Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 3 May 1917, p. 3

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me REPLENISH YOUR BLOOD © IN THE SPRING. Bly a your usual self. Quite ex- hausted at times and cannot devote Teal energy.to your work. Sleep does | that it al very hum! ch often increase your < discomfort in the spring. cause—winter cag left its mark von you. sends troubles are signs that your blood 1s d watery, thet your nerves are Sesiiausted You must renew and enrich your blood at once and restore tone to your tired nerves, | wi em: these aged allm mn, women and children is “On Williams? Pink Pills for Palo P People, because these @Pills setae bad blood and strengthen | "°*! weak nervy. New, as red néed in spring—is plentifully created by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and with better, sleep better, and soo able Ay ‘ Begin your spring tonic treatment to-day for the blood and nerves with Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills—the Pills that strengthen, ‘These Pills are soldty most aeajr, but do not be pers “something just can't get the genuine Pills from oe dealer they will be sent * post paid, boxes for writing The Dr. Wil- $2. Hams’ Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont, pes | A Fashionable Gown | The jumper effect and barrel skirt combined make a costume distinctly smart, while its Savelopment in oyster- | # ant e blue adds the feiss touch; which, te the aspira-| tion The em heotdary tved cy 4ielarete ia. the new! kind of shadow embroidery which is very easily done as it is merely Sarath eae McCall Pattern No. , Ladies’ Jumper Blouge, in 5 ee 84 to 42 bust; and No. 7787, Ladies’ Two- Piece Barrel baer fa a or 87-inch length; in 5 sizes; 70 80 wait Price 2 e ei ‘ach Thes: obtained from your Pia 1 McCall reales or from The McCal , 10 Bond St., Toronto, Ww. Rabat Don’t Waste Energy. “There is no waste of any kind ‘in the world that equals the waste from needless, ill-directed, and ineffective rt ne sea being still in good con- wast ‘cipal inheritance. {s to love part of our principal asset. ‘To waste time and to necessary fatigue simultaneously can jbe excused only ignors ‘ance, Un- necessary fatigue ts caused by some- lone’ ’s ignorance.” j exaggeration and a seen ehensil “out of |¥ : 6 yuryport against the ‘unbridled exaggerations blood—your greatest | 1 | ae would live, but thanks to the ae pee B. Gilbreth, the | oF frteen suffer from un-| yj SLIGHTLY EXAGGERATED. — Story dite Occurs 1 in a Collection of logical Anecdotes. The aise purely ater ible ys easy to le of eloque: even preachers Pclasionally? forse! xists. A committee of remon- to. protest, that he permitted himself in the pul- pit. The preacher admitted his fault “Indeed,” he oe to Zien sorrow- it -barrels - ster” ie @ country kirk in na. 5 century ago, was less amenable, to age even if he in- vited it—as Mr. J. R. McRae has re- pently related in a collection of theo- by a discreet cough, to curtail his elo- ence. . The next.Sabbath he described ek Samson tied the foxes’ tails toget He said, impressively: “The foxes in those days were much larger than ours, and they) had tails | p|trenty fut long—” Ahem!” coughed the clerk. . “That is,” continued the preacher, came the in ye may | think that extrava- gant, we'll yee ca’ them ten fut—” “Al ” em! “Mon,” es the parson, leaning over the pulpit and shaking a fore- finger at the clerk, he may cough all nicht. it suit ye, but I'll na tak aff anither fut! Wad ye hae the foxes wi’ no tails at a?” pCa aes BABY’S OWN TABLETS USED TEN YEARS [2 rs. W. J. Wilson, Carp, Ont., writes: ohhave used Baby’s Own Tablets for thé last ten years and can highly re- commend them for babyhood and ae hood ailments. M; artes in fact we never thought fe e is now a fine healthy wh Tablets should be Ken ie