Th Mil S : or satin frock is made with net KING GEORGE'S MEN, sleeves and upper bodice, and many ae - \ € Milverton Sun , : a last season’s taffeta or satin dress (By Mrs. Jean Blewitt,). Ard Monkton Times The Fashions 5 being remodeled in this way. L ARK PUBLISID Color Combinations. ‘We bade farewell to the hills RS home FVERY THURSDAY MORNING a With echoed ee Wa ue serge maaan takes ie pee Kaew cea Huei toe “canna lue faille combines effective wit The ene Printing Oftice ‘The Latest Smart Features. | bisck, many shades of grey, the green- faceted eat mS Main Sir Milverton, Ont) For those of sus who have, as it /ish, copery tones, orange, terra-cotta Worahe poldievactaes en " d T, Frere stacks "ahd stacks of Passe’ and similar shades. These dark com- Hurrah for the sweethearts left behind, ‘ Uj } ; +. UBECRIPTION RATES frocks to be remodeled, this should hinations of course are correct for the Hurrah for the hearts of go ipa laqae eoue a rear, #2: etx mo a e, 80 conte; three | prove of banner season. Fashion has str street; for the indoor dress or after- Ki ste 6 eed ogee e180 been very lenient with our little | n, low the color 4 i be Hable t $1.50 per year nm gown, one may al CHORUS. " n tp arrears w: jableto pay mais Slachnomies tor several seasons past, ie a Tittle freer rein. There are ‘Oh, we're off to fight for or country, When Little Bear Would Not’ Work, his ent ae nothing. st Little CONTRACT ADVERTISING but this Spring, whether it is the| some wonderfully vivid touches of MS a aaee nee One morning when Little Bear) Bear ate Bnd rank, SORES OMe" “gas Mpg] war, with its: consequent ier in this color brought in now and then in a With & thun ai hearer ie orld 0 tore wanted to play, his mother sent-him}.. The pleat: lasted a wee long OSD to many, which has turned her in this) sombre. frock, quite transforming it ‘Wesiavs. Puitand aie cea al out to pull weeds in the blackberry) ‘me. Little Bear was asleep when 3 J —-E{direction, or just because she fancies | As a general rule, however, pale tones Oh, we dare to do and we dare to die, patch. When his mother “went out to} his mother brought him. moro. bread evolving the odd ile _conesptons will predominate this season. This We-tndicoe thet hill and gle see how he was getting on, she found| #74 wal Big rine for first insertion and bie ES Beth el ‘When. hk ke, h ‘ain ‘kelled Youre Ine Jor each wubsec pent inser. | and combinations on ‘ery |is owing to the present. condition of God Save the King is the soni we sing, him lying on eee ground bt looking en he awoke, he ag Grenier for all adver. side, certain it, is that ORES ust the dye market; pases pastel col- We ate ail’ King Geotee's na atthe ae fish frying. He felt hungry, but’s _ Advertisements without specitic directions |now is being made very gasy and very|ored fabrics re much. less dye “Littl Beas” ” ai she, “have vou |B me did not Ba rted un*ilforbid and charged 4: | fascinating, than: deep sha I pte “he sedine?” 4 ep and his father hae moti in, i i F i h 7 i ed hi his father. sepia ‘ oie ponent on Girdles, Bretelles and ae ie this, should herpen: a the Sur "ea on 54 an fat gave us birth _ No, Moti apa wise ashes: i eal es ls epi at hs father. phone orders will recel ve pr Let us suppose for instance, that ¢jined toward white cpale: pinks, blues, a nae cities ackecy fer pace pete is too hd work, I shall pull no Bear?” inquired Father Bear, when MATE Mulitherand Propiteto , {Oe has a dark blue. serge dress of mauves, and lavenders. whiel 5 ns rae see at pare | Mother Bear led the little | fellow E i! Test season. It may not be worn to/ particularly fascinating this season. Rar Ge eA Pith ‘a