THE SHADOW OF BROKEN HEALTH Can Be Quickly Dispelled Through the Use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. the shadow of poor health MAKING BREAD FOR The Bread Problem is not a problem in the home where Shredded Wheat is known. The whole wheat grain is the real staff of life, and you have it in Shredded Wheat Biscuit prepared in a digestible form. It con- tains more real body-build- ing material than meat or eggs, is more easily digested, and costs much less. The food for the up-and-coming man who does things with hand or brain—for the kid- bolt upright, head at hee steady,| dies that need a_well-bal- hands rigid at their sid anced food for study or play onl” —for the housewife who must BRITISH ARMIES MILITARY BAKESHOP “SOME- ' WHERE IN FRANCE.” Wonderful Organization That Feeds the Armies in the Field. “Bakers, attention!” ‘The words of command ring e great hall. out it From their ater bent double ove® the long troughs, 200 men straighten g es temnediatal a be ee into i hens ly Pe matin and. pura re [ie ony diagh and te ore ot a ae Deliel eee tmedicine ean do the aches and pains | kneading begins again. in mai ia rudgery. Delicious for fina Garni he seens rbiia\ Recabfast: oF any meal, with from which womanfolk alone suff - _ oe! In any emergency of poor health give cap, passes by men, bearing a heavy| milk or cream. Dr. Williams Pink Pills a fair trial|load of fresh ia which he flings and they will not disappoint you. down a “shoot! the floor below, Wrednse sas Here is a case that will bring hope to writes W. Kay W: wae Be the Brit- ry sufferer. Mrs. B, C.|ish i besdavs ters in Taylor, Ascot Ave., Toronto, says: “ are inspecting early the pro- | could be oe eee Sues. a brief Ee few days ago I was so run down with | cess seat providing bread for an army. x fours sf Cad ere signs 0! led with headaches, saree a Like improvement in my condition. tinuing the use of “{tiewe pills T began adaches 8 8. 3 3 ES Ei 3 e great merit o Williams Pink Pills, a8 r Eras have cause to be a firm champion of | i them.” ‘ou can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at. 50/‘Then sek a box or six boxes for $2.50 m The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville Ont. SEER ERAS SOUNDING FOR SHELLS. Ingenious Instrument Now Being Used in France. Where the tide of re has ebb- and flowed, France is so full of projectiles that a French in- devised an electrical ae paratus to find them. As soon as thrifty French recover any portion of land from the invader, they return it in French Academy of Sciences, the paratus is so sensitive that the opere ator can detect by sound, through the telephone, the mer eof a aemient n of a tin se Ea a \ of large diameter, BY windings which are on wor ‘rames. As is usual in the faactig bi no metal of any kind is used in that part of the instrument. The two coils, at- tached jandle, form an instru- ment with which the surface of the soil is explored and tested, as there is no metal present the mu- tual induction of the primary and the P [proudly as.any of the troops in Here, in the former factory, the bread oe the British armen in the is @ made. One hundred and twenty rations. uring the last m cea bso aire loaves of bread | does not mean that the men are stint- are each day baked in the ovens of |¢d in any way, but the allowance 0 T was given a slice of fresh meat, bread, butter, cheese, jam ing | and tea is greater than needed to sat- and excellent. it work | isfy the appetite. is ae ‘on by enlisted men of the “Muddle” Gone by Board: army—men who wear their khaki e| , Efficiency and economy are the two es heli oor dominant factors sf isedes “in. mod- device | © industry. |The ‘old spirit of muddle” to which jmany clung so tenaciously during the y | frst and even the second year of the | war ae heat ace by the board. The third a ope and confid- dently Relieve the eee year of the war = onane ecess are n Here, in the long sheds, the tow exivl in the bulletin from. the that has just come in from ana is |f Goethe