- rears will ble to p: Pies ase: and Bears eee ¢ ane _ BYERY Tatoagoay sbenne The Sun Printing Office Main Street = MILVERTON, ont, montis, tion rates Dae year, $1. 30 Srey ig su geribers psix in ‘eri Pataeae apaitcad wilt be serted Mi vorbi mes ecto me ‘uni id and chai Changes for contract advertisements must ‘bein the office by noon Monday, MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor, a fe |i at Bundy's. ous, Fred Heinbuoh and son, Cecil, | fo ee Miss Ada Gibson left for her home Listowel on Saturday after spend- some time as assistant milliner ner, are ispending ‘a few Con: i ai ore Mr. recital at Paes under ‘the ieadeehip of Prof. ‘Mr: ‘Wesley Cnthoart! spent Sunday at Atwoo < ses Ella and Laura * Our mailing lists are daily : i] S & 4 Ls Eo Re: SR = & & 5 + + Saturday in Ham M A. ending the funeral of their mother. Mr, Leander Koebel, while drawing building with his traction engine for Mr. Emerson Burnett, received a deep gash on his head when the chain broke and one of the ends hit ‘him. and Mrs. Alton Barlett, of To- ronto, spent Monday with his par- ents ‘here. Mr. Jos. McCormick and mother, and Mr, M. is and’ sister apent Sunday with friends in Waterk r. Herb Beggs returned Thursday after nding several mths in Saskatchewan. Mr. David Beggs spent aot and BusinessCards 04.2" Dr. M. C. Tindale, L.D.S. Honor graduate Toronto University. CROWN and BRIDGE WORK a specialty "Phone No. 38. Office: Over Bank of Nova Scotia, zt re st : 1) MILLBANK NEWS ee after a month's visit in the _ Regular “Correspondent ~ S. The their October meeting Mr. W. K. Graham, of the Bank a Nova’ ‘atta staff, Toronto, 0, calied on number of old friends here | a COUNCIL he Municipal Council oh ig se ‘Wellesley, were present. J hair. Reidel, reeve, eC business. rrespondence, bills and accounts Mr. L, A, Heimler spent Tuesdoy were handed tothe ‘reeve and. read +)in Kitchener on business. @ them being an appeal for th Wm. was a len ving Wednes- Brith Red Cross, signed by Albert a ‘tor St. ospl tal, Guelph. e asc BE eit ake reat Moved. by F, Lackner, seconded <r, Sam rand Mrs, sa J. L. McKay that the following ac- are at present visiting their ratte and eeve ich. is f same; Messrs, Wess Cathcart, Wm. Fink part and Henry Karley have gone to Kitch Birmingham, an- ener to work in the sugar. beet fac- | we S000 lex tory ther fol $18; i Ruby Gocts is at present vis-|Contrect, Record, advertising. iehn iting er sister, Mrs, Martinson, a: |Drain, $8.00; Her ‘oelln, gravel Hawkes: and ct te. 27 0; Miss ‘Meal n | Meyer. repairing road machine, $4.40; and Mr. Sinier ‘attended the Teach: [Ir 7, noblauch, gravel, er Gel ers’ Convention at Kitchener, ‘Thurs |nalé, poy, $25.25 (conten, Broke bhetnableaer day and Friday. plank on bridge, a W. Martin. Mae was a visitor at | gravel, r pert 6.00 ; “ . Dr. P. L. Tye Elmira on Bon Fish, cement and coal, $8.04, % Miss Davidson: Ot Millbank, spent|Runstedler, refund of statute labor, Office: Pomiic Dave Store, Muvertox |Saturday with Miss McCallum 1.50; k Norman, gravel accoun Hours: 20 012 a.m 2 04 pan issea Saloma and Edith Roth spent |§21.08; Albert Gibbons, rep. bridge, a7to 8 p Saturday in Elmira. .00; George Beggs, fixing bridge Mr. and Mrs. Umbach and Mr. and |$2.00; Joseph Runstedler, team on eaene Misd Schafer, of ifeheuer, span Bins ditches, $1.00; George Rultr, repairing with Mrs, Cook. widge, 50 cents ; sees ates cleaning iss Kate Seip pent a few days |sewers, Ste efund H. B, Morphy, K.C, ee for Bank of Hamilton. LIsTow MILV) He sree ated Daitvert ‘tor -y to Loan, F. R. Blewett, K.C. Solcitorfor