From Era’ Green Ile FROM SUNSET. COAST NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE | wHar THE WESTERN PEOPLE, Ba ~ARTILLERY DUEL-IN FLANDERS => AGAIN RAGING FIERCELY 2 LAND'S SHORES. ARE DOING. Bombirdment Calculated to Level German Defences and Prepare - z a For Infantry Advance. Happenings in the Emerald Isle of | Progress of the Great West Told, ; 2 7 2 Interest (o Irish- fn a Few Pointed if A despatch from London says: The} stances. North-west of Bixschoote a Pas artillery duel in Flanders has again the French have enlarged further lt Lge te increased to greatest intensity, | ening ma le on Wednesday. South- ‘A resident of Ardmore, Portadown, hitmore & Orr have located a} reports the Gein general staff. The| west of pias, in .the region has ae = ina fortnight by the miata “coppersver-iead lead on. bombai 2h nt has been especially | south of Langemarck, the French have es of ef their M. & K. group at Legate creek,| S be heavy on the Belgian coast and from’, ate some progress into thé German sale of works of art was held in sees river. : Bixschoote to Hollebeke. {in atthe cere in aid of the Irish ver shingle giao? The Anglo-French guns of all ¢ a Bxcent for several local raids by We Hospital Devos au ing =) 800. tae ‘ecided a oppose the demands| bres are evidently engaged in level-| the French, there has been no infan- A new summer Oa en for|of the shingle weavers for an cight-, . ing t acthan'’ deteriee;* positions, the oe line from St. the use of the re os heh en: hour ie ‘with ten hours’ pay. - prevacid the Bis for another thrust | se Hs to the Swi order. e ed at Rathdrum by Sir William Fry. Word has. been received from Otter Irish Times Fund, in aid of the| Point that; the traps:are making full “ of the infantr, oe rench and Geriet guns, however, The only ‘thn engagement has a saan place on the line between | al ego e Aisne front, in Champagne Ypres and Dixmude, with the French | and on both banks = the Meuse in the troops the aggressors in both in-| Verdun region. RUSSIANS CHECK FIGHTING BILLION ENEMIES. widow and children of the late Inspee-| catches of salmon. Most of the fish tor Mills amounts to nearly £1,400. |are sockeyes, but there is a smatter- ‘After. making. several tests of the) ing of springs and-« new potatoes, Athlone farmers de-| Gunner Robert Easton, who left = scribe the crop as the best in ten Vietoria with a draft from the 5th ake of Connaught’s Hospital| was injured during a een air for Limbless Sailors and Soldiers at)raid over Folkstone on May d Compa: of thee: lati 3 ENEMY | er War Stren th of bells Se 3g Bray was formally opened by Lord) The value of the British Sehamabia! , rf igerents. | : Si Wimborne. batt a schooners has been’ ‘The Huge German Liner Vaterland Flying the American Flag. The telegraph and postal sub-offce| 8 the splendid performance, i: ae the Geraldine Wolvin, which a Photograph taken just after the Stars and Stripes were raised on board the Hamburg- ‘American’ liner “Va- |in William Street, Newry, A terland.” She was the largest passenger vessel in the world at the outbreak of the war, Fifteen other German ere oy order of the Post fice au- be ae recently, 49 days mut orities, ae Govrnmentt:and the: yrork ofitittine them out for SeSNanor hs ‘soard of Guardians of Derry| With an increase of from practical- ustro- ier Forces Are Bein, ¢ tieee in the colonies that have been| Held Back. sintched fron her AnaiacHunear | ioe ak Be ela -pumted te cameleon. ‘The engines abicy ike German crew sought to déstroy will'soon |) TRG Hoenn ne of citizens fined ly nothing to sixteen million dollars in ‘A despatch pe London says: Ap=|has a population of 61,506,000, Tur-| je Repairs @ repairs to the Vaterland cost, more then $1,000,000. BAY neglecting to have their children | the value of the shipbuilding