TheMilverton Sun|' And eituerie. n, Ont “umSCRIPTION sala One year, $1; six months, yi nthe, 28 au ponte. 26 cents, in advance, “Bal CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES a 6 “Me Me three Ibera. ins for first insertion and line {preach 8 jarged for fonday. will regelve prompt MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Propileto BusinessCards z te DR. a ic CTINDALE, iL-D. Ss. Hoon Guano mrononts Us mee: Over Metropolttan Bank, Milverton "Phone No. 88. Medical. FP. PARKER, M.D. P. 1. TYE, MB, DRS. PARKER & TYE ATFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Houre—10 to 12 o'clock a, m., and o'clock p.m.and To Boric pm. ° * DR. F. RSTER, “No mead Throet ni any a New Yorke Opthaim eet. nse mic my SAutal Tnati- . Ml Throat Hospital Codd eet ete fn ng. NOx huseh Str wire. oe f how H. B, MORES, K.C. Barrister, « Not bile, - Conveyancer ARES ar lor Bank of Hamilton, ‘Money to Loa: Rake R ‘BLEWETT, fe C Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Office Gordon Block &1RATFORD, ONTARIO Veterinary. Societies. bee Lonan, No. 478, Seete treredigoas “aa very Mon efore full moon every ‘y in. thelr | for an invasion of Eng! j fleet holds the se: Jable to pay $1.60 per year | o megtent 198. | rou 1. Ear, | ie dark blue and is combined ‘as the last appearance. Its aiid sary eae fee’ ch credit ae HY Kirt of dark blue gabar: clpakec dy ail pena eter ordes anish- | are % Sot we eeterte: Tae abolished his velar med with ie eth ie =e [blue patent leat are ae except fe 8, Last of mien erme in the ; |The Fashions negli much doubt that ¢ such plans wi the course of consideration long be- obvious strategical move for Ger-} seem: with y a realization of this fact. wolne so far as Engl aie most any sacrifice. transport of troops in sufficient num-/| the possibility. Yet. the the attack on Verdun, at a fearful tacrie of life, may send the German leet we conflict with the British, Shee the former cee ‘Indeed the British sea pow low, jucl assumption is cred- ish fleet is not prepared to cope with he: good Te is au Posse ‘that a few German ship: break through the block- te German fleet could not come out unobserved. It could make a desper- ate dash, it would doubtless put up @ va fight, but it would almost in- tably be overwhelmed. neha of despair would suggest sub- mitting it to such a test. ——.——_ FAMOUS OLD HOTEL. Permanent Home . Near London for War Cripples. Since the fateful day in August, 1914, when it became known that Sab Britain was involved in_ the reat wal en and wo Mant the latter more ally been sympathetically endeav- rt tims of the great devastatio Oa ccreae or ciary-deaectetiga: Have | been started, money has been poured| out without stint in very direction. | with | allix J, E, By Aaa ae ey y le Ving bet as ren always 5%. pal h, WM, Pin. ny Vidi pire ale 8 Sal Le je icon: on Notary Public. WD, WEL, Sty Public, Aue tioneer for of Perth and Waterloo, Convener Deeds, Wills and Mortgages drawn and’Afldavite made. Village Clerk, Otfice in the Weir. block over the Metropolitan Bank, a a tae Monkton, Ont ae Conyeyancer, Hoteles. erton, First-class accomm eS jemmetcil travellers and ae ‘Bort beanie brands of igaee 8 brani Chas, Ritter, Propriewos wnt fe SN eae SSSI RE UES San ee aE: Milverton, Ont. ‘ommé it Ecler dh i leone niy th Cigars at t) Nate Saat oF loUSsK, nf peice to Com: a tammple rooms. Ee ae GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil. |**” in jhave « saree wide its country houses into tals for the wounded and sick. Iter of charitable endeavor | articular scheme oh ch | has Jaid hold of the imagination peop! moldiera which it is pro! lan Garter Hotel. st Richmond, rich in| tio 1] Londoners have made acquain- ar and Gartel e site will ris in-| ed ee mages fall name, but the the automobile Se heal LINWOOD kee} tae a Gon nes ment a 2 in Behan 8 terial, such as Lomber, ica . Shingles, ete, cider sa of she bese quality. anagen Richmond Hill” si ie their are among” those to _whom speeding | si is over, at least the; fe @ » Whi neeetovs it is fitting nation should find for the perfect peace and restf athe ot a eae the “Lass o! the beauties — of hatare, teaitiee hich ‘can ne appreciated than ae will be b nals os her * Slacker’ Gets Back. ick Palmer, the War corres- ane Bes talking about England. “Everything is War, war, 1a) over he i help the -> Her ie. = heh one of alle id. A Hey; Tete ints re Blacker: frowned. ‘What heise re the war broke out. It was stout a fashions this spring, is their other p purposes, satin has superseded aus fle 4 tui ht fone ‘frilly and fussy than for ictat- son