : WORK OF MILITARY. HOSPITAL b Sabie ntaladth If You : PO than half a century ago, and until that Us The Berlin Tageblatt is also found y ‘ : = oR ji COMMISSION. attack wiceoeied Ponte Cire ooh eee ~NEW USE FOR CELLULOD. gloating over this destruction of ‘the : Are Not = a : eDana} as : Iwellings and property of helpless |. : Returned Men Grasp Opportunity. To —_2—__ ota Bee ee Regsanie in: this Puret of fine wsittuee” |: Gee. Wage Aready ea ee ie “And the desert, a pitiful desert, | Go., props. ; : Improve. Their Positions Dur- BLOOD-MAKING MEDIGINE One he latest of the many in-| leagues wide, bare of trees and under- Acquainted ing Convalescence, Gaue . and novel accessories, Pa the growth and houses. They sawed and ‘ ‘hs ¢ us, looks upon|, 100% centurles for medical science | treatment of wounds received uptn tha| fnekeds trees fell and bushes sank; it ies Ea ag Seah - _Tom: my, like most of us, ae sah 8 aie ae se he that the blood is the life. | battlefield is the age dressing. In days and days before they had fereieas mato ia waeal the his job in the light of dollars andl tt 1s known that if the blood| addition to protecting the injured ened the groynd. “In this war-zone _] Wherein home comfort is made Very Itch earns | d at Nigh : z cents. His objective is a pay envelope | were always abundant, rich and pure, ‘part, it prevents ee ndages from there was to be no shelter, no cover.{| Paramount factor. it is the-one chy. burned at Night. = on the crest of Saturday night, and| very few people would ever be ill. It! adhering to. the wounds. Ordinary |The enemy's mouth must stay dry, his hotel where the management lend ould S$ Scarcely Sleep. wa the peaks the better. was not until the end of the 19th cen- bandages are likely to cling, not only eyes turned in vain to the wells—they every effort to make its patrons Hi i di 0 Wi ke 5 He sees in the Vocational training of tury that an instrament was invented | making it difficult to remove them, but are buried in rubble, No four walls for|| feel itis “Just lilce home.” eaied in Une Wee = = ths wiitary Hospital Comission seers te rapa tect te also inflicting unnecessary pain, ‘and, | ae to ce » doven into-—al Ie vell ec ic Wty, tas Sree sees are : ‘ chane power, joctors- could tell just |; foi a) an out; the villages turne ‘HE WALKER an i ; and he is making the days of his con-)how anaemic a patient had become, haa teem: jag eo ive sees of, i into au Hee of rubbish; churel nee a LEE est v swollen and broke out in watery blisters, ‘ valescence count, according to the re-|and with medicine to “make new blood |heating. The ech device, however, | church-towers laid out in The House of Plenty ZN phen tt ee erty eed i cords and reports of the vocational of-| the patient soon got entirely obviates these disadvantages. | athwart the roads.” TORONTO,/CANADA ( night [could scarcely sleep. fievers who direct the classes. All the blood inthe. ae is nour- e dressing, which is somewhat| All this was done in the territory | blisters broke out __ The returned man’s industry is solv-/ished and kept rich and red by the |jike the shield used for protecting the! which the French armies had to ee forming hard scales and Fee ne ere nett Can| aetone posta inna em: dy S27 jar in accnation, i perforated with before fnching ther present postin] args proportion ofthe Amerie ioe ae Oey eh ” ve by an-. | a ? ef ve. Every artisan turned out by|not_ make suffelent blood. trom tho [smal holes. so that i resemble UT shekos tise woe eT erat |giictern gon on ae fveet a : i z 4 e's tim : the Cotaimlasson thorn ‘the e ranks of dis- food to keep the body in health, then a treats it antiseptically, places