al : TO. THE BOYS | GLENALLAN New Jewelry Store IN THE ARMY |, ee present 2] » Ly t In Monkton The following 5 asa was received sapiay vuner the eae eat ae x who velya Mewhinney spent Sun- he town line. MR. Ww (FRANK has opened with w in active service in Belgiu Mr. and Mrs. 8: Missy rare the . Strict attent ghies fi ven - guests of Mrs, Rebecca ‘Cookman on Pepaltion of alll ki Belgium, Oct. 1st. Busaey Dear Mee Le Ei ee nee ie xe Snyder visited with his mother in Kitehene =| das last wey and Mre, George Maynard and z Jane x for a couple of —— HANSON’S OLD STAND in this Iand most needs, ‘The chances , ——— of hearing the Word so much needed ar Brigham mach Allan-Ga: Josey Beecham, the famous. pill-|S%°: Vox) fe". 8 nday and Satardey) “yfrs, Emerson. Rennie, of Drayton, maker, died in bed at his home in a ; s at present visiting with her moth- ead Engladd home i> /your wish in regard to this note is |e, “yy Bae. GG vente, fulfilled as I will endeavor to keep ga ace oe fe was 68 ‘old,’ Might-have liv: fhe thought always wit rege | Mines dy, of Toronto, is ed longer, but probably the poor man|panded it to othe: Be ohive. Bye spending his vacation with hil other- couldn't take bis own medicine, me to thank the seni in-law, ae 3, Rebecca ‘Mis, Archie ‘MeKee and Mr. Very Finecrelt yours, P.C.| Mrs. ©. omen of Hal milton, éalled friends i FOR SALE Think of those in khaki dr ssed, oun cate Neer Pe eens r King and Home to do their, best ’ Butcher business and complete| In this dreadful war arena. pe eee age see equipment ay Poi A pulcadias pe n-|Just write a kin ir} Friday af N00} ing for a man. Apply JOS, F.|What could you do better? The Women's institute of Glemallan KERTOWER, ‘atilverton, Encourage the jboys in the Army. absled Hay for sale by the, car load, imothy, lucerene or mixe: e | So fully ‘to the cause resig) for prices.—E, R. MEYER, R. RYN | to a ne ar, faba ee 1, Confield, Ont. a. | They’ ner gatientiy waiting an and Uoehtes, of Ruggle, For letters relatin ae y Tne tlewatto the Boys in the Army. Mie A eee: Bhp iiente 0 Me: WANTED 50. service in ———|How oft they think of dear ones left, STONE FOR ORUSHING. _Inter- hearts sorely view Reeve or Councillors of Mil- | By this genebion war gene held i 1% ne ee Aes pune omaxades fee sears held in the Olivet Church Sunday Bien Gee Paraetet te Oh comfort the Boys in the Army. atethodist "chussh @ A d servant: girl to work in Toronto, Apply to ©. H. CREIGH- ‘A mecting of the Women's Institute will be held at the hom 3. A. TON, Mgr. Stephenson, Blake & Co.,| Tell =. Jesus the Saviour supreme, 3 Snyder, ‘on Saturday reness , the 60 Front St., Toronto, Ont. 4-i, | Died on the Cross, Man to redeem {11th of Nov. Miss Weber will give wie Rae me fate sin’s aren! ‘ paper, oe “Success From Ditteren t LOST Free from acceptation Ben eo ca BY 5 Set __ | To the anxious in the Army. Ake qutoniphiies Aamber- 60116). |an.cecage-sond of kind rowan HESSON Between Donegal and Atwood. Hin: be Blacksmith wanted, Apply Joseph or please return to Mx, D. F. Hiym Booklet, leaflet ee ahaies eae >| 4 Te See ee ‘o those in the war ar Helm, ie 3 or send gospel trite reading: Wedding bells are ringing merrily oi earl oct From | THEY are, 80 much needing Lge a aes = erton or on the road from|Wlact‘asngers of the Army. | Mr. George Lantz, of Kitchener, is iiverton to Millbank, gn Oct, 2éth,| spending a few days at his home here. a gold brooch with amethyst settin ; battle front,| Mr. Joseph Kocher is ox Pindae pieces Weave ce Wie. Bed actions | Remember ore In. to ee ttlait, {earload of apples some day this week Ui “ Mr. note of hand made in favor of |por nd walled war, arene trip t : Mi AIL Se be uniting by * , of ‘ornington, to woo pent Sunday with Mrs. Henry the amount of five Bungred dolla ie neue Cee Vol earing interest at 5 ' 1 oF %. and Mrs. Dennis Hanley spent tnnuite dated the 19¢h day of April, Think of those Sige aoe eons sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene AD Tb1s, end. payable twelve months H 0 Mrs. George Logel. Dorking, spent Sunday with felatives around our, burg the exeoutrix or executors authorize Miss B. Foerster, of Linwood, ia at Kind words may cheer a heart that’s present « spending a few weeks at her Busan MeCon: a home here. Rertele Ceavisey Atttgcaiate.