Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 1 Mar 1917, p. 1

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s Poultry Wanted HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for all kinds of Live Poultry S. Gleeckman, °8°" Vii iton “Ht Shines For r AL” Sum, Scissors and Razors Sharpened P. NEUMEISTER Painter and Decorator | MILVERTON Clippers ned Vol. XXVI—No. 35 . Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, March 1, 1917 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Items of Local Interest. Frozen Salmon and Whitefish at Mohi good photographs P's. ais Until Be notice eream will be , rch t ae are boot of, if ye Before'buying, we ask you to compare our values. D. be @ W. PORTLAND d.M. Fleischhauer wee eS, CEMENT ; is at: ae STANDARD ST MARYS ANTHRICITE LIME H J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for Feed Wheat (Chopped) $2.30 Per Cwt. We expect a car of 66 ” Echo” Feed (Corn and Oats Chopped) -$42.00 Per Ton. : ‘ ye We also have ‘WESTERN OATS at 750 Bushe! PFEFFER MILLING CO. Baneecer[ilanausrone Capital ialaneesey $8,000,000 Capital Surplus, - - - - A Dollar a Week No much, i is it? Peay if you deposit that small in the Ban Pil su? ne almost $1,000 in ten ars. easy to continue. Begin to-day with one dollar. MILVERTON BRANCH: N. G. SCHAFER, Manager e better pee he state dames . Kennedy $8,000,000 500,000 ‘After an illness eztending over ten weeks Mr, Jam gies Friday, March 2nd and. wil ‘be cone jucted’ by Rev. Fr. Weidner. iieulton-teeuldely, tt Kennedy was a native of Tipperary e Ireland, where he was born 79 years is habi ; ago an Canada when a This habit, once formed, is i ae gala ip in June 1867 and was ronto ; a at home, and Herbert, of Mi tales Sask. 3) Health. The revision was ioserted (0 |e H Royal Victoria College | Seed — Government arenas. ES ‘Clover, $10.75 pix hus. R. coming or \ buyers seem t ntil they can size up the Seas tini neteer Terrible Famine Threatens Wo en Stephen ee a of McGill poiveratty Montreal, addressing the 1" Housewives’ League atthe ast week, said: “We are sight of a terrible food famine, Sig as the world has never ps betimes ess resources e must see e and every s turned to use, must put beh of public opinion and the efforts cathe dividual citize Letter from Pte. G. Thamer T SOMETHING NEW AND ey Listowel 1. Hamilton's Millba: ate ORIGINAL! Mr. Wilfrea Goan of ateattard. We revetved-a: letter from Pte. John|sold at 120 per bottle.—George B have again. pe ulead a large |Dear Mr. MacBeth; | HYMENEAL ‘db i creidine atten ok days ‘at his home| Keillor, who is now in France, which ene ock of He took ‘Tonio and| It ie gett much pleasure that I = 8 spending will appear next week ©..N. Paddon and Mr. Poultry Pan-a. he, goods that jyou these few lines, although taosuee Sepenwcen N Ov E LTY Miss Helena ae ee erie couple of second-hand Hees. siicaden. thes esting: Gi the ine btnpk reeelts Haken itary cceseristione as 0 lort—scorT See eee Prion aud: 8t.| Wood stoves on hand w ich must |Presbytery at Stratford on Tuesday | Edward one hundred brief, hope, however, that a few ob-| At high noon, Wednesday. February be cleared out an once. Finkbeiner's. | The cheapest, tire on the market /six years of age, and an old-time resi- servations given at random may in-|21, at her home, 192 Albert. street, Thomas. stildred and Gertrude Kerr| #Rev. Dr. MeCrae, of Mitchell, ha eae oes is Kelly & of Morris township, died terest some readers of. the | which was beautifully decorated, it SKA T E spent last week at the millinery open. |Been elected moderator of the Strat- springfield’ Geor; boron dnd day home, of his son-in-/Sun. Tam enjoying, fine health with pink am Fag? alg aa occ teea tee Morente ery OPED |rcrd Presbytery. He will serve for a| W. ns, agents vin icky SRAAKE PENS tbe ezeevtlon. ae slight {Cold which, tion, the marriage of Miss Ada Seott a Ohare Riddell, ae eae Your daunted buy anything: you | the nae tol ay wil be Oe ci ead thon rhage invoice of |he alos the the army lite. The lite bas | Guenter of, the labs Duncan. Soot a For Benefit of the Hockey