Le ee Bs x LITTLE a E HOME These Bring the Wrinkles and Pallid Faces That Make Women | Our Spring Clothes Look Prematurely Old. ha! ost every woman at the head! of a home meets daily many little worries in her household affairs. The | wy, care er little ones, wor! about the house all contribute to these} Most em may be too itute a constant mate headaches, fickle appetite, tiredness bead slight exertion, and the com those thus affl Willems” Pinke Pills cure; a restoration of cheeks, brightness to the eye, a hearty appetite and a sense of freedom from weariness, Among the many thou- sands of Canadian women who ha found new and strength through these pills is Mrs. G, Stras- ser, Acton West, Ont., who says:— “I am the mother of three children |; and after each birth I sec rae terribly run down, weak, tl ood, al- ways felt tired, and hablo to do ousehold work. soon gaihed my old time stren; deed after taking ieny Tefal as: yell in my girlhood, and’ could take pleasure in my worl so ‘used Baby’s Own culets for my little ones Sad Rave testi then « snlentisd tnedie elne for childhood aibnenth” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills dicine, are sold by all dealers in me you %: siliena Medicine Dr. Brockville, Ont. Pa Sy Lan: THE WOODS IN WINTER. To a True Lover of Nature Old Trees — a was of Reverence. robably there is no more widely aitased inant of the Ses ie and unselfis] than the Tove o: ture. "Witness the swarms of eee see it doors, even though that enall Pane etiam babant estes Total ie face, woods ho truly o fd Cacia oan se self Nesdlong upon a lonel jutting headland, in the inky blackness a starless night, a field seeming to cower beneath the lash of a January gale, mountains half hidden in sno sto: appea® bent upon bury- colonel in dread —distinct- of light- of ecstasy not bland aaferient of -mi ments, And so it is with the woods in win- ter. To those who have the Druidical reverence for trees and who can readily ae that a sturdy and majestic oak that has flung i arms fearlessly Sarat the wind fora hundred at should come to be wor- shipped by the mere weak and grovel- ling race of men below, a wood is al ways a sanctuary, to.be entered ‘with hushed voice. mo- each individual tree stands stark and cold, like a soul awaiting | judgment, when the thin and lifeless rays of the winter sun intrude where the hot glare mer noon could never enter, when all its secrets stand revealed, the leaves to which.it whispered se- crets in forgotten June. SPEED with good judgment counts in business combined now-a-days. Grape-Nuts supplies balanced nourishment for sturdy muscles and active brains, “There's a Reason” No change In price, or size of packag quality, ‘ing | is r | his ittle sister. For his proper | cl sh crochet as a dress Se: has been revived again.. The idea was brough tfrom Paris very recently. | sca adress of white Georgette there! e large pockets of Irish crochet | ork aes andan edging to match finished the large bertha on the waist. Dresses of white serge also begin to arance, Som« Se at- tractive models are seen, brig! he: there and creas of | Oriental embroide ies sleeveless paeah is another new eed bys nan hes “for Small Children ribbons te rows of pale pink and blue used around the bottom of a pleated white net frock —A wolf hunt in n which" both Russians —7585 7435—7507- The New pir ane ae with Box-} ye Skit ited fascinating effect. There are frocks f silk, voile and fine linen, too, for the little ones. ese are trimmed i ad _embroidery, Tris Fochet lace or smocking, eet is often doveloned i ieee, bination of white soutacle braid with pea Beaibcuidary, on Ghia’ white ftner: dress is quite’ ovel and very effective, boy is not Fae hile Peiiskieena yeti yeaa Be tutes there are little suits of white moire The vest ani een, blue or yellow moire. These ie of silk are all very well for md muddy tained The McCall Copasey 1 70 Bond St. Toronto. Department W. PLENTY OF FUN