industry Gacepated: in and around Vancouver within a parently the Russians have checked | key 21,274,000 and Bulgaria : greatly the Anstro-German advance in} The combined populations Bilis we iM ki f th W | “$1:15 to $8.75: canners and cutters, $5.25 NEWS FROM ENGLAND ‘The Victoria Cross, which was given | Year, there has bos : ron h in the! Galicia and Bukowina, as no. notable | 878,000, [mar ets e e Wor. fiote. ep aa on fe ee ieterialinm: Jones for heroism | Population of about advances have been made by the Teu-| - Against the Central Powers are ar- so. to $1 1303 light ewes, $8.50 aft i 9 db: In addition to pia aaa at tad ris 3 4 4 y — at Rorke’s Drift in 1879 was sol y tons since the Russian line stiffened.|rayed Great Britain, France, Russia, ae ‘ te aren Ne i are! ga Era ee Portugal, al, Ru-| oronto, Aue. Toniatitobe wheat— ors. Sia to $15) suring lambs, $18.78) NEWS BY MATL ABOUT JOHN) paward Lupton, barrister, has been fons of a similar nature have broken} ao yin Gostone Oe week: | Seaver ites nee Pa i ee igs so Neriner rags AG Ney, acter oo te “hehe é cats, $17.25; do, £.0.b., BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. appointed Divisional Justice peas 5 \s Fok- > an rae | 8187 Ghat lest to Field Marshal von Mac-|Siam, with a combined population of. lam: ° 0) NU™ner ore soi to iL Bg. good ‘Aus 1d Gholes Ste! Hower — reached ae aeons sy ensen’s men, They have attacked | 1,009, 681,000. track Bay bof pete Noe ee ai Fra 35 ee cows, $6.22 | Occurrences In the Land That ‘ooked food depot was recently fore ‘ot Bertin ayn ihe Laser Fait [an expats cf 2028 195 senate Mnlen-| tree ee peas led a e cri Mey loge | emai Dapreme tithe: Ce opened’ in Limerick by the Lady The number of prisoners taken|'The nations of the Entente-American| nue og oir eee ee ee lag denied sg epee Mayoreds, to supEle Steep Ts vo the) Columbia has begun. to assume im-| Ey the ‘Teutony in this region is re-|allies cover an area of 34,502,082) 10% addi Heages he tO 82.88, ‘Tie Wat ones calling for laun- | citizens and. is Delng, largely? portance from the standpoint of the| ported to have reached 9,300. square miles. No, fees ena r drymaids, cooks and housemaids to tes {forest fire danger. Already a serious gh ale Lorch nominal, a, according 15 sels ge aia ‘A request made by the magistrates | forest fre i aay a eacat | Bi ecruouay sie ie: Alles gre freighis outside se epithe of Ballymote district/sthat: .therPetty |outprenic has bee soporte Soe ee RESTRICTIONS ON USE }seventeen times the size of their op-|""Harley-—Miaiting, nominal, according to Sir Howard Frank has purchased | ot aera eee athly instead of | Vicinity of ' : rt OF WHEAT AND BEEF "ponents. Pte igh ae. CROP HEAVY the old Beachy Head lighthouse, which fo rcehely has been granted by Judgo| Mr. Samuel. H. Hopkins, B.S.A.! Wakely. leis $10 46 $1180; calves, good to = auction for £110. rk an The continuance of the marked hot tracl ‘ Fate res ecleat® combined national wealth phar goes ce i is said t to hay whe £20,000 to ull ej H a lespatch from Ottawa sa: e-|Germany an a-Hungary is{, Manitoba flour—First. patents, in jute Se al R. Dalton Cuming, who of assistant provincial live stock, finite regulations, to come into effect| more than $100, in ae iO; Urhatond: Ree Teay: Sues eee ieee eG : yc|'8 serving as a temporary captain, R. Se? “Anthony Maio ae wah i at once, for restricting the use of beef,| bined national wealth of the United) 8% $1200 wing aig oe ean Harvest Work) y.R,, has been awarded the DBOss. (Se eevacay Pris yep 2 bacon and white bread in public eating | States, Great Britain, France, R Russia! sa mpg, $11.20, in bags, track ‘Toronto, —Root Crops Thriving. Mrs. M. A. urt, M.B., has been Drea hoe ae struction for Duncan an pee icc Tosbne the use o: es Italy is something like $250,000,- romp