it over the desert waste they built highways fields will make over seve al completa ttedied = abled men, means one less in the army] blood-making medicine 1s required. |the wound, and then applies the ordin=| and rebuilt roads. The wells were| nushels per acre in regions abel (Signed) ord Brady, Brerkenidgs, 5 of unskilled workers. Careful wateh| The simplest and very best of blood- | sy vandazes in the |poisoned. The armies laid waterpipes| Vahl. iat oiaite Ned Sle cern Ieee ‘} ‘The perforations in the celluloid allow for. their spol 3 ee aio use! enough for corn to do its best. This catia ties ae Clank ie 4 Be Petes tnd the sortoundin and peasant’s cot was reduced to dust. (i 2 : rad puri : been oe so to speaks before “hea course of these pills la talon thelr |-> ae be e bandage They carried their own shelter. ‘The Wisner haven pen oe one ee] Bee For fees Sues anes Hore os ore regan ses eaicach roca Men SLi oot ee oe removed) phe shield Malls Mie from | terrible barrier of death’ was 2 them | ees post-card: meutcure, 4 Hs se doar “taining Eepat Brae eine afro9 per nenres: Slthe: ingucy, whick bas been subjected | NO eee ny a Sees why they oy MONEY ORDERS Boston, U.S. A.’? Sol inte onl Jom 0! e Commission is not rea stion and an Ly mas- ‘orwart witl renewed | y vs These days even the house dress|to only the trained workers who have| ter your work and enjoy leisure hours, |'® M0 8egravation, | heal Secretar uieaianaals reese eee eee atl takes unto itself smartness. ‘This one acquired a certain amount of skill in| For women there is a prompt relief of, | iu ena bane ‘ ear-/down the vandals guilty of the bar-' throughout Canada, has several unusual features, the some line, to give them an generis ty |or prevention of ailments which make | 2° than those treated Te the eein. barous destruction, Now in front) of << i ‘ Ug r 1 5 . i x tec Sle ot ston ba oe mano er aia ortho ere lmao Sv, Ty hl eal etn Mae" pea ime hm in omens | HN te ne Sing Sar a x iota cea nee wee coir ai tends or the ctcantages-of oren'ths| weak, wwetery Hlood uo medicine dle. considerable m measure of comfort t0'to their next flight. Seay rine “pete putting them Swollen ‘Tendons, Ligaments; 4 Ladies’ House Dress. In 7 sizes; 34, most elementary education. covered by medical ee can equal | the paient by saving him the pain to 46 bust. Price, 20 cents. ome Specific Cases. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. pero, Penaeus anon tie werner Minard’s Lintment Cures Distemper This pattern may be obtained| Illiterate men, who drove dump carts| _ Ye¥ cam get these bills ode CG pane ee a a oe : from your local MeCall dealer, or! before they enlisted, have been given fosthe Epes or ax tocoh toc $2.50 I at BO. civantage. that eeiia t6 asfure ; tte|. A drucelat ean ottalm pa Jeuitation | ve iiatba ad ee Mexico which will Tom che MeCall Co, 70 Bond St.,| good trades in which they ean make] no" 1," Witiamng) Medicine Co, extensive use as a surgical dressing ot MINARD'S PENA Sieh se pair renee eco gas tree sa i Toronto, Dept. a permanent place for themselves, 21° Du Wil is the fact that it has proved well/ Toronto house at low price, ABSGORBINE, dit the aise Eig and earn 2 gonck stset wage. Scores Z ‘ adapted sto tha oi saline irri-/8nd have it la Fon i = mankind, reduc ed, Torn Liga- : WEEK’S WASH FOR FRITZ. ear ae P oe Pe ae ie \ Fe 000-000-0000 | ante Swollen Gland Vaiia or Muscles: of me education have) war OFFICE TAKES OWN FILMS. | gation in the treatment of wounds. This greasy Hae is the poorest | § PAIN? NOT A BIT! Bette utes Sores, Ulcers, Allays pain 4 ‘one we have yet seen of the many that LIFT YOUR CORNS ELovabontest