purpose: grand ea etoree aa, Motieg yeah Comrateles, great extent but nevertheless ‘it By Fall, if the war is not at an end, Wh ie the peuiat chen od fae ee Bear speak like that; so m hungry!” wailed Little Bear. BusinessCards heal something fo make it look m perhaps we shall all take to white, en te ioneata eee Right, she took him by the hand and led ae you no bread #: adked: Pas Pa up to date, We may add a deep aire ea hab an letvcneanethiieea ros patie ede eee im into the house, where Father j ther Bea: yoke and a high girdle with perhaps aa tia ae Mises acoaty Ase toe, Bear sat in hig ‘hig big cha | clettdandnk oat just bread,” answered DR. M. C.TINDALE, L.D.S. }a bretelle over each shoulder Ol recent voguedofic white shoes Said ‘ pee Bear, i eur Lites Bear, “not when I ‘nell fish; sor to Dr, Lederman) black satin or moi ahaterad fs a ear will not wi en ehind id besides, I am lonesome, 1 will Monon Guapbare Tosowre Unrvanarre Cuffs and calla too, add. greatly | “P** 98 pay see esas F Bessa ihn Fee cdon's cause, Little Bear’s back she made motions weed the blackberry patch and the 0 the effect. When cleverly done, | San ‘a ae < ete a ee abton bent a? the King’s behest, that meant, “But please do not spank whole gard%n, and I'll hoe the corn, OfMce: Over Metropolitan Bank, Milverton ee frock ee nove of the made-over . fet speaking 0: : sees =! pies cate toes ae ye apse pnt ri Tl work like Bally. Rear if No, 88. appearance it would have had some be well to say a word or two abou Pests nee: ‘aus6tte ae mist? Me ‘Ah-hum! Ah-hum!” began Father you'll let. me have fish sup Py — seasons back, but is a delightfully, the new pumps for the dainty, airy gta abba Fe bes ea ns Ae Bear, gazing hard at Little Bear. “Do! per, and. blackberries, aud honee ate frocks of the girl of Spring and Sum- When their schemes have comes to gr’ T understand tha t you will not pull milk.” : F. Werige@e Mimi Ae oe mer, 1916. She will wear the old- For we stand to win in the battle’s din, weeds, Son Bear? “y, rh hen Saco eee time Colonial pump again with its We men of ‘the Maple Leaf. "Tt in too i Soy Rolaeon) beam aaron any DRS. PARKER & TYE (ae a is 00 hard fone poiiber ther Bear. “You shall sit down to : inucklee will’he’ teal: Wek lea ak mice nike bi enough o'supper, and eed the” blackberry CRO + FURL DR DRUG ST0 ‘STORE, MILYERTOY. lourt--10 to 12 o’clock a. m.,and 2 0 4 orelock Pem,,and 7to Boro pm ° es —— = T am % 4 Pull weeds int-hb shIANKESPEY poe patch before dark.” Nias eS cep ea a THE SUNDAY LESSON! wm): Ah-bum!" repeated Rael tittle Bear. passed his plate, and > Bie tars tees he ee: ther Bear, who really too “aus Pathicn Bear filed it with trout, and across. ‘They range from the conser- ; eS prised at first for words. ‘Then said mashed potatoes, and currant jelly. —-~ vative leather berets buckles ie “the INTERNATIONAL LESSON, HEALTH jhe, “Son Bear, I ought. to spank you Mother Baik passed him the Johnny. slittering, novelty, in rhinestones. or : Jana send you out to work, and that cake, and gave him a big dish of colored semi-precious jev-els. APRIL 9. is what I should do if your mother blake ies and a brown mug full Bbechigh- whita: ehives. wiih qrhite | et < ie were willing. But—” stitching, esl sith toe wal be a gen-! pring Tonics.” | Father Bear said “But” in sash a Tle Bear was so hungry that eral favorite for the simple afternoon 1esson 1—Ainens and Doreas—Acts| oy. ionicg which the vast majority | loud, loud reiee tha ate two wiiaint Reeskion eon aba ‘ dress or the white flanel or serge suit. | 9. 