= mi : - WAR SEEMIGE BADGES. medically unfit. legged overalls of the farmer. Bi % ; 7.—They shall undergo re-exam-|there is 100 per cent profit in grow- < % = pour - Count ae ington We if oe to be still medi-| in; 1 eat and carrying en decide ‘ar Service cally unfit according to “Instructi cae big buckets of swill and cho} -hun- Pandora Conveniences | and Br. Georgé Rowland an-| Badges to all who have volunteered for. the Medical Examination of i ding the dairy cow wean, pe breeeonene “O age for service in the Canadian Expedi, craits, 1917," an officer on the medi-|so that she prodaces an abundance of “ i ” Sauehttey antic Macs ie ete ee: ouaiy: Fonog: uring” the _ present cal beard will Ail out the application y not a bee-line for The “Pandota Range has triple grate © Sea ara a an di rath is that those _ t she bea Saab 3 ‘Beaks ation for these badge: documents in support thereof. hat has no foun- pars that turn easily because each bar De eg eee eieela fox | momachs made in. writing, ereed 8.—Men who have been discharg-| dation in fact’ about. the. farmer’ is shaken separately. The firebox i Gena banderetiets, auatle 16 | “Wer: Servies Reczell Ahi wiressed der: Para. (3) KR. & talk : P y- . iS a rises eae » for and | to Assis ee ai utente Genarel, Milix for the Army or ander Para 822 (2) jin food: made smooth to prevent clogging of re kink danies nt Hibbert oe . No. 1, Lon- ©., for the Car ilitia, th ng wheat; pitching 5 : 5‘ Pidindaeat Mec tobe Li rt,|Gon, Ontani 1910, will apply for Class D badge in ng king cows an ashes and the ash-pan is large enough spent eee seeRee that anna aoe thee applica nk are required Se to\ those who, offered| all farm w a real man’s job, ’ Fas * < | to. mad ‘orms, whic! enlist prior to Aus 10th, 1917,) and the ogee or that work, owin; to hold more than one day’s ashes. ig He ne ee "rechnine hea Lee a may ee Attained by applying’ to, tie and had, : rejected as medically |largely to the number. of Pee F i 2 2 unfit, ey will present their i ich our economic. system has Write for booklet. suffering from an attack of the Se nc ee charge certificates, iar Shave oot been Hien > Ae Jaines “Wileow is’ spending 4 [fUN4 War Badges for “Service at the They undergo the same medical|enough to be considered a respec Ci at eee edave this week DP nee 2 | Front” will be required ap- as present physical Je income for a m: ith ability arys eet oere "and hon visiting friends /pjication for the registration of their Stncen inva! necessity lew cigiillity gs aroneriy. operate. wi farm. where : Me fu ‘Merryfield, reliévin: ba e purpose of receiving to ahs Class badge. is plenty of land in Canada. The be me The CER, just i ite f ac authorizing its wear. a 0 badges will be issued to|farmer extends an invitatlo ion, If any | PANDORA RANGE | jerg. 28 Seer esl Rego Se ae ie tne hen Poe lett for Chat. itia obtained on application. untt ioe military service during the |has the worst ofthe deal, to him the: x LONDON TORONTO | MONTR EAL _- WINNIPEG. VANCOUVER iam on Monday morning. 4.—A badge was at one time is-) in which enlistment has. been|man on the land says: “Stop talking; 2 Sas ST. JOHN, ONT AMILTON CALGARY “iMr. E, Reitael, who has been re- sued by the Canadian Patriotic Fund | ¢ on or any person who was held|come over and help us produce. We ~ ss 4 hTOON EDMONTON bt es Herts Rea eacite eae men who had proceeded to | medically unfit for reasons ‘ich a willing to let you try your ha: nd Es s ae eon eelaae in st vith his land only and who had been return-| NELSON C. MERRICK would now cause him to be placed in Tea 100 per cent profit on the: 4 oR For Sale by A. C. Clemens, Milverton | family for Kitchener, He Co ead oe cee Tront, Who has given up the blacksmithing medical category. °D, : Sena Slee at gnagens by HE. | Thi tadge ts hot now authorized and Te Spray soctnerneton . Monkton Men’s Pai Lea- | must nots Form Joe Clase Be bis return in November: THE FARMER'S ARMCHAIR | 2 EMERY CHIEF SPEAKER- AN AUTUMN EVENING. | Short Stories Retold. gue will meet in Erskine’s hall, Mon- War Service Badge = CRITIC. ween 01 ories 0) We ‘would be very greatly ioblie- Fone War. Service| © At the Waterloo County ‘eae les Dickens. ete ed if parties owing us would kindly es it ! Se: convention Galt, on Fri J. p f izes will be issued as follows: elyes for enlistment. in day, - Tt was pretty late in the aytamn Out of Order. ball burand settle betets Hoy. 185 6 aving enlisted in the "privy to “Aueust 10th, fee Sad Houde Ader at: Cowie, Preston, was élected president of the year, when the leclining sun. ee ee £S. TE Eocene CGH and have peen service at: the :beet tei as medically unfit