And Monkton ‘Times rveny assy eS he Sun Printing Office ain Street, _ Mityerton, Ont . — ‘URSCRIPTION RATES. . ear. $1; tx 0 cents; three pen nite. 26 vente, in yee Subvcribers ‘arrears willbe iiableto pay $1,50 per year Advertising rates on application. wertisements without specific directions illic lnserted ua" forbid aad charged ac. cording! or fadetn(Grontract ad rcr\leemente must ice by noon Monday. lor telephone orderawillrecelveprompt "attention. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprtetor OTES AND COMMENTS The gyps' sies biles. A re aye are cylinder to cay that “a pal- ace on wheels,” Beatany “ha sai sold or given away its nags and parked its red wagons. horseback are no longer a marvel. s a singular di mak ture ples a his ald customs, With panic out of that ane centr’ land from whic e, and it si helped him in his svorldwide roaming. the th BusinessCards DR. M (ie TINDALE, en ‘Ss; Wcowsaas £0, decean Roxen Granvare ToR 2 and ‘Bridge Work talty, _ Offfce: Over Metropolitan Bank, Milverton ‘Phone No, 38, a Medical. ¥, PARKER, M.D. ‘TYE, Av. Pde URS PARKER & TYE nae : PUBLIC DRUG $10 STORE, MILYERTON o'cléck p, m., and 7 to 8 o'ciock’ p. m. Lega an aa aria ds Saha Le B. MORPHY, K.C. Bair! jot Pablic, - Conveyancer peter for Bank of Hamilton. Listow sore ‘MILVERTON, ATWOOD ‘oney to Loan F. R. BLEWETT, K.C Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Oftce ! Gordon Block ®1RATFORD, » ONTARIO Veterinary. RR, Veterinary Surgeon Grade of Ontario Veteria ary onto. Treats ieee of domesti sted animals, Calls phone or otherwise promptly atte to w. Bivona oll; Secieties. ees LODGE, AF, & A.M., G.R.C. Feces; Brewer Be eee Notary Public. EIR, Notary Publis, Aue of Per A, CHALMERS, Monkton, Ont, fede nacelles. County o| lotels. QUEEN’S HOTEL, feng Mes te The best scsommodation for en thers, ample the chciea ot fea ca guors and Cigars at the bat. Good warm tables, George F. Poult Proprietor. Honre—20 to 12 o'clock a. mand 2 0 4) 47 ar There's somethin every day fe knew charm that transformed the seen aa into a racehorse, the dye roan. steed of -ade- spised *plobald, As @trader he had no equal, and in abondoning the horse or the he gives up. his chief means of livelihood, No people of the world neeaenead a stranger problem;. stusents of races e8 could never understand » why the gypsies, without a common creed of religion, history or tradition, retained wherever they went newline characteristic where more live pecan country, The automobile represents a phase of citizenship; its owner is registeresl, numbered, tagged. It cannot be on grass from the roadside or corn pil- ed from the recites the m his Dossession, and sa eae aePantonablle mente uma, ahd wanderings. If it does it scores high; ‘or it accomplishes a task which every juuman’ agency, and every ernment in the worl, long ago gave p as hopeless. THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE. With \all its cares .and woes, Its disappointments grim 478, And all the: grief it knows, The hopes, far off and dim, With all its bbickerings small, at makes a joy of life. dias ae That truely 1 ® lve te see, anes the Whig hhertarha’ and tie, er, The sun comes out again And I am glad I’m here. ‘a There have been times I thought And that I’ve lived along To hear them I rejoice. te bate vee Aiea I find, hat I bear ; ; me pet ee me to blind, Then splendid joys sorese ie i becomes sublim f(ereare vlad’ i Here: Are You Insured ‘HE CANADIAN ORDER OP T eed Lett offers protec- etlon.for wife and family at mi cost. Investigate it | Luck. ‘There’s one thing I’ve about good lu ck.” “What is it?’. “It falls Sorat to the men who use good judgment y noticed eee TUES RLE AES Tee C.Spencer,C.R. 2 N, Zimmermana,R.S Guia taken to automo- ; jeggars on) ~ that. ree! them ever on their destless, enilese 28 . {ing the name open, ok y tried to settle them down| Words to a new miler a meant to add one more god to their ad make chem into" good eltzens erowded Pantheon! Tn ignorance 80, going to tel run! {" its ownership would ae his people’s | p, Gov-| ea -west of the eae ‘ety __religious—Though this ‘word is capable also of meaning is probably irrelevant, iption—Thg existence _ that they could not trace; advise sacrifice “‘to-the proper deity,” leay- What therefore —Of-course Paul was adapting their them the little “oversight admitted | that inseription is nothing less than that of ae one ae Go 24. , he naturally drops into olt “Testament language (Exod. 20. 