the Bank of Toronto, : Gordon Block aranrponts — ONTARIO iss of last week in Toronto. unday School Rally" Services will be held in the Methodist church on a.m. ank MeCardle spent Thurs- tah in stra x and sister mo- Thursday last tored steattoed on Harding, Owens & Goodwin ae A Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan, R.T. HARDING W.0, OWENS W, &. GoopwIx Veterinary. J. W. Barr, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, ‘Toronto. ‘Treats all diseases of domesticated animals All calls promptly attended to, ‘a, were visiting Mr. D, Koch. Lhe the past season. moved int Win Ba Cease home last visiting friends and i and Mich- Societies. igan for the past mont Mr and Mrs, John Lehman and Mr. and Mrs. B. Zehr, of Croghan, N.Y. Milverton sage No. 478 [Were ak : » G.R.C. M m. x it Meets every Rear Pediat or on or before | Sale of real estate and house id ef- full moon ee onth in Sor hall fects on October 2ist, Mr. John Wil- in Weir's bloc! fel mo me Visiting brethren always asad G. A. Barth, W.M. W, J. Zoeger, Secy Silver Ser Le No. 202 . O. Meets every was aight. at 7 hall over Bank of Hamiiton. Visiting brethren always welcome N. McGuire, W.K. Loth, J. H. Brown, N.C, Fin.-Secy. ” Rec.-Sec: Notary Publlo. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public , Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth and Waterloo. Conveyancer, cea wills, mortgages drawn and (ere ed made. clerk, Office: Weir eee Had Bank of Nova Scotia er. ae a Al ith aie were held in rv! ets ing, Narada, and Beater p & ¥ S propriate serm 0 large congrega- tions, Collections we: eld at all services, which amounted to over $90 Mr, and Mrs. Jenks, of Detroit caJled on the latter’s uncle, Mr, Chas. Koehler, on their way from Hanover last week, Mtr John Ottman rb, of Hawkesville, friends and relatives Mrs. John eer ue ene ee a few and Mr. A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the County of Perth. Real estate pores and sold. A few choice farms for immediate sale, MONKTON, ONTARIO Nelson Merrick, - Auctioneer for Waterloo, Wellington and Perth Counties, Estimates given on sales of farms and fa Office, next to Bank of Nova Scotia, Linwood with friends Tooppke té on the stk list we “hope for her speedy recovery. ----+ HESSON Mr. J. O'Neil, of Toronto, spent a lw days ee week with his sister, Lr: Mr. and Sire, Henry Isley, of, New ton, spent Sunday with Mr.’and Mrs eorge Isle iss Nora Brenner, of London, spent Hoteles The Queens Hotel. ‘Best are ee ee ee trav: lers and of ‘Two large Sample Rooms. GEO, F. PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont, a few days with her sister, Mrs. Helm. Mr. and Mrs. J. Linseman, of Tralee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ‘ocher. aa, and Be ine Helm, of Erbsville, rs, F, Helm, of St. Glement, oss miaaday with Mr. and Mrs, J Helm. Mr. 8, “Btenmlcr spent Sunday with Mr. Gathering: leaves’ ta the the day. ‘Mr, ‘Ernest C. Knoblauch, of Hess has purchased’ a fine For order of man Fle secure more business than the slov enly man. Be and get one of our nifty suits. { Fit and orkmanship aay. i - Guaranteed. S. N. ‘SMITH |- he Up-to-date Tailor follow his example, Clear the track boys, when se is coming. Rostock ies -Henry Steinacker, of Crediton pending a fe at the hom , John Knechte of Avsplendid program was given in tet evening. Mrs. Dietrich and Mrs. Ed Schel- leubetger, of Sebrivevile oe ‘Wed- neadey. With friends in, Rosto John Gaul, ot strat. ford, spent — ‘with Mr, and Mrs. Snee iste Mr, Bei be *egmaeted the Sacramentai Services