In Monkton MR, W. FRANK has opened with astock. Strict attentior RAS ven to repairing of all ki HANSON’S OLD STAND New Jewelry Store | _ Prof. Reithdorft Returns aud Explains Toronto World When lop cebu er’ a way. te revent discovered the carry- ing ot certain plans in con- pede with my patriotic activities, 1 ound «myself in an COLUMBIA RAFONOLAS AREsTHE BEST VALUE — mucl my veins, Hatred of Prussian militarism and au ata Conditions were favorable ecroen. he border to me Someday You Will Buy a Talking Machine When that time arrives be sure come to us and see and hear the Columbia Grafonola, before deci ies upon your purchase, Well gladly send a Grafonola tap to-gGub hotse on: approval If you already own a di chine, try Columbia records They fit any machine, and are the bis records Aa 85c. up Ak to hear ‘Now the Day ts Over" and “1 Need ‘Thee Every Hou (A. 1981) J. E. WEIR Columbia Grafonola and Record Jealer. MILVERTON, ~ = ONT, is ‘tore defiant than ev pro-British activities diauly Rated by. the ment. My patriotic work has been iven who Re. aig George Lennox Killed Brantford Expositor oiling a shatting at Goold, “Shaple Bo was employed, George. Pecan 125, William “Street ue While Plant of the | The following "tribute to Great I nt tain was delive ered by United Stat f those unfortunate accidents which |Senator e, speaking in his own are fated to occur, 1! ‘oner was | Countr; the abject of the Arme- notified and visited the scene, <but nian outrages decided that an inquest was t love Gre at Britain parti: ssary. culeiig: asad id not give mnox was for many years |sent to the Beeions euiogium upon speee. with the G.1.R. here and|Great Britain, delivered the day bi had only recently taken up his new |ford yesterday in this Senate Ta duties with the Goold, Shapley \&|mit the greatnes; ‘ Britain. Muir Cor ny, He was a quiet, re-|admit she is t ‘eatest Sow er: oe ticent man an admirable citizen. carihy and is the pecs test pow Mr, Lennox was in his 56th ye: c] who acquaintance, general roan eo the fa: Oy of the dec wanes a@ sor- | cumstances, lo not wonder a ing widow and two so one |a British subjeqt loves his count aaUphter ‘The remeioe il bo in. | This little incident, with which you er, terred in Mt. Hope cemetery: to-mor | Wik here It hile |determined “to o! ate. But, Mr. ‘President, I nek the at. one he jof will be extended vhy in view of efforts in behalt of the allfes, And Wikaceetth then when eclars ve establish hed ‘your w years n your loyalty there is your place, therefore have vi gehen Ae Wangan stick it @ popular phrase. oe ¥s aalethioxt, What Heitons ae for One Briton w seen in the history of the world on n | |the ovean, but I do not admit that she the grandest thi subjects where, anywhere and under s "li all familiar, is a marvellous’ il- ugtration of the protection tha 4 tocracy was born |}} TO m vote, Pro-Germanism to-day | fit “Hun’’ Got Life’s Surprise When Tackled a la _ O.R.F.U. ‘Toronto Star $e payerte Hee iniahiy tontnalk tiey- sl and other frills for one, P._Jollifi ‘sollittes “who left here as a lance~ poral in the 19th Battalion a year way he tells it himself “Talk about narrow escapes T cer was the only one a my pam any officers to come out and one of five in the battalion. Some luck! e case while 1 was busy dig- o this hospital. Wasn't that Wasgeamne parte se un: eee Jolliffee is a ee of Mrs . G. Powell, of rik vert The Deuivatheues of the ommons T. P. O'Connor Mr Asquith, I often of Mr. Gladston most di use of Commons id SSS SS] SSS]. See IF) ea Mr, nit Lita Milverton, Britain gives to her subjects the answering of questions or other brother ce wens: Mar aha _ of Abyssinia took «/work out of the hands of his sub- subject