ug) front-line trenches. is a rable. Every Wich tends’ to, increase the efficiency | of the men has been installed. Yer s “hand-made,” one might almost Fromasmaiie,” bread that is delivered | to the men at the Flour Brought From Canada. rs, “aen or miles of | but hands of skilled ‘rorkmes, is ‘anna [trenches capt rather by| i for slong tos theae ign 4 helt | tng crook don on ene cen ween al CHU le toi do helt bast as efficiently. “aalysc scr) require fomstilestainl od we (peated tron Hall to hall the command, “Bakers, aten- eee es tion!” brought the men instantly the rigid position demanded by” the drill regulat thesoee ite long cove of faces I was not a little astonished to find such a variety of ages. men work side Bes ee seemed to be mer in inguir- (AGRE Iearigt aan Sethere and’ sone ane often enlisted together for this special yy the ai a wet winter in England. inches of rain that fell the average in December o square miles of England and. Wales That tits Hea tind | That quantity: is. 208,000. equare4 -mile with wha‘ the mass Army the Finest Union. is ‘ose of us who have been taught to believe that the Englishman is a confirmed piaivievalish that he a in- capable of organi in ization in the see! Colds. &c. se She Met A Good One. service and} The in: that trade union men are submitting | teealeitrantly to army regulations must change their a of view. As a soldier here, a trade union man, | gri said to me, “The finest union in the ‘of small wile a Wha they came t the word who rim??? mer can be sure that there is noth- ing left there to endanger his life or blunt his ploughshare. No, Cordelia, policemen aren't al- ways hunting trouble. —many tea or coffee drink- ers find themselves in the grip of a “habit” and think they can’t. But they can— easily—by changing to the delicious, pure food-drink, This | fine cereal beverage contains true nourishment, but no Wane be as do tea and coffee. Postum makes for com- fort, health, and efficiency, world is the army.” This great bakery is aie a model es many other sucl ” sir, I ‘pean a peste man) ge Exactly. : onl; 48 | in order to show the incalculable im- gun-fire in F: |'Take the case of three and a half | service; skilled men of the le who TERRE Saale gizalts that uae before te war had carried o1 eir e ‘ied over England and Wales aa ork for the most part in individual in December, 1914, must have exceed- si ops. ed 1,800,000,000,000 tons. ‘The amount spector was hearing a class tell mae the Bee See il | Healthy Babies “But, please, ies» gon idea to bottle up your SNAP JUDGMENT. ‘An Incident. Which Shows How a May be Mistaken. In the British Isles during this war a great many women have been “help- ing recruiting” by walking the streets and putting a white feather into the a ey met Vaseline | Camphorated, Gream American, w woman walked up For chapped hands. and Tips toa who was standing near me, and all irritations and_without a word pulled a white “Allvthe: wrasse oft Vapeline!) st the sk Qi r Ice, in the form of a ( \ was a great big fellow and she had cream. i For sale at chemists and general stores everywhere, in clean, | d done handy tin tubes. Refu | dam,” very polit ; stitutes. ‘That was like waving a red rag be- fore a bull, and she grew crimson and started to tell him what she thought Booklet mailed free on request. mother of these. feathers, by ‘Ye, T have, you coward!” snapped, and she put another feather on him. As she did ‘so, he pulled a | Vietoria Shantou pocket a ‘alt ee tee”, CURE FOR LOCKJAW Snead e's FOUND BY ITALIAN apology, and she reached out to take the feathers back, but he stopped her. INVENTS PORTABLE BATH FOR HOT IMMERSIONS. ‘o, madam,” he said, “I'll keep hese as souvenirs, if you don’t mind; bat T'd like to say a few words to you Says Amputation Should Only Be Re- sorted to in Extreme I might have n or a dozen small dren depending on me. There areany | surgeon-Major Professor number of things that might have pre-|ce the talisn Medieal Corps, in sjeuberlenie from joining (hraernvs shut charge of field