Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 2 Mar 1916, p. 5

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MONKTON BRIEFS Mtr, Samuel Mines, who ins rented a fe in Monkton settling hie business hen Mr. Wm. ‘Merrytield Jr., of Strat- en GR Wrist Publishers of Perth and Huron: Fine Getheriag oe at Stratford+New | No, ate in pote duly Ast. There was a cea 4 gathering of the publishers of Huron and Perth Coun: 8, ab Bi tratford on Tridey. when matters School ol Reports The” following is th is the es of 8.8. ington, 8, Mor: packs iar AT Delamere, Capts, and sittin and Capi Ger, ” Intelligence Friday, Maret 9 ee is Eistowet's big he excellent ford Business College attended the practice “ao leciaeea also the ind "Battalion sem funeral of the late T. H. McKay. a (¥ es The preside . B. Elliott. 0} garlVe“bY GR. j Messrs. Floyd and Lloyd Holman. Wingham Times occupied the. chair. of Stratford Business College spen After the reading of the tes 0} Albrecht, Bugene nk - the week-end-at the home here. the last meeting. officers were elected Agnes One 86, Mary Corry | eciine hen and it rcabeee Mr. Cobbam is at present cee as follows: Honorary President. W. R. : A parade will likely be. relievi me ne station Davis. Mitchell Advocate; President, |, J". U—Jonathan Zehr, Fergus O'- of here prior to the appointment of an H. B, Elliott, Wingham ‘Times ; Seere- | °™9¥. ees ent Cobbam has enlisted and Weare shook tary-Treasurer, Alex Abraham, Strat-| 55 Cornelius Zehr. Mary Ze es puceiy to go as sree ing. owing ford. Executive: JL, Keer Clinton | Primer—Eli Albrecht, Lizzie pees nry Jam ee an extra fine dis- News-Era; 0. Y. Blatchford, Listowel \sted foe nearasan service Ln the LOU lay of WRI Stee pee riteey ea B. L, Tanner, Teacher. Perth Battalion. Piay’.ol ST Star. 2 —% e Monkton . “Patriotic League in- WATCHES at ionored guest was Mr. New Spring Goods! tend holdi next monthly L Rom eepreecoere Ae The following is the report of 8.8. mecting on Briday evening n i all prices, Come was able to be present attera lengthy | No 2 Morninktoneitar Sie montis of 4 are anxious for a good cGecaanecoe in: and-see‘theni, illness; Recruiting matters were dis- Febru Names arranged fo order members. Oussed. and i % o 3 Court Rosewood will hold aspec- fhepielsen 16 cosine ro yotin ama Schmehl. HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS TO AH ee ey err, Sere ace gy Hus? Bem Over | TE EAN OF WIEAR Sas, z ni x printers was discuss ¥ off ces We are passing into stock, now, a big a large attendance of members is folind.ithord to 1 keep up oie staffs. se David “Gascho, Herman Kip- _Homeseeker's aes to West- 3 hoped for. owing to enlistment. ier “Laura. Kipfer. ats eatet uae ay Can- Ms assortment of Spring Goods that were rs: A Hugging spent a few aoy7!f P,BASTENDORFF The increased of colored inks| 8% MI—Christ Zehr. Harry Waller. | gaan Pacific March g j siti “Mrs. rpaasterty. of “Atwoa . RUT Sa bes ras Hea ee Cees ie Soper. oe ne 7th to Ootobier Set es st j . deciding t these Fetter. Herman Neu-| ticulars from Canadian Pacific ‘ eae es Pe pinnen ext Baler ee eee ee a pe ae ee Sa eet ar rN pci ts Sk ees ot Bae Rash: es ae = thewite scho. Tents Topoet the New Year to escape the extreme farther than a pound of other AER OE Gear Fe i bert ck eae ca oho (Tie Trane “Waller Gordon Gebiwindil mae Meee ; : tea on the tpteet-Gill “eslianite at Gouin on July ist, so-operating in the Irene Manz. Frieda Kipfer, Hilliard —--4-—— = 2 advance in price. © ffi the old price 350. national movement he year 1916. ee Lena peenne mani: Willie (: ‘3 7s Miss Evel: Holman spent a few | == i fal cakes will be one | Forbeck. Freddie Advertise in the Sun! days with friends in Stratford last : Seg adie” Gertie Kinfer Wille Zehr, Ruby we a pfer, Mary Ezra Lichty | rex Georwe Bettner was a business OBITUARY Biot." Wineham Times: W Mary. Btruthers. J Sintec chance ie Fy Sa day. ja Goods bought early are reliable colors Tomatoes 2 oe rr ae Nanoyezehsi ENROL NOW — Stella “Opber, T's .