11; Isa, 42 5), ubt the Sal could be matched Ba verbally the inscription of the Athenians’ oe antagonist, the Zoros ae ne, of ersia, Darius; like Eu ipides had declared that God cod not he confined in, temple’ walls. with —That God’s true feroe must be “made wsithoub hans” was la Bcineatloniot tena (see Mark 14. 58) which is aaa asa true re- |port in this respect by the echoes if the Acts and Epistles. 5. Neither is he served —Compare Pea 50. 9ff. Necded—An acceptance of Epicurean doctrine to Tuates the ap- proval of a Stoic poet rse 28). Tie obs Ts Ton paseages, Luere- Hus deolakes that Deve een its own resources, needing us not at i Of one—Greek as well as He- te story recognized the. connmon parentage of manki The ages of their rise and fall, oa their entrance on the lands they were to make # 20. Reet in history was to be stinet grasped this lesson God’s mis- Israel’s insti that qualified him to be sionary to the 28. Ar eternity ae livest and stand ve and move and have our he verse in ee is attri ¥pimenides, who n pears ave ve referred iba Hes Critter lege evar of Zous in Crete, an Aratus 270) and the stole Cleanthes (third century) for the latter. That there was a ti Hautnetata in both the uotations, according eir author’s thought, does not cat Paul's us- commandment, which had a Gustidentinin tha: Athocian depraan tion of that which is divine (ms> NELSON MERRICK RY. FISH&CO, LINWOOD Dealer in ,.,. Coal, Cement and Lime ‘33, Motar — Etc, LIGENSED AUCTIONEER rth Coun For Waterloo, Wellington and P a, batimaies given o farms rffice, Mextd caer Bank of Nova Scotia - LINWOOD, ONTARIO. K 4 =a STRATFORD, ONT. You Can ees a Positio: Ifyou take a course with mand npon us for trained hej ni (ets 14, 20). BT woieas at pre- | a full account of what Got Wilde with those who are “ignor- ant” throagh no fault of their own. They suiply preparatory “tothe e. desaraton that God's plan. of salva. mplete, and it fa Hina that 1 iige ahold oll bear of iene a ithe ‘word isons: concentrate, ae the English, peas whol was doubtless thinking rather of the “day of Jel shoal so prominent in the prophets. Judge-the inhabited earth ver; that jumped out rlis any dii orld if ecent. discovery pels us a Before Bi, Half” a a le folk a the neighborhood in’ hay- me a circus of their own in the Halls’ n they had that d vt box and ran away} io old ee ae guage, althoug! ef | Newfoundland dog, ngaroo The Pseenice itself was sone Ne fab did his part better than fully pleasing to those who saw it from the row A tox that served eat pete 3 so,” agreed Dick. “And seats, When Tom Skinner hung te toes some ae flying rings above | now!” ww there was much he haym dene an there when Dick, the clown, tried to ao the | thy, “but he’s. doing it easier. than any- e sts ig, only i ante into the| sam And w danced ee acefully on the hotto: overt ae ped box, 8 Dick climbed. up t. ene “the circus) It came about this way: ay kind of lion; thing very important. the other animals did very well indeed, especially the rabbit that | D. aid tie toy idee x. Pees had| hand. was even more | foot in into hi mot an| on! p to do-the game thing. nnd felt Rie nee “the bottom of the box and| Companion. n_ announeemen sgeuaies and gentlemen,” he shouted miss show! It A pi than the main performance! guage, and he has to be kept in a Step Aye in at see J ae oe choice of the other | big stable. Dick was. one of, the | STOR. re a tated to us by the sim-|clowns, He wore along gown, spot-| ‘He wild man of Borneo ple consideration that Paul was aman |ted, with many colore/a big xnff-round cae everyone that was ‘there, with i of pable of starting with a/his neck and a Ponce paper cap a ny giggiles and whispers, as into ae Fo ‘That the word was am-|his head. Dorothy was a Span’ \the. house. tke they found that true in the other sense,|dancer, with a tireiie