32-42. Golden’ Text: of individuals need at this period of | jumped at the tone. “But litt! fa ar e pieces of johnnycake, and three a», A pair of sport shoes should i Sout Titus 2: 7. the is fresh air, ise and a| who will ae pull weeds in the black- maa ing dishes of Bias Kkberries, and ~ in every ward mi w aim Hee ue 2Owing to weather con- | ber ch shall not eat black-' drank two mugfuls.of milk before he siey eeeig a pair of bate | Verse § as story returns to! q are re-| beri [went out and viet the blaskberea c of the older aneaie: ee ere is also| So upstairs went Little Bear, eat lowed by his mother, who carried outa, for it is promise: i int 280" S speak, the ex officio door rinks will remain open wall into title vo Christians as such. Holine: ¢ warm weather. {is not an extra, or the proper. de- These patterns can be obtained at jeecption of a select few, such as tbe your local McCall dealer, or office, 70 Bond St: "Toronto, Ontario. and Siciend net ch, He was to bed that night, and on many ether ‘ights afterward, but he said nothing n ring. | abou ut ie nor did he ever stop his at | ear aia ‘nothin tad she left! worl the garden until he i Boke: been so choked- with fuel that Little Bear upstairs with the bread it une as well as he could; ice I ah ite api draw well |and the water, but he did not mind’ found out that when h R BL LEWETT, K a ned @ snd ee a halo. ~—On the; You cannot buy relief from these that, aaa at first he thought it/hard, even bread and, wate: MELTING SOVEREIGNS. way ont Seeman: 10: a8 about: conditions at a dollar a ater Sete s , but that ee a ahaa not wo che Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto three spate of the w: icine-will ee ane up for wat aoe time, when he smelt fish ni there was 8). Ofice Gordon Block Britain Alarmed at Danger of New | Sin as ae anal and un The en. “feath frying, he felt hungry; but his mo-| honey, or milk, or in a te caplap ish STRATFORD, ONTARIO Drain on Gold Reserve. rats sehich almost invariably prevails toe did not bring him any fish andl of tisekberviee-. Youths Companion. at this season of the year from pneu-| — : Veter: The prac of elting British here: it was the term a doctor would midias tit Josig Sand Gtheanwenbixe ee <== BER ra oe SR slgnencrians Upasiy aa other use. Kept his hed——The ” provincial St Be ee ‘ar ely he to the! | FRENCH SERVICE STRIPES. .. | aonsiderable periods or-ba dadieulings J. W. BARR, Veterinar; mafale aon thas coate deel to sell |term “bedfast” used above is intend- the number of battles in which the 'y . Surgeo: reduced physical of indi- Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veet suddenly. nition workers |ed to suggest the alan alesy word) viduals, whi eae ne particu- May Be for Number of Battles or wearer was engaged, or the number of 8 load aah eal cinesss and their wives is aia to pe "become which eho. ott im he, Be POM aviv: gensitive “whee” aehe muntien Years With Arm: | Wounds received. Some officers have mals. Calla by may be those who told him the hich probdtiied Ehaap but he ee eguratian phone or otherwise promptly attended to ak bed ‘ge Herbyt panes of: ia this Gime of the year, Private soldiers wesring upon the reached the War ‘Orieg ‘whee Rien ; sal rSauaeiee The ‘ |recalls the gn "ealdress, “'Paie/O'4 Peovle are susteptible as they are| cite gum ae the Seergatoit Aerts ie “ <AaTNET MEER euee it. re not many sovereigns in aes i housed more closely during . winter-| he ; authorized to be worn rn by privates ee : MILVERTON LODGE, No. 4 : elreilation, in England, ‘they. having |p, thy bed and walk time than the young. [ths “nbpeuiii ssloged Oe tiaveshes have served a sufficient time in 4 itive prea been recalled shortly after the out-! SI aron— Noth of Joppa. Of; ss [come common. on