or Farmer’s Advocate of this | 4. eo ul Kitchener, vice-presi- struggling through the mist which There is a darky in pees who |M. E. Bettg: i Co., Monkton. |, |front in the present have had enlisted prior to August 10th, | Week issues a sweeping invitation to} 4qon¢; Vish £ Ki obscured if all day, looked bright-jhas been forever in trouble with his ion, on Friday evening, Oct. 26th. |}een honourably discharged or have 1917, and had been discharged under the armchair critica’ If there is’a (Cents and P.. Fisher, of Kitchener, =" ly down upon a little Wilkshire vil- _ Hevis Fe i “a. divorce PAll Maes are Kindly asked to be pec ttained ti Ganadacan Soe eee e Ofer the army |L00 per cent. profit in farming let sores: treasurer. The executive lage, within an easy journey of the ee fis third dusky helpmate. resent. D. ¢ 11 (b)—Those having enlisted in the or under Para, 322 (2) Ae Canadien: them get into overalls and get some | committee is composed ot ae A. 8 fair old town of Salisbw it long ago ee Spleen) a bach- eee = Bonne nberts ie Well-| G1. and have seen service in Eng- | Militia, 1910 of it. Telling the farmer how much | Zuelsdorif, Miss M. E. Gi Miss ike a sudden flash o: pay a lor, remarked Me I» See unday at her home in|j,.q in the present war and have| 6.—Intending applicants for class |he makes and how easily he gets it L. Ziegler. It was Hecited “that. the spirit kindling a8 ee mind of an old| “Why don’t 1 ‘get m ¢ ge ice ote been honourably discharged on ac-|D will apply to a medical- board auth- |doesn't make the farmer's hair stay |next annual meeting will be held at n, it shed a upon. the the seene (tle down ? Wal, ‘Walter Th tell ae a jarge num Say young men count of old age, wounds or Sictciess foniecd: to ekaniine them “bi tais aie: ‘The cate, gives the ‘Kitchener. ‘The conve now in which ii be parted you u ee m in the market, but I come high. |have been st Strat ord recently tak: | whereby they have been rendered jtrict to whom they must present folowing right-hand jolts on record its appreciation of the ef- Ke freshness seemed to live again. a ete ee ind a nice sweet girl Mie rs ee tak hick pen. | Permanently unfit or further mili: | themselves in preson. ‘The time and| “Up. to dat ave noticed |forts of . Hall, M.P.P., for South : t grass sparkled in the light; the wee atleast two hundred thousand Pace ae eee hee foe Hen Rae | tary. service. lace of the sitting of the board may jany those immaculately dressed | Waterloo, the interests of panty oo ea at Es e | dollars in “her own name I'm going Sera vell-tob the sane saul e)—T haying enlisted in the |be obtained by ees to the A. , who hold down comfortable, |teaching profession, and partieularly edges —w few. green tr ab class speaks well tor ne roe u nity. |C-Ef. and served in the present ja ondon. ‘will produce |Hiting chairs five or six hours a day in connection with the passing of th ae Ail together ravel Se maging | ei e victim of three ee We Pe oP i tine tesco icles ke have been honourably discharg- | proot ey ates) oe ificate of e-\and call it work, an for a pas- | recent isuperannuation b ill. The chist Ry AEN aU Si pres oe sera hite se rere te ave tO Lot Master [ed from the C.E.P. on account of Olds fection sf such has been given them |time call the farmer the real profit- speaker was mery, B.A., , winds pene eer Ee eee are ere straightened up on a Tatuon, the iveyear-dld son of Mr (2°: Wounds or sickness, whereby |or by statuary declaration or other-|eer—the only man making - | Str ratford Normal ‘School: who gave eid nightanes mp the see Ss ee i es Lawson, the five-year-old son of iup. (they have been rendered permanently |wise that they had, prior st |day, ete.—discarding their silk shi addresses, one on “The Present Fe a ec genee ganiins che (ie: bar ie sutitale he. Aad See Laweyen: iat «whe. Hee s ROP /unfit for further military service, | 917, offered themselves for and creased trousers for the dark- | Trend in Geography,” and the other 2 birds Bogan to sir Sand, j the |me: but it suttinly do, look to, me| iy /soon take a turn for the better (d)—Those having offered them- |enlistment ‘land had been rejected as |colored print shirt and the stove-pipe ‘on “Nature Study and Literature.” the d ejcheap, for a handsome w'ite genle-|and thus relieve the terrible strain — 2 hopeful creatures half, believed that|man, s as you is. Two hund’d|Which his parents are undergoing. } winter ha yy and sping had'thousand dollars—huh! Ef ever! Mrs. Draper Battin, of Logan, come al van its out of de mess I'm in wid dis|spent @ day this week with her par- - pering spire of the old church glis- here present