| ft ¢,|_ Mr, and’ Mrs, George Isley and son, ated at Newton, this Bist day of “rn the per B tie * fact they are acauaints my sodore, spent Sunday with Mrs. Is- < Oetober, 1918, ieee are praying ley’s mother, Mrs, 0. Vollmer. And Maret Misses L. Hanley and A, Mittleholz od less oe ng +. Boys in the|lett for Toronto on Monday dast. Ne ti t ¢ di Army. Ake they have both received pos- otice to Greaitors THOS, E. HABIOND: ib He ates tr. Wm. Girodat, is still very il In. tiie “matter of ‘Mary: Attig, late} =" october Mie sa with a’serious attack of peer Can enn eh es We all join is wishing him a spee cov Gounty of Perth, widow, deceased. WELLESLEY arte ex. Schnarr and Mrs. J. Eckstein and daughter, Edna | daughter, Bae a motored to our Notice is hereby ¢ given, pursuant to urg on and spent the da Len Borratee iy Phat Behelty thet alt} ere visiting friends in Kitchener last pit on 8 eee oie y. sons having any claims against ot d Mrs. H. W. Kaufman were| Mr. George Isley shot an owl one Mary Attig, who died on the 14th ae and Hamburg on Thurs- | day Ee week which measured five day of September, 1916, at Newton, Me: Tats eet s i is is very Ont., are required on or before the| afr, and Mrs. J. iederhold, of likely ‘the thief that has been raiding Uth day of November, 1916, to send|Noeth Easthope, were Mating ‘at Mr. {some of the ae farm yards v. the undersigned BS an’s on Sunday iti ae MORNINGTON Reid has returned to her distribute the assets of the said de-|" Mfr. and Mrs, Louis Fleleshhauer 5 il heese at ‘Newton. mn rsons entitled | yrr, and Mrs. Leppan nd| Mr, and Mi Mr, rs. Sam Corry, of Elma, i hsaat Mr 4 regard only to the | yrs, Alex, Stable, o riciteuanen spent | spent Gudaj-ot tees 3 ae OSE ey, sball then have) Sunday here among friends, Vere Watson spent a few fwd CA ‘d Baid “execut There died last Thursday, Moses aye last week with friends in Lis an not be liable for the said assets |Gascho, at the ¢ of Mrs. Gascho, z ine any part thereof, to/any person of ” whose claim they shall not then have | wa Armstrong, of Listowel, visited he & friend, Miss Jessie Watson Feoelved, notio erment taking place in the Amish | cently. cing at Newton, the 2th day of |nennonnite cemetery. BO es tha Se Gyo 4+ Teter “spent. Monday aah Susan we aie: Exeoutrix. Genie G, Atti Attig, Exeeutors. Rev. A. Mahatty Resigns The congregation ‘of the: North Hill rh last night accept- a atson spent Sunday at Brae,” we home of Mr. Mr. id Mrs. Neilson and fam f mem- COMMERCIAL ber: 75 $1 75Jopinion that he migh 120 12 erro of Rev. Fe iW. dabei,» now P ofB ucking- ham, P,Q. x HAMPSTEAD aA You are sure of good of bholouraphs if you go to Lee, Listowel. of Mr. an Frances Mabel, only daught ind Mrs, ‘Edgar William Beckinsale, = of Reading, England. The young ple met_in the °C nadian West, ere the groom was practticing his Are You Insured reece OE iaedising and the bride TRE CANADIAN ORDER OF aching school yt, Hart's en- FORESTERS i Ce aa listment, she preceded him overseas tection for wife and family at ig er home, where on Capt. Hart’s pel LR nt injuries occasioning his sojourn C.Spencer,GR. # N.Zimmermana,RS in England, they were quietly mar- ; ied. The