i All lingerie: frock from her pecknes on the land availed no-|summer afternoon dress 0: land was soneert chiffon an hi ata would scope is ae: ‘as minous iets befo: eedily bring would That purpose al e turn deat of the British fleet. To) ittaree of embroidere accomplish this would be worth al-| taffeta foundation, and the eotieee the skirts, and black vé That the’ German | taffeta bodice is, well, Bis a little taf- lends a naval authorities believe it can be ac-'feta bedice which could other frock is ma three if i straight lengths eH: on en top, sore add a sie yartealarly pleas- tf bers for eis ae they realize the im-| finished at the of the same silk. The puff sleeves sl The Slip-On Blouse. quaint Wnd pretty, very dainty and same policy which dictat-| youthful. These three materials are the leadesr fe ae win a victory asain this spring, with here and there Ch aetna crite emer tole 0) HEPY cate tt One ‘quaint revival; for instance, at a would collapse and invasion might fol- recent fashion show, there appeared a P Tout pticactive confime, & three plete made on kimono lines, low in the neck ible only on the ground that the Brit-| suit of Drecoll’s, Hl cation that qtamine ‘will again be, ieadies for en in one of the beauty apats of Eng- Dyed Batiste Flouncing and Taffeta. Hee reign, yes “has” endured to the end, will be i. a few months the old Star and nae ‘be season, or not, is a ques-|* P memories of bygone douieitign, wlll boare 26 (aces on the other side a Se | subject heal and ad ApSre their all, for their coun- eke forgotten resting place and fash-! wonder: ione tume. Etamine was a_ parti ae with the seh St scene ne satisfactory summer fabric, =o dur-| lagain.’? mit of Rich-! able and soft. Na- effective suit of Cher See is very po; motoring and such” hess leather is not to be reckoned aH *|Now and then i is appliqued to a bag, or trims haps the most fascinating thing Sport tat effectively, but for mio8t Serge, Taffeta or Faille. simplicity. Althou; Taffeta and Wash Fabrics. summer dainty litle The Frog Cholr. When April waves her wand Above a wintry land, And willow buds appear, What is the sound we hear As ee settles down Dpaiae he field and town— 1 curious sound that comes Like beat of distant drums? spring. eae ae pe salle, aclysm—Grace overriding nature by a red, higher law. Not meet—Though Paul insists ost] d taffeta, from the Maison silk on , look, as the dainty manne- crepe, or or} and spread out the volu- batiste charting EU cater: aa dail if it embroidered crepes and yoiles, not in- them out a is merely a te hve bodices, collars, cuff's and girdles. batiste a Bias bands of taffeta or ‘satin trim thine: elevt _ribbons| of the Tae ‘i f “old-timiness” to the| Stepping s\ ing self tate the vohighes ti 1 a: lepers ae claim would be offen: m but for the obvious Inaapenanble ae is the sense the skirt of wi infinite height From tangted zens ist grow touch o: id be made from dainty sheer stat modish this sea- Lo! hear the singing frogs! fulness evenly distributed, and ing, making the simple dress appro- bottom with a quilling Priate for any occasion. “Ger-ump! Ger-ump! Ger-ump!” The new “‘long-line” blouses some of which apostolic |them are called; Cheruit sends us an| voi e message, for they [espe ‘ally pretty one fashioned of And the readers’ Serge, Taffeta and Faille. an searhieeatinen erate to slip on| experience endorsed it. 5 ai Their wel ing. gather it in loosely about the waist. we. pantera VG Many of these slip-on waists are See “Ger-ump! Ger-ump! Ger-ump!” MY ENGLAND. ‘We hear it where the clump ‘reve amine, [at Wonderfully easy and graceful in siete Of willows turn is ea hataken esas tai: e i ffeta, satin, crepe, An American Tribute By Wm. Winter Beside th ys Georgette, ‘chit and ie Giirese and in New York Times. We hear it ne aie F My England! Not my native tand, | pe 2 nen Crosking rolce But dear to me as if she were, Of summer songs and skies. How often have I longed to stand wah, none. ERAS hearts who fight ether this is to fhe. novelty How Gilbert Found Out the Time. Bereft by Fortune, worn with Age, tense Gilb. and color combinations they do ato eee oe Bereta ive: eon me 2 Tike th These patterns may be obtamed| FoF those who die that she may tive, from your local MeCall deal th, Wecsiveae eee dealer o fe wo,| Mather of Freedom| Pledged to Richtl oe . om Honor's path she would not THE SUNDAY LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON. APRIL 23. Come to my party on Saturday. From three to five o’clock. i . lightful parties in his shor But, staal, faithful, used her might best of all was