Club |||spent the week-end with her mother give them—except your photo-|in the Pablic Library on y eve- lour first shi newsprint after |its ups and downs, bitter and sweet, | was kaithtninee meee Dee week ee Davee weloce: graph. Hollefreund’s *aglverion stu-|ning, March Sth, ‘at tight o'elock. four old. contract had expired and the {but on the whole we like it fine. We. Kno ahureh, perteonele she oe TUESDAY EVENING Ne. Rodasy where she has taken | Will be open on Friday n New members welcom: raise figures out 66 per cent. Thus|of course, get tired at times especial-|in the pre SA Deiabens tater cassie re teens a "Wil Richardson, of Poole, spent srs, G. J. Coxon and w. i. Lyous writes @ fellow publisher. His mis-|ly after a route march varying from |The bride wee attired in a von ji a day last week home of Mr. |are or Canadian. an ery, however, has company. ‘The pub-|six to twenty miles with full march- ~1| MARCH $Gth [hee ee eeeiford: [and “Mrs, Jake Schweitzer Jr. Bill Kelly & Springfield's aulomotil' eae ak tea ane ita aoa | eer ‘and take it from me snhees een ea “ond RS ‘ ik Baxtsnde Send with her friend, |intends leaving for the West soon. |Ford car size are guaranteed the poor newspaper men is to land |it is no light Bengint ne ere ae cs, i ie = “Shia nar er oe Sir Robert Borden and party ar- miles and tho lerger size for 6000| with but fifty per cent, advance sub-| Well, folks without any further pre- | gf x S Mis: immerman, of I~ i given ‘a yy the: consi, Alder: The entire proceeds will verte, Viuited with, Mee, James (rived in England on Thursday last.| miles, scription rates and advertising at |liminaries, I will continue with the |Mancan Scott. who conducted her to go to defray'the rs ve bated thi ereek Listowel Banner,|43 12‘ Canadian Parliament rets-| Canada has sie spent $443, 000,. peace time prices, hard fact: ere rr the parlara-tiberesEher Gaveinsne wae of the club. aes Aaa Men: sey Coxon, of |Sembles on April 19th Sir Robert is|000 on the w. if the war con- Parks Commissioner of Toronto | but sunny France f a | performed bef sec biad jsp ‘a “7 Tew Coxon, oF | expecte by that date. fcuase Gaiiece ae it will cost her jis already laying plans for a campaign | these lines we will be in the trenches |< Nai MCLE has ounce the sink ir the ded. “ine of air. of a ¢ desperate ‘coal situation of the 433 00,000 more. this ischeap|against the tussock moth, and it may jopposite Old Fritz, foe ee eiereiatt ae the Pee geore Hae Ot BISBEE OF: weeks calls forth a questjon.|if it purchase liberty for. Belgium \by epplicable to Stratford. He ie re-|re-entoroing the aie pan a iY pel igo thy 7 hursday evening last. poole, visitea|What would Canada do were the and the esting operation of house-|us from Waltoi Sue SEaaen nate peat noon guy se Meee eer, eee oeitaughter,; United Btates to refuse to export CNSR iDreserves for jus the jholders in exterminating the pest; |sure do have . recog a a ai MAAS Laat, ADs on ff; | coal ? isa possibility which | youth of our children. Tt ow is the time to mal tart,” four troubles. However, we are here |fertte poet ae en rose Mt ot Between 2 \picked teams. Macle Lest Fete nee should be considered, fading memory of days gone by. says. Householders should search |to uphold Ganada's ‘honor and that Glencoe: Viclet MoDermott, and Flor Commencing at 8 o'clock Fe sris, Hismitdean tan aieposed ia is ee Weir on Tuesday last beings pate bos: a a faces fhe, eellings of ndahs and over: | we will do to our utmost. The more SSbt Antal ee eibbek “bekbenn i i 3 f sold for ‘red Hammond, of Wel- | ow! pas' lollefreund’s studio |sheltered places for the cocoons see and hear of the Canadians i 4 nd lasting do muattes, cee Stee eee (fags st Fondo [fe is surplus — st which | Will be open on Friday the tussock moth, and when foun kes eel prouder than ever to | Migs cies ase ae prey eens: ada Gitgiiis lease brought in $3150. Cows brought in| All accounts due the I inkbsiner they should be burned. I intend to|belong to the soil of the beaver and | During the signin ip heed BAND IN ATTENDANCE ing sho tig for the, Wee! ag much as $190 each svhile two-reas Hardware must be_ settled ot later |mako a determined effort to rid the |the maple leaf | Wilfred Clarke, Tom | iss Ida afaDermott, of ‘Tavistock aaa! nara L. 8 ia biel old heifers brought from n March ist. We must have the Jeity of those pests during the spring.” |Sullivan and others are all here a a . 