==)! Afike--willt. Except en Tn ae < peel The Milverton Sunjj THE SUNDAY LE LESSON re is not voy clear, Was etme] ‘In Relief Work o > James the L brother, is And Monkton Times The Fashions z oe ee mits ‘se ; INRERA ORE LESSON, that they were, ever 02 Ft \ «1 VERY Lauer er MORNING . hardly likely. We may pees that : : MARCH 5. : they felt their “duty bound them ave fae Printing Office FUR STILL IN EVIDENCE. ie erates Bite teal a clear monition be ik and that they, sueceedad in hiding til! Main iverton, Z ae taffeta and the ac brated Alls Death of Stephen—Acts 7.1 to 8.3; the storm quieted dow UBSCRIPTION RATES". PSR ea ieee organs ot Golden Text: Rev. 2: | 2 Devout—Proselytes, not Jewish: One year, $2 atx months. 00 cents: three | Gul tiy. fictrad tee eet es jborn. 'Phey iaturally felt peculiar montiin, 26 cents, in-advance, Suveceibers | dain ay ca RRDEen collts vans > eveses > 10. devotion to the memory of the Hel. in arrears willbe jableto pay $1. BO peryear there is no more practical or effective Tentst mart yr. ContRAcT ApvertisincRAtes [trimming than cording, smocking or) Verse 54. These things—The bit. | aid waste—Paul’s own wo The: rinsess, andthe: Dalaleg 22) : r shirring. ing summary which closes Stephen’s fou i 28); titoally sacked, appke Of all the flowers in the Princess's lany of. our dance frocks for sum: furvey of the national history. ‘The * ppro- i PA ey. te to Hi ma: will’be of “organdy or net; an had received divine messages through. Piste to Huns gnclina «towns is Fe peated in Acts 9, Ghiatellye urate imported frock of out their annals, and had | always neg the most important. “The roses are Pri be much mae pleased Eight ces 8 periine for fret insertion and net, shown recently in one of our ex- lected the iaeee and p a prettier than we ae and the lillies with her than with the others. tour cents per fine for each aabscqucne nse | clucive shops, made with an extremely messenger. Stephen more graceful, but we are much wiser,’ At last the Princess came out t eg nil be charged for all transient adver- jfull skirt, gathered at the waist, afresh the parable of the wicked h or we answer questions that human count again As it happencd she felt” sitpecnc enti cite ate [equally arin figs Detion; oe Sremiok een ate ; pace) pong bri - ae gene sale eRe sad, sci: oF the ae time, 4 cordin: kindes' a in de- | aisy. lon’t know how we do it, the Prince ha ‘ailed to send her a paGhanectfor contract advertisements must! stiffening, and the entire dress was claration that hey. had “not kept” | HEALTH ie we can, for my mother told me eee As a matter of fact the cour- trimmed effectively with quaint, pleat- the law of which they were so proud. ; wrrying’ the letter had been de-- Tn MGs eacesrina, ed ruffles. Another effective summer Like Paul (Gal. 8. 19), Stephen elas ‘he other flowers did not Ease to el, but she did not know this. “He Pubilsher and Proprteto evening gown displayed at the same the usual Jewish view that ae Zar the pride of the daisies, for it was a loves me; he loves mé not” she re- phe ime was of white Georgette srepe) was. delivered by by. angels at ar = Baicibo os Meee dice gi of pride, but the daisies peated till it came to the eighth petal. = : ful holiness of God : 2 themsleves were very a ith one “He loves me not! The daisy says so.” _ Busi nessCards omic te 0 explain the naive theophan-| 3 many trials in the of their number who called herself she cried, and, bursting into tears, 3 se ates Gea cnet a erpeerans S it oun, = colds, sore te weenie a en because I ran back “e . 