are not built out of ym alone. The best es set Fashion Fads - growing ae Wheat ae sd tt food builds healthy tissue, ved bone and develops sound teeth and healthy gums. For breakfast or any meal, with or cream. Delicious with preserved fruits. AUSTRALIA'S NEW AUTO TIRE. Made of Native Fibre and Pronounced Bullet, Nail and Glass Proof. ind of automobile tire— The need that gave to its con- trivance, bow it i: » and how used, are described in the Weekly Bul mt of Trade ees and compar: ling facilities, the advent of the moto? car in Aostralia has, toa very con- siderable extent, solved the difficulties nsportation. (The invention and recent perfection of the Australian ‘homing’ tire is claimed 4o have solved the problem of produc- cheapnéss, resilience, and durability. The greatest difficulty was to pare a method of Joining the ends of the rope to make a complete ete ae the same size, but fevsciudlly a new splice was invented, and the tire as now sold In “Australia is packeet of its type. out that in the country of the States the quently used on all the whe tor cars, particularly for station or ranch work and over rough and stony country. “The tires are bullet, nail, and glass proof, and if a speed of sixteen miles {a not exceeded it is claimed that they are almoat as ate iding as pnei exmati tires, id be understood rim by four or five straps.” ENCE ay coats ‘The Queen and Charity.” mn Mary has always set her face igalliy indlcrinitoate charity. she appeals hay ple responsible for them have made | cent ie efforts to ne gifts from sho Queen, for the simple reasot t a subseri; pion ma their Ma- Jesties is regarde: he general lic as an indication. that the cause is a good and deserving one. “The ween knows this, and is therefore to give anything an undeserving cause lest she en- courages her subjects to waste their pe a In“ Sidm the musical ea is an equal division of the octave into seven You Can Snap Your Fingers at the ill effects of caffeine when you change f. rom. / tea and coffee to POSTUM “There's a Reason” The fashionable chemise frock of tan jersey trimmed with soutache and belted with a wie girdle of Paisley Pies is Le leep lpretne rreek of this dress. McCall Pattern No. 7663, Ladies’ Chemise Dress, Pattern in 5 sizes; 34 to 42 ust. Price, 20 cents. Box-pledted frocks bring box-pleat- ed coats, ‘This cunning model has two box pleats in the front and two in the back and a large sailor collar. It jis particularly adaptable to a light- weight broad-cloth, or serge. McCall Pattern No. 7596, Girl’s Box-Pleated Pattern in 7 sizes; 2 to 14 Price, 15 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from the MeCall Company, 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario, “Dept W”. AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby’s Own Tablets are an a bas medicine for little ones, he stomach; regulate the towels, break up colds and mons m: Concerning them Mrs. E. Quinn, Parame, Que., wri troubled with constipa- tion and nothing helped him till I ing Baby's Own little ones.” The medieine dene aby Hi At 8 m The Dr, Williams’ Medicine ae Brockville, Ont. see SF Seas NEW AND INTERESTING FACTS Labor-Saving Inventions Used in All Parts of the World. Weight Se wight, a Manila rope is just about as stro. ‘ong as a steel one. Bristles ae set in the ends of a new coat hanger so it can be used as a ish. Most of the so-called Beyptian elg- arets are m k tobacco, as little ince is seit in Egpyt. Old ay a Rumanian scientist con- the amount: of water in the human Tiadak Atwarieant conesos the ndmaber of lighthouses in the Philippines has been Increased “from twenty-nine to 161. A spoon with re strainer in its bow) to hold butter has been invented D butter worn on Me on oe mb have been combined iby Atanas ae ay that they can be used together or either aepiteal Electric power is being subatifated for older forms of energy in Bombay’: erahitre otters To save labor in building roads a cart has been invented that spreads Hone evenly lum In Mexico there is a 150-foot bridge over a river that is canoes entire); of mahogany, worth, at the present price of the wood, aiinest $2,000,000, ‘A Michigan inventor claims many * ae found peineipelly in asda found to pos some of the “herapeati powers serve as a less expen- sive sapanitnte for it. Swiss “opticians have developed an are li; ght | in which the carbons are im- pregnated with iron salts, producing light rich in ultraviolet rays, for. scientific BUPPOSeR Tn a town in the finayt of Russian salt fields many ‘houses are built of fn; | Weakness and ill health will {unless the blood is fortified to meet Fi .