hospital, has applied you: didn't: evens waittodng ain fa large scale a special treatment ELA ep Sa ae for locke which Is giving most sat not in Khaki I was a coward, As a icfactory resul ana tas, Thave been at home, | "re" dtovin treatment of lockjaw recovering from wounds I received Cases. Ingianl jis extensively used in the Italian army | oe ee een ine lie ek a | as a preventive and, thanks to it, the aoc ae a OR * [eases of tetanus have been greatly ent. ver, Roa. aseept. eosin pr atau aris of the wot remedy against lockjaw, and nothing prevents its being administered even in the field under ordinary conditions. e professor has invented a special portable bath which can be folded, as it is made of rubber and shaped in 4 and for her sake he a a 66 of b himself in two months! f ; to the patient by me and placed in any maxieion eltier hori: zontal or verti "Antigeptle Solution Ie Used. warm antiseptic solution can be i mper- per 1,000, But permanganate of po- w tassium, iodine or lea r also can e used to advantage, It has been if found better to alternate the employ- ment of these antiseptic The results of this treatment are days a Dios After a few the THE N ATION’ Sie .d begins to heal, suppuration dis- appears, swelling subsides and fever ceases. Recovery follows as a mat- ; -FUTURE OF otloes Wen ncnscar pire 6 putation was considered the only rem- edy. danger of lockjaw is en-| tirely obviated, AN ETERNAL COMBAT. Depends Upon If Many Were Not Not Killed Off Young Animals Would Overrun World. ‘There is always a deadly, and never- ending fight going on among animals and ae ae sooerelly: ere not fi Properly reared children grow up to be Eiki? , healthy Many adiseates to which child- ren are susceptible, first indicate e large amount 0 oe ier Aieru cide oe ae sof ot nS au : th cocking good idea.” their presence in eawels | Mice enitels willed of fate before they 10,000, boxes of tea by oa S 1 e careful mother should j/ grew. , we would be faced like. . Brought in from. all’ parts REEUMATISM AFTER | sract her child’s bowel move- seh the aint t problem te avin 5) } ents an. ‘ar more in an we sho ae Prarie dee Oy ranspert; the 5 | Toon wiiatite do witha ‘Take; for :tn- i a WwW he rabbit. : stacked in piles so arranged that HIS DAY § OUTING stanee, tl though» hundreds of thousands { Mrs. inslow’ s e fifty years ago a great land- | owner in Australia, where cases and sacks ar almost at a glance ite exact pa of the goods on hand can be counte aE The supplies are so vast that matter how great the requisition may eee instantly filled. I walk-| Once upon a ed through long rows of goods stack- , Brings Ealiint Results. ng street, Here is a square all of sugar; close by, one of jam; beyond, “Another. of marmalade, and so “There's a Reason : Cannatin Postum. Wins ROE an would moe stem a iS 0 On the pee as Hunting Trip On On a Wet Day | time = Oniacoharias ey { nd re rumen Sloan’s \Lini-| ng his own ease as evidence | i they had Soo Syrup : Itis a corrective for diarrhora, colic and other ailments to which children are subject especially | ues the teething period. ~ Ieis absolutely non-narcotic and contains neither opium, | J morphine nor any of their de- rivatives. isla’ mainilone of pounds Mrs. Winslow’s |) entesvering, to bring about he de- | three hundred the gun seemed to COLORS YOU CAN'T SEE. Hang. Shades Painted on a Gun Has. Strange Effeet. Four years ago there was at Alder- hot ay ordinary field-gun which look- had been laid on in the fading out of sight, at five hundred it was practically invisible. ‘The armored train, manned by Brit- ish soldiers and British guns is paint- ed in precisely similar fashion, ice its due, it ‘0 give our War was the first to realize that the thin red line of Crimean days was quite ou a J en — ts that would just before the South Anan Sie dhaki became the | ¢ univ versal 9 rat one “Toaien, hated. kak, satis August 1998, it was announced that it was to be abandoned, and “Atholl rey ate But i was pointed out that grey would stain