To lead mankind the nobler way. /last summer; then he had Her task was hard, her burden great, But ‘row That reared and ruled a Sovereign|again and would , peanut hunting. Securely, on the Rights of Man. fo vandal foot should tread her land, was the day of the party. pa dr ert had received an in- n from Bronce White that read a Gilbert had already been to four de- t life. The la t little Bruce's house} “You se age eo, aes "@ — _ dining-room clock watching the handy move, After dinner he became still at Sosy: Hew arene re ais raat, wh as lying weMother,’ ” he si th Tow you cay, tell the tim es half past but what if ie Pr ‘ean asleep] Can’t I go to, the party as soon as get dr weet tit £78 on your inyita- ” his moter answer n read that,” and Gilbert “It says from three ‘ it heard ae cocks os half past Jet a said his getlegtly: “But you may sake rea al Gitbert washed his neck, face Ay geaP. atart at half ast t two"? mother called to Gilbert trled to sit still in front of ae might Eperapet ther had n RS ientesbe! r soul tad “the” look! Zar bee!” Be Suddenly he sat still and stared af and the numbers on if, Now you can ‘ell me if it is jtme to go.” His mother looked at the paper and ghed, in spite of her aching head, e my wise little re abe had ice Riaads Gilbert could] Back a) ack and forth sk to come; | every little mer ‘either trotted from ind the woud her edict ran | for he knew they you have ie sree the clock e of | tims cause he nes had facet he might miss ike party, he had/ place, until at et ia told nie ie it stood most of the morning before the! was time to go.—Youth’s Companion. to his mother’s room; eacl e he sore Hee ont the pepe how oe hands on Lesson 1V.—The Risen Christ (Easter| No despot hold her realm in awe; Teeabon)-“1. Cor, 15- 1-28. Golde | T°. Humnblest- peasant: sshowid en Text: I. Cor. 15: 20. The shelter of her righteous law. unity of Rats, I ee Senha, de-| In vain her lion port was braved! si edt 01 e (verse 12)| Her pennant streamed o’er ev'ry sea, Paul he rcttarnte the funda-| And wheresoe’er her ensign waved All fetters fell and Man was free. ‘ou method tof cathenity in all the rats tor miles around, says J.R.H. in i—A misleading term: Palt Mall Gazette. the Greek is “through which al are being saved,” salvation, whicl net is Bie found at the Wicket Ga To-day be all her faults forgot— The errors of her nascent prime, _ | on its end Or wily politician's plot, Get some brown Or blunder that was almost crime, |stretching from to the brick, all around the tul ®|To-day, when desperate tyrants | PO water be seen. Thes for the rats to run up. ut a plece of meat as a bait on strain— By Greed, and Fear, and Hate com- bined— 6891—6678 soun = for him on the other side the Only he that “holds fast") 7° Plast her power and rend her | on és rhodium. 701 She fights the fight of all mankind. “x ‘First of ‘all—When Paul came a rumored: that materials! 4, “Gouinth, he not only ha in Christ, but even ‘ould not preach as the supreme Ex- is being brought out from He Saale: he eacher, the Worker o¢| Columbia, grandest born of Time, fights for us—for this fair clime, | brown paper in e water. she Our home belo’d, where freemen dwelt arts to 8 com- USE TUB AS A PIED PIPER. Englishman's Scheme for Ridding a Co. t a large tub, fill it about three parts full with water. a brick in the middle of si 4 tub. ridge jut a slab or board up against the Fa “Very well,” ied the climbs on to 2h the top of the rick ‘tae come rushing to the ald of ‘thelr als ressed comrade, and each ples ‘into the water and hey ly one can 0c rick at a time. By this means whole an cng eaten could be cleared very Eercaiaiey § Tit for ‘A bright Irish lad Sea a a pekee mind that,” said the baker, »| “it will be the less for you to carry.” boy, and wing three half-pennce jan thro counter he walked away. the brick and saturate it vith called bli: balk anid, told a halfpenny short. “Oh, eturned the lad, “it yet at the bait, and falls Auer the | will be the less fee you to count,” Spend less time in apologizing and All the Sier rats for miles around more in improving your conduct Spiritual P ‘pagar noth That Teuton malice burns to quell. spring or gommer coe. | “Him as S arueited” cularly eae added “nay*rather, that is risen | If Christ were not now alive| ed into a | My England! should the hope be crost In is af she taught the world to Tt would not come ap ““Watch, Therefore, for doms, and Jesus the most _is as oe as aes al- beautiful of the sainted 7 sibs said that yy have| we ne need tae more a that. Receiv-| Jes in dyeing it ‘later 6 on. ed—As fact, from the eye-wit- \" i from the fail; At al ‘Sp rit in-hin oul, ‘our sins_—The| That earth be ae itién is’ “an aecount of”: it is| lused in phrases about Horehae, e ee agrintured-=-Repecially 1s ied perfect and| ut ’tis not fn the Book of Doom That. Justice, Honor, ‘Truth should of mixed dark tise. aere made a living tomb, ‘And only brutal Wrong prevail. iB j It cannot be the human rac and was} Long struggling up to Erakdanita| niet = =Compafé Luke 16. 