drsiersoreetivereh Bro Re | been abled 45 tts courses to place e os How yi Canadian Troops Disnoee of | themselves in good clerical positions; W. F, YOUNG, P, D, F., 518 Lymans Bidg , mn Trench Morta ja dedi hang wie bara ddyaged fron) Pictures Will Be Sent to THE FALL WEATHER de tnecatcd Aisorbine and Absorbgs, Jr are mado 19. Camas workmen to foramen in the machine Allied Countri Ask for MINARD'S and you will get |? No humbug! Apply few te WOMAN Sinn > Putting ‘rani out on a Race! sete aoe ae anu carpenter 8 astiy ; Pe ae Wistar iretelp he eta ean on pre activities! HARD ON LITTLE ONES Aen Justi eh a Sree cuay Tork dick and ary haa eH OR CALLUSES OFF line over and does not mea tin aa means ermine Palehig tea’ aur cae Chung. | Dae ‘eves a few months! course in} the ownership and management of a| | ta Wea nos . fan | toler aes Te dvcoai and 0 | British film business. ‘The entire con-| Canadian fall weather is extremely , : iH Seeeuehnioviats. dak manbing! Welding ed his convanenetey fottoe of the issue of what is known to|hard on little ones. One day it is] Pyozen corn makes good silage,| pound. weve us, 18 an ether com- | ; es by the Winnipeg |the moving picture world as the|Warm and bright and che next wet and says Prof, C. Larsen of South Dakota |” ae eRe SE is To carry out the operation the can| Schoo! Boa “hn thos trades at a sal- “Topical Budget” has passed into the words, crane fudden changes Dring ot /State College. Corn that has beon pga yt uNe: di b ary of $9 ands of the Army Counell for the] £9! lic, and unless i i ee ap whe Mare ee ster| In tHe same eehool at this time a|derstion of the Yer. Daby'e litte stomach Kent right the | tore ‘alata silage, bat on be abtained in tiny bot. | Could Do No Work, shells is less dangerous than on clear} young veteran who had been a polish-| By the aiesttians law of Whitehall, |Tesult may be seriou: here, 18 | winter comes one ‘will not dis- wervilttlaces roots = Now Strong as a nights. Perhaps five is go over. fo ‘ar took a five months’ | the War Office cannot “go into busi- ae Baby = Own n Tabi criminate seed GaP shies ee ee e man carries a wooden post some | ©°Urse in commercial work during his| ness,” so the difficulty of owning and |! peep ae te ie nee well. They wre ee ae uk Man. six feet in length. Two more have is now earning! controlling this film ‘business was ob-|*Weeten the stomach, regulate he Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows drop. or two" diradtl rust shears to. cut the barbed ‘ ine . ee a book-kee| oe The! viatea by the appointment of a com: pee dee a eee toe, ae a sey ly i are i and make a path ahead, The bee nie to ‘0a ti a efore/ mittee of practical men, responsible ue denlon GEE ele Becca oC ma xing a peer bed callus a ce tbe I Chicago, Ill. aay ae about two years hee was ey eae pulley and | #mount . to the War Office. 2 ici abe ah eden osd nae Be Ronee Cate suffered from a fomale trouble so'T a coil of rope, one end of which is| A ™ ee aa a strletly national sur- pox som ihe Deg Willems Manteo |e Mate Nhs adie toumtince to Shortly you will, find rife ar kept in the trenc of war's doinge, the W es Ol five fect deep, as rich as it is deep, and therahint pe culits ao eon Pee ~ The men go forward on all fours 8 To pical Budget” as niaeogiel ag eh, EE oy compare the fruit from this plot for loose that you can lift it Lydia E. Pinkham’s across the rough ground. They are all/2 Course in mechanical ee and | quickly into an tects concern Their Desire. size and flavor with fruit grown on off, root and all, with Vegetabl ce er 1. When within twenty-! Went back to civil life to earn $75 aby a sy! an interchange with the a J ordinary soil a foot deep. the fi five feet of the German cement em-|™0nth as a mechanical drafteman, ff noe it neeeaiate We Ee Cont roe Ue ano Not a twinge of pain, PlAcMAAL Whew eee tie pole ain the! ge men, and hundreds Iike then | Britieh public seen over front| t0 Pay the workers fortnightly. Find- patos: t : soreness or irritation; Poona ames ie ground and attach the pulley and rope! 2°W in training in the MLH.C. voca- fia ex.