for this stock which Co Iubestors | THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING . INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK Principal repayable 1st October, 1 Interest payable half-yearly, 1st Apri and ist October by cheque (free 1k in Canada) at the rate of five per cent ‘older: accrued interest, as the Sie of cash, in payment i fanada other ie ia issue 0 oe ea ie jus cer nized bond and stock Brakers on ee made in respect of applications bear their stam} For application forms apply to te Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, OCTOBER 7th, 1916. and of ai alibenctt f be allowed to recog- LINWOOD TOPICS G. Seip spent Sunday ‘ . Ring spent Tuesday in Wedding bells our Mx+Noraan ‘Sehiégel-'spent Sunday at, Presto Mr. J. G. Seip and Miss Sein spent Tuesday in Kitohene epiemben kant saleion ‘Wednel aay, November cs. Gearge Tintiok and ton, Borden spent Monday in Milverton. are rincire arounc Mrs. Bertha Boegel spent a few days} i of last week in Miss spent Saturday in our burg, W. Porters, of Stratford, spent sandy with a friend here. Mr. anders spent Sunday with his sister ‘near Glenallan, Co! inbuch and daughter, Baisler spant ‘Mise Agatha. ‘MeWenty. is ‘spending . em da: ait her, brother in Kiteh- Soca: Albert Ament, of Hesson, is spending a few days with Mrs, Frank ae Andrew Bigam, of Millbank, spent. Monday with his sister, Mrs. T, Calder. Mr, Rol beet Owens; of Detroit, Mich., spent the week-end with friends in our burg. Mr. Joseph Flachs, of Michigan, spent the week-end with her brother ea left for Waterloo |” ac she has secured |j, Mi Ronstedler attended the bedside of we Acker Mrs, Baizler, of. inary this wi ere she will Tet for overseas is connected with joohan pent with thelr daughter, Birs. Motatighin, at Tralee, umber from here attend- a A nt. Re’ ‘olp, very ably sled the pel pitsoe the Metnsaist Church on Sunday. The services were well at- ten Clearing sale on fal millinery. Ev- eed “at Bt. Joseph's hospital, Guelph, on Sunday to see ‘m, immer received one ld a ‘more ‘care are esrecied this = 4-5-5 Ke Holmes motored, in "from junday. . M. Carson spent Sunday with friends at Poole. _ Mrs. D. H resent suffer- is, hhad the mis- a break her arm “Quite “a number Donegal boys re noticed ey toward the east “| whe ee ill Long, 0 Union- ne oe evening at Mr leted an o-date new building a ding A atceake price id of Mifiiverton, iene Sunday with and Mrs, Henry ‘Kenn: Rev, Mr, Powell, of “Milverton, ac- anon “farmers “are to the winter able anxiety owi ‘all provi: isions. me spent Monday rs sett iss Mary ra sent ee with E ey hee een Ms Weare ‘Pred ‘Byers Rene the past week f his sister, airs. _ How- play ore ais frie = ‘Saturday eee — ‘1th, 1916—Farm Pease err 8 Hote) Lin. ‘ ot a at 5 M . . Montgomery deft on Tuesday ig foward | ans" seit scone to th DORKING Ploughing is the order of the day in) this vicinity. ‘Mrs. E, Debler, of Macton, ur; n made a busi- visited a few days at Mr. John Good- win’s, Thos, Tanner and son, Har- yey, visited: Friday at Mr. Walter ners Nt and Miss Selina O'Grady spe pent Wednestay with Mr. and Mrs. eorg: - J Jones ae fag pie Ima Forwell rae PRR de bm Me ‘nner is Ben and Miss Edith Diamond qnbank, spent Sunday with fri ends ‘on the line, le aes visited with ‘her Kn Hesson, on bundy 3, Jas, Kennedy a lactiun agent Getitay with Min and Mrs, Thos. Linseman, Mrs. G. Logel spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Wm. Girodat, of Hes fon, who is seriously ill, Mr, Leo aban left for Strat- John Dinseman cot di Matias, Maus the gui unday. in Elmira on a few days with her son, Mr. d_ Mrs, Henry Newton ani| . Ogram motored to Ber- aday with friends Mrs, Lambert and Mrs. Wesley Allingnam attended the tac noblauch, of | dies’ Aid tea at Mrs. Strangwa’ Friday afternoon. Miss aby Matthews was a visitor of Mr. Thos. Tanner for ee iy ‘hos, ean Miss McNichol, y Mr. Robt nk, Were visitors last week at Mr, Wes- ley Atinghaa si GADSHILL Miss. Rachael Lichti, of Poole, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. ¢ PD. Mr. Peter Seip will do choppliig for | the farmers each Monday during winter mo ; + Dahms sunday: with, thetr ‘daughter, Mrs. W. Peters, at Stratford, ts, Mr. “anner. is recovering ; will be me of her father, Mr Heideraon Mr, Wm. Schneider received a ship- of potatoes at Gadshill stati readily disposing are an exceptionally fine a car loa te ie surround- escap- Mrs, AB, Snyder, of Glenallan’ on {i jan Mrs. A. ‘McDonald left for her hom: itched him, taking the top and