the streets of Paris! trench, , s 7023-6733 | ing tonic wa ges ete th avis sae ‘évening on oF HSRRIeE He pra Hue Dee cat BO aes Rouseowe a0 abt aa heacrtiet literally As ‘imethine ae |of late, sour coubiiargile eee is td. , bitte full Heep prety, to nth in their] The Sport Skirt and Jabot Blouse | tained penile, in Rae for paper al pe Rerasbon “turned ng au Lord”) ARGH Os as bed and spar-| Sit¥: These stripes are what are call a ; cee B, Welr’sBlock, Visiting broth. | tots’ at the Bank of © —it is a very easy hyperbo ‘i ee “pried.” SoUhing = aber are Ansisnt Fis, MU erp aes ay ene nes Nilo, costmie ih “the "now. deeb | "Th 6 gold reserve it ‘te “Bank ot Be Sopa, calen ite not under he doors eae 5c the Pevelution by Privat aunties: One day an Tishman, When pa . yin “ Gy ce repping naa: England at the present time is esti-| tow = ts mm deruse ie Palestine, an pene scare hy ee ‘0 their credit sight years or|ing through a street in the city, a ; »| mated at about $255,000,000, There jmiles from Jerusa h “ore! more of service in the army. These in the baker's window the words’ “Ere Pe Oy Re sliver Star | quillngs, bands, and insets of con-| ave other gold reserves, of course, in, gazalle's beautiful eyes Same retiring for the nigh and one a hour meri were called “briscards,” and when cellent pies sold within,” and he went tae, eye ae qrasting material wonders)|iy. bands of other Joint stock banks la natural one o use as a girl’s name, before athe ‘ i | they wore three of these stripes onthe in and bought one, He tasted it be ; a e ‘ c | Get a : 4 7.8u pin. in their hall over Beak & tony Mia pi Sa oe frocks, suits,| One of the aims of the Government | _ 39 edits net unlikely that] Get al te air possible. |same. sleeve they were accepted as|fore he left the shop, and complaine iit Vi ‘Should be]; hi che “enrolled”. widows | Sleep wit! x windows op | sat nEaTahT saan ‘on, Visiting _ Hid he always wel- at oe ti °* lis to prevent sovereigns woing out of | these res e od > UIE GU era wanes youreclothing: ta irae the distinguishing characteristic of a to the ba bat ae ut its being ha . ook McGuire, N N.G., W. W. K, Loth, sigh trave he AH “eter the country to kee] he reserve | sae yo bel ake pate protect vou against sudden|™an extremely touchy on points of and dry. baker said:—“Get ‘ : 0 ca ne * the gold church wor as was probably one Aone rect Set —_ Hetary Pai one of those stiff, qaint little anil ood, cupola mere e018 |e them. - Showing—The 5 bean et ree = PR eet te Snr Ca Teale ee Pat, “this 12 Pp i v V: a bie Bess re | RR, OF Con nari stain pret Re] For the past six months, or even | uementicn of spent see ae ctionat male hye Ca ‘eh Bir five “SE lag mobarcuyiot tke Tete ob uate oem of them,” and he left the W. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Auc Seta Akai heave, whick {Since the munition workers began to | di Piety ents \faced by the revolution, they were re-, shop in. indignation, ‘aneae ior “the ounty “of Perth At¢| Around the bottom OF aiblecie: Which psd aud day-wad dea greatig| Thee Sea sein dy ateeetraiete oo : ieee vee Seelnaen ey 2, Conveyancer, "Deed, W and | has not just the most becoming curve rcredsee svapen, they havechoen- tia. UE inal. In the — translation Banish Gloom in Sunshine. seat oy bes Bee epstl ae re-| . mae tangs dra ee ci the ig Pads, a ae a a euble ee ee of a cot ing ae coing: melted for jewelry. |8bove it i Shue ae $ Se f every one could only realize the |the First Giigie, he peta a eed ihe Both Satisfied. « : ; : i er the Metropolitan Bank. eer Aon mmetee, Dan rough the |The practice is said to have become | iN atte {sintend wind outer! tonic effect of alittle sunshine they | Second Republic and the Second Em.