shipm ee ot, detivered sfontyeal| A. despatch from New Piven appointed pg ree medical health Manne, KC, has” been ap-| iets of North and South Cowichan. wheat in the distillation or manu-| 000,000. trelghts® bags incladed—Bram, per to Sees TA officer and. school medical officer for|..M. J: Kenny, FO Des ecutor for| , The facture of alcohol have been promul-| The four Central Powers are _less| $86) shortoyper ‘ton, $5 rmiadiings, ao Shia the past few days wad x one Holland, Lines. ales iy of Der fn ihe: (plac? ee ies ob g eens Sp than nies hid th the Seeds size in bape fs ce ae ae a = ¥ Bs hay fields, The) « at challenge cu cup, p, given by Be ae bi a a EC, a £ e 5 mate nee 1 Dominion of 2.00; ‘mixed, pet ton, 49 10" 810, track |hay erop is perhaps the heaviest on) Pmt. sa res Baca fare on 0) ‘Edward ee M.C., of the m Tuesdays and Fridays, and at| ° The normal war strength of the ofomto. ar tots, ver ton, $8.00, track | record for this district, and for thet! Jo, by mus Royal Wield Artillery, who was Sort proposal to effect an affiliation of) ‘Toronto reason considerable difficulty is Bees Si ekor Bae es _ Sita FAG ly killed in action, was a son Col- the pilotage boards of als four placey: EUUReitoe Motiea coca teeed nats latronttcntdsreseéves,-Udtsaew than Country Produce—Wholesale edie el: e cut, Rarm,| ket, was fined £20 at Old Street Po- ee Mrs.’ Kilkellyy Drimeone, Mr. Albert G. Lan, ME, cake, potatoes, ete,, must be provided | 10,000,000 men. The’ total available| . Butter—Creamery, solids, per 1b.. 36 to| thes at en ay it. us| lice: Court for imposing a condition in| CMN2F> : ae at every meal at which white bread is| unorgani: Sokei‘beapta por thy Sth to Sher “dairy, thelr hay, repors that slveady he sale of he seiiany One ee ry unorganized normally of these coun-| S88), PURtS Bor Hecate al act uolenatany wan [See mele oe erate, ROE es Beep arte Li 7 cactus Waleteia onlay the-ekpree-| tics 1s mare than 16,000,000 yien, “al” Reeser fo, 31 gd & sailor, F ¥ "| to Lieut.-Gen. Sir Arthur’ Currie’s d 88c, has been twice tor- sion “bacon” includes cured (either| grand total of more than 28,000,000 wy noleselers arb selling Eaton, Royal Irish Fusiliers, in Au- te peani a i men. © Trade, through its council, virtually fell into line with ‘public organizations of the ther sets in at once a coneiaerae portion of the crop will rot. The al- fed and twice lost all his belong- stal ae insisted on giving £1 to Church hat gestae pene to his mio district engineer of the astern Min- Surve pickled or smoke) sides, backs, : et ais tenes tateee a : ; : 224 NoSuaes eine 38 {0 es "old | most tartentnke Re Bacay. last hier by the Wat e and any, oe what istermed, in) The normal war strength of the En- i350" wing 0a: Knocked down grain also to some.ex- ee enn: BO ee ee ear hcyiss Baka Oe aie ire sides. ,| tente Allies, peace strength and re-| Butter—Fresh dairy, neler S to Be3 tent and the Gat of dry weather Charles nezioh ee the Grove, Ham- Guardians states that a’saving of £301 bane at Revelstol sll a a eI ica aa ten a One eee eintenat tothe fay | mersmith; was fined £5: fon.s diéplay-|y 20 cn eter ny ine cbecdistey gah ohne ancouver tho, Lyall NO MORE M MEDICAL ME about-“21,000,000 men. ‘The total| °ne¢s—New lata, im cartons, 45 to 480; |anq ‘rain, tomatoes, cabbages, cu-| ine for sale Me ata ainataghecsis pce Meme lt aha oe Shipbuilding | Company, ich has Bee eat aN BRITAIN fee Diese oreniized: ug rman chile ous aE se ensierye-Spring chickens, 25 | cumbers and all root crpps are thriv- that és by the pee oe, tes well satisiie tely acquired the Fell fill_on the of these nations is 61,000,000 men.|to ger fowl, 20e; squabs, per doz. $4 | ing as never before in Nortl y.