wit shicld off his car as he came \tact with a telephone post. Himown man, wi | with -passen The un- joa only slightly damaged. nd- Ca Scar 5 at} spent ind Mas Seneeal Headon spent | Ro" an eneral hospital | oO hind in doing their part. A large MONKTON. a ee eh and other points, Miss Edith Ham- Mr. ‘s. F, Raich, “et ae motored % rTisiowa last Satur v called on friends 1 in the yUaes. on ‘Tuesday, “3 Mr. Charles Blair, 1ith Con., who spent the harvest season in the West, Mo portent. business’ meeting of Golden Hule Godge, No. 420, will, be held on ‘Tuesday evening. Nov. 4th. Johnston returned on} and aes ‘spending several weeks wating friends in Stratford : and Kitch poechas eper. oehe district is being made for the (Miss Beth MeNiught left on Satur-| purpose Vermillion, where she will" ‘The anniversary services and fowl her brother, was away funeral of i who accents passed away at.Madrid, N.Y li Melntyre, of Fallarton, ‘m. Parker, of Logan disposed hi toMr, Secap eS of To ping, and. will. gi Ses Ol Mash eevite Panic x Hae gparcinsee MPs tger ke by. who are spending a few days at \Tesee Rowland’ ott, Mrs. Ed. Bet! Monkton Methodist Cirouit; Sunday, Je ov. ervices at Monkton 11.00 d Beth- ffort and a cordial “nsitation ia sex- to.all to be wit y afternoon ‘rn “Mr. James rning home after Battalion in Tondays hotse followed 2% /ed for AOR to the enahes i time the-young hero . 16th and after re- in- a FL a jaw and the los his left =|" Dear Madam: Ubes to: lntore, ou that Pte. Yo now at Khug Gepree Hospital, London England, You will. probab| ave heard offitiatl ur son has been wounded: and is now \apending Fiat ten chewan, | Mr. men could obtains troih $3.00 to r day. $5.00. “itr. . 8. es ay ee Mr, and Mrs. | at Rowland 1 too! Hope Rowland and mm tho fowl supper and |S We will let yo alon; ory. aon and impr ng o be ut the sacrifice made have gone to the : Sa Ste to tel you ana the duty of those left be ar to recovery. Meanwhile you 1 like ‘to know that everything pos- sible willbe, done te eonard nas in training in England Sith be Canadaian port: front, GUENTHER’S (Milverton) School Report ‘The names are arranged in order standing for the month figure opposite’“a pu shows the number of fest missed by absence or other aus < Y—Eranoes Keillor, ry, “Teresa Ty-Ge isriv Mobonuld: Frances Golightly, White 1 L Myrtle Stewa cher, Gebrge Henby Marion Mur- Gladys Olive easy payments Bad toe @ new What is Home without Music ? 7 COLUMBIA. GRAFONOLAS $475 to $20 i See HVA mete B56 wp le HEARING IS BELIEVING" | The Columbia tds tah nearest to Perea Bat ei a Don: Ru rete Ellagott a Elma, Smith 1, John al Ti Lillias Schade, Mildred - Perfect coo and “out heat 1s assured by the doub ice around the oven of with least ue system Come in and I'll show you why the ake aeaye as good as new long after other ranges have to be ‘Tepaired — or replaced. — Sold by A. GC. GLEMENS 1 os POPULAR STORE EAD FOR FALL AND WINTER Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Coats . We have a great variety of styles—everyone. a winner—and all priced to sell quickly. Men’s and Boy’s Clothing: A line we feel proud of. Under existing — circumstances you can save dollars by buy- ing early. In Millinery We are now showing new models and styles for the winter, direct styles from New York and many copies of those shown in Paris at prices far below those of cities or towns. BRING US YOUR PRODUCE. L vege & BETTGER ‘Enrolment 42. Average unior Room Sr. 1—Marjorie Golightly, Ethel Me- att, 39. % iigton. Btruthers, George fentewiis Ariaee te eppard, . Hazel Weber, Irene Woodcock, Norman Mar shall, Jim Flannery. Primer—Ethel Bevtgar, Norma Ham- ie Staten Stewart, Helen Schade. | oe eta Teacher. LISTOWEL Mr. W. inning, architect, is building a foaee low on ype St. Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Ringler are vis- iting ele son, Mr. John Ringler, of Mr. son_has purehased - [Plumbing nd Heating ) Now is the time to have your bath room fitted up. — The bath is the finest thing in the world in the sum- mer, the closet is great in the winter when it is 25 nae low zero outside Call and we will es you an estimate ona complete job. . FURNACES” Per We sell oe famous Sunshine and Hecla Furnaces, ne Rencate sia MeReever a house on Bay lerson will con- vert the tanding ants ce warehouse, ‘The ens services of the B ap tist Church funeral, which was very largely ate | _|tended, took place from family Hairview: cently a mn. ~ Ithas ae. s been Rear to give our customers the ‘satisfaction i intl loring