| Minard’s Liniment FRENCH USE-GERMAN BOTTLES. Exported Through Holland, Cuba and the United Si A short time ago a wine trade jour- nal of Paris, the Vigneron Champe- nois, pointed out that champagne bot- tles made in American glass works opened 2B: a new marl is nal, ee made fur- ther hivesgttiods and now announces that these bottles are of-German man- is ‘no difficulty {n telling how leave Germany. WOMEN WHO SUFFER Can Obtain New Health Through the Use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. E a tonic. At special times unusual made upon her strength, the peste eak women find in Dr. Williams’ which they suffer are due afford prompt manent relief tothe woman who is Bloodless: and ther efore weak. Mrs. ‘agner, Rosenthal, Ont., ‘After the birth of my se- te child I suffered from troubles e necessary, but as I dreaded this and as Dr, Williams’ 8g Pills had been of great help to ister I decided to » Be 5 8 g 3 5 suffering from the ailments of our sex should give Dr. Williams’ Pills a fair trial as I know fi own case te great benefit that fol. lows their You can A these pills thrastat any medicine dealer or 5K Williams’ e Di Medicine Co. Peroek? ile, Ont. Reward of Virtue. “Father, gimme a good lickin’ and make me cry,’ was the astonishing request little Jimmy made one day. absurd thing?” inquired father. “You'll hit me all my might and mother oe vie my face witl apron and a and Bai Bae andy ton the logical rejoinder. ‘airville, Se 30, 1902. Co. ed, imiti We wish 20: tatorts you that we consider your MINARD’S LENIMENT a very superior article, and we use it as a sure relief for sore throat and chest, When I tell you I Dear Sirs,— was one dollar a bottle, I mean it. ru CHAS. F TILTON. There are said to be 800 uses for the palmyra palm, which grows throughout tropical India. ‘Minard’s Iiniment Cures Garget in Cows. A Nasty One. e (after a cli presume you goal ues your ring back. ‘e—Never mind, ce it. No other girl I know could use that ring unless she wore it on her thumb. very woman at some time 7 Great Forests of Australia Filled With -| tures never forgotten, and os ee 4 itt unlikeness to anything seen else- not be without it if the price an barn Part to feel the fects of wear ADIHS WANTED TO and ligh or spare time. any distance. Charges. paid. — Send stamp for particulars. National Manu facturing Co., Montreal, Do PLAIN FLORA OF THE ANTIPODES Sunshine and Flowers. One readily understands why: the Australian loves his trees, says the ational Geographic Magazine. The groves of giant eucalyptus form pic- of the wattle brings a homesi ing like (he cmell osage fo ieee erner. The-flora is not only beautiful, it is unique, and has no counterpart in oth- Of the 10,000 species of 'y|Plants, most of them are purely Aus- tralian, and are unknown even in New a See The general impression one f Austrelian forests is their are not damp and shadded and all one species, but are well lighted and filled with other forests of shorter trees. In places the woods consist of large wily spaced trees surround. ed only by bunch grass, and even in on the surface for hundreds of square miles true forests of low trees are for which may-be recognized a: ati: ‘ily, honeysuckle and fern take on a surprising aspect hot garden flowers, but trees, and the presentations in books of science of a landscape of Mesozoic time, a period entede ting our own by millions of sitio bret are tndesd those ofa by- joa gone age. In ie and Europe} shadowy forms of fossil leaves of strange plant nie are gathered terest; in Australia many of the cient trees are li e im- pression that one is looking at a land- scape which has forever + disappeared from other parts of the world is so vivid that the elms and maples and oaks in.some of the city streets strike a jarring note. pee: FENCING THE HIGHWAYS. A Conspicuous Evidence Of How Can- ada Is Being Rapidly