a Morning, Noon and STILL $3.00 “THE LON DON ADVERTISER Evening Editions PER YEAR. ae | UBAN NES 2 Mong s Institute w will have a By. ge at ~ p.m. SP emie A... cent tea will De: served, Eve ge Love was a visitor at jon_one day ae it week. of Linwood, is s to CHURCH MN eae Kingston Standard. “Now supe mbt have Union about. church uae the religions de- { ‘death ‘passed He at wis ante near Hesso) LINWOOD TOPICS e Women’s Institut on Mrs. fue on Wert], 4th, at_2 p.m. Tribunals _ Or. The tri Pressey! in Lis- Qntari tras Service Kee to! port the those Deo ustave. eenesbor ae them pees mo) Wm. will te femoon. Mocricl oiler pacvont ee on Wednes st ee ing instead last, ste spending |ej oe a eaieeeagee See eee FIRST | COME, FIRS" ae will plications in Order in Which er are Received. of dhe claimant can a me Dersonalye if he so Paesives, = ating ee mber al orien of 4 ne and nd tribul lations of the | a: So trar under a ae ry | are Being! ‘0 by | examinations. go, ey a erase cnptn, ioe in be eau of the y_are sendi ate Dierlam and Sauetter|, pe rion Tri coe he only Toutes me! a istowel, spent Saturday Ss. se aajudents e the ls game, re Steck: nothi Hesson on Mon he’ trib Mr. ai ceived word on Sunday of the death emption is #1 ear before af lo pale ech ats y hndnae: Spahr re- Da BOF: hi ae Ver: Mabe rta Wagner*, Bese wane ‘following is: pie report of SS. n; for the months of bet Those eae @ ‘were ‘absent for one of more 1 ath-— Adeline Yost, Hazel Rid- Melos, irgaret Jean oR ie “Eddie eee ernal Tans Fred Hen mn, Adel ella Nettie Saete ne ers, Lloyd ene sue) , ‘Peat, Gaidles ge 1— Roe, Re Tri: Wilfrid Candler, "Siig Riddell*. rimer—Esther to ae Ee an e. im, and, where ex- mted, the certificates, B of their grandson, Mr. Oscar Berlett,|on the uanenons of the variou: He had ngeles, of Kitchener. Los just rere riting ie t will a] ‘and Mrs. J. W. Col-|cant tine “and Mr. me ‘Spahr’ AE e attend- ing the cere which hes place on. Wednestlay, at Kitchen: ir. Herman Foster aur “Tuesday anh cae coul fee . Henry Karley is on the sick | Thursday. "We wish him a speedy recoy- Ee rr. Aare oe dexs last week responsible to the people, and it i fhe People, therefore, who ulti rte not on! it Meg y Pe ea alee apr baby the teed ame of the patel Mrs. J. \ga2, Res Nbuc “day aie Miss pee and Mrs. Cha: Matthews, of |m We slednieits bag oe callers on friends | povlaaee irs. John ‘Klockman ‘and Miss Liz- “‘Rloekman, of Burns, spent Sun- with Mi stewart. Tg’ Wa. Gale, of Rabringville, fae Sunday with friends ban ur Ruby wate over Sun- with FPlanda at Elmi errill AS _accepted at|may sal- C. 0. Pherrill spent a aeys ‘ast Seeak with, Die Martyn, >., in Alvinston, having been call- ed, to the, funeral of the late Mrs. yn. Communion of the Lord’s Supper was prerevedts ua the Methodist church ‘M. preachers, as. we ved, as it. w culiarly sensitive “awhen_ our religious a ‘oes are trod ey open it perhaps the real reason of the Geilure of Church Union w uct these Aor but rather the fact ae ee a lack of vigorous leader rather, bids put, that ership ‘there is wile? There no power le: W | time.” lo ow case might be “Giffer rent—| etter as. it i than that Dies should come t Schnurr underwent ion Norman Ament spent Sunday | these, at Mrattord. cas Messrs. H. Fitzgerald, R. ne net Hayes spent Sunday at Be cas near Atwood. Mr. Lavelle Hayes and Shee motored to Milverton on Mon- en grante "Wiss Clara Bs is spending ed, crenata the findings Quai servi i the sfetiodit eiarel last Sunday. ntz of Waterlopy spent illness every da; es tribunals issue from his o: wher in w shoul spent the ras year for Be health. the tebe tors which the appli- a bet that is on thareday, pee Sot to}, The followin: Id be 0. 8, Mor forw: ober: \ Sr. ak Sit Thursday. {Diamond 2 Mary © Exemption Tribunals all over ie cei he “Dorothy Wagler 51. mntry “commence their labors next| Jr. 3rd—Liz: eee ng is the report for Ss ington, for the month 4th Christ Kuepfer 87, Geo. orry 66, Agnes zie Klockman 88, Eli eae three days | Albrecht 84, Noah Kuepfer 69, Ver- et Bete argar cumerent their claims er — Joi office. Following is Ima: "Total RAL e onica Wagler 57. ret Kerr Mos er 65, Clara Aimeent | 64, Gir: noe 50. mas Wagler, Katie Besides Kuepfer, » Norman Kerr. L. Tanner, teacher. eee the report of S.S. No. 0 pass. 210. ‘ hite 275, Fannie —Edna Smith Ate eee Russell be forwarded to in those cases where exemption S| @unice Parkins on °252, n | Lellan 203, Jack Smith tbo, i elool coals 161. 