“Jected. ap tly : the food that ay the , i miley i pcg a the a ; and } Pu ecessary strength to “resist A. better lage than meat or e; ver cost. ae 7 Made in Canada. DIVIDING THE SPOIL. Accident Which Foretells Similar Benes: in Bhalament Europe. ee only thirty people in the village, a retired spot on the Hwa se fifteen were lophante ractice the soldiers would not let the] m; villagers get nearer than half ns, and the people, all ignor- ant one had no idea what the shoot- Btn after the target prac- tice had ceased Ge the villagers had forgotten about »| been cal ge Be 2 z = Hi & ae ae 5 = 3 2 $ Fd Ey + fact it was an eight-inch hel that had not exploded, is mine,” said the man who had ars the shell w ‘No, it is mine! I saw it first!” cone the second coolie, “You wo have pur it was there if I had aoe seen nh you would ae have seen it if T had not dug it w r half an Tose the two argued, Be edvancing his claim in high-pitch- nate ‘ivi re ataellye was the verde of the e the question ‘as to ho ow | they should divide They tried t break it with a pee Dut ee shell could not be crushed that “Let the lackamith divide ity’ cuge gested the To the ‘blackamith they .went “[ do not work for nothing,” declar- ed the smith. “I will divide it into three parts: one for man who the found it, one for the man who saw it] j, fe first and one for me. That arrangement had almost been decided upon wher old man who had given the decision in the case ob- Tf tl A blacksmith was to have a third, then he himself ought to have a eee for settling the dis- ute. “Divide it into four parts,” exe man, “One for the , one for the man who saw it firs, 0 one for the blacksmith and one part for m To that they all agreed. By this time the entire village had & of all f th tle blaghenitt shop to see that justice was done. The blacksmith sas the shell on his eat and round him gath- bes all ae le of the filage,: Hi cheney Sci in the air sie brought it ifs on the shell. The et killed all but two of e the Chinese Lae angry, and annihilated the guilty ones ee ae ir relatives “ ends. 9 was not ¢: iBtetved until a anal pat of the shell ‘casting was fou cua containsthe rich supplies of Phosphate of potash grown in wheat and ~ barley, Its mission is therefore clear and plain—it supplies what ordinary food ioks, And it does its work in a sturdy, straightforward, dependable © ‘way, as tens ‘ of thousands ‘ of its users can testify. ing River, | chem’ €! new blood “is m ils, seactiors and school less the war mor bon its fons per, fifteen hundred of hem. hay m killed, two thousand issing, So wit rr its twenty-two colees Christ Church alone has contribut shy the navy about eleven hundred men, of See its than a hundred have een killed. As with technical schools. th aCe) ‘so with the students unfit rk — research, map making, Sica: telegraphy and aeronautics. Throughout England education has lost its former academic character and become practical, s Will it continue to be so after the war? udy of the classics, which has been a tradition of English education for centuries, been abandon- ed forever? If so, ther® must be pene on this continent as well as in land’ who will deplore a ou engines has been enriched, our ap- kath of the English eotetes ne been cultivated, through the unbroken devotion of English scholars from gen- eration to generation to classical mo- dels. Education in the classies has also alled education in the humani- ties. It is natural enough that during war education should throw over the 4/ humanities. We nope that with peace | it may return to SPRING IMPURITIES IN-THE BLOOD A Tonic Medicine is a Necessity at This Season. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale oe ¥| People are an all year round tonic, wadded jacket that would protect him 0 blood-builder and nerve-restorer. But aeainst the wind, aed @ especially valuable ia the(DUcy if he happened to fall into the spring when the system is londed with impurities as a result of the loge ife of the winter months. no other seaton when the blood is so much i helps tg make new, rich, red blood. In the shring one feels weak and ticed iliams’ Pink Pills In the spring the avpettts is often poor—Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills develop the appetite, tone the i iGedkge™ Sullivan, Who | abel ior A tor Weeke at 0 time need of purifying and en-| P Moning at every dose of these pills| f | aa Case of pees Disease | Cured by Dodd’s Kidn Pills. Gives Credit for a Recovery to ‘Dodd’s Kidney Pills. pine ave, Apr. Wh (Special.) Ce red “mo; vende a al spe Bright’s a of the kidneys, Mr, George fivan; 284 de oe Valiers St., “his ae ‘is spreading