or cracking is alien Rad fire-box dete mae pS semaved gs Feniarey without pale or cement. somalia yA with our Secret _ Before you invest in a new range let me show the Pandora’s sensible ideas for saving time and sre bbde Sold by A. C. CLEMENS Counter Check Books... § Weare agents forthe Appleford Counter § Check Book Go. § = This firm turns out $ only high-grade work at very reasonable \ prices. See our samples and ¢ get our prices before $ ordering. Miss Barbara Vollmer, of Listowel spent the latter part of the week with her mother, Mrs. M. Vollmer. Charles Bi Ciements, spent Sunday with relatives r spent the poligey with 3 relatives around here who a the y were; Mes: ©. r = Danae erie and ei a eim: t var: guna witl *O, Vollmer is spending a va- cation at Berlin, Sarnia and other Quite a nui ed the horse races at Milverton on Labor Miss Loyola Hanley, of St: Clements, home here. ae “Taco Mittelholz. lore “Anderson and his “Mr. Joseph Murphy, of 8 engaged: as teacher for the “the Elmira Fair, on Don't treet ith, its The The Sun Office ue to be a good one|" “Mr, Roy Coxon and family motored (eM and Mrs, Joseph Stemmler and faey. open lustre op as tone “Joho |atr. and Mrs. Alex Schnurr spent Sun | Hoimest ae aro araratorn ee eventinc wits Mr and Mrs, Den-| Holmes’. oes w ; day Ware's, Innerkip, and Monday at Wa ter Hewitt’s, Embro. Louis Kieffer and son, Harold, aif 1 TOO MUCH WOR 5 CENTS jean the week-end in Formos. Gigs, Chalmers & Go pmo Mr. itse itse dlert mM jaine, “one-gallus” customer drifted |and Leo Helm, of Berlin pe a an Hr a ee Ree a ope! ih gph RS ade vce a Oey a Farenkopt| tet of the coment wor ¢ hy parenkopr| “After an illness of lone duration 2 bor ‘trom. heart trou ‘Alexander qpor VAY | Buchan, departed thi Mite on Tues- ’s your ni t' of: (as day of 1: fourteen aoe joneyfunkel.” “Take it, for noth-| matter ot the pant, with the very fav- oe ing,” said the clerk. “I wouldn't {orable weather and the light er : write ‘asafetida’ and ‘Honeyfunkel‘|it took~but little time to er ii for five cents. th ‘ain and the fodder lem. loud that will have to be precautiously |hendt2d in-order to have enough eet the i The: hum the threshing | pee is again whom vie pee ence 4h AND TRUNK SYsvem ESTERN FAIR LONDON, ONT. SEPT. 8to16th pou tickets at reduced fares 0 Lo mdon, Ont.; from stations in Ontario, Belleville, Scotia Jet. tickets, etc., consult— H. C. BAIRD, Phone No, 1, Local Agent card ie this loc: Too late for last week. pen Scheibel, of eek with Mr. and Mrs. Berlin, a . J. jstitemols. Conrad Geis, of St. Clements Tene Sunday with Mr. Wm, Gir nd ‘Tavlnn nts. spending the holidays with: his par- ents Sunday here. Misses Rose Mey: and Luella Finehs of Linwod, spent Sunday with friends here. ©. Knobl blauch has a carload look out you bach- Fruit Jars Regular Prices Imperial Pints. .80c doz. Imperial Quarts...$t doz. Wine Quarts....90¢ doz. Wine % Gals,..1.10 doz. XXX WINE PICKLING VINEGAR 40c per gallon. SON RES, meals. 