nigger woman, I’s gwine | ents, Mr. and . Wilson Ranney, 2 tened froni its lofty station i -|be priceless !” of Milvert : tea pathy with the general gladness; and meetin: e Session and the e fron they Menitiowamencks eee Board of Managers was held in Knox : : gleams of light shone back upon the No Accid church on Tuesday evening, when de- glow: Gi , that it seemed Bs if the bape h occas 1 gat peers Sonvint a wb uiet ildings were the hoardin; ments completes ‘or attending ie yaa ipa G Hap bite Bo igo 8 At eons small West Texas pam out in| meeting of the Presbytery at Str i their raddiness and warmth were | ‘2° try, interest was on the eal et witl r e ee. witl Even those tokens of the season |9” centered: Bice the. feat bae as booth 1c Coming: weiter eraeed:the landscape, |Woucet licked | slightly ee on Saturday even- Ractes the rcment, finged its tive: {22 po ee official in charge and gave ing by dropping down several feet lier’ features with no oppressive air|* Wiiniy anes bpaoite through a culvert on the sideroad be- aa Fe ae PPro with |,, Gubly answering the questions put [tween the 14th and. 16th, of Elma. Which the ‘ground was strewn; gave font im, e met: with the ques-| The council are looking into the mat orth a pleasant fragrance, and, sub- i er Ss len placed planks duing SR ce epeeaa’ ok dietan’ ore e aay ay accidents 2” on before-attempting to cross. feet and wheels, created _a repo: begs eae oes Mrs. Murray Patterson entle unison with the light scatter- |)... yS¥eT had any accident in your from their holid: hither and thither r by the pCR esos and noiseless passage @ of the lore ait turn rich bro hand | ped of all their garniture, The centre of ite little heap ror brie ht | hing their up, as though they had been burnt. About the stems of some were piled, | the apples they set its brightnes lustre ont ae dyin; am ent ae ss = lor ry was m beneath the. Tong, Mane Mines. ot hill “and cloud ir} ot irds were silent; and m of winter dwelt on every- HESSON Martin, of pireitord around her with fri . Vollmer, of Che sbending & a ‘tow lays aroun, ee ind Mrs. George Logel spent Sunday’ te this vicinity. Miss Mary Basler was the guest of Miss Katie Schiebel on Sunday. Getil, the infag aon of ‘Me. and jugene Helm, deid on Sunday. lace to e 5 cemetery on Monday. The sym) athy of this community is extende and Mrs, Helm. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schedawitz, of ae with Mr. Wm. oe life 2” +4 “Nope. Rattler bit me once.” | “Don’t you call that an accident 2” eee | One of the Family. itable globe, oP) taken on her- first pone to see the animals at the Bronx her, eyes bugged almost to that ? s esha aske said a sophisticated friend reading (hte of 6 see A Rising Market. _A New York broker was advised by spend a weeks i in ) runnin: er, | which the doctor thought would dis- r the influence of a ysician desiring to kee |touch e record of his eA ‘morning and e' roker agreed; ‘and-at the end first day in the West he sent the Following telegr: emperature bully! Opened, 97; closed, eee Ikey Wanted a Straight Salary man of . son 0! ed: into ihe United sight of a giraffe browsing in| A sident of a little place in the dea’ have returned Miss Alberta McNaught, we regret to hear, has been indisposed for a few days. Mrs. Fred Armstrong is at present visiting at her parental home in Seb- singville, Mrs. Norman Ross are at don, this locality in the Frederick A. Reih), died at es, of Walton, daughter in Ellie been a resident of this. locality tor over 5 MAITLAND . William Killen, of Port Car- has been visiting friends in nae Elma and Grey, for a few returned home again last than three theshing ma- h of ea e teen going to United ‘States which is designated on armiories. It would ans map as New Yorl ‘ity sends ajhave b more convenient if which he claims had its the board had sat at stated intervals ing t a efeaits oe Aisposed of by the medical a |board ther rr of bas spent Sunday at his home her tip-top i icer’s uniform, so May fe ig. apple butter is the’ order cena said ‘im. “Tike: ae of the n’t you a commission?” “No,” promply. repifed They. F dont vant|s uy arte oon omce. for “fine: Fol cae I Sie: it e straight | Pune: lary. now how many |==—=—— FRO FOR PORK TO DROP. F ‘am going to tall?” Ch f B : At a, meeting of the American eae an ess eat Packers Association held’ at ge Of busin Chicago on Friday, there were ex- Postmaster Hanks, of Croydon, ran wessions of opinion that meat may|the general store as well as the post| Having rent ade the: the premises and e cheaper before many weeks, Pat- ice and one summer morning a|taken over the butcher business of rick Cudahy, of