ene vp sue) ease INAND PROMPTLY RETURNED BY “4. Of your sight?, 4,11. Have you full use of your aft meen 0. If 90, what ?. 22. If not, why? «| vaya you will shortly receive and Return Promptly. /¢ is Ob/igatorv/ | i" i The 1917 Ford Touring Car $495.00 F.0,B, FORD, ONTARIO cil Ford cars in the winter time just like son in the year, because the Ford is id of snow, ice or rough, slippery roads when you need it. While the bigger, heavier cars. are all safely housed up waiting for spring, the Ford eure Car oe the full 12 months of service, 365 int This is an advantage you can’t bee 100K" whien you are buying. Th B t N WARTBURG NEWTO! @ bes ewspaper We are ‘having “very” winter-like Spates ay ware, Messrs ee Us ea weather at present, e Value Miss Priscilla, MeMane, of Milve ton, is Siaiting with her’ sister, irs N WESTERN ONTARIO John Henry. : The Sir John French ate ytee of Maine the LO.D.u, hela their monthly meet~ 8. Inez «The « ing at the home of Mrs, Andrew Mil- Koka, at their home! Mr. Hugh Jac : ler on Wednesday afternoon. of Stratford, at A. Jack's} Miss ondon Advertiser ft 0 Suator Bo tee ot tinier wih het ~ ‘ the holidays with his pa: thi All Mail Editions $3 per year. |/ ents, Mr. and Mrs, Bred Harloff. eR sen See Born—On Monday, December 18th. nai tt ip Ales, Sti a ‘et Se he “Andrew. Wiekie 2 onto, visited on Tuesday at Mr. See Kirkland’ Mr, Stanley and Miss Vera Henry Soe iik oc, cbobrunecle mpent lial MONKTON BRIBES 22 wc cece eee tre os wa aE e box social held in the Ss y 3. Where do you five? Province... doouihs we Baton sree aie S.No. & ant Hadad serena tee + tame ot aly Sars : decided success. proceeds amoun »P, Mr. an corge Bee erccrainuta neck exo, |, Mist Bentrioe Richardson, of Burs: Happy and Prosperous go Bos an son varron — ‘At Gill's you. ean obtain oysters for |Hdes_'a “spending, the holidage...vite New Year of Burns, and Miss Helen Taylor, of Fetal Teoria trom soknass 600 quaré and ice cream every night ation sot bg Ses pe ea SH: Ottawa, Visited on, Weduesday with yrtle Henry al ene r. ant . Charles Robinson. : ‘he football boys held a dance. to will, ‘etudents of Stratford Normal to all ‘A dance will be held 19, Gies’ hall 12.01 your Erskine’s hall on Wednesday evening. | 000) are a paca the holidays at on Thursday, Dec. 28th. Free stable Peat Messrs. Strut) no, cir parental room. ferateted te tae fe rg, Louis Harloff and family are aes = Se A ti twill be held in|spending the Roliday with the for: neta ee eae Bat eee sca Ne gd” hr Chas MACTON Wm abe Programme ep bors | Sealab, mene Rostock = Quite a number from here attended Te mis: o an * ‘3 nw fi i : De pigy eo alt St Ae BR Peek nae held Ga Chats is Face Fc eS Willow Grove Churc! Tuesday |™as eve } a panies Ate Bee av iaiaston ie a0 are attending the Strat- P. H. BASTENDORFF 7 der the parental Toot ener Ee Oe. A goed time is promised those See , the Russell Allingham, of of Kitchener wi! atte! ta ‘At the Christmas tree entertain-|homes are; Miss Sadie Henry and bed LINE WALLACE rook Big bolle Sadek eee ment held in the Lutheran Church on|Messrs. Kenneth Miller, Gebrae and % Whos, Hackett, of Linwood, apent Sunday evening, Rev. H. Bauman, the | Hamitaga Miller. J, Cruisin spent Sunday at Mr. sunday i ip our burg ony was presented by his congre- | Dirs. A. Middleaitoh is) spending. Soseph Faulknei yer of To gation’ with a fine easy chair, few days at the home: of her broth- Bare pleased to see Master Har- spent te iliday. Reem hauie here oP ee Mma: aneil- | °T? see ames Ran “of pan ae old Bell able to be around again after elyin Nurse, 0 of Elmira, spe é in ie Publica severe attack of pneumonia. he “old ‘at his home here. gh eee ee ec ae sch grees Senne neatap allenooh war ur ovcree Gabel, who reeently 1st ee i ase Bs ary ft the 58rd Battalion of, Wellington See does BASES his barn by JERR eee tee cs He left on Tues St. Thomes to |. Mr. Ralph Moore, of Stratford, is|ful auction pall deat week. of firm) Mr. MR. “Atti, ham, of — Elmir: in his battalion. sperding the holidays with his par- | stock. spent a few days under the ST io Monkton Methodist Circuit, Sunday ents. Men sha Slee Bent Boots. | mas Walker and Mr, Jar-| goof. Deo. Hat Services tga cs Mr. George