4 summer was hot, this won’t eve o--—4-— PEFFERS TMrs, George Hawthorne and daugh- Monday in Zistow é ing & s spent Monday Mr, Wm. Reid and ssnelee bree of Mr. eae 8. ine Monday. H. Hymers has sold his farm 5 acres to Mr, A. Crutcher. B, Mr, H. Robinson, of North Scr ton, spent the with their sister, Mrs, D. : ar ee His very appearance proclaimed him a tramp, as he knocked at the kitchen re Bia voice carrie Have you got a meal Aandy. == |MONKTON around our burg. oon |9f ite seke stephens of “esr Gsorge Tnley and Joseph |Togan, when his only daughter. Bea the Tarinteteshititin trice, a fine and promising young lady coat GAeee Laat nter, {Of Bineteen years, succumbed 1 " wo daughter, | ronary trouble. Miss Stephen, w of the Willow Grove Chases afloser, spent eter Michael |? s| Lyttle, ere ‘Miss Isabella Gies, of Newton, spent | , of Peal Mor gals at the Dorkiig station! ™ a fo egg tl Ts. Ralph Bickerton, of .Wood- ‘Mr. and Mrs. H. MeCo daughter, Olive, visited thels friend, Mrs, James Barton, at Donegal. Con., took Mies ses Eva Olive trian ae visited friends in Don-| git last for the Western Provinces uur Gray spent Sunday wit his sister aE Maitland. Mr. W. A. Ham mond, of Chatham, the Toronto Exhibiti: and returned to Chatham te ‘this week. School reopened on Tuesday with Mr. Hammond in charge and Miss Grace Re as eae rs. William Ls ‘Bennett of Ges pecenae te engi nt of their sister. Miss Alice Tita formerly of Mitchell, to Mr. dey ery es oe st a of and € og se imarniage will aus Peale place at the home the 8th, of church, enjoyed Bood health when she con- whieh settled ars, the “aly residen Brodhagen Baptist cem place. ‘@e number from this lo- eau. are faa nding the Canadian J Exhibition at Toronto, fer w fer, ° ion E s Bugains ‘Mrs, Thos. Hanson, of Russeldale left on Tuesday on the Homeseekers’ Excursion to Regina, Sask. Mr. Henry Gerth and M New Mrs. Lyt! r. Haunn, Amanda a aie at Toronto last wee was a Buchan and was very largely hiss. “auth Murray, of Goderich, a week visiting at the home 14th of Logan. We place to Elma Thursday last burg, is spe her sons, Gideon and Jacob, on Selby “Sir Milton Bettger and family spent visiting friends T up-to-date now ready sae Me ‘ber & Bettuer’ ie y early fall “Miss Janet Anderson, of Stratford, is at pretent visiting john 8. Row Mr, Jas. Anderson, of Hopeville, was also a guest over ebecca Martin and Mr, iss Re’ nday at their home Martin spent at Mitchell. te FERNBANK Mrs. Maize has RUS to Lon- ion after spending a week with her sister, ee R. McAuley. Mess: R. Bailey and N. MeLaugh- li he “the eis at <spent Sunday with } Miss Mabel Robinson, of Meapesley. ion. chool reopened on Tuesday with “Mr. Oliver Reid visited with friends 3 nd: Mr. and M Neilson spent Saturday in Listow wel. is and George English. with her sister, in n Reid left om thursday for thin Hillierd Magwood, of Agta pent Sunday y with Mr. and Mrs. Flamin overt Allingham visited with | eriends in Toronto over, the week-end Good for be cca Name....++ 2 Address .. F ‘This Coupon when ni neatly i candidate ee Angie the ill be good f¢ sabe NOT coop AFTER Coupon Ballot In The Milverton Sun and Monkton Times Grand Free Prize pte ak cut out and filled in with name gna address 25 Votes eee Dept., Sun Office, tes. SEPTEMBER 16th Henry, Kelly spent a frienda.in Toront ae pent ‘Sun. ‘Messrs. and Clarence Yost spent, the weekend with Hamburg eeborn alee a few h relative e in Bru: ste Kingsley on Bel siete ie Sat- nae to enter shoo! studies. iss Mary ined at. pte home of her parents on 7. Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Seigner, Mr. and Mrs, Abe Seignet, Chalmers and daughter, Miss deat, For atten the funeral of Mr. Edwards’ John Gerth spent Seal days 8] Robt. | spent a few reba oe Tanner, mot Sillbank. 481 cewort! ohidt, mea Nithburg, }1 M Being in five pieces, stock, sister of Mrs. Rd. Hommond,| hom sf the Post Otfiee with Miss after ‘having a pleasant | Mulea ue with friends ae retuened to Mrs. len Stewart has returned er home on Monday lust. [after spending® several weeks with and prienee at Hamilton and Dune fr. and bat muily were Pte. McKay, of the 18ist Battalion ghesj was renewing acq- Master Aystin Tanner hes return: home efter a very pleasant visit Hawkesville, Kitchever and ;To- ito. Lieut. Bert Reid, of the 118th Bat- home on furlough on left on Monday ratt and two chil- ae ‘The doctor “recently enlisted with the Army Medical Corps.—Listowel Banner. 5 Misses Olive and Helen Johnston, of istowel, an Roy Mulcahy, of visited oe grandmother, . Mulcahy, last. week. Ed Gale, of Sebringvile spent Sanday in the villag Conway, of ve Be, “acceptably in burn, preached the Methodist J. iliyara, of Lis- teal va Loa ‘at 11.0 m,. and Mis: "Jeannie Kerr, of Millbank, puis lbee with Miss Maud Climie over 8 ay. — hist Saat ‘Banner. of atorunto. spent this hom Pte, Gale, ae the 10th attalion, Camp Borden, spent Saturday *with Gale, Willie spent St. Mar and: God i> ter spending last week in Toronto. Miss § Hammond spent last week st Hamilton end. ‘Tor M Om and ing, Mr. rs. man Mulca aby spent Monday at strat. rd. th Morning- Stewart, of No: th here ford. Re bay tees ed in Knox chure! m Su: of ape school. id, of Stratford, Miss Carrie inp fiend al ree Edwards and 1 Drilling Ma- now has ssful ble cksmi business at Millbank “Listowel Banner. FRUIT BULLETIN! GHES ~The popular Craw ford Peach. Yellow tree now at its AGAR; s, Menmeutd a Bartlet Pears nd Green iS NO. 264 ers ai fhe crop. will be taken quickly this year. Look for th guarantee of Ruitlity feomaton t ‘or: pridsy with her niece, Mrs. DONEGAL Misses Jessie and of Millbank, spent a i their Daetaer ofa days 1 week Ww the Misses ymers, Mrs. Allan Petrie is at present un: er the doctor's ae suffering from an ated of ‘lew Florence Cockell spent a day last with friends on the line. Miss Emma Barton, of days last week at hex home Miss ‘Olive McCourt ‘and friends, the Misses Eva and Ethel Horn, of Maitland, spent Tuesday, of last week with Miss Enid McCourt Miss Mory Twomley, Pee Likioee spent last week at the home of Mr. m. Meat: Tis n and Thom Barton spent a day inst week at the Toronto Exhibitio: Mrs. M. Hgonehy of Elora, — spent last sae at the home of Mrs. ial Coe! Hymers and me of Mr. H. Mira: Jordan’ and. Miss: Jordan, of ieeroy, Sask spent a few days Inst the home of M ‘obert d_ to vepany that Miss to out again. pte friends én Tene = —_ HAMPSTEAD in this vicinity, ae for V, by ae vin friends at Hawkesville on Thurs- "Haste? Warnock, Millar the Stratford Col- Pos d tales 2 ences spent home of bi mother, Mrs. Arch’ wee. Mr. The Stewart and sister, Miss | ‘attended the Toronto Ex- Fraser, after the summer vacation, Miss en a of Wel lesley, 8 as teach- er for the t : bihition sJasl: week “Biss Dorothy al-| ed with a college friend at Pickering. . J, Patterson and Mr. Jas. Hart ‘ede me visitors at the Te onto Ex- a AER yea locality. 