the good news that he | Co., work to 1 Limite ocd 8 e Paper in Canada, Make big money in spare Write at found his cure in Dodd’s panes nine “T suffered from Bright’s for. two years,” Mr. sullivan sates ao ‘iew. dreds of dollars on doctors wi ceiving ee ro benefit and fecelved ent at the Montreal General saa “I was feeling eat pada discour- iend ad e to tr red. Naturally I cose ‘Dodi’ Kid- ney Pills a womlerful fe Dodd’s Kidney Pills rake no ae -all, hey cure Hones diseases of all kinds om be ickache 0 Bright's Disease. i e proof of ey is their _ growing popula in ies for over a quar- r of a centur If you haven't tae them ask eaae neighbor about them. eae ge TO FRANCE BY AIR. War Correspondent Made Journey To France in Seyenteen Minutes. Constant supplies from England replace ae ones that, are lost along the Som The re- cent experience of a wa’ z rows an interesting light on that de- at tnetoplanes When the correspondent, who was in slat the answer was, “Perfectly . corresponde Oh, take it along and strap it on,” replied the officer: plane that farrletene hunted sid -netrsornes of bombs will not be bothered by a suit ¢ ronan machines, one after anoth- er, were to go to France that day. ihe? corcepartdeutecaliped Channel, and took his place in the posi- tion usually occupied by the observer, ‘who -alzo mans the machin sa good, steady ‘bus,” said the a and tuned up and ready for her ae inthe big show on the other side. not expect any fancy stunts or thrills. My duty is to fly i nce. in gaod ceonaition aod eady for work.” ing is made at a height of ten thousand feet but on ac- is in the spring that poisons in th d outlet in disfiguring ions and boils—Dr.| Wittens’ Pink Pills arendily clear the! skin because ‘0 the root of the trouble in the aie ave Tn the) spring anaemia, rheumatism, indiges- tion, neuralgia, erysipelas and many other troubles are most persistent be. cause of poor, weak blood, and at this time when all nature takes on new life that the blood moet seriously needs attention. ople dose themselves with purgs Pair at this season, but these only further weaken themselves. A purgative merely | ¥' gallops through the system, empty- ing the bowels, as ug x anything in a Williams’ Pink Pils accuatle make which reaches every nerve and organ in the body, sunping: new a itrength, new health and vi to eak, easily tired men, saaie and childve Williams’ Pink Try h Pills th eit Alley will not disap- point pisold by all medicine dealers of sent y mail at 50 cents.a box or six boxes te $2.50. by, The. Dr. Williams’ Medi- eine 0o,, Brockville, Ont Reng atte: THE CABBAGE WORM. How to Combat the Ravages of This Destructive Enemy. The common cabbage worm, the most destructive insect enemy of cab- bage and related crops begins its de- | predations as. soon as k plants are set out in the spring, Steps, to combat it should be taken equally early date, Solution of two p arsenate of ‘eae: four pounds ot senate of lead in pastg form, or one pound of Paris green to fifty gallons - the Biaeias sist it to be necessary. ‘The common cabbage “worm? is the q butterfly having black tipped wings. gardens and fie are laid on n cabbage and related plants they hatch in from four to ys. The caterpillar \ is velvety green, generations occur each season, ‘The first, puerto usually develops on wild pla Mite waite may be Latte suc- cessfully in small garden ere sprays are employed they Mould be coarser on the leayes'and run of 9 Spite is “anger which is aftaid to shor itself, it is an impotent fury jconscious of its impotence, | took the Channel this time at a height it ia | White flee sa SSeS Minard’s Iiniment’ Relieves Neuralgia. The butterflies | | ge. | and relieves, count of the thick weather the pilot Beneath them were the patrol ships, but suddenly they Guus gteared ie view as the ma~ chine ran into Then Pee | pilot stopped the execs and the ma- une iahd donuward tora caouseetl dotted with the surf at the foot of the chalk hills of ce. They had made the flight in seven- teen minutes The fastest steamer would have required an hour and a arter. Preserving Eggs. Chinese ship fresh eggs 1o1 long dis- [tances in 00d condition by oe with a paste made of sea salt, eeeiatie Antes and water. MONEY ORI ORDERS. Read all the Books on every Shelf— ut co your Thinking for yourself. Minard’s Liniment Cures Dandruff. Adversity sometimes gives a man courages. prosperity too often takes it ‘out of -| the Rockies he has Pewhit shout ty bagesges” aslad | You must| hard me: SEND a Dominion Express Money Order, Five dollars costs three cents. 