{,, Sir Cooper Perry, of Guy's Hospital, | mmates are oe x neta of D. L, 265, including the}! A dbspatch from London” says:—) The total is 82,000,000 men {0 $4805" trkeeya, 25 to" abe; “duos, | NE iD jas beet lected vice-chancellor of th ot ape oe Wallace Shipyards, expects to’ lay : ‘The Earl of Derby, Secretary of State| Combining all the belligerents there tario. Labor on the farms is still very| tyniversity of London, to succeed Sir the keel immediately for ‘the: first! _ for War, was informed by the Central normally would be available for fight-| 9,2 | Alfred Pearce Gould. JEWISH CORPS of the six wooden ships which” this So Tr aetl alt case tiie) ig vecnataLAgeates LO)BODSQOD. cab {2 Signet." corib Simsera “Ynw’ aad ncavy! a” Cate east baby wood f=, William. Cope, the oldestbellringer company has contracts to build for Vi ii » $2.75; at $2.50. te ii ‘ Seiptemaiiar suerte. int et vy the United Staten ples 9 Bibra, Wiotaats 2S teow lange extent be discontinued, | BUENA, We posers ae Ueox| RAISED ‘IN LONDON Sa oC count ab aaugedne dia mahiy” ae dertors. toe | (00,000 mote available, meles'a grand weet i per bush: | due to the fact that bark on the puIP| ctor, after sixty-five years’ service. livery in the, urban portion. of. Saa- | Decletl coterie he: commits | total Ap TBD,000000 sone ee rena Ehmmma, por Ho 8 stax ‘oe, | imbene THC Bp a hea “A large number GP Nottinghamshire E Tis aettnost a | tee’s announcement was made after geste pbl., $5.25; North, Carol nas. new, bbl, |e. *| colliers have been ordered by the There Are Now ww 40 000 Jews in dineyssion that when it was reported FF 253, ill tighten almost any day now. ‘ + e ' + ‘a thorough canvass conducted by it. $5.35; seconds $4.00; Ontarlo, bag. $8.00: | wi At! Magistrates-to pay substantial dam- % wa to the Maplelpal: Coun- Members of the committee express-| CONDITIONS IN PALESTINE ovine pe: te ee Jumber mills ages for being absent from the pits the British Army. cil that all the necessary require- | d the hope that the solution of the| > RE WORST POSSIBLE.|* syonea meate—Hams, ao eo tttoustiout the country wages.are be-| ‘Miss Annie Jones, a middle-aged] A despatch from London says: Un-| ments of the postal department had | difficulty will be found in a supply of giof dor heavy, 20 to Ate: cooked, 41 to | ne increased 10 i iho Par with) munition worker of Forest Hill, was) der a recent agreement between. Rus been complied | with, and. that. the! doctors from the UnitédStates, say-| | A despatch from New York says:|!2¢;, sali ee "ei ui eeeeey werely “this count , . awarded £250 damages for injuries re-| sia and Britain a Jewish corps is be-| service would’ be inaugurated »with-| 0, to 4 bata eabpacks ceived while alighting from™a tram-| ing organized here. ‘There are 20,000) out delay, the councillors contented’ mi ing that they believe that thousands of | Conditions in Syria and Palestine are |less. medical men there are willing to come ceed to be the “worst possible” by| og¢8%°4 The™ leat Long clea bacon, 26 to car. Jews of military age in London alone. | themselves with filing the letter. oto ro en der oa by aot, Ses SENATE, CARRIES [¥en fas Sha ata ee lh eRe Ye A on etecul ous routes has just; reached | (int alls, 26 to Bebe, come as presented to Eton College steal ish army, 32,000 of whom are Englis! ANOTHER SUBMARINE: SUN! New ae Eee Pe eters a0 eae aca a adc Library a complete. set of Bae W5| Jews, and 8,000. from ste Empire| TUBERCULOSIS AND FOOD. ean Committee of A i nee CONSCRIPTION works in memory of his son, 5 I r of the new cor} Met BY AN UNARMED STEAMER) (rule, antics. | Montreal Markets Battersertes : avtonk, 8 fee the Zion Game Want of Proper Nourishment May Bo, A despatch from London says:—| The committee's informant, whose | wentern, No. 2 M4 to Bios do. No 4, aay pets Watt composed of Russian , Jews recruited) a Forerunner of Dread Disease. Another unarmed