4 MC. TINDALE.1 L, DS. i s. ally, “were be-| S, Croup, ete. As a precaution- ave the most petals,” she said. “You five daisies were very “ ing sawn asunder in their he d) mea f possible, the tonsils all have only seven and I have eight.. angr: ith the sixth. She had no Noxon Guaneurs Towonr Unt sect aaa shing,” ete; the verbs des a ent ‘growths should be re- Z sae Te oy Ge I daresay I could never answer ques- right to say that, even if she thought tions much better than you; therefore, it. The Queen Daisy was very angry _— Tam Queen,” in 3 emotions through the bart moved The danger to the child is| Heh summari Ee a vers ig] OfMce: Over Metropolitan ‘Bank, Milverton urn. She did not sa ise a litt sleading, to} Te three operations on children in She then became very rude and ty- Princess to be unhappy, yet she could _ { Bae udes more. than our my own fam ch rannical, taking more than her ‘eee ‘ot help hoping that she herself would , SLR. a aos ni packed Benes: amt share of dew, and persuading the west: te proved right. She waited in im- 4 ae nea a our sense; he roused fr s = 4g F. PARKER, M.D. P. L. TYE, M.D, i stung pride and big-, the Bieredan ant Switeeal One tat se ae the other five daisies pave peretirs ee eS : ; 5 1 ig eee ae ts. § reat nois 5 ‘. a DRS. PARKER & TYE oe fg a all around ee ; Ey i day, om- | GA it is ERs to have homing oy and down the ea " Be Ses L a p pla of slig] 2 ane | eight petals a seven,” they com- cause the Prince had returne % CFF.CE : FUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILYERTOY ae rage. ; eae ores Si N. a ; a ne of London's SRG ‘ plained. “I am sure she will pet an- the Prince and Princess came out to stronger verb is used. traines y children — to ea m1 on's weal ree ety swer questions? any better for i the garden, radiantly happy. “There Houre—10 to 12 o'clock a. m., A rater " ‘On ho i def gi 4 le e- . ofloarter0 #042 ore es 204 ete that this is no new Water plunge every-mornin ee met CMe hee sin bee At last the time for See ques- are the five good daisies that told the ‘ a ‘ infix of Ltt ‘spinit” bringing the Jately upon g: ut of. bed. ther or the Duke of Roxburghe, | tions arrived. The P: rincess had said truth,”.said the Princess, “and there DR. F. J. R, FORSTER, Bye. & Ws \ wl} | beautific vision. It had been with him does not mean dabbling in the ae ¥ good-bye to her lover, who had de- is the one bad daisy that told a false- Neceane Theat only. -Hogke ‘Sergent 2 i eilleme easure all wee Jesus—|Jt is a sudden plunge and a Se ar aes 3: {parted on a journey. He had been hood.” . New York Opt thalmis and Aural Insti. f |The human name nt. Vigorous rub-down with bath ey “How AMERICANS VIEW THE gone half an hour, and naturally she “That is what comes of having tute, Clin, nt, H je sta anline at ‘he Heh a shou tat, end. eee ae »| GREAT WAR. [wanted know whether he still loved eight petals,” said the Prince, smil- is throne first, a burden, the{ i [results are worth ¢ pened—Not the usual wor S in| Several years ago ded | this connection, but stronger rups and haye used only white vase. | | when the sky was conceived as a series line and sugar. A jar of each is ke | a, jer. She came out and leant over the ing down at her before he tumed By Chaa! M: Bice, Denver, Colo, {fitst seven-petalled daisy. She dia a cough | PF ene ON. act ool the. petales BNE: wna ta Ett MNS sha ie the mischief of your | ‘hat, 8 i In the U8,-the individual Heght of ae at, but she touched each in turn, eighth petal that you were so proud : A ‘ying, “He loves me, he loves me of” jeered the Sane daistes, and the © Ort nya oa em ER Oar bot caneaukric toeean ied spheres, convenient and a small. spoon; Ane if een always been regarded not,” till has. she touched the last it poor Queen hung her head, pretend- a H, B, MORPHY, KC. ea and me it was natural to ® child coughs, or hoarse, I give a Iman rs hd do aut sacred of all hu-'came to “He lo 4 e gave a ing to sleep. Early next morning she Barats, Motary Pali, .