4 eee Saree Stee 3 OE “Biornington, $90, bulls rising one year’ brought as |money. Can't continue business with I tell you when fellows are away |Sin® to ine trae ain ie ADMISSION: 25¢ ||/had a tat on Saturday last throush a meen ane Ree Ee eka dee Beh Fe: Seats Shoe. thay eet eee eee the maid of honor a necklace, to’ the e £ the New |bave settlement to settle our bills, of their own near. I have not seen } het toe catching a loose piece of car-|, ihe general crestions 0 i pianist a brooch, After the ceremony nswick Legislature were ‘held on| The question of seed potatoes Egle Torranos yet but may eome . . Powerex, tmat: to are ead tte avg |Saturday last and resulted in the de- jbriefly. discussed in the Legislature ap Tecan imagine “how Gea en Sr serie Caaaere ee mais ated eat ¢ Murray Government. The|on Monday — w: ier Hea: Botstuelersoll Jelcuy qrecekc ore Aitcrnmon torte dk, Wieouee aaah o Pe Liberals inereased their representation stated that the Government was tak- toget er. ‘i ee ZIMMERMAN S HALL nry Pauli, of the Bank of rom § to 27 in a house of ing steps to secure a supply of seed T guppose, that Ol Ontario will OceMo Rn: Ounta. 1a DEG aaNtos ubmicn each a Fern tty, Sock; | Will give them a majority of 6 in the | potatoes for ‘the farmers of Ontario im the hands of winter HER eee a RETR an MILVERTON visiting his parents, Mfr. and Mrs,|new Hegislatare. tf, daughter of Se te he tener all 'be enjoying leh There is} wore’ stone marten furs, On their iss Pearl Steinhoff, daughter oi 0 be on no snow here as yet but sometimes WEDNESORY ae He ie acess ate iesnase spoteld wy, I. Steinhoff, has been -appointed |Friday, March 2nd, afternoon it is\very wet and muddy. The scen- make tele home ay Tee wanes: contralto soloist’ in Bloor street evening, good things to cat an ery of this country is very pictur- | 0A non . MARCH F817 | The local ‘hydro-electric commission |P¥terian chure t|good programme by the Edgerton esque but not so at the front. The ve now on hand all the equipment |soloist in High Park Mothodist church |Lorrance Chapter, Daughters of the Beople mostly {alk Trench but oad SESS ; : 8 papi 0 eyen-| Empire. Proceeds for i" mes 5) a little English. 5 ‘ SEE ous HO ietorte power ots foe eae Sting 3 ton; Horne: Conservatory of Musto. (being built (dar tubercular soldiers re: French money is mostly paper-franks | Foresters Re~adjust Rates : i Be Toronto Bian We to Cai and. cent frank is worth 20 ee ons er. Ghee [pany chaiavon ae the motors perive |, 2° congregation of “St: Fent's|( Ageresetvs ‘com Betition ip blamed gents and a centime worth half London Advertiser ; d utheran eburel ee, on Sunday |for two grocery stores goi cent, It is easily reckoned than SEE the big battle ships in'a sen fight |" The "Willing Wor once. .q|last passed a resolution thanking the | business in Midland, The columns of the English money which has many | nave’ tor Genie oosupied x prominent SUH the sgbmatines and how they lot donations of old lineus, flannclettes | oBareaatio Burns church,’ Mil-[the losal papers .would indisate that denominations. shel as Spotinds,, shll- | Soaition ae onde ading Frater- oe ee cs ae Yerton, for their message of sym-|lack of aggressive, publicity on lings, pence, florries, half’ crowns, | POTT2S Oe me Seletios ‘operating. in - P 3 SRilyewankee, pathy for the loss of their church b + pf the proprietors was in the crowns, sovereigns and guineas. But | Ganada, ee z He estes rs fire and expressed the hope — that|main responsible for the retirements, after all give me the good old Can-|%*%™ - sttiea im 1879 by tae ice ees GREAT ee urns church would never suffer a|—Collingwood Bulletin. adian currency of dollars and cents. | mamprrs whe seceded from the Am. q bec 5 4 