10th. ri Toronto,{ Miss Hazel Rupert is convalescing | Zach ‘ion. te meriean railway | Charle Malcho. tate. a left this 1 pak We wish to thank the people. of Milverton and vicinity for the hearty response sie e us during our Big T-day Sale. he We are now busy unpack ing our New Fall Goods of which you will hear later. This is Tomato week. We will have 100 baskets to dispose of. Leave your or- orders with us early. 12 Ibs. Grauilatad Sugnts for $1.00 this week. | WM. K, LOTH “The Square D. 5 MILVERTON NORTH MORNINGTON Hugh Waddell, accompanied b. his mothe left last’ week for a trip at re Ww est. Robert Dowd, of Burns, spent &. Robin: Miss Annie Freeman, of Pef spent Sunday with her frined, Miss 8 son. . Torrance. us Mrs, John Jones, of Bra) ing the former's eran Macvend Mrs, Oliver Bee Miss Grace McDonald is visiting at the man ‘The eae tie League met at the the new president, Mrs. R. ‘Miss Marjor; ed home after spendin” her eatin Taylor, of Listowel, was a recent visitor ne the 1 Mr, and Mrs. R. T. adie : Mr. Stan- Mrs. Ollie Jones a of Donegal, Spent Friday wath “friends te. Henry, of » the 118th Battalion left for Camp Bontée on Priday sa Currie, of Goderich, ar- eb to take up, her duties oa teat Miss Mabel Whaley, of Newton, spent Labor Day at ‘Two Maples.” gene WARTBURG Miss Myrtle Henry is spendin. ith Toronto fri ela Bundayeas with Mr. and Mrs, id and Frank Hanna spent the week-end with Wartburg rien . Ben Dietrich and Dan Wer- ner Jett on Saturday on the harvest- rs excursion for the West. Mrs, ‘James Werner and Mr. and Mrs. Dickson, of Strat ford, Bundayed With friends in Fruit E] Bez eee ace cence een Western Fair EEUEREA SE LONDON, ONTAR]DD SEPT. Sth to 16th, 1916 WESTERN ONTARIO’S POPULAR EXHIBITION ART, bile ed AGRICULTURE AND ERUSEMENTS FINE COMBINATION AT LONDON’S EXHIBIT: A Real Live Program of Attractions Twice ae Two Speed Events Daily FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT New Process Building. Every Building Full of Exhibits SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toponto.s SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all infrormation from Secretary EF W. J. REID, President. A.M. HUNT, Secretary gy ee A TRAVEL VIA Canada's 's Greatest test Railway Canada’s Greatest ‘Annual Exhibition REDUCED FARES | ; 8 In Ontario, also from Niagara Falls, Buffalo, N.Y», Detroit, Mich, — For gpecial Train Service and Special Excursion Fares SEE pa 96: POSTER vies Mabel Aj Y.P. “ Convention vat eee Sige Meson Mrs, Samuel Henry, ‘of Stratford, a apene: Guntiayy with Wart: ‘s. Matthew rt ge Being conduct Rev. C The vallbekeerd were his six essrs, Fred Har- Toff, Henry Enisels Louis Denstedt, nd Mrs. "Patrick ‘Healey y, of Fafonkton, s spent the Megkprd with e latter's parents, Mir) a Mrs. sas, seers ey. L Miss, Mae “Doherty has returned: to| Be) rin after SoeRatnt, a vacation at her home her Miss ao ‘Donegan has Estaense pe! A few Races, “in Milverton, on motored up and spent & it m thome sane Ed Con: Moore ean son, Mr. John Bruce, 1 Welsh ieee to. eras on Satur- day and spent the wrested shakes ay recently ave your bath room it ca ting in the. rd in “ona complete ‘ob We sell:the rs are and Hecla Ec C have several to install j just now, so you — order inybefore i it is too Tate. tr fh