| “The best thing that ever happened iB d P wi narrow black velvet si the words denote the inner and outer : 2 Cabs Aina maybe ed ‘he en b Raeecinliy” iuficcanie te Riutigaen 3 wetivels, ene of a kind] “Oud be both healthier and happier.| Sire; the Third Republic having abol-(to me," sneered the. you : CHALMERS, Mo: Pepe te "a ight y. desied. ana|™ where many of the large jewelry man- ean nee peatning “ he pee the| _,Cover some green grass with a piece | ished re-enlistments of privates in the his former employer, “was when you : A 3 of carpet for a month a: army excepting with the rank of a fired me. I went out and got a re- laws Publi Convey soe, ere Pai Craps 5 ufacturers are located. There is no hi law against the practice of melting |result. The g: 0" ather an unshaped, wrap coiled round he risaate ordinate officer, the object of the! gular job.” Perth, Real Government m y Way more easily visual-|1y changed Ditoci tt H e orhat’ ” ‘ i han in the West. Com-| ¥ sone pies disappeared. They have now! “That's all right,” replied the OM ew haice faaie' collar may be stadt ca aS me aig ety of P a i in mae tl ie in the uy 5 where ae te become ae white. been authorized by some general of- boss, “I'm glad you're satistle ae ats Yin, | iament from Ni who thin! 3 fcers at the front to be worn as a ing you didn’t hurt our tes a ag adge of continuous service for the point is that the “coat” is th cheaper (Matthew) inside (Luke) cS it, 25% inst the “cloak,” whic! k ~- ~ —- —-~ _ — — ———e i ee : fh lack of aunsuine| = = me heiey Ane the ctiiss thats by Tend “As the law now stands a man can| ould snatch at first, and) ee oar health, but it ofecte year blings|ing another modian’ touch; for ed robbe ints 80 en Good sta or Gunn tigant: press tor it: ere ry; . . . ” tbe nds of li much! take a_five-pound note to the Bank jmental attitude. You cannot be an op- 1S oncep ion oO ize Chas. Witter Proprietor ors aiden fulness is noticed Jn the New sleeves of England and demand sovereigns for | Poldened, by a smaller forth s Pe. simint and lve in glaomy ple, and * the Government should make it a crime to melt. sovereigns dgwn to | id: 1a what 20h live in dark, glooi GRAND < CENTRAL HOTEL ot be ro: = a entirely he: athe: i] ish mn these deep cu perton. | Firat ccommodation for| the sleeve, if sufficiently full, may bi cia Sleeves Offering Interesting | it. He can take the gold coins to his | 1.50" yractor did on the oceasion he Who Wants to be a pessimist? Possibilities. ‘actory, melt them down, mix the gol i kad “aaseeibed 24 Many of thaSniodk aeendet gheais ; mg, short; and three. -quarter-length with certain other metals and make aay eae ane rk (Mar 5. 40),|are completely annihilated by a cone Jesus Says That Life Is More Than Meat 7m chee atof ge am oe will be Ses is Spring and/ jewelry. The mere sannagening: of the | similarly ee a ree 17. 19) and tinued Papplisa tion of sunshine. This and Drink and Raiment. . quors nd Cigare eters Goede arm |Summer. There eine Reston ten-| munition workers’ money in this way, |Tyitha (9 4: nd must be! is the reason all modern hospitals are core I” Paatt Proprietor. | dency to the core effect af. the| in’ flime of eteee eee ads Gione swith Gon: aa beds Only We Mest a plan, which = surplus is needed for silver bullets spectators at shits ight-ap sles A: eee | THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin and for a support for the worker and |jecvs San Wlerate any spcrts | Disea not the only 2 Tie, lite in: Supra ign ateatyanil Hence and gourée of our Aindividaat pays te “atten his family in possible days of need & ae variety fat rena, the lig! the body than raiment.”