P AINS IN SIDE LINWOOD MILLBANK vos COUNCIL The Women's Institute will hold a Mra Aikens, of Orande Hill. met in the Townshi mesting in the Tows om June iting her siste Je J, MeVaddin, val “ou Monday, June Sth, at ten o% Pi e -| - Mis Mie Coulter = ade Hazel | oloe minutes the regulte Kove: aitended lesley 8 meeting held May Ist, were read an: Convention at Linwood on Friday adopted. is i The Clerk > come Matting eatod at 3.30 o'clock. freak the ‘Clerk of Bina regarding the How Mrs. Kelly Suffered and All millinery trimmed and untrim- pe MISS Beline pacain.venlel é s 7 randparents and Mrs. Wm |shows a surplus of $102.84 due the ' Host Sha wae Cacd med at half price at W. O. Bundy’s.. Hamilton Sruship. 48 Uatninccnd: Whe Mark ON ACCOUNT OF DOMINION DAY COMING ON SATURDAY, WE WILL OFFER ad ‘ims Mr an X v1)was instructed to -pré e a By-Law i NERY 2 Bt een sunday with Mir and Mra for the distribution of said surplus. Burlington, Wis.—‘‘I was v« irreg- Mr: al amily are spen Pender The uncil Jeased the hall in Mrs. ular, and pt at Hc bide ad backs ing a vacation with her husband in Mrs Bobet are Miss alee teu! Gies* block for a term of ten years i mdon. of Linwood over Sunday at|to be used as a Township hall. @ ia Miss | Minnie Peace’, ot West A ste ants The Council constituted as a Court onkton, i ending a few weeks iss J wed the sad of Revision on the Assessment Roll with Mrs, Norman Schle geld telligence ain waek of the'death of let two. o'élock and. the. following Wedding bells are ringing in end) her nephew, Pte pe ate eod, who was}changes were made;—Stanley Barr . around our burg. - A killed ote in was assessed as M.F., for s. pt. lot 9, r. Fred Dechert is wearing .0 iss Elida Hot ftmeyen, of Stratford, |con. 7, and Wesley Coulter was as- broad smile these days—it's a little | spent the ot wee! r parents | sessed for n. half lot 17, con. 7, in- 5 LI baby gir! Mr é , Hotta * stead of A. -Bellar for the sum of Mr. and Mrs. John Duench and fam Mr ‘m. B. Fre Mrs. Wm |$2,700.. The appeals of A. Chal. %. , of lverton. spent eee Vey Hamilton and Mrs. oe arp were |mers, John Streicher, Wm. H. Robin- bs he former's father, Mr. OTE" called to the bedside of vat ieee son, W. F, therford and cab Ladies’ We are now showing the largest range of Hou: nen Eliza Hamilton, at Wellesley Sicgner against being 4 ri Mr. Bert Heinbuch is spending a who, is at present, seriously il Moga; wereracantaa Ths React oleae House ee ever noes ned in Milverton, We buy direct front - vacation with his brother in Berlin. Say. of Stratford, oc-|and the Council resumed general bu: Dresses the manufacturer, hence we can sell you cheaper than Exel an I hone Lents re waren A a Fred Stever spent Monday in sapien! the pulpit of Knox oh m0: res. Au prices are very moderate, ranging jerlin. Sun Many of his old friends) d by George Miiler and _ see from 98c to 0. We ask y t he at e ti held Ons Fri- 6 eg, i. ay c ro you to compare the rae les Ray, Chestnut yes Aictioet PR LOE Ne a }| from other Sete we Ww. Jacoo and prices with what other stores are showi “ Mr. A . ‘The many convincing testimonials con- Raincoats Our Special Men’s Raincoat at | ex pul seein a cae appears for Rainy isa hummer. See it suffer from those distressing ills pecu- Weather Men’s Tweed Effects, co 4 left, ata liar to their sex that Lydia E. Pinkham’s very Gee price of ‘Vegetable Compound is the medicine oe : er and a aa 3 ; Men’s Beaver Lined Raincoats, spec- 89 4X meth spent Sunday at the young couple| q je a This gon old root a and herb seneay ne oie won. % Ae haReLaeae ARE oe goth ed unequal ‘or fare ead- being held yar Garden Barty. in Sos fal is: praphces ay ‘aha 40 ed to th ‘this eek - ts Flannelette ies ore 12. ae aie neece Blanket, for restore woman’ ith and eirengit: , Beauti| held on an Blankets = £00! nights the'thing.. Regu a there is an; Becniiaitty in " 7b eacl ocone oh ae Extra special at. 7 A Services commencing at eight o’clock J. Bro neh hauling stone. 