of ai coor | the wild man of Borneo” was Spear and Hees ribbons in her hai h | Billy, who was lyst ar hiscertbs whic scrabsamtarenthecid we ne You Paying Prices for Bie SE : Washed Wool 40 to A5o Por Lb, | aa ei va ite. hope for suitings being almost off the inarhet has the raise in price of all goods, % Newton Wootten Mills mal. H, ©, Wagner, Prop. the ee count kept by a ayeie! ar- |. wn non, sts gle Biss before the ws 000 probably. et the ait of its efficiency. Through early and careful Cannes Life ‘Unuerrated’s buying, I am able to sell at oe liye to lecture Hato th vel crus pas ue dane aie ae Bite ep Tight into. the shoes. and soe the pte! dake of nae Sey ay be Pesecents the OLD prites| 7 lectures, This may have been thy, who. ere Billy's brother and sister, | th cae of Borneo! He ‘He has een ve inch guns before it if a nc] ae pe with which they asked Paul to sine d with a dozen or"more other lit-|this country only A few toe lan, in at ee one instance, been ae to nih petatticens -wtier nas, behind what we make. Before buying we ask you to Coeds our yalues, Come and s J M. FLEISCHHAUER and Gent's Tailor MILVERTON eas high as 18,830, accordin; y to. eryman, who ha: shots would |, !was ttying to tell his callers some- When they had al gone, Dick and orothy, lingered. a moment beside ly’ “Wasn't t he a dear?” cried Dorothy. see, he’s trying to stand on his head , he’s just trying to get his uth,” answered Doro- ne else in the c “Next year we'll ave him in the than he did to-~ lay!” onthe HEALTH a thing must be epee anv outh? 's. Companion, Takes eres Six Bites. “A good a of ip fun was. pok- el at Giteeee age a years: sie / Malaria. A few years ago, before bite of a mosquito, people «, ia.” aria without the touch that carries it; har It is quite possible to mistake oth-| believe es Gees 8 to er things for malaria, <n nae there | «1 on the o- lobster, sis a ei eal examination ne os the pie of Smee ot ss should be it is thab The ‘suffer er 0 ndition of the blood. we knew that malaria was always caused by the le used to at- tribute every fleeting indisposition to ow now ut the phrase is convenient one, and the belief in it dies yho ought to know better “bolt” their a diagn cha i¢ malarial rari vit be tol food is proper ly masticated about one- wh x tuberculosis or some | Wha 80, it would be a pity to nea valuable | tracted, and thei eed sat a diagnosis be eaten, a desirable result nowa av Sratiinelte would} ca r} make certain at once, It Malaria yields to proper treatmen nontropical countries ke house s atly interested is most likely to attack the very young in a little girl, who watched open- x the very old, those who have ni pee and open-eyed the business had time to become acclimated to f paying over the money and ac- new place of residence, and those who | jcepting the receipt. live in ee cireumstances—such as| her on and the poo: soldiers in trenches. | started to search his pockets, saying. Mélacia in ote of the diaordera thas |" niuse see what Tage got for you.” we Bee how to prevent. e must | After searching his pockets for ee ont that is done we m ep it from getting thoroughly screened. not. if we aes the winlows, for the cess. somewhere cle, ‘a irae lee ae to keep them in. e share and chimney openings both upstairs) mashed potatoes.” and is not often fatal, especially i . The dise: e mosquito that carries it,’ ; Some time he at last brought out from y to a remote corner a peppermin' Br naa be] The Anopheles mosquito us-|“And ually bites between sunset and sun- that?” ve our houses au porches eping i open air it a toyall Toad to healt ed jopen air with the | bluejackets entered a restaurant Te isnot aoe to sereen | London, the other day sae asked for “Som a the Window lows ane doors | on which was Dea the iulaekss pointed to a [eoneeiglenes cha slatement. hick he made, that before swallowing his food he invariably gave oe oaene os bites, says London Ans But i was evident, even to the cuinina, that the “Grand Old Man.” owed much of his splendid vittality to his careful mastication, and his words caused which manner in people food, one might fairly infer that they be cone principle as