Doell, who recently pur-|yis Walker. of Claydon, Sask., return- — Wile. Greve [chased the bar room o tel mov-|ed on Saturday to spend the winter Bethesda 7.00 pm, New Year's eg ed it on Wednesday afternoon, | with friends in this vicinity. BRUNNER ject; “The Lamps of Life,” All are| Miss Sarah Richl, of Stratford, is} Pte. R. Noble, of Moose Jaw, Sask.) nts, James Anderson, of Bt. Thrones cordially invited, spending « few days at the home of returned home on Saturday to spend} grent Christmas at his home OBITUARY Mr, Edward Broughton recently Mr, ee. Rirtoors weeks syvite bieeparents, Me rt, Edward Doerr, of Str Soerd cle aeekiaee ‘rom Mr. Valentine Schade | Mr. eas Pilsinger and daughter. and Mrs. George Noble. 2 aren tingcltte boll daya with his methe the uel Mines. farm, containing Miss Melinds, ‘of Carrick spent a few| Mrs, Dixon and daughter, Miss M.|P° Mrs, Doe SERIE fifty acres for the sum of $2225. Mr. |days with friends in this vicinity. (Dixon are spending a few days at the Tie Revtnn, Beary ot Britton il MRS. DAVID KNECHTEL Broughton will now be in possession are sorry to report that Miss hor + Charles Loy: at present visiting her parents, -Mr | Atter an illness from Bri of 100 Mary Moore is on the sick list. We| basset cine taka ony Pen He re over erly ‘Theentertainment in the “Metho-|wish her a sj recovery. cling the mill formerly owned by Mr.|4 Mr, Harry Turner, of cid: |oaer, HannalrTouléa-Bobaa ist Church on iday evening last| Mr. George Brunner, of Grand Poe, Noah Cober. In the he |ghsk., is at present eaas ents yes wife of David Knechtci, 4 Ro: Yas a splendid success, many pronoun-|ids, Mich. visited friends in this vie" intends doing en extensive usiness in here. : Meo. hake rast * Sire “Knwebte cing it the best ever given. The com-|ity recently. sawing logs. don Whitney and Freddi: hie ie mittee in charge are to be heartily} Mr. and Mrs. George Herr, of Strat-| Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walker spent Sailetshauer of Stratford, are spend-|j, congratulated on the production of |ford, spent - few days last week with|Sunday with friends in Listowel. ng tha holidays at the home of Mr such a splendid erie he pro- i eaten Mr. re ender, who recently |T, Whitney. ay eceds amounted t Mr, and Mrs, Fred Middlediteh and) purchased the Arlington hotel in Li x, and Mrs. J. Clark and family | rr. and Mrs, Murray Paterson left|son, Stanley, spent — Christi towel, is holding aa extensive auction} spent Christmas Day at the home 0 ursday last for Paris to attend|with Mr, and Mrs, Robert He ry. Je om January 2nd. fr, and Mrs. Will Gri: the funeral of Mr Paterson's moth-| L,O.L. No. 1820 held their annual) | Onions are in great | demand at the SSS er, irs. Wm, Paterson, who|meeting in their hall here on Wed-| Lebanon, general died at her home there in her 80th |nesday evening, Dec, 13th, for the pur-| Mi a Belling, of. Moorefield, Peace? year on Wednesda; uneral electing officers and other is vasitin Re her tlend Mise ‘Plorencs Soeasant took. place on Frid general business, The officers were| Wells. Ex-Premier Asquith at Guildhall: Ed Wi aeatr secretary of the |all re-elected and the lodge is in good| Mrs. Wm. Gabel is ote a week] Peace, ye: ono: condition Men's Patriotic League, received this | standing order. Six Bucs were ia|with friends at Done only—that the war with its waste and week for Colmer, Hon, Sec, of ested ee the pas' Mr. Wellington Biceeh and sister, |sacrifices, its an old sufferings, its the Executice Committce of the Can- Binge, of Detroit, Beatrice, took in _ the Wallaceville | glorious and undying examples of cour. ae fan war contingent in fngland an |Mich, we spending the ‘holiday. with Obristmas tree ‘on Friday ight tye and unselfishness—shall not have a ve stall mente acknowledgement of £3.58 forwarded|Mr, and ¥ Wm. Ehgo ood -ig spending her |been in vain. (Cheers), There can be no| ORT icae « ° ir oKenzie re coins Murr, of Sault Ste,| holidays with her parents at Durham, {question of separate. pete 8). entisaint tee be stated that the money would be wisely | Marie, is a visitor at the home of his| Pte. Vernon, of the 122nd/And the peace when it comes be it} MPOth iy residence, on Sunday, Des spent on comforts for the boys. ther, Mr. John Murr. | Batain, salt; | Menera B Cecil Mo- [goon or, be euteine t will not dis- aoe a igs te NEE er hristmas visitors at the home of| Crackin, of the Sterling Bank, Court-| guise from moment p toes ; Pia fgl Aear eee ts: Fike hers |Mx, Bred Doell, were; a and Mrs.