223” the! sun, — emphatic comb'nation describes / Is destined to the abject place complete comer of death and.ali! Of vassal to the murd-rous Hun! jele in some creeds, | 00 In ev'ry land that knows the ills 3.| Of Bondage, and has borne its aches, | tense The deathless pulse of Freedom thrills And Reason’s noble rage awakes, Pres Matthew, xxv., 8~ This well known par able of the Vir: gins has a special a ae at thi: nt ndid Italy advance, the preparedn issuing from his and of glorious matt ird day—TWo| Stalk forth th’ intrepid Russian bear! | Man’ comet! of the had come | My alee Patient, valiant, true! would have been ready. ail ._NoF foes without, nor frauds within unexpected emergency that they fa’ Will shake her purpose to subdu | The cohorts of embattied sin. a) sically prepai upon 1, The swinish horde, the gilded beasts, a varninede | In whom no of ruth survives, greater duty ns to the Hebrew mind Henan Jer. 5 be ‘end that rests upon Who ravish women, murder priests, ce 4. a4 ae suggests, "And strew the sea with infant lives. Church, To ma phi thet: the Lord sappeared’ to. Peter ot i Mer fo Sled to 8 t sis ponte BEE Gers ae te D tell, The Lords of War, who kill and maim, ' seel Exultant, while their people groan, ly and ada eeks mi and ri ne confidence — vi j Sbeening shy selves in crime tating Peter for Mary| a “Saga as athe first’‘fo . see the] hrist. The twelve—Of whom, d_ ever wl the only ten were there (John That Bae ae pees *wildered brain Church. | af But the ideal number is). ao ‘an Attila appears, \ 3 fo T Wes the Hain€ GR God (i yaire “When Character Is tee "The “twelve” “was ‘ndeed| “And rarewns the arth j in blood and; Yes, for life in any spl E oname, older than the tears! = cS redness. is essential. i able to be ready to die, bi have heen on ae cea: ther To ween a deat anni Oo ney task re as ee i My_England, strike! e, 17, but paust a. parallel ohn the] © Till eee on your'banners shine! | and filled w: for it is in delay: 5 Then eee -ateful world’s ap-| temptations and the unexpected ex “did not believe in e tea ; _ mio hearts Diab test a The ai dof course, for prior to the race in idleness ® done in days vs ay twe "There * ‘Kitchener ae you, the oe Bea le 3 i fonese a : as SSE Stood. aravee, ‘the tale 9 bout inthe war)— Rusty Rufus (penne the part he ha ee a gta it ae ae Look. ‘at the) i esent. writ ‘i ire centibaton to ts New Testa: 2 tles—This_ sui suits) one! ab ts 2) | “seeotiea! Ls stener—Was you one of seonsion. 2 must be remembered n 0 It ee Rates) Yo, I wasn ft was that no stress is laid on ‘the ascer! f the onel “And the foolish said unto the wise, ean as ‘The duty ° having the nation Bhs volves Bit Sate is an even | mom) of ae readiness, ! a will shine forth clear, bright and and trust, ward perfect co-operation of this para ign. ‘evtration ti has ever been’ just. could not. be of the’ oil ee: 33 fo0n as so r'ght- . ut it is more | tem; et Broop not, nor <Fecrahie to be prepared Hs live. We’ Ro, must have the lamps always trimmed a nad ee reparedi ness. Ye Know Not the Day Nor lost | the Hour Wherein the Son of Man Cometh.” Externally all ten virgins the same, all attractive \girls, ce friends of the bride, chosen for = , ficial goodness will sometimes shine 8 ‘Watch, therefore, for ye know not the like the candle with only ee ‘aay nor the hour wherein the Son of @ br’ h.” Tt was in the | & ' Chek An Attitude, Not An Impulse. Such a man may. Hd busy in mart ig the! shop or home or field, and ent of most unexpected need his ady. ere is no state of unpre- nifest a yin of in-! A parattione for the truly aa a that ternational | ratherood that does not has a constant co! that meets crises calm- nection perennial source of sopsly, Testis rist our Lord. And not the Bet sign’ficant lesson le is a realization that it share ee Fra ess and chara an neither be ‘a = us ht ae i at he ae ib. seca unt hal ry ha a tes te oe is 8 Hho Se are | purrs ‘and justi- X- fied by fected radi eae = eriences oe eel st character is ae wife, j “Not os Son led igual rete 4 ee not spend the ope must be judged at fei Cat ‘xusinge and di | not by what his nue bre “mother or ‘ord he ha: STINTS