‘Conseyane Tea a ‘aseline dipped: in Mim anedidons. .Trespask hers, Ubon ery of joy) You. dear dear little awoke; a robin was hopping near her. se NOtery Pac, yancer For hoarseness tend-| Property Bebts i ie the Hacer daisy.” : rf fe rid Hamilton, SY; LigtowEn, MILY. KTON, ATWOOD on ‘o- and ask another ae the mind, it is jbetter to be hurt and to have only ruthful,.” ass that has in the} To-morrow she came, to get the seven petals than to be F. R BLEWETT. KC a. peiaty implication; bet ke ge vapor eal tee euliar Sanctity to all American’ same pleasant answer, and every day, So the robin ‘obeyed, and when the 3 : TST een Mi bea Deckgat samikicunis ieee Leer ouble, I menue burn this in treaties with Canada as with the rest till the fifth daisy was fully asked and Princess came again to the garden she * i y calling himself “Son|the r where the children are/of ape world, for which the country had answe: it ia cess ap- to her surprise that the sixth ice : Gordon Block jof man,” Jesus was cla aiming to. be Playing and at night pull ‘the bed out | ed. Now came the e for the daisy had saan ge would never IRATFORD, eee: |the Fulfiller of the apocalypt from the wall at the head and put the| | ate US. é |eostht da t had th . cS gurus sn he sae own eToup kettle behind, where the vapor ‘ixth daisy that had e ‘eight petals. deceive her any mo: Guid pete tela by quoting that very ca" Teach the child. “Do not close win- : versé (Mark 1a 62). It will be found , as fresh air helps. In any. of | | doubt by the tragic ae eau by delta cieaslv- aise athe Goapele tie dinar case of croup this will prove ef-| the present relentless The recognition of ‘this allusion adds ob-, fieaciou: as _|. A nation that inser at be ‘sole bodice was cut in bolero effect, ae the viously to the force of the saying. For a al in oe soa a need rub-|'There is fort fi in treaties is not O be trusted a skirt was a Dae contrast to the| 5, |ber bulb e; ed to give | ve ia Se ‘the 3,000 cai of the WY, full skirt of the £ warm | Canadian frontier, but W. mle Vikan oe ‘The New Umbrella Skirt. aiiverton Geeutnle of Ontario st ii ary Coll ge, Toronto, Treateall inane bee eaded with opaque white bea dl animals, Calle by tole | phone or pri i promptly attenied to} In the Sathe Boat. Sam had come home from school a jhungry as u: re ON LODGE Mo an, [looking from waist to ankles. Aree is me) 3 ificati i ome. What tm Suddenly the back door bell i BILYERTON TOR GR, Ne: fe row beaded girdle: encircled, the waist : f ghlinsche] pinch at cooling: soda: This thor n i (Poems aed "the bac {and ‘as 2 : a or two milli | Leaving his ‘aught up a strai aA * dl Ss e 2 v1 ar back, to carry out the bolero effect 1 ; |steps stood an unshaven, Tong-haired. Fur Trimmed Costumes. ing, its appeal. WI ot two or three times a day, wo 8 Wasi oh Ee defenses, and increase irae whose see needed a tailor al . 