woven there are small en. y.” Tablets are sold medicine deale:s or by mail at % dents a box The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. MAKE THE BOY A PARTNER. Secure His ee in the Business Side of Farm Work. It is eeu that many of our host boys remain on the farm and help in devel sepia rural life into what a could and should be. s fundamental for future sue mit the boy to Hela in the reac. tical business trans: farm as the einditions salle Ww a farmer, the father may be gradually relieved from some of his responsibili- ties through a partnership manage- ent. Fo ntooe PRIS STRENGTH OF DOUGLAS FIR. British Railway Officials Find It Valu- able For ies. As Mang eas rel eae fficial per annum been renewed, Oitish Columbia possesses an in- exhaustible supply of this magnificent rves the Vancouver Sun, will compete suc- cessfully with o| her timber in the markets for i war that Douglas fir will be a soul immense wealth to this province at ; a the close of the war. St THOUSANDS &¢ UPON THOUSANDS OF HEALTHY BOYS & GIRLS EAT Grape-Nuts AND CREAM EVERY MORNING WISE MOTHERS KNOW “There's a Reason” BECAUSE in cough, more al The High Cost AY Indi gestible Food fallsheavily upon the household where there is no intelligent direc- ior of ‘the food supply. fe such as beef and pork, impose a heavy burden upon _ the liver and ‘kidneys. They are not as nitritious as cereals and fruits. Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with milk supply all the nutriment needed for a half any" 's work at a cost of only four or five cents. Cut out meat and eggs, eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit with green vegetables and fruits, and see ‘how much better you feel. or cream, Made in Canada. SACRED LAKE OF ASHANTI. y | Regarded Be pee as Hes Abode of rful Spi In central Ashanti there is a sacred ee, Bosumtivi, which lies about ighteen miles southeast of Coomassie, fn is the orily real lake in the coun- try. with a diameter fathomed. ne attempt was ma sound ALS. Pailbeichy ief commissioner of we broke x five Rey tat had been lowered. The water is fresh, though the lake has no outlet, and only a few small annual streams flow into it. The Ashantis regard the lake as a great fetish, helteying that it is the merous villages round the lake but no canoes, paddles, fishboa' natives do, however, permit them- selves to catch the fish which abound in the lake, aand they resort to an of overcoming the | disabilities dagen titan We echaacten Plated eed ae with gaping mouths are from the shore by men qd x " | dow di They regulate the bowels and pee onde The: es On eee oapen ee ey propel themselves b [paddling with their hands, and, hay-| kly gether the eo oe ects two with their haul. eS a WOMEN ! IT IS MAGIC 1 LIFT OUT ANY CORN rele a tee "drone AN tos ns or calluses off wi fingers—no pai Jast think! lift off any corn or cal- Jus without pain or sore- ness, A Cincinnati man dis- covered this ether com- gist will sell a tiny be tle of freezone, like h Roy, for ae little ost n a few aoe gaa “oon a tender corn or callus. Tanieeitiy a sue ondeettens disappears, then. short- ly you will find the corn or callus so loose that in lift it right ezone is wonder- ful. i. Ase instantly. It doesn’t eat away the|o corn or lus, but shrivels it up without even irritating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft or corns between the toes, ag well as painful Selby Wineraty Use more time and lower heat in *| cooking to develop flavors and to secure all the value in the food. Minard's Tdniment ‘Cures Dandratt. joil, acetate of lime, and cl ou; You can calluses, lift right | mi of ‘Obtaining Vala- | From Refuse. Process Discove “able Produ by ‘thousands of dollars now lost will re wed. t By means of this pennant tar, a light arcoal are gas produ by dis- ough a sia nine ency, and