7 7 zat Pe nares quirin: ss oe Rane eget the“ kauaal Band 7 ; ); D. Schwartz Ladies’ Just opened up a new line of Ladies’ up-to-date ‘f Party in connection with ¢ e ‘te s bridge, sideroud 9.and Collars. All the newest and latest styles are shown in ham Medicine Co. oonfidential), Church, Millbank, on Fri day Mean 0; G. Lines, rep. bridge. Collars our fine assortment. z iy Lynn, Mass., for free advice. Time the 20th. on, 11, ; ak ——== Men's Prepare for the warm mi weather. We have the straw hats—a ha fac Straw Hats ats—a hat for every E. Spege a Men’s Panama Hats at C. All new 0 qu nd McDonald Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, plu; Milt ae Tobacco a S ig plug 8 aint, vil ele ; ' Pen beige with bolt Stag, Navy, Blk. Watch, Shamrock, Senator, at, > spe rvices will b r’ 0 5 m Kuepfer, a ning conducte a form p. bridge. narrow guage, $5.00; Jos. Grocery Salmon per tin Toc Rey Wm. Haig, of Columbus. Haamont gravel contract %, Specials Garden Ciiy Bea: in . 5c a bi Ido lot 18, $151.80; = gee ee McCormick’s and esr Biscuits, ‘large ti 20¢ : Counc ee er ee pao Sperapier grinding as as: nd taking school Spick and Span, 3 2. x 1916, "3100, 00; Hon Thos. Toasted Wheat ‘Bless 4 packages for. 25¢ _ —- fi payment of grant to the : a Patriotic Fund, $1,110.00; ‘ Wm. Waddell, returns to s sec- . * 5 ol indpeotae ‘i All accounts are due July 1st, and we must have a settlement (either by cash or note) by that date adjourned s cll aadtnansaih tint Monday WM. WADDELL, 1 k ts ESE Acton Bring us Your Butter and Eggs--Highest Prices TE SAARC 2 era * li is wearing a bi | WV Mi K OT iH “The Square Deal Store’; a little b: a ce ._K.-L 5 MILVERTON | New Telephone pu satchel ia Hed” Caves & 5 cone who wis shes to pee Aigaar the MONDAY good cause can secure yarn nit Book. Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes on the above date! Order your telephone mow, so that your name will be in the new issue! @ Report changes required to our Local Manager to-day. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. eke Mrs. J. are still a num’ the boys leave for “forget the . Annual in connection with race Ghurth, Millbank, on Friday evening June the ath socks for our own Ajo ae Rit help” as be tenitted. Weowe: Yas. .Freeman Jr. v dys at the home of the of Gowanstown home on hing after helping his uncle for a tes. Tom Kirkland and Lorne Bart of the 10th, spent Sunday with their in town. nd Miss Robertson, of Wel- are guests at the home of Mr. Rati’ Jack. Mr. accounts with be ding See Eek riunt MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE Special and Summer Peas: Millinery We still have a good assortment in all lines of Millinery, which we offer on Saturday, June 7th and following dyes at 13 off | Cleaning up of Spring Ha few ay ona week yamaha ai DORKING Mrs. Strome, of Glenallan, ed iat apie with der Yelena Mas Lipbie Coote. 