Settled. In-a journey to-day across the Do- minion, one is impressed by the miles of farm fencing, particularly in the far west. It seems but‘a day when | the vast stretches of our Western ter- oy hy Manitoba to the Coast. heumatism neers the “outside’’ man, ns an aches stiffen his j joints and muscles and reduces his efficiency. |™ At the first twinge get Sloan’s | Liniment, easy to apply, it pene- | trates without rubbing and soothes | the soreness, After that long drive or tedious wait in the cold rain apply Sloan’s ‘t| Liniment. to shee stiff fingers; aching writ a arms. it gout i meuralgtat Va loothache, bruises aS, ‘cold feet, itis promptly effective, At all druggists, 25c. 50¢. and $1.00. Liniment 2Minard’s Zintment Odes Colds, Ete. AILLS “PAITY le field. To-day, for hun- alii in-ungateection, you ‘travel, railroad and other property is substantially fencod; it shows to what extent these vast areas have come under ealtiation either for crops or evidence of sub: bier eae steno could be Bnd. Tt i also a tribute to the quality of fencing ad of Canadian manufacturers. eis arent toreata: off timber teoes BE of Provinces an he areas eee wate is not + be found | Youns. |ribly from <a. sore back. : troubled with 'Ditls will help you. MAN’S WORK. How a Boys’ School Learned to Live Up To Their Motto. In the ‘hills of northern Georgia the Berry School for Boys believes in do- ing whatever needs to be done. Its motto is, “! ifter, But the-position that it holds and the ideals that it maintai t at tained without a struggle. In The the tains, Mr. r W. fen of : Spaulding tells the story of one of the first crises in the history of the school. The mountain boy was ready to plough in the fields, chop in the-woods, ; he was not Miss Berry summoned ard of mountaineers for their first’ lean in laundering. The ae dry | said Miss peek “we T will show | THE IMPERIAL. OJL COMPANY Limited MAKING NEWS AND JOB for sale to, good Ont most useful or cit businesses. “Pull: fnformation. om - plication, to Wilson Publishing Come pan iy, 73 West Adelaide Street. ront | MISCELLANEOUS: re ER, TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC. internal and ee imited. Collingwood, Ont, BOOK ON DOG DISEASES} MICA AXLE GREASE And How to Feed | Mailed fine: Sore see by S$ your wagon run H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. aa ifit hed ball beartupe anwee New York! NY is the Mica that loes it. Mica makes a SSS smoother bearing, sur- The Soul of a Piano is the faceand a boger Bearing Action. Insist on the gre ealers every- if where, " OTTO HIGELY’ PIANO ACTION BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA Artificial Teeth- Bought g 2 e é fzs8 o s % g 2 zg 4 5 3 3 3 3 g 2 strapping young fellow, ain’t never seen no man do no ach and what’s more, I ain't, goin’ to do it.” Calmly Miss Berry played her last. card. “If you will not do the wash- ,She said, Bee may watch me A Into the, tub eae “her round, white arms. It a her first washing, like- wise. Up ai down “sloshed” the cloeiae foyer ths washboard; up ani down bent the back of the — washerwoman. The boys stood sheep- ishly regarding her. Exhausted, she weg Me Ze pe ag ey F} g & = R & 'y of the mountaineer asserted itsel? = cia “TI ain’t never seen it iit done,” declar- ed the boy who had spoken before, “but Tm a-goin’ to wash them clothes. And “dashing i ee a bs = compan- fons in a charge They Made Him A Different Man’ _:. What B. Draper § Says of Dodd’s Kidney Pills E ' fe = night the His Troubles Were Numerous and of Saya Long Standing, But Four Boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills Drove Them All Away. Sedley, Sask., Feb'y 12th eer —“Dodd’s Kidney Pills made me a dif- ferent man.” The speaker was Mr. Benjamin Draper, well bade ~ and highly respected here. He is fine althy mereeeeateie of a8 prnlne he his health ee Dodd’s Kidney Pills, “I was in bad shape all round when I started to use Dodd's Ki idney Pills,” M continued. “My trouble came from hard work when I was 3 o-4) 2 muscles cramped I was de- pressed and low spirited, I was always «| thirsty att had flashes of light be- fore my oF fad suenienan aid meat nee terings, my appetite was fitful, my memory was failing and I was shortness of breath, Four boxes