AT THE FRONT. Ww British Captain on Leave in New York Gives Some Tr Capt. Patrick Corcoran, of the Royal leave in New York, has ‘ench Impressions. mor at the front. Parts of the inter- view Jolley in the Sener With shells dieppite: all around and blowing the bodies of your ‘ecvnvaslio into red f-ag- ments! “What, do\ the soldiers do, I iene when this is happening? e Frenchmen sing, this captain ii mia Notte keep up their cour- age, but joyously, « exultantly. ‘And the Brit “They lay aaa on: what shell will do.” Capt. Corcoran enlisted as a pri- vate. I wondered how he came to get his commission. “So did I,” he said. ing despatches the next different places out suecial orsers e day I was asked to dalpatelove pho tindeserter sal T tsa it, When I came back, they made me a lieutenant, Nothing at all had hap- couldn't understand. it. of, and, besides, nowad: pulls don’t count ay “They told me a suite leah he ad- ded, “that I wi man sent out with that ieee rhe first to war that peace will probably come hard for a while. “Seriously, now, I don’t know a soldier who is even dreaming of peace. ey didn’t want war, but ed it is they're goii it And they’re pees to have all the fun they can out of it while it lasts.” t pees Sb The Sexes Dress Alike. In Lapland men and women dress exactly alike — in tunics, leather breeches, wrinkled stockings and pointed shoes Painting farm implements and ve- hicles is a good odd job for winter; of course they are all under cover. Clothes for very little oe ira eneit= catearn serum ceca some very inter esting points ‘or the Herd aPached ces uraie aor iny girl’s party froc e are the |cuits or other bread, hempseed, millet, from ase local McCall dealer or from tl “T was carry-| ¢. nly in- six were killed. ci at they suck the juices| don’t know what our boys will by other natural! do when it’s all over; they’re so used FEED THE BIRDS IN WINTER. Encourage the Children to Preserve Bird Life of the Neighborhood. Feeding birds in winter is a de- lightful and inexpensive recreation, : nd it costs ue: in time, food or equij ment, and children particularly enjo; = the benefit trom this se of applied jnature attracts birds all si winter to flit. and chirp pene the dooryard and is one of the important means of preserving bird life. An increase in the number of birds means that more of them will nest in the trees next spring and become jour summer eoumemionse They will sing their thanks and contribute to ie anes y and charm of the neigh- Pie bird kept from starving when cold weather, ice and sno e lars; wers, o field crops, Tt ts far better to feed birds now than to grow crops for i ects to oe "The best foods for birds in. winter are suet or other fat, pork rinds, bones with shreds of meat, cooked “Going up on High?” Better try the low gear first. The human engine must have the right kind of fuel- food. Power to do things |‘ comes from food that is tich in muscle-building ma- terial, that is easily digested. Shredded Wheat is.a high- power food, the kind that fits a man or woman for the day’s work—just enough muscle-making material, just enough heat-making mater- ial to keep the body in top- notch condition. Shredded Wheat is ready-cooked, Two Biscuits teady-to- -eat. wit ith milk make a nourish- ing meal at a cost of a few cents. Made in Canada. ents, cut up apples, birdseed, buck- nut meats of all kinds, expecially pea- w e popcorn, pi an! te boiled rice, sunflower seeds and oa cis an ttn zi roof and glass on three sass Ss to mit observation and at the same ies to protect the food and the birds. If mounted on a pivot and supplied with a vane, the wind will revolve it the open side will arene be sheltered. Birds appreciate sup vater fede given daily of water in the garden at pues season. Swallows, robins and phoebes will wall Leereneta wit the mud gathered from a wet spot of oe kind—other birds will make use feathers, bits of wool, twine and pereh The cat is the greatest