on Binday ‘afternoon in the Evangelical church. an Ba Dicht Su family. of Stratford, ai ‘with Mr et cuilvartone wbea Gu, et on, it Sun any ered at a and: "nia a Ros- Sete meee SALE Manda¥ October 30th, 1015 Feri and Implements, for Mr. Nicholas Kosher, Loti 18. Marning- “ton-Wellesley “Boundary, st_ of Hesson. auctioneer. x a who was working on + _ Mike E refun statute labor, Be Roth, work on autre rk 15 iebold, teaming coal Oas avid ; John ater. fi30: Abe Slegnér, gravel to path- p24.80; Jam 2.83 ath: s McKee. gravel fetter, work ey arnt pay, es George Eydt, repairing culvert, $3. John Ray, gravel to $i E. Gerth, work on roa Pillie, work at ree ne Louis Freiburger, teaming willows on road, $9.00; John Reibling teamin ~ 0, masters, November, 1916, at ten o'etock in the forenoon.-Carrie RF. seutuaanun, Clerk HAMPSTEAD Mr. John McDonald, of Stratford, who is pur- and 8 fr and Mrs, Mf. Wolfe, spent a few days at the home Jas, Stew: deg ihe .C., Ww) of Guelph of Mr. ‘McMillan. of Henderson, otticial visit to the NorPhaea rasioken fas. Stewart is tod ay prone) wedding of his cousin, Mr. Jas. Hart, of this g place, to Miss Hana ine derson, of Wingham, formerly prin- cipal of the school here. ‘Mrs. James Patterson attended the meeting of the Board of Agriculture at Stratford, on Saturday, of which she is a director. POOLE Nurses Chalmers and MeMillin, of Nurse Miss Amy Shearer spent a few da last week w vith her cousin, Mrs, J. P, N.|Griffin, Burlington. Master Morris Chalmers has been laid up for a week with : javing had the misfortune to fall on a rast y pe il Kerr and family left last Teachers’ Convention held in Kitch- ener. a number from here ier the Anniversary Services held in Hollen ereabyes rian church. r. Jol Voli and sister, Bertha spent sunday wis friends at aaioge 4 eid lingham, of 4 alba Saat AGA evening wit: W. Allingham. his brother, Mr. J. W, Mr, H. Newton spent Bungay with his. father, Mr ate Newton, here. SHAKESPEARE rdiner, manager ttle a us Marg: e of ar Wiederhold her Mr .a Hae te rs. os R. Livingstone and Mr. and Mrs. Krup| Dp of Baden, call- ed on Mr. = Mrs. James Wiederhold junday ind. Mrs. James Tamedinee “elatires nar ater Educa I read in Bee oN %," Merrick, [Matheson ae fee _ |Patterson w ¢ | Mrs. J. Fleming, by lident of the -|please hand in this week at the ing of the Ce = e Jas. Me- of statute labor, $10.00; Mion Seifert | hom rthmestor , 4 adi will be pleased tohear of his promotion | nay | éttending. che Ja : Honey Grove, spent Wednesday with |ing made ginny: for their home in Baden af-| Th er spen lng a week with her pene the use of printer's ink has never ad- Mrs. Dew: vertised right, The failure to produce Miss Mattic Natatger spent Sunday results is not ehargeable against ad- njwith her sister. Mrs Kipfer, near|vertising, but against the manner in Gadshill. which it is done, Adver' is the Sees CSTE Y mod eativye force, positive and MACTON potent—a force\that has produced two blade where one has grown Miss Grace McKenzie attended the re, It is the flowering of indus- Th of the Stan-| .o¥ ane See Thos, Crookshanks, of Lin- Wm. Fennell, of Richmond, spent a day last week at Mrs, H. Stewart’ We are sorry to report that Mrs. Jane Sharp is at present on the sick Ma: W. C. Pratt left on Fonaes to eeere a few weeks with Mr, ES Galt, ‘after which ‘te will reside in Listo' Miss E. Crookshanks, men's Institute, paying her official visits to the Mil- hice and Listowel branches ‘this vil ae those intending to contrib- ute to the Christmas gifts for soldiers meet- Kee’s, on Friday, memorial See