8 laundry wor The capacity of a democracy t/t peBa aka re veers ak h al ,” so that in case o} aven! This worship is’ cor nee quickly employ its resources i Olin a ie anaeeen tone, Ae 1 Should a piliver ‘Star tar [an I its tri : The m a wel? i b 1 lttke something to eat.” oaege No. 203, ton f n silk or], 58 tas y trouble. “Such things of these. Absolw i ys| Like Canadians, born and matured) “well, som. 1,” confided. the {erm in ther inv day ni eta ae se may easily be eenent as games, ot i is i |“but_you know Iv a huntin’ for Aart wel- child can use the salv add aod, mee ten minutes: an hai * “found a thing! fr sat a i Brown: Re ae: Be Bote | oe mr ct NS a « woiaing a skirt that has teksten it Scarlet Fev. + ig chal wh icible, daring and unconquerable A Fine Stream. Notary Pubic, | slightly worn about the lower dec |—Which in a normal executio, che Ramee |no man i i A country gentleman in. Inela D, WEIR, Notary Pavl A velvet dress or suit is quite apt to + intended to pros aeee insensil Scarlet fever is perhaps the most! ANS p once (ahyges! cor reir ie tia, Aue an death. See Deut. So when dreaded of all the so-called dieases of Waterloo, Conveyan: (Jesus bade the dhitess cast the PCE Seah Ra a throne Mote Portable Shape. haying a small eeatig estate to ii qi? I) _ Moi ‘ortable first childhood. It is highly infectious; the ing tel Dihapahire’ sieve seasete eee rwards No r is charged with more ve ined the army, and, ofter Hane aula faa tious diplomat blunders than if Sty einat gat mo Haye nd allowed | that estate y. savectine. ‘and f garments—The outer garment: an: right except that i hot work was done “in shirt sleeves,” 2 ing, toys or| He jstream you. Pomlanre: py as we should say. The tense of the hee ai ve e use ene the wood in the isi be AY eu ah tetas Ont., No- ‘gel fie of Mar. a e, oT hope fe wade ® a new man of, “whet mn; : the ger r + 2 r 2 Di under thirty. he j, : troyed extn iT ce. Belgiui be san ee Hotels, [kent this garments ok theta that lea? Hose 4 a oa ea =H tre n| 2 aad sien rit et there done, Fi ; 4 | i 4 GRAND CENTRAL WOE, | Stephen, he recalls himself in Acts 22, f lig. "Phage tate ae cal A Sig verton. First-clag; It is abvious that he was of com-| 14, Yi fe 9. 2. Deissmann’s! |thesis (in his Sees ananog} ape nh | |Saint Paul),that he lis based on facts any explained 1 otherwise and seems quite Sten TE follows fepanall thie that We cane His father, had Rom and C; tiabien Ge jorge By Pauli, Prop ie ior own mary Gite AN BS very se weak and we will have Paris within |a lot easier to carry neaw.' craked jee “If it were much finer you to follow a recovery from the fever it- oly war, in which all Islam wi kan! ‘her amitiee, aria, Italy and China All Cain Walk and Talk With ited if Their Hands are “Only Pare ecause other families fow hours and 'a light ened io omeii® over! rane ie aioe red AGE ck an’ put it on mi ch oe attack in another. More three weeks, Idn’t’ see it at all.” alia aertoda<chralicanions sare: lia ey alliance with Turkey will el Hof dansnluneit Remar check, [and tee us tee band i STE FAILURE OF _OF AN ALLIANCE } be too careful in dealing wit \f | scarlet fever.-:Too many homes have! Czar will be gtpae ken bee le lin ignorant eatelessness have permit-! These are but a “oft the Kaiser and Unblemished “| ted their children to go aaa iets hey we _*ihen 9 ye spread forth ou ee [ will hide mine eyes froi [when ye gee pany eager I wi hear; are full sider itt ‘ i Naattene ta Keep on attending school; |, The Kaiser re ae to send | no yur ymeon—| cd infect h : ; remy Boat "Teta i, ae Moines pliakim | Pear ty eee uve ut h n “ vance in & | Scarlet. Con most prevalent he ‘ 59. Calling upon—The object of the People: of a: ‘ . It is the conversa- Why? Tis jose* hands ate Bo ae eee ‘ ; verb is oe in the address, lord cola Se mead Stal pt aay ses ot sian i, 2 ition of the : ee heart withits