Milwaukee, . said: | lanky youth slouched in, removed his|Mr. John Schade, of Monkton, I am “There just as much meat and |battered straw hat and said: yw prepa) 0 meet the Rais of more in this country that a ye: yi Hai un’erstand there’s|the public ie supply a Be = i. ago, I believe that hogs will sell at two letters bey for me — one wot|cured meat sau lard, $10 per hundred this winter, probab- }come a mont and one wotjcome | Fresh and ait fish wile ae be tot ly during February and March. They|last week. afeared. my 'folks|in season. Terms strictly cash. now $18.65 for top poe must be sick, or else they wouldn’t actor which will tend to lower pork|be writin’ b often. Let me REINHOLD YENDT. e ait, kes a long crop of a short b*" Had a Splendid Cau: peniet the “J haven’t any vee see aout i hav eee Thousond doll: yu have the | est case ever f handled,” said you never go to priso: that sum.” And the client didn’t—he went home broke. W. D. Weir’s Sale Register bare ee 29th—Real Es! Milverton. tate for last page. economy if 2 oe wactis-|have them my is a evonde ‘ul factor | Hanks?” 7) Hi Le ol pris with | ver os at es hotel, | Your ord letters will The postmaster glared at the youth. “No, Peleg Anderson, I won’t let ye have them letters till ye settle fur that lot 0’ groceries wot's been ow- in’ so long!” cae young man took out some oot Kin settle half the account, Mr. as "he said. pie aid the Postmaster er,-in a ive re Pp in’ full, Peleg Andee an’ xe ell att agents for the largest counter check book firm in Canada. will receive Prompt at: ee at ‘The Sun ot Wouter ft =| | § 8 | The Sun Office Wrappers ' eS PRINTED Why Canada Needs More Money P to date the war has cost Canada about $700,000,000. Canada has spent in Canada over $400,000,000 on her own account. Canada has spent in Canada on behalf of Great Britain over $300,000,000. What Canada spends for Great Britain is really loaned to Great Britain and will be repaid or credited to Canada later on. Great Britain needs so much ready cash to finance her own expenditures at home for herself and for our Allies that she must buy on credit from Canada, every other country where she credit. Of course Great Britain's credit is so good that other countries, in order trade, are quite as willing to give as we are in Canada. Canada wants to help Great Britain not only because Canada wants trade but because we are Canada Great Britain—both members of great Empire, kin of our kin, our mother- land. For Canada it is both a filial and patriotic duty to supply Great Britain’s war needs and remember, her needs are our Also it is in Canada’s self-interest to supply those needs and thus keep open needs. a market for our products. * * * Now, Britain needs our wheat, our cheese, cattle, hogs, and many tured articles. Canada also needs many of these things —between the two it amounts to more than a million dollars a day in cash. for rent, materials, ete. They must be paid in cash, or its equivalent. “So Canada says to Great Britain:—“‘I will lend you the money so that you can pay cash to Canada’s producers for what you want. “T will borrow this money from our own Boonie just as you borrow money from your peopl me will ‘also borrow from the people of Canada money to pay cash for all the pro- ducts that Canada, as well as Great Britain, and from can get to get her her credit Britain’s ~ needs in Canada.” and she is That is Canada’s practical, patriotic the same part in helping to win the war. Without this credit the Canadian pro-| ducer could not sell to Great Britain, and without these Canadian products the war would be prolonged. So it is necessary for Canada to give to Great Britain the credit in order that Canada’s own producers, who need amarket, will have one; and in order that Great Britain which needs the products to win the war, will get them. * * Now how does Canada get the money by which both Canada and Britain can pay cash for Canada’s products? By borrowing it from the people of manufac- And the producers must be paid in Neither Canada nor Great Britain Canada through the sale of Can Victory Bonds to be offered in November. ‘That is why Canada’s Victory Bonds. Gould go to a Canadian farmer and buy © are offered to the people—to raise money his wheat or his cattle on credit. to help to finish the war. ‘The farmer and all other producers “Canada must keep her shoulder to the might be ever so willing to give their wheel even cgi it be a chariot of fire," country credit but they mad not do it and the way for Canada to keep her because they have to pay cash for wages, shoulder to the wheel is by buying (seeker aaa ¥ = / i | t. ‘Phone 7 5)