Society similar calamil ttorney-General Lucas introduced De now, dear reader, that erieas or der of Foresters. To-da: FRENCH OFFICIAL ¢ |Srreuie’s the classiest hockey matches in the Legislature on Monday the ‘trip all through has been ver sees igre day preenone geny em played in th: | providing a penalty ,000 a mteresting and I would not exchange Th ae Staverton eis on usa. March dpon any corporation or musicipality those years of my life for any other. wach is the largest. purely Canadian rder rship of any of the fraternal pasizet [Jet from 8 to 9 pam. by the ladies of which fails. to obey any order The six days leave of absence in Saeeb Lb aoe deine baniatae: he 8 tigertan: ceed by ¥ made by the Ontario Railway Boar 5 ‘ mgland was a splendid outing and mblch will likely be. several months. | a otug “and. Mise Clar: It is said there have been many cases | Memorial Service for Late |we visited Glasgow, Paisley, Gourock |‘, Dominion. e price 1 EaeERe ee meine ¢ fa dlepbedienes uf Feet Intel ae go : The Society has had a most Pictures 3/i0c% Giategrn ew Tere ees gle Per Wed: Boe aoe, Caton, and weedy (gusset zeegrd, and has aeoumulated » Lapis ane e ‘ate Utettie ities, |'dies and children 15e. ict well, say the heavy snowfalls| a eta, [tally hed a splendid time, “and re- Pa a acta ec SAS: pope ae AS mean big. erops for the farmers. But} Held at Trinity Church, » henane we man) famous age of the ‘Appotitments “by “His. Hi the average farmer is bewildered +t Sunday Last, palaces and cathedrals and parliament {0d Six million dollars Tast year ‘ ni et Bear inl ae Be | ane maine of Fegan at tetas rae ee ea oe i Grea War i lutely out of the ‘question. Truly, this| po cti oe “residence of Lloyd George Dicken’s |e rene one artes aoe pete Perth and City i year, whew the effect of war, |tccrosn when nday of |Old Curiosity Shop and other interest | ‘UsUrance funds for 1916 was bet i : : : ; h, Elma drabeapme gd 's5 -paSeme pe igs ceue sea batik five hundred thousand dol- : of will reach the country distri bia be ainty church, ing pl f you di t fo- | four, and fi ndiaek ban ASA each: th s filled to overflowing with rela-|img Places. If you desire to see plo-|j,75 Notwithstan this success resi iliam Lig! ageart, aged 42,| 1" = tures of some of these places tsk ALSO BIG EXTRA ATTRACTION |'5, PRoH satzate : ar 104 Gould street, Toronto, was sud-|5" oe, “ryro large Union Jacks drap: |Prother Bill, ‘The training her igtry meni rotrTe nets pwers of a police magistrate,” lot North Bay has already 200 elcetric |Genly stricken with heart failure!.g the pulpit and prayer desk and {ery interesting and I expect that| ciety was, and secured the services CAMPBELL Nate seni Reichs aPeitlase tort th: the [ooking ranges. | while working ot the Christie-Brown | small flags of the Allies Lung about [8000 we will be practising on Fritz. |ot' ont “of ‘the most competent act~ In an Illustrated Lecture of an ware intend leaving about|. Rey. Mr. Dyke, representing the|Manufactory Saturday morning, and line walls and Honour Roll,.The photo-| 1 have seen, some of the uaries on continent, Acting iat precy tend leavias. about leanne Esco Hospital for Consum- aed before medical, assistance ‘could |greph of ‘the deceased. soldier hung {P¥soners and they do look. dispirited {BArIes, On the continc Aaa “Life Behind the Prison |tiat, where Mr. Petrie has secured a tives on Thursday evening of last|De summoned. | The late Mx. farger’ lon the wall of the chancel draped in | dovwnshearted— poor fellows, most licty has decided to re-adjust its rates B. f Sing.” sad Jobo tt is ithe intent S| week Saivered in: Zidaibrtoeee: Hel te ap as iscuit trade | mourning, The service, which in- |f them wish the war was over. | Jang ‘place itself upon a basis ars of Sing Sing. Mrs, Petrie }to mai cir home |. illustrated lecture on work Ligases wee ime Was |oluded part of the burial service wit! Eek Gali Ficnh Sea ME will give at least 100 per cent eh CREEL US Re bate FG fe by this hospital. Reeve| Manager of a firm in Ot He |gppropmate hymus and. prayers, was (fore leaving England but