imme ediately atten ‘The light oil, Sue in a water con- jately marketable for For breakfast with hot milk 7, Well Known Farmer Gives His oaeade ‘ays Dodd’s Kidney Pills Cured Him of Gravel to |Mr- William Wood of Hadlington, Ontiy is Added to Long List of Cures By the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy, Dodd’s Kidney Pills. William Wood, a well-known farmer living near here, {is shoutin, the praises of Dodd’s Kidney Pills. He claims they cured him of two of the most painful and dangerous forms —Mr. of La trouble, bladder trouble and he } 81 gray “Yes, I was sae with gravel and pladder trouble,” Theat flutterings and shortness breath. There were flashes of igs ‘and specks before my eyes and I wat {very nervous, | All these troubles inva gone, too since I used Dodd’s Kidney Pills.” Others in this neighborhood have and found that they are the greatest of all reme- dies for kidney troubles of any kind. | see ares are ened by sick kidneys. (RAEI Cer sy ehh GRASS. pect an Essential Quality in lethod of Eradication. All methods of eradicating this troublesome or- i weed are based on ths e quack grass roots are found ioe Ee io. peso od kas ture fields than in cultivated fields, it is often advisable to utilize a field for pasture or meadow, keepin cut closely o grazed before attempt- ing to kill it, ‘The work should start e sramediadaly after haying by plough- ing the infested land only deep enough fhree four inches will be sod or pasture land. Disk the tant thoroughly every ten or twelve days until autumn, when the quack grass will be killed. Plough the land to a good depth the following spring to ury the dead roots sup- oe food to the aie ae Plant corn or potatoes and cultivate thor- aghly, or sow a smother crop as mil- thetae acon eae The process of killing quack grass st thoroughly. <A half-hearted: effort useless. is artes wane ‘Minard's Iiniment for sale everywhere. ‘There are signs to-day in Germany, one cannot call it of Febentence} it sorrow, the Les fail, rive GE Ina phate fonuoraehithat. cette of hers was committed. J. G. PEGE, i the Univer- ‘Toronto ‘Hospital for Incurables' "Train- School for Nurses, affiliated * Fart ed: Hospitals, New ine. interedinte: year w York. Applications es the Superintend Ba Ayenue, Toronto. clock is ee meets: Aen 52 dial- plates. of sun, the Shaves tides, as well as Se ene ether ‘A Complicated Clock. At. Beauvais Cathedral there is a} | k which composed of 92,000! to “a eet tn te rmation ag | Dany, Raciaide, ee 2 ting using ‘Som (LP WANTED «| ppuaat YOUNG. Cue “0 ASSIST © with hous 3, White, 47 Indian Road | Creseent roraino, 0. 7 {Said to be that 1 “take the-fum: iy pounds of charcoal are the tial pads ee Hadlington, Ont., Apr. 23rd (Special) - A Healthy Job. ‘The Healthiest gergpation\ of ae is in th for the throat that it is on. for sufferers from throat Bia to mes,” just as people’“take fie ateres. at Hot ‘Springs or French Lick, Bhavan eee as fad Pegi she LINIMENT, ‘rich ae ped Ne pain and reduced the swelling very quickly. | |be jointly used corn of food. MISCELLANEOUS Seo rare 00 Pan cceemienias = ni up, Send, for special ii Sia Were 413 Crsery, Beets LUMPS, BIG, J internal and external, cured ate tye 3, go) } 66) 93 BOILE! = “Clean ar Sele i fF Waste ‘ereind and spare time may ed for the increased pro-| | Shang a baat Grate in Steam Boller Eq Equip , Limited 600” ‘Toronto Liniment Relieves Mouralgia_ The Soul of a Piano Is is the Action, Insist on the “OTTO HIGEL)’ GREASE IS GREASE PIANO ACTION cannot speak too’ highly of MIN- It may be any old kind ARD'S cua ore ST. SMITH, Port. Hood Sind Free Milk Record Forms. BOOK ON DISEASES And How.to Beet Mailed free to any address by Hi, CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st ta ests ae York: such a difference. et who man among his cows should best know their possibi there as much difference as that be- You will find relief in Zam-Buk ! It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and bi ease. Perseverance, with Buk, beet cure, Why not oboreve, 7 an we ; THE | onda ge Rane COMP. ay BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA — want those for daily or thre weights per month; they are a for asking. MONEY ORDERS When ordering goods by mail, send a Dominion Hxpress Money Order. PINK EYE, EBPIZOOTIO, SEIFEING FEVER. 