|right, © anning, veut [Ssaviotion ther, the efrnggle will tax oak, aE eae a were Miss McQuarrie, who left for |. Pounder and family, M nd Mrs. | Simpson, of seta NG ana Lloyd Man-|all our resources and our whole stock | eat bring present. The-t her lome in Brussels; Mr. Hammond|. Easson and family, ‘e Stratford, | ing, of Guelph, spen fe holiday with fof. pationce and. resolve—the peace | @eausintance Ae Nene Lge Hee for his home in/Meaford, Mr. and Mrs |and Mr. and Mrs, frierds in this Tents en s mes mu: such as will |) Pes Milverton: jane Jas ‘at Mitch and family cs Ypslanda. Mrs. Donald Menzie and pie a sure and stable. foun-| 0. Biot tleisch, J, Doerr George Mrs, Ed Bettger and family at Kit Miss Bleanor Murr, Stratford, is|Master Douglas Bell spent. the holi-|dat mm the security of the weak, the aay 3 Knechtel ; eoMe: and Mr ‘Dalling at| Visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs ghee eMends in Beratford and liberties of Europ and oe fresfatuce | Osh Ge Slen nts ve tke Stratford, Mr. George B. Manton at|Charles Murr. Bright. for the world, (Ghee Frishds were presenfatrom h. ion, Mr. Wm. Andrews at Dray- ————= ewan, Michigan, Stratford and Tav istock On Priday evening Fergus, the ol y oR ribly swelled. He is now making good ress towards recovery. Friaay perenne Dec, 15th, the oe assembled at progr h took place in Logan on Christmas. waht when Joseph Pater- Thursda; ths _frmpathy of the entire paelghben g the visitors who spent Christ rie village were; Mr. Sedona 4 Heryticli, of Ayr, at home; Mr. Mrs. John Buchan and Mr. Alex, ie t Mr. J. Me- ronto, at the manse; Mr. Rowland, of Embro, at Rowland's; Mr and Mr of New Hamburg, at ger’s. and Mrs, D. G. Toronto, at Mr, Wm. Bettg Lizzie Young, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert McKenzie, of Sarnia, A. Stew: home; Miss phe: at home; Mr, John yf Sarnia, at Mr. Samuel Smi pes KINGWOOD Mr, fom Thompson and family, APakanliaies aie visiting rela- tives her mmond, of and aaa little son, Fraser, spent a of Mr. and fammond. Robert. Shrigley and son, of ‘onto, spent the holiday at Mr. Henry Kelly’ “Mr. an Freeborn ost spent Christmas at ere. Mr. Jacob Bydt, of Cobalt, spent > holiday at the home of his father. It. shall, of London, spent the jome of Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Dewar and family spate P Ghristmas at Poole. Doing Our Bit All of us cannot fight, All of us—men, women and childrén—can do something towards winning the war, Are we seekin; to forget it? Take the Canadian Patriotic Fund. It has been created to care for the families of our soldiers in those cases—and those only—where Bxperience has shown that this Up to December 1, 1916, the people of Canada have need exists. means in two families out of three. given $16,500,000 to the Fund. it is generous giving, isn’t it? growing; the soldiers’ fami the Fund still must be maintained. And whi do we find: in every part of the country men crying that they have given enough to the Fund—that Government should now take the burden. Given enough! children are in need while he, the stay-at- home, has a dollar to spare? he thinks the Fund shoul Government moneys. Thai But the country is still at war; our armies are still ilies are still in need; When the Canadian lad in the trenches is dead-tired, ready to drop in his tracks, does he chuck his job, declare he This Fund, above all funds, has f ld be meintained sd at A 4S a g that “something,” or are we evading it? Are we looking for the “bit” we should do, or trying Are YOU helping to insure this home against need? GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT CONTROL, BECAUSE— 1, Government would have to treat all alile. families of each soldier the average sum paid by the Fund the extra burdén on the country would be and nine million dollars yearly. By paying the average sum those fai they ane those in high-c« Costs of peer: would, be willing workers without families! . The work would suffer. between the administrators of friends in need, therefore friends indeed. 