~ Re oe z Markets of the World “BY MAJORITY OF 63 a Defeated oy 48 Mea Months’ Hoist De- ted by; A despatch from Ottawa says: At iF ofelock Friday Ri- Car- | Pai f Chicoutimi, Guilbault id Pa- ochelaga, the ex-Secre- Ninety Conescsduiven; including J. HH. Rainville, the Deputy Speaker, and Seventy-three Liberals “ opposed the a Government majority -| On Shas) nominal inacke Bay, ports. yy 154, Breaastu Toronto, July 10-—Manitobi oR Northern, Megnltona < sate/=Ne CW. americnn. corn—No. 3. yellow, $1.82, minal, track Toronto, Poni farlo cata Nos oticial. quotations: track lot, nse to. Seo; No. The. Lauer: referendum “amend: ment was voted down by, 10 to 62,! of the, Government sie ot ine House Sir- Rodolphe Forget Messrs. Paton Barette, Paquet, '» Girard, Gibault, Bollemarre, Boulay, ted with. the leader | f a Liberals voted with the aavenmaae The Liberala who voted against. the referendum were: ssrs. Guthrie, ' isles! Gepliges, Ocoee Welean (of Halifax), Cruise, Charlton, Turiff,'s Nesbitt, MacNutt, MacLean (of Su aie bury), McCraney, Loggie, Clark, Bu- |; anan, sie Champagne Neeley ‘and Duncan The vote on “The Military Service 5 amendment. Act of 1917” was 118 yea and nay. Majority, 68. 45 OPERATORS HAVE GONE DOWN s feRe Gallant Acts of Wireless Opera- tors in Remaining With Sinking Ships. tch from London eet Internationa! oreo number of ships now installed is 1,856, ie operators employed 8,847, ot which 383 have been sav: AFRICAN GERM GERMANS DRIVEN BACK General eticea cut of Enemy From All Positions in East Africa. itch from London says:— tax ae pressure se British forces -pdvancing from Gilw: ie Germans German East Afries shave Seagate fronely ie Positions south of t! . eer eral retirement of the enemy forces in (ee fields of operations in German |®! ast Africa. GERMANS | COIN EXCUSE TO MALTREAT BELGIANS! 8°" lespatch obit: Tonto ion Cas pe to the ‘Times from The Hi: FOOD BLOCKADE — IS SUCCESSFUL, Entry of Tnlted 6 States Into alt War Stops Importation Through Neutrals. "A despatch from London says t— Discussing in the House of Lords on Wednesday the question of com- iti ing enemy coun tries | Viscouxt Milner, member of the War Cabinet, referred | to America’s entry i sonelaeraply checkis a “th He ithe conviction that 1 Grapiravol Germany of com- | modities from nevtral countries, whieh | sly imported into casein ai uae trons a mpletely stopped by the |, |blockade and the pressure the allies neutrals i rt | age entirely the neu- trals’ own home product: Raa U.S. CAN MAKE TEAR GAS. — Te Damage is Done the Irritating Dust From Lily associate ga zuela specimens of “sabadilla,” a! Venezuelan plant of the lily family, from the seeds of which are pr ed some of the asphyxiating an tear-producing gases iat the Ger- mans bought all the available supply. § of the ‘ore leclaration Both the cabedilie Seed and com lem are now, however, radar con-! taben by England. eau er plant of the same genus, id in Texas, and some Hake MES that should a need for badilla of war. all (1 es = BRITISH TROOPS Cones lene “late {| Make Gains in . Fades and at, Messines Ridge. sf A despatch ieee London ENEMY BAIDERS BROUGHT DOWN boy jespatch from London says — Two of a srengra of fourte shes tb ore oe Bist fy Brita British ee eer ‘3 - a wi the British airmen who e1 sed the Germans -emerged ahs Ries sees ‘Be safely from “dj tl damaged, it i ety officially says ° Tn an attack agai the Geeratcuses south-west of Srollebee, in Flanders, and on the northern end of the recent British advance against the Messines Ridge, Field Marshal Haig’s rere captured in raids in Nieuhie Seni a boy cams ten cents he wants it; si is not g to trust the rich- man alive. GERMANS SLAIN FROM START OF WAR TO MARCH TOTAL 1,500,000 63, 229 Enemy Prisoners and 509 Guns Have Been Taken on the as Weatern Front in Six Weeks. < A despatch from Paris ed 7 gum wursde aes y: a. er|the same period. The| From, April ‘om | Franco-British fen a8 a ort captured 63,222 eee in- 1,278. officers, says an official | pl the operations is: issued on The war pater ees in les french mortars and it mati 8, secording to sretgnts, outai minal frolghts ‘0 (* “trelghts, ntre: anes “ko. jounded from —: 1 ou heat No, 1 MOVE PW ARD ee e. according to ts eating to sirelents gutside, nominal, according minal, according First patents, in jute p An fue rs’, in Jute 60, ‘Toronto, ntarig. ‘flour-—Winter, according to gamble, #0. $8. to $10.25, in bags. track ‘prompt shi Wiliteed “Carlota” delivered Montreal as included—Bran, per per ton, $38; adiings, good feed flour, per bag. a No. 2, per ton, $12.50 to per ton, $9 to $11, track Pe shorts, ton $43; 96, Togonio. traw—Car lots, per ton. $8. track To- Produce—Wholesale _ ids, per Ib., $5 354 to 860; Sipe ter—Creamery, to asi, aga ;_twins, fvipiets 2 old, ses eaviatas S0ac. choice, 35 to 6c sree oe Selo Boe: solids, 38c. 