that ofa aol! caiteln teeth to facilitate rience wn that when A Wise ea A miserly y landlond wai Buy a Victrola for the Home. The easiest way to make things pleasant for all the folks —~ and to furnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy. ome in and we will Play your favorite music for you and explain our easy. term: Victrolas from, $20 to $100 J. E. W FIR MILVERTON, = “For The Bride If you are interested in RINGS come in and over our lar; assortment. It is specially varied and rich no y de . Gee TAT MILVERTON, ONT. a A weler and Optician “HARVEST TIME WILL BE HERE IN A DAY OR TWO” ¢ have a full line of Hay Fork Rope and Harvesting Tools. Try our Goid Medal line of Harvest Forks, Gold Medal Twine is the best in the land, Better take home your requirements when out again, We also handle the famous St. Marys Cement, It you are building it will pay you to buy this Berger’s genuine Paris Green for the —— from England. Last of st pe HEU Gio oe She has to do the cooking and baking. Buy Oil Stove or a Tatsalt Vapor Stove. These will burn dies gasoline or cval oil., Call and we will give you a free demonstration. \ MONKTON s ONTARIO M.&. BETTGER & CO As he handled ‘it to the girl he said: now what will you do with The little girl looked at it then at {| him, anjl replied, “Wash i A War “My wife has threatened to leave in Ser Br: stonished sateen: card was printed “Sausages. and i me.”—Psalm; in Figtasuepees oes rin . 9. Ina aes es r= rom 8. ally: ip airs the juige before See rete i is pata Bub Paul was more probably using is : “mystical in”—whether in demption or in judgment, Goa is in Christ.” Orda Paul uses in Rom. Gendered alae ir Ae ed bad oe ieee oe dats his argument of which he had only, Helivered the opening; ke’s c's estrint tae is wonderful ol assed by the y more tragic Yerae of Luke ike 4, 80.” What pes eee ast te could get’ no! shell Pe the ed there ar the flesh” (: fue heaving. Gil , ead lorious si Ison 4 soe 84, Di Laie ee 26) ‘wisdom! ‘he aiterntnatic to have the Lord eevee before nia ‘eyes occurred to the | even after avariety of @ life of trial and} pi ex] : sentiment, superficially one, like the Feslinist, after ae elled to t same laim his faith in the Lord eomforting p result of Ev erything in the unive “THE QUEST OF THE ETERNAL” The Crear of Man Is the Firm Support of All That Exists. “I have set a Lord always before gee, is sehittiing an sol sees transmuta- cs town where respe spas a public life, pes her pei ence ‘preached Christ: Pekap is such trit Pee my cars aT "beheld ‘thy glory, _ Hardly had I known thine excel-| x the ny cia e se ea wuld he of ae san es tion, then the apparer ios ee to be rest ie sooner or later, will cause eas downfall of the proud structure. ~ Ths sunfaithfulness of bles, is so well es- tablished tha att Mais is ited fooli: ins his faith to his fellow men, Pe Oaating about, then, for something something secure on is structure of ue which, self, endures without old aoe and is not. subject to pete of gins and pines, he can ee whlch hi tans all hie re-| aus ena hal ean satisfy his ereving for Baio in some manz| ner with will give him aoe aes of stability, some de- of certainty. e ~ One Tnfinite Exlstonce,, “I want, Ivneed,. 1 must have, the immutable, Eternal Rock that wil man man n hima, the unreliabilitty of | ish who} il not} Your New Spring Suit It doesn’t make any differ- ence to us what you may want to pay for a ei that is a point for you to decide and we will do it too. Whether your preference is or s will find them here in a yery gratifying assortment. For the young men we have some of the snappiest styles for that give that well dressed appearance. 0. DUFFIELD The Up-to-date Cael Monkton, Onta: ea ae Sn Se SE wee oe oe oe SEE THE DISPLAY IN THE Lage Milverton. Furniture Be =. Store x 1 _Veranae awed by the fads soe ser coaster and in beautiful iped designs. express Cocoa eh % the yard. apanese mat by the yous “te ti Been QxIa, é pte 2 tan ore iite, mach ve at a reducti ti mer of Rugs, } ee relic rooms | ; - Lawn pente aad porch rockers fubrcisss a sree? and lack atta A complete - diningroom Le zit and Big sty of of Brass and Iron © a