5. Fund. 6. because they have the financial power and the p: them this task, and give it to all, rich and Fund blesses him that gives, work of administering it has uncovered unknown. reservoirs of thrown themselves into this worl winning the war. Why stay their hand and Last, but not least: Government control means raising the 8. ment bonds mean future texation. Never was a veka fund so economically administered. the Fund and the families. enormously increased. ‘The Fund helps only those in need. ‘Phis work is now done, for the by every hundred dollars subscribed, Ninety-nine Dollars and Forty-six Cents go'to the If Government paid the between eight lies in districts where cost of living is low would receive more than ost areas would be paid too little. most part; atriotic willingness, the larger share of the burden. ‘There would be no more of the friendly, almost paternal, relation now existing Government works automatically. The Fund’s visitors . ‘Taxation would be unequal, for some countics and some provinces are already. taxing their people for this Are they to be taxed again by the Federal authority? The richer classes would be relieved of work they are cheerfully doing. ‘They ‘are now bearing, and bearing Why take from It is a vehicle for public spirit—a channel for ee endeavor, The unselfishness and sacrifice. Men and stifle their enthusiasm? money by selling Government bonds. t the returning soldiers will pay, sree long years, a large that m slate of the cost of caring for their families—a cost we, She stay-at-homes, pledged auricles & MEN AND WOMEN OF ONTARIO your backs once again to this burden, the counties and of the cau: make grants worthy of time we in this day of national sacrifice. 12,500,000 for 1917. ments a Stee 's families. Patriotic Fund, Vittoria Street, Ottaw: se. If in the towns, start cai women have ‘Ic because they found in it the “bit” for which they looked—their contribution to Govern- If you live in the rural aah see to it that your county council: 8 mpaigns for individual subscriptions. ‘And personally, taxed or not taxed, give as you can afford, give as your conscience tells you is your duty, your war- Of this Ontario is asked to raise $6,000,000, being the estimated req THE CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND If there S no local Fund to which you can subscribe, send your gift direct to the Canadien 10 Stratford friends were t nort rth make ends meet on That was twenty” years kept incre: Seal altogether the House of © the other two might li fortably. Later the On Friday last also presented homsel of Refuge ninet: i ther ing reason: ers are where they are uu are sure of good You if you go to Lee, Listowel. JOHN CAMPBELL deeply griev- of the the Ir, Jack Campbelll, Lot 1 unity, Bitin ng resided 0} b of the city oad, He was a Easthope.— “ a High Cost of Living did it Walkerton Telescope |. ‘Phe admission of an old man from Bruce Township to the House of Re ge this week, brings to notice a rather pathetic /ease. Two uomarried brothers and a sister lived happily to- gether on the ol estead until they were too old to work. They then sold the for about five thousand dollars. At first ‘the three asing and ‘all of the brothers volunteer oa om ‘go to us in order that pe photographs Start the year backed fidence that your friends an nn folks at home are still your best friends. YOU CAN VISIT THEM BY Excursi via Sees ber 30, turn limit Janua eee ae ONE: TH ‘ing De Purchase in advance. sale now, Any ticket New Year Canadian Pacific — Goi Shand January e IRD — 28, 29, 30 and Bist Return limit January 3rd. adian Pacific Railway. by t ons PRe- Ticket agent vane | Make your selection now from our new | models, MILVERTON GARAGE E, HN. GROPP, Proprietor Our firm and staff extend to all our customers and business friends “The Season’s Compliment’ And thank you for your liberal patronage for the past year and bespeak for an even larger measure of business during 1917. Wishing You All ‘ “A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year” Weber & Bettger J