named Campbell, | ordinates. ----4-+-- shout ‘a years ago, carried him up|” An dating aa it miny. eepmi 0 the fortress of Magdala on the'|t ye; i any respects as a THE LIMIT elebts a8 2 ith «oath |more effective Teider i the House ot im into a dungeon without cause }Commons than even Gladstone Beal ae td by choras Vie-lassigned, It six months | for |This is mainly due to an incomparable when he arrived back in’“Blight g' 1, {Great Britain a find teas a Then | power of a certain spee have leave, That chap has now sone the |Gzest reat demanded his immediate |Pored that” Me Balfour, says, tha ‘ 3 release. less than te never since, the days of Demosthenes Donte ba carina having faced the refusal was received, 10,0 ee Thee ‘speaker who had street ish soldiers, including unerring power of using exactly thi werd’ on, boad shige of r2 |right word, and, I may add, of saying sailing down the coa y the right thin FOR SALE reached the ey Mc He is ‘ne mace ike Ginaseone tats —|marched! across that ter ee than was Cicero like Demos- up-to-date sideboard. Reason|4 distance of 700 miles, u thenes. It may be pa his devoti mY ipsitars pave two, B, KRIESEL, | inet sun, up the mountain, up to to the Greek classios, but probably i Milverton, Ont, pd.|the very heights in fro is jore largely because his own frownings dungeon; then ng = battering own the iron gates and the LOST Kes @ walls, reach er into the ae dungeon ‘and lifted out of it that one Eins British subject. King Theobold. kill- ard ofan A iat fied oo the Jing inselt re his ee Peel i er’s care rie im pti e mountain, Linwe fice. | white-winged Bate Satie and simple words and the blunt and ein safety, That cost Great} unadorned phrase. Britain $2,500,000 and made General |}¢ sits down that you realize that be WANTED fapier, Lord Napier of Magdala. has put his case with such simplicity : v8 parent ne that |224 such lucidity, that ‘it siete $e great country to do—a country ‘lbe so reasonable and so simple a9 Pi FOR ORUSHING. — Inter-|has am eye and can ace all a he @ unanswerable; it looks as i Ferton *°%e OF Councillors of Mil-|ocean, all across the land, ¥ UD | therd were nothing more to be said, to the mountain heights ‘and away ere is no impressing of dominat-| — larksome dungeon se atte for town i pand box itor stove, Buit- HOB, DEWAR, " Piet Rostock Cider Mill ring October wil will Mo uy rata oe make cider and ap- ple butter on eee: and Thurs- sey: and ve day and Re gae ssaan rashSSanan 8 HaseSSanean 2 o82ass App ply to eeve, Tp. of aro to die for a country “eat will oa reba " 36 | should ane en has an long enough and strong enough etch ac: Te ocea: a the sai land: i ‘0 same mountain heights,’ down to th same dungeon, and then lift him out and carry him e oomptry. a sad eo ies Haix: Raising Stunt Hanover 5 a ie bar-room of be toc Hlariston Revi il the Walker House, | w SSS SSaSeca Ladies’ New Fall and Winter — COATS AND SUITS CHARMING SUITS AT $12.50, 15.00, 18.00 TO 30.00 BEAUTIFUL COATS AT $10.00 12.50, 15.00 $18.00, 20.00 UP TO 40.00. UP-STAIRS DEPARTMENT Granite Fuot Baths Besta 40c Granite Wash Basins..........15¢ Granite French Cooker, ......40¢ Granite Dish Pans... 25 and 39¢ Granite Potato Pots............50¢ Granite Berlin Kettles 25, 40, 50c Granite Collanders Soacee 19¢ Granite Pails , 7 ee Stove Brushes Pictures ., Initial Box Rises Hammers Lantern Clhsces @AOQEY cee T 50 Popular Sheet Music...,.... Se les ss heel Rubber Heels WEIS erassiensiun esses te Clothes Brushes,.,.. .10, 15, 25¢ O-Cedar Mop. 75, 1.00, 1.25 1.50 ELEGANT PLUSH COATS—commencing at $15, in both Salts and Lister's plush, guaranteed quality. See these rich looking garments — that are so popular now. A RACK OF 40 COATS AT $4.99 EACH Over 200 Children’s Coats to select from at right prices. Ladies’ and Children’s Sweater Coats at last year’s prices Crum’s English Prints per yd sheeonites Veaedne cd ESO! 34 inch Black Farmer's Satin per WANG ses harika BOC 36 inch Black Pailette Silk per yards... scseeeses+s89C Curtain: Muslin with fancy borders per yard.......4,,..15¢ Children’s Hosiery per pair ............ 