many friends of the groom t+ in this locality will Bx - sn: gratulations and may be spared to ate at with, “hia ‘pride to hone in Cana yom i BRUNNER ew Mrs. ©. Doerr spent Sunday ‘with friends in New Hamburg. H. Zulaut, of eae spent frien Tuesday with en A. javat Present visit- t: where he has found em- port Miss PAtagivet Anderson spent the Mrs. W. Grif- : These are prices suited for hard times and will tend to help people keep down Ms. and. Mre, the cost of living. Take eteniey ° of see Ee ate sche a ry and Mf ‘and Mr. them—while they last. and Mrs, G, Schweitzer, of Newton visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. . ey ae NOVEMBER ROD AND GUN | November Rod - GROCERIES — Peas or Corn, 2 cans for almon, & can $6.00 Iron Bedstead, for nd Gun contains a | 7,00 Mattresses, for. se - 2 Springs, for.. < resser and Stand.. 25.00 2 - Gan" t be replaced for iheinanes| re 20,00 Dresser, for on Rocking Chair, “ by Jean Stevinson,|¢ “ a 2,00 19 Dining Room Chairs 1 % s Kitchen Chairs, for. aa er Couches, for 10.00 Gane be replaced for the sat J.T. GILL,- Monkton eS 2 “Fairy, y, lyeotens an ‘and ‘Taylor's “Salada and pie: Black Tea.......40e iss Doerr e-Openers |oecceec" eae Stock ie on Teal: for list of good thine for the sportsman | arn. oe iioate. (Gla Bouousssesesmsmeai | The Greatest Collection of SUITS AND COATS BEEBE EE UZ TWEED COATS Have Ever Shown. Wonderful values in tweed and zibe- $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 —Beautiful Plush Coats in stunning flared, gathered, yoked and belted effects, with medium and large collars Elegant coats from $18.00 up. ZIBELINE COATS PLUSH COATS line coats at up to $20.00 SSE SESoeE0 ee! A Choice Lot of Coats at $4.99 and $7.50 55c INSTEAD OF $1. G The “Designer”... .. : For One Year 12 Copies at AOC cate One Standard Quarterly 95 One Pattern ...... 99 15¢ or 20¢ The Three for 55c $1.65 SSS) SISSIES SITIOS ac Engela “The Store with the Stock” -- MILVERTON nd @ Son _ hacemcte Sx —— LOGAN COUNCIL Council met October ne dhe following resolutions were car- ried;— That John Gaffney be paid $297.50 rk, k issue a aley Drain, as per ae 3 ‘ertiicnte Oth. ‘the last mecting were read, | ‘Tha for Read Drain, ae fe to be charg- ed to said drai That P, Healy, Lot N% 5, Con. 18, paid nA 00 for farm bridge on ety. esigat by-law No. con of Logan, granting the rf $300.00 aid to the Bond, as now duly read, be finally Fowl Supoe and Titus te passed, the, Reeve ‘and Clerk to sign : and ¢ seal Gh 6a ac ar teas od Lectin counts aie ing 0 pf t . | were ordered ald when meeting a ‘an illustrated lecture e Se ‘A ractor’s account. agai Novernb © a? Babylon, ee t to Lon« +, |avth ab the neal time and place, Bogan," "willbe ¥ Ske ‘Nov. 9th, at 8.00 p.m., Moffat. The leoture RVIN owas: ‘Olen ha day, a : a Ww. : ee ° iestratea with 18 nt the sum| British’ Red Wagne Mornington, on » Nov. "ra to Pte. ‘Wagner, Grewieyetne Bi . on Monday, Oc — tober 30th, t ang Mh M. _ Crowley, @ 3 cof ‘the Town- sum of British med Cross aught Drain, as per Engineer's cer- ie wi West, Drain, as per tificate, That in ear to communication from Chas. Mickel, re water, Co 8 and 9, resolved. “that sald. letter be That the | Beste and Clerk issue a xe oh ing Cu gts just | per ord and ler jolly, f said pean Wa eee ene poe and $5.00 ext fealy “Drain as pe \A REPRESENTATIVE WANTED at once for : MILVERTON — and District for_‘ StL ES.” Hideto Start | positio: catalogues ager 8k best selling time, son, Shrens—In Logan, ‘Wean esday, "November ist, to. Mi, rand ‘Mrs, Fred , ‘a son. erent, on , by ‘Rev, Frederick B. on poet from 01 will reside ise at eae the ome of the } annie mt ae oe al bride’s parents. oon . cm Ho ing ist on October | ‘ | Eaves son ls Mr, and