4d CATARRHAL FEVER. no matter how horses, at jquid, given on the eD, “FOR DISTEMPER and positive protennven ed or. "e: ‘or You. SPOuN MEDICAL company, Ohemisté and Bacteriologists, Goshen, Ind. U. 8. A. Satisfaction, even after one has dined well, is not so interesting and eager a feeling as hunger. Minard’s Zintment Cures Burns, Eto. eragé man thinks he would The ave! have been a perfect terror in war if business had not kept him at home. MOTHER SEIGEL’S SYRUP The proof of Mother Seigel’s Sytup is in the taking. That is why former sufferers, whose vitality was being sapped by R AM PA SAY’ Ss A. RAMSAY & SON CO. 4 For wear and beauty of . color they are unsur- Indigestion, say ‘it is gust t= MONTREAL TORONTO cellent for stoi Mother Seigel’s creat yea’ are now strong ant 1S EXCELLENT FOR ju are afflicted by Indi- gestion or otherdisorders of the stomach, liver and bowels take Mother Seigel’s Syrup regularly for a few days; long enough to give ita fair chance to make its beneficial influence felt, Then note the improvement in your aepetite:s your strength, ‘your general co) HEADACHES, BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION. Ther ott of Syrup coal. ee Limes as tcl A WOMAN'S W ‘ORK. Scottish Sheep Farm in Care of the Owner’s Wife. A very ee illustration of the work done an in war time eu by the Tetter in the London Tim “In my husband’s absence i in France, at, Dumfriesshire. es of land are cultivated. This year we are hoping to break 20 acres. We have this: year, ‘after Breit tities have pecntedio ‘This farm stat ie va ‘y ieh—trm 650 ft. to 2, 1200 ft. above the sea. have had/a Lh ee wont for years—and great deal of tay! all of which sill have been so mucl away un- less the sheep receive proper attention mbing. The question of ex- | during the few real weeks of lamb- ing—from April 1’ 8 o1 here. On this Bae a farm the la: ing shepherds a- quite as essential as 6 ploug! uae are on arable farms.’ 9 the dictates of a: perfectly good con- science, is tak es A alate of fortitude to follow | hoamatiom neat the i an. Pains and muscles and reduces his efficiency. At the first pales get Sloan's Liniment, easy to apply, it pene- trates qwithout rubbing and soothes the soreness, After that long drive or tedious wait in the cold rain apply fone 8 Liniment to ape pe oe fingers, aching wee For gout, net caatgih to 1ache, bruises, sprains, Sora feet, it is pro: ana effective. At all druggists, 25c. 50c. A “2 in 1 Shoe Polish” is made for every use, For Black *2ind Bee Alar ee "Zin 1 sine hietinrspeap ears ii 1a, “Bi r Wiel sLisid® si (ani fo Tani Bio 2 ‘aie Seat. “Gace “Zin and “2 10c Bak Wels tha’ 10c F. F, DALLEY CO. OF CANADA LTD., Hamilton, Can. QUICK—HANDY — LASTING Thrift is by weari the farm Quality “MERCHANTS” “GRANBY” «28 “SERVICE” rubber farm boots, high rubber boots or rubbers, are assured if you choose a pair bearing on the sole cry one of these Trade Marks: Chardin Consolidated Rubber Co., Limited Largest Manufacturers of Rubber Goods a eal British Empire EXECUTIVE OFFICES SEVEN LARGE, Se oceee MANUEACTURING. pean IN CANADA served, and health preserved, ing rubber footwear around in rainy, sloppy weather, and long wear, whether in PLE LEAR. BEER ube i "JACQUES CARTIER” “MAPLE LEAF* “DOMINION” “DAISY” P.Q T CANADA “ —

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