——— > HYMENEAL | oe # ical stu neds] eu ery to ation entered athe pat ron the arm of| © father yhen- mt ter, ast, the pipe couple took | happiness may be up thelr residence in Welles sley, where irroo! widely acquired ve- jt —¥ LANDSKY—WURDELL very pretty: w gmateed in’ Gra «Ente Churches, and. pro whereby | ministers elled to suffer unduly tro ing was _sol- | ‘an church, | North’ “ara "ste tne a | from Deiiimetiic snisabel ak awicls ars alive to their duty to maintain the ;While the groom_was tee | k: Toronto, son queation 5 imple justice, autbority. “the 4 it my voice, i been uses evil, and rev in a dress of crepe de chine | [Sia with chantilly and satin, and arrying a shower bouquet of bridal a Effect of War on News~= papers Of the 6,000 newapapérs and ante the 8,000 in sed. because of its p included many Mie ein points. -* th Belgian F Reliet Sabseriptions for Belgian Relief wil be taken un Offic ta teraiite tee. WURDELL: EMON une the a: = those unfortunate people perishing of thee smarvige starvation. jmon, of an, to Mr. Edward W. IW rural, cal robcet Me aist Mca. A |W of Logan. The pastor, Rev. |; $51.27 wie and, offic ated. a bride Saar Ereviously, acknowledged COMMERCIAL Wheat, news 25 $2 25| Barley per bu: . 9 90 Oats A 80 Peas. *‘ Cee! Flour, Jewel per cw! er per cw! ‘as ple : " : Pande Mea,” Date here 6 7o l hora and spent their youth in Logan Do jopular ued members. will reside on the ‘m, 11th con., Logan, with them the best iahrunee of everyone. | +e MAHAFFY—DALRYMPLE me of Mr, a 28 Dateeniaie of Hibbert, 1 was the —— daughter, Margaret Helen, was anteed in marriage to Mr. Freeiman Gibson . Ritehin of omarty, officiating. ++ LINTNER—KOEHLER At the Lutheran church, Wellesley, th, the mar- North ‘Easthope, was solemnize: a | OBITUARY | MRS. JOHN VIETOR ‘(Season Navigation) | (Your Future Is In the West, The fertile prairies have put Ragin Canada o1 ma Prosperity, ke advantage TOW HATES and travel via CANADIAN PACIFIC W. B. HOWARD, District Pas- senger Agent, Toronto, Ont. Henry Vietor, of Mitchel! the late Mrs, Vietor, BaBanagagaeeraaannagae22 2 Western Fair LONDON, CANADA Sept. 7th to 15th, 1917 1867--“A half Century of Success”--1917 The Great Agricultural Exhibition of - Western Ontario $32, 000 in Prizes and Atttactidas A very interesting iy tan porn Military and other "Fireworks Each Night. Two Speed Events Daily e REDUCED RAILWAY FARES. Prize Lists, Fntry Forms and all el from Secretary Lieut.-Col, W. M sarehres i @ see space ioe $)| waitor of The st obatea and call I felt and potas doe: co (it |I_ hope perds r; hut rather Enna | hee wit W. | The: tl Another of the pioneer residents of Great (Not ‘The Great | Dee Sir — When 1 wrote my last letter ly of trying to r of pu rely secular ehar- would ha’ 4 eben and He thinks my voice is like ‘thei voice hat Eve listened to in the oer long; its victims are without, number wonder that poor Eve, w ote as she was, and without coumbed to i nr olug Pelend te oes he wicked old owner, and “Auld Cle I had a small fraction of its power I should use it for a better that “Seripture has been He says ng loing, but af quoting ‘Boripture to try fob: cipens great and needed re’ forma like Wo Suffrage, has a like object x friend will ‘0 be a taut fopiine “and avery. close te e win! He says that where an unm no puzzle for ne. or “‘m: reat prototype” to answer this n hardly be called a command an admonition or exhor' it should not be doing 0 n giving men his admonition clearly applies 0 do- life. The sho is ife. She tic head of t! hey be. allowed, to tak par as coun: be th “iat t on| t, "seein that he is so strong on ae ands ae exhortations. I shall awe see, how he Keeps Meee iesit T donot keep them myselt ¢ is a stron the Bible telling uw: x e Sabbath day and keep it re_is_no