merchantman has|name is withheld, said there were eg extra No. 1 feed. $1 to Sze. Bar’ | Nine Amendments Voted Down; PRISONERS OF WAR. in Alexandria, which corps’ gave | While sunepiaty is caused by a’ u fe to ‘ a at “pate SA airmen Measure Adopted Without ili os service at Gallipoli. Eight thou- wat mown germ, we often have a! fate of Captain Charles Pryatt of the, P°.i t, owing mainly to a lack - of | $12.50: strong bakers’, 912.303 ) Wir cae ‘The Numbers Indicated in the Latest | 8and Jewish soldiers now in Britain | right to o miuitiont of its coming, British steamer Brussels, who was| Medicine and scarcity of doctors. The Be 0, to $12.00; do, bags. $6.00 to $6.15. Division. f Reports From. thé Belligerents. will pans form a stiffening corpa:| from want - of proper nourishment, executed in July, 1916, by the Ger-| Poorer classes have been wiped out Rolled oats—Harreli, $2.00 to $9.25; 4o.| 4 despatch from Ottawa. says: : s ‘This would seem to be a forerunner of mans, for attempting to ram a sub- by starvation, he said. In Lebanon ae 0 Ups $440 $0134.90, Bran. $45.1 tse wine amendments to the mnotion| Late reports show, that” about. .2,- BIG: MIDWAY. FEATURE. the true disease of tuberculosis. Haring the tiatige at phe cantattisavig, ve, sew aly, vilinges: and:towns with~| Mowe ud $1030, Guee ver |for the third reading of the Military 000,000 prisoners, mostly . Russians, is want of nourishment is to be| crew of the steamer‘and particulars | Ut @ single inhabitant. Finest westerns, ts. Sastre: | Service Bill had,been presented and| re now Held ae the Germans, In the Sensation at Panama Pacific Expos: accounted for im-several ways, The concerning ans achievements cannot ——~—__ ac | ButiarGholce creamy. 394 | in turn been declared defeated, that Saher years. of ths war re than tion to be Seen at Toronto. digestive system may be naturally, e_ publishes t ore “5 2 0 priso1 ae ied in rmany The captain and crew of the vandal agg eas LOURS A i oF Ne: #3 stock, 3 fone, Bi Potato ithe: oy Hears Had it ee from a aa and disease. The feos Lp eae ‘Shows A however, haye been presented with eS NO MBS: | Her base par late $200 10 £200, amended in certain respects in the Up-| Russia has spesorimstely a million | Will provide the Mi vt hibi 24 nd hol, eating rapidly when physically or» sen 500 by fie William J.-atem, chai Grain rigoners, of Wl the Canadian National Exhibition, ani , of th in Steam Navigution| aA, despatch ‘from / Hazebrouck, Winnlper per Chamber, it would now be ready | i 0,00 Corts thelr dee dee eam, Navigation | France, paiya:, Belli dnedichieneicers| 1, Northern fa, Teale eelees ayes | wuemeceaes Sher Gaz grnac-Ganprete ai nants ents red oe ee . are trying to discover the nature of | N°; 8 do. No. fo. 6,|sent and so become law. As it is, | oy ‘Allied nati nave betwacn them | no matter what one wishes to te ee ‘0. 4 |however, the bill Bes be returned to| the Allied nations have between Se Nore Be jcimanten teezaenll Gils The increase of tuberculosis of late chan; e ‘ ber proper chewing or mastica- tio 2.035 Ne FOOD FOR S ahentaaa a ners Peet ce is believed for meine ue Xe ae hes SY 2 e- Commons, e nges. «Oy e, ns Bi te—No. e i . ‘9 Pda IS OFTEN WASTED. French town Spighiak Ae taets fies | ON Hiss extig No. feet Ze, x sede Deane Seawtars will be dlususs= 800/000 wens taken last year. The | Something worthy of patronage. “CAS | 1i,6 countries is largely due to. tho i ce Belgian frontier. “The poison be feet : {OW atl; fed and concurred in. Only one of French sh enh plo ea cent tn hit ACE tL ep PA a [gum terns Pauanui Be ome ea ey age of food from the despatch by rela- temporarily eee cTarge number of OW Hs ac AE provides that no prosecution for ang font an aren aezed andthe etrable darkness and absolute ~ quiet ’ violation of the Act or the regula-jians and Turks were Sages’ at Sor and solitude, cas wonderful tale of the tions and friends of parcels containin, a fortnight ago but its x : f Bie ce Safer eine ue Sa SR md Eg eT eaten ten," i ee ra distant forces. More than one half of SS beeaberc gti 24 h—No. 1 Northern.