none since. | "¢naSint” solvenc One of the mosb interesting, instruct-| home in the West if the latter, wain-| Coo) Sih ie'somewhat of « mechan. |S survived by a widow and owe chile (RUpronnate ivmaue end mrarere: Wes f any of your readers would like to ie PRR EE ES, n thrilling shows, which ever i aaah gee turn bis hand |@ren. _ he cheer along the boys here write a i ; eeeveted 4 through Ontario—bar none. | The Elmira junior hockey team and teal genius ApRLAtad. the tantee A traveler among the Eskimos of penton OS ere ce ee an of ltett r. We are always gla get LARS srete otHE Dau Oe te ena 8! to anything, manipulated the lantern rs v3 ip Toente qtiaiben pia yea ase exibition (oo oy oe opine Hsfac- northern Alaska tells of a custom thet Millbank, A duet was sung by Messrs any Word from’ old Ontario, even if|oble to treat ite members much m DOORS OPEN AT 7.45 P.M. game here on Tuesday night. The |t24 Oe eee aust a ine vite so {reveals uire_of superstitios | gt eelterborn and Alvin Bars en-lit'is only a few lines on a post tavorally Sek ede Oe ee And. +11... ge, |game, which resulted in a victory for’ on Jriday nigede tor this wire ond practical aitewantass “When, a (Sted, oe Ue ae Toke, a6 (Tell: si,pomething “eo” that owe’ -will.| Waon Have, nesadusted. Fete Basin eas Adults 25c. ad. Children 156. on Friday received for 0) Whe Powell chose for his text St. John 15 ice recent yea "War Tax + |the lo y the score of 7-4, was'thy institution about $50. shild i its parents give it th “Greater love hath no man than|kaow you have’ not forgotten us. 1 fast and clean throughout, and dls-|"Wyithin q week’or ton ne mame ot st person who died in|this, that a man lay down hie life {Would like, to hear from some o Soe for team here next yeaf. Kelterborn, for Pested that the Provincial.Govern-|#x¢ gUirit of the dead person leaves ER ee COM arian ea A hd roar Kmait ae ey tap tach tb But Can't Get Coal i r yee. ment will receive titi i ae mile w of sacrifice as shown anu aw isa eahngns® SRE Tt HT eae od here, onto pein AR? leat aa Ee vig, Sos, el vs fr wera AGEs ha Kl hat ttt Gn agent te abet a eee ee ot itario women will have votes in Jo0-080 Depapie: at “along the Canadian Pontver ut the dead person. will con- Carries caret TEL will interest you and-if Mr, MacBeth Baan Deel See ae is Seer oeal atte "The seoaring wee bib aa Ren Ontario be permit- ibute’to its suprott, post of [TaN counts, nat: that of amere dur~/permita tt’ TiN “send another letiGe and The News revently decorated its - S rin St les sd oR ARCS Rat ted and that the Lord’s Day Act be lany ears ago when the cost of ation but that. of quality— for the |later. I wish you, although late, the !front page with an amusing oai P y Pe hor eh renee ction oe si. | building was less than half of what it /tifo spent on inferior ends is shorter |Season's compliments and hope for the |the reading matter to which ran; A I Ba Ther rotnan's auteage, CHAE $ and more empty than a short life aS Peclatcd who | Be, rer and | You may be the exalted erand pinue filled with a great, purpose, For of the Ancient Order of Nig! re in stated that an effort would be er FET Tae to fase a id ‘ of © and cheer he spoke |® nd president of ns of the is Niner ae oan Bebe as i {of that which was distinctly Christian a aul mamer, 65 itt) att eyoqution and you maybe on in- Pree Tio Oa that for ‘those who have fallen asleep intrenching Batt |sulting terms with the traffie cop With Cloth and Trimmings. |) Os nes Dre tbnson, who ‘ tngees SeStaed tee che “cnmuai (2 at, Was at the time of construction in’ iim there: is @ higher aud bett +O. Hondon, Eng. land, be reoviving teller of th SSS ee Le aldo seit nephew, 1, sonvention of the Provincial Grand] pyblie buildings would look into their |e: The service was concluded: by mee a Pou.conn-ateaeaccellne oa ae shel: artis, of the bth line of Mornington, Orange Lodge of Ontario West, which | Dolicies and sce if the amount of in-|the, Playing of the Dead March, Pte.) Th Ae s exe we, your ie gee eae ee rn oe aac veo] bad the misfortune to fall in the po ih imedts there from