'gs—New-laid, in cartons, 37 to $80; owt of cantons, $86. 70or en poultry—Spring chickens, 350; r- doz., $4.00 New at ve rier jarge. ld 80, ta hes inn oultry—s to Bo hens, a8 t and heavy ¥e gut, ses Paes, $a. ie Belect $2.80 C0 76 $2 to oan Tepe ted, s hand-picked, $9.00 ee ere Limas, per Ib., 19 to $8.00 “Potatoes Rea Star, new. bbl. $8.00 ron Carolinas, new, bbl., Provisions— Wholesale Smoked, meats Sic; do., hi 20; rolls, ong clear bacon, 26 to jo per ie cise bellies, 28, to 266. . Her 27 to B74c: tubs, 37% to : 274 to 274: jcompound, @1kc;' tubs, 21 pails, 22c. a queen nadian Bi os “athe, do. "Gana- Wo 880 to 80kc; extra ot? 04 Bi mone Tul a ian ee jestern: feed, 1.18. sei wheat mds, $1 ter ‘patents, Trallers $12 to 0 $5.90, Roll Siete i 8% iho ice, strug ht 1 ts Moultie, $44 to ton, car lots, Finest, Westerns, 1 erns, 213c. Butter. ee geconds, stock, 8 to. ‘0c, car lots, $4.25 to $4.60. shotatees—per Es Winnipeg, a eWheat—No, aie her! Roush Pecan ; August (first half), $2.13. nited mere sees ‘Minneap. —Wheat—July. closed $232,” September, $1.85; caah— Now 1, hard, $2.42, £0. $2.47; a: 2, patents, other Grades’ unchanged. 2.21 mn $2.25: Linseed—$2.77; dal Eptaroper. BET: October, to ae i: ue modu 0. $9. Ed to $9.7 38.75 butchers 50} ‘B00 bulls, 3 to #8 , $7.50 £0. $85 good, i 50 rn gitockeansi $9.11 er i kor: @o., mediura ough bibs, aed Bae cows, oholee, $8 to. $9 a med., $40 to to $90; light ewes, $8 to 19 Chotee uote 75; | Fred Wallace, $ jam 0 $8; sheep. Helected at ons iF eo to $17; Welgnts, 318 iB to neat" What's a Necktie Good For? Man’s only non-1 FBiietien garment} , f the necktie. It’s as useless as a nocle.. Yet we-wear it. We'd feel Siig awkward walking down the street without one pon a time the necktie was used to fasten the collar‘on, But now ee of the huma: half, in case ‘of a nealia oe : a A home evaporator ee posal ble to save tonsiderable frui ae See 30 “the | wast stern | t Ss, cher- ved in n thie way In the winter the stewed, also pies and pudding he Firm 8 Years spring chickens, Ib., 20 Lord May - |at his home, 5: quotations— | 2 Dublin ate Brigade too! to == (Older than Confederation On July semi- oe federatio: celebration of Con- Looking back over the progress ac- complished in Canada during those years, remarkable achieve- ments seem hardly poss! The industries of Canada have pro- ni ¢ i td.,° | maker the famous Willams New Scale Piano. s. liams came from Magland oa estatitiated this concern in jhoice” piano, free upon re- From Erin’s Green Isle NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE LAND'S SHORES. Interest to Irish- men. ‘The best quality of pigs are sold at per hundre The new Ross urban rate is 10 shill- ings in the pound, or fourpence more than last year’s rate. A large sum was realized at a free gift sale held at Bray in aid of the Bray Hospital War Supply depot. urray, Kingstown, has been ap- oin' ited a Justice of the Peace for Dublin County by the Lord Chancel- 01 Twelve and a half acres of land, in- cluding two acres of cut-away bog, in for £560. A most successful ‘The Dublin Victuallers’ Association have under consideration the regula- tion of wholesale and retail prices of meat. The Council of the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital, Dublin, are seriously considering thé closing down . ;of part of the hospital owing to lack of funds, The Right Hon. Mr. Justice Pim, Right Hon. Richard Robert Jus- tices of Ireland Spring. fhe Lord Lieutenant’s absenc: mark of sporeciaton of the in J naugitt’s Hospital, Dublin. = BRITISH TAKE nN 776 PRISONERS $ | proclaimed on the first day a this ‘@|century, January 1, 1901—t te beim e Tan Happenings in the Emerald Isle of Fi 2 the Castlerea Market for 131 ee ‘ z si " |free set the county of Cavan, have been sold = Whi nes Flag Day was |M™i =|held at Wexford, in ald of the Irish + |regiments and the Irish prisoners of a AND 739 FIELD. GUNS Figutes For All Theatres of War Since the Outbreak—Not a ‘Single Gun Lost on French Front in Two Yeai lespatch from London says: | the Wester f front in the first eu | months e war, not one gun hav- ae ae since April, 19. field native levies captnred in Adriea. ere not included. Prisoners. captured by Germans from British forces number 51,088, these inluding indian end naive: toon: ot a a wow CHINA IN. THROES OF CIVIL WAR Great Southern Commonwealth. The nabiaument of the Common- strali ent soar re-) ~ Struggle Behwaan President and Newly Made Emperor. wealth of has the easiest te and tor governm member in modern history. the date,| A despatch from San Francise which the majority of us consider the | says:—China is in the throes of stad ing of this yery important cen-| war and a battle is being 2 fought ury. tween aca of the sout areas is somewiat aun. ae fighting for the Peau of the re- - | public, and the eae forces’ of the gs to Sus ad- re on Westies. by. taken from the Germ: Hiri nuiee Pacem been eel 00 parts settled were inhabited fora tim: by a rather large proportion of Eng-' the nines Nationalist League, The lish criminals. first clash was announced as having It was in 1788, eighteen years after | cued on Tuesday by officials of the x the east coast} Heagu e, who claim the source of its in- ei oH Rotnation’l is unquestionable. mn ae ae Hae 39. | Kuck Jung is sirens troop m eu in Nai ir| According to the despatches the soldiers of )President Li in the Chi- nese capital are steadily gaining ‘ound. spatch The Pe kin sorroenenden: aph Ci from London says:— period being the right to leave the of the Ex- land eontincne chai ane Tel leer e first British Governors at the advan: of and Sydney ruled with despotic power. | Southern “epublles under They were officers in command ot the Tuan Chi-Jui, the fee Premier, an garrison, the convicts and Gen. ang, the former ers. popi Brice ot. 30, Vice-President, respectively, has com- 000 in 1821 formed the infant - | menced monwealth of New South oe CERMAN TROOPS northern thee fourths of them being convicts — s the strangest <allection of eigen the world has over. se id discoveries of 1851 produ: progressive times. im. ina .. = Strongest Offensive Since Ver- te. ships at the rate of 2000 pers dun Broken Down The population of Victoria “ ae ts dabed ae Every where: : ealth consists of six| A Re from French Front in State, called whe. ee States of | Frai ter their strongest , Victoria, Queens- copeape ‘effort since Verdun the Ger- ‘Aus-;mans found themselves on Thursday {thrown back everywhere along an 11- mile eon on. the ¢ Chemin-~ deDames a South Astra tralia and an Three is Senate and a oer ori eiaat canal from each\State, renewed to the extent 2 one-half or three The with # the ae alae Women elected nae of oe palatian: Better a small amount of well pre-) who wa’ pared food that is palatable vee a|out aon the large quantity left se for servi leftovers ia among the extr ravaanees, territory had been lost. % of housekeeping, eds they repre: sent a double outlay of material, tine and heat. front trenches, was able aoe you slontt believe in Siem no- y else will of the Kk place re- cently e Royal Dublin Society’s premises, Ballbridge. rence was held at the City 4 k ee Dublin ue, Technical Schools fo mn “The Industrial \Hducation of Ap- pert tices.” The Russian Order of St. George has been awarded to Petty Officer R.N.AS., for gallantry on the Roumanian front. shop assistants where farm urgently needed. @ Department of Agriculture has | of 66 acres near. of Winchester, qo non- eae with the tillage - ee aes Faia Mesopotamia a Corn Land. orn yundance tive. count would "be deemed fabulous if” ae ed mes the amount it pete as see \ —— If there is a low spot that has been too wet for ce teate “seeding sow Jet. Hay will be.on the light side, and millet will help 0 out. po f The promise that Mensa shall |¢ mil-| gor THE COAL SHORTAGE The anticipated shortage