is “held in ae ¢ Communion Roll. Com- Lord's Supper was dis- pensed on Sunday. number of com municants their usual place owing to removals and deat hot By Another Correspondent Gbittie. Delay Wipheson. spent Sat: urday ee aca with her music Sak er, Miss Miss Bila Coghlin and friend, Miss Gray, of Milverton, 5 nday Mr. George Coghlin’s Mrs, O'Grady and little son spent | Saturday in Milvertoi | a ervies waa” hel the Methodist church on Sunday for Pte. m Crookshanks, The ¢ packed to its utmost capacity, Man eing ed away. v, Milverton, assisted by. R gondus ed the si Fiat week | has secured a position with the Grand Trunk Rail- Mr. Walter Raby left for Palmerston, atin he at the las. McKee, on Friday, Oct [Sunday at. the P. Roll Call— - fare istaying 8 yhns istelot pres: Li "| Mrs, ww] M elm has returned home nite Miss W visiting her son, George, in Port E) Mr. M. phaxery, spent Monday in “Mr, and Mrs, “Tabbert spent Sun- at Millbank, the euesia of Mr, Drayton, day Woncn’s. Institute will hold Nee, Jos. Nurse. ‘Mr. Adolph, of Wallace, visited on home of Mrs, arp. Roll Call. Harrow, of Molen was the subject, Bulbs for eae Sotver sunt joote Mrs, J.J. Me-|during the wee! oes Teaitling contest, arranged| Mrs. G ed a day last ‘Mrs, B. Wray.|week with Mrs. D. an Grieve, or eats to b heir }bank, ~ The district president, Mrs.| Mr. John Beg: who has been at ected to be pres- nding the summer in Hamiota, ent. “All ladies are cordially invited|Man., returned on Friday and is at to attend. present with his aunt, Mrs, Henry Grieve returned home on | Newtor n. é dhe many ‘friends of Mra Robert A call papa te ian Rae serious illness. She is at present un- der Dr. McKinnon’s care. s. Peeper and family, of Ingersol t the home of Mr. 5 FE Jos. McLennan and daughter, a Strathclair, Man., spent former's sister, Mrs. Sean. oe "Miss “Dlizabeth Moser paper a few spent Sunday at the home of Fred Martin made a business He ol auton on Friday last. I. jinseman and Mr. Albert ay called on ar R. W. Scott one eyenin: ue ae i Miss Annie Bash eek with her sister, Mrs. Pe Peaahtcbel, sat Macton, Mr. John and Miss Mary Hanley of Tralee, spent Sunday with Mr, A. min. me of our young people attended the dance at C Wright's on the 3rd line, on ‘Thumaday evening and report 001 Mr. and Mire John Schiebel and _| daughter ,. eye of Macton, spent Sun- ay on Mr. Martin vbenahen spent Sunday the home of Mr. M. Ranahan. Misses Fiorella Jones and Jea m Me- Lennan. spen’ test week wil the former's ister hire: Hen Gowing, at Glen: eee Se DONEGAL Mrs. F. Seelhoff and Hayeptey. Mis: Millie, of Milverton.and and Mrs chert an ee Mrs. Hatton, of Glenallan, were the guests Mrs. Henry Seelhoff oa haut airs ana Robert Boyne, of Mar- fette, Mich. spent 4 few days last wee, at the home of Dir and: Mrs e Miss Marion Coghlin is at prese: nt Jock we : on Ane aiek ants We wish her Enid McCourt, of Milverton speedy spent Sunday at her home here. Misses ‘Fo jorvie Freeborn and Eva| Miss Olive Burnett is visiting at Rutherford were at Milverton on Sat-|the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert ay. McCourt. “Mr- Winkler ia in Toronto this wee Mr. Jas. Cockwell and daughter, Florence, spent Sunday in Lis- -| towel with the former's brother and sister, Mr/ Jobu Cockwell and Mrs. Wm. Gray. HE CANADIAN ORDER OF ERS offers protec. tection for wife and family at minimum cost. Investigate it C.Spencer,GR. x N.Zimmermana,R.S CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments. Student ts may enter at any time. We place graduates in ie positions. Durin ved appli