—Luke, xii., lives; when He says that life is more trade, aegis popbulesisia bed. titi Biubsasst vanes ot Sg eee “o, The felled Sieul 28. than meat and drink and raiment, and * 2 a turaily abso wank ene at the bar “There is another serious side to prophets ld nt be Note that ae eins sek real ama that» manis life does not consist in ates 4 aes Wa. Wirt, ae it. The State spends money in con- snaked mises before- Piness are all bred in see | said x A ati the . th; hen He pt ta de 2 “sree —— verting bar gold into sovereigns, and |, ot" against like Elijah and Blisha,| Did you ever try-a isk ‘ale a “the moon ie islbe again a tid oth in ie doo 3 of seg anybody can go along and get the ii he death chamber and ‘the bright sunshine fi6 i e sovereigns and melt them again. Also, ‘Pe, Bes ile, ihe eee ate de. to. be completely sulounted “py alll [shies of the worl The ol ear fence tove a ve ae a pad NOTICE! wants. to take golden sove-|Giares the issue beforehand. Ta- sorts of “gloo It is a simple lit aed of things is going bas a w lage ave el a a SVEAOCINEWRED one ee reigns: to: Germany he cannot do -so, eae eum) His actual words differ remedy; not. a a one, but effica. and life is once more filled full of says that death is never the end o! MR ee er line Cem ot ead as there is an embargo against tak- ty those of the cious. One hour of such treatment, Meaning and a ae ge eS ye, i ee - emt in life, and gunede opbotiin atcha Sie ee ane, ORC EE ee eae: Ge shi nly Dekaes diveiple ves sill isually foot ‘Whole’ regiment jee CARE hain parte dace Ls Ne Een ein eee Heroine fees ss There is no - regulation, however, coms on ihese pest: all the glory, out a e sky an and lived -here an fal le ie pad mad janager against his taking gud in other forms, sm his hand—To you maven’ the energy for a | divineness ee Ay: ife is aia: bee eat ei geen Pagar “Therefore, if a man wants to sup- a pias a Nereus tan Rie Put on wraps to Keep you warm coming more and more mystieal,or, ual eonéeptioh © lite, which inde ‘te ply Germany with British gold he can sence of physical strength. and sit i the eor-| it that words, leek and: lene sie areebaration. to-day —tp take notes to the Bank of England, | peter done to the lame ma eB Gem sof-the pares cin teu of ithe od ait ‘the things of the spirit. very mod inking as well as in iit i get sovereigns for them, melt them 7) presented her alive—A~ phras poreh try raising oe anitiern perience of every individual. ay i$ down and take the gold, say, to Hol-|t uke had_used before, ee 1.8); and sit where the sun will tine on is The New Day Dawning. - i Isha and then get it fito Germany. ret algo Acts 20: you, “Teeyaurploam- Bas notwantshel:s x 99 mpare also Act i Are You Insured oitht gold reserve in comparison “a eee a tanne awh ose house in an hour, you should consult. a t doc: sone and that the Shore of his ee Aispeas aoe se is ne AL ee ANADTARC ORD: ree with “that of Germany is small, it be- ca side” (Acts 110," 0). tor, who doubtless will pr is something mysteriously sacred, bt Pain % irre oe bind 4 idetlon tor weit aod Breer ey ious matter to allow this | We. ct SAT situation for a sluggish liver.” For a recat liane sataeatica beyond: all mort-; shall, i th eM se ese sninimum cost, Tavestigate i¢ a lodging beéause of reasons which make even rosy glasses reflect & dar, al telling. 