enemy of the bird. Homeless eats should be de- stroyed and pet cats should be kept in the house. BABY’S OWN TABLETS ee. Wm. Artlett,, Ancaster, Ont., used Baby’s Own Tablets for three as for my HES girl and baby them of the ee help “auri Me Me teething period and keep the in the fe blets aid teething babies because they regulate the stomach and bowels, thus prevent- jing constipation, diarrhoea and con- jvulsions. They pro emote. healthful slee wel a and happy. lealers or by mall at I cehta’a tion from ‘The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, mt. ROSTA. ND’S ‘REST CURE. How Fren abate Recovers ch His Mental and Physical Powers, 80} ¥ OF GREAT HELP|»: MARRIAGE IN FRANCE. Ceremony is Performed by Sg eis Who Recéiyes No Sal British epee billeted in ee small. er French towns and villages behind the lines ae often been aur = the notices of marriage Boas outsi the offices of the mayors of the vari- For the majority of 1a departed for safer places farther from the fighting The expl the respective communes of the bride and bridegroom, and in the communes itt their respective parents reside. It often happens, therefore, that four different notices of marriage have to vil- notices Cons in the usual way in their own vill4g every is performed by the Mayor. A French maire is not as an English oor “There are 36,000 may- of Tales: ste mayor is unpaid, duties are much more onerous than those of the chairman of an English strict council, his office is often part of the State school, and he is usually assisted by the village school- master, who acts as secretary to the commune, and who, by reason of his official Toon, = ineligible for the post Ges or. iage costs no- ar code usually in the sually aaitvark a little heniy to the newly- married couple, and also usually ex- ercises his ee honored pvilene of kissing the bri Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, Ete. The Boss. A Swedish bridegroom, among the middle and lower classes, carries Sahih SThidsis’ aac empmietatte ae thority in the domestic circle. The French poet, Rostand, accord- ig to a recent dispatch Ae hig own peculiar method of °|habilitating his mental and physical powers: he goes to bed and stays there. A friend of the poet says that hei is taking an isolation cure of three onths, which he is p: fie Wabee ob Catitin’” HE Geek a6. one except one servant, everyone care to make no noise in the and the poet receives no communications from the through newspapers — war accounting for this compro- mise of what would otherwise be per- Feet isolation. aken one or two of these olnds ciewh beeen te was workir Cyrano, and once when he was slightly ill. He is not working particular! ly duri ing this cure, except He w. Pealns cde. ob sore ton fa wasls before he took it, which accounts for his decision. is friends say that these cures have qnimarkabioatect onele health. gains a great deal in weight, loses his habitual nervousness, 1 powers of working hard, and generally becomes his old genial self again. Mansonville, June 27, ’13. Minard’s Liniment Co, Limited. Yarmouth, eneneneete: affords me great pleasure and must be gratifying to you to know that after using 36 bottles of your Liniment on a case of paralysis which my fathet was afflict- with, I was able to restore him to normal condition, Hoping other suf- ferers may be benefited by the use of your Liniment, I a: A iceray yours, EO. H. HOLMES. “Bees Do Not Injure Fruit. An aaricutloral society in Italy has carried out a investination of the alleged ee of fruit by bees, and has completely exonerated the latter. Bees are unable to perforate the skin of fruit, and it i Granul ied hbo y © and Wind quickly relieved by urine ye Remedy, No Smartin, tag “ 5 25¢. For BeokoltheFyeFreeask. or Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago — vee Japan Wasn’t Modern. rears ago the peat vat to ‘te et from head to foot in armour, a1 e hideous sous to frighten ee enemy. i