|ing this practice somewhat incon. | ht almost im torte: Phen theytgu: vedets Rohe | tonal lames will be lated = assets, | venient, the employes decided to lay maine: einer ee ad ae tear i r D | : = y not liabilities, when Canada’s war | British 5 pieeres willbe dietrinted the matter before the manager of the sone eat tirely disappeared Now a box containing some twenty |4¢bt is figured, | thro ances | An Telaitnen, Rua Ee afterwards. | andl never had a jounds of dynamite is attached to th Ital rate a aiid a over the British | bis Persuasive powers, was selecte ter . I weigl Pie TEAS Ge thespalley tHe BRUSH AND GRASS LAND. | 22! a ay seek oer the United | 28 their delegate,-and he duly appear- This drug doosn't eat | 165 ponds an a man. di before the manager. “Well, Michael up the eorn or callus | [think money is well spent which’ pur- ~ dynamite is slowly hauled out until it) ); Regarding Sh Géais | St2*e®: ‘Neutral countries, Bois aie tO ” shrivels them so s Lydia BD. Pinkham’s Vegetable reaches just the right spot. This done ae <e a ete eof. and Goats! be organized for the distribution of|What can I do for you today? teu (heen see ee scightout, cat 7 wand,” —ktrs, Jos. O' BRYAN, 1756 all bands retire until daybreak [these same pictures, and in return| Pease, sir,” said Mike, “Oi've Tt works ike a charm, | Newport Ave,, Chica 0, n along comes one of the sharp-} _ Som «casa wantocs “of for st certain mipiated ae neutral coun-| Sint as a delegate by the workers to i a can get rid of / x The success of Lydia B. , Pinkham’ shhotahecs Getmens tacetaa ap-| tree Lede have hea arnac aah tries ‘will be ardter don dies eee favor of ye regarding the pay > Muy ai For a few cents you can, get rid of ' Vegetable Compound, made fro parently a et evening, No one. is|epredations of goats, both amusing | tribution tough a Britis! men do they] fRRISSCSiai ay ice pees Z hs, is unparalled. Tt may be beck he 4 oe nt?” “Sor, it’s the pe rmeselt| (OR ALO NEY A - tween the toes, as well as painful used with perfect confidence by women ving e official film photographers will Hy R EUMAT, calluses on bottom of your feet. It! who suffer from displacements, inflam- pies Pas a sik: confine fiakewvoulese an of iviry man in the firm that we) hs Sa Ts.8 BISEKC y Pp) ; wait et Batt neyer disappoints and never burns, | mation, uleeration, irregularities: vn fe receive our fortnightly pay each a S e They. are plod Wo take. piehutes of all Hf bites or inflames. If your déuggist | Odie pains, backache, bearing isi ewe staccato bark of the rifle, sab cain goats with regai “Te Sa aatonsha ents, naval, military or| “°° hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to| # rf latalency, ges jon, zines, fe - followed instantly, as ‘an bullet “ts [aval mabe ee au naeney to. canvee pile: heppcuta ing anywhere in the get a little bottle for you. from his | Abd Nervous prostration ia E. Pinl e explosive, by a deafening roar | bru ae a into grasy lan cere British Isles. Stee WHITEN OND. es wholésale house. a nee vee pplorconpanng is theta: Bs Les the ground to rock. * gon journal” has the palette Sena BEAUTIFY THE SKIN ly ps ‘The men pop up to see the effect of |S {Make gee bulb beds now. nia ‘pasaies Mie are fens tints