1...25,-35 and 50¢c Corsets per pair ots’ 75, $1, 1.25 up to $7 Plaid dress poods for chilldten's s ae per yard,..,..19¢ Handsome Plaid Dress Goods PEM yArde ey esis g9C Children’s Underwear, igay RSS Ladies’ Hosiery per pair 25, 35, 50 and 75¢ A splendid assortment of De Cobieciey 400 pieces of Dress Goods in stock bought at old prices and dyed with old dyes, Prices 25, 30, 50, 60, 75, 85c, $1 to $3. 40 inch Unbleached Cotton per yard Ladies’ Initia! Handkerchiefs........ 36 inch wide Flannelette per yard. .. ....... Cord Velvets, all shades, per yard, «59¢ Fancy Brocaded Velvets per yard,,.....75¢, $1 and 1,25 Largest size Flannelette Blankets .,...,..., Ladies’ Tweed Effect Raincoats............. Other prices . PLT: soso ech 34 0: -$4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00 up to 10,00 House Dresses . =-79C, 1.00, 1.25 up to 2.00 Men's Hats. ++e79C, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 to 3.00 Men’s Heavy oS Hose per pair....., seen 25C Boy’s Suits... stesseereeh4.50-to 8.50 Men’s Underwear per pareent ++..50 and 75¢ Men’s Wool Underwear per garment +B te 3.90 Men’s Capeints.ccsenas vane 50¢ to 1.25 Men’s Overalls and Stiocle.* +125 each Men’s Raincoats $3.99, other Broce $5 to 15.00 Men's Suits Men's: Ovetcoatay ata ca eee Boy’s Sweater Coats....... ++550C to 2.59 Men’s Sweater Coats.......,..s.csssesscssesesesen Ts 50 to 600 Men’s Working Shirts.......... ease: 85c, $1 to 2.00 Men’s Gloves..... stteeseeseseerteeneveeseseeseee PE tO 2,50 Men's Odd Proases tisseessesee srssenereee 2) 2,50 tO 5,00 SPECIALS IN THE GROCERY DEPT. 6 bars Comfort Soap for.. ... secceee seve 2 1-lb, cans Baking Powder 500 Ibs. Tea at per Ib Rta Hives 3 packages Jelly Powders, all Favors. io. biscsbers O56 2 bottles Flavoring Extracts, , 5c 13 Ibs, Gran. Sugar for $1 only $2 to a customer 8.50 to 25.00 7:50 to 20,00 Engeland @ Son “The Store with the Stock” - - MILVERTON a Ee <2"el ee —————————— . Ee) (ala) pony tired, and rarely, if ever, does ise his voice. + The Ch: Challenge ——— ‘oronto Courier a: in 1607 hi had 3,918 Oe im 1100, in est. ate ahaa Cece Church Union barked Bibi ‘The Daily te body nume {economy in the home mission fields Ee large! and. intelle jotual pride. pha 2. ically, the church of Sohn Wesley would absorb and sub- | Angli the ro. Tesse: ber the spectacle otland. thi lic. sens iy from spiritual tHlemberehip an undue insi seve als likel by minor dilterenoe, when ligious in the highest, aa py t cal tions have already fis thelr attotet ling non- at DOES YOUR LABEL READ RIGHT P SEE OUR DISPLAY OF i Rugs! estry, all sizes, in the newest and most from the most particular people. to order, any size required, ir the to show goods, ‘conformist ged | insisting upon nae Teth in their services, stolic succession almost esse: Se to salvation, ‘rom e Congregationalist neither ristian {aq he can see, the three bodies Ghorste 2 Mhe . call for such. effect tive ‘too mu ich in common to be kept apart laymen extreme, So far ee in ike insane r : ‘ 3 ¢ defensible than the old dostrine of “Divine right, and as ue ide! day dawns these also Furniture Dealer Milverton —F« will di We have Wiltons, og iheoiny sand Tap. up- tion to-date designs — that will attract atten 1 Carpet by the yard. We also make up Rugs Have a look through our store —no trouble ROBERT McMANE