Mixard’s Liniment Jares er. FLYING 180 MILES AN HOUR. British Flying — Faster Than the on a scout wa cannot regis- r in the bartived of 140 sales mn hour on ‘the strai; y in level air” as it is Bee is not alan ern, writes correspondent of a New York newspaper wl aS been. run ‘apes “down hill” or in diving out of a loo) Fighting in the air is ey ed as “fun” British ai nn who de- plore the aiffenlty of caatiae the Fly- ing Fritzies from the ground when a serap is in prospect e great speed ‘attained is aceom- panied by no sense of speed what- ever, nothing like the thrill of forty or fifty miles an hour with the sense of trees whizzing by mi ern army flie: and laugh at a oe nating short ot a hurricape can stop clouds and ground Bee feared than high winds, not on the fering as they do very seriously with a wide range of useful work. gr She Does Her Bit bago, 5 bruises aad muscle soren: At all droggists, 25c. 50c. and $1.00. ee Antes en. te Whison Pupitenin Ta Went ee Street, ‘Poron ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, internal and external, cuted ar uw by our home treatment. Wri oo Tate. Dr, Hellman Medi: Have a bottle handy for rheu- atic palo neuralgia, gout, lum- rains, strains, toothache, | cadericas | Co., Limited, Collingwood, ¥ T BOOK ON DOG. DISEASES ee mT ww And How to Feed Saas Matled sik to site address by H clay Guo CO., Inc. sh fost fect FO | dog Remedies 118 aedint eee Nes York 3 loan’s Tadigrene do not ae rab, it eeretrates and soothes. Cleaner than mussy plasters or Rd amie ha eh Piano ointments, does not stain the skin, u eyeeutitactss “OTTO HIG=L” PIANO ACTION PATTY. FILL Ss In Patriotic Work And Tells of Benefit Received From Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Mrs. H. A. Standish Strong, Hearty and Enthusiastic at Sixty-two, Ad- this district is Mrs. ndish. Though sixty-two years of age her splendid health enables her to keep house for three hearty men and still have time and strength to devote to the welfare of the boys in the trenches. And Mrs. Standish will tell you she owes that abundant health to Dodd's Kidney Pil. hat Dodd’s Kidney Mr. Standish states; mended them many times for rheuma- tigm. a& they helped me very much for that disease. You can say for me that Dodd’s Kidney Pills are beneficial | for everyone who is troubled with bad picncieee ‘ or in art as CANADA'S DISABLED SOLDIERS. ye, Military Hospital Commission’s Care of Tuberculosis Patients. wished not only to give them a serious sity af over attaicing hile mathees pifls are very ood for, sick kidney,” f° xequired to enable hens to produce Chicken fat < wood for Minara’s Liniment Cures Diphtheria, The the keystone of womans kidneys right and the rest will be right. Dodd’s A Bird in the Hand. Kidney Pils keep the kidneys right, “Miss Norah, if 4t'wasn’t for Tir- ei rence O'Brien that do be courtin’ ye, I'd b Mulligan, but did ye niver hear that prisint company is always accipted?” RABBITS WANTED. <= ae ‘The ‘Spirit of America . Rat tude aud Cher BU: D.& White, Pres, J. W. Mott, Myr. Write A, BARBO! 243 College re Toronto The Easiest She had two boys. The mother ATEN IN-ALL COUNTRIES Book “ Patent Protection’ CK & ‘y to make uw: shortening frying. it for ten minutes cold salted a then try it out in wr ; "5 Ki dee of her Ons vines Others to Use Dodd's Kidney ne mae clear to thei seas | mel ee See earch Pills. tis gravity of the task before her. At! prarghec: Ovtawe and Wasl Ayers Cliff, Stanstead Co., Que.,| the end of a Darina uching ad |~ Feb'y 19th (Special.)