8rd—Edna Debus 227, Charlie through granting # pies 9 Broderi eee Pather ee at Hamilton ere. Mr Lorn a Sunday ‘sior wit The Ki the rected’ to ae a B, C and E Men Billie Coxon. Be Scale “Sei However Pp! ane Sars wil meet at claims will come before the fibun AG a ter Schmidt 199, _ Primer— Katie Smith. -—Harle Tye Posliff, Parkinson, Cook, ay Robbie Teacher. UST THE MODELS that all women loo! k for in the selection of coats for the colder you our up-to-date sti och $s §- warm and cosy, ie WARM HOSIERY—For Women and Chil- — _dren—Our shipment of Women’s and Childrens Hosiery has arrived from the mills. Our-stock of fine worsted hose is now complete in all sizes _ from 6 to 10. SWEATE We hav for the young men entirely new—no old The stockings are warm an nd very serviceable. Prices from 40c per pair up. ERS—Our sweaters are the “Best Knit” and “Perfect Knit.” light and heavy grades. _ 1,000 YARDS OF MILL ENDS_—Navy ad light prints, 34 inches wide, worth to-day abe yard, while they last, 20c per yard. We have them in Boys, come in and see this new creation. “COOPER” CAPS—Our range of Caps stock to show eer new goods, in plain and fancy styles. S on |; me e order LISBON. + . number from this _vicin- before the Me dical y at the regular after- prokeactvion: “Mr. James Lowrie, of | Tor ed core the past week with 1 a te ty. her ANGLO-FRENCH MARRIAGES here have been so many marriages between British soldiers and fair e that the authorities Figaro”) ee end in ‘WEED RAINCOATS—Our stock is very complete in fancy ee and plain. Prices_ CEs so PORES range from $10.00 to $15.00. ew furnace has beeh installed rside of Franc: VOGAN—PENDER % ‘he Methodist church Balas mere very quiet, but pretty, yedding € Nig aie xery tne foe place on Oct. 31st, a p.m., at St. James’ rectory, Stratford, when ‘adie Jean, only daughter Mr. 7 John Pender, of Mitchell, iceatlo the rtifi- |tox’s care. d|" Mr. George Foerster, of Linwood, ee on Rone friends here on Sun- Mir. lfred Kneisel and Mr. and Mrs. , Willi Becker and family mo- STANFIELD’S UNDERWEAR—Get your supply now, as we cannot get repeat orders on this underwear—the mill having sold out all stock. Prices are very reasonable. MACKINAW COATS—We have a few Mackinaw coats left from last year, worth $10 to-day, while they last, your choice for $4.95. FURS—All kinds of furs, such as Ruffs, Muffs, Scarfs, Etc. _Buy now and save money, SERGES—In the new shades, Burgundy, Navy and Black, worth to-day $1.75, at $1.25 per yard. » On g| Other consequence of this syst that since the qlebberanons ot the tribunal over a man in. other than|and M Category "A. will, simply. be 3 matter form, if anything like a larg # number of the a aan -five cases that HOY in ee a catee ry A, the teihunal wail have - t oe easy day o: v wr 3 — ood anding 0 fe * fuera is, othe Dae of his apriclee, {no bar to th riage. DIVIDED COUNSELS y_be requir- lea by by English law Tmuet ie be pro- ed with a translation of each of |M spending ‘a few weeks @ two-headed eagle of Russia , Jacob Wetlaufer, at New Hi ras a foe that {a Bvt to to erush her; But the heads cone Which the boss is to Re And that’s very good business for sia. —Reynold’s Newspaper (London.).’ _ Lichty_is very busy these days i £ men finishing the It ain’t the guns nor armament in pay, e co-operation win the day. ‘De . David Koch attended the Six rattord market on Sat Neca ‘Threshing is the order of the in ae micicite Walter Nicoch “ at present bus- ily Sees sawing wood. TRALEE Mr. Joseph O’Grady and mother e one day last week GROCERY SPECIALS whole; Malt Vinegar, 2 bottles for. . ut the everlastin’ team-work i ot every bloomin’ soul. London, where they will reside in the }s —Rudyard Kipling. | future. Political union has become an ac- complished fact, but church union still seems somewhat hazy. ATWOOD. Miss Ethel Gilkinson, ot Atwoo: week-end with Mr. Be Tomatoes, per can Drudge for cleaning, per can, Gloss Starch, 2 packages for.. Corn Starch, 2 packages for....... Castile Soap, 2 care for. Oranges per doz Brunswick Sardines, 2 cans ‘for. > BRING ee YOUR DRESSED POULTRY Chickens per . vs. .18 to 22¢ Ducks and Gane per Tb. Fowl per lb. Turkeys per Ib. Hanley and Thos. McKay returned to Niagara last week after spending a few days at their homes here. Thos. Armstrong, who invalided heme from France, ew days renewing ol tances around {Ss ‘Mary Hanley spent a few days recently with friends at Mac- jorman Cunningham, of Lon- was spent the week-end at his home spent acquain- The Military DON’T DELAY ! Do It TODAY THE MILITARY SERVICE ACT is passed; the Procla- mation issued October 13th. It is now the eer duty of every man in C One to report for service or claim exemption. This includes all bachelors and widowers without children (not otherwise excepted) who were 20 years old on the 13th October, 1917, and whose 34th birthday did not occur before January 1st, 1917. What To Do Go to your Post Office and ask for the form for rearing for service or _ for claiming exemption. rn contains clear instructions for filling ‘in. Do this not later than NO 7EMBER 10th. Beware of the Last Minute Rush With so many thousands of reports and claims to be dealt with, the rush of Class One Men will grow heavier day by day. You will waste less of your time and serve your own best interests if you avoid the inevitable — rush on the last days. , The law is being enf behind it. pend the Mis. M. Lursch, of Baden, visited with her son, » Mr. Fred Lursch, dur- Ing. the past ea imber from Mets attended the Faneral of the late . Girodat at camping ground 3 Hesson on Monday. Booth has sold ‘his farm to Mr. w "Hanna, of Eb Rey. D. Me Donald. “conducted CROSSHILL a Shantz and friend of ie waterloo, auent Sunday with Mr: ce 4 /byterian chur e. evening, Union service was held in the Metb- for Kitchener ie attend at the oplist chur ;|virs. Henry Thompson, of Wing- (Os OF Ray ciel SE SETS, fit He spent the week gad wit ee G sister, Mrs. x. Wohn. Vallance, Sr, of Grey, is visiting with Mr. and ‘Mrs. John Vallance. ‘Miss V Cross, of Palmerston, wa: the guest of Miss M, Sandford over the week-en: ni Nis Geor; tech left last eee W. K. LOTH MAIN ST., - MILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Waller of London, are visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. med Hinehley spent Sunday with we “Mrs. v Monkton. The township council held their re- gular meeting in the hall here last Monday. Mr. and Mrs, M. M. z and Mr. John Cai ‘ampb inet eee a eal trip to Kitchener last Monda: ogenoaiand <td little son, are visiting friends at ae = 2 = le a oko x BRUNNER : : ee Mr. Williams spent I 4 I th D he vwedeend with relatives in Clin- CARTHAGE ~ Tovpoli weet ES, ae seitianes ie McKay, of i ard hi » but time, d Mrs. C, Gerber, of Wel: visiting with her -sister, M. i rn aie e pinch, worth a DONEGAL Misses Annie and Lizzie Struthers spent a few days last week with their sister, Mrs. Geo. Robinson, of Mon- se shen ‘Sunday with Mr. Edgar Lines Sunday at the h home of Mr. and ziger. visited her dau; ad oe eeks with | 2 d Stewart Whitney | s T. Whitney, TS. ign rene spending e , en you are.out ends at Ae your pine ‘ontent. But, 1. you are part 0 » long ie fot, col ve a ins Mrs. ton, “of "Stratford, spent ine wee is ne “lof Drayton, on Sunda with friends her : Mi The mee vincs representation in the present and in the ne: e 0: ‘ommons is thus satio own: packer twenty? geet “Rd. e boys ne fhe front. made business en to ad village’ ‘on Aiton Henderson, nt een ne,.on, MPUEBY. boxes for Present Next 4 a 2 House. HESSON ieee friends here MeDermotty of Smiths a few days at her | New 2. 65 16 reed ed with the Government and the People firmly T13% Sey ae Falls, iss] q '. x |home here. Do it toda home here, e z seeks Givodat and ‘sons, sSoseble Sepp of Hanov feniiaa: oe funeral of the Tae Wm. 1 Saskat Sapa on = Seoletin “and Pauline Sch- ich, ms Wat round’ here” spending a : pe ee The Military Service Council bee