way. Mrs/ Bonn, of St. Jacobs, wba Sah aay ome her daughter, Mrs H. Sea ARE The War Toronto Weekly Sun There is still no suggestion of peace , as winter approaches, no hope that the enemy is about to be driven out of Belgium, If that were accom plishe Canada's duty mi be thonght less urgent than it is no Those lo haps, persuade themselves b fe speeches of the German Hohenloe and he English Lloyd George and Win- greater than those whieh are eanwhile our casualties ax the newspaper Does Advertising Pay? Canadian Jeweler Bradstreet’s have compiled statis tics that prove that 84 per cent, of t failures are among the non-~ aaVertlaert e mere) not believe in D. A. McLACHLAN, ~~ Principal RAND TRUNK Svsrem HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS Round trip tickets to points in Mant- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta via North Bay, Cochrane mscont inental Route, or via nets Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tucsday until Oct, 31st inclusive, at low fares, Through Tourist t Sleeping Cars to WINNIPEG on above ee 10.45 p.m. change of cars, via HBeanscont- RETURN Paneer thay ple ls Exclusive of 4. Final tuts’ limit on ail tickets; December @1 Berth reservations and full particulars at all SN os Trank ticket Sada wille C.1E. HORNING, District Pas senger Agent, Toront to, 01 H.C, BAIRD, Phone No. 1, Local Agent Men’s Black 79 Overcoats.. 142 wer, large ars, ful uae techs $1479. Stanfield’s “yess Underwear ivi | Sweater Coats Have you seen our big stock of “BEST KNIT” Sweaters. Best of Scotch yarn an leased in thead sweaters. Heavy Wool Socks e carry the largest stock of Men Heavy Wool Socks in Mil- vert oe Prices man fro rom 2e ep bought: hanGre te silvanee ta Bribe: We Carry the “Hawe’s” Hats for Men preblal saucer brims in all the leading shades. See $2. 50° D. &A Corsets nother Ge een of ie valeB Ral orsets, e make a Le pclalt of | selling corsets, Prices 550 $3.00 per pair. _ me) always wane Bet tight thing.” Price : 25¢ With 15c Certificate FREE, Noi tice! ae pate rangements Brindies coming from country | to our store to have their horse put in-the < barn FREE! FREE}! Specials in Grocery Dept. This Week 4 cans Garden City Beans for. wi ah $1 eed wholesa! e (whole or round) per Ib me Ti ice Fial Ret Seal Tomabe shit per bottle Highest Price Paid for Dressed Poultry — We want all kinds of Dressed Poultry not later than Thursday — ee ening. ee Must be well starved and free from feathers. Prices aa his wee Ducks 16c Ib. Geese 16c lb. Chicks 16c lb. Fowl 15¢ Ib. W. K. LOTH “The Square Deal Store’’ - MILVERTON | 25e 10¢ For The Bride If you are interested in RINGS. come in eat and — Cut Glass is very attractive, hth, fim ||) P. I tA ill sit dealing the solution of the mi “| problem, Its basic principle is eee ness, : (Aa Eee One Hour. One hour a day profitably. employed Mould enable a man or ordinary cap- a0 ity to master a science, One hour re, 01 young men pan woeReA I the desire for fun and versie ‘ GN Ate TEAS Note Out 111 Years =e The longest time during which a note has remained outside the Tank of Engl: $125, and it that the compound interest during that long ran ted to’ no Where the Good Clothes Come From— When you’re wondering where you can obtain the most rept ie ‘and ‘the ‘Best Value” in — elise nes ee ladies or gentlemen’s) for the money, you need only to. - call here, select one of the eee = new fabrics and let ~ your measure for a scene Fall Suit. J. M. Fleiechhauer | and Men's Tailor ativarrou: . ONTARIO ree 1m Goin A. 1976. 10 Be. | ey “Prince, Concertina