ic Dod’s Kidney Pills made me Dodd's Kidney Pills cured all Mr, Draper’s troubles came from sick kidneys. If you have tonic: praptame Dodd's: Kidney EEO IOS The Judge’s Turn. The Judge—It seems to me that I have one you befor nee my 4 tial? ew oe your daughter singing lessons. The udge—Twenty years. “When Your Eyes Need Care ‘Ose Murine Eye Medicine. NoSmarti See me en ky. Dry & for Re Rea Weake Granulated Eyelids, Murine ie pounded by our Oculstomnet Baten Medicine”’—but u: uccessfull i Pliysiclaust Practi Now ed to Among the tallest trees in the world is the Australian eucalyptus, which attains a height of nearly 500 feet. ‘Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. The New Hat. “Papa, dear, I feel it in my bones! that ‘You are going to buy me a new | ha hich’ bone, darling ?” 'm not sure, but I think it’s my | wishbone.” Box "AMERICAN; ‘SEPARATOR CO, 9208 Bainbrideo, N.Y. Plates and gold. Wi Gash value by retuch mall vice Gold & Platinum "Relining Co., West, Doctor Tells How To Strengthen A Free Prescription You Can Have les over sein cham, Filled and Use at Home. yen if i, pe Bitmost, bind torte, ait, Ge a every dreodt oe Re 2 Tearonbla uit and | han, Paoha Brulee ore Will be able to strengt en thet their Br Suara on ey rit nue thes et Hf 20, you mill be glad to \ Eyesight 50 per cent In One Week’s Time In Many Instances Bye tscubies ef aan doses ng the aes x Peet petals ote by active ae pa! bottle of Bon-Opvo phen. x aes? tablet in a fourth of —Do you wear eyee clear up peree ne ‘entation ill enti ie pea. © othering 30u, oven a oro 10 be spared the trouble ‘our drugast cr and take out many extra dollars in profits all over Canada are aioe market prices by enriching their lands w! Harab- Davies They aro food for both the seed and the that will get bigger crops f fertilizer booklet and bulletins give directions get excellent results, for them no Bigger War-Crops Are an Investment Worth While Put into your hungry pas a few og it worth of proper fertilizer from larger crops, Farmers oe rarer hag these days of splendid ‘anada, we are able to help 9 70H elect the right fertilizer ere is a Dav! ise fertilizer for avery kind of soil. Our that will enable you to Ontario Fertiieeta, Limited, West Toronto. tdi Two Blades Grow Where Only Ons Grow Berane. 6 fact that t plant foots tk the sell swt then oeyonettp tase ROGRESS! eae frepithels ands, dt ittingsomethi eames eeieioatioe che set Laren mere sprottabl et fag the Saaitled ee gniarxe os, ‘The Jadiclous use of the p GUNNS sun GAN are particularly compounded for use on Canadian soll, Properly and conslatent! peau a expendi, Ban favestment whch wilt pirkd ‘oataatiy Tncteamag Foctrae oa: 1d rept For | GUNNS LIMITED, . . ra’ experience reetine ns io list write <7Ts WEST TORONTO AVIATION 10 BE INDUSTRY. Brith Canujecion Rehortsian: Atian, War Plans. he commission recently appointed y M. Clementel, Minister zag AREACA pete OHO Beatle) oc the study of all questi eronauties after the, w Hy in national or’ international postal relations, has held: its first meeting. Deputy D'Aubigny, president of the Sone outlining its programme, Aviation after the war will be an and between the Allies, types of ma- chines to be utilized studied and the organization of permanent and relay stations considered. The question of ae cies immense ate ok mater- ial now in service in the war. after peak is signed must ee be-vetefully studied.” ‘Minard’s Eintment seer ee Diphtheria, ‘HAVE You? ECZEMA. Would you like to end that tery rible itching, that burning pain; to heat SnUeR See sores’ sdris of fatty bin taearae Totions and powders, Put and give Nature a chance as represen am-Buk. Za a quickest route. IAM BU; c ISSUE No. Tt FS —_. Department of Naval Service, OTTAWA. Men Wanted for the Navy. The Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve, wants men for imme= diate service Overseas, in by the Imperial Navy shayaepeoe hoe be from to 38 ys ‘age and sons ot natural pate British P AY i $1.10 per day and upwerds, Free Kit. paration allowance, $20.00 monthly. 7 Experienc =) rai feats Rs Tea eye Sn Bae sre, wanted forthe CANADIAN NAVAL PATROLS, COMMODORE AEMILIUS JARVIS, Naval Recraiting Officer, Ontario Area, 103 BAY STREET, TORONTO, or to the