equification about this ithe last day of the week, or Sa urday. admit of substituting qe) is nowhere annul fii en + of Beriplure. the exception of Jews If we obeyed these exhortations liter- e land? a who, when, charg- A Word of Explanation Reg Reductions that are fone now Bete made ae this store, in the face of raw wool and cotton soaring to prices that are the highest in years © is such an unnatural condition that we feel it needs a straightforward explanation. As you all know, the season has been very unfavorable, and in order to move the goods and raise money to meet our obligations, we were forced to reduce the prices on all lines of merchandise. Many of the lines offered were bought before the raise and we are now offer- ing them to you at less than the whole- sale price of to-day. During the past two weeks hundreds of sige. people have taken advantage of the big price reductions we are offering throughout our stores. isfied their present needs, but many of them) realizing the further advances that will surely come in all lines of wool and cotton materials, have closely anticipated their wants and laid in a stock for the future. is always a feast of wonderful values and exceptional bar- gains has been evidenced from the crowds that have thronged our stores since the very first morning. IF YOU HAVE NOT ATTENDED OUR GREAT SALE, DON’T WAIT, COME TO-DAY, AS bial GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU MONEY. Not only have they sat=- That a sale at Engeland’s ENGELAND @ SON *“‘The Store with the Stock” MILVERTON wil e had had I suppose would have But he Master paid ate also unwritten laws, at times, ant black and white does not make it per- f |sometimes, much culprit has g quotes ny Tibigad as saying ‘No nit. Soi or influence the QUOD ERAT DEMONSTRANDUM Was there ever a reform evils that speaks of been going on, and gradually. increashig for ate be s they ae ee when he ppm adciee Chis elite Be regard to. the hone, hoiné hold that i \ take. 3 Seesessssss000906 Ye: i e ‘ Serre sseenstaraesecs zs 2 - alone | an help this and bs affairs; and(it is npt we Bir. T must thank! you-for.pub- option. Of may; Inttera,< L iatend thle my last effort on this subject must be getting eure another scalp to hang on belt s that when he reads this let- ‘oad and epee to + oe end that his days shal} ie “A Woiee*trom the Ninth. Line.” The Western Fair Sept. 7th to “ah 15th. London, Oat ario. The a List Management of the Exhibition hay: | ing this in mind this year generously added $2,000.00 to their Prize List in order to encourage the Farmers and Breeders to produce more and better | Live Stook, Grains, Roots, ete, This wi eerinathirr il certainly 'h ion 000, ce ‘A. a in Growth es ene Printing In~ istry. “witty y years spe yo printing and pi d Btates, bei cine ‘but $40,000,000, ini jake rene “unw! ing to mak z Promoting I Production Professor Mavor is. assailed for si say. | ing ah the only way tes es pies ited the ne is to let heat na to $10 a shel ng t bige ito $10 a bi The fi But haps x rhetorical | exegenain. ut ‘it is, ernest the cate Road: in van ease tb they required their own 8 mec ‘bi farmer abaya ft crop failure cna out even the cost of wT reault of /® general realization f ices ., the wealth available for peace and war, will tune to remind the War” Ls Clubs that they have failed to win the oth tarmer’ ath ertices Nie they hemselyea, *“s full sym) im si to make rewards of the farm large enough to invite capital snd iat or, r bt ure on a y comme ree bi tage orieunond , a } We are Fepresentatives pt ear aN ‘ ey jest Counter Cheok ada, r order will Teteve romp attention at the Sun office. he people engage oad pays one-thirteenth of the manu- far o ait oe Farm Fires i in Germany contain “Srv Dai aed cae _CHAM BERIAIN ‘Ss LETS.