8 aor Harrow. gare of last wien with 1 Hensy ee and de ughter, ah WwW Mees Allingham a BRASSy bal GiSh Eagery oot jptared ‘Bxnaumacione at French Settlers for the West London, spent the week-end at their|}0), Runic. Stemmlee gees a hath ciapLay a THe Hanl loose Jaw Daily News Mrs George ea al os a The leaders among the French ee Canadians are aggressive; but, in some Mi l t FEF it The hirtysixth annual conference respects they are anything. bat wish liverton urni ure school was closed last week on) of the Ontari dical Association |In Quebec thos: French origin 4 ac aoe unt of an of scarlet | which convened ‘onto, ‘was the /not show much eagerness to go to war fever and sgh not reopen until Sep: |jargest in the history of the associa-| indeed one finds many leading poli- Store e tion and the important topics deal|ticians from that province openly de- e eee with covered a much larger field than| nouncing recruiting. Bu’ hile all ay a ever before. this is going on one finds Father Be- Garden |? end Saturday eve- | {) settled during |‘ x of Milverton, |§ Juni cae th ing these apices atta os Chureh, Millbank, on Friday evening oa dri ee HESSON to be football E. trip t Easel the footbal nd backward seas: present the S Cc t g E E N S Jaton 40th: e have a big. stock adjustable W Window Screens, Seree Fa and’ ohecr Doors, ete. —all standard sizes. Hhis matter up a Aanceal usat once, We have the Stock—the Quality— the ioe t them arge red . . ae Hardware ee several | n Ql n r DETROIT VAPOR STOVES © Millbank on Mo. active interest How Horrible | Oh, Just Awful ! # ‘That all the flies in rabid ‘ton have been condemned, Gf ced have been ordered out of town. ‘They must go. Pe ving shed dur- wh ‘ou ianapiced to keep them out.of your hone eka, f not, np and we will fit: your house wif! Burn either oll or gasolin Company. sists a busi- nday J mateh, eae ee favorably and will soon be free from quarantine, Miss Elliott ue to her home in Blyth, on Thur pean Wiese é NORTH ee Es Wallace Mrs. “Ollie Jones ope atte set cen of Soa spent vith hs are Oliver “once of EGEORLD: ee Trendy ales RIerANe, of Bess ton. Zo iaday 9 with Mr. and -M Ty Wai nadl t was host member the North sto: to te held oe the | mn K eveaing ~ age a Tahts, Mell be the ere: of th Season so keep the date oO} a RTHA! ‘ tae sabe Fallis, of Rrampton, ic for of her cousin, ater oBtie spent | ae mt a few France shore eto or London whats e has en- feet arty in : iyo toy 2 | Rouble ae Backaches| about pains iz your back complain remedy lies ni hese ey A thee oe ots es aca: sata do it in an easy t to the root of the ‘Sidewalk sutki es, express wagons, Ve! idan awning by the yard in beautiful striped designs. settle them bi in Saskat | pose, being, partially, to fill the pinces vacated by those who have gone - Cocoa matting by the yard. Japane: se matting b; yy the yard 4 and i in fin squares Oxo & and 9x12, ‘Three beautiful Senet Baby Carriages, cat : two in white, hich we will A fine li Com: eee Fate spenalt has a perfect right to shites mahogany and. lack slut Big display of Bras: Beds and Mattresse: A ry tae line a parlor’ aa 3 es diningroom furniture, ‘ sell at a redue' “A large a: sedainent or Rugs, bat ‘: mn) there are man’ 19 will con! up Carpet by the made scheme with the Nationalist prop- to order she special ce rooms da, the object of which is ayow- : edly to extend French-Canadian politi-| cal influence throughout the Dominiol 2 She soe Cost of Discovering ‘America Tt™ cost 8, 200 ¢ to a dasovee America, hand.” Gin Sei gases INGWOOD F Quite a number t from here. attend~ -d ‘Knox Chi iba <p erin, + 1¢ when you read of bor a s there was no ere in Zion bh Miss Mary Schmidt is spending a {Aral sesk, with: loads a ey Miss -M. Me ee spent ‘he week | end with her trl Mis S son. a ewton ee aa Ghatinrs Spe “Bunday Jon |v 1a steep ighted standa1 a ererail ‘Yoronto- pete and