terribly, and that i€ woul t be as invisible as khaki, and in BNA end practical use won the day. The Germans followed our analy but their khaki has a gree tint mich is extremely and unnoceasully wethe Russians fight in grey, a color well adapted to their vast plains, cov- ered in summer with withered Brees and in winter with snow. oo CHLDHOND aris | | 202 Hallam Building, "Lorne. SEED POTATOES Ss EED POTATOES, a ples ol deat Ae once. jupply lim! I. rite ft us fidone: H.W. Dawson, Brampton, AGENTS, WANTED. TO $5 DAILY BASILY BARNED mple N Eftted: Pustisners “rove, nS = eee NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE UN 1 Gig NCER, ‘MORS, LUMPS, ETC, internal aud external, cured lee out pain by our home treatment, Wri bs before too date. Dr, Bellman Medical . LAmited, Collingwood, Ont. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES pa d How to Feed ‘aw es BEaLIed ree! to: aay _adgsaee iby i \Y GLOVE! R CO., Inc. Dog t Rewedes At West 31st Street, New York into bread as if by magic. A steady | watching hoe MPO silently, eg the diseasehas not be out | or | nel “tough, Bone | resistbly the great machine of the | from ii shales ie eas te | and nothing so far had been eeedvee: et | ae carried to my, now perfected in every mae ig | SOP y. v AN ae mS check its almost certainly fatal| Lambert, St. Igna frtomal_ tnd fosornce. to “shoots”; below it is gathered up and i Lag “up the tha! speed of fficien more har ything aan sl “Baby’ Tiedt ase PHoesvelleat mnbera,inacegrdaace io ‘iy slung on flour-sprin table: Sus Caras See civilian, ‘after whey you ide le °Natarally in field hospitals local | medicine for childhood ailments and cae Government ‘plendard. into round lumps about eight hehes BATTLES AND RAINFALL. [72 G0) | Yo vould Have joined he | conditions are such that it is impos s-| I am_wel ed with se.” soaked tin nenberz end charter in diameter, each lump forming ae party before 1 would have joined the sible to resort to prolonged antiseptic The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ieapnth joaf;, each is carefully weighed to Meterologists Say Gun-fire’ Will Not | 27m: 1 trust you have Jeamed oe thing of the wounded or infected |ers or by mail at 25 cents a-box fro ont fy sound ead scone make a ee loaves of saeetiea one Produce Rain. FE fout Autaltes ir tet ie aca ser , and the most effective ‘panier The De ilies Medicine Co., Brock. Haat 9 of Chosen Friends ee haketises bien on aes Missy persons in Europe and many | geant piper in one of the most famou: |consisted in amputation. Bat even | sales foudwing eficer ee sedate: the gal dine: ataeerbonn: (5D jantry have noticed the. un-| Scottish regiments, and won neatly amputation often proved of he : bs 3.W, Bava Me. WP. Montagie, where they are left “4 at ‘vainfalls. that ae occurred in| the cross for saving three officers|®VSH rk ia Hoes 8 seth anee’ of Solomonic Judge, Grand Recorder] tooled the fresh bread is packed into | YaTIOus dealt aince the beginning | when wounded himself. are ah epatna ean al dose of | The Complainant—“You see, your ry a, HBA MD: $ ‘i e great war, and have wonder: e ; wat tight at the deer of the Building, [whether those and other anomalies j potaton saved «man's fe, 1 lft him) worship, Twat» a oe eo at TusiktON - oNTARD said twelve hours from the. time:that | te oe could be eit by the Minara’s Ziniment Cures Distemper a cripple: lene avite wea onli: ve had ettat it has left this bakery the bread is in| emendous..gunfire in Europe, -Me- Soctors: Amipatele 106 ee veord or two in. th mornin,’ an’ so T| pm 3 | LLI ARDS= the hands ofthe quartermasters read teorolaiat pene isden: they any . Often for fear of infection sorgcona if - In 1) ARI for distribution to the eae ause rain, gun-fire would oe Lee were Sn dati Gh a Like 4 ep Peeer ay hase Pare wate whose long winter nigh Teasivitaen ae itgohighaat etate of Bie ene e reste ori ne oe srondertal | Fs meee Soe “tat i woul Tait coe ta ete eriak pea ae ae) CA Head hdr teeree Dire haces prodveet a more effi- than i tee eat