—One of the | juration, aay -old Francis was most enthusiastic patriotic workers in | suddenl: one with the impos- Will pues. Sone ar Strained, on’t tr} us good ,mo- ‘endons, Li reeeneits, ther vm he ta, earnestly. “Just shoot ete Siopsthelamenesean Boe: pain from a Splint, Side Bone of “Why call me the consumer?” ask- Hone Spavio Ne Ceca ae gone and horse can be used. 3 the Li who pays the bills, “All T bottle at druggists or'delivertd: Dev jo is produce! “n efor special instruc. —t-—_ » ions and interesting horse Book 2M Free, Proper feed, water, housing and-care aia me te Jinimentfor mankind, redlices YOUNG, p. 0. F, S16 Lyma ather cool oven, pouring the fat off fast as it melts after havin’ somethin’ to say to Hoge th’ night.” F connie Saga ae For a specific and typical case take that of Corporal Jones, wounded at Ypres, suffering from shell-shock and tuberculosis, who, after three gathe, under DE Corporal | Class A patient, ete rest in| Jones has twoweeks’ complete bed, with three pints of milk per day. ‘Then he his bed for a mfor canvas ona canna where he lies all ng pain, steps bieeding and her ease. Perseverance, with Zam FOR ALL BLACK LEATHER EUREKA HARNESS OIL, is unexcelled for pre- serving and Te pth he life of black ‘THE IMPERIAL Of COMPANY, Limited Branches Throughout Canada chair day breathing the health-giving Lau- rentian air. At the end of two months he has afternoon. So now every day Corporal THE NATION’S FUTURE Depends Upon Healthy Babies Properly reared children, a strong, Many diseases to which child-* Ten are susce] eptible, eet indicate their presence in the bow ie careful rigtter should watch her child’s bowel move- ments and use _ 7 Mrs. Winslow’s ° Soothing Syrup It is a corrective for diarrhoea, colic and otherailments to which children are subject especially during the teething period, Tt is absolutely non-narcotic and contains neither opium, morphine nor any of their de- rivatives. Mrs. Winslow’s ' Soothing Syrup Makes Cheerful, Chubby Children Soothes the fretting child durin ing le relief to both child and mother, bottle today SST hace ie ney Sold by all druggists in Canada and sf throughout the world 13SUB No, 817 |and around the gl e has four hours daily. Whilst Corporal Jones lay in his |chair, a Class B_ patient, he was Jones puts on his puttees, grips his | cane, and walks leisurely up and down oriously-garmente illee Crave week mincextrslee Spi Jonged by ffisen snintes, until at last taught reed-basketry. As a Class G iderably hardened by e: se, he joins a workshop class for an howx each day and learns arc Bes nul gon catia keel ise rack and then oe a lamp-stand. Cabinet-makin metal work mag engraving and crafts first to be taught 4 inthis, ‘iia workshop. Tatevaphes aimee, Everee ing, mechanical and industrial draw- mike list below Nosegay Collection Sweet Pens ‘8 Tall or a separate caloresases: postpaid. Separate colon postpai Bruce’s Garden Seeds Splendid Neate) B—25¢. eicran we Breet ee o'Da Write gatalogue of Flower 8 Poultr; Jo! Insure the suc ean of pour garden Dy apr Dwart ‘Golleetio m— ‘Bruce's Empire Sallection 1 1b, 60e. postpatd 21b- 880. pompald Je, postpaid to-day tor “sind, Mostrated Farm and and Bulbs, y Supplie PREE. ote,, A. BRUCE is mt Eee ing will follow. Horticulture, chicken raising, beekeeping are pursuits that ‘0 figure in the vocational cur- end of six months, Corporal ones hicgata very fair grip on good lungs are healed; and no cough f Dr. Byers i aclian that another months in the mountains will make trebly unlikely the danger of a re- ths, Corporal Jones is now discharged trom the and re-admitted to the Inn for months’ treatment. ren a pen- mn, the amount, being according to his sisi. aid of private citizens aioe under the authority of the Mili- tary Hospitals Commission, and ha elevated the care of her soldiers into a science. It must be conceded Canada that she shows her gratitude to her warriors in a practical way, and if her face wears a military mask ne- e times, her heart is none itous of their welfare. the less soli Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, WANTED FOR THE ROYAL NAVY Soden Vanes “uct php good rag erin, Only pom $110 Minimum pet day free Kit onth “hooey Allow is to are a ae PA’ sed for wre iat CANADIAN defence of the Coasts. te COMMODORE ABMILIUS JARVIS. nag Mat tak ae Wsorbine aod Absorblae, Jt, ae