|Mergaret Strut é G. = at the — LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE and can be guaranteed fast dye, which ier OAR eee . Stinson, Teacher. ; . cannot be said of all new dyes used at ahi dllasan texters Geek inn Meche AN ate Marae Sane AS Thorough Sac cae om 3 present time. Buy your spring sewing seine: gaan thesitoo! ee je iatereat can liseter Tithesp ME ny the line e bill heads, letter heads, For particulars addres s - s ta resident of this village passed to. her CG me re get your Drie ar he eon EDWIN G.MATTHEWS, wae now, while prices are practically same upheld by Messrs, W. De ailing and W.|zest on ‘Tuesday morning. Mrs “Sea Bort. Elgin office, . McPherson while the negative was |Bearinger, whose maiden name was : peated tpt a am Sele as last year. fone ld by WW. t Ge, Elizabeth Finkle, was born in North- ALR. ay, Canadian Press ~) Adair. Cha: ‘A.Camp- {Umberland County and in 1888 mar- ASsocistion, Toromta X sateetis Gan cca Vel hed lace huuhenge Benin eee 4 favor of the ttirmative. ‘The Mar Bearinger leaves no family. The fun: d ladi st f ni eral, which was conducted by Rev. ATTACH NESTS TO TREES. Your interests are our interests. We al- feu aad avery attractiv: |. W. Mahaffy, took place from her = PAR BEST GRADES MONE feats: ur & EBSA firodeantnes The sum |late Fesidence to Millbank cemetery | Dr Hewitt of Ottawa Encourages : 7 Piedad Caken th oriay attemnoans Bird Cultivation. G S d As thy nd ways try to protect cur customers. ie Heese from bars dees a hose ‘rom istance who ae ‘Ay institca of ihe eieabe of faa rass ee 9 imo a Struther’s at ‘Moncrieff. $85 was taken {1 fon among Canada’s most beautiful ic! e devoted 0 Red Cross ae aE “MeGreror, of birds, some enlightening figures were CALL AND GET. Cl r BEFORE BUYING “t att purpos. quoted by Dr. witt, Domin- OUR PRICES ove ELSEWHERE Pagysas and jon Entomologist, enuy in a lee- Sen nz of Ceanbrank Le tur Sunday “at Mr. Sig ntusee wae & Oil Cake, Linseed and Mollasses Meal @j eM ‘he tae a little Gordon, ue since the passing of the Plumage bill ra m China, 4 ie Methodist fare! must be done in England still. They ‘A full line of POULTRY SUPPLIES always kept In stock Viceuoat Moreton ie ve are quoted from sales at the London ZB ere fae & the great centre for the * oom iota seats great cents for le 1. DO ATKES = = Milverton piuimage of 75, 000 herons, February, us go m is given futcher. a returned mis:|% China add 00 hui imming birds, fishers, June, 1914, 100,000 Buy a Victrola for the Home. | ii: 2" parudgtiae tay Cie M pigeons, 11,600 Japanese jays, 5 great mis- Beril In his address Dr. Hewitt used lan- The easiest way to make things pleasant for all the folks , iis tern slides which illustrated amo and to furnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy. oe sale nybevey, Britton’ other things the terrible cruelty with . Mane’s very Come in and we will play your favorite music for you and explain our easy terms. & largely, at- Mrs, Scare Bich, Mr. an mites auctioneers t. large and. turned out We understand te yay For WINNIPEG and V. LEAVE HOBONTS as the was jchwindt, Vol well fuancially fant Mie Beton Voll nn aster r. and Mrs, MoMane in| Corthage. Victrolas from IN MEMORIAM For instance tl TO 20 to $100 J. E. WEIR is invaluable in the destruction of MILVERTON n loving memory of our dear little | army worms. the common birds, VIA THE TRANSCA A Gordon. who departed his life from | the 20 species of native sparrows = ent ii] ce Feb eth Gib Aged 2 yoore.| awitta, and: swallows are: oF trem men CONNECTING TRAIN LEAVES MILVERTON 5.54 P.M. - a lays. tructi Stage, of the 110th tee sone ets lous Aouportaned ns. Hie, dept on oe Ente equipment including Electric Lighted Compartment Observation mattcisn eeeaten and ite mare| Geatiéonbeanerd’ live eat stilted | camer ugh the initiative of Dr. Hew. Standard and Tourist Sleepers, D home for a few ae ee Now Thy little eaiy alan weeping | itt, ernment ara hak class Coach: The Maitland branch of the Put-]Oh! how peaceful, pale been interested to the extent of dé | .. ° e,e i tbe home of in its Sige dis sleeping claring Rockliffe Park t perl: “The frequent C,P, aS se aig Heal UN) es Bugluset Centre of each, last a rm, My inter uitin S an inks of atait eayne “leaves tha€ litte bosora. more. Pajtictlats trams Fats CRAWFORD, Agent, (Phone 13,) Milverton | a een placed, Farmers should be e In this world of care and couraged to place these on thet x plessant’ atte ord, Thou would'st no vege Teave | foun endive A f ® | 8a, inittin ‘socks for soldiers ing the winter Me BF. Hange has purchased the |To the sunny, heavenly plain water to the birds during Martiand plese. Wego est, Thou iow in. joy receive, it ical ia i Ler Ae Ae hae ee A ee cee ee ee ae : : T ima Township ‘Sinday School |Clothed in, robes of spotless white 3 ‘Atwvo. ow it dwells with Thee In light, THE TWO WAYS the riraay Vv ar enter Oh! Lord Jesus, grant that we. e it lives, may soon ‘be living A Roman Catholic Chaplain BUF FURNITURE! | t : “Some are te nike ae ders sought. reconciliation i i Kk part| And the lovely pastures see P: . Aelose friend It is now time to order your Winter Suit or Oyer- Dvagaace eae part eT tin takin, toealin olvinge eee Collen ete: f Pa oe: coat. While Tweeds, Cheviots and Worsteds have the many vital and pract: ne Then the gain of death we'll prove. | jogical dispute. In seeking to heal z che advanced we poner in price, the advance ‘ons and the School} Though Thou take what most we} the breach the Father said; “Why SEE OUR STOCK OF ‘ note | san should we quarrel are th ‘ Contributed. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stever| aoing the work of the coe You in your way and ; PARLOR, DEN and GINHOROOM FURNITURE > ‘ lines of Sunday it ‘cay aoa: i t term wer: ‘e. Ratelitle =e ODD, ISN'T IT? THAT NEWFOUNDLAND. REGIMENT —with workmanship No trouble to show you the goods— The little Cae ies known as the unexcelled, First New! Regiment, had Piciicmores anes 5 : whether you buy or not. > |every oppor ley tb pterolae thekoull pune omens tal lett worth mere RUGS: and LINOLEUMS : patie’ before it ‘ts | milliner puts it on a hat it makes a Z < Aealuatone-the. Dalteella noise like $9.00. s from the foggy fate were Call and see our up-to-date stock, e boys icotland, . Ferguson. Baker Temperance Department; John McNaught, Miss Maria Maureax, of Edmonton at Mr. Peter Ducklow’s. pment Oe Advertise in the Sun! The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, Ontario J HEINTZMAN PIANOS | uratively and ‘literally Bice sae Re ates 0. DUFFIELD ‘on. With the swifness e an arrow came o Mr. Thos. the delay, was becoming exaaper- ating, an e tension was only rc lieved, rahaat one morning, the wae of the regiment related a dream he - ROBERT Monae © savant Shatner” ‘ ry AUCTION SALE a Kin Furniture Deal and Kine ———— al over the whole affair in retros- fel Kitchener,” said His Majesty >| gotten vail “About them. ‘They are stil} Sto sell them ‘Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening - Until Stock is Sold Out. Commencing Saturday Ev’ g., Jan. sth t Smee AT 8:00 O'CLOCK. Backaches Don't complain at st in Le peck ae ver ee ae to pnd. in a easy INTELLIGENT YOUTH 5 Our stock 3 Sins: eeds of all ie complete were Conducted Be “Re son. ere gee Ae owas assisted ‘iel- ery, Yi A bei it “old tt ual im a ame jap nt tea have the sate oes al ry We eds at lowest - CLOCKS, CHINAWARE, CUT GLass— & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS EBONY. GOODS; Hie =. We iui a ‘full agit Fros ~ Fen encing on LS anton. ins: to: "pallbesters to S Gin. Pills act on. bidet “ney soo “De rou nd in’ as takes it up for i YOU_GOING ae \ Bak aoe of Cees rour oes "onal, toe ten ha “ g orden, a wren tn. ten nthe ORT. feet ee Kane, are key to f ‘oliow, Eales spreys from Mrs: Club. Mire Danvels, Mr. gna tes. “Me blige their value when you read Wedge of Summerside, " \Gih Pills are the greatest of all Kid. opey Sin and a medicine icine which is at ~ Fpresent doing me a world of goud, ‘They fg worth thle jeir weight in gold to an} Gare 4 GIN PILLS to-day at soe ea | 4 8 boxes f meat at if you wri Stillthave ¢ some St Better get a oe c COME AND GET YOUR PICK AT YOUR OWN PRICE. peg ani ane en f evi 2 Rae _ 7 sa world, pe i eit severe I nd Tov ars a8 wath ie Me. McKay = we e ‘chest: n by everyon Bryer whom. che pieturesaue ape ia. the Tf such a tri ler consideration apply to any eb R. agent for full part Ww. How: vard,

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