in hard, stead of coal affecting thousands of ian homes may become a ality next winter if consumers delay their [oe te the dealers till fall. thi ers cooperate by e merchants We for thei Supply, the co-operation of the con- |sumer also is necessary ae meet an gadeubietly see ane coal u: be exceptionally careful in the use of d in ae east for from | coal, avoi bee theatre of war since the outbreak the| pe oe 509 field and heavy guns, | mM pro Aes jompany says that | say: ue THROWN BACK}... g|to declare that not a. single yard/ of i te being delayed on with NEWS—BY MAIL ABOUT JOBN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. © Occurrences In the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. Sir Arthur Thring, K.C. Bi has been! appointed clerk of Parliam Fifty thousand disabled * soiers in employment in. Eng-' mstan's Bazaar, in the lds |. . Albert Sue coon a single potat ld fe was sol ‘The m reine of General Nivelle, isi mander of the French army, as native of Deal, Potatoes are belng grown in twenty of the flower, vols in the gardens of _ Hampton Court By a recent Stee ace one shire potatoes and seeds were washed out of the ground. ‘The National Union of Railwa; had a total membership of 340, 10,000 f 82,000. to-40,000 public meals a Twin sons of two Peterborough families, named Stokes and Fletcher, were all four wounded on the samo way. Bae a a aid of aise salons were sold i mn the first see a Syutland Day.” Anglers in Leicestershire sere been refused free fishing, as the: BA es fhederou Wale taste cafes is wort! Bonet Smith, i Manchester, in of the National Association 2 _Auprored So! cleties. ea birds’ oges are being used in ise Katie! as foo throughout ritain, and are said to be very patos Seite me i Salen Manchester g that the é thie Lotbee "ores gcsanee are ee 4 asteful. The Military oe and bar won by the late Capt. P. Maginn, London ne eer have nak presented to. his ee Master apart, As-! sociation foreshadews an ediate advance in prices for all “kinds of, hile pe ¥ ae: with’ = ia his wife is acting in his lace as sexton, at Netherton, Worces- ate ire. ots freedom of the City of Bris- was 01 ed General Smuts, Mr, Massey and the Mahara- jah of Bikanir. The Grand ane of St. Michael and St. George has been conferred upon the ecaieieee Minister of War by King George. “he report of the Sunderland Tram- ways Corporation shows that 1,827, 808 eee were carried during the _ month of Apri Theré are ae ‘British merchant id ermen prisoners of Austré-Hun- gary, @ Turl It is Seite that “Sie value of the Sir William Haswell St who Pe et celebrated his 81st vith day al bigs ot many ‘congratulatory eve ei Geos fu ee is im raste poi urning wood e United States, and the problem of j where ans- grams. Business -has Ane praotically at a tandstill at the N tle Corn Ex change. anh Rae in cereals is mae is largely a problem of tr Ee aie atic being a asked 10 ¢0- i i the sho: iny d a very hard winter, the by the gomaud, ne furnac "The: situation apparently is cueAd event if possible a e East thi en in the Nast owing to the Seauial use of ate lattér territory.. The analy ot of| ee e open cars required in the east t is, however, limited, and unless deliveries during the |capable: of hauling over a million ad- diti ditional tons during that period. is withdrawing a large acaba of cars from other services, is adapting other in Ontario, a Provinces. The cars, according to are coming— is available. foreign coal car is at once returned | ki mpty to the mines rs aes eee aa “Fhe Deinss ef the Paste: “TANCE ee Buse isis ae e coal, according to Mr.’ Magrath, Bro lowel waite se a rare sa. - Grpabie, of Lancaster Gate, "ha Mecied ‘the highest decoration towed on a woman in Rus- Gedrge’s Medal for orating a Ber ie with seal at Walmer, General seed pencery the backbone Ly: erThe Board of Agriculture has organ. ized a campaign for the purchase of — spraying ainhieas with the object of reducing the. wi pota Nate ne | orour disea: t a ladies’ skipping corapotltinas at iseful” gees ments have on hace the Ministry at Munitions: which will provide a considerable number of the — 500,000 men. penne for the army b fore the end of July. es iM In City Streets. “Do _you ea ae ae insur- ae 4 a