dirty, contaminated, stained fesus.. Note how naturally a nis childhood, 8 it is a and, early | pel pe ‘iod the: aon of Calv: 4 ee ee a pe 8 | gresetore, the ¢ engaring, ts a divine: the binding power of the alliance. mes tl “piel er, anc Ea Per ytient 1 ts et es hed gen ake way ue? aliance for a the mot dren ape | .; i ny Patties Chik ‘las adays Fbaseubetthe tam vith man ling | | ‘i f| The compelling power The dying rive: goes Riysioldne t6 te ie ith the prospect of » Braye faite: spor’ ases ie ra} = it! lessness, Serge Suit With Novel. Collar. ! circa ee Luke ee ate rae esa ike 2 i Health autnoritew ara: stchigent ei , like Napoleon at “Austen tes Croat rand : prsver i is its eee oe hen had ever hea enforced. The’ erase into an intimate fellowship of ac- How a Rok Wowsneecats cai na Lord had fulled his ‘own cog, a De Ue Ga eianere sip aan Garon ty at “If religion consists of walking neve aed eh SORE the season, and such an addition will mand. Three evangelists pass over, ‘ments, where it is almost impossible | e questi | with God, it must also be a, - Hees it and make it servé the seas- jhis prayer for the executioners a cau peace ERE oe es seat, ante isolate contagious cases effectively. © Soe ene GS “ wit ith God; for friends do not “wal sa on.out, eonditions at home make The. second suit illustrated is tas the margin in Oe rayer is "Toned of dark blue gabardine. It is a, feo ce gebules swill i i ee stored up re-!m eel seururay nee which a ons a German professor! Sources of the Almighty, a supple- ie = ome. i é iting of Tina deficieney by di- | cettat wll -turnet back revers, whieh | the sto ee nines ee Do not forget, that there may sai “published a the Noe are ae the auncnes, a bes r ii is foui y ai 2 Ager et cine, Mad . oa Literally, ‘weigh not, a figure ch ite the icle int which he said that sonce Ger-| Do You Crave aston’ mi ict eile is Be the He Sgt lnas for infectious | -FISH&CO, | Lond) to be had : 410, oy is used.” For sin = af 4 ae ae) £ )U- ceive the thrashing she eae ifor a i or in lakes of Linwoop ii i ts rat Lents Sy gt fe blown ae "ENE dneen” Tae ens SSO AGE ee ay Cn ode weed cay Cea eee ofter = aoe ‘EEP"| there can he little doubt, and the ants sbeteonal itis of ag : “Dealer ia... of velvet would also be enscuna tory; sleeping lacs), Te had ong ben mayor eee Se eta the : wy te sella Gian sand be = ES mos use for Sleep’s (ek death”; same war vultures 8 patter the ora d at sak we read the typical words of} — : ae brood over Europe as tieeatdots ay. oe est fe when n all se seems ee anal tebseyour locdl McOall Deslocer te man Catullu’s: lovely poem— ite the Cone ae poverty, sorrow d_sttength The MeCal Company, Dept. W. 70 ‘ ; : ‘iy Nasband dalla mms thay Yo: vise liable to migrate to in se abi ling night/ out late last night with your hus- Pe Se aterents. Ont. iaterecaihae dept tel elo aa the ha cally the Hee Rie ith Christ come into al A isn’t so. I want you to un-| mistake if they find “america a ae Ripa hee new derstand that m: y_ husband was out prepared as pea itl & Coa senting—And Paul him- with Spee beat! when the Kaiser set hostile foot = are of our own making op dear iend, ‘ ee ‘tells us le of oe approv- |, oe Bel ae soil, f the a ont ene yet seat lta shout ay, = ate! you want that BS a a is even worse than} The fea: ailure in more] The martial spit of Sie great] of Clerk—‘Well, sir, after aie it: there is an clement of teople fen trying than ee difficulty | coun ey A is being aroused as never be- 5 tthe ee ane will be | ay wife.” oe ‘Hoot alm ated 5 whi y dil * ing. for since 1801 goaded on “vito be