7 otk 2 ee gost sesh eee . Re i Nd t appeal to “simon or to glow. God is the Universal Spiri 1 C.Spencer,C,R. N. Zimmermann, B.S ONE EFFECT oe THE WAR Raa big lodge “Working. te ake Gut: a: rg aod living that breeds’. all the ng at and strife of modern civilization. With new and almost t Impressed. ical note | w 2,000 Merchant Vessels Taken From ‘lean trade, Pa i athe. el Sg : : fnlsetleeee ahdsOke casey idbbllaia in When ote materialistic values of —= £54 the Seas. tt oe Ton th te the “odorous! > young: housewife [ras showing. a philosophy there is also coming a new money and force and selfishness aré wb opop | Es os plays = s new and inexperienced servant about) appreciation for the great principles| replaced by. the spiritual values of pee eet: Wh Beas ane Ca a UO ieee crams fan. works might just as well Be Mexe;| fy cusg,. explaining {he various du- enunciated by Jesus, Apart from all character, of co-operation and love} sels of nearly 4,000,000 tonnage, a ties that would be hers. In an upper ei oie senate, we -are|when man realizes who he really. ig R. ye FISH &CO. cording to figures published by the hall they came suddenly to the head coming to think as ee a the actual ees ph binds hint $34 United States eee € Com: jof the stairs, and the lady =| the cai Bite: in eh ‘realm cof the t o his fellows and sn man’s 7 33 merce. Germany, ‘with 600 vessels Nancy, you will go down this way al- ethical and. spiritual ae that was true and spiritual een will a in her LINWOOD 33; : i ? ei 2 ¢ ae . Gectag or P detattion; heads the oe s ways.” And ae that the aay aie: held. by tnicus or Newton or! upon earth, The supreme challe1 ist of losers. d_ and stumbled, going down the) p, the reali of hysical sci- of ee hich the old mate) . tian and needed | Ped and» arwin in the realm physical sei. ©! is age, in which the old mat vial vw Dealer in... Ey aan Nat nee ae me ans ‘ewan Chi 2 stairs with many turns and bumps.| ence. Like them, Jesus was a dis- ism is struggling with the newly Coal, Cement and Lime _ Riise Cem ee eee aeea maid was. frightened and! coverer of eternal laws, a formulator| a Shag ey consciousness, is & 3 J lost 167 ships. Austria lost 80 and Why He Was Whipp said:—“Lor’, eat iS eth ds, i i ‘ all. That way of oe 3 Turke; The total of neutral! ‘came home oe in tears.|won’t suit you 3 Motar Stain, Etc. losses ts put at 726, but most of these luynat is the matter,-dasling?” ask- going down ‘ears is a bit too danger-| tho : Ra Sse ; 8 $ . paves released after being reported|.4 his mother. . “Teacher whipped ous f * true, cunivateal au inevitable in = ceiching the semis from all eel i ai ¢ ” bed. “What for?” “N e moral and spiritual realm as are/ as taugl y science Grain, Flour oe Feed Pe ay Chasen, Brocind Bepadclotlis bei ae ee ee ee “tan seopt answering a question.” ‘The Crisis Over. the laws of gravitation or of evolution | and philoaghy and human exepriencé, : and Furniture : fal and Winter. | That this should] mines, ‘Twenty-three have been dam-|“That is very singular. Did you an.) pycited Tady—Why don't you in-|in i ulema 2 A ae ake onerpmerreaney and live the t een <== Ff | be so for Summer is quite logical. Net! aged by pabmarlaee and mines. swer it cone ‘Yes, ma,” |terfere to stop that dog fight? says thai ie Universal Spirit, | spi P t i r « stion, dear?” the All Father, and that aeos liter-| dead or dying or outgrown forms ne # Goods Constantly Kept on Hand is nearly as popular for sleeves and| ‘What was the esti Bystander—I was just a- goin’ to ts h tit it hull bev aargathen: see < as _ ; | bodices as chiffon’and Georgette, and! Self-1 Jerk a e ae kind that never|“She asked me who- Ppa the mouse in ee but you kin mata y’r fears now.| ally His children, that we fe fo! Ge nee: she Sant orgotten.—Rev, ‘+ #44 | it wears equally swell. Many a pretty gets cold fee her desk.” My dog is on top at last, mum. from Him and possess His Site as the |John Herman Randall,