satan oe at alt | Ae es “ust been read ‘ing ie ot a Re iat rin - 4 crorletaly but: shove the hot iron against me, tion, Why not i cient organizat ER GER re ate eaten OG easing m Ae Re realed’ head.” His: Worship—“Trying tof Home Billiard Table ? high speed. Milieary ieinaplins Saag fe Se ee Yainfal | BEE A oui ane ena Oe Write. Me) "professor Ingianni instead is con- smooth it es ene a ae Write for particulars of sae ses is no poet ee r chat Ting. |n England during the winter of 1914-| | made 2 Pa Mey ate in two|Vinced that amputation should only’ at gba so Bt cee ome, b our famout ‘ ® | of personal ieee of that atmosphere | 15, Dr. H. R. Mill, director of the Brit- years.” e resorted to in extreme cases, as a Table, oe ertonehi are palbilty-sonreven| tai Rainfall Organization, made the) The Man—That’s nothing. octor’s first duty is to cure, not to for cash or on easy termi lent in in ue se enterprises. I watch-| ¢ojjowing statement: “The vastness of | man who ele a A ying Bs vii cripple a man. Prolonged warm bat Minariaes Liswiaat Soy Limited. n,—I have used MIN~ ARDS: iniunst ES my vessel and in my family for years, and for the every day ills ana accidents of life I sonsider it has no equal. T would not start on a voyage ithe out it if it cost a ee a ean FAR DIN. caine Sehr. “storke,” oe are fase Burroughes & Watts, Ltd. Makers: 2 HM, the King. erie your Piano aving an When_ buyin insist ae “OTTO HIGEL” PIANO ACTION. Hard Work, All Right. “T want you se uaderee that I got my money work.” Why, I thought ‘it was left you by your uncle.” “So it was; but I had hard work rs.” Druggists or Murine Eye! Camels can smel! water more than a mile away. Minard’s Lint:xent Cures Garget in Cows A Necessary Weakness. _ He—The trouble with you women is that you haye too. much ALE al tion. She—I don’t know. If we didn't magine you men were a lot better that you are, none of us would ever marry you. SSS, DODDS.” EKIONEY J @ PILES \\ Nay TR ran Act ,ch < NEGMAT! Us Riches” Ap GER or mOIABETES a ib Minard's inimient Gur ss Diphtheria. M {goods bear asthe gene mais with | bo! in BA struction, without any furth t, the’ exception. of . tinne We limbs. Soon improvement was noticed | f walked for half mile Choogh this “are Mullen ten ace Wat oe Soothing Syrup | sss! “mune ote THICK, § SWOLLEN GLANDS arenes nih Ae city a SES perience WE MloT en iden Lone kes ‘Cheerful, pest in most parts of Australia. — fl make a horse Wheeze, t pay: agne” (the land of | Sioan’s tint tin medicine It has been estimated that, if the | Roar, eek: Thick Wind p uae as Russian moe chest.” You, wil it a ubby Children progeny of one pair of these small, | or, Choke-down ei ‘ing Uj a hig! ruises, sprit a ‘an tl ‘h destructive, creatures were ke oe ee Bev inn aia, || Sohn he rng child-caring J rece mas, ay am {stew fdee ati ty. Searyione ae Pe and 3.00 ae bottle dite : c ’ ays dl of its develop- J | breed, there would be tho astounding that no army in the field is better car- 22 ug gives. rest and J | number of 13,000,000 rabbits at the’ yo other Bunches orSwellings. Noblister, i gS. ed for or fed than the British troops jef to both child and. tne end of three years. no hair gone, and horse ita at work. ‘in eae of i same time it is % Whi Re bs He at a sien aired Be ar a current belief that no today ic! ete icat re per bot is IEEE oatniol | Byars F ‘fal Waiter ‘(to-diner who has heer te snap Ime ne i J ‘orge'l ki ts, which Sat sridely ee ar merely it Sodt se ent ia Canada 4 ond ordered)—Beg par‘ lon, sit, but are you ee a rd Ulcers. en sisanatieat en in Eng- sie oe auorid the pork ae ee the boiled cod? = See! ‘or delit hore out nase Bi mel Mo and Abul Jae: mae WANTED Men & Boys For All Departments Steady Employment Good Wages Ingvar Lit, ERRITTON By sending now for our Prive List of ' Beautiful Musk Ox. ROBES You will have nice ti time to us to offer thes BEST STYLE Re in s lese than half, thelr “isual i ables and price cout ey are mn-black, yin “peal ‘adhe ‘per- susie, ansurnaaeed For Ee pearance, a: for : Sleigh