3 THE HARVEST OF BEAUTY. As We Go Through Life Let Us Gath- er Pictures For Memory’s Walls. — eet ws are immensely rich nd do not yt dyspeptic pulltinaity would give a large surg for dige: An invalid in his palace, surrounded yy every luxury, ‘would give away half of his Possessions for the peal of the day labor inne! hand and ‘ahaa on his auldee goes joyously to his work, whistling ie Se ae us and ne God even ‘the beautiful cae Ves filled the universe wit! ‘he fields of azure are aan vith | it. Th constellations are His jewel caskets, le ise wrapped his stars in mantles of gi upon iy ‘al around Oresenche beiceisanle majesty ir thé forest primeval. Under. the shelter of the trees he has planted the azalia, Sa and rhododendron. In painted the trees with hee sapphire and emerald. and all the jewels are cloq mute praise of His precious thoughts to us revealed through the flash and le of the costly stones. Alph- abetical are they all ot the waiting glory which will salute us as we enter the vast homeland to which we Ly a| the universe is laid out along the lines of beauty and ha:mony and we are t inherit its splendors, God has given us a taste of its glories down here. We need to open our eyes to the fact that there is finity. within us which is reaching up to nfinity above us, with a longing to the “filled with the fulness of God.” This is a glorious world when we open our eyes to appreciate it, How nm work in the material har- vest fields that they may sustain these short lives whichfiash like:a taper and then go out, when there are vast fields of beauty for the soul with harvests ungarnere Move out of the soul's horizon and live a broader life, prepare for the vastness beyond. LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN Cincinnati man telis how to dry pa corn or callus so it lifts off with fingers. YES! You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a heeteneds calla loowetn lifted off, root and all, without pain. A small bottle of treezone costs very little at any drug store, but will post- tively. take off every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as it is inexpensive and 1s said not to irri- e the surrounding skin If your druggist hasn't any freedone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It is fine stuff and acts like a charm every time, Pinsesiceig hice eo THE CONTINENT OF LONDON. At the Hub of the Empire Are Found All Sorts and Conditions of Men. it is curious how ignorant the born TI. the imes he would go ore shoulders, lame back, stiff neck, all pains and aches sels to Sloan’s Liniment; | i ie not rab it. Simply apply to | the sore spot, it nce enetrates Cleaner than mussy plasters or ‘intents, it does not stain the sl : Kee for rheumat In peace ti France, to Belgium; to Norway, 5 i while all’ the time he us ‘and visit these coun- tries in ee though certainly min- us their natural scenery. But che essential atmosphere was to desibabl 4 age ‘the soil of the vi pail in| ing his de- Bei a le that the frost should ble | garden as soon as possible, therefore any- thing that prevents the full force of Warm sun. and “rain all be peered m_ rid the open spaces of ‘ Frost cana ey them sufficiently to| | | jus ape the aren and give the sun a chance if you are anxious fe an the garden. Babbiat ati straw. or litter o ‘the garden will shi frost in as long as possible. This is }done because alternate thawing and teeta is injurious to these perman- in the nature of a heavy frost is un- likely, ‘here is no reason why an attempt should be fied le to turn over the =“ hole re. too ‘expensive this aso to be wasted, Pe ees is what Is x with a the seeds all their vitality will be burned out of them. This is a common error and ex- plains why a great many seeds fail - sprout. The seedsman is not alway: to blame. A common cause of poor results in hia ae gardening is too deep plant- ue of the seeds. Germination will be ach he in the spri ing when the ‘ak of shallow planting is adopted. Later in the season, when the soil be- comes warm, the seed: n advantageous to w them in a little trench, filling it ie is plants grow until the ground is level Put tt your need ashes on the gar- den, and if or chimney spread. it around the roses or the aster plants, SATISFIED MOTHERS. No other medicine gives as great satisfaction to mothers as does Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets are equal- ly good for the newborn babe or the growing. child. They “are absolutely free from injurious drugs and cannot possibly do harm—é Pamphile, Que., Writes, “Thi Baby’s\Own Tablets and am well satis- fied with them and would use no other medicine for my little ones”. The Tab- lets are sold! sy paeicne dealers or by mail at 