| mpig eae aes in| While the majority of war prisoners folded day fi day, each incident, as rbody will be~partly. starved and sls the parcels containing foodstuffs _ar-/ PRISONER: : ant aie fs, oats |-Taty armen ent, Ne told in the first book of Genesis, being| °° ny eiartqaite., anh i Bene S-EXPOSED No. 3 fhe, cc a stance of the Government. itself, is| are put to ee think of the problem | #1 fully and pater Ik, worked out ease germs- will thrive in. the: di Packages often are ' returned insu A despatch peek ae EAD Ne 0 [regarded as a pawl aes oe of, feeding. them! : a por erased ta every detail,,even to | °Mt tissues. This occurs more otien clentlyaddvessed or unknown) i these| French authorities learn: that. ie 2 seers veeventine beets pat the appoaranes af Adaicand:tho'eres [en the lungs, than Aupeiere tise copitentdy.are found to contain| th nights of July ian that uring Heiner GBtober and November doh" |proseeutionsy "cA lob OF exeilt 18 ing thevaien Why.{tidn Ot Eee. Hat peal dab unite ay tale opaltionds = nis oe such h 8S OES, butter, sausages planes bomba iediaievae aud Essen, Live Stock Markets | += | ENGLAND EXCLUSIVELY hare ithe ‘agama ser es Venus, the most spel sert — i Pee auNeeniGne y in varying si of putrefacti at Germans f 2) -moronto, Ai ‘rom Great itain in the ex-|the world, is another feature, ant to lish qptvonens th of ae Brg: steers, “hy 3 ae i an heey i RONGE BOATS, isting atl of travel on the high | there are rides and pony, shore sul = Lone Tatars faa vo ce Sues ce ne : ; s % tchers’ cattle, 2 A ‘ oe mminole cae! ot of. es ies fate t Karlsruhe, to: leave their A despatch from oat boned sayst ale ao e varie girls and.a bose of lying cites old, or physically defective, ‘will suet f ean anrers and rernsin inthe fe open villege eioncati oat: fc |despatch to Reuter’s Limited from] -, N° pee ER ile hice aa nk eet ata . |have to take the responsibility of Png most probably would be ‘hit in chole Amsterdam says it is reported Kone | farm for raising pees one s, but moisture by pasa eul-| case Karlsruhe were raided. ‘The men! do. : teerhact bance thax Cocmany inrendayo@r theyre, Disced On the same| Among the latest anifary appl tivation and avoiding root injury dur-| were compelled to remain in these owe; choles, $8. $8.75: do., good, | shortly to concentrate her submarine round year after year. The orchard| ances for public ree places is ing cultivation..-~ [places until-all danger had passed. © |irih, esis oe watt, AL'S | deity exclusively againot England [°F S27 field make fine rins. for chieks | spoon pressed from paper that can meted AES ; sheltered at night “in houses. thrown away after using. uy tet Ives forthe é f. ae 4 eae MOPS tr ee ‘ : continued freedom of Ameri ‘The Doings of the Duffs. oe = ee = 3 ‘ > YOUNG JUDGES A AT “BIG Panne : WAIT A MINUTE — } {| TOM, Look HELEN, 1M GONA ee Ge erat Tis (ere A mnure So caren cov our eRe) Efi Canadian National Revives Competi-~ 5: Do? You KNOW IT} tion for Farmers and Farmers’ Sons. * Among the new departures at the Canadian National Exhibition this year are the ju izing competitions for ~~ der 26 years of. age. They will ~be held under the supervision of the On- ~|tario Government, anda Very large! prizes Bre exe’ fo, ; nde uh live stock, pou! sy alg ah y roots, fruits and Capek is. Some ‘ : a i s} * ¢ Ly ) years ago judging. apes were < y We tH ot P j x 3 . held at sare) but the present ones! ea “ i= > are on a much eG pretentious seale‘and und hea Government auspices should prove a great succes: ‘5 i= a :