ee Sheep are a grass-feeding stock;| There may be no Holland boll. Make ‘this beauty lotion sea for City ty Ey » Spe vi: 7 i ww To ‘ to see cement blocks, guns, a few|they will not eat brush unless foreed|had next year. to be) "your face, neck, arms and h t AZ e Pp ecia. ists: é oO spiked helmets and debris rising to a|t© ac so by the absence of othei q felghtof Grety or thirty feet Avy {tthsges They will browse on 1 sean RINE Grn Becta Byes At the cont of small Jar of ordinary | Strengthen Eyesight 50% Tn a : a8 re Eyes, ward. Every one is satisfied, and in pantugls leavite the hazel, willow, or| cold cream repare a full |) other bushes to grow unmolested if| Eyes Jnflamed by | quarter pint of the most. wonderful || 2 nas aaa jefe be kan” On the “other| Yo a ) Sie dhet Murine aay eh Ha |lemon sik softener and complexion A Week's Tiine In Many Instances the vernacular of the trenches “the week's wash was sent to Fritz this orning,” goats’ will leave pas to sheep Conta bee aoe beautifier, by squeezing the juice of and cattle if any green or shrub 2 oSmartng, Jat yeComfert two fresh lemons into a bottle con-!1q ree Prescription ‘You Can Have functivitis and ephiphora. der eves/strain arising from protracted micros | growth is ava: lable we phe it,| Marine Eye Remedy mi) hate botie. Murine | taining three ounces of orchard white. ed. and Use at Home. Syae nO’ Cone ORUod. Tad the aay Autre leona Rah tan ee ok ie)" POT |Shesp-riever ‘stand upright’ of the | Riciturine Bye 8 oF me ge fare should be taken to strain the| toston, Mass.—Victims of eye strain| Having run out of her, medicine & prising "fervice. “I found ‘my eyes. tes \ tind Bas tp stadt Ae att browse es juice through a fine cloth so no lemon | ®nd "other sxe, weaknesses, and those | friend suggested Bon-Opto. She used|markably strengthened, so much x H —— who wear glasses; will be glad to know|this treatment and not only overcame] have put aside my glasses without dis- off the foliage and tender bark ti pulp gets ih, es ie ea sek = ie that Doctors and Bye Specialists now her distressing condition, but strange|comfort. Several of my wes have: Sz t be : fet Ye must be intelligent and in-| ey ton “mn Sie Geet CORE ren eerna ame nae teas) PPR Ch RRS Lt aT eight of six feet and even higher aie mst be? @ before eith- em, ny whore eyes wor Strengthened her eyesight that ohe wa: na fow dayar under my + |Forest officials have adopted goats| er can reach ite fullat ercases | knows that Teme Jules is ed 0 | ign Re ee eG MR as eee el peta ‘ ; . 00 Superior asa means of keéping fire-breaks| bleach and remove such blemishes as | Mey have ‘thrown them’ away. One| {eft ker, in this instance faked wee, cna clear of underbrush. Goats are used) Minard’s Lintment Onsen Colds, fo. ph ae eta ca Tcuhey geen Bor serif nec oar eisier eart are orn Pare din Zn Tass ee * i to do the pioneering ahead éf othe uate Wietee ender. Now ith= Flavor || iv wt a nein: phea - GROSTIE Sthe Sat ig thie? and a diseaan car Dent ine. gut my mye inanes, "a "and ee, not won the eyesight improve, from 5 Western Staten {diets Rata Kill Shlckonsy stab eka suet tte tet het three ounces jot | But drcnafully. Now the mould ues Fe os cone |e auenmiaabiy thor yop ohio Boncopto tablet! i» “The prejullice against goats ig, 8Md damage property. Kill # sete nae When ar anyarig ents and | the time. It fo fo'ma"|than any voter remedy I have pret ‘ ine ae To / | questionable. It has been. cre: Fand remove useless Neue that | two lemons from the grocer and make | ith Tae aat ae eid Neapees eyes, tio ae pon ana, Ba Babe we By. the sahabitant ofthe: vacant at ity | harbor them. Farmers should have| UD & quarter