25 a box from The Dr. Willams? Medicine ¢ . Brockyllle; Ont enone ei egea malie“heteey! jaeetata! better schools, better shares, better neighbors and better living Minard’s Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. River Beds. In Siberia some of the rivers are said to flow over ice many years old aad Ae oe Ren RS butary of the Lena is reported to haye a bed of pure ice over nine feet thick. After the ::; Movies ine ent £01 andsmart Give yourHiyes ne mt care. as your Teeth and with the: ‘ou Cannot Buy New Eyes! OF tend for a Lifetime, Tired the sun's ‘ray reaching the soil should 7 ‘ = ton reque: ive full HVinformation. os Ce “iia HIGELY downs z applicat A Ea omen can pros pares formation Free er St, Foster, @ ES, NEW AND 2. oP a: Send for ial = —— Works, aa lis ie inter ana cetevnind.: oure®, wh be our home treatment. Write 0 “before uy roy Dr. eet got did PIANO ACTION iGanadiay Stean, Bolter re Eaulpment, nt ited Tol. Gerrard 2060 “20 Motes Bt PL : FOR HEADACHES, BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION, ~ INDIGESTION early allourminorailments,andmany els. Ifyou ala of Petra aly he tuilence ce headac es, constipation, a1 a host o} distressing ailments, yo must ie fo it that your stomach, liver a0 bowels are equal to TRY &% von Tse Hein matter fotake 30 drops of st Mother Seigels Syrup t thousands of fousriess, constipation, an tressing consequences in jst this simple digestive tonic and Mother Sergel’s Syrup is unsurpas: MOTHER SEIGEL’S SYRUP. ‘Tar New1.00 Size conrarns 3.171 Dog. DISEASES| _And How to Feed | |Malled tree to eens by H. CLAY GLOVER 0. 118 We a Ser Dog Remetiies: J MICA HELPSTHE HAUL Dry nes strain he horses 2 The harness 3. The wagon. . MICA \ AXLE GREASE helps all three’ factors in the haul. It smooths the axle MICA is the EO PARE Het of axle IMPERIAL i company Jimite BRANCHE Las t ROUGROOT’ socit As WHE-TiAL Stax SOLD ATSDepLR BOTTLE, INFLUENZA And all diseases of the horse’ affecting: SAS SARERG PRVER, BYE, SHIPPING picctatnd EPIZOOTIC ge ake Speedily. aving can We mae elaste them by using SPORN'’S DISTEMPER comrounD 8 to brood, mares, baby colts, Atal ditions. Most akilitul sotentifte conic druggist will supply you. AL C0. Goshen, Ind., U8 AS Ae = Pi te sh Ith Terdars THE ‘Polish SHOE POLISHES Bie re a of beat Ltd, a ree ny y . Ask ‘Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, ior Free Boox Nowadays. “So it's the fifth grade for you now, Louis? Will you be in fractions or decimals ?” “Neither, sir. It'll be in beadwork and perforated squares.” I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD’S LINIMENT. cata eg bel ee M. CAMPBELL red of Facial Neuralgia me MINARD" Ss ‘LINIMENT, Springhill, N.S. WM. PDARIBEA) I-was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by MINARD’S LINIMENT. Albert Co. N. B. GEO, TINGDEY “What are pies “Elderberries, mum, “Oh,” said the young house- keeper, “I ean, see young berries, please. be found within a short. radius of Pic- | eailly Cireils. “How many Londoners, say off-hand where to find juarter, Seéndiniisn aie the Chinese Quartei the | Russian Quarter, the Dutch. rare, | the Armenian Quarter, or ot at now remains of the German Quarter? Wherever Lee Caitinenial peoples wander the} own country ith them and Pecsatate it, while the Briton invariably fits Winsett into native backgrounds. Thus you will Russia in Stepney and Bethnal Green; the, glamor of Italy in Clerkenwell; ths spirit. of Holland in Spitalfields; le snvatarlons Orton in Limehi Norway, and Denmark ti Shadwell; Sweviand off Totten Court Ri pellent. pistes of Germany in Great Chaflotte Street; and the Armenian Settlement is—well, I wonder how’ man, Tanne can locate that eeetag colony ‘Minard’s Ziniment for usle everywhere, find the true Paris in Sn the real | HAVE ae ECZEMA ¢ Would you like to end that ter | rible ee. that. LT ee ‘to heal those horrid sores? Yor Bee tried all pete al oy sences; is a natural healer. something you have to send to thi end id for, and pay 2 dently give Ls Lt ease by the autel see rou on box:— The ee of Health, Comfort and Economy rete when days are wet and “all out-doors” is sloppy, is a good pair of rubbers, rubber boots or rubber: farm shoes. The sure guide to mes rubber footwear—your guarantee of service and protection—is oneofthese Trade Marks: : MAPLE LEAR / dey ule, “JACQUES CARTIER" « “GRANBY” “MERCHANTS” °- + Be ed LEAP” “DAISY" “DOMINION” Canadian Consolidated Rubber | Co. Limited Largest of Rubber i ithe —_ Empire XECUTIVE OFFICES, -MONTREAI “AL, P, SEVEN Aes UP-TO-DATE MANUFACTURING aise IN CANADA _ 28 “SERVICE” BRANCHES AND WAREHOUSES ‘THROUGHOUT CANADA courte soa