March 12th to |!uraneo earried is commensurate with [Roc Was & faithful attendant, of the ter Than a Mortgage ese come from the best mills i che ‘riday evening last March 15th. ‘The Provincial conven-|the value of the property chure! ae ip epee ee ey England and Scotland — nbd Break Ber ‘Stat bon: ne. The ese Hen proper meets Wedneaiay And} ‘The difficulties under which more | Senne peer au dasgsiation The he Government of Canada has de- | = = — i is'a very serious one, the parts being Thursday, Sir Sam Hughes, | late ‘enon one municipality is lab be cided to issue e they ot dlnppeiut pote wedged inta each other. The Minister of Militia, Hon. WD. Me-| eq iat pe rae pepe le ear Be ane sella rend erie oldie of thrift, war savings certificates, for NOTICE : % f Pat son, aew Provincial eeretary |health officers under sy wenty-five, yan e et . Mory M.P., deputy ‘ ere dollars, ing in three yea: Having disposed of my business in We purchased these goods tie Supreme Grand Lodge ieee Seer Estes € Seed Potatoes? {date of purchase, These certifiontes |Monkton I most respectfully request 0 e aired in the Hous What of Seed Potatoes ¥ all 7 will be present will be soldat all Money Order Offi-|all persons owing accounts early so as to be provided taken a weak spell 3 = i Eee P W. McDonald, of Ce Bru ta a the Milverton Post Of- RATS with me or the Sterling against the great advance id been subject to them. and will de wer addresses. it ease Se by Pc Public Health Act| potato devlers state that there is fice your purchase, The here on. or befor which has taken place dur- = Lae real ih utheort eseror with much deat ii ey far, tha me certificates will yield you 1-5 per cent. (017, NORMAN ROSS. ing the past few months. for sced potatoes, in spite of he Dominion Osis dap is panne Oe eae Ee present high price’, Rather might it|ment and all the resources for Having disposed of my stoo! curity. Your ee will be paid 0 take this opportunity to diene al the day it falls ‘hose who patronized me while in ificates hae "be purchased as | business and nbd fees Ne ask those _ owe to call and $25.00 for $21.50 Nees T igen Tiaving Poole 50.00 for 43.00 short WM. RICHARDSON, Black- 100.00 for 86,00 wane haha tpceraenetent Sree os Births, Marrizzes and Deaths. FOR SALE 4 For sale—Pure-bred Yorkshire sow 6 months old, weighing about 200 Ibs. Hae Ty beauty. “Apply, A. K. POSLIBI', BIRTHS. || Brogden—On February 2 Cai "| Milverton, and Mrs, M. Bro; Arimnier Magwo wood), ‘Alberta, ae MENT. ARRIAGES, arnt2O2. biol “acting situated: ai hambers—Smale—At the Methodist aleetre lights ‘vad Wixtuvear sotkan parsonage, Milverton, on Wednes- a ter, Must 4 day, Feb, 2ist, by Rev. R.A, Mille Ter Mr.’ George Ira Chambers, of Kip-|iars apply at Sun. Office Pa Miss Viola Violet Smale, Step. p. gasoline Hy ine? good Wrilling machine (fitted up rte ts down wbeslths rood, driving mare, bay, All “will be sold ohenp stock. WILLIAM Poole. ifaloe aha Millbank on. Feb, goth 1917 J. Lichty, Mr. Samuel Na aie er, to Mies Boma Erb, both of Morningt. cceccoip ieee W. D. Weir's | Sale- Register Tuesday, March oth, 4917—arm Faget Mr RICHARDSON, "FARM FOR SALE and Impleme ag for Parkinson, That farm known as lot 28, con. Thursday, March 8th, voir a at rps 13, North Easthope, containing 100 Stock for Joseph Gallop, E, Hf. acres more or less, la: bank barn 1, % Mornington. and Were ei cement stable, ‘Thursday, March 15th, 1917 — Farm {driving shed, large brisk Ouse with Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain and |eui mei kitchen and , wind. Household Effects for Mr, ‘oy | mill, plenty of water, farm well fene- Fleming, Lot 13, Con. 9, Mornington {ed ant fee ly drained, About an acre Wednesday, March 2ist, 1917—Farm jof bearing orchard all kinds of fruit, Stock, Implements, Honsehold Ef- | plowi: lone, 6 acres en es fects, Hay and Grain for William |R.R. No. Milverton. For furthe: Fisher, Lot 82, Con. 6, Elma, The | particulars a ly fo JACOB SOR, RR. No. 1, Milverton. greatest clearing sale of the season. re particu- ye pas

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