pint of this sweetly ne nee, saya: “I have. treated in private] should motice your eves afer seas ota neglected creature that was @"8tday several times a year, getting | Fant lemon lotion andl mascage St dally prncties ¢ a panes f-Opes and eer able ts sea et a reaness Will, qulokty forced to get subsistence by. any pscer epee cle eS i ae ae ie the a eae a ete - si wa Hiered with ‘eye's Feport ultimate recovery, In bot ousla ts your to. an 4 means it could. i anos Le labels| tion of rats, ia dary eloue te. Rmoowien roush, 16d: cous werworked, tlred eyes Which |office auftering with an Infected ve. them Sat og! ~ from tin cans to get the of the cena oes hee several vanes, bot for ‘dine Soles ggaaitfon enue rie ,gerioue, tae a a thele novela Hag a a aia Pie sa ne ea) ; Flasios for several years, both, cperation for enucleation seemed im= ey han cake: $ i as A table beverage, fation for =e ogre A Gravel Crusher. Brvelope orn Oe, ome fee ny ae berate wet iiont 3 preneibed, Pees artcie was sub te a ee ; a * rave! ‘. ant ours. secr of. the open fields prosperous | On Blouses, Dresses, Table Linen, dc. ricemam, with more than usual! Ee raseegies tite {ean dosbott now: |femsened, ndanainatory ormplgrsn bee aie ore Be eat mm to gubside, and in seven red Tatras Uieeent ro toe vaeant-| Aecordion and Knife Plating, avolrdupol and expanse of shoe leath-| #a¢see, altogether. |E gan ‘count theléve wag cured and Tet ad's widely pee a Spine ees A package from a or common type as is the Hereford] Goyered Buttons made trom your |* ‘ Suse panel a Tittle. terrace,| Brest ewe HON Tare deronc sete | mal, Vision. Anoth er case of extrel ed it ory whcoceshuly dn my own: practice Se thoroughbred from the raw-boned| own material. ees! Rave looked like a dim greon bias tol ony eree cep reas e: lent were strained igh ence the by; 7 the | grocery is well cow of the city suburbs. The goat is| Braiding and mbroide with a bit of garden in front,-when a Me, I cannot oxpregs my joy at what] fimely lee of oar bY the] wor oa iad langt, 7X can highiy thézeleansat feat f the vesstock bike mall boy ran after him as for me. i ightened external ‘im i, Parnng eres eg Tes, Fhlarred. visio, peer” worth @ tial, in place wor, i ill eat the live-stock| | Our Now Wlustrated Catalogue ts] “Halton, kiddie!” said the arm of the rear elagous eam nowy donee Goer al Bie Soe ne ee etal ~ 5 not eat straw or 7 ions +s a 5 a otha 2» rie ion int Aud We WERE every every ledy in |iaw, gonially, “what can I do for you?” 2 reasonable me, and multitudes more] after marital vot For a; aust or Peas ens, of ho tary fo 7 tea—especially the ‘lon is na lise bid cajatta “Mother sent me out,” answered the| so -as £0 be apared tie iroubhe and fee / aR ; pt : aie ict leannes Write For It—It Is Free | youngster, “to ask you if you would| Pause hier ees Re Ae oh eranenuo Or ect. formule balng printed Sa wh When Tea Disagrees! Ee [mpogaielag “ap sol dowa-our path twenty years Bractioe 3 says “kt patient| asa tonto for tho. ey. sas "ho muses ttre geass Tes TORONTO PLEATING CO, ., spony patient ae ig a a v strengthen epeleh 60 perce fn enw ‘9 Soe Ga a cable, We wea for a minute or two, It’s just been| came to me who fering from | ¥isior dered more acute, hence in Samy fab = Tt ond GE He bye dae aad AEA 14 Broadalbane St. Dept. Ws Toronto | gravelled, and wo ain't got a'roller.” | Siepharitia Marginaiis “with "an tra] he, number Of cases. of ulbcatded til'mood drurgiate i oe oak ok i aie aay ane reer 8 ER Cae ee eDr Conner saya: “Ay eyes were in Feige a miohea: ca: tino by by @. Tamblyn and alt Minara’s Tinimont Cures Diphthoria, h shea (Yad condition owing ‘to the severe|* ui ‘ \